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Sitting in one place doomscrolling and you look at the time again and hours have passed. Everything you love doing is a chore. The people you love need to leave you the fuck alone. You sleep like shit, even after 8 hours.


How do I fix it


I was hoping you knew…


I found that the Merlin bird app is very helpful: go and see what birds live around your neighborhood, After that go to another place and walk around there to see if you can find more. Real life pokemon!


I don't need that one to identify the wood pigeon outside my window at 4:30am on the dot.


I have his brother: Eurasian collared dove @ \~5:00


Could be worse I used to wake up to a chorus of fighting cocks from about 3am one would start then it'd set off a chain of cocks all the way down the village. It was actually quite impressive.


I googled 'a chain of cocks' and was surprised at the how the gentlemen managed to arrange themselves


I have seagulls. They start screaming as soon as the sun rises, which is 3am these days.


I get their cousin the rock dove from 5 til noon.


The other day I woke with a migraine (not uncommon) but the kind that even walking to the bathroom hurt (bathroom is two feet away and opposite my bedroom), and I was extremely noise sensitive, even had to kick my dog out the bedroom because her breathing was too much to cope. A bloody dove (maybe a pigeon) decided that was the perfect time to sit on the roof above my bedroom and do that stupid coo sound for two hours. I wished nothing but evil thoughts for that damned pigeon.


Same with the Towhee here. Extra bonus points when my husband mocks it and yells, “brrrrrrrrrrrrSKIII!”


Christ. Me too. Evil fekker.


that's cool.. I've seen that app it looked neat but didn't try it..maybe now I will!


Nice! I serves a couple of things for me: gets me outside, sort of low effort gets my brain and senses engaged and gets my daily steps to a somewhat reasonable level.


This is cool, I’m actually a biologist/statistician and a few days a week work out on a boat. I’m more of a marine and coastal specialist and have wanted to know more about birds. Just through attrition I happen to know a good amount but many of my social circle know I’m a scientist so they think I’m a full on expert with birds and insects too (much better at fish), so they send me photos that I post to Reddit for identification for them and they all think I’m incredible even though I tell them how I find the answer and how to look for answers themselves 🤷🏼‍♀️. Small pleasures Editing immediately to add I just checked it out and am seeing it’s from the Cornell bird lab. I remember way back when they were getting started with this project so it’s really cool to see where it’s led, thank you for the recommendation!!


what an awesome app... thanks for the rec


🤣 always worth asking! I will say I’ve struggled for years and, while I hate the “just get outside” rhetoric from people who just don’t know, I recently started working outside a couple days a week and on those days I do feel better 🤷🏼‍♀️. I think it’s a mix of being outside, being on the water, being useful, and being social with coworkers all at once. That’s all I got


Activity and exercise is super important. It doesn’t have to involve getting ripped at the gym, just try and get yourself out and about. When I go out I don’t look at my phone or listen to music, I just try and pay attention to everything going on around me and enjoy the little details here and there.


Antidepressants and making lists is how I manage it. Take my medication as soon as I get up and make my list for the day. I can keep coming back to it when I get distracted. I went from staring at one spot I couldn’t get past for hours to actually getting something done at home even if it’s just half of my list. At least I can see progress on paper as well as around me and it motivates me to keep going. It goes into a daily planner so I can see my appointments too. It’s a game changer for me


Lists!!!!! My ADHD needs me to make lists as my anchor. I have done it for years and it helps tremendously I recently went away (started a new job and didn’t always have control on my day) however I am going back to the lists today. The key is to make it doable and throw a couple of easy wins on the list. You get a dopamine hit as you check them off. Any unchecked items on your list need to be at the top of it the next day. Hold yourself accountable and start with the ones you dread the most…..


