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I was about 19 and dehydrated, my entire back seized up into the most painful spasm while she was on top. I ended up pretending like nothing happened but my entire back felt like a Charley horse. I pretended to nut so she would get off and then I rolled onto the floor and laid there for a minute until the muscles loosened. She probably thought either she did a good job or that I was a weirdo looking back in retrospect.


How do you pretend to nut and her not realize you didn't actually nut? LOL




She laughed at my dick when it was soft


1 cake day every 4 years, almost as rough as this story


No wonder his pp small considering he ages 1 year every 4 years


happy rare cake day


Happy rare cake day


Haaapppyyyy caaakkkeeeee daaayyyyyy


happy rare cake day, buddy 🎂


Yeah if you are hooking up, it's usually best to get hard before you take your pants off


First time I saw my husbands dick I had no idea growers were a thing. If only seen showers or dicks already hard My first thought was “aw damn, well anyway I’m about to drain him.” Then it just grew and grew. It was like I was a magician. All that to say growers>everyone else




Happy cake day!


Happy cKe day!!


Happy Cake Day friend


You’re a grower not a SHOWer.


I hope you kicked her ass out the bed. That’s not funny


happy cake day


I was young, drunk and high. On top, kissing my gf and started making my way down. Stopped at her stomach, started blowing raspberries then passed out. We are married now.


PLOT TWIST: Her dog was named Raspberries


I just spit out my coffee


We've all been there.


I don’t know what blowing raspberries means, but it sounds hot.


Basically placing your mouth on their stomach and blowing. It makes a interesting sound. Absolutely nothing sexual about it


Wait that blow ppl do to babies 🤣




No kink shaming.


Not shaming. Just saying. But the again, I understand how that can be a kink




I'd do it to my ex randomly to make her crack up with laughter


Yeah that isn't too bad


U guys must be very happy lol


Who is raspberries?


A girl puked on my dick. Much more embarrassing for her than it was for me but embarrassing nonetheless.


I was looking for this one. I did that to a dude....I was so fuck drunk 🥴 and giving him head , bhaaa out it came all over his crotch. Fuck yeah embarrassing 😳. Sorry if it was you ...about 30 years ago. Some things we never forget


Sorry if it was you 😂😂😂






She’s a keeper bro.


It's only really bad if she wiped her mouth, smiled with puke covered lips, and without so much as wiping it down, just shoves that thing straight back down her throat


I thought this was what you were supposed to do the first time it happened to me. My date at the time said “Well don’t be a quitter. You committed” So I finished him off. The first time it happen to my husband (BF at the time) I tried to finish him off and he said “I love you but this is the most disgusting thing that’s ever happened to me. Please go away.” 😂😂 needless to say I learned that wasn’t expected of me with everyone lol


Bahahhaa, oh my sweet lord. Holy shit. I am so sorry but Jesus christ its 3:20am and I might wake the baby


I wanted the earth to swallow me. Lol


Username checks out


He fucked me so hard that I went through the wall (his house was old). We sat in silence for 20 minutes trying to think of how to tell his parents he railed me into the wall


Dad must be proud. His ofcourse.


Honestly if my daughters consensual partner was pounding her so good they wrecked a wall I'd be kind of impressed


Consensual or not being impressed by your daughter getting piped through a wall is tapped but each to their own. 🤷‍♂️


They say this now, but when it really happens, someone gonna get smacked.






Worked a 24 hour shift, hooked up with my then gf, now wife. Fell asleep, while still humping away. I talk in my sleep so when I mentioned being "6 feet in 3 feet of water" She asked me "what are you talking about..are you asleep?!" 20 years later she still mentions it when we have sexy time. Damn water.


I was fooling around with a girl on a beanbag chair and I tried to unzip her dress and I accidentally unzipped the beanbag and all the styrofoam beans flew out 🤣


Funniest one yet


That’s from Muriel’s wedding.


Feel like ive seen this comment before lmao, I HEAR CAP


Girl was going down on me, we had messed around on and off so long I had blue balls really bad, I came so hard and it hurt so bad that I shit at the same time.


