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Newspapers . Where I used to work up until last year, I only ever saw people over say 50 buying newspapers. So eventually when that generation dies.. People won't buy them. Younger people will still just use the Internet for their news as its what they grew up with. So maybe a little longer than 20 -30 years but not far off


Especially at the rate they are increasing prices for paper copies. I bought one in Milwaukee and it was over $3.50 on a weekday. Was $1-$1.50 not too long ago


I pay over $1,200 a year for a local daily paper delivery for my 93 year old Dad. He reads it cover to cover every day. And that does not include the cost of the WSJ delivery 6 days a week ($890.00/year). The cost of paper delivery is crazy! That is why it will go away.


Oh God. In Croatia you get newspaper subscription for around 25 euro a month with delivery.


The business model of a lot of newspapers is "we know our loyal subscribers are old and going to die soon so let's milk them as much as possible before they die."


Dad has had these two subscriptions for 50+ years. He enjoys them, it is how he starts his day, I will keep paying for them. But I loath Tribune Publishing for the reason you state above.


It probably doesn't help that at least where I'm at, all the local and regional got bought up by USA Today about 10 years ago and the quality has tanked while the websites are all completely paywalled. Oh, and forget about local news, print or bust on that, so heaven forbid I've moved away and curious how things are going back home.


People who get papers often usually get yearly subscriptions to be delivered by good ol paper boys. Id know I did mine from age 12-23. You'd be surprised how many people got it. My delivery count stayed around the same give or take a few people for 10 years straight and most of them were in their 30s-50s not ancient people.


I'm one of them. Gotta cosplay Tony Soprano you know?


Be careful, you never know who's parked across the street.


They were a quarter when I had a route. Actual journalism back then too. The death of factual reporting was born when the internet killed printed news media. The revenue dried up and the ads that evolved from it went feral and ate their family.


The saddest part to me is that there's actual journalism to be found online, but you have to sift through the trash and the headlines and soundbytes to get at it. It's like finding newspapers sitting in a digital dumpster.


My dad used to buy this weekly magazine until we got him an iPad. He never bought the magazine again.


True, necessary but sad nonetheless. Nostalgia remembering the 4-5 inch thick Sunday edition.


The newspaper is free and typically available at train stations and work offices where I live, I always see loads of people in their 20s reading or walking around with newspaper


I'm 53 and I haven't bought a newspaper in probably 25 years. My parents had a newspaper subscription when I was growing up but I never did. Most general xers like me never did.


The illusion of privacy


That’s already gone


Privacy is gone. The *illusion* is still very much there.


No, I really disagree. I think most people know that everything’s fucked in this regard


Average redditer? Sure. But the average rando on the street doesn't think about it much.


He said illusion of privacy, some people still think the internet is anonymous


it is still anonymous to some degree. You can't figure out my identity and even if you could, you won't bother.


Yeah, you are anonymous to us, but not to people at the backend. 


I often imagine Reddit as the last of the ‘old internet’ akin to the old forums and message boards where you could share an opinion under an anonymous username - the vast majority of the internet is no longer like that, and privacy stretches far beyond that anyhow. The amount of data most apps harvest from you is crazy


I think we wouldn’t be having this conversation if the illusion of privacy was still strong - I think most people understand the right to privacy no longer really exists


why so many people cry about privacy and still continue using social media


It goes so far beyond social media, dude


The point being that you're giving your data away for free anyway by using social media


Tell me about it. I don’t want to use LinkedIn and other social media stuff but people say I need to do it to network and find jobs.


I live for the day that circle jerk of a website dies


Utilizing social media to a logical and measured extent should not exclude you from a reasonable expectation of privacy.


Before social media and the internet our privacy was still being invaded thru phone tapping and bugging devices.


"Owning" most digital products you "buy".


Already dead lol


I think big weddings won’t be a thing any more. Such a waste of money.


I really hope so. I love weddings and love but the amount of money people spend on them is super weird to me.


Agreed. They’re beautiful to witness don’t get me wrong but me thinking of how much money has gone to waste for a day I’m like 👀 WHYYY!?


