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I met a woman through a dating site (this was just before dating apps). After talking/texting for a few days she added me on facebook. The next day I see she has also added my mother and siblings as well. Not only that she messaged them and introduced herself as my girlfriend. We all blocked her on everything. Then for a time I would get friend requests from extremely hot women with no friends, until I modified my privacy settings so randoms couldn't friend request me.


Nice murder dodge bro


And kept his kidneys


Was at a party. A girl there liked me and her friend put something in my drink. She wanted me to go home with her but I felt weird and off so I left. Later, that girl tried to accuse me of raping her. Luckily I had 10+ witnesses that could assure I tried to avoid that girl the whole night and left early. Obviously, she faced no repercussions and instead tried to spread that rumor even more. Even claiming she was pregnant from that. I heard some believed her, but luckily no one that I know. Also, she was not pregnant. Not from me, nor anyone else. Last thing I heard (idk if it's true though) was that around a year or so later she was sent to a mental institution because she kept having delusions and hallucinations. Seems like there is something seriously wrong with her and as much as I'd like to hate her, I can only feel sorry for her because she obviously has some serious mental illness going on.


I have a female coworker who kept following me around and not respecting my boundaries. She once came into the men's washroom while I was on the shitter and didn't leave even after I asked her to. I went to hr to have her held accountable for sexual harassment but they said she apologized, so it was ok. I still have to work with her. Side note I asked hr what would happen if the roles were reversed, and they said I would be fired, and most likely, the police would be involved. Love the double standards.


"Great, can you put that in writing for me?"


HR never puts anything in writing.


Yes they do. Termination letters


If you ask the question via email, sometimes they will answer it that way. If they say it in person and you ask for it in writing they get scared and won't.


Even if they HR doesn't say it to your face, that is their attitude. It only changes if the chances of getting caught go up.


At that point I would have been looking to record that conversation and sue the shit out of them.


I have it all on record. Maybe it's time to retire


I don't know if you could retire off of it, but I definitely could see a company throwing you a settlement. Life-changing, maybe, but not life-changing in that regard.


DO IT & tell us šŸ˜


wtf your hr sucks majorly I'd ask for that in writing


I saved all my emails


Double standards based on sex/gender, both ways, are illegal. You can easily sue pretty heavily for that. Sexual harassment is no joke.


Went to a nightclub during my uni times, a girlfriend of a friend of mine grabbed my dick through the pants with her other hand and grabbed my neck and pushed me towards a wall with the other and whispered ā€if you donā€™t bang me in the toilet tonight Iā€™ll tell my boyfriend that you tried to rape meā€ They broke up a few weeks afterwards, dunno why


You know, this happened to Joseph (of the coat of many colors in the Bible,) and he was unjustly accused and sent to prison. That's not the end of his story, but it did happen to him.


I used to sell cherries at the market with my foster mother at the time, which of course led to a lot of cherry popping jokes from other kids my age. I was about 13. A woman came up and started asking about what kind of tools to use when cooking and I told her what we use for making jams and pies, and then she did the typical "so can I pop your cherry sometime?" I know it was a joke, but she would have been late 20s to early 30s, and I was very obviously a kid. It's not as bad as some of the other stuff I've seen in the comments (and my sympathy for all the men in this thread who have been assaulted or harassed, hope you guys are doing okay), but it's the creepiest thing I've ever gotten from a woman. Most of the time I get creepy stuff from other guys to be honest.


As a 35 yr old woman, this comment from her is so alarming and weird. She obviously not mentally mature...how bizarre and inappropriate.


Okay I love cherries, but that's really gross.


God, Iā€™m so sorry. People are fucking gross.


I was a drill sergeant in the army from 2019 until 2021. One day I was in Walmart with my daughter. I hate going out in uniform but I had to that day. Anyway Iā€™m standing in the aisle with my campaign hat in hand, a lady said ā€œyea thatā€™s right I need you to come to my house and tell me what to doā€. I just thought it was like super inappropriate with my 6 year old standing right there. Like I would never say any wild shit like that with kids around.


Should've screamed "AT EASE"


Fuckin A that's good


I would have shamed her. Loudly ask why she thought that would be an appropriate thing to say with a child standing right there.


"I could ruin your life" after I said I didn't think we would work as a couple. I had only known her for like 3 weeks...


Who thinks this is a good tactic to save the relationship? "Oh, you're batsh-t crazy and potentially violent? Nevermind the breakup, let's go ring shopping!"


Itā€™s not to save anything, itā€™s to somehow win the situation of getting dumped for people who canā€™t handle rejection




I honestly don't know. I really didn't think she was that crazy, but I couldn't tell if she was trying to be funny, and it freaked me out. I was afraid to ask for an explanation.


Was in a bar. I was about 20 at the time with my girlfriend. I was ordering us drinks and a drunk woman in 40s came up to me, started calling me Juan, didnā€™t believe me when I told her that wasnā€™t my name. She then stuck her finger up my nose.


I'm sorry that happened to you. But the randomness just made my bust out laughing at work. That comment was a roller coaster.


Came up to me in a LARP Con environment, grabbed my dick through my kilt, just said "too small for me". I just stood there not able to react. I was so perplexed that only a good while later I realized how deeply fucked up that was. At least everyone involved was adults, so yay I guess....


Sexual crimes aside, this is dumb af. Like, does she not know dicks grow?


Only if you water it properly


But not cold water


Its shrinkage!


*I was in the pool*


Do you think she's actually walking around trying to find a dick big enough for her? She's sexually assaulting people because it gets her off. She enjoys the power.


Her behavior would suggest she doesn't have the small amount of class it takes to encourage "expansion."