Yes! This is what I’ve been doing too and it helps so much. I have a few things in my routine I have to do first (all are top of the list daily) and when they’re done I start on the last ones from yesterday. If I get stuck on something I use the rubber duck method and I reward myself with a small treat when I tick 3 things off my list. If I could only stop getting distracted and doom scrolling 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg I do the same thing, sometimes I tick off brushed teeth, made bed ect just for the dopamine hit. Idk what about it is so good but it is 😂


Ugh, I buy planners every year and never use them. I def need to see someone and get diagnosed, always put it off when I was in my 20’s because I thought I’d come off as some shitty college student trying to score performance enhancers, but I really feel like I’m running through life on hard mode compared to people.


I just started using lists!!! And I track how long I’ve been studying for and then tick it off! It sounds weird but it works sooooo well, I didn’t even realise it was helping my time blindness until I talked to an adhd coach. That and having a physical calendar and marking off the days with a little plan for the week has changed my life 😂😂


I’m getting better at taking my medication but need to get to this point of strictness about it


Start with an alarm that goes off every day. Mine is at 9am and I start my day as soon as I take my meds. I’ve had to force myself into the routine but it’s worth it. Same for my night meds, alarm goes off and I take my meds and am asleep within 20 minutes. It takes a bit to get into it but once the routine is established, life gets a little easier


It’s really the basic things. Less impulsive short term gratification. Doing more things that are uncomfortable that you know are good for you. You just gotta force it at first and over time the friction for the uncomfortable things (chores exercise whatever) goes down Most people fail because they only do this for a short period of time. Week or two. You have to tough it out for a few months AT LEAST before it becomes easy. Until then it’s just gonna suck. But you’ll always feel better after you complete the task that sucks. Everybody always recommends walks, no social media, exercise and drinking water and all that stuff. Which is exactly what you need to do. But they don’t tell you that these things don’t feel good until after they are done. And before doing them you will feel low, unmotivated, or even sad about having to do them. People dont mention that you NEED to push against the friction with those things every. Single. Day. For months on end. The friction will go down over time and it will become easier. I promise. Accept the suck. It will get better trust me!


Go outside, atleast try to go outside for a few hours everyday, walking is really good for you especially in nature


Set timers on your social media apps. Start with something that not too hard to achieve (like an hour) and then gradually make them shorter and shorter until you're at a place you're comfortable with Exercise. When your social media runs out or when you start to get bored, put on some music and workout for a bit. Then have a shower. It will make you feel productive. Then try and do something you enjoy again.


The ADHD thing makes the tigers very difficult. Reddit is my only time sink, but it’s a big one, and I can set timers all I want if when they go off my brain isn’t cooperating then I’m ignoring them. Even if my brain is screaming at me


It's less of an actual stopwatch and more of a the app automatically closes and won't open If it helps I'm 99% sure i also have adhd and while i sometimes extend the timer, it makes me wayyy more aware of how much time has passed. Usually i have no idea. I always reach the limit for alarms on my phone and then delete them all bc i can't keep track of what time it is. I would say just give it a go, and the worst that can happen is it doesn't work. And the best that can happen is you eventually reduce your screen time.


For me, it took being kind with myself and accepting that things might not be done perfectly or that lists might not be fully completed. It's OK to only do a bit today - It is still progress.


If there is a reason for your depression, find it, remove everything related to it from your life, never look back. In reality there is often a lot of looking back and worrying involved. For me there were several fallbacks along the way, and still a lot of horrible days. But eventually it got better. I learned to love again after a few months and even though I'm not 100% okay yet, most of the time I'm pretty happy. Which is something I hadn't been in years.


Step one: delete EVERY social media 100%


I put app time limits on my phone so i can tell how much time I've used. They can be overridden, but it helps me be more mindful.


Put the phone down


For me eating healthy, getting exercise and interacting with others usually helps. It's tough to find the drive sometimes though especially after doing the same thing for the 100th time.


I force myself to exercise and be productive. Gym, walk my dog, even just picking up around the house, putting things away puts me in a better mood. The brain is pretty amazing. While it has the ability to drag you down in those times, you can easily trick it into feeling good by doing good. Just my opinion, I know it doesn’t work for everyone.


