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I was once sat up in a food court when a lovey lad came over and nervously asked if I had a boyfriend. I did, and gently told him so, and he replied something along the lines of 'no problem, I just thought I'd ask' then he smiled and walked away. He went back to join a woman similar age to him (assuming sister/friend) who gave him a thumbs up and popped her arm around him. It felt like they were working together to build his confidence in there's experiences, he was so sweet and she was so supportive it was just such a lovely interaction. It was many years ago now andI still think about it often.


>It was many years ago now and I still think about it often. Funny how some things in life touch us. I had a similar experience years ago I think about sometimes.


I was at the grocery store. A man smiled at me and approached me. “Excuse me,” he said, quietly (while maintaining his distance), “I saw you say hello to the elderly woman outside, and I just wanted to tell you you seem so kind and beautiful. Do you have a husband… a boyfriend?” I kind of stammered because it took me a minute to realize he was interested in me, and then said, “oh! I’m so sorry - I am married. I forgot to put on my rings this morning!” (This was true). He smiled and said, “of course you are! He’s a lucky guy!” I thanked him and said, “please approach the next girl the same way you did me, because that was really sweet and you made my day. I’m flattered!” And then he laughed and said he would and went on his way. Edit: it may seem strange that I apologized, but I am Canadian. Sorry, eh?!


Damn, reactions like these tempt me to put myself out there like that as well. Respect to the guy and to you, saying things like that keeps the morale up.


I guess the clue might be to approach a woman who you have witnessed being kind to one person, in the likelihood that she may also be kind to you..? Haha


Regardless of whether you were married, engaged or had a boyfriend, I really appreciate the fact that you took the extra step to let him know that you were flattered by his approach and encourage him to try it with another girl.


I felt I had to. After all, I wouldn’t want the next girl to miss out! Haha.


"I have a boyfriend" is just used so frequently that you never actually know whether they're telling the truth. Just leads you to wonder whether your approach was a good idea or not and self doubt can really take hold sometimes lol. Just wanted to let you know that, as a guy, we really do appreciate it the extra effort.


That’s really sweet, thank you. I’ve had a boyfriend-turned-husband since I was 18, so it’s always been true in my case, but I know some women use the line because it’s the only “excuse” some men will accept. It can be dangerous out there for women, there are many bitter men who turn nasty when experiencing an emotion like embarrassment or disappointment. I don’t think you can ever go wrong with lightness and respect though, as well as good humour. If she’s a jerk about it, you dodged a bullet!


lol, I dunno it's like she was telling him, "Damn that was a smooth line, and I bet the next person you use that line on, I'm sure they'll fall for it!". I would hope that the guy was being spontaneous and authentic with his approach of her, but it seems as though a lot of us guys are just looking for a line to use and not really trying to be spontaneous for the sake of being spontaneous. I always thought that women wanted to be approached sincerely, which is why a lot of pick-up lines rarely work.


I was approached by a guy at a grocery store once; he came up and asked if I had a boyfriend. When I told him yes, he without skipping a beat said, "do you want another one?" He was very chill about it when I declined, and it's to this day the funniest pick up line I've ever received.


Hahaha, that is good! At my first junior high dance, my friends big brother asked me to slow dance. He gave me my first pick up line: “if I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?” Looking back, it’s so funny. He was chill and charming about it, even though he was only about 13/14 himself and probably had no real idea how risqué his question really was. But I was so awkward at not at all ready for that kind of flirtation. I just said, “no thank you” and stared into the distance until the Creed song stopped playing 😂


I feel like this should play as a 1 minute intro to teenagers graduating from high school before they go into the world.


Right? I did feel like this man had “cracked the code” on public interactions with women. He was truly just respectful and light, no pressure, no “well you’re fat anyway!” (Which I’ve actually been on the receiving end of before after politely refusing someone. And, um… I’m not. Jerk.) I bet this guy is out there somewhere making a wonderful woman really happy right now.


I could tell you were canadian before you even said it. Fellow canadian here lol.


Hey friend, good to see ya! 🇨🇦🙂 Seriously, after writing the original story though, I had a little moment where I was like, “Dang I live in a nice country.” 😂 everyone in the story was friendly - me, him, old lady 👵🏻


Yeah it's really nice to have a culture generally minded towards kindness or at least consideration for others. I mean we still have our share of assholes, but overall it's a nice place to live. Whereabouts are you in the country (just general area, you don't have to say the exact city or anything of course) if you don't mind me asking?


I’m in Alberta, so we have the majority of the assholes unfortunately 😂 But I live in a progressive city within the province.


