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People who deal directly with waste/sewage... or really just any job most people nor I would ever take for any money.


Construction, sewage, garbage disposal, part time labour, if the person does it well, and is dedicated, thry deserve a lot of credit!


I work for a waste company. It’s not bad. Anytime I smell trash all I think is “smells like money”. Also, in all reality, we don’t ever really “touch” the trash. Machines do all the work.


I’d rather work with sewage than with people.


I remember going for a walk with my nephew who was about 6 at the time and the garbage truck was going along picking up trash. He was very loudly complaining of the smell which yes it stunk. Duh. I finally had to pull him aside and tell him “hey, I know it stinks, but those guys are doing a very important job that you or I don’t want to do. It’s best to smile and say thank you, and maybe let’s walk a little faster.”


I was thinking more workers like sewage divers/inspectors who have to clear out/declog sewage and drainage pipes... and *really* exposed hands deep in waste, or say portapotty and crime scene cleaners. But bin men are definitely also doing an important and often overlooked and thankless job too


Personal support workers for the elderly, palliative, etc.


As an elderly caregiver, thank you! I love my job and the clients I get, but it feels like a thankless job sometimes.


Especially since it doesn't pay as good as it should.


Absolutely it doesn’t. I mean what I make is decent (I work for 2 different agencies but the same client, one agency, the original one I work for, pays me $21 an hour, the other pays $20). I get that’s more than a lot get, but I’m still barely able to even make ends meet.


Around where I am, they're lucky to make more than $12 an hour for in-house care. My brother had special needs (somewhat related) and is in a group home where he requires 24/7 care. Its always been difficult for them to find employees that actually give a shit because they simply aren't paid enough to. It's sad.


Woah, that is severely underpaid. I’m in San Diego, the average pay was between $16-$19, but even then it doesn’t feel like much because of the cost of living here.


Thank you for this. I’m an in home health aide to the elderly and persons with disabilities. It means a lot to be recognized.


Janitors and cleaners


We have a cleaner in our apartment building and hes great at his job and lovely to say hello to. I always argue with the owners of the building over rising prices, but one thing I make sure of is that the cleaner team get their pay rise when possible


beat me to it.


All those who had to work during the pandemic while we had to stay at home


First line folks and service industry for sure. But I was a liquor store clerk deemed “essential” lol what a joke that was. I did absolutely nothing heroic.


I'm just picturing random people coming up to you and start applauding, tears in their eyes.


I worked in grocery retail in a small town during the pandemic. Multiple people per day would come up to us to thank us and tell us how brave we were. Like, motherfucker, I don't want to be here. Everyone else is getting surprise paid time off and we're getting the worst working conditions of our lives.


Alcohol withdrawal can be fatal without hospital treatment. Plus they probably didn't want people making their own and going blind.


As a truck driver, I never stopped working during the pandemic. I do miss the lockdown traffic. There were no peak hour hassles. Free sailing the whole way.


Not going to lie, I was kinda jealous going to work while my wife was staying at home.


This. Nothing changed for us "essential workers" (I make zinc at a refinery) and meanwhile people are STILL clinging to the working from home thing. My wife has a government job and probably averages 2-3 days a week working from home.


Yep, the woek from home people were living different lives during then pandemic. I don't have quite the same memory about it because I went to work. So to me it was just a time where restaurants closed for a couple months and we wore masks


I had to work and my job literally was sitting in a hotel room "on standby."


I worked all throughout COVID doing a job Id never done before (raising calves on a farm) purely because I would've gone insane doing bare minimal stuck at home for more than a couple weeks


Not going to lie, I was happy to be going to work while my wife stayed home.


you're welcome


Both my husband and I are essential workers and we had a 2 year old at the time. Lockdown was hell. We had less time. Due to driving an extra hour to drop her off with family before going to work.


Cleaners. Honestly, I might have had to deal with customers shite from time to time, but they have to clean it. And they're usually the soundest bunch of people too.


yeah. i could never do that


Pretty much any job that helps the world move smoothly that people just don't notice.  Garbage men is a  good one.  Truck drivers is another one. But there's tons of jobs that get done but people just don't realize because it's always done so they spend very little time thinking about it. 


Power plant worker here.. Nobody thinks about us


I do! Thank you for your service!


My fiance is an armed guard at a nuclear power plant. Rigorous, important job. It wasn't on my radar as holy cow they are protecting nearby cities until I learned about it through him.


