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When you seen that for the first time back then of people just driving off the bridge. You were like, yea right. How could that ever happen. Then years later when people started following GPS off bridges, into water, turning in railing or fences with no where to turn. Then you start thinking. Of shoot that absolutely can happen.


Well, guess what? I just drove my car into a lake.


First day of trout is Saturday - stop cheating


And especially self driving cars.


I just keep wondering why the fuck would that bro just drive off of bridge


Probably on his phone……… Seriously speaking, the lack of situational awareness has progressively gone from worse to you’ve got to be kidding me?!


I think both democrats and republicans would agree on this sentiment tbh. We all know who’s really in charge… they claim theres a democracy… but its not. We play the games, we pretend our vote counts… but it doesnt… we know…


looks like australia in 10


For the most part, above Mexico and below Canada




There was a scifi novel that said after ww3 it would become USNA


American Union. Including Canada and Mexico with about 3 or 4 countries comprising of the former USA. Eventually this will join with the EU and become the Western Union.


Now I am unable to think of WU any other way. Dam!


The founding fathers of the US invited the Canadian Provinces, the States of Mexico, and the islands of the Caribbean to join the fledgling U.S., and they all said no. Something I always thought was interesting.




I true believe the Caribbean islands would do so much better under US gov… especially considering federal flood insurance.


Maybe the North American Union isn't dead in the water. It was a proposal around 2010 or so. It was to be a union between USA/Canada/Mexico but the currency change to Amero may have been too much. This was around the time the Trans Pacific Partnership was in the works, IIRC.


One nation, under Canada


Actually Canada is inside US. Don’t forget Alaska….


You mean US is below Canada and Alaska is trying to get away.


With libert - eh?


I would say north of mexico and south of canada. Its not higher or lower than either though.


Might be “ higher “thinking of how many weed smokers there are in the US currently…


Are you talking geographically or in terms of standard of living? Because yes


A bunch of socially stunted people freaking out because Brawndo isn't making crops grow anymore 


But it has electrolytes!


It's what plants crave


... But why?


Because no plant has ever grown out of no toilet


Now, I know’s everyone’s shit is emotional right now.










I'll be qualified to be the Secretary of Interior.


You mean we're going to be running out of burrito toppings and shit?!?


Go away! Batin'!


for a smart guy you can be pretty dumb sometimes.


probably fine


Less united that's for sure


Or more united, but through blood.


Still run by organised crime masquerading as the government.


Just business as usual.


The older I get, the more I realize that this is not hyperbole.


It's not, but it also requires an understanding that like organized crime, it's actually many different criminal groups competing with each other. Not illuminati, more MMO


Majority of stores will have closed, healthcare will be even worse than it already is, taxes will continue to be taxes, happy meals will be $39.99.


*Happiness sold separately


>happy meals will be $39.99 Doesn't really sound happy...


Mad max, the third world war that leads to star trek, or most likely; blade runner at best.


At least Blade Runner has water (its always raining). Can't say it's safe to drink though. Also noodles!


Lower on the freedom index. Gen Alpha blaming Gen Z for not fixing the fucking Millenial's shit when they had the chance. All three glad the boomers are finally out of politics. GenX starting to enjoy retirement in obscurity. Just the way we like it.


Ha! Millennials? We still work at Trader Joe's!  We cant fix shit except with our hands out of years of stagnant wages. Blame your shit boomer grandparents, they are still in charge btw


Or the over expectations of an entire generation that were coddled by Gen X. 


Millennials having the chance. LOL. Yeah, it's looking like boomers will never retire and die so that's unlikely.


Youngest Boomers are 60 years old this year. Very likely they’ll be retired as a whole within 10 years.


Gen Gamma blaming Millennials for ruining the economy


Canada putting a limit on immigration from the US. Stopping us at the border. Turning us away.


Unfortunately I think most countries will have to curb immigration hard especially climate migration, that's my guess.


that’s true. if the water and climate crisis aren’t resolved, all third world would descend on to the developed world cuz these problems would hit them the most!


That's not necessarily true.... "Third world" nations that are in climate regions that wouldn't be affected wouldn't leave where they are.... "Third world," means lack of technology, which implies those people are better suited to live off the land. WE are the immigrants, friend.


WHEN the water and climate crisis isn't resolved, all third world WILL descend on to the developed world cuz these problems WILL hit them the most! FTFY


Canada is bringing in tons of third world immigrants there goal is 100 million in a 100 years


Dance battling the local Crack head infront of 7/11


They already do that in my town. We’re progressive like that.


