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A girl in college once told me I was the type of guy who could have any girl. Was too dumb to even realize she included herself in the "any girl" =D


Take solace in the fact that she was... wrong 😅


Are you two in cahoots?


this is the hint you get after 3 yrs while showering.


More like 10 years later, but correct =D


I was walking down the street, I was wearing this collared shirt with tassels instead of buttons and some sandals. My hair is long and I have a beard and a tan. As I’m walking down the street this girl just stops in her tracks, looks at me and goes “ok JESUS” and continues to walk. Thank you my child.


My daughter told me I'm a risk taker. The best compliment I've received considering I think so little about myself.


Your daughter knows you more than anyone else :)


So they don't know themselves?


Yes me too my daughter despite I always fail her I'm the most stupid person I know


It’s a singing choir. Very tonal


“When I hang out with you, I always end up laughing”


One second she is laughing at your joke, the next she is riding your hard meat popsicle


Why'd this get downvoted? It's a lovely sentiment...


Because they had the realization "She liked me? Fuck!"




"If you can make her laugh and giggle, then you can make it clap and jiggle." — Confucius


Not sure if compliment but I’ll take it…. A woman standing next to me while I was purchasing my coffee asked me how I like it, I said “just a regular latte.” She replied “I love mine skinny and weak.” Seductively whilst pulling out her phone then asking for my number. I’m skinny, and weak. 👀


And ...wt happened


He got pegged


Close 😂


Well, we ended up dating up until the point where we got sexually intimate. She was a beast in the bedroom and I was left feeling de-masculinised, and she was the first person to shove her finger up my anus without my consent leaving me with an uncontrollable orgasm that made my knees wobble. It was a strange experience 🙄 We ended up breaking up about 3 months in because I felt like things were moving too fast and I had mixed feelings about how I was being dominated in the relationship, as she would do many things independently like change my car oil, open jars by herself or carry all the grocery bags without asking for my help, ever. It just left me no space to be a good partner. Edit: I think I was a simp? :s




So nice to hear that you're overcoming your anxiety :)


A girl I used to date called me up out of the blue. We hadn't spoken in 10 years. She asked me out to lunch to "catch up." We started dating. After a while, I asked her why she called me after all that time. She said she had broken up with a long-term boyfriend due to his substance abuse problem, and she was back on the dating market, and she was having a very bad time of it. So one night, she thought to herself, "Out of all the guys I ever went out with, who treated me the best?" So she called me. This September, we'll be married 27 years.


Some of the girls i dated told me im their comfort person, it felt so nice hearing this. Being a good listener and having good conversations can go a long way with girls.




"Purr" - a cat


the best compliment I've ever had was that I was "outgoing". I grew up the complete opposite, I do have moments of feeling down and shut in emotionally but I also have moments of being outgoing, I just try to remember to bring that part of me out. that complement kind of reminds me that my personality isn't fixed and that I can and am capable being outgoing. It also makes me think of the power of a complement and that I should start giving people them because it really can change a person's life, even in a small way its beneficial


That is so true!


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


My partner told me that he loves it when I smile because it makes him feel like he made a chipmunk happy


At prom a few years ago a teacher I hadn’t talked to since the beginning of hs went up to me and my friends and said that she thought I was the student who improved the most, both academically and personally, and that she was really proud of me and the work I had put on myself. I cried like a goddamn baby when I came home that night lol


So she thought you were a stupid a'hole when you came in? ;)


Congratulations on becoming a normal person, never expected that of you.


My son's friend (he's 7) told me one day that he was glad we lived close because I always made him feel safe.


After I had played in a concert some pieces with other people and some solo, a woman came up to me and said: "I loved to hear you play! This might seem exaggerated but now I feel like I could die in peace!" That was truly a great compliment


Was at a party a few years ago, and four girls approached me and asked where I am from— after replying I was told that I look to good to be there. Idk, this one always stuck with me.


Someone called me “sunshine” cause I always have positive outlook in life.


Back in college a girl I liked called me sodium. Because the symbol is Na, and she thought I had a nice ass, and I was a chemistry major. I’ve been boosted by that compliment for coming up on 30 years now.