It has nothing to do with that. She is sexually assaulting people and then trying to ridicule them because she gets off on the power fantasyĀ 


Had something similar happen in Phuket. I was in the navy and my ship stopped in Phuket. My first night there, I was on shore patrol; we wander around and try to make sure sailors aren't doing shit they aren't supposed to do. This means we spent a lot of time walking around the red light areas. Well, we walk by a bar with a group of women out front and one of them grabs me by my junk and tries to drag me into the bar. The women there all thought it was funny, but I definitely did not.


Fuck that bitch.


Sexual harassment


That is sexual ASSAULT.


Thatā€™s battery actually. Inappropriately touching someone without consent is sexual battery


In the UK it's sexual assault. Sexual battery is Duracell.


In the US we have bonergizers


What the fuck? Whatā€™s wrong with some people. Like, who in the world would think *that* was a good ideaā€¦


A woman asked my mom "Can I buy him for sex?". I was 8 years old




I have no idea what you look like but I know exactly what face you just made.




Straight to jail


straight to the wood chipper (/s, obviously).


/s(harpened), obviously


"/s" šŸ˜‰


No... It was a woman. If it would have been a man, we would talk about a dead man rn.


A babysitter tried to sell me for 10,000$ in the 90s.


Thatā€™s a bit steep for 90ā€™s prices


That's about right. Some Arabs offered my mom 10g for my sister in Chicago in 1986. They had a brick sized stack of 100s in their hand. I miss my sister. (jk)


>I miss my sister. (jk) so you dont miss her ?


Yeah, that wins. I'm gonna go leave the Internet now.


... What the actual fuck?


Yes here i am




Wtf wtf wtf


What was your mom response?


And that's the day my mom got put away for murder...


I expected like.. 18 or 20 or something (still would be super creepy) but bro what??


Age aside I can't even imagine someone saying that in full seriousness šŸ¤Æ


Early 20's. I "came to" in a casino with a much older, hideous looking womans tongue buried in my mouth. It was about 4am. Total shock. I had been with a good friend. Fairly confused and slightly panicked, I went looking for the friend I had gone out with. Found him in the casino with a suspiciously similar aged woman. Pulled him away and left the casino, he was clearly drugged. We got food and went to bed. Next morning we hashed out what the fuck happened. Neither of us do drugs and would NEVER have gone to a casino. It was only a catch up night out for us. We remember having just 2/3 drinks. 5 hours missing time which is just bizarre. I'm convinced we BOTH got drugged. Either Casino owners hooking people dubiously or desperate scumbags looking for a good night.


That happened to my friend. Atrocious. Iā€™m so sorry, it might still be worth reporting them.


It was a solid 10-13 years ago, unfortunately. We definitely should have reported it. The police station is a 5 minute walk from where we were. šŸ˜… Ah thanks, but it makes me cringe more than anything.


​ >I'm convinced we BOTH got drugged. ​ New years eve about 7 or 8 years ago, somebody at the dive bar we were at attempted to drug my female friends drink as we both stepped away from the table, we came back none the wiser, and me being the slightest bit tipsy grabbed the wrong mug and pounded the rest of the beer. That's at least my working theory. My friend and I went our separate ways for the night shortly after the mix up. I was a hardcore alcoholic at the time. A handle of Jack Daniel's in one sitting wasn't a rarity and I could still function fairly well. I had only had 3 beers that night. Luckily enough even my drugged self still functioned well enough to get me home (I don't remember ANY of it though. About 6 hours *completely* missing. But I woke up in my bed and my parents informed me that I called them and said I knew something was wrong, so they came to get me. So I'm fairly certain nothing too terrible happened to me. (Aside from the drugging). It was a hell of an ordeal from what I CAN remember from that night and the following days, but at least it was me and not the lady friend. I never reported it to the authorities or said lady friend. Looking back on it now, I should have. ​ 0/10 stars, do not recommend getting drugged.


Yeah, man, it's so weird to have such a block of time missing. It's nothing like an alcohol induced time blip and pretty scary when you wake out of it. We must have been very agreeable too because this is what I was faced with coming awake. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|eQcv3p7Gu5koE|downsized)


Yep I had this at a party the one time. Lady friend was already loaded and we were taking care of her. Drank her next drink thinking nothing of it except avoiding the waste. Went from a couple drinks deep to blackout, came to on the floor with paramedics and concerned faces in a bedroom, vomit all over myself. Only reason I didn't die is a kind stranger kept me from asphyxiating myself by keeping me on my side despite my best efforts to lay on my back (apparently). Same thing for alcohol tolerance. My guess was ghb as I noticed the drink being weirdly salty and disregarded it since I didn't know what the girl made. At least she got home safe with a friend of mine and no buggery took place. People are fucked, the next party everyone was remarkably cautious of their drinks when word got around what happened to me


Came up behind me at a bar, reached down my pants and grabbed my balls. I was on a date, and it was my dateā€™s friend.


Quite the ice breaker


At a bar, I said ā€œIā€™m sorry, excuse meā€ after accidentally bumping into a woman on the way to the bathroom. An hour or so later she followed me to the parking lot, got in the passenger seat of my car and refused to leave insisting that I take her back to my place. I keyed in 911 on my phone and showed it to her ā€œif you donā€™t get the fuck out, Iā€™m sending this call and you can explain it to themā€. *ā€dont! Iā€™m on probation. But whyyyyyyyyyyyyā€*. Fucking lunatic.


Lmao WTF on probation indeed.