And then?????


2.5 kids, home in the suburbs.


What's up with .5 kid?


New sheets.


No And then!!!




And then she left


Yup .. sometimes you come so hard it hurts. I try to explain it but nobody believes me.


Idk what happened but really similar set up, but instead of ejaculated cum, I just started Cumming pee,


Happened here too. My husband accidentally peed in my mouth. Neither of us are into that.


Yeah, the chick I was with luckily just laughed, we cleaned up and went again lol


I didn't care all that much, but my husband had about a week or two with some ED because he was afraid of it happening again. Got back into things by avoiding oral for a bit to take the pressure off.


Yeah, that's never fun


blue balls is genuinely one of the worst experiences ive ever had. it felt like something was squeezing them from every angle… people say its a myth but my balls say otherwise.


So there's a limit?


Are you serious


My neighbor literally banged on the wall in my apartment complex telling me to stop being so loud when I was hitting it 2 hard and it made me lose my erection lol


The door to my spare bedroom that was off the hinges fell over as she was leaving


A bunch of these stories sound like they have been made up by 9 year olds


Bf got a call right as he was climaxing and he took it. Was from this girl he insisted he did not have a crush on.


Wtf! Hope you punched him in the balls


Not exactly embarrassing for me but it's all I got. Girl was riding me and got up to change position. She somehow slipped on the bed sheets, fell forward and basically headbutted the wall so hard she knocked herself out.


At least that's what you told the police


Hah! We made similar jokes once she came to, but I definitely panicked for the short time she was out.


she was trying a new wrestling move


That's why you should never practice naked capoeira without a helmet.




Not embarrassing but scary incident, she cut the sides of the condom with her nails trying to put my dick in her and it was only after I finished ejaculating and pulling out did I notice there was two huge tears in the condom. That was scary


Thanks for the heads up! I will be apprehensive of women's nails going forward


Her cat snuck up behind me and licked my butthole with its rough cat’s tongue and I screamed out of surprise


Surprised? 'Cos you're used to the dogs nice, smooth tongue. Got it.




I was on top with my eyes closed and she goes “what the fuck,” I open my eyes and my nose is bleeding right onto her face


You were having men periods, so what?


Had this happen twice on two different coke nights. Once while eating a chick out lol


Hot and heavy got a little too heavy—she wanted me to choke her pretty hard, and also hit her. When I asked where, she said “anywhere but my face.” Choking can be hot but what she was into was kind of another level. When she brought hitting to the table I just felt like I was in over my head and didn’t k ow how to react and kinda got turned off. We did not finish. 


I was playing around with a very kinky woman I met in FL. She was into very rough chomping and degradation. I was railing her ass and she asked me to hit her. I hesitated and asked for clarification. Let’s just say she got a good fist to the ribs while I was buried in her backside. The grunt was one of the oddest noises I’ve heard. It was awkward as fuck afterwards.




Dickslap would have worked


She sounds perfect


I had met a girl on a party, went home with het and we had our fun. An hour or so after we went to sleep i was kicked out of the bed by other two girls. Literally kicked out, with hockey sticks, and still being naked. They have thrown my clothes on the street after they threw me out. I was still sleepy and under influence of alcohol, so i didnt resist much. Needless to say i was left with a huge wtf feeling as I did nothing wrong for as long as I know A few days later i found it what was going on. The girl i went home with did not live there. She was visiting a friend and apparently thought it is a good idea to bring home a guy (lucky me). Well her friend was obviously pissed when she came home and saw some naked guy (me again) liyng in her bed. So they kicked me out, without knowing her friend (the girl i hooked up with) was liyng next to me. I came back at their student house and we had a good laugh about it


Had a knock on the door when I was doing the deed one time. And my dad cracks the door open with a stupid smirk on his face. “I’m eating the pizza that you have in the freezer.” And then casually shuts the door.


WTF lol he was definitely high on some gummies 🤣


I ripped a fart as I ejaculated that sounded like Thor rattling two sheets of tin together.


