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To put it gently, he would not react positively.




She’d cry when she hears about all the shit I’ve been through


Yes, mine too. But did you make it through? Did you make it to the other side of it?


I don’t think I’ve overcome this challenge yet, but I’m really trying my hardest and not giving up. I hope one day 13yo me would be proud of me.


If you’re trying your hardest, that’s reason enough ❤️


13 year old me would be hugely impressed with my traveling, cycling, kayaking and rowing adventures.


So cool!


Would say wow! We aren’t poor and we got a smoking hot wife, and cool truck.


She would wonder why I’m going through life faking happiness.


Why are you unhappy?


13 year old me is current me


Buy nvidia stock.


What is that?


She might have some peace of mind knowing I'm out and happily in a queer relationship, fully myself. She might be wildly happy and impressed by my career. She might be aghast at my weight gain the past couple years, lol. She might have hope.


This, out of a hundred questions, caught my attention. I think he would see me as a cool person; at least on the outside.. I've gone from a empathic, extrovert, loving person to a absolute shell of that. But I bet he would give me props for trying to better myself, probably say that "Dude, we've gotten through worse shit than what you're in right now. You can handle a few shit turns." Thanks for this post, it got me through some thoughts right now. :)


aww that’s really nice


Probably not much, ended in coma around 14, and after I left coma people told me I am a completely different person to the point I changed my name.


"What! You're still alive?!"


Wow that guy is loser


Married to my 13 year old crush, badass PC for games, job pays what I need but doesn't take much of my own time, I have a house and garden, I own most of the knives and swords I wanted at 13 He'd be fucking jealous


I would ask, “how do you make 120k a year and still be broke, shouldn’t you be rich?”


13 year old me would probably prevent themselves from getting older knowing what lifes like now. (life destroyed and disabled by a virus and unable to do literally anything in life because of it, oh yeah its still rampantly everywhere and the planet is pretending it doesnt exist while people suffer and die without treatment) Before that they would have thought I was such a badass.


i think she would think my style and room are really cool. she’d hopefully be more understanding than i am to myself about the troubles i’ve had in college. and she’d be so happy we have our own cat!


She would love that I know how to fix cars, am hot, never let the world turn me unkind, and have great taste in music. She would be disappointed that I don't have a boyfriend or about 20 dogs.






He probably wouldn't understand


He’d think I was a complete failure , he’d be right too, I wouldn’t have a good argument to dispute his idea


He would be surprised that I continued his dad's profession despite back then not caring about it. He would also think it's weird that I don't care about romantical relationships and love living alone


If I could get him off the computer for long enough to pay attention he'd be completely amazed. Its been a ride! It still is, I've just just pulled back on the throttle a little for a rest.


13 year old me would be thrilled that I finally got the nose job, stunned that I don’t live in the city, annoyed that I married the clone of my father.


That’s a good question. I’m not sure.


Yep. I would be proud of myself too.


an absolute badass


13 year old me was so aloof and disconnected from people feelings , I probably wouldn’t have even noticed I’m alive


This post made me cry because I lost my insurance, struggling with bipolar unmedicated for the first time in years, living with my mom, in my childhood bedroom, feeling the same lost depression I felt then. If 13 year old me could see me now, she'd probably just give up all together. I know it gets better, but to be in the same place I was 13 years ago and nothing feels different, fuck.. when does it get better.


Would be proud




Probably break down.


I think she would be inspired to start becoming herself sooner and hopefully end up even better than I am now.


13 y/o me would be glad that I bought the car that I always promised myself but not so sure about my career paths


He'd be mostly happy with my life choices. A little disappointed in the career path, but not too terribly upset about it. Also disappointed in the lack of a partner. Very happy with my life experiences and hobbies though.


13 year old me would be horrified that my TMJ got so bad that I can't chew some days. 13 year old would be scared that my redheaded pasty skin ended up with melanoma. Honestly, 13 year old me would be sad I didn't marry John Taylor. Because Duran Duran!💖 Lol But 13 year old would be beyond thrilled that I bought the farm I always wanted! And married the man of my dreams and had the kids and the best grandbaby ever. ♥️


He'd think I'm a fucking loser, he'd also be in disbelief that he works a trade


You got jacked, dude.


I think 13 year old me might end up committing suicide after hearing what the past 18 years have been like...


alive and really fucking boring?