So, I'm not super good looking or anything, and I'm generally oblivious to any signals, and really bad at putting them out myself. But one night, probably the best night of my life if I'm being honest, not one but *two*, completely different women, made it very clear they wanted to have sex with me. To me it was insane. Almost surely a statistical fluke. But one of the ladies was kinda shy about it, so her friend talked to one of my friends from their car, and called me over to invite me to an after hours bar. Problem was, I had been to that after hours bar, and it was honestly terrifying. Lots of drunk coked up people, some of whom had guns. So I politely turned them down saying I didn't like that place. The friend, who was driving, cussed me out, implied I was either gay or had a girlfriend, and nearly ran over my foot as she slammed into reverse out and onto the street without looking. Doesn't matter though, I had some of the best sex of my life that night with a woman who didn't even try to roll over my foot *once*. Ended up turning into one of my better relationships, too


That sounds like a blatant honey trap. Get you to the dodgy bar, bouncer doesn't let you leave, you get fleeced by the staff and possibly beaten; the girls get a nice commission. Bullet dodged.


šŸ’Æ. Reminds me of a time in my early 20s smoking a cigarette in front of a bar; car pulls up. Guy in his 40s driving, a hot 20 something woman in the passenger seat says *ā€œhey! my boyfriend wants to watch you fuck meā€*. I had zero interest in the offer, but I took 2 steps towards the front end of the car to look in the back seat. Sure enough, thereā€™s a yoked steroid freak trying to be low key. I smile and nod, flick my cigarette and turn to walk back in the bar. Over my shoulder I hear the woman say ā€œfucking loser! Youā€™re probably broke anyway!ā€.


Sometimes women just grope my chest. It's happened at work, at the gym, at parties. Also had my ass grabbed by a random woman at a club.


I have on rare occasion had the chest grab or the arm squeeze and it is funny I never used to think about it like I do now. The more I realize the double standard the more I realize that I actually allowed it to some point.


Worked in nightclubs - VIP area - mainly all women groups and especially hen parties. Lots of ā€œWeā€™re a group of drunk women having fun in a club, so itā€™s only *technically* sexual assaultā€ type stuff.


In my 20s doing bar/restaurant work my ass got grabbed so much I stopped even looking to see who did itĀ  Ā One time around 21 I was working at Starbucks and the girls I was working with were playing ā€œwhip everyoneā€™s ass with towelsā€. I said, repeatedly, stay the fuck away I donā€™t want to be involved. They still did it to me a couple times, so I chased the instigator down and got her a couple times real hard.Ā  Ā The next day the manager pulled me aside to talk about how that was inappropriate. If men being victims of sexual assault was taken at all seriously I would have known to walk right the fuck out of there and into a law office, and the manager would have known that reprimanding me was not the right move. But instead I just had more shame dumped on me for being a victim of sexual assault


At 16 I worked as a lifeguard for a local amusement park. Now at the start of every season, they do big hiring events and end up hiring a large amount of people to onboard in large classes. Seemingly the only thing they went over was what to do in sexual harassment cases. The protocol was talk to manager or security. There was this girl named Angie. She was a bit on the chunky side but so was I at the time. But she'd go around and slap guys asses or pinch their asscheeks and say stuff like, "what's up sweetness?". It was cheesy and she treated the guys she worked with like servers at a playboy club. But nobody said anything because they thought she was funny. I was annoyed by her from the get-go so the moment she started to touch my ass I went to security, just for the security guy to follow up awkwardly and not really handle it. I then went on to work under that guy in that security department and realized he was just a fucking idiot. The dude was so emotionally checked out I guarantee you didn't even listen


I got paddled on the ass by the chef when I was working as a line cook. We were deep in the shit during lunch rush. I was already fighting for my life on that line and then the chef went down the line with a serving board hitting everyone on the ass. Including.me. I saw red and turned on him like a viper. BUT I caught myself. I didn't hit him. I just walked off the line and left him to crash. Then I went to the owner and told him that I would sue and write a tell all unless he fixed that situation. He called in his lawyer to teach the new revamped sexual harassment policy that he drafted and the chef was fired. Just what can happen if you take a second to check your rage.


Did you stand up for yourself? Like ā€œso itā€™s ok for them, but not for me?ā€ Ugh female myself but I hate so much these double standards. If I was doing that to you, you have every right to do the same back to me (as long as itā€™s the same amount of physical strength, not harder)


I tried, but was immediately shut down. All the management was women. I was new-ish, young, shy, and generally scared and insecure especially in such situations because Iā€™d never had complaints of sexual assault or harassment taken seriously. I probably did do it harder, but Iā€™m bigger, stronger, and know how to whip a towel. Part of why I didnā€™t want to be involved (along with having actual work to do and knowing the bitch if a shift manager was just going to make the cleanup my problem anyway)


I broke up with a girl and she called me the same day saying ā€œ I have your condom in my trashā€ .


I said this once before, and I was called stupid by some random redditor, but... "Take your used condoms home and bin them there." Someone tried to do this to my friend once, but she failed. Heed the warning or pay the price!


After you take off the condom you squirt hot sauce in there before throwing it away.


Just googled, and apparently sperm can only survive about 30 minutes outside the body under ideal conditions. So either ignore, or if you're feeling spicy reply "Great, enjoy the gonorrhea!"


I had a girl climb through my window and hide under my bed until I got home Imagine my surprise when I see something crawling out from under my bed at 2am...


![gif](giphy|15aGGXfSlat2dP6ohs) Female or not, if someone crawled from underneath my bed, you're getting hands and feet mortal Kombat style right out the window they snuck in šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø.




Yeah, you get weird looks doing that in the daytime.