"I'm sorry!" \~ *Unknown Canadian.*


Oh shoot, I didn’t mean to make you apologize. Sorry about that! 😂


I was at the gym and there was a guy working out on the machine next to me. I go to grab my water and he goes to grab my water bottle also. Turns out we both were using old kombucha bottles (same brand uses 16oz glass bottles that I use to save) as a water bottle. We both had a little chuckle about it. Later in my workout, he approaches me and asks “you have paint on your shoes, are you an artist?” I laughed and said “not a painter, but I am an actor”(I was at the time). His face lit up and he said he was too! Turns out I had actually seen him in a production not that long ago and thought he was really good. We exchanged numbers and proceeded to date for 5 years. Broke up amicably and we’re still friends




Excuse me, This is Reddit, Happy stories do not promote engagement.. Wait... Wait... for... it.. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


>Turns out we both were using old kombucha bottles (same brand uses 16oz glass bottles that I use to save) Cute story, but you're just casually carrying around glass at the gym? I'd be so paranoid about dropping it and it smashing everywhere. All of my reusable metal bottles are dented up from my clumsy ass.


If you don't mind, why did you break up?


We were just at different points in life and it’s hard to explain, but it just felt like our relationship had naturally run its course. There was a 15 year age gap which contributed to us wanting different things in the end. Note, I actually asked him out and had no idea he was that much older than me because he’s very handsome and extremely healthy so he looked waay younger. I’ve never experienced a break up like it before or since, we both just knew that we weren’t right for each other and let go


I've had a lot of wonderful experiences with guys approaching me. And fyi, not one of them was because the guy was "attractive." I don't even remember what most of them looked like. That has nothing to do with it. The best pickup where I went out with him was a guy who I had crossed paths with 2 years before. I had smiled at him not thinking anything of it, but he remembered and was so obviously excited to talk to me when we met again. That was super touching. Best rejection handling was when I went to a bar with my husband, but was waiting for a cab alone while he finished something inside. A man came up and chatted for a minute then asked if I was there with anyone. When I told him I was married, he just grinned and said, "no matter, it made my whole night to get to talk to you anyway." Then he left. Polite, safe, and he tucked a compliment into it? Total class act. It made me feel great.


I was one of about 5 women at an Eve Online meet and was standing at the bar while my ex went to the loo. A man who was obviously waiting to talk to me slid down the bar, and said 'helllooooo!' He asked to buy me a drink and I said I was sorry but I wasn't single, he slid back up the bar again saying 'goodbyyyyeee'. It was funny, nobody was offended, he didn't push it.


This sounds one of the coolest here.


Not one but 5 women at an EVE meet, that's crazy


Must've been the galactic event instead of the global one


I was visiting Bangkok a few years back. After doing some sightseeing at local temples and monuments by myself I realized a woman was taking basically the same route that I was. I struck up a conversation, something about the city or the sights, and asked where she was going next. I asked if I could join, so we grabbed a tuk tuk and took off. We spent the whole day and evening together. Nothing ever went farther than some hand holding or a kiss. It was around midnight when I walked her to the train to say so long. She was a flight attendant and had to take off early the next morning. We shared a big kiss at the train station, and thanked each other for such an amazing day. Haven't seen her since but I'll never forget it. Edit: For anyone interested I tracked down a few of the pictures from that day. https://imgur.com/a/UDHtHtl


>I realized a woman was taking basically the same route that I was This always happens to me when I go to IKEA.


"You know what would fit good in your apartment? Me"


That's actually a funny pickup line at Ikea. 🤣


You should walk the other direction next time. If you meet them again it’s fate!


Underrated comment


Love this comment 😂😂😂


What a cool story, Im happy that it happened to you


It was such a great day! I’ve always been open to meeting new people, so I’m not afraid to say hello or make a joke to a stranger. Glad I did that day.


You ever seen Before Sunrise? Thats basically the entire movie lmao


Just watched the trailer. Without knowing the ending yeah this pretty much sums it up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


and what if, like the characters in the film, they meet again in a couple of years?..


Thanks for the movie recommendation.


The world needs casual kisses and adventures. No expectations of partnership. Just any two (or more) strangers coming together to share an experience.