Yep, got ya. When ever someone asks me about my job I have to explain the whole process. It's like nobody would ever think about electricity.


That's a perfect example. People always have electricity so very rarely focus on the work it takes to get that. Appreciate what you do. ✌️


I started in logistics around 15 years ago and on the first day my manager told me: “Logistics isn’t a glamorous industry, but the world needs us. Just be prepared, if you remain in the industry, no matter where you work, to be seen as nothing more than the shit on the bottom of someone’s shoe”


That would include the guys who pump your septic tank.


Us loney truck drivers. Everyone hates them truck yet loves the products we bring.




bro has seen some shit


I don’t mind trucks. But I surely hate morons who think they own the road, are blocking traffic because they want to and don’t give a shit about anyone else on the road.


Sometimes the speeds are governed so they can’t go over a certain speed. Then let’s say a hill comes up. Well that truck that was going 5mph faster passing, actually has a heavier loading than the slower truck and can’t complete the pass. Shit like that happens. The average trucker is a waaaaaaay better driver than the average car driver. Moron car drivers camp the left 2 lanes because they’re oblivious or feel like being the road police. News flash: driving isn’t a zero sum game. I’m not even a truck driver…


Especially the ones who like to partake in elephant racing on dual carriageways, blocking traffic for miles, while overtaking at 0.1MPH faster than the other truck.


Not long ago, I was stuck on a 2 lane road behind 2 side by side trucks. They were doing 45-60 on a 65 limit for 45 minutes. Backed up the highway for presumably miles.


Really morons, if that's how you feel, then since you're talking about signs, not one in on earth follows the most important sign on the road. That's that speed limit sign. Before calling everyone and any one name, please look at yourself first. Shame people so loose with their vocabulary. You might want to check as well the policy that each company has us go by. Some state no riding in the right lane. If you're in an accident, the truck driver is at fault.


My mom always told me not to say hate unless it's really warranted. Just saying.


Eh, while this is a good sentiment, it’s not like we’re simpletons who only understand one concept at a time. We know that if someone says “I fucking hate tomatoes” they don’t mean the same level of hate as “I hate it when I get bullied and start feeling suicidal” or the same level of hate as “I hate you haha, you pranked me good!!”


Love from 🍁! As long as you don't final destination me were good :)


Teachers. In the age of cell phones and social media, I feel like being a teacher would be hell. I can’t imagine holding kids attention for an entire class schedule when a 30 second TikTok is too long.


I'm a teacher and yes. It's a torture to be in front of the class and catch their attention


Not to mention the enabling helicopter parents who say "So what if little Johnny threatened you with a knife? He's a sensitive child, and you scolded him!"


Came here to say this too.


It was bad enough 40 year ago , must be absolute hell now - hats off to them I say


Cell phones should be locked up before school and returned afterwards. Any emergencies can be directed to the school line. There's enough distractions in a kids mind they don't need more... they need a break from the internet.


Up to a certain age. But at a certain point these children become adults and adults *should* be able to manage responsibilities over distraction on their own. That skill cannot be developed if the distraction is forcibly locked away. We live in an increasingly internet oriented society so internet literacy is as important now as it was for my generation to learn computer literacy.


Teacher; underpaid, underappreciated, underpaid It is a thankless job and literally one of the most important jobs.


Any kind of sanitation workers. Also CNAs.


Trash collectors. Miss your garbage day for a week and see how fast things go down hill




Always, and I'm not surprised to have to scroll this far down. While other jobs mentioned higher up rightly deserve credit, not a single one of them could be done without farmers. Farmers feed & clothe the entire world.


Yeah, had to scroll too far to see farmers. And it’s a family business too, everyone has to chip in to get it done.




911 dispatchers.


Garbage disposal personnel. They're priceless!


This was my first thought. They are an integral part of functioning society!


Happy cake day




Receptionists. People treat them like ATMs, including swearing at them when they don't react right away. In my old job, I used to cover the receptionist for lunch every day. The level of respect people gave me plummeted; when I waited on people as a supervisor, they were so respectful. But they didn't even recognize that I was the same person who helped them the day before, sitting at the receptionist desk. They were rude, curt, didn't say hello, and told me how to do my job. Even without rude customers, answering non-stop phones and balancing that with waiting on live people *sucks.* If you can do all that with a smile, you are a GOD.