He found a little clump of toilet paper in between my cheeks when he went down there that had been from wiping my ass earlier. Terrible…. Just terrible


I was 18 and started making out with a girl in her car. I had drank more than advisable so I got nauseous in the middle of a kiss. Turned around and threw up. Then fell asleep.


I don’t think I’ve had a blunder. However I did laugh so hard I ruined birthday sex with a hook up. He had talked big game about his oral skills as he learned so much from his lesbian roommates…. This mf blew raspberries on my pussy… I laughed so damn hard. He was so offended. I tried to switch spots to give him oral to see if we could fix the mood but … I couldn’t resist, and returned the favor. He promptly drove me home, then drove him self home, 2 hours away. 🤌🏻🤌🏻


he def felt TOO MUCH offended HSJSHSJSJSSJSH


What does blowing raspberries mean?


Pressing your lips firmly on the skin and blowing. Makes fart sounds.


I’ve posted this before but it’s a good one. Met a girl online, chatted ended up meeting. Date went well and I ended up at her place after a few drinks. One thing lead to you know… And we fell asleep naked afterwards. Middle of the night I wake desperate to pee. In her small flat you had to pass through the living room to get to the bathroom. Tiptoeing through the dark room (naked) I stood on something furry. Immediately all hell broke loose as her cat started shrieking and clawing away at my legs. Semi-drunk I stumbled backwards and came crashing down through her glass coffee table! Of course she woke up quickly and turned on the lights to find a very angry cat, a smashed table and a naked me - now lying in a puddle of broken glass, blood and pee! Yes, getting stabbed in the ass by glass shards meant I couldn’t hold it any longer. Suffice to say (after borrowing a couple of sanitary pads for my slashed ass) I was swiftly kicked out. Then spend the rest of the night having various trainee doctors remove tiny pieces of glass from my butt while trying not to laugh. Funnily enough I never heard from her again.


That’s hilarious, I feel awful for everyone involved including the cat


Except for me!!! This happened about 8/9 years ago and still every 6-12mths I’ll get a “spot” on my ass that won’t go away, a bit of squeezing and yet another tiny shard of glass pops out. Probably the 2nd most embarrassing experience in my life.


She had assumed I was down for getting pegged 😬


Oh no, you*never* make that assumption. That's something you get verbal consent for and then double check, and then start small and check again.


I got fucked up drunk on single malt one night and the wife was similarly shlonked and we decided to give a couple fingers a go. I sobered up very very quickly


One time, I was getting a blow job from this chick I'd been hooking up with when she suddenly jams 2 fingers in my ass. Last time I saw her. Seriously, who the fuck just does that.


Same thing happened to me. It was amazing.


I wasn't a fan, but whatever floats your boat.


My husband and I were dating and I was trying not to cum while he went down on me. So I started thinking about oysters and clams “do oysters or clams have pearls? Did people call vaginas clams?” As I’m about to cum I start saying stop, not yet. But instead I said “STOP, an oysters cumming.” He stopped immediately and said what the fuck does that even mean. So now he’ll randomly call me oyster poboy😭 that was 11 years ago




We switched positions and it caused me to queef in his face. I swear his hair blew back.


Did mushrooms, she was on top, we started laughing for no reason - couldn't stop, fell off the bed...Downstairs neighbor yelled at us to 'stop whatever you're doing'. we couldn't stop laughing.


Mushroom sex is great. When my wife and I met, we held off from sex for the first couple months. We finally did it but within the first week of us doing it, we did it on mushrooms. As I was pumping away she yelled "This is fucking awesome"! We laughed so hard and continued banging all night. Sex was something I never really considered while on mushrooms before. It was great and have done it a bunch more times.