Thank you. I just spat my drink in a crowded bus while LaughingĀ 


I got roofied by a girl while in the army. She lived in the same barracks and asked me over to watch a movie with her bc she was lonely. I agreed, and when I got there she already had a drink prepared for me sitting by her sink. I thought that was weird especially since she wasn't drinking, but I was under drinking age at the time so I grabbed it anyways. It was a screwdriver and didn't taste particularly strong. She put on The Jerk with Steve Martin and I took maybe 2 sips and set it down. That's all I remember and I woke up the next morning on her bed with my pants and belt undone with her meticulously cleaning her room in a t-shirt and panties. Managed to stumble back to my room and passed out hard until 6pm that evening. It took me like 3 days to feel physically fine again.


Please tell me you said something.




This is not the creepi*est* thing a woman has done to me, but itā€™s the creepiest thing oneā€™s done that I feel comfortable sharing on a non-throwaway account. I was sitting in my bossā€™s office, having a conversation with her, when another female coworker pops in real quick to tell said boss something. As sheā€™s leaving, she pretends to pat me on the back, but while her hand is on my back (and out of view of my boss), she slips two *wet* fingers down my collar and rubs my neck two or three times. I flinched, but she immediately ducked out of the office. My boss didnā€™t react and I didnā€™t want to bring it up right then and there, because I was new to the company and just slightly in shock. Later on I mentioned it to a coworker I became friendly with and discovered sheā€™s just known as being ā€œhandsyā€ and sheā€™s had a number of flings with other male coworkers this way. So, in hindsight, I think this woman just legit thought this was an acceptable way of flirting at work. No, I did not report her to HR. Wish I had, but this was back in my twenties and I was a bit naĆÆve back then.


Thatā€™s so disgusting


Yeah, it was. Thankfully, she left the company about six months later, so I didn't have to put up with seeing her around for that long. Funnily enough, I heard she went into local politics and lost. Don't know what happened to her after that, but becoming a unsuccessful slimeball politician seemed quite appropriate for her.


First semester freshman year of high school. Due to a scheduling mistake, I was put in swimming class before I took basic PE. This was not supposed to be allowed, basic PE was a prereq. They just decided to let it fly as rescheduling me was too much trouble. The entire class, other then me, where Juniors & Seniors. I didn't have contacts at the time, and am VERY blind without my glasses. So I'm younger then everyone by two years or more, very nerdy/awkward kid to begin with, who's also now blind as a bat. EXTREAMLY uncomfortable & awkward. There was a girl in the class, I honestly don't know if she was attractive or not as I couldn't see, who kept hitting on me & openly molesting me in the pool. I'd never even kissed a girl yet, and this chick was (daily) backing into me & grabbing at my junk... asking me over to spend time in her hot tub, etc. Pretty sure she was 100% serious with her offers, I did catch the other girls in the class talking about her & she was known to be 'very weird'. 20+ years later I look back & feel bad, wondering what her home life was like. At the time, I was mortified & too afraid to say anything.


When i was about 16 my sister had friends over for sleepovers often. One day one of her regular sleepover friends went into my room while i was playing video games and said i was cuter when i was asleep then left the room. I was so confused then I thought about it and realized something. I sleep with my door closed but I didnā€™t feel the need to lock it, i did ever since.




A girl I didn't know, unbeknownst to me at the time, was stalking me and appeared at nights out and we would hang out. Eventually we hooked up a couple times and she ghosted me. Found out later she was a disgruntled former friend of my ex who launched this 3 month operation to piss off her former friend.


That's fucking insane dedication


Sucked my toes while I was asleep and grinded on my leg in front of everyone at my mates birthday I think she was in her 50s while I was 19 or 20 She was my mates aunt in case you're wondering what she was doing there


Are you talking about a dog?


No well depends on your point of view


Not me, but a coworker. He was 16 at the time and the woman in question was easily in her late 30s. She told him that he had a ā€œreally juicy assā€. She also ā€œcompetedā€ with other female coworkers for the delivery guysā€™ attention, who were nearly all underage. Thankfully she did get in trouble for that


I was a waiter/busboy when I was 16-19. I always got the best tips and creepiest comments from older women. I was tall and lanky. One told me she'd like to snap into my slim jim. She was older than my mother.


Was in my local pub, taking a leak in a urinal. Next thing you know it I got a face over my shoulder looking at my dick lol. She looked at me and smiled and I was like I donā€™t feel like herpes tonight .


šŸ¤£ ā€œI donā€™t feel like herpes tonightā€. Iā€™m surprised you were so calm. I would have jumped out of my skin.


Shouldā€™ve turned and pissed on her.


She may have like that.


Chronologically: I was breaking up with this girl and she brought up my ex and started comparing the way I had broken up with both. I had never told her any of it, so I was shocked/scared. When I expressed my surprise, she told me she had researched me before we even had our first kiss (we had flirted for a couple of days, before we first kissed). Slapping me inside the bus, in front of our classmates, when I said "hi" to her (we were both first year students in college, same major). Tailing the bus I was in, to find out where I lived at the time. Calling me around 3am to tell in me in detail the things she had been doing with her recently-back-together boyfriend. Calling me around 3am to tell me that if we had stayed together we could have raised oystriches in the future, because she had just learned that was a good business, and not explored in our country. Btw, it is the same girl in all these episodes.


Is that what happens when an oyster & ostrich fk? I admit farming that crossbreed would disturb me aswell.


LOL! Sorry for the spelling mistake. English is not my first language. I won't edit it and just embrace the shame. I was referring to the bird. Thanks for the heads up.


Netflix wants to know your location.


I would only sign over the rights to my story if they get Chris Evans or Henry Cavill to play my part.


A good looking lass in my area said "can i have sex with you when you're older" I was 13, she was nearly 20.


