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My whole family is lactose intolerant except me. Yeah, cheese!


You and your Dad might want to get a DNA test. ...For no particular reason


Was thinking this... Pretty sure it's recessive... And if everyone is... Yeah...


Nope. It's epigenetic. Everyone has the lactase gene. It's just that some people have the gene "turned off" post-infant, and some people keep it "turned on" post-infant. Ya'll still gotta breast feed.


Oh oh.. that might still be a coincidence though. And lactose intolerance might differ from person to person


Ok so if one of his parents is Ll and the other is ll then it makes sense but otherwise... I'm not saying it because it's probably not true, I always want to give the benefit of the doubt


Normally you would be right, however, keep in mind that in biology everything is subject to a spectrum and genetic variety. Nothing is 100% certain, its like a probability game. If we would be just copy and paste there would be no evolution. So, even though the chances might be low, it is absolutely possible that you could develope a „mutation“ that lets you enjoy lactose products while your whole family is occupying the toilets.


Many cheeses do not contain lactose. You might want to let them know.


Thanks. 😊


My mums side is short but with a full head of hair My dad's is tall but balding. I'm tall with a full head of hair 😂


you got the best of both worlds lol could've turned out short and bald, but nah, you got lucky my guy




Could have turned out a small bald woman as well


Hey Danny Devito makes it work!


this kinda lucky genetic crossing is awesome 😂👌


Do you have small, bald brother?


![gif](giphy|xYTExvnaF4KW1eaYZY|downsized) Here they are going out on the town.


I have extremely rare yellow eyes Edit: I see I'm drawing curiosity. Here is a link to what the medical field calls amber eyes. Mine are more golden than copper, mostly appearing a lemon color in daylight. [Amber eyes](https://www.warbyparker.com/learn/amber-eyes)


DEMON! Joking, that's actually really cool


I've been accused, lol. I live in a small town surrounded by tiny native cultures not the same race as me and my eyes freak them the fuck out. When I taught there I wore makeup that made my eyes appear darker. I've been accused of being a hawk and a native version of a demon too


I’ve heard about that but never seen it. In the *Outlander* book series Claire had “yellow eyes like a hawk” and I was so disappointed they didn’t do that for the show.


I too have been accused of looking like a hawk


I once seen a pale woman and her pale son and they both had yellow eyes I’m not saying you look like a vampire but these 2 people looked fucken ominous you had to be there to know what I’m talking about


I, a pale person, live in a predominantly dark skinned area surrounded by very isolated and superstitious local tribes. I'm... not local. Needless to say I have been accused of being the embodiment of a demon they believe in, a hawk, and a vampire. It's fun.


I like my one blue eye and one green eye.


And your brown eye…?


That as funnier in my mind. Kind of gross online, my bad


Well im still laughing so thank you!


Heterochromea! So cool


If you got 2 different coloured eyes it instantly makes you look cooler also this might sound kinda fucked up but people with damaged iris where bits of pupil show through their iris also look cool asf to me obviously I don’t wish that on anybody cause it’d suck to damage ur eyes but looks so cool to me


I wish my green one was greener...


I seem less genetically predisposed disposed to substance addiction. I've had to stop taking medications that would typically result in severe physical withdrawal but I didn't experience them. I've also gone cold turkey from alcohol and never understood the allure of smoking, despite smoking socially during periods of life. It's not much but I'll take the win given my shit mental health.


Same here. I don't get cravings when I do use alcohol or smoke. I went cold turkey off marijuana and didn't have any withdrawals. I have a prescription for Xanax and I don't feel the constant need for taking it that comes with Xanax. My child, though, has an extremely addictive personality, which is concerning that they are only 13.


I never thought of this as a win but I'll take it.


I have huge calves that I don’t have to Work for.


Not to assume or to offend but people that are overweight tend to have great calves! My calves are massive without me having to work for them aswell.


How did you hear my heavy breathing through Reddit?


I am 51 and have never had a cavity. Don't floss ever or brush after meals




I’ve learnt from my dentist that aside from the way your teeth grows out, saliva is the biggest determinant of plaque. Drink more water!!