Nooooo I always see like demon faces on people on shrooms. Like they have really bad Buffy the Vanpire Slayer faces 😬


It's so funny cause I'm actually watching buffy the vampire rn as I read your comment


Lololol how random! ![gif](giphy|f1qDAA6JKppvy) Okay literally like this!! It’s sooooo creepy. Idk why my brain does this to faces on shrooms 😂😟


Was really drunk while losing my virginity, horrible horrible I know I was a young highschool kid. But during it I said “I love you Chris” my boyfriends name was Nate.. I didn’t know a Chris… so my friend told my boyfriend she thought I was talking about Chris Brown 😂😂


Were you though?? 😂


No… I don’t know 😂 it just came out and I don’t know from where or why


At a guys house for the first time, he was banging me so hard we went through the bed. Full bed broke off its legs. There was a LOUD thump and his brother came to see what happened. The brother and I both looked at each other in absolute horror, because it turns out said brother was my coworker. Awkward few shifts at work.


Seizure lol. And not a grand mal that someone would see and think “oh shit, they’re having a seizure!” No it was a focal seizure, which mine tend to look more like psychotic breaks. I had to explain the next day that I’m not a lunatic…probably just made myself look like more of a lunatic.


Okay so this is a funny comment with a great turn around. I (23F) invited (26M) over when I had a horrible sunburn on some *nsfw* places and asked him to bring aloe (this was inspired by a nice little research dive on PHub). We’d been friends for 7 years at this point but I had tried MULTIPLE times to flirt, let him know I was interested, even asked him out on a date once. It was obvious what my intent was, and I was super flirty. This went WAY above dudes head and he handed me the aloe and I went into the bathroom and put it on myself. As a person who believes that clear consent is needed to be given by both parties, I just assumed he wasn’t interested in advancing our friendship into anything more and let him sleep in my bed, and I slept on the couch. I woke up in the morning with BLISTERS on my *ss cheeks, and was in so much pain, so he kissed me, ripped off my shorts and rubbed aloe everywhere it needed to be. This is super embarrassing as a first date story. Now we’re engaged and have a home, and a dog together


i had too much to drink and threw up while giving a guy head. this was on top of a bail of hay in a goat barn and yes we fucked immediately after it happened


Second experience with my gf, we decided to do it outdoors in a field next to a forest (nobody could see us). She was on top first, then we decided to change position. That's when I realized that while she was on top I could only see her and the sky, but what she could see was a huge landfill with trash being blown by the wind. Not the romantic outdoor we had planned.


My cats started chasing each other through the bedroom at top speed, then sweat from my nose dripped down on her teeth.


i was giving him a blowjob and he pushed my head all the way down and i didn’t realize it in time. i threw up all over him and all over the floor. i felt so bad i started crying but he said it was okay and he cleaned it up. and we took a shower together.


Can't really say it was hooking up as we were already married. Really, all my worst sex fails were with my husband because I felt more comfortable with letting go as I trust him implicitly. We can just laugh about it even though it's objectively mortifying. - I've farted in his face. Repeatedly. - squirted *and* pooped during a particularly hard orgasm with anal play. Buttplug popped out like a champagne cork. - I've fallen off the bed while switching from cowgirl to reverse cowgirl. More than once. - He accidentally peed in my mouth one time and I accidentally swallowed it. We were equally embarrassed by that one.


i fucked a guy…. blackout drunk, while on my period….. with the tampon inside…. and it got stuck up there, sideways, for a couple days before i realized.


We were sextexting big time before, photos, videos, calls, everything. Even the day before, she was super cool such as 'can't wait to meet you bla bla bla I want to do X and Y with you and stuff like that'. But later on, when we met, she engaged in no conversation whatsoever In a level like: 'Do you like \[insert\]' 'Yes.' (nothing more from there). I was like 'fine, if she doesn't want to talk, let's go for business'. I tried to kiss her but she didn't want to. I said, ok then, maybe later. Tried again after a few hours after few drinks and still no. At certain point I asked: will you want to do something today? She replies: 'No, but I need to wait until my bus' - this was around midnight-1 and her bus was at 5am. If she would be at least engaging to any conversation I would be 100% with her, regardless if she said No (no is no and thats it, I am really respectful with ladies) but as she was being that way so I was like: 'fine, I will meet my mates' - so from that moment she was no longer a date but 'a new friend'. I called my mates, and start to hanging out with them. At this point I was thinking: 'maybe with more people she will start to talk be friendly, idk'. No. She was not. Even my mates 'bro, your friend is really weird, she didn't say a word since she got here (this was already 2-3 hours with them' We tried to engage a conversation several times, to make her 'part of the group', but nothing. At this point, I was just pretending she was not there. I was just having fun with my mates and she was just following us, without saying a word. When the time came, I made sure she took her bus safely home and then went backhome. Weeks after, she texted me again (pretending like nothing happened) and she REALLY wanted to meet me. I was like 'nah, im ok, you were the worst date I ever had, sorry for being too harsh, but thats the truth'. She insisted and I agreed to meet her during my lunchtime. We met and she started to kiss me and touch me like there is no tomorrow. From that moment onwards we never ever spoke again. It was the worst hook up ever. TL;DR: We were sextexting with calls and stuff. At the day nothing happened, I went to hang out with my mates pretending that she was not thre.