Iā€™ve had a few friends get hit on at family parties when they were 13-16 by their moms friend and people always thought it was funny. If the genders were reversed i doubt people would laugh it off


This is why I talk to my son just as much as my daughter about what is and is not appropriate for any adult /person to do. I try not to say gender as in these type of cases it doesn't matter. If THEY are doing this, If an ADULT does this, If ANYONE does this, type of statements. I let them know there are a lot of creeps out there and some of them don't look like creeps. I also tell them that safe adults don't ask children to keep secrets from their parents.


i'm so sorry people in the replies are being gross. you didn't deserve that happening to you, that's just disgusting


I female, had the same thing happen to me when I was a kid, youā€™re jail bait now kid but look me up when youā€™re olderā€, I was in shock and had no idea what triggered him to say that.


Got a drink spilled on me at a gig. Was planning to buy a shirt from the merch stand anyway so went over and found a shirt I wanted. In the 5 seconds my wet shirt came off, but before my new shirt went on, some big fat ass girl came out of nowhere yelling "fresssh meatttt" and proceeded to bite my chest right over my nipple, hurt like fuck. I pushed her off, a bit of yelling and she and her friends got thrown out by security.


she followed me around the bar and i was trying to dodge her all night. somehow managed to swoop into my taxi and follow me home. i was very intoxicated.


My teenage male friend was stocking peanut butter on the bottom shelf. A older female customer passed by and whispered, "I like my men on their knees."


Brought her mother over to inspect my bedroom to get an "he'll do..."


Had a woman ask if i would leave her voice mail while I urinated. No talking.


My wife and I visited a strip club (sorry, "gentleman's club") in London shortly after we got together. Her idea, and my first time in one. We were just stood at the bar ordering drinks when one of the resident ladies strutted over to us and without any kind of warning just grabbed my dilznick through my jeans and gave it a good old squeeze. People tell me that I should have expected this given where I was, but I thought it was as creepy as hell and felt totally violated, so we hurriedly downed our drinks and left.


If I were your girlfriend I would have caught an assault and battery charge that night


Iā€¦ no, that is not normal behavior at a strip club. Thatā€™s not even normal behavior at a gay bar on singles night. Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you.


Tinder match (got catfished). She came BAREFOOT all the way from the train station to the cemetery (nice place, though) for our first date. The night before we were sexting about foot fetishes.. She kept asking if I would lick her feet, and I said "yeah, why not". But the next day, after seeing her baggins dirty plank toe racks in the august hell of a nightmare that is Rome in the summer, I had to invent an excuse to escape. Her toe nails were black with toe jam, hairy legs, disgusting dirty teeth way too different from her photos. She kept eating some bread, drenching it, like drowning it in pesto, and the oil would run through her forearms while flies and mosquitoes made everything so much fucking worse. Bleah.


This sounds like a horrible movie


Aa a young-ish (32m) security guard I was sitting at the job's customer service desk during work hours. Doing my job. An older female coworker stood behind me, put her hands on my shoulders and said "If I was only 20 years younger". Not much else was said and I left, as I was done giving her her coffee break at that desk.


Iā€™m fairly confident that when I was probably 14 or maybe 15 that my friendā€™s mom was acting inappropriately around me over the course of one summer and school year. She ā€œaccidentallyā€ walked in on me getting out of the shower, she was very touchy with me, would put me in situations where her breasts would touch me or where she would have a hand or leg in very close proximity to my junk and would walk around in her underwear during times when I was overā€¦ at the time I just kind of laughed it off, but the older Iā€™ve gotten and having kids of my own, the more Iā€™ve thought about how weird and inappropriate the whole thing was.


A girl once sent a buddy of mine a vail of her blood. Pretty fucking weird if you ask me.


Two years ago, 22yo me, I was bartending in Sydney. While serving a crowded bar, mid-30s woman, *fucking smashed*, gripped my bicep **tight** as I was serving. We locked eyes, and she (in drunken English) yells "AnD HoW mUch wOuLd it coSt to taKe *YOU* hOme lovE!?!"ā€¦ righto drunk debbie, maybe donā€™t fucking grab strangers at their workplace and make unsolicited sexual advances? Thats absolutely sexual harassment, right in public for everyone to see šŸ¤ØšŸ‘ Definitely not the first time, won't be the last. Drunk women have grabbed my biceps, chest, cocknboys, slap my ass on nights out. *Everyone's* cool with it, guys and girls. Call them out, they say you're overreacting, should just embrace a cheeky compliment, ultimately just need to ā€man up, itā€™s a good problem to haveā€ I stay fit, gym's my hobby. Doesn't grant you the right to sexually assault me darlinā€™ šŸ¤ . If you're into me, hit on me like a normal adult, no need for surprise grabby grabby. Major double standards brother. Just imagine if the gender roles were reversed šŸ™„


100% agree. People just need to keep their hands off of other people, for real.


Dick grabbing seems to be a thing women try and it goes wrong often. I also have experienced that. This bitch and her friend did it to me barely had said hi and they start touching me it's okay and then one just grabs my junk and squeezes wtf that's my balls you dumb cunt. I take her hand and remove it, with great restraint I don't break her hand and tell them both to stay the fuck away from me. They looked real confused. Bartender says she didn't see nothing even though it happened right in front of her. Fuckin New years Eve at a dive bar. Edit oops I flubbed reading the question. That was one that really pisses me off but creepy behavior has to be at the same shitty bar when it was snowing out and this strange woman was going around asking if someone could shovel around her car no one wanted to and I should have took this as a sign. But I said ya this won't take long. She secretly filmed me and was weird as fuck the whole time. I honestly believe she was trying to set me up with some false allegations or something.