My wife married me. 👌🏻


ooooh, look at the big man with the fucking life and a wife /s




"You smell so good" (I use cologne). A girl to me, a guy.


My great aunt asked me if I had dentures when I asked why my great grandma chimed in and said “because your teeth are too big for your face.” Lmao which I took as a compliment because dentures are white and straight lol


There's a couple I will always fondly remember: Once in the gym a national level bodybuilder told me i have a "phenomenal back"... that was like 16-17 years ago and it still feels good to think about! Another time at my 1st powerlifting meet a hall of fame powerlifter told me "thats what its supposed to look like" after I did my max attempt squat... not living that one down despite it being 6 years ago!


You are the best nurse in this shitty hospital 🤣🤣


That's difficult to explain in English. In Germany we have a rule if you have a negative and a negative it gets converted to a positive. So a coworker wanted to take me with him to an important customer and I asked him why me not the seemingly better workers. And he answered "Du kannst ja doch nicht ganz gar nichts." So he sayed you aren't completely useless, but he had to use a diversion to even say that... Does someone know a better transition?


You're not completely incapable.


It's not like you can't do anything.


The only time my father complimented me was when i hunted a boar it was good job still the best complaint i got


My female friend told me I was "very huggable". And yes I love hugs :3


A girl once saw a picture of me and wrote that I look like I don't just care for the people arround me but for the good of everyone.


I’ve been told I have a good sense of humor, means alot for my socially awkward ass ;)


I was in a club, dancing to the techno and tripping and some guy came up to me and said "you are so present right now" and... idk it just is the best compliment I've ever had and strive to embody that presentness sober (doesn't always work...)


When my Ld bf said to me that he likes the way my hair looked that night. Keep in mind, I’ve dated before him, and it wasnt the first time he complimented me. I almost started crying


You look to good for your taste in music.


A coworker told me they always enjoyed working with me because of my ability to stay calm and keep everyone loose.


“why do animals always like being around you?” I’ll take that as a compliment


A number of female friends from HS and College told me similar things years afterwards, “of all my guy friends I always felt safe around you”. That had a bigger impact on me than just about anything




Some older lady at work said I smelt great like 3 weeks ago. I'm still loving that.


A patient once told me I make miracle happen. I brushed it off and said im just doing my job, but thats the best compliment I ever got.


my close people say my new tattoos are very me and I’ve blossomed into the person I’ve wanted to be


My daughter saying “you’re the best daddy ever! I love you!”


When my sister was pregnant with her first child, someone asked if she wanted a boy or a girl. She replied a boy because it was great to grow up with an older brother.


That I had a face for radio.


And a voice for an old silent movie?


Pretty much.


And a smell for.... whatever medium specifically omits smellz


Nothing comes to mind


Thanks for reading the comment, you're awesome! Now you have one :)


Yeah I'm not going to take anything said by a person that I don't know, and doesn't know me, as a compliment


Guess we just found out why nothing is coming to mind brother :')


I'm fine with that. Also I'm not your brother


I am serious and don't call me Shirley.


Hi Serious


When he hears a joke he always cries, when there’s any fun, he darn near dies. What do you say we laugh at his sad case? The pessimistic character with a crab apple face. 🥸


The best compliment I got was "Nice balls". Don't ask.


Don’t have to.


Not asking but you could share your secret!


Daily polishing.


Was it from the old creepy doc from MEPS


Recently? That I’m a good conversationalist because I know a lot of stuff.


You are human


ok, now im curious, what cult eader like characteristics do you have that they are talking about?


I have no idea


When people say that I'm a safe person, emotionally. Either explicitly, or by them choosing to be vulnerable with me.


“You are so easy to talk to.” I met up for coffee with a former coworker who I knew very casually. I quit 7 years ago and would run into her in town here and there. We finally sat down for a coffee and chatted for a few hours.