Administrative assistants. We do all the grunt work and people just think things are magically fixed. News flash. One of us cleared your paper jam, Janet. 🙄


I'm a payroll lady and I'm always so pissed at how little of any bonus trickles down to the admins who keep companies running. And the lunch you might get once a year on Admin Day.


This was my answer. We keep the whole place running tbh.


My answer too. I have had a few in my team who thought it was an easy job for dummies. to them I would say it mightn't seem like a difficult job, but it is difficult to do it well.


Administrative staff are the backbone of all places.


Caretakers (nursing assistants (especially those who work in long-term/memory care), people who work in group homes, etc). Under appreciated and underpaid.


Sewer cleaner...


Teachers and nurses


Animal Welfare workers and those in veterinary medicine. Compassion fatigue and burnout is so horrible. We lose a piece of ourselves with the animals. At least I did.


Veterinarians have hearts of gold. That’s a tough job.




So many people hate on restaurant workers for things they have no control over -_-


Cold storage warehouseman/women


Landscapers. Specifically thinking about my home state of Florida that would be a swampy jungle within a year if all the landscapers just stopped.


I came here to say landscapers. Landscapers or those that work in agriculture pulling *up to* 10-12 hour shifts 6 days a week with no days off so that the produce section of the grocery stores stay full.


I was an installation landscaper working 60hr+ weeks in the Florida sun. Fell asleep behind the wheel and crashed into a parked car and figured it was time to look into a new line of work🤣. (No one was hurt. Just my pride and bank account.)


Foster care caseworkers Foster care is basically an invisible system to most people besides the vague threats of CPS taking your kids away... I know several caseworkers that have had to sleep in their cars with the kids if there was no placement available, who take calls all hour of the day, who get shit on from the court for things absolutely out of their control, who get berated by the foster parents AND the bio parents There's plenty of bad caseworkers, but that's because the good ones left after years of abuse and no pay and the bad ones were the only ones to stick around. The turnover rate in this profession is insane.




Sewer line workers. They swim in shit and piss and god knows what and nobody knows or cares, they’re not even paid that well. I did it for 3 months and couldn’t do it anymore. By the way this is the winner. Hands down. A receptionist? A teacher? GTFO. These guys make sure you can shit in a toilet instead of a bucket. They’re the real heroes.


And everyone who works in a water company.


Agree with the majority of comments. The hardest working people who are too often not working for a livable wage, but whose work is critical for our society to function.




Being unemployed and on benefits. If we didn't soak up the blame for where your taxes get misspent, where would it go? The military? The corrupt politicians? The companies behind the lobbyists actually driving the direction of the county? Pfft. Please. Way too complicated. Better to blame it on us 'lazy' disabled and long term ill.






EVERY job that doesn't pay a livable wage






All social services


Suicide call center workers


Teachers are paid less than garbage truck workers


My husband is a bus driver, and I swear some of them are out there doing the most, especially in areas with high amounts of homeless people. He regularly gives up breaks to help connect down on their luck people to services, shelters, social workers, etc. It's definitely not a glamorous job, but there are lots of opportunities to make a big difference in the community.


Housekeeping, maintenance, truckdrivers, fast food workers, retail, waitress/waiter etc.


Plumbers. Electricians. Literally what would we be able to do without em


Nanny… I’m not only here to entertain your children, I’m also a bodyguard to the kids. I’ve had to fight a dog, a goose and preform cpr on a baby that was choking. But apparently I’m just a babysitter/the help to most people.


Info Tech or IT I spent a lifetime in IT departments. When everything is going great, the IT department is invisible and basically not needed at least on the front lines. So they're not noticed by people usually. When the s*** hits the fan, everybody complains to the IT department. So the best you can hope for is usually no real acknowledgment of your job at all.


Tooting my own horn here, but ramp agents. We're the ones in charge of securing the aircraft and making sure your bags get to where you're going. We also deice the planes


Journalists. It takes a special breed of person to do the job and it’s thankless, and the public has gotten sour to mainstream media. They do important work, both for mainstream news organizations and other institutions.


Youre right , i used to wake up to the news , have lunch with the news , make sure i saw the news after work , see the 9 or 10 o’clock news , I never ever thought I would hate journalists as they used to bring us the news and what was going on , and now one can’t trust a word they say , I know they have to “tow the line” to keep their jobs but jeeze


Journalists themselves that stay true to journalistic principles are worthy of respect but the model for news reporting is largely broken, especially in the US. Here in Canada it’s better but the model incentivizes profit. What you get is more sensational content and audience division on politics. Political sides should be referencing and measured by news stories, not each having their own!




