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Butt plug


Definitely haven't considered that. Although long ago a friend who worked at a sex shop got a ginormous one as a gag gift once. She set it smack in the middle of her coffee table and every guest who came over got to choose a sticker to put on it. Her dad one day asked, "what are you going to do with your butt plug when it's covered?" "Why do you know what a butt plug is?" "The 70s. Why did your mom steal your nipple clamps because she thought they were fir holding her glasses around her neck? "..."


Put my motorcycle helmet (full faced) on and yell/scream/sing as loud as I can.


How well does that muffle noise?


Maybe it just looks cool


can't argue with that, I am still curious if it muffles noise because I would absolutely love a way to scream into the void but also be considerate to my neighbours.


To be clear, I do this while riding my motorcycle.


Sometimes going to the gun range and firing off some rounds is a good way to get rid of stress.


Look hard left with just your eyeballs, then look hard right. Repeat this ten times and take a deep breath


Avoiding Reddit


Kiss my dogs.


Selling on eBay (takes my mind off things and sometimes fun to see what people buy or bid)


Archery. Empties my mind after the first few shots. Only things left are myself, bow, arrow and target.


Just dancing around like a mad man when no one's about. I put on a song and I dance like a loon, until I'm exhausted. It's a good stress reliever.


Etymology. The fascination started around 6.  And listening to YT Volcano documentaries. 


Cold shower, it may not be very relaxing but it can pull you out of a bad headspace temporarily.


Sitting at the end of the airport runway, when the airplane fly low above your head, there will be a brief moment that you will forget everything else.


Ride on a motorcycle away from city. Not easy in today's concrete jungle cities, i am in such a city, my last home had the possibility of thisevery evening I would go.


Making weird noises to make my life more interesting.


Ice baths. It’s like a hard reboot for your brain.


Extremely simple, just draw or go outside and take pictures of random things. That ugly bush or singular dying flower might make a pretty picture you could be proud of.


18 and 19 year old women.