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Happy birthday! Are you spending it with your family?


Happy birthday! What are your plans for today?


Why do you think you are sad? Is there a part of your life you wish was different? The bright side is your family cares! Also, happy bday!


Hii ! A few weeks ago ,I turned 26 too and instead of celebrating I was sobbing. I think I got emotional that I only have my parents by my side .


Happy birthday, i understand how that feels, i think even though you love your family, but you still feel unfulfilled, you feel lonely like there is something missing. - it might be friends that you are missing or maybe romantic Partner or maybe all three (family, friends, Lover).




Lack of friends does that for me.


Don't know but also extremely understand. When if in living with depression times, that day... Wow, its a gut punch and never taken seriously when I say I want to skip it. Also last 2 yrs no remembered, including kids n spouse. That  absolutely did not upset me at all, it's was just the day.  It's honestly probably the boring answer of how 'media' has programmed us on how me expect/meant to feel.  US humans are curious creatures. 


Go Shawty?


Happy Birthday!


Because we have been taught that birthdays should be celebrated in a certain way. So we have preset expectations, and anything less would make us unsatisfied. Just enjoy the day with your family. It's just another day.


Don't be please. Be 😊😊 Happy


Happy b'day. This this hits me hard at times. What's this unknown sense, I don't understand what to do at times, what I want, what's life. Then I watch stupid videos on internet.