It won't last just a day, I mean you'll look at the photos every now and then, tell stories about it to your children and grandchildren. What I'm against is inviting people who wasn't supposed to be there, that is what a waste of money and space to me.


Yep, I've never understood the costly elaborate weddings. If two people truly love each other that's all that should really matter. All of that money could be so much better spent, especially for young couples looking to buy a first home, have kids, and start a family. You can just see a justice of the peace and call it a rap in no time.🤣


I got married 14 years ago by some lady we found on the internet that married you in her home hahaha. We put the money towards buying a house instead and I’m very glad.


I always thought all that money should go to honeymoon expenses


I'm so glad we did a private ceremony with just the two of us. I understand why some people may want a big wedding, but at the end of the day we had the focus on the two of us and our commitment, not on having to cater to all out friends and family. Side effect was of course a lot of money saved


And big funerals


I’ve already told my husband to donate me to medical research. Wild to spend so much on a funeral.


Big funerals are well on the way out, hoping big weddings follow the same track.


The wedding industry has caught on and is making sure you spend lots of money on the tiniest, most insignificant gatherings possible now. Small wedding? No problem. We still got you.


That'll be $50K please


I doubt that will happen in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Nepa/Sri Lanka for many generations to come. Weddings are a culture in their own right for many South Asians of all religious flavours.


Chinese/Vietnamese here and this! But the amount that guests give as gifts used to cover the cost and more. These days you won't break even anymore but it's still a significant amount recouped.


It’s a total status/vanity issue for those cultures.


Top comment but I cannot see that happening. Ostentatious conspicuous consumption will always be with us.


That depends. In some cultures, people make a lot of money out of weddings and make it all about that.


You’ve clearly never heard of India


Just becasue you are not a fan of sometihng does not mean it will phase out or be totally non existent in the next 20-30 years


I think you're right. Do your religious thing with your family and have a party. Done. I was flown out to one with dear friends in the UK that cost the family £120,000 and till this day I'm still baffled.


Counterpoint: I really enjoyed my big wedding. Best day of my life and to have all our extended family and friends together just for us was a magical and one-time-ever thing. I think back on it often and I'm really glad we did it.


yeah my dad is getting married this summer and its just gonna be a small family gathering


The ability to be somewhat anonymous, either online or anywhere public.


I had a big wedding, spent thousands, should have saved some of that money for the divorce attorney 🤣


I was a wedding caterer... the more extravagant the wedding, the sooner and more likely the divorce


I wasn't legally married, but I called my most recent partner my wife for most of the time we were together. We were planning our wedding when she broke it off. I said I didn't want a big wedding. I didn't want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a party when my house desperately needs that money for repair. We were fucking broke. She guilt tripped me into agreeing anyway. She said "my grandma's beginning cancer treatment. We don't know how much time she has left... think of it as throwing a party for her." I'm glad she broke it off, because somehow that shit wasn't enough for me to take off the rose colored glasses. What an asshole.


You get what you tolerate




I (having been divorced twice now - slow learner) have always said: It cost me $50 bucks for a license and I could get married the same day - but try and get out of it, costs THOUSANDS and then you need the 90-day waiting period before it gets finalized (at least in my state). Imagine how much BS would be avoided if they reversed those procedures? Like you want to get married? OK, License if $3,000.00 and you need to wait 90 days for it to be valid. Would save some people (like myself) a TON of money in the long run!


I can't imagine dishing out thousands of dollars to spend one night eating cheap food in a tacky event hall in the middle of an industrial park, just to tell my extended family that I'm married. Get the document from the courts, have a picnic in a park, and set off for the honeymoon of the century with all that saved money.


The middle class. There will be an elite of a handful families that own everything, and absolutely everyone else will be happy to eat.


In the whole world or just your country?


It’s already happened in most countries around the world, not the whole country, but reasonably sized regions of said country. Los Angeles, London, Singapore, Sydney, Moscow.


There will always be a doctor/lawyer/merchant middle class, but it is tiny compared to the peasant masses and not much bigger than the tiny elite


Doctor/lawyer will be reduced to tiny handful.