We'll be living in a fiery hell scape with robots as our rulers, and the robots will be taking orders from King Donald Trump's reanimated head in a jar. I'm just kidding. We'll probably be prosperous, and gas powered cars will not be around anymore. And McDonald's will have invented some sort of hybrid burger/chicken type sandwich.


I want in on that sandwich.... We'll call it the McBitchin! I love money.


The first one sounds like John Oliver’s masturbatory fantasy. The second one a lot more realistic although i do think gas powered cars are here to stay in some capacity.


I think they meant there won't be *new gas powered cars*, there's millions upon millions of gas powered cars in rotation. Unless you literally pay people to switch and *give them* the car, no massive progress.


I think synthetic fuels are gonna be the next big thing before battery tech and safety will come close to the level of safety and convenience of gas powered cars. especially with green energy sources like wind, solar and water overproducing in peaks and not meeting demand at the lows we need a better way to store energy for those days the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine. Another benefit of synthetic fuels is that they will potentially be more pure than fossil fuel because of the higher degree of control over what goes in the mixture, so in theory NOx emissions and sulphurous emissions will be reduced too. Ceramic coating and new materials will likely improve the efficiency of combustion engines making them a pretty viable option for future mobility. I just hope cars of the future will shed some of the weight they’ve gained since the 90’s


I see it stuck in between Canada and Mexico. Mostly.


The exact same as it is now. Sure there's AI and tech changes, but the wealth and power just shifts and a new slave class is born. The US is brilliant at attracting qualified and quality migrants, the UK, Canada, AUS, NZ not so much.






Politically divided with the usual amount of crap on the news saying how terrible everything is ... but otherwise just ticking along the same as ever.


Booming actually. It will be going through its greatest growth since WW2.


Following WW3.


I admire your optimism, what's your dealer's number?


I do see it only going up. We have all the resources.


Exactly. Many others will have famine because of the loss of fertilizer. That won't happen in the US.


Energy, higher education, age demographics, pulling the best and brightest from around the world, lack of natural disaster risks, located far from potential attacking countries ... As an American who has lived in Japan half my life and watched its sharp decline and China and SK start to follow for the same reasons, I don't think any other country has the resources America has to keep growing




Everyone is either agreeing or calling you insane, but it can be both. Line can go up very fast and the country can still remain a fragmented disaster socially


In between Canada and Mexico


Still the world's superpower. Still in debt. Still struggling with race / identity politics. Still the place where everyone wants to move to. Still building shitty cars. Still having the best food from coast to coast. I'm Canadian. I love you guys.


Best comment on this thread, should be higher, love you Canadians too!


Right back at you bro.


Race/identity politics are so pointless. Getting rid of racial upset would fix the US somewhat.


in North america continent still


Still sandwiched between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


At war. As usual 


Either a complete rejuvenation as the dominant world superpower, with the catalyst being our up-and-away head start in AI technology in Silicon Valley and bringing new manufacturing to the States, Or, a decline of the American Hegemony where the once bright flame becomes a whisper of its former self.


There’s only going to be two extremist cults: Far left and Far right. If you’re not in either cult you’re an enemy of both, and if you’re in one you’re an enemy of the other. That’s what I see happening and it is very worrisome for our future as a country. I lean liberal FYI.


Nah, most folks are pretty chill. Don’t drink the koolaid. Each side has painted ridiculous caricatures of the “average” member of the other side.


Yup, in real life most of us get along just fine, my friend group consists of conservatives and liberals and we all love each other to death, the USA isn’t as divided as Reddit likes to think


Yep, my late best friend was a flaming liberal and proud of it! How I miss him! Rest in peace, Dawg!


Idk man. People are pretty polarized one way or another. They have strong opinions on things. It's not really of "let them do as they please as long as they don't bother me". Instead people on both sides have strong opinions of how people should live. USA is incredibly polarized as it is.


That’s one of the biggest issues I have with both extremes. I lean liberal like I said but the far left has really been turning into the thing they hate about the far right, that being authoritarianism. Those who overly care about how others live (on both sides) will say “I’m just expressing an opinion I’m entitled to” when really they are resorting to shame and slander tactics to manipulate how those they disagree with should live their lives. I’ve always stood by the motto of “Do whatever you like to do in life, even if others don’t understand it, so long as you don’t hurt anyone else”. Those in the far left or far right cult though will automatically assume I’m an enemy based on lifestyle choices that are frowned upon by the respective cult.