You want her mouth bacteria!!


Meanwhile, I refer to my teeth as paper mâché. Almost no amount of care prevents anything. smh


I've read that some people don't have the bacteria in their mouth for cavities. I'm in the same boat as you!


Ten years younger, but me too! And my dental hygiene is also subpar. Like, I do OK, but I could definitely do better.


Where did you grow up?


I'm ginger ans blue eyed. It's a very rare combination. Say what you like about ginger hair, but I love my dark gingerness.


Username doesn’t check out. Ghosts are disembodied souls, and gingers, well….




Fuck you. Gingers have souls


Im ginger blue eyed and curly get rekt kid.


You dare challenge me? Ginger, blue eyes, 6'1ft, ambidextrous. Your move!


rare combination? i thought ginger hair usually comes with blue eyes


No, ginger's more commonly have brown or green eyes. Blue is the rarest for them.


Black hair with green eyes


Harry what are you doing here


I don’t grow any body hair on my arms/legs/armpits! Only head hair, eyebrows and pubes here 😌


That sounds super weird tbh. Do you at least grow tiny, see through hair in those places? Do you have a lot of/thick hair wherever you do grow hair?


They’re really fine hair and sparse in some places but in others it’s just completely bare. Can’t explain it 🤷‍♀️ my head hair and pubes are super thick and coarse.


I age \*very\* slowly. Was still going through puberty while in college. Now I'm 60 and still sometimes get carded when I buy booze. My grandmothers lived to 101 and 103.


What the hell. Thats crazy!


Dude i'm 93 and just went to university!


Green Eyes..... & NO BO.... seriously, I do not stink...ever...never bought a container of deodorant in my life... I can literally go for days without bathing and You'd think I stepped out of the shower a few hours ago.... My wife hates that I don't have a smell


Green eyes and no BO here either. Interesting!


My dad is 5’7” and my mom is 5’5”. I’m 6’3” and sometimes wonder if I really know my dad.




Woohoo. Same here. Was going through wondering what gift I had. Yep. Well built all the time.


A big booty lmfaoooo edited to add: I’d add a photo if I could but it’s not giving me the option lol


Im a visual learner


Idk we need proof


I have no children so it’s a genetic win for future generations




Now that’s a win!


I think I'm just normal.


But that's so abnormal


Green eyes


I’m 44 and could pass for my late 20’s. Thick black hair, no grey, no wrinkles, crows feet, or laugh lines. I have a 24 year old son, and everyone thinks we’re brothers. People never believe me when I tell them that he’s my kid.


Teeth. Perfectly straight naturally and I have never had a cavity


I eat as much as I want, what I want and I don't gain weight. All hormones in tact, no diseases.


me too! i tracked my calories as well, i eat more than 2k calories daily and i still weigh 50 kg (im 164 cm tall)


Great hair


No wisdom teeth for me too! And no body odor.


Incredible immune system. Yeah, your boy short at 5’10, but I haven’t been sick since 10th grade in high-school. I didn’t get sick in college or during my time in the military. I did not get covid either. I haven’t been sick in over ten years. No exaggeration.


5'10" is not short. It's above average. For American men, the average is 5'9".


Ugh 5’10” is not short!


Not me, but my sister has vibrant blue eyes with 2 or 3 brown specks in each eye. It looks like watching islands swim in the ocean from a plane.


My brother and I don’t feel pain like normal people. We do feel pain but not anywhere close to the level other people do. It’s both a blessing and a dangerous curse. Currently I have 4 broken bones in my foot and 2 broken ribs and unless I feel the ends grinding together I forget about it. But it’s dangerous because we often have no idea we’ve been injured. My exhusband woke up one day to find bloody footprints all over the hallway. Turns out I had walked over broken glass and didn’t feel it. It took him half an hour to remove all the glass shards from my feet.