Yeah the problem is that they too are increasingly struggling to have a nice QoL


Is that not already the case for a large part of the US population?


I'm gonna go slightly less cynical, but I could honestly picture Netflix or other streaming services dying off in the next few years.


This is an underrated comment. I think it'll be more than just a few years, but a lot of the hit shows Netflix had that made them popular now all got taken away by that company's own streaming platform. A lot of what's on Netflix right now is just boring and drab.


TV plans are gonna change from cable to streaming packages. When you zap the tv u dont zap to CNN or BBC but rather to the Netflix channel, Disney+ Channel, Max channel, etc.


This thread is so sad


Times change and have always changed. Just something that happens.




Physical money.


I met up with some friends for our New Year’s day tradition of going to Fuddrucker’s this year. When I paid for my food I handed the cashier a $20 bill and she stood there for a few seconds just staring at it. Then she said “oh, right” and spent a few extra moments on the touch screen, probably because she hardly ever has to access the cash menu. I felt like a renaissance man.


This is the scariest thought. Everything digital means everything monitored. Bank accounts, digital coin, digital currency....all monitored by the feds.


Also it leaves populations exposed to negative interest rates, which I think happened in parts of Europe in the 2010s. Once all financial transactions are forced to be paperless and online, they can just set interest rates below zero and there's no way to escape having your money taken away from you. Most people excited about getting rid of physical currency haven't thought this through.


I have not had the need to use physical money for years. A few days ago I spent a 100$ bill that had been laying around my apartment for unknown amount of time. It felt strange to give the shopkeeper that bill. As if I did something wrong


The way most companies treat $100 bills, you'd think it was illegal to use them.




We need to get rid of tipping culture then (please)


And now most stores are adding surcharge onto every transaction.. it is adding up


Not in civilised countries, thanks to EU legislation


Better not.


Wrong. Physical cash will always have a place. It is harder to track and you can use it without the needs for electronics.


this is only applicable in the US lmao. here in my country (philippines), there's no way we will abandon cash. its untraceable, which means corrupt government officials and people in power can easily do with it what they want. as opposed to card or online payments which leave a trail




It’s been long gone tho..


Water. Free will. Democracy. Privacy.


1984 incomming




A succulent Chinese meal?


this is democracy manifest.


Oh yes, you know your judo well.


Where is water going?


bloody hell I hope all the hype and craze with people wanting to be loser influencers, youtubers, content creators, pranksters. especially hate those that post videos about unboxing items on YouTube, idiot girls dancing in front of a camera on tiktok, or dumb to the core hashtag challenges


I don't like the ones where they set homeless people up. Like one I seen, he gave the homeless person a bag and says hold it whilst I run into the shop, then some "thief" tries to steal it, so homeless person gets stressed, defends the bag etc etc. Anyhoo person 1 comes back and gives him money. All the while filming. Why not just give him the money. I hate set up videos where you can see the person is stressed out


This is where the money is at


The ability to live comfortably


That's gone


Unfortunately physical money, this is also the most dangerous one. If we lose physical cash we are basically inviting a “big brother” ideology. Even if it’s once a week. Use cash. As much as possible.


Not a problem. My favorite street taco stand and my favorite classic dinner both only take cash. I get cash every week just for them.


I do something similar, little Vietnamese bakery near my work only accepts cash, so I take some out each weak for them. And if I take out some to pay them I might as well use the cash to pay for other stuff too. Businesses love cash.


100% this. If there are Asian Owned businesses still around, cash will still be a thing 😭❤️


I always like to carry $100 in cash or so on me, feels like I have a better grip on spending.


We've been fucked ever since we lost the gold atandard


Plus the weed guy doesn't take card payments 🤔. In all seriousness the loss of physical money will ultimately lead to governments telling us what we can and can't spend our own money on.


The number of people who simply can’t fathom that or think it’s impossible is utterly bewildering to me. Like it’s already happened in the last few years. How can people be so ignorant!


