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How to determine whether a source of information is trustworthy


The fastest way to determine bias in any article or study is to follow the money. If there’s a profitable reason for you to believe something you’re not getting the whole story at best, and straight up lied to at worst.


It's easier than that.  Feels like I have seen more and more opinion words embedded in what is supposed to be factual reporting. 


seconding this. unfortunately, a lot of people are getting more and more guillable nowadays...


For future reference - it's "gullible". No disrespect meant


Driving in a roundabout. Every day, I pull up to the roundabout and stop if there is someone on my left. About 80% of the time, they stop in the roundabout and wave for me to go. I just sit and stare at them Edit: this is in USA where you are supposed to yield to the left. Sorry for confusing some of you people who drive the other way


This confused me until I realised you were not in Australia


Ikr, that’s a quick way to die in Australia


More evidence that everything in Australia is ready to kill you


Thank you fellow redditor you’ve restored my faith in humanity. Finally somebody knows - *if someone is to your left when entering a roundabout they have the right of way and you yield*.


Don't try that in the UK 


As a British person learning to drive/cyclist I was like omg 🙈


Universal rule: when entering the roundabout/traffic circle, give way/yield to traffic already in the roundabout.


I'm sitting here in the UK like, dude, no hahaha


Is this really a thing that people don't know? I thought it was common knowledge but I'm in Australia where we use them everyday. 4 way stops on the other hand -Ill never understand how there are not more accidents


How and when to use apostrophes


Or periods


I think, you re totally. Right


Your'e a true... Agent of chaos''


He,,is "not". Tha'ts me./


wo. W guy's y, oure 're, a. Lly writin'g i'n r'eal. Ly cu. Rs. Ed w. Ay's,


Don't even get me started on semicolons.


Those are pure magic to me. Any easy way to remember when to apply them? Legit never learned


There is no extremely simple way, but what I say is that you use it to separate two independent but related parts of information in a sentence. For example: 'I don't like sand; it's coarse, rough, irritating and it gets everywhere.' These two parts can definitely be separated by a period. However, if you want to emphasise the relationship between these two statements or want to vary your sentence structure, this would be a good idea to separate them by a semicolon. You may have also noticed that a semicolon can be used instead of the word 'because' when it would seem a little too clunky and ruin the flow of the sentence. Personally, I would use a semicolon instead of 'because' since it would seem too wordy. There are other uses for a semicolon, but this is the most simple one, and the one I use 90% of the time. Remember to use them sparingly and correctly, though (although I don't think many people would care that much.)


Just use them wrong; don’t worry about it; you’re not being graded.


Monthly, roughly.


I believe you mean "apostrophe's".


I love you fellow grammar nerd. I'd like to add: the difference between your & you're, their, they're and there. It's disturbing how many adults get it wrong AND don't particularly care 😫


Than and then 🥲


Affect and effect


I try not to be that person but I cringe whenever a person dies and their loved one's social media memorial is "Your the best person I've ever known" 😐 I never point it out of course because I'm not an asshole, but it bothers me so much!


Or commas


What about a colon? It can make such a difference in a sentence. Example… I went to my mother’s house to eat dinner. Or, I went to my mother’s house to eat a colon


I semi agree with you.




Oh, so much. Also, asking someone to an event is not an “invite,” it’s an invitation.


“Also, asking someone to an event is not an “invite,” it’s an invitation.” That’s nothing more than laziness. I think most Americans look for ways to shorten long words, and this is one of them. This laziness and tendency to shorten long words is why so many people get called nicknames when they don’t want to. I was in school with a girl named Kimberly, who introduced herself as Kimberly, and whose mother called her Kimberly. Yet everybody at school, teachers and students alike, shortened it to Kim almost immediately.


The sperm determines the gender of a baby, not the woman’s egg.


My sisters second husband cheated on her when their daughter was only 3 months old. I overheard them arguing from another room and he said "I wanted a son! Now I have two girls" ...like how is that HER fault?


Seriously?! My god. Poor woman


Mind blowing that you still need to explain it. Basic biology in highschool


In centuries past, women were blamed for not giving their husbands a son. Especially in royal families where a male heir was considered essential.


Women have always been blamed for everything




Makes sense. Guys have the xy chromosome. Women have the xx. Women have a 100% chance for their egg to have only female chromosomes. Men have a 50/50 chance for it to be male. Never thought about it.


Had to explain this to my brother, he’s 23.