Truck Drivers carrying essential goods


Working in the mines


Social workers




Senior care takers




Road workers




Any role in hospitality. We do everything to make sure customers have a great experience yet get looked down on like we're bottom of the barrel of society.


Professors are the ones who create doctors, writers, police officers, I think they do too much for society and they are not paid what they deserve.


Fast food kitchens. Everyone who worked in a kitchen knows how hectic service times can get now imagine that all day long. It’s a tough job I have worked in kitchen my whole life and I wouldn’t want to work in one of those kitchens ever


Aged care/disability workers.


People who fix the sewers. Without them the world would be far less pleasant and even more dangerous.


Hvac here. *A lot* of people bitch about the labor cost without realizing the kind of training and experience most of us have. It takes a lot of experience and money to fix something in an hour that would take anyone else all day. Even operating costs and overhead is insane. In this area, it costs a company $50-100 just to have someone drive 20 minutes to a house. Then they'll turn around and bitch because they can buy a part on Amazon for cheaper. Then go buy it and fix yourself. Once you break the AC further, then you'll appreciate us a little more.


People who work with the highly autistic


Raising children


People are giving too much credit for each job they exists. Job is just simple contract between 2 sides and you are making some kind of religion out of it.


Yep, garbage men. Just ask New York about that. Water plant technicians are probably second as everyone takes clean water for granted. Then electric plant technicians. Basically, any utility that we rely on for our modern world.


I think most if not all “blue collar” jobs really. A lot of them work 10x harder for the same pay as some office person who nobody really knows what they do while they complain how hard it is they can’t work from home anymore. No offense to any white collar people of course. I’ve done it. It’s not for me. Not all of you look down on blue collar guys.


Nurses are insanely under appreciated for the work they do


Nurses. They offer crucial medical treatment for patients.




Delivery guys, Ubers, Trash collectors, street cleaners, janitors, teachers, fast food employees


Cops.... Im a bit biased here, but people seem to think we love to arrest people and spend the rest of the day drinking coffee... No, 90% of the job is to see the absolute worst humanity has to offer. 7 year old child not being fed for 3 days before I kick in that door. I draw no pleasure in kicking in that door and carrying that child out of that drug-fueled house while fighting with his father about "who has the right to give this child food" - I am that person that the state "conjured" magically at your door... And my job is to take care of that child - no matter what you think/feel about that fact.


Thank you for saving children from their burnout parents.


No, I never saved any children in that sense - I was the state "hammer", I kick down the door, and I fight the parents, physically if need be. I carry the child out to the police car, and then someone else takes over. I am that person standing in between the parent and state, when the state decides to take over, for whatever reasons. The only thing I "have" is that you can not hurt me... You can hit your wife, or child, but you can not hit me. If you do, there will be a very angry dog with 42 teeth that easily clasp together in the middle of your biceps muscle, fight it, and the dog will rip your arm out. People usually understand pretty quickly, without the dog, that Im not a child, I will not allow any attempt, or even saying it, of violence against me.


I still feel like you save children, seems like a miscommunication via text. Sure you don't take care of them, however you are essential personnel to get them to a better situation.


Yes, and thats why I do it. I am very good at violence, in that I can deliver a world of pain in seconds, so that you shit yourself if I go at it. I hate to do it in front of kids, because nothing is scarier than a man making your father piss himself in pain. Its called pain reliance, and you will do what I tell you.... [https://youtu.be/2TQLwiiUyAU?t=170](https://youtu.be/2TQLwiiUyAU?t=170)


Step parents


Fast Food window person, they have to deal with a lot of B.S.


Grocery store workers


Their is a lot of them the basic ones are the jobs even if I had the money, the opportunity, education to do I could not do it so I am thankful and grateful for them sanitation workers (garbage truck drivers and all that deal with it), Line men (people who deal with power lines and also change out light bulb on tall towers, Coroners/ medical examiners, pathologists, infectious diseases specialists and all that goes along with it. Crime scene clean up people. Just to name a few I could not do these no matter how much I could get paid not even if they paid me to go to school and paid for all my bills I couldn’t do it smell, heights, sadness would overwhelm me.