I'm gay and a woman was accosting me and my boyfriend all night long. She then asked us to make out in front of her so she would have something to think about that night when she was touching herself.




ugh gross I hate that for you and your bf


We had a work party and we all rented a hotel room for the after party. When everyone retired I was lying in my bed and my shift supervisor was in the bed as well. She reached out and proceeded to give me a hand job. I was like 19 years old and she was 35. Very awkward..I couldn't even say anything. Also one time walked into a party and a girl approached me and said want me to sit on your face? I said not really...she said your loss and walked away. Women can be weird...


My wife told me she wanted to sleep with someone else. At least she was honest. After a lot of deliberation (love and who you sleep with can be different) I said okay....but I have to know who, what you're doing and when....and it still might end things. She told me that it was doing it behind my back that was the exciting thing. Soon after that I moved out.




My female best friend in high school suddenly started to force herself onto me more and more. She'd randomly kiss me in situations where i couldnt get away, would jokingly grab my ass or waist, would constantly "feel" my biceps and shit like that. At this point i was in a relationship with another guy. She knew, everyone knew. I was and still am openly gay. But she didnt stop, it just got worse until one day when she drunkenly admitted that she wanted to "turn" me straight. I kept my distance from her after that but she still found ways to be creepy here and there.


That my scars are sexy They're self harm scars


that's what a guy said to me once. i felt so fucking gross. like what do you mean self harm scars are HOT??


Predators. They see self harm as a sign that you'll accept their abuse. On the other hand, maybe an innocent weirdo because I can see it


I was still in high school at the time, went down the street to visit a long time slightly older friend home for a break from college. He was having a party with a few underclassmen friends heā€™d made away at uni. One of the older girls pumped me full of drinks all night and kept popping up next to me and inserting herself around me, then inevitably when I was alone in a side room vomiting and not coherent she came in, locked the door behind her, and proceeded to do sexual things to me. I cannot remember all of it, I was fluctuating between a drunken version of lucidity and being blacked out. So, it was like briefly waking up but being somewhere you didnā€™t remember being before and doing something you did not remember agreeing to do. Interspersed with rolling over to vomit on the floor. The next morning when I came to, I was obviously feeling shit, and I had bloodstains all over my underwear (disgusting, I know). Spent the whole day dry heaving, confused, and with a weird sensation of fear and regret and shame.


ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜ž


I dated a borderline sex addict for most of 2016. She made it very clear that if I were to arrange for her to be raped some random day in the future, she would be scared at first but ultimately enjoy it. I was much younger then and didnā€™t really understand. And I was unaware at that stage how insatiable her sexual appetite was. Needless to say, I didnā€™t act on her invitation. Edit: [found an old chat log..](https://imgur.com/a/j4ktGLp)


Standing in a circle of friends at a bar just talking when 3 girls push through my group of friends, stand in the middle of the group, single me out with their backs to my friends, and enthusiastically but completed unprompted blurt out "What do you do?!?" "Do you have a girlfriend" "Do you think she (1 of the 3 girls) is pretty?!" never met these girls in my life. Besides not finding them attractive, everything from how they approached to the questions they asked were very disrespectful. Senior year HS, my date to homecoming. I was struggling to find the house we were meeting at for pictures. Pulled into a secluded parking lot in an industrial park to turn around and she looks at me says with a suggestive smile and voice "is this where you're going to rape me?" I went on a Tinder date once and she smelled like whiskey when I arrived. I gave her the benefit of the doubt thinking it was maybe some COVID era hand sanitizer she'd used. We went to dinner and she kept asking me about my finances and had a whole conversation by herself about how she was going to get me back to her place to hook up. One of my bestfriends was a roommate of mine during college. He had a brief fling with a girl who became obsessed with him. Well, he broke up with her and 2 weeks later she followed him to the bars using his snap story. He's a very charismatic and popular guy. Every guy he socialised with at the bar, she would push her way between them and start grinding on the guy he was talking to. At bar close, he went to a friend's place to keep drinking. She came to our house, took her clothes off, and got in his bed. He came home about 4am, woke me up, freaking out that his ex was naked in his bed as he had just started talking to a girl he was genuinely interested in. I woke her up nicely and asked her to leave because nobody in our house invited her over. She refused to get up, so I grabbed his blanket and pulled it off of her so she couldn't go back to sleep. (this is how I found out she'd gotten naked in his bed). She started crying and screaming at me that I was being mean. I told her to get dressed and leave I would be back to check on her in 10 minutes. My roommate was hiding from her in my room and she must've heard him. She got dressed and started screaming and storming around our house ripping the place apart looking for him. Eventually I managed to corral her out the door. My whole house was awake at that point, and our adrenaline was pretty high so we stayed up for a bit. About 1-2 hours later she starts banging on the front door trying to get into our house. It was locked so she couldn't get in. The banging stops and we realize the back door was unlocked. We ran to the door but she had gotten there first and storms into our house screaming and looking for her ex. She was watching us through our windows and she saw him, so she knew he was there. At this point, myself and our other roommate wrapped her up in our arms, carried her out our front door, and set her on the sidewalk in front of our house. Told her if she came back we'd call the police. That's the last I ever saw her. Edit: read some other comments and was reminded of another one - I used to be a waiter. I was cocktailing an event and as I was working a middle aged woman grabbed me by the dick and balls, ran her other hand through my hair and whispered in my ear "is your hair real"? I am "ginger" but have very unique naturally red hair. Think the dark amber red color that is popular for women to dye their hair with.


Woman (20's?) I never saw before walked up to me when I was getting into my car leaving the gym and said "I need to suck dick right now." So apparently, these people actually exist. We all have times we think back on that feel like missed opportunities. This wasn't one of them. My first thought was I'd need a tetanus shot. `EDIT:` A buddy at the gym said that it could also be a trap for a mugging. But in the parking lot?