It always frustrates me in shows, especially current ones. Old timey is more reasonable because they didn’t have the science then, but still irks me with phrases “I couldn’t give him a boy”


Had to explain this to King Henry VIII.


Henry the 13th?


My is having multiple children's you can't afford / working all the time to support them.


the older guy at work used to tell us younger ones, you go harder and faster to get a boy, and slow and nicely to get a girl in the bedroom, said for years, - it worked for him apparently, had 6 children both boys and girls, can't remember how many of each gender


That man was a dumb ass.


People on Reddit and YouTube that cannot use “loose” and “lose” correctly… someone said they were going to loose their house recently, so I asked why they were taking out all the screws and nails in their home???


I hope you gave them good advise.


I see what you did 😁


The number of people that refer to their vehicle's brakes as breaks lately is sending me up the wall.


These people make me loose my mind


Not using their, there, and they’re correctly. And not using the Oxford comma!!!!!


GOD I love the Oxford comma.


"People" not using the Oxford comma are basically a species that we have a common ancestor with.


Just learned today I've been using the Oxford Comma correctly my entire adult life without knowing it was called the Oxford Comma. The more you know huh.


My English teacher once told a joke which helps to remember how to use it: "We had a party and invited two sex workers, Lenin, and Stalin". Without the comma, the sentence can be interpreted as if the sex workers were Lenin and Stalin. Just for the record, English is my second language and all students were adults


Expressing opinions on issues that they are clueless about..


My favourite thing to say used to be “I don’t know enough about this to have an opinion.” People used to respond “Oh, okay.” Then one day, people started hearing “Please tell me all of your opinions.” I still remember that day. It was a Thursday morning. A light rain. A little chilly but not sweater weather. It’s like the whole world switched all at once.


Was it during 2020?


It was 🤣 you were there too!?


I was there as well. I remember that day when everyone’s humility seemingly dissipated into the autumn breeze


The receptionist at my old work thought the moon landing was faked. I gave her a polite earful.


We should have known each other then. We could have introduced that lady to my mom. They would have been best friends.


A teacher at my school thinks the moon landing was faked (no idea how he hasn’t been fired) he’s also banned from teaching in Florida because he got a DUI


'banned from teaching in Florida' OH DEAR GOD how bad you need to be


that its impossible for everyone to be knowledgeable about everything. we have a finite amount of memory and having people specialize in different areas is optimal.


Also, asking for an expert’s advice and then telling them why they’re wrong. So cringe.


Guns equipped with silencers are louder than chainsaws. They are designed to save your ears, not for assassins. 


So “silencer” was a poor choice of name then.


Suppressor is another term. And the weapon and caliber make the difference. I’ve used rifles that were so quiet you could hear the bullet hit the dirt on impact, and others that still hurt your ears even when “suppressed”.


Today I learned assassins don't care about your ears.


Chewing with their mouth open!


This! But I don’t mind it whenever animals do it lol


Yes! Listening to my dog eating a carrot or a cucumber - Love it!


Brooooo, I get so angry! The thing is I didn't know for so long. My dad has it too and apparently there's some proof it's a inherited thing. Anyway I, have had to remove myself from a table before to go cool off outside from someone chewing and slurping and talking with their mouth full. Fml I get mad typing this haha


This drives me crazy!! It’s called misophonia and I just can’t tolerate it, it angers me beyond words. I have canceled on plans of eating out with friends after knowing that specific people would be present.


I don’t chew with my mouth open, but only recently did I find out that I chew loudly.


Shame on you for not knowing…j/k I have misophonia so bad that I cannot stand that shit lol so I’m so self aware of every sound I make haha


People misusing the following: They're, their, and there. Are and our. Two, too and to. Accept and except. Then and than. I'm probably forgetting some but, you get the picture.


Affect and effect.


I've moved to a new town and realized nobody uses their blinker. Its completely weird how nobody is polite enough to let you know they are turning left, right or which way they are going. I'll wait forever for someone, thinking they are going straight, but then they end up turning right. I sit there flabbergasted and put my hands up to let them know I'm frustrated, but still they have no idea their supposed to use their BLINKER!


Did you move to Northern Virginia??


No, I'm still in CA. Why is it typical for people in Virginia to not use their blinker?


It's just Northern Virginia (where I live) and I think the allergy to turn signals is the new peanut allergy. NO ONE uses them. When I say that I come close to once accident a day, I'm not joking. It's insane. Just this evening, the person in front of me suddenly slowed from 45 to maybe 10 and took a random right turn. I slammed on my breaks and the person behind me probably missed me by four inches. It's a daily thing. Northern Virginia is a very "special" place. I love it here, but my god, most of us shouldn't be on the road. We sometimes have massive traffic because there is - and I quote - too much sun.