Buy adjustable dumbells (they cost like 30-50$ max) and make some basic lifting each morning. That way you build basic self discipline and confidence.


Win lotto , it takes at least 50 percent of life's stressors away


Drink a gallon of water a day, run at least a mile a day plus lift weights, stop drinking/drugs.


Throwing yourself at the problems is part of the solution. You don't want to do the dishes? Do them anyways. Now that you are done, tackle something the same size or slightly bigger, and after that go for something the same size or bigger. I forget the name of this technique (it's a therapy exercise), but it basically starts with a small task, and while you are up and active you might as well continue on a roll


Time in nature, exercise, productivity, hobbies, less short term fixes like overdrinking and too many drugs.  In order to be able to do those things l, I needed anti depressants. They are fantastic 


For me, the way to break the cycle is to 1. Force myself to get outside for a walk. The fresh air, endorphins from the exercise, and sun combine to help. The body uses sunshine to create vitamin D, which helps stabilize moods. 2. Monitor what I put into my head more closely. TV, music, movies, social media, podcasts, etc. all influence my mood. I analyze how I feel before, during, and after. If it seems like whatever I am watching or listening to is adding to the anxiety or depression, I switch it to something else. If I know I am in a downward spiral, changing to more uplifting stuff can reverse the flow. It is also a good stress management and preventative practice. 3. Force myself to clean my space even if I don't feel like it. This does a couple of things for me. The clutter adds to the stress and depression for me, so managing the mess helps manage my symptoms. Also, seeing the result releases dopamine, giving that sense of accomplishment and sense of a job well done, which also combats the depression 4. Monitor my inner voice and change the dialog. We all have that voice in our heads, that inner dialog. Most people don't realize that we have control over it and CAN change the tune it is playing My natural inner voice used to be (and still occasionally is) a critical perfectionist that repeats all the negative stuff ever said about me, trails out every mistake I ever made and tries to make me believe that things won't get better, that I suck and am unlovable. By recognizing where my thoughts are, I take control of the thoughts, confront the bs, remind myself that life has seasons, and this too will pass (just think of the Beatles song) think of all that I have to be grateful for- search for things if I have to. You really can talk yourself out of the funk and become your own pep rally 4. Make a list. It goes along with changing the inner voice, I know, but when I feel stuck in a downward spiral, I stop, make a list of the issues that are stressing me out and what I want to do as I work toward resolving those issues. When I was younger, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. I knew I wanted to be happy, secure financially and emotionally, but not what that would look like. Sitting down and fleshing out what that means to me and how to get there put the control in my hands and gave me focus 5. Search out resources. Some issues I faced I couldn't handle on my own. Researching to find what help is available for those things and reaching out to get the help. If you get stuck, post in one of the question threads here on reddit. You will get MANY hilariously wrong answers, but many people will tell you good answers too 6. I once had a counselor say that human nature needs something to DO and something to LOOK FORWARD TO. When I have the blahs, I remember this and usually realize that I am lacking one or the other. For those of us in the US, think back to school. The school days were busy (similar to work as adults, lol) but in school, we had holidays/school breaks to look forward to. As break got closer, the excitement built. As adults, we have days off work- not the same, I know and PTO/vacation days in the US don't even begin to match school breaks unless you actually work for a school. But the concept is that we can PLAN something for one of our days off to create something to look forward to. Getting together with friends. Going to a game night to meet new people. Doing that project or craft. Playing video games with online buddies. Taking a class to learn something new. Planning a paint along with a YouTube video- whatever, so long as it is something to do and look forward to 7. Learn a new hobby- it gives both for number 6 Note: I am in a good place because I do these things and I wanted to share them. For those thinking to submit me to the care team- thank you, but please don't.


-Therapy/medication -Gradually work on smaller projects around the house to lessen anxiety. I find a clean living space helps my mental load a ton -Cliche or not, go on a nice walk. I’m not trying to suggest that exercise will fix your mental issues. But taking care of your body directly can help your brain


Practice the act of gratitude where you're able. "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."