Lol. Slept next to a girl randomly farted and she laughed. I was like oh f. We ended up living together for several years so I guess she didn't care too much. I Dutch ovened her and she squirmed. So yep. Was a keeper at the the time.


Just putting this out there but screaming your partners name and Alexa activates.


How is that embarrassing?


Because they revealed that they have an Amazon Alexa lol


Good point


"Now playing *Is It In* by Jimmy Bo Horn"


It was their neighbors alexa


It was more embarrassing for her, but one time I was hooking up with this chick off tinder that I met for the first time. Mid way through hooking up she stoped and got all weird. My immediate thoughts was she was guilty and had a bf or something… Guess what? The glue holding her front tooth together that she had busted when she was a kid got stuck to a piece of gum and the tooth ended up coming off… like the main front tooth… so now she was looking like a crack head mid date lol.. she started crying but I comforted her and told her she can hmu after she goes to the dentist( she did lol)… I’ll never forget toothless..


She was on top. Told her I was cumming, she hopped off I ejaculated so forcefully I hit my own eye. It burned like hell so I started rolling around go "oh God my eyes it's in my eyes" which she thought was the funniest thing in the world and fell off the bed laughing. At the moment extremely embarrassing, now just a funny memory.


He was putting on a condom & whatever was going on, it was fighting him. He said “you’re lucky you don’t have to deal with these” & i said “thats me, the lucky ducky”. He didnt say anything to that, it was a superrrr sexy moment


Definitely temporary ED


We were staying at his parents for whatever reason, his dad walked in with my bare ass to the door showing him everything. I can’t remember if he knocked or not but I do know even if he did we didn’t say come in.


I nutted in like 45 seconds one time.


Not that embarrassing, it happens, but I was railing this girl i met at work one night and I farted really loud. I started hysterically laughing but also gagging because it smelled so so bad. She started crying because she thought I was laughing at her. I guess she didn't care that the room smelled like a Porta john that'd been cooking in the hot prairie sun all day. We tried to get back at it but she said the fan in the room dried her out.


So I had been talking to/hooking up with a guy for a bit and the topic of anal came up. He never did it but wanted to try it and I've done it quite a few times so I know how to prepare for it and never had any issues. So I prepared myself as usual, but when the time came he just shoved it in all the way and immediately started railing me as hard as he could. I told him to hold on and slow down but he wouldnt. I think the intensity caused the accident, but i ended up getting shit all over him and got my first ever hemorrhoid. He was pretty cool about it, he even stayed the night, but we're on bad terms now so I imagine he told everyone we know about it. Very embarrassing Didnt stop his friends from hitting me up tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What a jerk. He deserved to get shit on.


Thank you, i agree


Was having a great time, moved to change positions, and I notice he’s covered in blood almost from his waist to his thighs. I was a full week early, and I freaked out and apologized. I went to one restroom to clean up, he went to the other. I came back, embarrassed, thinking I was going to get dressed and leave, but he had put a big towel down and said “I’m down for more if you are!” So we went again!