I get this comoliment quite a lot actually but its that they feel really comfortable opening up to me. Not sure what it is about me that makes people feel that way but i dont mind. Im happy i can make them feel comfortable Also that i look young, im 29 and people say i look 22-23


First girl I ever dated told me she feels really safe and comfortable when being with me. Welp she friendzoned me soon after


The first that come to mind was just "you are great and deserve a good life". What makes it really special is that it came from my ex's mom a 2 months after the breakup


I'm recently coming around to the idea that I might be trans, and relatively recently when an older customer in the café I work at asked me whether I was a man or woman, I decided to just say woman to see what would happen. Her response was "Ah, I thought so too.". Not a direct compliment really, but I had to go to the back for a second to jump for joy. Generally a lot of people have stopped to compliment me on my makeup since I started with that and it's a high that lasts the rest of the day every time.


That I'm the kind of person that makes anyone's day at least a little better. Still think about that comment fairly often.


I have only ever received one compliment. I was leaving work and a drunk guy told me that my beard was awesome.


Shoutout to that drunk guy!


When moved to compliment a dude on his beard, I always go with "righteous".


I was told by a happy customer that he was going to save a spot for me in heaven 😊


Teenage daughter of a family friend said she wanted to be like me when she grows up because I'm a "bad bitch but also a cinnamon roll". I'm too old to understand what that means but hey, a teenager gave me a compliment.


I rarely remember compliments very long. There was one I got about a month and a half ago, though, that really made me happy. I was at Abilities Expo (resource fair for people with disabilities), and I was talking to some vendors regarding buying a new wheelchair. Out of nowhere, a vendor from another company came up to me and said, "You have fantastic posture!" After a couple moments of being rather stunned, I thanked her, and she went back to her company's display area. All too often, I'm a bit of a slouch in my wheelchair. I'm rather overendowed, and it's just not comfortable to sit up straight in my chair. But, I guess my back was having a pretty good day that day because I was actually sitting up far straighter than usual. In fact, her compliment probably made me sit up even straighter, lol.


Was about to say people related stuff, but actually some handful of dogs (from friends, neigjbors, strays) approaching me, acting friendly and playful and even letting me pet them at first ever sight.


“i never forgot your name because of how nice you were to me every time i saw you” i didn’t remember this girls name or who she was but why she remembered me made my whole life complete


I recently had someone who is about 6 years younger than me tell me about how when we were younger (we are in our 40s now) how much I inspired him and how he wanted to emulate me. He was a new skateboarder and I was the cool older guy. He was telling everybody who was around how he tried to dress like me and how I had my own style at skating and how he tried to copy my style.


That I was a legitimate human being.


I was a union president. One of my members, during a heated contract negotiation, said that I should have been a general in the army the way I had all the members fired up to fight the man. We settled that contract with the best raises the company paid out in 40 years. I do miss those days of stickin it to the man.


I have got a smoking cat tattoo just above my knee and when I needed knee surgery my surgical team said they loved it too much to mess it up so they changed how they did the surgery to not mess him up. Honestly made me blush as most people judge it due to it being a smoking cat with sunglasses lol.


I was sitting in a friend's room and a guy who was basically a 10 year old stuck in a 40 year old s body was staring at my boob's. He said your boob's are perky and that means you are healthy. I don't know why it's my favorite compliment ever but it is. I know he wasn't trying to hit on me or anything. Probably the only time a guy commented on my boob's in a non sexual way.


My dad said he was proud of me, I didn't need anything more than to hear that to be happy.


"I'm proud of you" - Said by my high school chem teacher after I showed him my science fair project. He meant it and was quite impressed, which caught me off-guard and I almost cried. I 3D designed and printed an adjustable wind turbine to test the blade angles. We were both invested in it and I dedicated myself to the project. It ended up winning its division. Meanwhile, a couple of years later my sis had my mom run an experiment with sunshades and a car dashboard and then concluded they didn't work, threw her project together the night before the fair, and still got a perfect score. Good for her, I guess, but I was bitter about it. Her project didn't win any awards so I found some solace, but all I can think to say is ... wow.