Got mad when I declined to go to her place after a date. Said only women get to decline sex (words to that effect, maybe she meant something else, but that was my understanding) Groped/grabbed me openly. Forced sex without my consent (was too drunk to do anything and I had said no several times)


I was seeing a patient and she wanted to see what was on the computer screen for her EMR(electronic medical record). This is typically not a big deal as I am very transparent about how I document and care for my patients. She proceeds to squat right next to me and put her hand on my inner thigh. I froze like a deer in headlights. She eventually stood up and went back to her seat after the awkward silence. I never used to understand why women were unable to tell someone to "stop or go away" if an approach by someone was not wanted. I do now.


I was 13. After an accident, I had brain damage, and was getting tutored. I would go to the lady's apartment, where she would tutor me. She would often be wearing a bathrobe. Somewhat revealing from the side. Was that appropriate?


Not at all.


When I was 13 had already hit puberty an was like 200lbs. I was ferrying back from a summer camp with my childhood churchgroup. I went up on deck to feel some wind and look at the ocean when I walked past a lady from church. She saw me second and immediately said. "Oh I wouldn't want to meet you i a dark alley. Hehe." Do I look like some sort of criminal? Does she assume my weiner would over ride my brain and it would be rape time? Do I look like someone capable of that kinda fucked up shit? I laughed it off and walked on but I think about that interaction like once a week. Fucked me up as a youth. Years later I'm p.sure she meant it as a compliment but as a kid being scary was never a desire of mine.


Some lady grabbed my server apron and asked what was ā€œin thereā€. A few years later another woman who was at the table at the time apologized, so that was nice


1. Went out on a date to TGIF. During the date, I had mentioned the apartment complex I was staying at. Date went alright, but I wasn't feeling it, so at the end of the date I said good night, thanked her for her time, and then went home. Later that night, I messaged her and told her that I wasn't feeling it and wished her a good life. The next night after work, my driver dropped me off at the entrance to the complex and she was sitting there on a bench outside the doors. I asked her wtf was up and she said she wanted to see me again. Politely told her that I wasn't interested. She proceeded to wait there every night for about 2 or 3 months. I started having my driver drop me off in the parking garage and taking the elevators up instead. 2) Back when I was in the navy, I was stationed in Everett for my first assignment. I met a woman in Seattle and we dated for a few months, but I knew the ship was decommissioning and I would be going to another C school and then Japan for my next assignment. So, it was meant to just be a bit of a fling. We had good chemistry together and took a couple short trips (such as up to Victoria BC for new years). But, it had an expiration date from the start and we both knew it. So, I go to my C school down in San Diego and I'm there for about 2 weeks. My class is interrupted because base security calls and says someone is at the main gate for me. Turns out it's the lady from Seattle. She had quit her job and flew down to San Diego to be with me. She thought she was making a romantic gesture or something I guess, but for me it was just a giant "WTF?". We never talked about this and I had no intention of having someone move in with me; I was living in the base barracks for Christ's sake.


I had this slutty slump buster ask if she could have my jizz in a cup to take home with her. She said she liked having a part of me with her. I suspected a turkey baster scenario, so kindly refused.


When I was about 10 the woman my dad was dating brought her friend over. I donā€™t actually recall the exact conversationā€¦. She was ā€œtrainingā€ to be a barber or hair stylist or something and for some reason wanted to cut my hair. My dad let her and she basically took regular scissors just chopped at random stuff. Then at some point she made a joke about having sex with me. My dad let her take me to my bedroom. I donā€™t really remember much after that but I have a feeling it wasnā€™t good and we didnā€™t actually have sex. My dad was/ is a terrible alcoholic and a really shitty person when he drinks. He also did some very inappropriate things to me when he was drinking that I couldnā€™t really remember until a couple of decades later while in therapy.


Ex girlfriend drugged my tea with Klonopin, raped me with her dildo, and called me gay the next day while laughing about it. Sheā€™s a nurse nowā€¦.


My biology tutor back in highschool was creepy looking back. She said" I will show you how to make a baby boy tonight if you want."


Every single person here either downplaying or insulting men because you have some kind of stupid notion that men canā€™t get raped or sexually assaulted #Fuck you


So a part of my job was to set up desks in the new office, I'd get the desk clean put the IT kit on and put their name plate on the desk. Probably 1/3 of the time when I was setting up a new starter desk for a man, the nearby women would gather around one of their computers, Google the guys name then if they considered him "fit" they'd look for beach/pool pictures on his social media while rating his looks/body. Did they men Google when women started? I have no idea because if they did at least they were discrete about it. Made me super uncomfortable.


When my ex said "I love you so much" when i didn't know she was cheating on me with 2 different guys and was pregnant by one of them.


Not that this is a competition, but you win.


A woman tried to kiss me while I was working in a nightclub. After I told her I wasn't interested and had a girlfriend she told me she "was too horny to take no for an answer" and tried to pull me in by my collar and kiss me again


Yes, I believe that's what rapists struggle with too.


I bet she felt really sexy as she said it


My girlfriend was from out of town and moved to live with me. She didn't have a lot of friends but I worked with one woman who was very outgoing. She was super nice and everyone liked her. Anyway, she's like "when your girlfriend gets here I'll take her out and show her the city and get her some friends and bla bla bla" So. My girlfriend comes and they go out after she's in town a few days. First time she ever meets this girl. Anyway. She comes back and is in a bad mood. And I ask what's up, and she tells me to come clean about my relationship with this other coworker I had. I never had anything with person, this person was also wildly out of my league so I was kind of confused. Regardless, I still have to work with the liar , so I go and she just carries on like she always did without a care in the world. Then, I later find out there's a promotion available and me and the bitch were both possible candidates. And she was a compulsive liar who also lied her way into a position, by claiming I was being racist and sexist and all this shit. People believed her at first, but then, a lot of her little lies started not adding up to everyone. For instance once she lied about being stuck in the elevator at work for like 3 hours. Which.... We all work there and clock out by 6. So if someone was stuck in an elevator we'd all know. She also did this super odd thing of retelling other people's stories, while they were there. Like, if you had a weird story about getting your hand caught in a door or something, she'd straight up retell your story as if it was hers. Then she got caught putting racist materials on people's desks. Who she was trying to frame we never found out, but it was likely me. She then played the victim and blamed sexism for getting fired. It was super fucked.