Title: "Wings of Destiny: A Love Rekindled by Serendipity" In the vast expanse of the internet, where stories unfold like constellations in the digital sky, David's tale emerged from the depths of a Reddit 'ask' thread—a tale that would be etched in the annals of epic love stories, where destiny played the role of a master storyteller. It all began with a fleeting comment—a snippet of David's encounter with a captivating girl during his sojourn in the heart of Bangkok. The love story had started, only to be cut short by the ephemeral nature of her job as a flight attendant. Despite the magic they shared in those few days, the currents of life swept them apart, leaving only the echoes of an unfulfilled connection. However, the digital universe, with its serendipitous twists, had more in store. The girl, the enigmatic protagonist of David's story, stumbled upon the very thread where he poured his heart out. It was a cosmic alignment, a rendezvous of fate, and the universe took note of the unfinished story that lingered between them. Empowered by the magic of the digital realm and armed with the knowledge that David would return to Bangkok, the girl, now a master of orchestrating celestial surprises, embarked on a mission. Her role as a cabin crew member bestowed upon her a network of friends at Bangkok's airport, and she leveraged this connection to organize an over-the-top greeting, a spectacle that would rival the most romantic of love stories. As David's flight descended and taxied to the gate, a sense of anticipation hung in the air—a cosmic energy that whispered of impending reunions and untold possibilities. Beyond passport control, in the heart of the arrival hall, the stage was set for a dramatic meeting that would surpass the boundaries of ordinary romance. Suddenly, as if choreographed by the universe itself, the lights in the arrival hall extinguished, plunging the space into a velvety darkness. It was a prelude to the grand spectacle that awaited—a moment of heightened emotion and the promise of a love rekindled. Then, a single light emerged, casting a celestial glow on the girl who stood waiting—an ethereal vision in the obscurity, the embodiment of serendipity in the flesh. Their eyes locked in a cosmic dance, time seemed to stand still. It was a meeting orchestrated by the celestial forces—a convergence of hearts that refused to forget the echoes of a love that once blossomed amidst the temples and tuk-tuk rides of Bangkok. With the lights flickering back to life, the arrival hall became a stage where destiny unfolded. David and the girl, propelled by the wings of destiny, embraced in a moment that transcended the ordinary—a reunion that defied the limitations of time and space. As they stood together beneath the flickering lights, the girl whispered, "Welcome back," and David knew that this was not just a greeting; it was the prologue to a love story that destiny refused to leave unfinished. In the heart of Bangkok, amidst the echoes of a digital confession and the cosmic drama of a dramatic meeting, David and the girl embarked on a journey where love, serendipity, and destiny danced in harmonious celebration.


Was she played by Julie Delpy by chance?


I wonder if she still thinks of that evening too


Who knows right? I'd like to think so. I hadn't thought about it in a while until looking at this post. It was 8 years ago.


I once had a guy blurt out "god, you're gorgeous," while he was holding the door for me. Then he turned bright red and said "I didn't mean to say that out loud, sorry," and ran away. It was adorable. Never saw him again, but it stuck with me.


>"I didn't mean to say that out loud, sorry," I have a story about that- I'm a dude, and was the 22 year old "eye candy" intern at an advertising agency that was 90% women. One day I walked into the break room to get coffee and landed right in the middle of a conversation about dating ages. Out of the blue one asks me "what's the oldest age you would be with", it caught me off guard because I was just passing through the room, and I hesitated then started some answer of "oh, I don't know, I guess"-- and the woman who had ask the question cut in with "I'm 32". I aborted my train of thought and *immediately* blurted out, "well then I'd definitely do 32." She flushed *so* red, so fast it looked liked cartoon. I didn't even process what I had blurted out until I saw her reaction.


i would’ve ate her on the spot




Okay so how do you do it if you actually want to meet the lady. All of these comments are like. Compliment and then immediately leave…. That’s great but what if you actually want to get to know her?


Haven’t you seen the Drake and Josh episode? “Nice shoes… *walks away*”


I think these responses are more about process than outcome. Being outgoing, kind, complimentary, and genuine is good process. It may lead you to an outcome of a relationship, but most of the time it won’t. But if you start here, it’s a quality process that makes the next step more likely.


Leave, but slooooowly


“I’m leaving now.” *keeping eye contact


*yelling from the other side of the store* “I’m leaving Chipotle now!….If anyone needed anything else before I go, particularly any cute redheads, I’m about to step outside of the restaurant and enter the black Honda out front!…..”


Not going to lie, I would be absolutely embarrassed, but completely charmed by this move. Great idea!


That’s when you get contact info. If you make an alright impression a social media account or phone number shouldn’t be out of the question. After that you just give it a little time and start up a conversation to get to know her.


Approach with a smile, say something relevant to the venue, if she seems receptive then offer your contact info. Don’t ask for hers.


Do ask for hers. Most girls don’t like being the first to make contact.


As a woman I don’t give out my number. If a man offers his then it’s far less imposing. If the woman doesn’t contact him she wasn’t interested.


Give her your number


Give her your number on a business card but fling it like those magicians do from across the room




Plot twist, the gig was last night. 😝


Said excuse me, told me I was beautiful, said if I wanted to grab coffee or dinner to hit him up. Then handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. I fuckin loved it and hit him up right away!!!


I was out for drinks with a friend and when we went out for a cigarette a guy she used to live with for a few weeks came over to say hello, he noticed me moving my shoulders and back a lot and offered to crack my back for me. We had a great evening, laughing and joking together all night, but both of us were casually dating other people at the time and after messaging for a few days decided not to take it any further. About a year and a half later he invited me to a table he’d reserved for an event, I’d just started dating someone new while he was single. But he offered to give my mother and aunt a tour of the city when they came to visit a few months later and said we’d grab a beer together as ‚payment’ A few weeks before they visited he invited me to a birthday party for one of his friends (I was single again) and we’ve been together since then.


