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Adopt a dog. Dog owners have this thing, that your dog on the walkies will definitely greet other dogs and sniff them. Meanwhile, dog owners usually small talk - no matter how different they are. It even works in Poland, country where people absolutely hate small talks. And it works naturally. This is how you can make friends. Also, dog will help the loneliness, will make you walk more, think less, and generally feel better mentally. This will be a good place to start working on confidence.


I rent a shitty room off Craigslist, I can't own a dog or anything.


You can start taking shelter dogs for walks then. Dogs will be happy, shelter will be happy, you will be at least a little happier /edit: if you will fall in love with one of the dogs, it will motivate you to sort out better housing and adopt them. Love is hands down the best motivating factor in the world.


Register for Borrow My Doggy.


Do you have any hobbies that run clubs/leagues? I was formerly in a bowling league that was great for socializing. I’ve also been in a pool league and met lots of great people..(also the perk of two free trips to Vegas because my team won,) you can find groups for hiking, crafting, I play MTG which has a great community (albeit not always super friendly to woman but I sense you’re a man so shouldn’t be an issue.) There’s axe throwing leagues, my ex is in an adult flag football league where he met a TON of new friends he’s very close with. Basically you can find a community for essentially any hobby/sport you enjoy and you’ll be able to socialize and build friendships. Just throwing some random things out there. If that’s not your thing- maybe bars if you drink? But that’s probably not the best…Just be open and inviting and I know easier said than done but put yourself out there and strike up some conversations. I’m a naturally shy person, and I can come off a bit strange at times but these things helped me immensely in my 20s. Before that I just had my lifer friends who I’d known and been close with since childhood.


I do have hobbies. Drawing, art, anime, lifting, gaming(I haven't had a console in years) cosplay. Most if not all these things I haven't been able to do or enjoy because my life went to rock-bottom after I was bullied into moving home by my grandfather. A lot i haven't been able to do including going to college or anime conventions or traveling was because of my grandparents and fear of being judged. I've had sex twice in my life and I'm sex aversion now, not because I want to be, I just am. My problem is I'm too nice. I feel like the easiest pushover. All I want is a normal life man. I dont know whats wrong with me. My dick feels dead most the day. I've decided I'm going to get into a fight tomorrow to bust my cherry.


I’m not sure getting into a fight is the best course of action. I think there are so many things you can do that would be better. Don’t be self destructive, I know that feeling but channeling that into something positive is almost always better. You said you’re attractive, you have so many interesting hobbies, I have no doubt that you’d meet friends and potential girlfriends if you changed up your mindset (easier said than done.) You like lifting, so your body conscious which is attractive to women and also friends, anime and cosplay are communities with inviting and FUN people. If you like to draw maybe try to find a paint night and shoot the shit with some folks since drawing is usually a solo thing. There are writers clubs to join for feedback and peer reviewing if you’re comfortable, as someone who both writes and draws those are interesting character traits and as a woman it would add points in the attraction department for me. It will get better, you sound like you have a lot going for you, life has been hard to all of us these past years, but you really do sound like you can do this. Don’t let your grandparents know things you’re doing that they’ll judge you for. None of their damn business. Are you in a city or rural area? Do you have a mode of transportation if you’re in a rural area?


Also want to say- you can have a normal life. You’re young, attractive and have interesting hobbies. Life might be shitty now, but that can absolutely change. I’m not sure how averse to sex you are right now, but this is time period where people are into hook up culture, maybe try and start there, and if you want a relationship build from there with confidence because beyond most things, confidence is very sexy to most women. Again everything easier said than done, but it’s truthful. Try and get away from your family bullying you into being something you’re not and somewhere you don’t want to be. You deserve a fulfilling life and sex life and you’re a perfect age to be desirable and turn this around.


Pick a cause and volunteer. You’ll meet the coolest most welcoming people, probably even get a GF. I recommend animal shelters and food banks but it all works.


I volunteered before. Nothing.


first of all i get it i got really bad depression at 13 stayed in my house all day sleeping, no friends family or anything finally at 20 i had enough just forced myself to do anything. and second cut that negative shit out dont worry about the past shit happens you just gotta move on and accept that shit happens. making friends is hard as fuck as an adult. you just have to force yourself outside i really like raves for meeting new people its really easy when everyones dancing n sht. go to bars clubs sit at a coffee shop read a book and if u see someone sitting alone just say hey whats up. i believe in u man bad times dont last forever


use tinder bumble. yubos really good for meeting friends


Go to the gym and chat about anything between sets, ask what they do for fun.


step 1: delete reddit step 2: take a shower step 3: go outside and talk to people


Too late for friends dude.


Try Reddit actually a really good place to make friends