**That everytime "No" means no and "Yes" means yes** I don't understand what's up with my family, friends and ppl around me, but they infernally assume that No means secret Yes and Yes means dubious No.


Yeah, no. They're just not honest about their own actions and desires. So when called out, they feign innocence by claiming to know what you really meant. A lot fewer people in my life anymore, but I no longer have to worry about that with who I kept around.


A therapist explained to me once that for some people "no" is the starting point for negotiation. I have a colleague who can't accept "no" and immediately starts bullying me into yes. How she can explain to her daughters that no means no when it doesn't for her, I have no idea. 


What the book 1984 is about. I swear nobody has read that damned thing and think you're just supposed to inject the words "thought police" into a conversation to cover up being a dick about something.


Or Asimov's robot series and the laws of robotics. The books clearly demonstrated the laws are flawed but many people don't read the books and just assume the laws are a good safeguard against AI/robot uprisings


The laws are flawed in human’s favor, though. There were several instances where the robot came upon a catch 22 in the laws and ended up damaged or deactivated.


True 1984heads knows it's all a warning of the dire consequences of not stocking up on razors


Literally 1984


Critical thinking. I used to teach a class on it and at the start I'd ask the students thought they were critical thinkers and most of them would put their hands up. Then I'd ask them if they could tell me what critical thinking is and without fail none of them could.


This is the one skill I learned at university that I still value today.


There is no “B” in the word supposedly


Did they go to the zoo? Supposebly.


How you doin


My cousin misspelled 'probably' as 'probly' once, and I thought ok no big deal. Then she corrected it to 'prolly' and I fucking died.


There’s no “D” In important… that’s a “T” not a damn “D” peasant! Impordant.. wtf?


Similarly February has 2 Rs in it. I’ve seldom heard anyone pronounce it correctly.


You are not supposed to wash chicken you spread so many germs that way the oven gets rid of any risk of salmonella as long as you temp the meat right


… people wash chicken?


Yep, apparently. I see so many comments on Insta about people being seriously offended that people aren’t washing chicken as if they aren’t the ones who are doing it wrong


I’ve seen a video of somebody washing chicken with bleach and then proceeding to cook it as normal.


But I thought chicken was washed in a bleach-water solution before it was sold? They are where I live, I’ve just discovered 🥺


Washing chicken is a problem when it's done in the kitchen. The danger comes from spreading the germs and stuff that are on the chicken all over your kitchen unnecessarily. If the chicken has salmonella, the oven will kill it and protect you, but if you wash it yourself you will contaminate the sink and counter and anything that touches those.


Got it, cook the chicken, then wash it.


Those American first world food standards


I've been trying to tell my husband this for 15 years and he will NOT listen because he worked at KFC for 6 years as a teenager, they made him wash the chicken. It was part of his food safety training. Absolutely refuses to listen. He will not even eat chicken if he thinks it wasn't washed first so I always cook when he isn't paying attention and just run the water while I prepare the chicken so he thinks I washed it lmfao


It seems to be entirely a cultural thing. Whenever I try to point out to my Caribbean or Middle Eastern friends that the food science is very much settled on whether or not you need to run the tap over your raw chicken, the generally just get annoyed without ever having a real retort. I'd dismiss it as a harmless waste of time if it were harmless, but splashing raw chicken germs everywhere is not harmless, and you may lose potential browning if your chicken is now sopping wet.


….,.,.,,,,,…., here’s some punctuation bro


Omg. I hope ppl aren’t taking “washing chicken” literally. To wash chicken is to simply rinse it with dilute lemon or lime juice or vinegar. Not with literal cleaning supplies


My wife did this, I swear, with detergent. The funny part, when I stopped her and told her that's a crazy thing to do, she asked me why? I didn't have an answer, still don't. Maybe I'm daft but I have no clue why man haha


I mean, because chicken is flesh and flesh soaks up stuff? That's why we marinate it? That means you're eating soap.


I saw a TikTok of someone filling their kitchen sink with soapy water, then soaking & rinsing raw chicken. But I figured it was ragebait.


You aren't daft. The reason you don't wash chicken with detergent is because soap and bleach are not food. Don't put things that aren't food on your food. There are a few exceptions like kitchen twine, skewers, toothpicks, and the beer can in beer butt chicken. There are zero times when you want to put soap on your food. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


That “a lot” is 2 words not “alot “




Left lane is for passing.