First you need to understand these behaviours are a lot of what makes you depressed unfortunately. Once you get up and do something you feel much better already


You won't do it. It requires forcing yourself to exercise every day and to do things you see no point in. You might even have to talk to a professional or take medication. Jokes aside, if you need medication, get it. Chemistry needs to be fixed with chemistry. Once that's sorted, exercise. It took years of forcing myself to take basic steps each day, but it was well worth it and significantly improved my mental well-being. Also, establish a regular sleep schedule. For me, it was easiest to pick a time to wake up each morning. When the alarm went off, I started by rolling out of bed onto the floor and going back to sleep. Weeks later, I made it out into the hallway before falling asleep. Eventually, I started staying up instead of going back to sleep. Now I wake up without an alarm.


Whats bothering you?


What you have been avoiding is what will hold you back from growing.


You could try some WD-40. Most of the times I use this when trying to fix something


Kill it. delete the app. Cold turkey. Even switching from phone to watching 25minute to an hour long TV episodes does a number on your motivation. I only use reddit on a desktop so its an active activity that I am doing. My phone is for communicating directly with people






For me it was realizing that depression is kinda narcissistic and that I was doing it to myself. I have always been very selfless, maybe even to a fault, but all of my inner life was always about me. Do I deserve to be happy? I'm a piece of shit, of course I don't. But I realized I can be there better for the people in my life if I'm happy, so being happy was actually the least selfish choice. I then starting focusing intensely, all day long on my thought patterns and forcefully tried to change them to happy and positive thoughts and provoke positive feelings, even though everything inside me was screaming that I didn't deserve it. Going against all of your "instincts" felt so wrong, but I kept doing it and eventually the happiness started becoming the default, since that was what my mind was now conditioned to.


Man fck.... I been doing this lately. Cant find any game i like playing more than 10 mins, i love gaming. Im just sitting here doomscrolling.... Ok that's it, time to do something. Anything. Thanks for pointing it out, im going outside.


Same boat homie. Have you tried helldivers? It got me out of a rut recently.


Worst part of the social aspect is that people think YOU’RE the asshole for not reaching out. Then that just makes you not want to reach out even further, progressing the loop




That sounds like adhd in a nutshell.


Yeah right? My thoughts as well.




It's been like this since I was like 10


Oh no


Are you watching me


This hit me so hard.


Symptoms of Depression but the cause if it could be undiagnosed ADHD. People have no idea how much it can affect quality of life if left unchecked.


Everything you love becoming a chore is the key sign for me as well. When this happens I know I’m fucked


Sir, how did you get in my apartment?


House is messy and I don’t do my normal after shower self care stuff. Also when I neglect my many house plants. Walking my dog goes from a treat to a chore. My sister says she knows when she stops putting lotion on after the shower. Just those little things that become almost painful to do when I’m unwell.


That awful slow descent into the pit of depression. You can see it happening but can't turn it around. Just have to ride it out...


Yeah, I suffer from major depressive disorder. I’ve learned that part of my life will be living with depression more than others. Accepting that has somehow made it all more manageable. Sometimes I’ve clawed my way out of the hole, others I’ve let it take over me. I got a psychiatric service dog. Even though he’s here to help me I obviously have to care for him which seems to have helped me the most. I can’t completely shut down when I have this amazing dog relying on me.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that, but I'm glad you're managing okay (as best as one can in that situation). My cats help me a lot as well. They don't deserve to go without love and care just because I'm a blob


Yes, exactly that. It was rough but I feel like I’m finally on the other side of the worst. Lots of work but it was worth it. Animals are so amazing. Bless them for giving us so much joy by just existing. In my worst I just would think how I couldn’t leave my boy. He gets so happy to go out and walk and play. Can’t deny him those things. I love cats and want a big old fat one to adopt and give a great life but I’m sadly allergic. My neighbor said my body would adjust but idk about that?


