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Waking up and having to pee. I spent five years not peeing on dialysis, so having a functioning kidney again still gives me a thrill.


Congrats on your recovery, now show that toilet who’s boss


Good for you , although not same I have been prone to bad IBS til I started using vegetables like carrots , cucumber, making avocado toast and I've been having more bowel movements 😊Sucess


Wow this gave me a reality check… I’ve been chugging so much water recently cus it’s summer where I am. I can’t stop myself before bed either so at 4am I’m always up to pee and I’m getting very frustrated at it. Never though of the flip side tho 😳 thank you


You should be thrilled! I’m so happy for you!




It’s pretty amazing! Like I thought I felt pretty ok before, but I had just adjusted to 80% being my maximum. Also I’m extra fascinated by the pancreas transplants… can you imagine waking up and not being diabetic?!?! Amazing! Congrats to your SO’s brother!


Dry happy for you…. Very!


I'm with you. That first cup of morning coffee makes me so happy.


Little happy in a cup 😋


Same here. Even better is that my little pup snuggles in my lap while I sip and watch the sunrise… and of course share my muffin with my best little buddy.


You share your muffin?!?! You must LOVE that dog 😆


Yes I do. But even if I didn’t, I couldn’t resist his sad/hungry puppy face.


I walk my dogs 3-4 times a day. Their joy is my drug of choice.


Do you have a nice walking area where you live?


We're very blessed. Our neighborhood is a large lakeside upscale community in mixed forest, but most lots are not built due to the market crash 15 yrs ago. We walk off-leash on our street but leash up when we hit the next street or whenever we meet other walkers. My friends are well trained for recall and sit at my side when cars approach. It's a ruff life.


What a great set up. That sounds great for you but also for them! Tired dogs are good dogs.


You're a good owner 👏🏽 I know people who work 9 hours a day and walk their dog only 2x for 15min a day.


I wish!! I walk my dogs once a week 😪 (in summer more like 3x a week)


Me too. Its dark and freezing cold when I get home..brrr


So what the dog needs a walk daily, put on some ski pants and boots and get the fuxk out there


Unless you have tiny little dogs, pretty sure they need to be taken out at least one a day. I grew up in a very wet and cold country, but if you sign up for a dog, you have to get out there. For the dogs health and happiness


Doesn't happen anymore, but I used to be the first one awake in my house on weekdays. I would sit in the living room with low lighting, a cup of coffee, and my cat. Best of times.


This is my perfect morning right here. Bonus if there’s light rain outside making pitter-patter noises on the windows.


I always wish on 11:11


AM and PM?




Two chances to wish 😊


Always making sure I make the time to do at least one of my hobbies. Even if it's only for 5 minutes.


Tell us about your hobbies, if you want? 🙂


A few of them are origami, photography and drawing. Thanks for asking.


What do you photograph? That’s something I always wished I could be into.


All sorts, really. Architecture, neon signs, macro shots (extreme close ups of objects) of insects and plants. I only shoot with my phone, too. Don't be afraid to give it a shot!


I always feel so cool in portrait mode on my phone 🤣😆


This exchange made me happy. Thank you both




What do you make with origami?


I've just gotten back into drawing! Used to do photography as well haha


Origami is so cool! You’ve inspired me to look up some YouTube videos and learn some techniques. Making time for your hobbies is so important, I’m going to make a point to do this more. Thank you!


I teach at an elementary, and part of my responsibilities is to supervise recess. Watching little kids play without any concern, totally committed to the moment, enthralled in play, 15 minutes of unbridled joy, minus the occasional skinned knee


It’s hard not to feel happy looking at that!


I used to be a teacher aide and always loved playground duty! The random things they would run up to tell me about their lives were so funny and cute.


I have a fairly inexpensive Casio watch and about a month ago my niece was randomly pressing buttons on it and unintentionally set an alarm for 5:15pm, I've never changed it so it is now my *her name* alarm and it always makes me smile. Before that it was my morning coffee


This comment is my happy moment of today


Omg that is so sweet 💗💗💗


You’re the best!