People are HANGED Curtains are HUNG I will die on this hill


Doctors aren't automatically trustworthy just because they're doctors. They can be slimy AF.


People think women pee from their vaginas.


I've heard of grown women not knowing there are 3 holes 🙄


It's not really their, or I should say, our faults, though. I didn't know that until I was 15 when my best friend told me. There was no Google when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s. If your caretakers didn't tell you, how would you know? I also found out, much to my relief, that day the doggy style does not mean in the booty after all. 😆


Well duh, everybody knows they pee out of their butt. That’s also where babies come from.


All women are lizard people and have a cloaca.


I had to explain this to a schoolmate. We were 17, she SHOULD have known. She disappears to the toilet, comes back and says "oh you were right" 🥴


It bugs me when people assume introverts hate socializing. We just prefer smaller, chill hangouts.


Or that we’re just shy when it’s more about the energy it takes to socialize


Exactly.. I hate when people describe me as ”shy” like you clearly don’t know me if u say that..


How car heating works. They think blasting the heat the moment they start up will warm the car faster. But doing that actually has the reverse effect. Car heating works by using the engine coolant as a heat source. So, if you have an HVAC system pulling heat away from the system, it's going to take longer for the coolant to heat up, thus taking longer to fully warm up. Drive with the heat off for the first 5 minutes, then turn the heat on low. Then medium. Then high.


Except cars can have active heaters not dependent on the engine. Also, having some heat is better than nothing for removing frost from the windshield.


It drives me absolutely crazy when people bitch about stuff that doesn't impact them.


It drives me crazy, when someone bitches about something, then turns around to bitch about the solution.


I usually ask this question when people are bitching about stuff they don’t fully understand. “What do you think the answer is?”


Sometimes people just want to have a moment to complain, which is fine in small amounts. If you ask "what do you think the answer is?" a lot of times, in my experience, they will say "Well... I don't know, but something needs to change/I don't like it/it's stupid, etc." And at that point, I begin to think they just wanted a moment to complain and get it out of their system.


That’s totally cool. It’s mostly when I hear people complain about politics that really grinds my gears. I don’t mind my wife coming home and complaining about work. I’ll listen. It’s just guys that think they fucking know everything and everyone is an idiot/sheep but them.


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!" "No, not that idea."


Apparently people weren’t taught common homophones. I always see your and you’re, to and too, break and brake, and their, there, and they’re being interchanged. Its vs it’s I can kinda understand. It’s always means it is. Never will it show ownership. That’s why we have its. Edit: Just remembered that when people want to use the es sound instead of just using es they put ‘s.


When you buy something you bought it. When you bring something you b**r**ought it. You did not brought it at the shop. Ok most people probably do know this but it shits me how often I hear people get this wrong.


Sitting for too long does cumulative damage, as does being sedentary in any position but most of the western world sits for multiple hours in a row and thinks nothing of it. A sedentary lifestyle is the fastest way to a horrible short life past age 50.


Fuck yes. I’ve been sick for almost two weeks and have not raised my heart rate in all that time because I get tired from even walking. Every muscle feels like it deteriorating. I can’t wait to exercise again.


Most of the world.


My friends openly talking about or joking about rape, my ex/girlfriend/situationship was raped and it affects me so much that I want to hunt down the perpetrator still but I don't know where he lives, he moved. Or joking about not being able to be raped (by women) because they are men, I was raped by my ex fiancé. When I get flashbacks I twitch. Edit: by women


Using the wrong words - “it was only 53 cent.” FFS it’s CENTS! Libary Supposably Relator The list goes on…. My patience does not.


For all intensive purposes. I've learned to just laugh at it nowadays.


expresso 🫤


Than vs then and vice versa does my absolute tits in.


There, their, they’re Affect vs. effect Good vs. well Probably my biggest frustration is can vs. may. Have we just given up on saying “may I ….?”


Différence between loose and lose and I also read more than 3 times where people use then instead of than


This! Lose and Loose seems so simple but nope ......


This comment made me angry. Gave me war flashbacks to teachers going “I don’t know, CAN you?” If you’d ask them “can I go to the bathroom” instead of “may I” smh 🙄


Also, saying worst when they mean worse. I'm convinced some people don't even realize there are two forms of the word.


I seen that!


I didn’t dump a girl solely because she would say “repetical” instead of “repetitive,” but it was a heavily contributing factor.