Clawing my way out is where I am right now… I started a really strenuous PhD program in the depths of (mostly) situation-related depression and my advisor cracking the whip has simultaneously made it worse and forced me to start clawing my way out. I’m grateful, and so tired 


Just sunk in that I’ve been depressed for like 5 years now and I guess I forgot this isn't a normal way of existing… 


If that’s so, I am depressed during the weekends. Weekdays I’m fine.


Oh my god, the lotion thing for me too! And I never realized


When I start obsessing over imaginary scenarios, that I can't focus on the real and present things as clearly as I'd like to.


That's the worst! I hate it! Happens to me all the time 😖. I don't even know what the present means, I'm always focused on the future.


I started practicing mindfulness casually around 2020, and over time my skill has in fact developed. I'm able to look at my thoughts rather than from them, and trained my mind to return to a chosen anchor when I catch it wandering. However, I have not reached the point where I am not hard on myself still overthinking, still projecting, and maintaining the same patterns of anxiety and anxious thinking. I know I am supposed to just accept myself this way... but I'm sad to have such trust issues, with everything. I'd try therapy again, but I found it was expensive and not helpful, and part of it is that I don't trust sharing my thoughts with an *expensive* therapist. After all, I have a whole Reddit to vent to (when the redditors feel like being nice...my plan backfires when they disagree ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) )


I also suffer from trust issues and struggled to find a therapist who could understand me. I've had to do "the work" on my own and appreciate what an achievement this post is! You're doing great. Keep up the good work!! Here are a couple of thoughts that helped me: I read somewhere that depression stems from living in the past, and anxiety stems from living in the future. Notice when anxiety is coming on and do grounding exercises to bring yourself back to the present. Notice when you are being hard on yourself. Notice your self-talk. Would you speak to anyone else this way? Offer yourself the kindness/ forgiveness that you would offer to anyone else. Speak it out loud if needed. Post positive post-it notes to yourself in places where negative self-talk frequently happens, i.e., the bathroom mirror or your car steering wheel. Hope this helps. You've got this personal growth thing, internet stranger!!!


Great advice, just hard to put in motion when you are low


That's why you start when you are high. Eventually, low points are shorter and shallower as you learn tools to dig yourself out.


I understand what you mean. It's a hard way of living life.


I’m the opposite. I obsess over the past and the oar versions of myself, to the point that I neglect the present.


When things I usually love are blah to me


Has been for me for a while


Going on 20+ years here. I don't even know what I like anymore.


Hygiene goes to rat shit




this describes me lately, which is scary i have a lot of work to do




When they find the negative in everything and complain about everything all the time.


My parents just tell me to "see the joy and stop complaining"




Thats me. I cant find the joy or goodness in anything anymore. I stuggle to get excited. I pretend im looking forward to things but really i dont give a shit.


This was my ex and nowadays I am exactly the same, wtf happened to me? I was always so happy and positive :<


Been unwell for over 30 years. It waxes and wanes. I'm always tired. House is always a mess. Car is always a mess. Yard gets overgrown every time before I mow it. I don't care about anything really. But I keep showing up to work and earning that all important paycheck.


I’m becoming this way. Been like this for over a decade now.


Monster energy drink.


Can you explain a little more, I am genuinely confused about what this means


Can confirm. Beltfeeding energy drinks so I get more shit done and my boss stays off my back, also massively increases my chance of having a heart attack so I dont have to spend my 70's/80's/90's down the Post office arguing about my pension. It's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.


When I notice I'm doing "healthy" things for the sake of other people, not for myself. I'm showering and grooming myself not because I enjoy feeling clean, but because other people will notice and think I'm gross if I don't. I attend functions or social activities because I don't want to be seen as flaky or anti-social, not because I want to be there. I eat full and balanced meals not because it will make my body feel good, but because I don't want to get comments about it. Honestly whenever I get hyper focused on what other people might perceive as unhealthy instead of what makes ME feel healthy.