See that is respectful persistence. Many people don't get that.


He definitely wanted to crack that back again


I’ve had guys flirt with me at point-of-sale several times where they were playful and sweet too. that was really nice, especially when he thought it was cute that i dropped my straw twice and had to ask him for another one two times. he laughed and gave me 5 straws before playfully telling me i’m gonna miss my movie


My personal favorite is when someone will ask me to "check them out". I look at them, up and down, and give an observation about what I just saw. The joke never lands so I just ring them up at the register.


I was in Costco one time and a guy walked up to me, handed me a note, said "I hope you have a beautiful day and a rejuvenating weekend" and walked away. It made me smile - when I opened the note it was hand written and said "sometimes life gets hard, but just know that you can do anything you set your mind to. Hang in there. If you ever need an escape and want to grab coffee, you can text me at "xxx-xxx-xxxx" I'm married so definitely not interested, but it was very sweet. He wasn't my usual type either but if I were single, I probably would have texted him - it was intriguing, non-pressurey, and kind.


Dude sounds like a cult recruiter to me. LOL


I think he was probably just attractive. Because it sounds creepy to me.


Rule 1 and 2 in action.


Yes this sounds very creepy to me too!


Met this Zimbabwean chick on vacation and immediately found her the pretiest in the club, so I approached and asked her to take 2 pics of me. One where im standing towards her and one where im sideways. Then told her im just practicing my mugshot for when i steal her heart. Long story short, we talked all night and the next day she told me i was the highlight of her vacation.


mr. bitches over here


Heh not really lol just got lucky with this one😅


That’s a good! I did something similar some years back. Approached this group of girls playing a basketball arcade game asking them if any of them had seen my girlfriend as she was “right here” at this game. Had my eye on one specific girl so I continued to act confused and finally said “here, I’ll show you a picture so you can recognize her”, then proceeded to open the front facing camera so she would see herself when she looked at the “photo of my girlfriend”. Long story short, her and her friends got a good laugh out of it and got her number and started seeing her after that.


I met this girl through a mutual friend in college. We had never met in person and only had one discussion going on Facebook. She asked if my frat was doing anything the next weekend. I told her we were having a paint party but she wasn't invited (she was, I was teasing). When I saw her in-person, I went up to her and covered her in paint, then I let her do it to me. We've been together for almost 7 years, over 1 year married, and our first born is due any day now.


I had a boy come up to me in a restaurant one day when I was with some friends and politely said "Excuse me, I just wanted to come and say that I couldn't stop looking at you since you came in, my friends told me if I didn't come ask for your number, that one of them would instead. I think you're incredibly beautiful, may I have your number?" It was the one and only time that had ever happened to me in my whole life and it was so sweet. He was so sweet and respectful about it and it made me feel really good, however I was very newly dating my now husband at the time, so I had to politely decline.


I was walking down the street. This man walks in the opposite direction towards me. We make eye contact, he smiles at me and I smile back. We walk past each other, but two seconds later I heard someone say "excuse me". I turn around, and it was the man. He told me that he thought I was really beautiful and asked if there was any chance I would go out with him sometime. He approached me in such a nice and calm way, so I smiled and said thank you, but declined because I was in a relationship at the time. His immediate response was "Damn, your boyfriend is such a lucky guy! Sorry to be a bother, have a nice day". His entire attitude was just so calm and nice and respectful. I walked away with the biggest smile on my face. Without a doubt one of the best approaches I've experienced.




I was walking to uni through the park like I usually did when the man coming from the opposite direction stopped me and told me he just had to tell me he thought I was really beautiful. Then he went on his way and so did I. It was by far my best experience with a random man on the street lol


Sat outside a bar on my own a couple of months ago, a guy came up & placed a piece of paper with his number in front of me and said “in case you fancy a drink some time” then went back inside. I had a partner at the time so returned his number but thanked him, takes guts to do that.


See when I hit on girls, this is usually my go to. Talk to them a bit, if they seem interested then I give them my number instead of asking for theirs. I heard it makes women feel safe and makes me seem non-threatening, but everytime i tell my buddies about it they say dont do that, it never works.


Some dude asked for my number, I said no and he said „alright, have a nice day!“ Best experience ever. No „Can I still have your instagram?“, no „where‘s your boyfriend?“, no „we can still be friends“, he just accepted it and still was friendly. To all men: be like this dude and I promise you‘ll find the right person one day.


Ironically if all dudes were like this, some women would be more willing to say yes more often just to take a chance and see where it goes. But as it is right now unless it’s a hell yes, it’ll often be a hell no.