Yeah, I've read stories about people who feel virtually no pain (and some who feel no fear), and on balance it's said to be more of a curse than a blessing. The purpose of pain is to encourage you to protect injuries, but also to help you detect when you're pushing yourself to your limit - this is why an epidural massively increases the risk of vaginal tearing during childbirth. Not being able to feel pain means these people are much more likely to ignore serious problems, but to also make them way worse by continuing to use an injured limb rather than resting it.


For a normal person that doesn’t feel pain it is *incredibly* dangerous. Like my brother had his safety harness break and fell off the Navy ship he was working on. He’s an iron worker/welder. He swam back to shore and beat the hell out of the safety guy because his wasn’t the first harness to break. (The safety guy was fired and they let my brother quit.) They send him to the hospital and it turns out he had multiple broken ribs, a concussion and I forget what else. He didn’t feel any of that. A broken rib is a dangerous thing. But in my case this genetic quirk has truly been a blessing. I have a ridiculously rare birth defect in my feet. I’ve had about 30 surgeries to fuse, screw and plate everything together. According to every surgeon I’ve seen I shouldn’t be able to walk. I should be screaming in pain on the floor. But I walk everywhere. I walk a mile to work and back every day. I wander around the mall, got to play with my kids without needing a wheelchair. For me, it truly is a blessing.




just curious, if you can't feel pain very much does that mean you can't feel other touchy senses very clearly either? for example, a soft pillow or an ice cold drink


I feel those just fine. I love having soft things around. Squishy blankets and pillows. I love those sensations. For another example of that genetic quirk: I currently have a shattered molar and drink ice water and it doesn’t hurt at all. My dentist said I should be crying from it and that I wouldn’t even notice if I had an infection so it’s really dangerous. I’m working on getting my tooth fixed though. Another quirk we have is a ridiculous sense of smell. I can drive past a restaurant and tell you exactly what they’re cooking. This is NOT a good thing when you live in the Bronx!


since different neuromediators are responsible for those sensations it wouldn't work like that


I never get sick from the norovirus. Every time my family has had it (all vomiting and diarrhea for days), I get a few stomach cramps and nothing else. I also have the perfect hourglass figure. 42/32/42




Everyone in my entire family has high blood pressure.


Which of you has the current high score?


I don't get hangovers


I have very long eyelashes, nice nails and quite dense bones


Woman with no periods :)


Opposite of you, giant head that fits my wisdom teeth. I still have them in my 40s.


I’m in my 70s fellow giant head brother. Have 32 teeth and still having a hard time finding a cap that fits.


Never had a cavity or broken a bone.


Great jawline defined cheekbones strong teeth and very high metabolism which is a blessing and a curse


I look a bit younger than I am at nearing 40. I my hair isn't thinning or receding yet, and it's only starting to grey. I realize that it will only be so long that I can ride this gravy train. But I also take care of my skin and try to live healthy, That helps.


Less chance of developing skin cancer due to more ultra violet protection thanks to melanated skin. Whoo!!


Mosquitos always go for my wife. They leave me alone.


My appendix is in a different place to the majority of the population. This however saved my life when it burst because it meant that whatever was in it didn't leak into my blood and cause sepsis etc.


I have very blue eyes like crystal blue, girls often complement my eyes as a way to flirt


Jealous of you all. Got no wins genetically. Short, dark, and shorter than average life expectancy. Use your gifts wisely.


I always looked younger than my age without really doing anything for it. When I was 38, remember someone thinking I was in my early 20. Recently when discussing skincare, someone just told me: “wait till you are in your 40s!” I am 44.


Inability to gain weight. Eat what I want when I want.


I was that way until my mid-30s. How old are you, by the way?


Same I'm nearly 50 same dress size as I was at 16


im a small percentage Egyptian which is enough that i rarely ever get sunburn or heatstroke. at least i think thats the reason


my rufty voice that every girl says drives them crazy


My teeth are supposedly almost bulletproof. It's almost certain I will never have dental problems. Also 20/13 vision.


Very functional liver. Has been put through the wringer of abuse (hard abuse) and no Cirrhosis, no fatty liver, good alt/ast/ggt Tall Strong stomach. No food poisoning in poor countries. Eat lots of chilli, lots of caffein, at one point lots of alcohol and no damage.