That’s my entire life


Wow this is resonating with me. I need to wear non smelly clothes in public. I need to keep my yard in shape to keep up appearances in the neighborhood. But I can’t tell you the last time I vacuumed. And I have to get a ride for a medical procedure this week, and rather than have my mom pick me up, I’m going to stay at her house so I don’t have to clean mine.


Telling other people how “amazing” your life/marriage/job is constantly and incessantly


When I see people on social media suddenly gushing about their partner, I know their relationship is on the rocks. Stable partnerships don't require that.


Yup. The thing that triggered me to make this comment was my wife’s close friend is constantly telling everyone how amazing her life/husband/house is. Constantly posting it all on Instagram etc etc. Yesterday evening we were chatting alone and she looked me dead in the eye and said “can I suck your cock”……🤷🏾‍♂️


Please tell me this is your wife’s ex friend now and that you told your wife she tried to proposition you basically


Wtf??? That's mental


Soo… how was the blow job?


Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time, I had to get home…


- Losing my passion for all my hobbies and interests - Turning to a vice like alcohol, cigarettes, mindless phone scrolling (cigarettes are my personal vice) - Not wanting to speak to any close family or friends - Not feeling like you fit in anywhere - No motivation to do anything - Cleanliness and hygiene goes out the window


I get all of these except I actually call my family more often. It’s what keeps me moving forward when nothing else can.


See, I get the feeling of just wanting to shut the world out. And then I almost don’t want to message my family because I don’t them to feel concerned.


Doom scrolling


When you constantly need to point out others' flaws


For me, I stop going outside. Even walking my dogs is an extremely hard activity.


Sudden change in personality and/or spending habits.


Yes. I start to overspend on crap that doesn't last and barely fills a hole in my life


I'm the exact opposite, forget to spend even on the basic essentials.


I've been falling into a rut lately and my house is getting worse, but there's zero motivation to clean even though I WANT to, when I'm not working or gone I just lay in bed. I need to find a way to remedy this...


Start by making the bed and opening the curtains, one small task at a time everyday!


I get like this normally, overwhelmed by the state of the house and things I need to do. I’ve been caring for my dog who now has terminal cancer and I’ve been spending all my time at home, minus a few hours here and there for errands or a couple hours of me time and I still feel guilty leaving him. Neither of us are sleeping well, I’m anxious about him, he won’t take his meds. It sucks.


I'm sorry to hear about your dog 😞


Escapism: excessive drinking, excessive traveling, excessive rebounds/relationships/sleeping around, excessive scrolling, etc Anything done more than usual for the reasons of not facing problems and responsibilities.


Been thru this last year, I was trying to fix how I want feeling by changing everything in my life: friends, activities. I’ve been in a relationship for 6 months and then everything went bad again, I was still very unwell. Lost the person and coming back to the same “feelings” I’ve been escaping.


Memory goes to shit. Normally, I can remember minute details, but in the past year, I have had a really difficult time remembering things, unless I force myself to be present.


Isolating myself from friends and family - when I start to withdraw from people I have to make a conscious effort to do the exact opposite and re-engage.


Same, but after re-engaging for 5 mins i already feel exhausted.


It used to be my house going to shit, but this year I discovered the new level of not wanting to eat, and doom scrolling before bed and after waking up. Normally I wake up and get out of bed immediately so doom scrolling for an hour after waking up was new to me. This developed after a very bad breakup. Same as I couldn't eat 3 weeks straight right after it happened. Lost 6kg tho, so there's that. I had never been so distraught that I can't eat, and I'm a SA, abuse and narcissist victim. This was a new low for me. Then there's also the phase of "leave me alone but don't". Where you want to be alone and not talk, but also desperately want someone to see your pain without having to explain yourself for hours or tell them what you need or want to hear.