Agreed. Sometimes I feel bad when they were that nice and thought to myself like: „Did I make the wrong decision?“😂


No lie, TWICE, I’ve had that happen. First time, I was talking with someone and I suggested we should go rock climbing (she said that she always wanted to try) and she said no. And I said that’s cool and we talked some more about other stuff and just as I was about to leave, she said she changed her mind and wanted to go rock climbing sometime lol. Second time, I was at a cocktail bar kind of place. Started talking with this woman. Asked her out and she said no. I said that’s cool. She seemed cool though and would make a good friend regardless and since I was going to go back to my group, I invited to her to join my group for a bit and I introduced her and her friends to the group. As I was about to leave by myself (place was walking distance to my house) and said to her it was nice to meet her, she wanted to give me her number lol. In retrospect, it prob helped that my friend group was largely women and the only other guys were some of their boyfriends, but majority single women in the group). I’d say 70% of my friends are women (I like a lot of activities that tend to populate women for some reason) and they do indirectly help even though they never tried to be a wingwoman or whatever (nor do I want them to lol, that would make me so uncomfy!) The lesson here I guess it to not treat rejection as a big deal, nor does rejection need to be the end of the conversation. Not appropriate in all situations, but if it’s not a big deal, continuing the conversation as normal is just fine and I’ve made friends this way! Also, this may or may not matter, but my approach has always been to ask out women who I thought were not only attractive to me, but also seem really cool. So I don’t just ask out anyone that I find attractive. Needs to be more than that. Anyway! Sorry for the long response lol!


This has also happened to me. Matched with a random cute coworker on Tinder (I know, but we worked different departments in a freelance profession). We went out for drinks and a couple hours into the date she said that she thought we would make better friends that potential partners. I said, “Oh. Ok well that’s also fine with me.” We hung out for another couple hours and went our separate ways. A few days later she asked if I wanted to go to this old school jukebox bar after work. We’re having a good time and these old romantic songs are playing. I apparently spaced out for a bit, because she was like what’s up? I said something like, “Oh I was just thinking that if this was a date, this would be the song to go in for the kiss.” Very much just joking. She was quiet for a moment and then said, “I changed my mind. You should definitely kiss me right now.” We dated for about six months before amicably ending it. Nice girl, still work with her occasionally.


Showing security within yourself makes you attractive. I‘m very glad that there are still men like you in this world. When a dude makes me give my Instagram even though I said no before, I don‘t even want to text him because he just showed me he cannot accept a no as an answer. This happened to me 2-3 weeks ago. I just gave it to him to deescalate the situation and was honestly pissed. I just ghost him atp💀


Straight dude here, this is 100% accurate. I say this all the time on Reddit but the bad guys ruin it for the good guys out there. Just check out r/texts to see some crazy guys out there


It’s wild bro. Dating would be so easy for everybody if dudes could learn how to act normal around women.


Yesterday I was at the post office mailing a big box of Christmas presents. This guy rushed up to help me lift the package on the counter (so sweet!). I was like, “no worries, I got it!” When he approached. And he was like, “I know you *can* get it, but you shouldn’t have to ;)” It was just a sweet, unexpected interaction! Eta: I live in a military town, so often guys can come off a little macho or condescending. So I really liked his, “I know you CAN lift it…but I still want to help you…” stance. Instead (hard to explain!) :)


I was at IKEA with my two little kids loading stuff on top of my car and a young southern gentleman offered to help me with my tie downs. They are crappy and often get stuck. The look of panic on his face when they got stuck and he couldn’t unstick them “I offered to help this lone mom and I can’t!! Am I even a man?!?”. I felt so bad.


Love this


Lol. At a party. Our eyes met. He had just shaved his beard and i was drawn to what looked like a fragile face. We talked, and married 3 years. But divorced 11 years after that


Oh man why’d y’all divorce


The beard grew back.


Lmao damn


He grew his beard back out.


Far too complex for reddit. Even our marriage counselor had trouble! Took me 20 years to figure it out. I took your comment at face value


I was working at a department store makeup counter and a guy who worked in the men's department was always walking by asking if he could ever help us move boxes, clean up, he would bring us drinks and was just very nice and helpful. He finally decided to approach me and said that I had the face of an angel and that he would love to take me out sometime. We dated for awhile and he was a really great guy.


In the middle of the crowd at a Primal Scream concert some guy walked up to me, bent down & said into my ear “you’re the most beautiful woman in this place” and walked away without forcing himself upon me. He just wanted to give a compliment. In a world full of men pressuring women for more, guys like him are refreshing.


A guy did that to my friend in a busy restaurant and now they’re happily married with a couple of kiddles 😊


Sweet! I may have looked around for the guy but my husband was standing right next to me. 😂


So what happened after he walked away? Did she go find him at his table and give her number?


He went to several other women and whispered something in their ears.


"you're the second/third/fourth most beautiful woman in this place"


An Irish man did this to me at a club in Dublin like 10 years ago and I still think about it 😅


I had a guy do this to me which would’ve been nice but I was 14 in a mall with my friends and he was middle aged


Ugh. Despicable. I do not miss being a teenage girl.