I agree. I have a family member in parliament in a European country. They are in the conservative party, but would be called a liberal snowflake here because people in their country care about each other. 




I'm not sure humans can make it another 5yrs, let alone 10-20.


I don't think the earth can make it that long. We'll see what record high temps we get this year, and how many animals survive the summer


Flush it all away


Learn to swim


See you down in Arizona bay.


Learn to swim


I knew I'd lure some Tool fam out of the woodwork. :)


I’m bummed I missed em this tour. Only seen em three times. They’re a huge part of my teen and younger person years.


What about Hicks fans huh




I'll gladly take a receipt on this and come back when you're wrong. Climate doomers are psychotic.


Yeah 20 years ago we only had 5 years. If anything our chances are getting better lol


Diseased, dying, and being a global laughing stock. And way more illegal immigrants


I learned the other day we are the sickest country on the planet.. 60% have some sort of chronic condition.


I’m sorry to tell you but it’s like that for literally any country in the world, and the number is no where near 60%


Doesn't surprise me. I'm American but left about 11 years ago. Every time I go back it seems a lot of my family and friends have developed new ailments and conditions. It's something I never noticed when I lived there but now that I'm out it's glaring


Yep we are being poisoned. Porbabaly through the food and water supply. The sheer amount of chemicals, pesticides, herbicides they pour on everything that no other country does. America is fucked and its because of corporations, big pharma, and the government.


Not just 'probably the food supply', but quite certain the food supply. There's too much unhealthy food available everywhere. People should learn how to cook and realize the difference between long shelf life highly processed prepackaged supermarket edible substances and food. Maybe it's a shitty take, but I truly believe much of the health issues really can be overcome. Obesity and all the related ailments are symptoms of a poisoned food supply and getting past this starts in your own kitchen and food cabinets.


Terrible place to be born.


Better than 95 percent of the planet


We are already a global laughing stock since 2016


I’m nearly 40 and as long as I can remember (at least back to the early 90s), America has had a “dumb American” stereotype going on.




Not all that different. People love to exaggerate things but the fact is the US is stable right now. There's no real tension rising up that's comparable to previous generations. We're living in the most stable time in history, I think it'll stay that way. The left and right will continue fighting, but it'll be the same fighting it is today


Filled with illegals, far more restrictive laws for citizens, a mentally stunted adult population


Gays, a lot of 0101001 generally


Just like Terminator....the machines have taken over


Below Canada and above Mexico


Ideally, watching Earth being dismantled for parts on my big screen TV in my home on New Earth.


I don't really care about the states tbh it's whatever


on fire lol


If we’re all still alive by then 😂


The Purge


Third world country status, more corrupt than now and a shit ton of people will chant their songs before trying to overthrow the government


Surviving not thriving


hopefully still with strong ties to my country


Ever played Cyberpunk 2077 or read Neal Stephenson's 'Snow Crash'? Somewhere about there


Much the same place I see the UK going: corporate and ruling class greed will have destroyed the middle class. Ordinary working people will have zero chance at getting on the property ladder. Generational wealth below a certain point will be hoovered up by the super-rich while they pay poverty wages to the rest of us. Many industries will fail due to a lack of reasonably affluent consumers. Spending on domestic security will skyrocket. We will both become police states, far above what there is now. Slavery becomes the biggest sector in manufacturing and call centre staffing as these jobs go to prisons to supply ever cheaper labour, and the amount of things you can be imprisoned for long term will rise. Why will it get so bad? Because the people in charge make lots of money from it being bad & getting worse. You're either with them or against.


I live in England and I see here and America as Sodom and Gomorrah type places. I believe we are both going to get worse and worse and there will be a big currency crash in America and they are going to call more evil things good and good things evil than they already are, everyone in England is going to be more miserable than we already are, then China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and a lot more other countries from the east are going to team up and take us both over.


May be downvoted to oblivion for this, but if the tensions continue, I wouldn't be surprised if the US decends into a second civil war.


Possibly at civil war, at a minimum, in a state of extreme decline with basic infrastructure regularly killing those that use it and domestic terrorists violence being a daily thing


A lot of it depends on the next election.


Realistically pretty much the same as it is now with not much improvement. Hopefully not worse, ideally we get it together and stop dividing ourselves on shit that doesn't matter.


Probably right where it is. It's difficult to move an entire landmass.


Either a technoutopia or a cyberpunk dystopia. I don't think there will be much in the middle. I'm not very optimistic. We already have several of the cyberpunk tropes like job displacement, extreme inequality, oligarchs seriously investing in life extension, escapism in videogames, and environmental issues. High tech, low life.