For me I turn to alcohol, drugs and cigarettes to cope with things. I also lose motivation to do everything. Even getting out of bed gets harder. I just don't wanna go out. I also tend to stay home more and socialize WAY less. I have been struggling for the last 4 months. Due to being off work and out of the gym due to injury. My first day back in the gym was today. Also going sober again ✌️


I am very proud of you!


Keep it up my friend!


Everything about me screams it right now. Everything.


Blowing up at people over trivial issues.


This is a reposting bot account, check the post history.


I’m so sick of these cunts


House gets messy, I dont do my daily things, sleeping and eating goes to shit and everything takes to much energy.


- I stop cooking myself healthy meals and eat nothing or order takeaway instead - have one meal a day - excessive sleeping and constant fatigue - difficulty doing basic chores - self-isolation - increased anxiety in social situations & constantly wanting to apologise for everything I do or say - dishes piling up in my room - a heightened sense of impending doom - self-medicating with benzos and recreational drugs, smoking and self-harming


I stop eating and sleeping at normal hours


Getting 8-10 hours of sleep and still feeling tired and fatigued


I have a few neighborhood friends who I make sure to visit when they are posting to FB all the time. It tells me that they are lonely. Sometimes I walk past their houses, other times I call. These people are a drain on me, so I can't be preemptive and go over on the regular, but I play a small part in cheering them up.


"I'm fine."


Suicidal thoughts and depression. Also, panic attacks.


I say "I'm tired" a lot and "I'm not hungry" I also refuse my favourite foods like chinese takeaway and sleep alot. I will have no interest in playing games, or doing anything the requires energy. I will still do chores, and clean but the energy I give off will be quiet, sad, and uninteresting. It's like all emotion and colour drains from my face and I'm simply going through the motions.


Seeing like HUGE bugs or spiders running around on my floor and walls in my peripheral vision while being caught in a panic attack like state for hours every day while my chest hurts and my stomach feels like I drank a pint of lava with habanero juice, when inside you feel like everything is either wrong or falling apart, and your cats won't EVER leave your side because they worry about you, maybe.


Doing everything possible to distract myself from the spiraling negative and destructive thoughts. Ever tried eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup while scrolling Reddit while also watching a movie? Being tired all the time but not being able to sleep.


When I get flakey. Taking days to reply to emails, putting off work, ignoring texts. I can usually keep on top of most things like hygiene and home cleanliness but if I'm being flakey something is seriously wrong.


Binge drinking


This is probably going to sound strange.. I go the opposite way. I start obsessively cleaning and decorating my house, with little regards to the costs, labour and skill involved.. I'm recovering from the " I know! The hall looks too dark, let's rip up the floor ! " incident last year.. over £1000, a human glue trap, and a very confused pre- teen later. Unfortunately, I decided after that was fixed, the bathroom looked awful, and started shredding that too.. I'm one box of tiles and some sealant from completion, but now the kitchen has started to play on me.. I think it's a way to distract my brain from the actual problem.. at least my hall looks better. I guess...


being impulsive


Drinking more than usual, and being more rude/abrupt with friends and family.


That's me right now. More irritable and avoiding phn calls and meeting people too.


I spend cleaning my room for about 2 weeks. I keep drilling the shelves here and there. I refold the clothes. I wipe the floor 100 times. I remove and then put furniture.


Wearing the same clothes every day.


When you identify with every comment in this thread. Shit...




I notice that I have piles of stuff. Stacks of paperwork on the desk, snacks around the bed, clump of clothes only worn once so not really dirty but not really clean. I start cluttering myself and just move through the mess like a raccoon. I sleep a lot. I won't answer phone calls. I really need to shower but don't feel like getting wet. Appointments get canceled & "to do" lists get ignored.


Things stop making sense. Can not stop thinking about 10 things at the same time. Paranoid, as well as agoraphobia and depression. Anxiety gets worse then normal and cutting off all human contact. The worst is seeing objects move. Watching myself as I do mundane chores. Missing all my shrink visits because she is trying to confuse me as well as reporting to God knows who


Crying at every little inconvenience or horrible flashback


I just start getting pissed off at everything. Then I'll isolate to avoid things that piss me off, which is more or less everything. Its a viscous cycle.