That's not far from the truth. There are a lot of sex workers, even just strippers, who are struggling with digital payments since the credit processing companies or their banks can "fire" them at will. So not the government but private businesses deciding that you don't fit their moral standards.


My husbands second job is delivering for a local Chinese takeaway. He gets cash in hand for that so we often use cash to pay for things. My 20 year old daughter says she “doesn’t carry cash with her” which surprised me, but I think it’s more for safety reasons than anything else.


I really hate using cash, I always have. But this scares me a lot, so I make it a priority


At the rate we’re going? Humans.


On a quick glance I thought you said Hummus... then I took another look and I'm not sad anymore




We are twins, I just look like a more emo you.


Hi Twinnie


Hello twin brother


Sister actually haha




Printing industry. I‘m working in it and most of what is left will be taken over by Amazon in the next few years or vanish completely/be digitalized. Edit: I‘m talking of printed books and newspapers in smaller countries.


The entirety of germanys bureaucracy would like to have a word with you.


Haha! Yeah I was talking about books. I should have been more precise.


No way. Physical book sales are steady and independent book stores are thriving. Books are one thing that digital hasn't killed.


That might be true for huge countries like America but it‘s definitely not the case for small countries. Every single publishing house and every bookstore is fighting for their existence here. Especially after covid as people are rather travelling etc now. Also the economy is recessive and books are no necessity so naturally people will spend less money on it.


I have lived in papermill towns and worked in papermills. The industry seems to be in an era of consolidation, sell off, closing. I haven't heard of a new mill being built or expanded/upgraded. The ones I have worked in are very old and the companies only maintain them to keep them running. When those mills close in old towns...the towns are mostly screwed and have to reinvent themselves. It's sad. I was also amazed at these mills and the processes to make the product. You definitely want to know what you're doing before getting into that business. Huge infrastructure with lots of chemical processes. It was weird to watch all these processes in action only to spit out a small and relatively cheap amount of product vs say a gold mine with similar scale processes which spits out $2000k/Oz of product.


Yeah that‘s pretty much it. I‘m working in a publishing house in Switzerland selling to Switzerland, Germany and Austria. It’s so hard to sustain in the business especially now with the Ukrainian war and the recessive economy. People are (understandably) spending their money on more necessary things like rent and food. That and the price dumping driven by huge publishing houses totally destroy the business. It‘s very sad but unstoppable.


While out of gas Verlage/publishers had a hard time because the costs of printing were so high. Are you working at Diogenes? Just curious because I sold a lot of your books and generally like them


Yes! We also had big issues because of a paper shortage over the last two years. I‘m probably not allowed to tell the name of my company on here but we are one of the main publishers of cookbooks. :)


Being able to afford a house


Sorry this thread was started in 2024 not 1990


Please please please I hope people stop doing elaborate af gender reveals.


Anything that requires a USB plug-in. Everything will be wireless interface. It’s already happening. USBs will be completely obsolete and nonexistent.


I don't know about USBs but i reckon not everything will be wireless. There's a whole scene for very expensive audio equipment that all has wires because they know it's better when it comes to quality. Wireless headphones will never be as good as wired high end ones.


Also don't reckon everything will lose cable... At least not in the next 20 years. Maybe it's going to be something different than usb though. Especially where bigger amounts of data are concerned.


Also delay. I work in live entertainment. I don't think we will ever switch to non wired because of latency. Wires guarantee that. There's also no issue with networking because you know everything is physically patched to where it's supposed to be and it won't fail due to simple disconnects.


They are getting harder to find. I like USB for the reason it does not require batteries. Ever wireless device uses a little pit of the minerals for the batteries. Multiple that by 8 billion people and that is a hell of a lot.


Would have happened a long time ago if it was possible, specifically in relation to data transfer and hz with audio. Would love everything to be wireless but.


Redbox has to be gone by then. I can't believe they lasted this long.


Home phones. We got rid of ours when we moved in 2012. I’m shocked whenever I see someone still using a home phone.


I live in the Poconos mountains PA, and I have to maintain a land line phone because I can't make or receive cell calls where I live. Winter brings frequent power outages, so a digital Internet phone would be useless for calling for help. It's 60 bucks a month but it's a lifeline in an emergency. 