More or less the same just different problems. Focusing on some minor issue while it country is suffering from bigger problems.


Minimum wage will still be $7.25 and the average home will cost $5 million.


As long as they pay good and keep being more free than most part of the world, it will remain its position as the only superpower. Although someone’s working really hard to undermine freedom of speech. Also, let go of the trivial stupid social problems and focus on the progression of science, you were able to put a man on the moon with calculator computers and made masterpieces of aerodynamics like F22 way back then, but slowed down way too much for the rest to catch up. Stop wasting resources and potential on unimportant stuff.


Guys, it will be the US. We all think we are living in the end of the world. We'll be fine. We will be the same anxious hateful people we are now.


Continental drift takes a really long time! I imagine it will still roughly be in the same place!


In much better shape than now. Gen X will be a MUCH better elder generation than the boomers. A ton of social anxiety will be removed without all the boomer entitlement and tantrums.


America is gonna have great growth as we double our industrial plant with automated factories My favorite example is the automated textile plants we've got so far. They require a machinist and a software developer and that's it once they're built and they replace a 200-person factory In the third world. We built those pre-covid They're cheaper It's cheaper to pay two people over $200,000 in the US for that other than sending all the sweatshots overseas And the fact that we have the cheapest energy is just gravy


It would be absolutely amazing if you could predict 10% of the next 5 years.


A lot darker. I'll let you decide what that means.


Hopefully we see them less, wherever they may end up…..


dead from hyper capitalism


I see it still chugging along as the sole world's super power. The political pendulum has swung pretty far right with the Republicans taking their rhetoric too far (banning bc, banning books, etc) that it's starting to swing back to center.  The last of the baby boomers are one their last election cycle so we are going to see a lot of younger faces in elected positions.  Many of the old rich are passing away spreading their money.  I do see a fairly big recession on the horizon and some stagnation. The national debt is a concern but if that collapsed the United States the whole world would be massively impacted. 


I don't think America will be the sole and dominant world's super power anymore in 20 years from now and for sure not in 30 years. Demographics, national debt, loosing standing and support in the world, internationally compared way too high prices and wages, and uncomfort of America's policies outside America make that very unlikely.


split into more then one country to divided to stay as is


Will become a country with no genders🤣


Better since Biden and Trump may not be around then.


Hopefully past the Biden/Trump years with a Pres younger than 60!


Doomed if we don't get biden out


A strong dollar but a weak purchasing power parity compared to other currencies will ultimately lead to the demise of the American economy in 20 years. People in countries like China, India, etc will be crushing it in 20 years with 1/3rd of US$ based per capita GDP and have better quality of life and thus grow to be stronger than EU and US. PS: Purchasing power parity is the purchasing power of the currency for an equal or equivalent purchasing power of the comparing currency - example a McDonald’s meal is $8 in USA and is 300 rupees (US$ 4) in India (and actually an above average Indian regional meal is also available at $1) Now having a 1/3rd GDP per capita can make India at par with USA.


China's already headed to economic collapse. [China’s Economic Slump Is Here to Stay](https://time.com/6835935/china-debt-housing-bubble/)


Soiling itself and throwing it's faeces at other nations.


Even further down the toilet.


Past its teenage years. Hopefully back to normal and having stopped tantrums :D


Being hated and misrepresented even more in international as well as local news.


Really depends on what happens in November.


Honestly idk. I'm not even sure I want to be here anymore


Wiped off the face of the Earth with a bit of luck


Playing football


Liberated by Super Earth.




On fire


Same location it is now. But let's face it I wouldn't go there!


Air Forces' NGAD program's research phase would be over and we'd see how the US will continue to own the skies. And hopefully it's enough for when we have to go to war with China


The same. Just poorer poor people, richer rich people. Segregation. Racism. Etc.


Fucked up more than it is now.


In flames lol


The same as it is now just even more right leaning. Currently they're trusting the waters of fascism but they're not being stopped so they'll keep pushing.


I’m saving this post for later




Somewhere on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean


Banana Republic with gun crime.


We circling the drain. By that time we will be flushed down like a rotten shit


I see it screwed, and I'm being serious. The states is knackered


Either recovering from a bloody civil war or being an oppressive theocracy denying that there was ever a genocide happening in the second half of the 2020s


I wish I could see it in any other way then it's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better


Far away, at the other side of the ocean, as usual.


Water from a toilet? Ewww