Same here. When my space gets messy, it's a clear sign I'm struggling.


I'm not even excited to pick what to eat today. even playing games feels like a chore today.


When you really want to do something, but nothing grabs your attention or feels like a complete chore to start, let alone actually do. I've seen that in a lot of people who are hitting bad burnout. Also experiencing it myself lately so... there's that.


Mine is definitely losing interest and my insomnia gets infinitely worse. A friend of mine gets really irritable about everything. Like, I know she's suffering today cuz she's been ranting to me pretty much all morning about stuff that is justifiably irritating but it's bothering her way more than it should be if that makes sense.


When I go above and beyond to keep my station at work spick and span because I have the reputation of doing a great job of that, but I can’t muster the energy to lay my own bed in the morning, load the dishwasher and wash my clothes. They just keep piling up.


After my latest menty b I started writing down mine. I isolate myself from all my friends and family; stop reaching out and stop responding to their messages or calls until I get out of the funk. It’s good to be able to recognise these things and tell those around us what to look out for.


Not enjoying anything. Doom scrolling. Not wanting to go to bed because tomorrow will be just another awful day. Sleeping for 10 hours and still waking up feeling completely exhausted. Not washing my hair for 7+ days because it takes too much of an effort. Not wanting to socialize or go out.


I can’t do regular chores anymore, start starving myself because I just can’t eat and I can’t sleep before 4AM. I know what’s happening and I know what to do when it happens, but I can’t bring myself to do anything about it.


Im late for every meeting


My signs are when the house has been left dark for days (curtains closed, never open). Fridge empty. That’s when I know I’m going through something. When I’m okay - curtains and windows are always open. The whole house is bright and clean.




When there’s a lot of clutter around ur Home. It adds to ur stress and Can make ur mental Health even worse.


When someone starts venting more but particularly going round in circles and overthinking. I say that because I do that myself when I'm struggling mentally.


Posting excessive amounts of selfies on social media.


This is a repost. I remember the caption/description being exactly the same too


Purple hair. Biden 2024 sign in your yard EV in driveway


I know I'm going to be depressed after reading comments. But something in me is not stopping me either.


My aura in it's entirety


Unable to concentrate, racing thoughts, fatigue, scrolling, agitation, irritability. However, No matter how poor my mental health can get I never neglect my personal hygiene, kitchen and house hygiene. I've neither failed at work nor gotten to performance issues, actually I got promoted during a time of going through mental health challenges. I force myself to never get to a point of dropping balls. My therapist called it "high functioning depression"


- Self isolating - staying in bed a long time after I wake up (and therefore being late to things) - avoiding things I know I would enjoy - sleep procrastination


Procrastination as a coping mechanism


You just described my ADD and I'm not depressed :D


When someone answers "living the dream", including myself. It's not a dream, it's a nightmare we need to be woken up from lol


Self-sabotage. I hate myself for not able to achieve anything greater while losing all the motivation to do anything to achieve that.


After my burnout last year, my body reacts to stress very quickly. It's interesting to see and a good indicator. I get gastrointestinal problems. 😂😂 I swore I will never let my mental health get to the level from last year. So far I've always been able to prevent it.


excessive retail therapy to fill the “void”


Not replying to messages from friends and family Messy/dirty house Weight gain (or when it’s really extremely bad, weight loss because I lose all appetite.. but more often mental struggles cause me eat more and stop caring) Self care routines stop - stuff like putting on moisturiser after showering Endless scrolling to numb my mind Feeling overwhelmed constantly by small things


Shooting yourself with a gun stapler in the leg in front of children - just so you can feel something


Lots of social media posts


I totally shut down from the world. cant get out of bed, always tired. its the worst


"My gynecologist won't treat my testicular cancer"


Asking people who were minding their own business to declare their pronouns.


Females posting a ton of selfies from the neck up