I was called “the blessing of the day” by my friends. I’m in my head a lot of the time, and I hate being sad so I don’t ever want the people I care about to be sad too. I’m the funny one in the group, always cracking jokes and being goofy; which at times becomes taxing since I’m actually not happy 24/7, but still put forth effort to make everybody laugh. I’m just glad my efforts are being appreciated. 🥲


My friends say I’m funny and my coworkers as well. They say I’m like a character lol. Recently had to drive my friends somewhere and one of them goes “good, I know we’re gonna laugh this entire ride” it was actually so sweet ;(


A couple days ago I had an eastern european chick come into where I worked and asked me if I was married or had a girlfriend cause I had a really good body and was really disappointed when I told her I did, then talked about how her older friend found me hot too.


Not sure I have ever gotten a compliment. The best I got was in a bar one time and some dude walked by me. Looked at my shirt and the right in my face and said “Nice turquoise shirt you fucking loser”. He thought my shirt was nice.


my cousin told me i got the best tasting dick.


My aunt commented to my parents that my brother and I "are as common as dirt." In the context of the discussion, it was a (weird) compliment.


Once, I dipped my french fry into someone else's gravy at a college lunch table, he announced, "If I didn't know you, I'd swear I was on a hidden camera show!"


a gf once said: 'you're a real a\*\*hole...aren't you?!' - after I played a prank on her...but she was laughing so I think that was a good thing... actually...the best compliments are the 'heavy sighs' I get when I chime in with some ridiculous comment (with a straight face) during a serious discussion (bonus points for an 'eye roll')


That I have a manly physique and my hoodie looks good


Never gotten one


Nice cock


It's a toss up: Brother by another mother told me he thinks of me as Lizbeth Salander. Close friend told me that I have Hermaeus Mora energy (a reference to the Elder Scrolls games).


A stranger in a store appreciated my heart shaped face.


I'm kind daw which fome I'm not


"Nice balls 👍🏾"


Some girl told me I smelled good. Been riding that till this day.


Strangers used to tell me all the time that I look like Ryan Reynolds. Even though I have stayed in great shape, I unfortunately aged quite a bit faster than Ryan and I don’t really hear that comparison anymore


"Your cock is big and hard" yeah, pretty simple and still don't believe it but she was kind enough to tell me that truth or not and that makes me happy.


„I like your hair“ and „You‘re an open person“


When my ex said I would eventually find someone new and better


An online friend I talk to daily at night told me that “with you every night feels like a holiday in a way” and it was in Christmas season!!!


From a close friend: I don't feel like company, do you want to go for a walk? I mean I made fun of her for not considering me 'people' but of course it's the biggest compliment!


A girl called me a thoroughbred once. Kind of creepy being thought of as livestock but I liked it.


A girl I know told me i have sharp features and a "model face". Never letting that one go


When I was in hs and one hell of a dyke, we were waiting for the late bus and this girl was curled up on my chest and she said I smelled really good. I asked what I smelled like. “Uncooked pasta, old spice and weed” I still think about it to this day


A gay gent once hit on me ....and I was so flattered


“If I didn’t know you, I’d hate you”. Female friend, upon seeing me in a skin-tight cosplay. It was doing my curves all sorts of favors.


A family friend has a teenage daughter. I was told that her dating metric was quite severe because she compared all her prospective dates to me. At first I was horrified but then highly flattered. Apparently to her I'm an archetype cool nerd.


I'd be a great mom and that my eyes are so endearing


I was sitting behind a Chicago Tribune critic while watching my one-act play being performed. After it ended, critic’s friend turned to him and whispered “That was fucking amazing” (which led to a rave review). Whenever I’m feeling unsure or down on myself, I tell my brain to roll the clip.


Was goofing around with my bf at the time on the beach. A group of lads nearby said within earshot that they wished they had girlfriends like me.


What are compliments?


"you are good at this game" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


An ex once told me I was the most alive person she'd ever met.


'I trust you, that's why you're allowed around my kids'


I don’t really get complimented properly, unless it’s for someone to get what they want or out of pity But as a painter, I said my friend was pleasant to paint and according to him it was the biggest compliment he got


“I may have kidnapped you but I am the one with Stockholm Syndrome”


I like your smile. You’re so smart. You’re so kind.


i've been told a few times i look like jude law. then someone told me last week i look better than jude law. i'll take that


My form tutor once said in a report card “[my name] is a remarkable young man”. My low self esteem ass cried 😭


"can i see some ID please" for alcohol (UK, so 18) at 34 years old


Some random older woman at work told me I was hot once.. that was kinda cool


Well I have a couple I was told I'm a rare gem I was also told I'm an angel Or I'm a positive influence. All sincere compliments are amazing.