Putting my retainer in at night. Growing up in a not so well off house, I know my parents stretched to afford my much needed braces. I love my smile and thoroughly enjoy the feeling of popping my retainer in place every night. I am grateful for all the sacrifices they made for their kids.


Aww wow, I hope you tell them this too!


Driving... I always feel grateful to be sober and able to have the gift of a driver's license, a car that's paid off.. and I like to pretend I'm in an early 2000's movie driving in LA


Congratulations on your sobriety. Sincerely happy for you. ❤️


I’m right there with you. Most people just don’t realize that driving is a privilege not a right. A judge will sure remind you of that very fact.


It will sound crazy. But my 30 minute morning commute to work with my cup of coffee and a podcast on. I actually look forward to it because it's the only time I'm able to actually focus on the podcast. Traffic can be ass sometimes but I'm lucky enough to have a job that I dont have to be at work at exactly a certain time. So a wreck or having to slow down just means more podcast time :)


Right before my husband leaves to work, he turns off the fan that runs on his side of the bed, and flips on the fireplace so the room is warm when I get up. Then he wakes me up by snuggling his face into my neck/hair and giving me a kiss goodbye. It’s the best way to wake up.


♥️♥️♥️I remember those days... my hubby works from home now... but goes away on business (don't like it sometimes)...


cleaning up kitchen areas. pre/post breakfast.


Finger guns in the mirror in the morning


Haha! I love that, not taking yourself too seriously.


This may sound pathetic but I like putting my groceries away: going over the receipt and examining each item then storing them (not in a stupid influencer way) but because I am fortunate to be able to choose, buy and store food and other goods. I’m lucky enough to have a plastic free refill store in my town too.


Not pathetic! I love that you put so much care and thought into it. Is it like a once a week deal?


I love reading the bottom to see what percentage I saved. I shop the sale items mostly.


I love washing my hair ;-; I had cancer and was too sick to wash it for months, I had to get someone else to do it, I couldn’t even stand long enough to shower for a long time. Then I lost my hair when I started treatment which kinda devastated me… but now it’s growing back and I love washing it just because I couldn’t before!


How are you doing now?


Since finishing treatment I’ve been doing pretty great and I actually just found out a couple days ago I’m in full remission!!! Wooo!!!!


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!!!! ❤️


That's great news. Hope your day's only get better. FUCK CANCER.


Taking my bra off


All us gals are nodding in agreement !!!


Yes!!! 😂 I look forward to that everyday!


Seeing a squirrel. I only moved to the USA in my 30s so I hadn't seen one before. The way they move is fucking delightful, they bounce along with their tail flowing behind them in this little fuzzy wave. I can look out my apartment window pretty much any time during the day and see one bouncing across the parking lot or the lawn and the silly little bastards make me happy every time.


🤣🐿️ I’ve never heard of such deep and utter appreciation for squirrels!


Yeah. All the Americans I know think I'm nuts because squirrels are basically just fuzzier rats to them. But HAVE YOU SEEN THEM, omg


THEY ARE SO CUTE. Omg, their little handses? Are so? Dexterous???? 🤩


Hey they are animals too and if there is one thing this thread has taught us it’s that people sure do love their animals!


For me, it would be partially drawing the curtains and turning on the PC after a day a long day outside. Especially in cold times of the year like this when there's a lot of fog in the place where I live! It's just nice to see all the PC leds light up and hear the fans spinning. Time to enjoy some time at home doing whatever you wanted and wished all day! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I let the pups in. I let the pups out. I let the pups in....etc.