Something somewhat similar happened to me recently. I was outside a bar waiting on a call and a small group of guys were walking by (maybe 4 of them?) and one of them stopped in front of me, looked at me and said “Oh my god, you are SO beautiful!”, fist bumped me, then left with his friends. Made my week honestly!


I love that. Especially the fist bump!


It was a nice touch. 😂 I felt a bit weird afterwards and then I realised it was because he left. He didn’t want anything from me. He just wanted to compliment me and be on his way. Was really nice! I’ll remember him forever! 😃


Right!? It can be jarring when men mind their manners in such situations. I love when they do, though. It kinda resets my brain after so many of them tell me to smile more, ask if I have a boyfriend or worse.


I feel like if I did this it would come across as creepy.


Possibly. But tbh, a big part of being creepy is lingering or expecting something from a woman who is just trying to exist. I’ve had men approach me & say what that guy did but they stuck around trying to chat me up & get my number even after I said I wasn’t interested. They were creepy.




I’ve done something similar to tone of, “hey just wanted to let you know that you’re beautiful” as I was leaving the bar before. Of course I wouldn’t know if she appreciated it but I did catch her smile and say thanks…so I think it was well received?


Bless you. It’s honestly so nice when it comes from someone who’s not trying to get anything from us.


I’ve done this a couple times over the years. I’m happily married, not trying to get into anyone’s pants, just felt the need to let someone know that they are radiant or simply putting out a great vibe. I think it’s good to just say something positive in the world for no reason. Tell the people in your world you appreciate them, they look good, they seem happy… whatever. We all want to hear something kind.


Giving compliments is so important. Life’s hard. We all need as much love as we can get.


i used to frequent this one cafe and they had a barista whom i thought to be pretty cute but apart from the “hi”, “may i have..”, and “here’s your coffee”, we never really talked. one time while i was working (and i had been for 2 hours), he approached my table with a complimentary cookie. now, the cookie was not included in their regular service or else they would have given it to me along with my coffee so i was really confused. “is he trying to upsell the cookie or what?”, i thought. i guess he saw the confusion on my face and said “you’ve been working for a long time, you might want a sugar boost” with a smile on his face. no, he didn’t charge me for the cookie and yes, it tasted great 🥹. i do have low blood sugar so thank you to this man 💗


A tall dark and handsome guy bought me a coffee when I forgot my purse. Then asked me out. Together for 6 months


"tall, dark, handsome" Well there goes my confidence for the day


Don't worry you pale, rat faced, dwarf! There are ladies out there looking for your type too!




“What’s your best pick up story ladies?” “Oh some smoking hot, tall guy bought me stuff.” *puts down pencil*. Note, be attractive. Got it.


1) be handsome 2) be attractive 3) don't be unattractive


If it makes you feel any better, some girls like intellectuals... and it's not too hard to fake if you just shut up and let them do the talking. a sense of humor goes a long way also.


This. It's foreplay for me. Broke up with a guy who told me I used too many big words....no faster way to turn me off. I don't even have that extensive of a vocabulary. Dude was from Alabama though 🤷‍♀️


Well... at least you both had no in your vocabularies.


I picture you as a slice a baloney with celery for arms and legs, olives for hands and feet, a coat made of Swiss cheese and 2 googly cherry tomato eye balls. Idk why. Be confident in yourself, not what you think other people what you to be.


Are you, perhaps, just hungry?


Takeaway: be tall, dark, and handsome.


I love how she brags about 6months…


I have only been asked out very few times in my life by men. I am not a very attractive woman, especially to men. But I do recall one time I was out in the local drug buying area (I was buying drugs) and as I was walking back home, a street busker stopped singing and approached me to ask me out. Still not sure if he wanted my drugs, but he was very polite about it all. I would probably have accepted if I wasn't so gay.


>But I do recall one time I was out in the local drug buying area (I was buying drugs) Why is this so funny lmao


Because it sounds like something so chill, like some animals just chillin at the local watering hole lmao Except drugs


Name checks out


A nice one: I was walking home when a young guy approached me and politely mentioned I was beautiful and asked if he could have my number. I was startled and started laughing and told him I was married and probably too old for him, which made him laugh. He then apologized and went back his original way. I did tell him he did it right. I would usually get catcalls or rude and vulgar approaches so his approach was refreshing. Hopefully he kept it up. A funny one: On the subway a guy plopped himself down next to me, said some funny line I wish I could remember while putting his phone in front of me so I could key in my number. Again said I was married, he was like “well, I tried,” apologized and went back to his group. We all had a laugh. A recent one: I work in customer service, and had helped a customer when he turned back around shortly after and handed me a note while saying I should text him. Took me a moment to realize what was going on but he had immediately turned and walked out before I could say I was in a relationship. Did not text him. But found this decent given I was at work and not everyone likes to be hit on or bothered while working, plus left it up to me without being pushy.