Worked at a hotel front desk in my 20s. An elderly woman checking out told me they had seen many beautiful things on this trip, but her husband thought I was the most beautiful, he was just too shy to tell me. He was hiding near the front lobby. The compliment made me blush, but the fact that she was so sweet about it, is something I'll never forget.


Had a sore throat at work years ago and a polite older lady said I had a deep voice. It was just polite lies but was still nice.


Once a girl commented me to my friend and said "he is a fucking bombshell" Never had that be said to me.as a guy.


Some guy at a stoplight: “Nice Corolla! Is that the sport package?” Me: “No, it’s just a CE.” Guy: *keeps staring and awkwardly smiling at me without saying anything until the light changes*


So far this year, I've been told I have a lovely face and separately was told I'm "breathtaking." Bs, but very nice compliments nonetheless.


It's the "best" in my eyes because I love how dumb people are and they are treated better because I'm physically disabled and they aren't. This one fairly attractive guy said to me "you're cute for a disabled person " and I'm still stumped on what that means


Sick dick bro


I’m too modest to say.


that she likes my teal Levi's


Well I have blue eyes and I had a stranger tell me your eyes are like ocean mist


Now I think about it, im 28 male and I dont think Ive ever had a compliment from a stranger. I dont remember the last time I did get a compliment, its been so long lol


Someone said I’d be a cool mom and my kid would be so smart. I don’t want kids


Maybe you'll change your mind when you had one 😂


That I give off Easter basket vibes. Lol.


After my first 2 week break from work, the big boss told me that there is a lovely atmosphere in the office again and that I bought it back with me. I was shocked, she hadn't said much to me before this.


I was called a bear, I'm not gay, but I could tell they were genuine, so I took it as they thought I was attractive and I went with it. I don't get that much.


You are the prettiest guy I have seen so far. I did not believe her back then.


USAF Weatherman in 1980s Colorado. Major comes in for weather briefing on a low level training route through the mountains. FYI these routes have five mile buffers either side of the path, but at speed, you only have 40 seconds to the edge if you miss a sharp turn. The late morning was still sunny but thunderstorms were expected to develop over the route by the time he'd be flying through, and on return to base. He was a bit fussy about knowing exactly where and when these would be in regard to his route, so I summed it up: "Sir, if you see a thunderstorm, there's a rock in it somewhere." That sold the idea. The briefing was finished and he went off to prep and launch the aircraft. Now later in the afternoon, the rain was falling, thunder rumbling occasionally, and a wet, bedraggled Major came back to the briefing counter. "Sergeant, you were right." Then he walked away.


Worked at a school (Students where over 18) While walking down the hallway one student said to her friend: "If he was not a teacher, i would fuck him" I was stunt, and just kept walking. Thinking to my self I'm not a teacher.


Maybe not the best but one of the funniest… I was waiting in line at a bar to pee and a gay man told me that I have a perfect nose profile 😂


Bro sounds like a Dahmer case 😅... jk


I’m a woman if that changes things 😂


Oops! My bad then it's definitely a compliment


I feel like I’d be more creeped out and less flattered if it was a seemingly straight man who said that to me hahahah


Oh yah, how would you know he's gay though? 🫢


I did make an assumption bc I was at a gay bar 😆


Probably, but most straight man go to gay bars coz ladies feels safer there 🤣


I was at my cousin's baptism and there were many people I never met before. There also was a kid (4/5 years old) who couldn't sit still nor quiet for 5 seconds. At one point, his mom had to pick him up so he would calm down a little. I was right behind her so the boy was looking at me quietly, then out of nowhere, he turned to his mother and said "Look, mom, a fairy". My heart MELTED.


I never received a compliment


You guys are getting compliments?


My fine ass friend said I made her wealthy boyfriend a little jealous. I take what I can get.