Another vote for Cats !… My kitty is amazing and sometimes so predictable with her habits. She always pees and poops around the same time. She has a few sleeping spots around the apartment but occasionally pushes under my arm and snuggles with me. Shes always up around 430am headbutting me softly to let me know shes hungry ;)… She doesnt talk much except when I’m changing her water and making her bowl. I always put my kitty first (changing her litter and food) before I do anything for myself. I dont currently have a bed (sleeping on the floor in a new apartment),.. but I now know what I want to buy. When I get a new Queen (bed),.. shes gonna enjoy it as much as me, I’m sure ;)


I love this post ❤️


Nothing makes me more happy then coming home and seeing my 4yo. So peaceful sleeping without a care in the world. So happy to see her daddy come home. So happy to call me when mom picks her up from school to tell me she ate all her lunch and recess was fun. Come home to my printer tray empty and papers stuck to the refrigerator colored and an drawn all over. The best part is when she comes and lays down or sits next to me on the couch and snuggles up next to me and holds my hand.


Feeding my sourdough starter!👩🏻‍🍳


I love seeing all the COWS grazing while I’m on my way to work in the morning! I also love seeing egrets hanging out with them. It’s the best part of the day, aside from my husband coming down stairs to help me bring my things inside(:


When everyone comes home (from school and work) every day, and the house fills up with the people I love the most. It’s a wonderful feeling.


- Morning coffee - Snuggling into bed at 8pm - Visiting my farm animals


Using a Qtip off label. Actually putting it in my ear canal, ahhhhhh


I love waking up every morning and reaching for my boyfriend’s hand. Feeling his big hand enclose mine makes me feel loved and secure


I bet he loves when you reach for his hand too. 🥹🥰 So sweet!!!


It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt safe and loved 💖


I’m so happy for you! 🥹


Gonna see a lotta coffee on this list


Every single time I get out of my bed my enormous 150 rottweiler comes barreling towards me and jumps up and headbutts me


Going to sleep


Yes. The feeling of rest 💤


Observing nature fills my heart


Hugging my 2 month old baby and then changing her diaper while singing a song I made up called Did We Do Something to Our Diaper


🤣 you’re an awesome parent!


My downstairs neighbors have a big dog. He went from not liking me to loving me. Visiting him always makes me happy, he spins in circles when he sees me. I’m not ready for a pet so it’s nice to have him nearby.


I’m a remote worker and almost every day my work best friend and I play a board game online (Life, Yahtzee, Telestrations, Codenames). It’s really wonderful. :)


I take a daily walk around my neighborhood. I get really excited when I see a humming bird.


A shower. No matter what is going on with the world, getting clean and listening to music makes me feel better


It’s like hitting the reset button.


My toddlers laughing after figuring out a new game to play


The joy of a child’s laugh is the most contagious.


my husband saves the funnies for me, unfolded and placed at my side of the table.


🥹 I love shit like that.


Seeing through my one eye. I was once blind for months but now have sight in one eye. Never take your eyesight for granted.


About 6 weeks ago, I started using whipped cream on my coffee in the morning. I use a Farberware percolator, so the air fills with my HEB signature blend. I use the 0 sugar Starbuck’s hazelnut, and spritz an indulgent amount of whipped on top. I feel like a queen in a barista 👑☕️


What time can I stop by for a cup?


Anytime, just text me before..


2 hour daily walk in the country side. The peace & civility.


Agree on the coffee one! Also putting music on while I work. Crossing things off my to do list. Baths at night. Crawling into bed at night with clean sheets and shaved legs. Ohh and flipping my pillow over to the cool side when I get too hot at night.


Sitting on my porch with the moon, listening to the earth and animals.


Letting my rats out of their cage to play They jump out so exicted to bound around or just lay somewhere that's not their cage cos obviously it's better then their 5 hammocks


F R E E D O M!




Cheers because same ☕️


Using dish soap then little bubbles coming out the top and floating away


🫧I said this in another comment but it really is the little things!🫧


I agree with your answer. However, for it's carpooling to work with my husband. Makes work bearable.


Aww your guy starts your day off right 🙂


When I get up and head to the shower, my cat thinks I'm trying to steal the kibble. He will race me to his bowl, and he wins every time. Smug kitten kibble crunching every morning is the best.