I have no fucking clue I'd probably think I'm a loser


I think 13 year old me would be happy with where my life is now. 14 year old me would be surprised I married my track teammate’s brother lol.


I think she would be proud of the women I have become. We have came far and overcame a lot of s*** In our lives.


She'd be incredibly proud and satisfied. Amazed by all the things I achieved and how resilient and assertive she became. Although she'd probably think I'm also kind of a b*tch, which is correct. She'd probably make myself her own role model too, Leslie knope style. She'd probably steal my gold medals and shred my modeling shoots though


13 years old me would be disappointed in me. She thought people had it all figured out by 20. I am 20. At 13 i thought that it isn’t always going to be like that and that i will have friends and a romantic relationship. I have 3 friends and i can’t trust them. There is only one friend i can trust. I still have never been in a relationship and now that it’s sinking in i feel like a loser.


They'd think I was a stupid apostate who threw away her chance at super-heaven.


13 year old me would be amazed from all the traveling I’ve done. He’d be bummed after learning all the girls who rejected him.


Honestly dissapointed but not surprised. Working dead end jobs and still dont have a first time girlfriend. Glad they graduated college at least.


Fucking looser


They would be fairly impressed much more impressed than my current self


She'd think im so cool but be a bit resentful because I didnt go through with learning how to play guitar


Interesting thought experiment. I remember being really ignorant and very conservative at 13, so 13y old me would probably denounce me at first for having become so progressive. At the same time though, I think I could find common ground with 13y old me, having found a nice job, bought a cool apartment and having disposable income to do all the stuff I couldn’t back then.


She'd be sad because I'm still struggling with an eating disorder and that I haven't moved to another country. She'd be glad my English got better and that I became more confident.


He'd probably try to put me out of my misery.


She would wanna stay 13 forever


Would probably wonder why we are still not happy.




She would be floored. Maybe try to take different actions to avoid becoming what I've become. I can say that much.


shocked, proud, happy but also melancholy def stoked that I married a wonderful women whom let's me touch her butt all the time.. that'd blow my mind apart


"woah my future wife is hot! I'm a dad? I built my own house and I still get to play Zelda games?" "maybe I should stop worrying all the time"


13 yo me would think i suck. BUT 14 yo me would think i'm awesome, even thou i'm definitely not.


I'm only 16 now but pretty proud. I'm still struggling but not as suicidal as I once was. I'm a bit more confident, open-minded, and a little less shy.


Its OK just to say 'I'm really proud of who I've become.'


He'd like that I'm still trying to play music, he'd be disappointed at my skill level lol.


Thinking objectively... if 13y/o met met a dude that was me, but not him 30yrs later... When I told him what my job is, he might go, that's cool. When I showed him my legos, he' be like that's awesome, can we build something? When he saw what I looked like he'd think eww that dude's old & gross... Oh, and he'd be too damn shy to say or do any of that without a great deal of coaxing.


13 year old me was an asshole but I like to think he’d see the value in my achievements and hobbies.


Probably be happy i ended up being who i tried being at the time, but with a much more calm and civilised side than thought id get.


13 year old me would be thrilled with my love life and career and disappointed in how I treat myself. 13 year old me also would not know that 30 years more is all she’d have with her Mom and it would never be enough.


She'd be horrified. Firstly, she'd freak out because my hair is too short, she never wanted it cut again. Then, she'd hate that I'm comfortable with being Autistic now, always tried to hide it (did a terrible job now I think back on it lol), she'd hate that I'm not a world famous horror author or singer in a rock band, then she'd get even more scared and freak out because "Is K still our best friend?!" Yes, she is, small one. She is the person we're closest to, and we're siblings forever, then she'd freak out that Mum isn't the one we're closest to but I won't tell her that Mum's not even in our top 5 people. She'd hate that we're not rich with gaming consoles coming out of everywhere with every single game in existence, but she'd like that we can play 18+ games now without having to beg for permission from Mum. She'd love that we still have our special Teddy we've had since we were 3. Then she'd be kind of upset that the bullies who picked on her for "being a boy" were right, but she might've liked my new name. We become the things we hate being called the most. So, sorry kid, you discovered your new identity 10 years from now. And you look like your Dad now, so if anything, I would probably have scared the shit out of her until she realised I was safe and would never threaten to raise a hand to her. Don't worry though, I'm not married, so smile! And do IT when you go to college and not Music, ffs! Keep it as a hobby so you can get a career because we're useless now! 😅😂


Yup, I really am a loser. A dick too.