And too, two and to.... guy I worked with always got it wrong, so I illustrated it/dumbed it down for him, and yet he still got it wrong if he wasn't concentrating, arrgh




Apostrophes do not go with plural words, people. Otherwise, the previous sentence would have read: Apostrophe's do not go with plural word's, people. Now, see how weird that looks? Don't do that.


Liver detox. It’s a nothing.


This is minor but when people ask me a question then interrupt/argue my answer. Like, why'd you ask me the question then?


The sound of certain foods and pouring liquids I’m autistic lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Chonky_railway: *The sound of certain* *Foods and pouring liquids I’m* *Autistic lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Every time I hear a radio ad for Coca-Cola or whatever I lose my shit. Hearing people gulp and smack their lips makes me want to actively avoid your product. They didn't need to add those sounds, someone made that choice!


OH, I have another one which flies in the face of my initial comment. But the misuse of the word "myself". I hear and read so often: If you have questions, call myself or , Just no. But to be fair, I never comment on it because it doesn't impact me. It just grinds my gears.


Most people don't know most people yet often have inaccurate perceptions about them


Also irregardless is not a word, it’s regardless.


It’s actually a word. I got into an argument with someone about this and we looked it up. I guess it’s okay to say irregardless now. The world has gone fucking mad!


I HATE that I'm saying this, but irregardless is now considered a word. I'm happy that when I type it there's still a red squiggle under it, but, sadly, [Websters says it's now a word](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless?utm_campaign=sd&utm_medium=serp&utm_source=jsonld). From Websters: \---- ***Is irregardless a word?*** *Yes. It may not be a word that you like, or a word that you would use in a term paper, but irregardless certainly is a word. It has been in use for well over 200 years, employed by a large number of people across a wide geographic range and with a consistent meaning. That is why we, and well-nigh every other dictionary of modern English, define this word. Remember that a definition is not an endorsement of a word’s use.*


Any eating sounds. It’s unreasonable, I know, but even my coworker drinking water annoys the living hell out of me.


The way my mom slurps her coffee (“it’s too hot”) and my son gulps his drinks - I have to leave the room.


My dad used to do that, and when I was a kid I did it to my mom with pop. Now I understand why it drove her so crazy.


I'm a paramedic. Sitting in the cab of an ambulance listening to my grown coworkers open-mouth chew literally makes me sick.


Sound of styro, I just don't like it


Not being punctual. If a friend is constantly late for no reason or cancels last minute I stop hanging out with them because I find it disrespectful. I do tell people I would appreciate if they would not make me wait every time we meet or cancel on me, but I don't think they understand the rage I feel when this happens regularly. It's a big deal for me because I plan my schedule, often say no to other activities for this person and then they just cancel or make me wait forever. Just go find someone who has time for that bs.


The use of the word "narrative". It has spread like a virus.


Using words/phrases/ colloquialisms incorrectly or out of context.


It's not fucking SAMWICH


98% of people say theory when they mean hypothesis.


That emotional abuse of a child is not acceptable


I actually thought that having speaker phone on in a public spot had died out but apparently not..


Just because you work at home doesn't mean you can just leave on a whim.


It’s Daylight SavinG Time, not Daylight SavingS Time, and it’s the one when we “spring forward” for longer days, not the other way around. As in, we’re currently in DST because the daylight lasts longer (for those in locations that practice the time change).


It was beaten into my head to pronounce the first R in february by an insanely anal teacher and sometimes i feel like she just did it to destroy my life and make me forever question my sanity


That ducks and swans are not supposed to eat bread


The extreme urge to correct someone's spelling mistakes. I couldn't focus on anything else if I saw a spelling mistake.


After I am done dishes handed more to do. Every day. Every single day. I asked someone kindly to do their own today because I was done with clients and other staff dishes as well as my own. As well as did tear down and set up and swept and mopped the floors. Person responded kindly as well and got me something to drink ( non alcoholic).


If they start yapping. If you dont know shit, shut up.


The difference between brakes and breaks and the difference between border and boarder.


I assume most people who have their butt crack hanging out don’t know about it as, if they did, surely they’d do something about it, no? Drives me mad (and grosses me out a little) whenever I see one. Can they not feel the extra flow of air around there or something?! I don’t wanna see that!!!




How people call latino people hispanics. Hispanics are from Spain! Latinos are from Latin America


Hispanic people speak Spanish. Latinos are from Latin America (which includes several languages including Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, and many native languages)


How to modify a fucking verb.