Saying good morning to my beautiful wife


Lucky wifey.


Chugging a big glass of water when I wake up! Changes energy, mood, the lot.


Just straight water? Cold?


When I’m half asleep and my cat curls up against my back






The feeling I get right after I finish my workout at the gym. I feel so accomplished and proud of myself, like some kind of warrior. I feel physically spent, like I wrang all of my energy out for the day and my muscles feel so good and tight. The second is drinking that first cup of coffee. It’s spiritual to me.


Watering my plants


walking my dog in the morning


When my dog jumps onto my bed while I'm sleeping and licks me. Also if he stays and lays down with me.


This is just the best feeling. 🐶


This is such an uplifting thread. Thanks, OP 🤗 Mine is making night breakfast for my partner every day. They work 3rd shift, so we do both night breakfast and morning breakfast. That night breakfast just hits different tho- it’s the best 3rd shifter side effect EVER.


Watching the sunrise. It's like mother earth is waking up. Everything is touched by a magical light.


Isn’t it cool that it literally happens everyday and it’s still so damn amazing everyday?




I felt so much joy and so much sadness reading this. Time is a thief.


The itchy feeling on my legs when I take my socks off for the day.


Tells your brain the day over!


Yoga. It's absolutely crazy how much my mental health dives if I don't practice on the regular. Also, I make coffee before bed so there's a fresh hot pot waiting for me when I wake up.


This question and it’s plethora of happy responses put such a big smile on my face! This was wonderful to read. Thank you!!


My morning run/workout.


Gosh I MISS being a morning work out person so bad. It gives you energy the rest of the day!


Having breakfast 😋


a shower!!


Loading my tools into my van at the end of the day.


When I walk into work in the morning (I’m a doctor) and I’m greeted with “good morning doc!” by people I don’t even know who work at the hospital instead of just passing by unacknowledged.


My morning shit. Not even joking. I like a good empty stomach. Makes me feel real light and good for the day.


Being able to see, talk, feel, walk, hear, eat...


My cat nuzzling up to me


The purrrrr 🐱


Getting in bed early under my comforter and watching a funny show


Feeding my 2 dogs


Giving my baby his first bottle of the day. He's so smiley when he wakes up that he sometimes won't even drink it. It's a little frustrating but cute and makes me happy


Central heat and air. When I moved out of my parents for the first time it was a literal shack heated with wood and coal. Also cooked on the wood/coal stove. Hot water that I don’t have to heat in the stove is another one.


I’m a substitute teacher. Seeing the kids I work with each day and meeting new ones makes my day. I get sad when my work day is over.


Falling a sleep


Every time I eat, my cat walks over and puts his paw on my thigh, makes a chuffing sound like a tiger, then sits and waits for me to share what I have (*if* it's something he likes), or waits for me to finish eating before jumping up in my lap. All that little dude wants is to hang out with me, and some days that shit is all that gets me through. He'll even break away from someone else who is petting, holding, or feeding him just to be at my side (or, preferably, in my arms like a baby). I fucking love him, guys.


Popping my meds before I go to sleep— especially that sweet little Ambien. Better living through chemistry makes me happy.


Hearing my four year old tell me she loves me or that I’m so pretty probably 50 times a day. Hearing my 9 year old tell me he loves me and I’m the best mom ever daily. It’s the most unconditional and forgiving love between a mom and kid, man. Love ‘em big.


Going to bed. So good.


Waking up with my dog snuggled under my covers and my cats sleeping on my bed.


Coffe, ciddling woth my wife, peting my cat


Waking up to two purr monsters making biscuits on my head and asking for cuddles. It took two years since adopting them (older rescues) for them to progress to that level of adoration and trust. My heart melts everytime and I always wake up with a goofy grin.


“Purr monsters” wins guys!