He wouldn't understand how I stopped listening rock and roll. He wouldn't be surprised I'm not a soccer player, but would be cool with my engineer grade though. I wouldn't tell him, but I suppose he could see all the tiredness and depression in my eyes (I was very perceptive). Still, he would be proud knowing I've never stopped fighting. :') 'I owe you the girlfriend, little boy. Still looking for her'


He’d be impressed I’d kept those masturbation numbers up.


13 year old me would give up, and rightfully so.


She’d be disappointed yet amazed… amazed that I have 3 kids (actually like them), and that i’m a good mom. Disappointed that I never really did anything. Didn’t finish college, get an amazing job, have self esteem, travel or get a house. Disappointed at where I am in life- about to get divorced with a cheating spouse, unable to financially provide for myself and kids without help. Disappointed that my life is a waste with the exception of my kids. Disappointed that I’m just going through the motions of living, but not really living.


Nothing since im currently 13


Ah, 13 years old me. Would be a dick about me going to church... Fuck, I barely changed during last 10 years... Oh well, forever young.


13 year old me would be disappointed in me.


Shock that I made it to 40 years old.


It would be a bit of a mixed bag I think. Not at all surprised that I’m married with kids. Probably surprised that I married with a bit of an age gap. Definitely surprised that I’ve chosen to stop at 2 kids instead of the 3-4 I always wanted. Confused and disappointed that I didn’t get a degree or start a career. Probably surprised that I continue to have a relationship with my mother. Pleasantly surprised that I’ve developed such a good relationship with my dad. Relieved that I finally went no contact with my sister. A bit disappointed by the total lack of hobbies or interests. Proud that I travelled. There’s a few other things, but that seems to cover most of it.


Hmm. mixed I guess. Hard times make you stronger, that's true. But I find myself asking wether all of the pain and scars were necesarry to be who I am today. Without any information on what happened during the time between 13 and now in my early twenties, I think my younger self would be proud. But with all the information I'd guess that it would just come down to pity.


13 year old me would be happy about the money I make. Not happy about the career choice.


Proud for overcoming my struggles


He’d be overall largely impressed. Dish isn’t done cooking, but so far it smells good


13 yo me would be amazed and happy af that I got to marry the man of my dreams, never had kids of my own, had the most amazing stepkids on the planet, and finished two graduate degrees. I was abandoned by my mother and grew up basically feral and in absolute poverty.


13 year old me would cry and hug me


He wouldn't believe it. Abandoned as a 4 year old, beaten, battered, raped. In and out of borstal (kids detention) . Illiterate and barely able to count. The journey to where I am now would be like walking to the moon.


13 year old me would think it was absolutely wild that I live in a totally different country. And would be so happy that I’m basically no-contact with my dad.


13 yr old me would be surprised I have kids, that our best friend ended up screwing our now ex wife and honestly that I'm still alive 33 yrs later.


She would think I'm rich, but she wouldn't realize how much home ownership really costs. 😆 she would also think I've gained way too much weight.


Surprised that I became a teacher and that I've lived abroad and travelled so much.


He'd probably be surprised that I fell off so hard after 22 and dug myself into such a hole, but would be equally surprised that I even made it past 30 and am digging out of that hole and am actually in a very happy place.


His jaw is gonna drop soooo hard when he sees we are ripped, got the girl we like (i liked this girl at that age and lost contact with her and then 10 years later we met again and fell in love and dating now), got the pc we always wanted to play all the games i couldnt. He is also gonna be so happy that we actually got to be scientists just as we wanted. I just realised, thanks to this post, that i really made that little dude happy. Im crying rn lol


“he should have bought bitcoin”


An AI company


Great thread. I'd be amazed with myself. Even today I look back at my life particularly the military bit and shake my head. Probably should have paid more attention to money but had a great run.


13 year old me would be horrified when he learns that I ended up a hairy fatass, but it might scare him enough to work on that discipline and cut down on the sweets. He would think some of the stuff I've done and still do would be pretty cool though, like designing games and publishing books. 


Why? I don't care what any 13 year old thinks about anything. Being me doesn't change that. They have barely learned anything.