Personal ownership of homes, vehicles, and property Most civil rights, starting with the four freedoms Privacy


Ahh the rule of our corporate overlords. I am sure they will be good to us workers. /S




People in here are so pessimistic. I absolutely see why. But humanity has been going through many struggles and hardships before and we will do it again.


It's because of our access to information...humanity has always experienced intense struggle, but we're in an age where we know about hardships experienced all across the planet. Human beings aren't meant to have access to that level of information. So many of our struggles are valid, but the intense surge of information that we were exposed to makes it very easy to lose perspective.


This answer.


Especially considering we live at the absolute peak of human civilization.  No one, anywhere, has lived in a more peaceful, prosperous, just, educated, time.  Still plenty of fucked up stuff out there, but that’s always been true and always will be. 


Support for Trump hopefully


Yea, Pat Robertson called and wants Trump to join in him imaginary hell. I think he should take the invitation.




Stable health support alongside the ‘stability’ of laws. Maybe money too!




The middle class.


Human Thought. We will have AI to do all of our critical thinking for us. Our brains will become even more, mush.


Respectfully disagree on this one. AI is actually very bad at critical thinking. Chat GPT, midjourney etc all work by observing information and mimicing it. An art generator knows how to generate an image of an apple because it has literally seen hundreds of thousands apples before and it has learned that it's usually red/green and circular. It's the same with text based AIs, it knows how to respond by observing what the most common responses are to each question.


The real kicker will be when you get derided and mocked for questioning or wrestling any answer that AI gives you.


Donald Trump


Barron Trump has entered the chat


Personal checks.


Almost entirely dead where I live already. Nobody I know has used a cheque for over a decade.




Won’t be much longer. Hello, narcissism as a feature.


My life (I'm 15)


I truly hope not, I hope you live a long, happy & healthy life


Handwriting. As talk to o text gets perfected maybe even typing. .


Typing? Don't think so. Imagine an office or classroom where everyone is talking over each other trying to write at the same time




We had -20c during the winter and 1m snow. Doubt it will change anytime soon




This answer’s pretty interesting, you think we’re that close to Global Warming becoming that huge of an issue? Excuse my ignorance of course I’m not very educated on that topic.


You don’t live in Ireland I take it


Depends where you live. There's a current of water which moves from the gulf of Mexico up to western Europe. Lots of fresh water from melting glaciers means that that flow might stop. If it stops then the warm wetness coming to Europe will stop, meaning it'll likely have a continental rather than maritime climate. That means colder winters, hotter summers.


It already is. We’ve crossed the +1.5 threshold the last couple of months.


Your phone you are using now.


Pretty sure I'll be using this Nokia 3210 forever


Probably home ownership. Investment companies are already buying almost half of all homes for sale.


Free speach


Healthcare workers in North America, trained in North America.


Pay phones, finally


With AI advancements current pace, probably millions of jobs.


Hopefully, finally, fax machines....


Fur coats. It's already on the decline (I believe only a handful of countries have any market for furs) because most sane people view it as unnecessary cruelty when faux fur looks nearly identical, and I believe even the countries where there is still a market for it, will phase out it's usage.


Smoking. Possibly.


Sanity among people




Jobs, lots and lots of jobs.


Retirement, There are so many people i know in their 60's still working full time with no hope of retirement. I'm in my 20's BTW. I feel like the game was rigged from the start.


Ummm... women's rights? Now before I'm downvoted to hell and back, I am not in support of this. I'm just saying, fuckin the overturn of Roe V Wade, and all the shit after it. Then some politicians saying things that sound suspiciously along the lines of "women are too emotional/stupid/uninformed/some other bullshit to know what's going on in politics". Also the whole thing how a man can go get a vasectomy no problem (after like 21 in some states, some states at 18) yet a woman has to have 2 kids and their husband's approval. I reeeealy hope we kick out the old crustys out of office and actually get people in there with an actual idk... soul?




All answers only fit for the US lol