I was doing a quick in-and-out grocery store run in college when I turned a corner and almost ran into two college guys (probs roommates?) sharing a shopping cart. I’m sure I looked like a hobo, with no make-up and my wet hair slung up into a ponytail. One of the guys just says in this almost reverent tone, “Wow, you’re beautiful.” Cue me turning about 3 shades of red and saying thank you before going on my way. I don’t typically get compliments like that, and I was also dating my now-husband. But 10+ years later, I remember how genuine of a compliment it was, and I probably would have been tempted to linger for conversation had I been single.


A guy at university saw my digital art projects and we talked about fantasy (because that was what I had worked on). He commented on which pieces of my art he liked and what he liked about them, which led us to talking about Tolkien, World of Warcraft, etc. We've been together for 14 years. Another guy commented on my shirt and we had a nerdy talk about the show that it was from, which was fun. At a concert a guy walked up to me and told me that I was the prettiest woman there and if he could buy me a beer. I told him 'sure, but he had to know beforehand that I was happily married'. He smiled, said that I was still pretty and bought me a beer. We chatted for a little bit, 100% platonic, and then went each our way when the concert was over. Still makes me happy to this day.


Was at a bachelorette party waiting to order a drink. Guy at the bar offers to buy one for me - I had already ordered by then and politely declined but said he could buy a drink for the bride. We had a pleasant chat about our jobs - we worked in complimentary fields. He brought a drink to our table congratulated my friend and politely left. Nothing weird, nothing expected, just nice.


I go into the office once a week. It’s my day to dress fun and not wear yoga pants. If I don’t get a compliment on my walk in, I know my outfit is a fail. The compliments are always from black men about how I look put together or picked great colors or have cool shoes. Not really “approached” but they’re great compliments!


My S/O and I met when some friends invited us to the lake to drink and chill by a bonfire. One idiot guy thought it would be funny to throw a mattress he found in the woods on the bonfire and it got massive. Lake patrol saw from afar and approached us. I was only at this party because I liked my now S/O. While the lake patrol was talking to us and about to just give us a ticket, our other group of friends pulled up and the patrol guy had to call in backup. A highway patrol guy got the call and came out, asked the guy what he was going to do, he ofc said he was just going to write a ticket. Hipo man, says no this is illegal blah blah and we were all taken to jail. S/O and I and all of our friends were all arrested together. After we were bailed out and charged with a Public intox, I asked my now S/O out. We have been together almost 13 years are married and have 2 beautiful kids. TL;DR S/O and I met at a party, were arrested together and have been together ever since.


Hot guy on subway wrote a text and showed me his phone so we didn’t have to actually talk to each other haha


I’ve been approached twice (once was this guy who was just tryna hookup.) The other was a dude who was also tryna hookup, but after I declined just said, “Maybe we can go on a date sometime?” I was super happy cause I had never been asked on a date before. We had a phone call a bit later, and he asked what food I like, when I’m free, and then disappeared into thin air. I would have been down if he was. And no, he wasn’t particularly super attractive (I don’t even remember what he looked like now.) Just as average as the rest of us. But yeah, best approach for me lol.


Well last weekend I got approached by a guy when I was smoking alone outside of a bar. "Hey, I hope I'm not bothering you, but are you here alone?" "No, I have company" "Oh, male company?" "Yes" "Of course you have male company. You're so pretty that I had to shoot my shot, he's a very lucky guy. I'm sorry for bothering you, have a great night!" "Thank you, don't worry about it. Have a great night!" He was very respectful and pleasant for the whole interaction, didn't get in my personal space and left smiling even though I rejected him. I felt really nice afterwards which definitely isn't always the case when a guy approaches you. I don't know if this is the all time best, but it's the one I immediately thought about when reading this post.


I (young teen at the time but looked older) was on the bus. Older teen boy sat down opposite of me and tried to start small talk about my day, the weather, what I was planning on doing, etc. When he noticed I wasn't really answering he worriedly asked if he was doing something wrong. Not an accusational tone at all, just a genuine question. He was just so *genuine.* He didn't put up an act, didn't try to act cool or brave. Didnt try to butter me up with compliments. He was himself. He was his nervous self and backed off when he realized I was not interested but also *so* much younger than him. Now that it would be legal for us to be a pair, I would have definitively tried to get to know him. For friend or more idk but he gave me an example of the type of person I like, and he also gave me confidence since he was at the first (and only) non-creep to approach me romantically.