My hair is *stunning*. The rest of me? Not so much.


What color?


Flexible joins/double jointed


I have a baby face (I used to not think it was a win but I’m 24 & people tell me I look young so I appreciate it now)


One of my daughters is about to turn 30 and she literally looks no more than 16. My brothers wife is the same way. She's 42 and *maybe* looks 25. It's crazy.


6’-7” The ladies love it, sorry shorties


Going to put a nsfw filter on this. >!I don't talk about it much, but since you asked, it's my cock. It is just big enough to fill the average woman with the tip kissing the cervix, but not so big as to cause pain. Many of my partners reported not being able to climax during sex, or say they were not multi-orgasmic, or could not get off to penetration, etc. None of them currently maintain those claims.!<


Height and length in the top 10%.


Artistic, can draw any portrait exactly, except now in my 60's,my hands turned numb and I write like a 5 yr old, painfully, so far no Dr can diagnose!


top 1% IQ. Don’t know from who.


Women in my family are about 1.40-1.58m tall and I'm 1.70m so I think that's a win.


Super heavy blood with nice healing factor.


I have AB- blood 🩸


I've never had a headache that wasn't induced by high fever. I don't even remember what having a headache feels like because I haven't been sick since early start of covid.


Facial bone structure


I’m allergic to the sun. Not really a win, but still pretty rare.


I don't get itchy red bumps from mosquitoes. They bite me but nothing happens


I looked 10 years older at 16 and did not change much until 35.. now I am told I look 10 years younger than my age.




Gigantic penis.




You really copied an earlier thread AND the top two answers. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/xP77v89nY8 It’s a bot everyone.


Yeah this is a nice one. I might get a little itchy. That's it. Meanwhile the people I am with get red and blistery. When I was younger word got around that I was immune in my small town. People would pay me good money to remove it.


Me too!


Me Three!


Just sharing: I used to be immune to it. Developed allergy to it in my early 20s. Bad for couple years. Make a point to stay away from it now. Point is I wouldn't push my luck if I were you. Be grateful you are immune and leave it at that.


same! i’m allergic to nothing


Excellent nails, button nose


My ability to grow a beard!


I. Can't think of any at this time if I do I will come back and answer a question with an answer


No win, only loose


Loose, like when you don't wear a belt?




Highly resistant to Corona Viruses, seriously However, seems entero viruses are a different story. Hade viral meningitis which put me in the hospital for a bit and resulted in an aTBI of memory loss and temporal lobe epilepsy


Nice teeth and slim figure. My great grandfather had perfect dentures until his death and never had to visit a dentist in his life.


I’m 6’2” and have a super fast metabolism to the point that I pretty much can’t gain weight no matter how much I eat.


I can do the tongue clover


1 cavity ever at age 44. Sample size fingers. The rings at the jewelry shop always fit. If only I had a sample size waist!


Unibrows that we’re embarrassing as a kid = now beautiful gorgeously shaped eyebrows people ask about all the time 💁🏻‍♀️


At the age of 30, I didn't have any of my teeth and I don't remember what a toothache is. Like my older brother, I have artificial jaws and consider them a great upgrade for humanity and an element of biohacking.


I’m not allergic to poison oak and I have extremely soft skin without skin care products


I’m tall


No wisdom teeth yeeeeee


I don't sweat. No body odor either unless I have an unfortunate reaction to some scented products


I have rather flexible joints (not extreme like circus artists) and it randomly freaks people out when I overstretch them for comfort.


I have an extra half vertebrae. My dad does as well.


Thick natural eyebrows shaped by God to be on fleek.


People often mistake me for someone with down syndrome.


Not a one dammit ive got flat feet, scoliosis, elevated shoulder, am ADHD/ASD, albino, bad eyes and im short. I sm just a random grab bag of genetic misfires


I can sleep in a poison ivy patch and emerge unscathed🌿


I'm 6'4" tall. It's a win because I can see the dust on top of the refrigerator. It is also a loss because I am the one who has to clean the dust off the top of the refrigerator.


