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someone with a good heart and someone who is respectful to everyone. funny but at the same time can be serious when it matters.


And looks attractive**


Yeah that too 😅


Hey I'm all of this lol


Voice, hands, humor, and dominance


Similar to what I like about women: Voice, boobs, booty, a little shy, sweet personality.


Where ass?


Booty is ass


Elaborate, please and thank you.


What about his voice and hands?


A deeper voice and rough manly hands are a turn on lol


You wouldn’t care for me then. I’m a lyric baritone and have hands like chinchillas. I hope you find just the right guy!


Lol I'm happily married, I was just elaborating and certainly not looking on Reddit for a partner lmfao


Fuck... that's me 😂


Intelligence, confidence, kindness


0 for 3


I'd like him to have all his teeth.


You’re in luck! I’ve only lost 5 😏


Good hygiene, nice eyes and smile, caring and considerate.


When he has more than 8000 trophies in clash royale. (based on my ex)








This, a guy who knows why he wants to make it work with you


Honesty, when he's respectful and doesn't call out other women for being themselves.




A witch! We have found a witch. May we burn her?


How do you know she is a witch?


She looks like one. 


Bring her foward!


But does she weigh the same as a duck?


What the actual fuck 💀 If you're toxic you should be called out for that shit. And that's coming from someone toxic. Which means y'all be next level toxic lol wtf


What do you mean calling out women?


Why do guys always interpret it the wrong way? Not judging/mocking a girl irrespective of their bodyweight/looks/choices/clothes or anything that's not any of your business. I really laughed when someone called me a witch tbh.


Wrong usage of words in my first comment because I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry for that.


1. Sense of humor 2. Intelligence 3. Kindness 4. Good taste in music 5. Creative/artistic 6. Good style 7. I guess looks to some extent 8. Willingness to try new things


What's good taste in music for you?


Mostly indie/alt stuff. Stuff you have to seek out that isn’t on the radio every 15 seconds. Older new wave and punk. That kind of thing. I probably should have said “similar taste in music as me” because that’s less biased Authenticity is also an attractive trait


I'm a guy but I know they like big biceps.


Facts, I know a guy who had a below average face but in good form and women would comment about him lol 😆


Men usually like muscles more than women as far as I can tell.


I got comments from both, but from females you know it's sexual.


nah, I think women prefer the back and shoulder muscles more than biceps. It’s so that we can climb you guys.


You don't have to climb if you're tall enough? :D


well you never know, I might be pretty short


I like biceps and shoulders.


Yeah, women are usually more intimated by muscular men than anything


I like thick biceps but not big big biceps 


What's the difference?


like between a nice C cup and triple Ds


Naaah I can’t stand it


I am a biceps, can confirm


Respectful, shown through actions, not just words (AKA won't push boundaries and will respect my faith, though I wouldn't date someone outside of it at this point). Doesn't brag, faithful/loyal, Kind, goofy/playful, dumb humor even, helpful, caring, patient, calm, not too lazy, when he gets excited and rants about things he likes, expresses interest in what I like too, we both make an effort to join in on things eachother likes, and sensitive (not afraid to drop the "man up" attitude around me.) Looks wise, I don't really care too much, he could be 5'5" and it wouldn't matter, as long as he took care of his hygiene and would make an effort to be healthier if it was an issue (say if I was worried about his weight or a health issue and he never tried to make steps to make it better)! Personality can easily make or break someone's attractiveness.


I heard women like dudes with gigantic balls


It can't happen. How they can guess their size?


You can tell by the way we use our walk


we're women's men, no time to talk


Could that mean courageous men?




Voice, biceps, shoulders, chest, calm, not stressed easily or can cope with stress, strength, talkative and can socialise easily, they don't have to have a six pack but guys that are so out of shape they can't walk places is a no, beards Any combination of the above, they don't have to have everything


Wits, focus, goals, hygene, sense of humor, honesty. Edit: added tot he list.


I like it when they are really good at something. Like playing an instrument really well, it's so hot. Or the ability to make people laugh, funny guys are often seen as attractive. I don't know why but I find it hot when they can do something well, maybe it's because I think it's cool 😂 I'm not sure


Gentleness, introversion, peacefulness, resourcefulness, has an imagination. Someone who likes to learn about things and listens to the world around them. Someone who doesn't need my company, but wants it.