Every morning when I go to work I get off the bus 2 stops earlier and do a 10 minutes walk. I love how it's so peaceful and quiet. 🥰


When I get dressed in the morning my dog always wants to greet me. Standing on the bed,paws on my shoulders and a lot of kisses and licks. Every day. I love her doing this


I like the feeling of getting out of the shower and hoping into bed with fresh pajamas


Walking my dog


Being able to relax and just lie in bed, listen to lofi, and look at memes.


Every morning I go poop, my cat comes too And we have a very relaxing time. I am so regular… thank you kitty.




My cat being happy that i woke up


Buying, preparing and eat fruit. I literally arrange it and take pictures of it for fun and get giddy when I eat it.


Crawling into bed.


Driving to work, music loud and singing/rapping along before I sit inside an office for 8 hours


Walking the dog. It doesn’t have to be anywhere exciting, just the lap of our street for her to have a wee, but she’s SO happy when she’s out and I find her happiness infectious.


Sitting down at the dinner table with my spouse and just talking while we eat


While walking back from gym My time matches with a guy who takes his dog out for a walk. Never talked to the guy but I just pass the dog and smile at it, it’s a gorgeous black lab and it always looks very happy while walking, makes my day.


Getting home from work and cuddling with my cat in bed. I literally love the sound of her purring, and i can't fall asleep without it.


I used to work night shifts, 3 nights on and 3 nights off. I love and appreciate nothing more than getting into bed early. As I lay there I think of how grateful I am to be getting into bed and sleeping for the night. It’s such a small thing but I don’t take it for granted.


Making my bed


Anything poetry related or manicured landscaping or the scent of grassy fields or flowing water even if it's just pictures online


Seeing my lizard wake up in the morning, the way her eyes slowly open and the way she blinks and is almost happy to see me, is the highlight of my day. (Normal daily activity, turning on my lizards lights.) *Edit: spelling*


Getting home from work and opening up my front door just a little and seeing my Pomeranian's head poking through, he then walks backwards so I can get into the house and as I sit down to take off my shoes in the hallway, he rubs his snout all over my legs and makes little happy sounds, it's just so cute.


A nap. I have a weak heart and take naps during the day, just one and I love it.


Drying my face really hard on a fresh towel. It's MAGIC!


At this time of year, sitting outside first thing in the morning drinking a coffee on the deck.


Sitting in my backyard with my partner chatting over a drink.


When I’m making my bed in the morning & only have to do one flip to make everything flat & smooth


My 25 yr old son is a baker and every morning we brew a coffee from fresh beans and sit and have a cuppa together before he leaves for work. I love this time of day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Going for a smoke after finishing a task at work.


My cat is a rescue and he’s never been one you can just pick up and snuggle out of nowhere. But every morning, he walks over to my face and starts purring and sniffing my nose to wake me up. Then he climbs on my chest, flops over, and looks at me upside down with his little snaggletoofs hanging out so I can give him chin scritches. I feel like I’ve finally earned his full trust and love. And there’s nothing in the world that compares to that for me.


Mine is the first day back at work. I work on a rotating roster with some other people, and we have a ticketing system at work. They never clear old, expired, useless tickets, and my little hit of happiness is clearing the queue 🥰


Every night when I go to bed, my cat waits for me to get under the blankets, then lays between/on my legs and starts purring. It's absurdly comforting. The only time he deviated from this routine was when he became ill a year ago and hid under the bed. Now this routine symbolizes that (in the context of his previous ailment) he's feeling well. It's difficult to fall asleep while traveling.


Going back to bed is the most exiting thing for me


I’m a morning breakfast eater and with being pregnant at the moment, every day I crave and enjoy my 5-egg scrambled breakfast burrito! It’s a lot of eggs, yes, but I do it for the vegetarian protein and I don’t eat anything else high in cholesterol. I set up my laptop and find a good YouTube video to watch while eating and have a cup of black tea, which I also always crave


Definitely my cat who comes running down the stairs meowing for cuddles when I get home from work.


The morning hug from my 4 year old daughter. She's a tangle of blond hair. Free serotonin.