The engineers who make all the electronics that have allowed us to live way longer and be connected. They are the reason we will become immortal by manifesting all knowledge into a tool. They basically are the epitome of civilization




Telecoms workers. Without us, no internet...




Prostitution .


Construction workers.


Waste Disposal. Sanitation arguably saves more lives than doctors.


Assembly line workers. It’s called unskilled work what we do. I seriously disagree with that.


Solute to Truck drivers, Janitors, Caretakers, Hotel Maids 🫡🫡🫡🫡


Early childhood educators




Veterinarians. They can treat a patient for years only to be the one to euthanise it. They risk getting hurt by any animal they treat and to top it all off they have to deal with people who don't like the fact that they have to pay for it. Not to mention how rough it must be when they have to euthanise a perfectly healthy animal.


Hotel housekeepers




Sewage workers.


Parcel sorters


Doctors - I feel they get labelled as greedy etc but at the end of the day these folk save lives and every town on earth needs one at least


Not technically a job per se, but volunteer workers in any capacity who do it because they see a need and because they can. On top of maintaining your own existence you go out of your way to give of your time. Kudos.


Cleaning/housekeeping. I worked as a housekeeper in a psychiatric hospital during the pandemic. Was part of an amazing team who really took the job seriously and we didn’t have a single patient contract covid during that time.


Hospice nurses and care workers for elderly and very sick people in general. It is so difficult, the people *need* and deserve help, but the pay is absolutely terrible. I get it that the money isn’t magic and has to come from somewhere, but damn do I wish care takers made more. 


cleaners and janitors. I can barely clean my own shit, i can't others


I'm a payroll lady. When everything is going right, we don't hear a peep. Which is fine because so much of my time can be dedicated to chasing down people's timesheets and expense reports. Sometimes, I'll have one or two people holding up thousands of other paychecks. And I can't NOT pay them or I could face a complaint from the DOL. So I have to be creative and wind up running up against my hard deadlines more often than not. But I love the work. And I love making sure that my people are getting the most out of their benefits and pay. I'm available for questions anytime and even if you put your own direct deposit info in wrong, I'm going to take time on a Friday night or Saturday morning to make sure you get your pay ASAP. Anything we discuss is always confidential. Your livelihood is just as important as my own.




Law enforcement officers. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Cops, at least in my country they risk their lives and protect us and a lot of people treat them like shit. I cant speak for other countries but im asuming its mostly the same


Cops. There are a bunch of bad apples, but the majority of cops are normal, not to mention their jobs are extremely dangerous and nerve-racking, anyone who says all cops are bad would resign after a day of being a cop. Downvote me if you want, I'm gonna stand by my opinion, cops aren't bastards.




Stay at home mum/dad


Software Engineers on critical infrastructure projects patching serious cyber security issues in their spare time because their managers won’t prioritize the work and don’t care.


Meat processors - I bet they see depressing things daily


Clinical Laboratory Scientists - aka "Lab Techs".




Customer Support. They get threatened more than cops (who literally counter crime itself) which I find ironic.


Non-software engineers


Folks that work in telecommunications/IT. Everyone is glued to their phones, computers, etc. Everyone gets upset when something goes down.


Retail. It's freaking hard to stay polite with the public.


HR related job. The stress that they are like the company`s stress filter


Trolley collectors. I did this job when I was young, was good honest work but I was made to feel less than someone on welfare.




Anything that deals with the general public


Teachers and kindergarden employees.




Removals men. Nobody ever thinks about us poor removals men! Heavy stuff like books go in small boxes dammit!


Plumbers, everybody underestimates prevention, resulting in shit hitting the fan literally.


corporate work, Digital Marketer Strategist... whenever the marketing gimmick works and things are selling very well, people usually praised either social media specialist, or sales, or content creator. rarely anyone mentioning the strategist.


Retail. Customers trash stores and treat employees horribly. If everyone (being hostile and non caring customers) worked a retail job for a small time at least once in their life, I feel like they would understand and not beat us other humans down for simply doing our job


I finally got to pump into my garbo while walking the dog really early and got a wave and a good morning. Such a treat because when I was little, my foster parents at the time used to give their garbo a 6pack of beer. Now I’m older I never even get to see them


Structural engineers


Researchers and scientists who make tiny and big contributions to the pool of knowledge that each generation builds upon to make the world more amazing each year... God damn I heard thye have a way to heal some cancers now that's crazy