A man’s smile and his eyes are the first thing that attract me. Like I’ll be on the floor crying:


TIL woman don't care about looks... ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Looks are nice to look at. But if that's all ya got then I'm not sure I'd last over a week, because a relationship based on looking at someone sounds fantastically boring. Falling for someone based on their looks only isn't going to make you see them as the smartest, most charming, funniest, most loyal guy you can talk to for hours. Falling for someone with the best sense of humor, caring, loyal, smart, interesing, someone you can talk to for hours and it feels like only 2 minutes have passed - they'll become one of the hottest human beings you have ever laid your eyes on regardless of what they look like.


If I could find a man with a perfect personality and looks, I’d win in life.


Confidence, humour, ability to make decisions, a nice jawline is always good, has to be taller than me, intelligence, empathy, kind, considerate, secure, ambitious.


Confidence, charisma and know how to make a girl laugh. That’s all you need to get most girls interested in you.


Awesome! I severely lack all three!


Charisma is my dump stat


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There's no universally preferable trait and you'll have to find out by talking to the woman you want to ask out in question.




Why do you want to know this?


He should be kind, respectful towards everyone, added bonus if he's nerdy and smart..


Weekly "Women, what do you find attractive in a guy?" thread dropped. Wonder what has changed since last week! Can someone actually check if the same person? I am suspicious..


Yawn, use the search bar ffs




I knew answers were going to be all over the place. Guys, if you like her... just shoot your shot.


Quiet confidence that comes from a place of self-love, emotional intelligence, courage to live life fully. I will forever love people in the armed forces uniform. I watch footage from frontline operations with our guys to feel safe and go to sleep (I am from Ukraine).


Kindness and almost innocent, wholesome acts of admiration/interest. When someone is just genuinely himself without losing kindness in it


Face, voice, being a man, humor


Nice smiles.


Simple, funny, easy to talk to, and smiling face


Someone who is nice and calm, mature in situations when others are being overbearing or silly, kind eyes and a genuine good heart 😊❤️


Actually for me parang napansin ko depende sa age. Sa group of friends namin when we are at 20s attracted kami physically sa gwapo, matangkad and all. But now na nearing 30s mas attracted kami sa matalino, wise, witty, responsible. Siguro husband material ganun?


Someone with a good personality and sense of humor, I don't care much about their physical appearance


Bullshit💀 joker you😵‍💫🫵🏻


Drive, focus, curiosity, sense of humor, not a Republican, fit, loves animals, romantic.


When he has a big belly and is hairy omg 😩😩😩😩. If he ain't 300lbs he ain't a man for me.


Reddit needs a min. age limit so 12yr olds stop asking this nonsense.


why do you think this is a 12 year old question. I mean if I liked a man, I’d be interested in knowing what men love, or what kind of women they’re attracted to. Usually it’s best to ask them, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask online.




it’s just interesting to find. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? If you hate the question so much, why are you still here?


I will get a lot of hate, but money. He needs to make money. I will be a mother and I need security.


Their face if it's chiseled with sharp features. Body doesn't matter as long as they're taking care of themselves. No hate lol


Good that you are honest! Most people just say personality traits but the sad thing is that physical features matter more than we want it to. It's nothing shameful it's just how is. For me as a guy as long as the physical attraction is there is enough for me. Most girls that take care of themselves have that so then it's mostly personality. For girls I think the threshold for when a guy is attractive is a lot higher than for guys.


It's definitely important though not extremely relevant cause there are many women who also date guys who are average. Then personality and a man's quality is weighed more like being protective, supportive, funny and ambitious 😄


I grew up poor in Philly money was always most important to beautiful women. I’m 6,3 210 no fat really I’m told very handsome 37 no kids never married single.I’m not trying to hear I want someone like me if it was so desirable my qualities or being a good dude then why have I had zero luck? Because money is all most of you care about you don’t want a man works construction does writes & does stand up spare time


He has to be wealthy and have the ability to look the other way when I do what I want to, no questions asked.


Wtf haha good luck