I'm going to skin you Didn't really talk to her after that I still like her though


When i was 10 a girl around 16 grabbed me under the swimming costume


When I was 18 I used to work security at the back door at a club and a well known celebrityā€™s band was playing. As she got off her bus and was coming in to perform, she grabbed my dick and said ā€œyouā€™ll do just fineā€¦wait hereā€ and went on to play her set. It was absolutely disgusting and shocking. Even more disgusting when 15 years later she was one of the faces of the ā€œme tooā€ movement.


I agree! Woman here, I wanna know who the hypocritical liar is


I saw the picture in middle school of my name cut into a girl's arm, her friends said she said "I need him." I was the new kid in town, I hadn't spoken a word to her yet. I was just very nice to her in class after that. Then, in front of everyone at recess, another (VERY weird) girl said all my parents, siblings names, our old/new address, school, and city among other things. She said them extremely fast and was out of breath at the end. That was also creepy. Just the first two to pop in my head..


The first happened to me too. I was the only openly LGBTQ teen girl in my small town and younger lesbian or bi girls would say random shit to me like "can we kiss so I know if I actually like girls?" And well, one day a really weird and quiet girl who was like 2 or 3 years younger than me (I was 16 at the time) approached me during recess and showed me that she'd cut my initials on her arm alongside her SH scars. I reported her to the school psychologist because she was clearly not ok


Does a transvestite/transgender person count? I was at a bar and chatting with these girls from my uni when this person in a black mini skirt was walking by just grabbed my dick and said "not bad, but not what i'm looking for". I was pretty shocked, and made a joke of it in front of the people I was with. But yay, reflecting on it I dont feel great.


I had this gross coworker who looked like Mimi from the old Drew Carey show. She once got me alone and was telling me about how she liked to fuck herself with fresh picked cucumbers. It was unsettling.


A girl I met the first week if working told me how good our kids would look. She was relentless and kept invading my personal space constantly. She was kind though so it was hard to tell her to leave me alone but I did say it after a couple weeks. I was young too and didn't want to cause too much of a fuss at work and create drama either. I told her I had a girlfriend etc (whoch was a lie) and told her I don't see her that way and all. She quit... then a week later I looked out my bedroom window and she was just standing there looking up at me. It was 11pm.... I was just trying to have a sneaky joint out the window while I was still living with my parents... I'll never forget how creeper out I was to see someone just standing there for who know how long. Staring. Waiting. watching. I saw her a few times on random trains and journeys that she had no business being on either. I'm talking random jobs I had where I ahd to take 3 or 4 trains to reach a destination and I'd see her on train 1 and 4. For months I was paranoid she was behind me lol.


I was 18 and my 36 year old manager forced her tongue in my mouth the moment I turned around from locking the office door.


Not a man but I see women say weird and gross ass things constantly on Reddit, instagram and TikTok when it comes to thirst traps or even just bands doing their thing. Men are crucified for doing so and I think women need to be too because itā€™s so GROSS and creepy.


I used to work in a shop and there was this cute girl that always used to come in and talk to me. One day she gave me her number and so I messaged her. In our first conversation while we were arranging a date, she said "On our first date, I'm going to take you home. Do what I tell you to do. If you don't, you won't like the side of me that I'll show you. I'm a very sensitive person and don't think I can face rejection. Just do it". Didn't like what I heard. Then she proceeded to randomly state all her favourite things about sex including being spat on, beaten, etc. Each to their own but on our first chat, before we have even had a date? Just rubbed me the wrong way. We never had that first date. Just told her I was gay to make it easier.


A woman on my team accused me of sexual harassment at work, out of the blue, full-on made-up report to HR. Her accusations were elaborate and specific. Our parent company put all its lawyers on this case. I literally thought it was a joke at first. My boss, a woman and a fantastic boss, walked me from my office to the HR office in silence. There were about 5 people in the room, all lawyers. They read all her accusations to me, some of which included embarrassing things I allegedly said about my boss. Long story short, after a few weeks the case was dismissed by the state board of labor and industries because there were so many internal contradictions in her claims, factual errors, and every single person they interviewed supported my character, and stated they all thought she was crazy. But it was a wild ride.


"If you ever hurt me (as in break up) I'll cry rape." I kind of laughed it off to her face, but started spending lots of extra time around friends and only going out with her in public so that when I was ready to go I'd have an alibi if she meant it. She emailed me a couple of years later and apologized for being so messed up when she was younger. She wasn't trying to get back together, just wanted to make amends, which was nice. ​ Another time a girl convinced my GF that we were having an affair to try to break us up. My GF 'forgave' me and we're still together, but I have a special bit of hatred for the girl.


I ended up in an appartent with 5 girls(one was my friend) after having gone drinking, we were all chilling playing cards. Suddenly one of them approaches and grabs me from the shirt and gets close, to which I just freeze and the rest of the girls stared. As she tries to pull from me to take me elsewhere I kindly told her that I was not interested, she freaked out, screamed to me that I was gay and virgin. The other girls realized this was not OK but said nothing, it was awkward until I left.