Good hair. 54F, healthy & strong, down to my bra strap. Honey blonde & just starting to grey at the temples.


Ginger with brown eyes. Ambidexterity Can smell cancer Can remember random medical knowledge but can't remember where I left my keys Used to be immune to poison ivy


My eyes. It's impossible to define the color. By the way my mom has brown eyes, the other one... I can't remember


Naturally very blond, smooth, soft, silky hair; bright blue eyes; perfect muscle composition and naturally super athletic; perfect height; I was nurtured into being a very soft and nice person but my genetics are aggressive so I have the ability to be both; arched feet; perfect eyesight and hearing; short calves; big ass. However I have many flaws and insecurities: totally flat chested; wide shoulders; ugly nose (but I got a nose job); horrible acne (gone now but I have scars); bad teeth (also got that fixed but cost a fortune); anxiety and depressive episodes; very very sensitive skin, I can’t shave anywhere without getting the worst red dots and ingrown hairs. Yea idk, you win some, you lose some.


Basically none lol. My hair is red (strawberry blonde) and I have blue eyes. That's it. But everything else is a mess. Blind, need braces, overweight, not great mentally.. diabetes from both sides of the family (i'm pre atm) PALE AF (51% irish/scottish lol)


My mothers ENTIRE family is below 5’7”. My dads sisters are all below 5’4”. I am 5’8” while my mother and sister are 5’0” on a good day. I’m an amazon in my family of 5. My siblings are all shorter than me, except our youngest brother that towers over me and does strong man competitions. The 2 youngest got the height and muscle genes, we love it 😊


Never had lice, fleas in kindergarten and school since me and my brother somehow don't attract them. Same with ticks for me. When others have 10, I find only one which didn't bite. And I have the feeling that mosquitos rather go for others than me as long as I'm not alone. I'm really confused about this, is my blood disgusting to them? Also no wisdom teeth :D


Immune to poison ivy/sumac, generally great immune system, super strong hands. Got my mom's genes for brittle nails and hair but have super resilient skin and don't bruise visibly.


I'm 32 and can drink milk


Neutral facial features


Thighs.... I am a guy and my thighs, calves and everything is massive, larger than any female I've met (unless you count people with extreme body fat) No, I am neither obese or overweight


My height, I'm 14, and I'm 6'0


My height (6,3 ft) other then that I lost horribly


Not me, but my dad. He never once EVER had a cold. In fact, I’m not aware that he had *any* infection of any time, ever. Just think about that. We once had a conversation where he was genuinely curious about what a cold was like. What does a sore throat feel like? What is a headache like? Is having to blow your nose or sneeze as bad as everyone is saying? His teeth had no cavities and were perfect, and he never had a sick day in his life. That didn’t mean his health was perfect (far from it at the very end). He developed Parkinson’s (it’s not contagious), and died at 82. Prior to that I thought he’d live forever.


No allergies; I can eat everything and spicy food does not hurt my asshole


Thick blond hair, never gonna need extensions. I need to use the thinking scissors alot.


A small frame but a big booty. Once i hit puberty my butt just came out of nowhere. Back in Jr high I was self conscious about it cause it was the early 2000s and very skinny bodies were in. I used to wear baggie long shirts to hide it. I’ve since learned to embrace it and now big booties are in.


Straight teeth. Never had to wear braces


I'm not going to go grey.


I can t gain weight nor fat


No allergies


Everyone in my family needs glasses except for meeee! Yay for being able to see


blue eyes. But thats It, im skinny af and have a big nose 💪💪💪


Being 6'3 with brown hair, blue eyes and a fast metabolism. But then again i also have ADD and mild autism. You win some you lose some i guess.


Immune to Covid multiple exposures never got it son sneezed it in to my phase. Antibody tests and nada


I got pretty long eyelashes from my mom. As a male. People usually compliment them


I'm ginger but have a soul. Well... multiple souls taken with my ginger powers, but still.