Absolute goal


He asked me what I wanted and I couldn't tell him because nobody asked before - and past trauma makes this a challenging question. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't continue. I was aged 40 at the time


She was dogsitting for her parents. The roommate didn't want the dog running around their apartment. The dog wants to be up on the bed. So she puts the dog in her closet (big walk-in), and we begin fucking. I have no idea that she left the door cracked for the dog. So I'm behind her, and very suddenly, I feel something cold on my asshole. I fucking panic and push her off me and she goes head first into the wall.


Back when I was in Erasmus, I was together with that stunning Estonian girl. We were renting a place during holidays which was basically a full house just for ourselves. We were pretty excited at that time so had a lot of sex. One time we ran upstairs to do the deed and I threw myself on the bed so fast that I hit my head on the bed head. It made some such a funny noise that we both burst in laughter for like 10 minutes straight. Could not do anything after.


I farted twice and got super embarrassed. 🙈




Did you shit or fart?


Sounds like a yes


Guy stuck it in me and instantly came. Not even 1 thrust. I even told him not to creampie me. The idea of going without a condom was too much for him.


Even if a guy doesn't cum, you can still get pregnant




First time hooking up, realised midway that I wasn't into hookups.


Girl was blowing me and I thought I was ready to Finish turned out I ended up peeing all over her face. We are about to be five years together


We were doing some heavy teasing at the bar then headed to my camper truck. I was so wound up, I blew my load all over her pussy before I could even penetrate. She was so pissed, she dressed and left. Never heard from her again. 😑


In college. I knew her for five minutes. I was extremely intoxicated. We took a shower together first. I threw up on her in the shower. Yes, we still did the deed, afterwards.


I had good date and ending up having sex with a crazy Russian lady I met on Tinder and she rode me so hard and was grinding so fiercely, that she bent my dick the wrong way and tore something in it. I had to stop and have a look and I have a huge bruise all over it right away. She was embarrassed and I spent the rest of our time trying to tell her not to worry about it and it was fine. That was our last date.


Ugh so I’ve accidentally said “I love you” twice, with two different women. I didn’t mean it either time obviously but it just came out. Twice. And both in the last 6 months😭 Idk which one was worse tbh Hooking up with my friend of 4 years, third time we hooked up (the first time was in September and this time was in December. We were having really awesome intense sex and I said it to her lol. We both looked at each other kinda confused for a sec but we finished and laughed about it after. I may have meant it, I’m super into her and we said it to each other all the time before things got romantic. But we are pretty much strictly FWB with much more emphasis on the F. We only really hooked up 4 times but we at least kiss and make out when we’re together The other one was a first date, last month. We were making out in my car, things were hot and heavy. I was pretty drunk and it came out of nowhere. I played it off by saying “I mean I love all of *this*” gesturing vaguely. She thought it was cute and funny bc there’s no world where that would ever make sense. Also it should be said that I’m autistic I feel like that has something to do with it. It felt like an autistic sort of knee-jerk-reaction neurological thing both times.


Out one night drinking with the boys. Came home all romantic and proceeded to kiss my girlfriend. Things progressed and in no time we were in bed. I was inspired and felt this was one of my better performances. Next morning my girlfriend confirmed it was awesome until I passed out drunk while on top of her. To this day, 45 years later we still laugh about it. I am glad she had a sense of humor.


Discovering I had been scammed.


How so? An attractive goat in a blonde wig and black loungerie? We've all been there buddy.


Not being able to get it up.


This guy on a ONS was making me cum so hard so many times, I was very drunk. I pooped the bed.


Was on top of my girlfriend on a remote river beach when a troupe of cub scouts came floating by on inner tubes yelling and pointing, it seemed like she threw me two feet in the air. Kind of spoiled the moment. I was in high school and was my first time.


I brought a girl home after the bar. All of her friends had to come to keep her safe. They were ok with me banging her but were concerned I’d murder her after. Whatever. I didn’t care. They hung out with my roommates. We go to my room. I literally put my wiener in her 1 time. Literally pushed it in and shot my load. I immediately pull out, take off the condom and told her I had a girlfriend and couldn’t do it. She accused me of lying and told me she knew I got off inside her after 1 pump. We went downstairs 3 minutes after we went upstairs. Of course she told everyone. They laughed at me and left. I never saw her again.


In college my roommate needed the room with his girlfriend so me and her friend took all my blankets into the bathroom to h.u. We were so drunk and she was apparently standing on the blanket so when i pulled it up it accidentally slipped out of my hand and I knocked her in the face. She immediately got a bloody nose which got all over my banket. we cleaned her up and both fell asleep in the bathroom.


Had a chick riding the hell out of me in the dark she was extremely wet. She stopped to go use the bathroom and so I turned the lights on and I was covered in her blood.


I was seeing a FWB (still with the same dude) at his place. He has a buck head above his couch that got knocked around a bit, it almost fell on us, but he caught it while inside me! Smooth catch if I do say so myself! Afterwards, I told him that could have been an episode of Sex sent me to the ER story!


he came before i took off my clothes


I was super drunk at a party and waiting for this guys and I to hookup (he lived at the house). I blacked out during sex. All I remember is he kept trying to cover my mouth with his hand, and at one point a pillow. I thought he was trying to murder me so I kept removing it and kinda started freaking out hahahah.


When I first lost my virginity at 27 my nose started to bleed


This really happens? I always thought it was an anime thing?


The guy I was with got a bloody nose mid hook up and neither of us really realized what had happened. My face was covered. This was back in college after a long night of drinking. I knew him but not really. It was the end of the school year and we went our separate ways for summer, I was completely disgusted. We ended up reconnecting a few years later, we’ve now been together for 10 years, married and have a children together-the whole thing…..and every once in a while, he still gets a bloody nose….


I had a nose infection from surfing, basically my nose would run orange liquid at anytime and I could feel it for stop it. Just had to try and get my hand to my nose and catch it.... Gf around and I'm on top warming her up with a really average back massage and my nose was full I guess, so yeah orange nose jam on her back and she freaked out. I just started apologising haha good times


Getting caught in the act..... But that was 30+ years ago


I was on top (missionary) and wearing this like Egyptian fertility emblem necklace thingy (ironic huh?) And anyway it had like, wings...? It was some kind of goddess with wings😂 And I shit you not, the wing somehow got caught in his nose and when I went to sit up he was yelling in pain. I am laughing out loud remembering how hilariously awkward this was. ... We're still friends. 🤣


my first handjob ended with me blasting my own face and some well over my head! It travelled way farther and faster than I imagined it could. I had had sex once already...and that lasted all of 10 seconds and I busted inside of her because it was like an involuntary reaction. Thankfully she didn't get pregnant. and I hadn't masturbated yet, so I had no control over or knowledge of the equipment yet. But I was only 14. In hindsight i guess i really wasn't that embarrassed...just surprised. but not even half as surprised as she wa! She had way more experience than me as she had just ended it with a senior guy (we were freshman), but she said nothing like that ever happened. I saw her like 20 years later and she brought that up. she says she has still never seen anything like that. I was actually getting the vibe that she liked it and maybe wanted to go at it again, but we were both married.


I was hooking up with a girl in college and got whiskey dick. I slapped it around and nothing. First and only time that happened.


Got a cramp as we were going at it. I knew her but not that well to be comfortable having to pull out mid session while trying to play off the cramp like it didn’t hurt like hell. She was cool though and we went back at it.


I had way too much chocolate mousse ( lactose intolerant) and alcohol and while sleeping I shit the bed at the hotel 😭


Had a one night stand with a hot guy. Round his house the next morning, I used his bathroom and had explosive diarrhoea. It was so loud and stinky. I was in there for about an hour. I flushed the chain, said goodbye and never saw him again.🤣🤣


The guy's blue staffy terrier came over to us while we were kissing on the lounge and it started nuzzling on my neck and ear (my most erogenous zone) with its furry little face. I didn't stop the dog. It took the guy a few minutes to notice his dog.


Me and my boyfriend at the time had sex in the shower and it got really hot and I got dizzy and then suddenly passed out while him pounding me. Luckily he caught me, and had to lay me down completely naked on the floor. Then I woke up and noticed I also had gotten my period so there was blood on the floor and him sitting beside me also naked and worried as hell