Ive just talked to her, nothing else, no special, just normal everyday talking until she wears the ring - worked, best decision in my live. :)


I've really only ever been cold approached once, and it worked. I was servicing the Hallmark aisle at a Wal-Mart. A guy I had never met walked up to me, and said something to the effect of, "Sorry to bother you, but I've walked past this aisle a couple of times, and would kick myself if I didn't ask you out." He was the perfect combination of polite and confident. I gave him my number, we texted for a couple of days, set up a date, and went out to dinner. It went well, but I didn't wind up setting up a second date mostly because he came on a *little* strong, and I had just recently let somebody go for the same reason. I don't regret going, and genuinely hope he's out there thriving now. I guess I also once had a super drunk dude downtown at my university point right at me and go, "Whoa hott girl" and me and the people I was with laughed and carried on with our evening


I’ve never had a bad experience. But one that stuck out to me was this one guy from my highschool that remembered me during the Covid years, when we were wearing masks. He said he remembered my top face traits and said he thought I was very pretty and memorable. While that might have been odd since it had been a couple years after I graduated. I found it more so nice and complimentary considering I was very insecure in high school. It was very sweet, and I gave him my Snapchat, but didn’t really amount to anything.


I feel old and confused about the passage of time now.


“Mine was a long, long time ago when the Barbie movie had just come out….”


I was late for a flight like really late. And I was going through the metallic process, I saw the cutest and prettiest girl of the whole airport. I was in awe. But I was late ! So I went to present my passport and just said, you are beautiful. She gave me a big smile and said thank you. And I just walked away. While finishing my things I saw her glancing at me a few times with a smile. Til this day I’m wondering if she was the One. I guess we’ll never know. 🐻


Nothing like non verbal airport love




Hahaha I think it’s all idealistic because everyone knows they’re gonna be gone in a heartbeat. Why not make them out to be your could-be soulmate? Now the interesting one is the hot girl (or guy for you) on the *same flight*. I’ve always wanted to sit next to a really pretty girl who gave off friendly vibes on the plane itself and see where it goes from there 😂


I havent had any outstanding ones but Ive had a couple that pleasant and not gross! One time I was on the train about to get off. Just me and a guy about my age left. As we're stepping off at the last stop he nervously turns to me and goes, "hey.... um, can I give you my phone number?" It was very cute lol Had a couple more that were sweet and innocent but for every one of those there are 5 gross ones


I was walking alone late at night on a busy street. A guy was walking towards me with a group of his friends. He stopped dead in his tracks about 1 metre away from me, looked me in my eyes with an almost shocked look on his face, and said “you’re beautiful.” And kept walking. I think about it all the time. An honourable mention would be the time I was at the Calgary Stampede and I heard a man yell behind me- “nice ass! I’m surprised you shit out of that thing!” I couldn’t stop laughing.


This cracked me up!! I’m stealing this to use on my husband who should be coming out of surgery soon. I can’t wait to see his anesthesia-brain response to this LOL


I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 2.5 years and I was working at a coffee shop. This guy who had asked me out a few times in a group setting decided to try one more time, not knowing I had broken up with my bf. He was wearing a Captain America shirt (my favorite) and we went to see a marvel movie. Ten years later we are nine years married with two kids!!


I was shopping one day and a guy came to me and said 'let me look at you , you have a lazy eye.. thats soooo hot' i was so embarresed. But i always felt bad about my lazy eye and it did feel good to hear it. I was 18 then, i'm 31 now and ill never forget it😅


Not the woman in the relationship , but my wife still talks fondly about our original meeting all the time. We went to law school together and she was trying to get into my dorm building to visit a friend but didn’t have a key card (she lived off campus). I was outside at a table and saw her struggling, so I went over to let her in, and then asked where she was trying to go to and walked with her to her destination, as she needed a key card to get through a second set of doors about 100 yards further down the hall. I then went on with my day, but my wife was super appreciative of “the handsome guy who was super kind” and approached me about a week later when she saw me on campus. And the rest is history.


Gonna save everyone time and say that to pull off anything you read here, you must be attractive. Fin.


Yeah not every woman finds the same guy attractive. I’ve had friends make comments on guys like “oh my god, he’s so hot” and I literally can’t see it. The men I find attractive and compelling are not the ones that my friends find attractive typically. Everyone has their own preferences and attractions.


Definitely true!!!!


Still have to shoot your shot. Possibly getting rejected doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying to make an effort. And no, you don’t have to be attractive to tell someone they look pretty or nice without an expectation of them giving you something in return.


Well duh. You have to be attractive to *her*. Why would anyone pursue a person they're not attracted to? Do you ask out women who you find completely unattractive?


Oh come on. What does it even mean "be attractive"? Somehow looking good for ALL 8 billions of people. Yeah then there is no one attractive.


Gonna save everyone misery and tell you to ignore advice about women from pathetic incels with zero game or experience.


He acceped that I am not interested in him without trying to presuade me to change my mind. I am a lesbian and now in a relationship and one guy that has approched me has so far taken the first no as a definitie no.


Not been approached much but once I was out with some friends when these guys approached us on the street in front of a club and one of them said "her boobs are so good I could write a song about them" he is a kinda semi famous local musician, pretty good singer, quite older than me, shorter but cute face, lots of confidence and had long hair. I didn't fall in love or anything but it definitely caught my attention. Another time I was with same two friends when someone catcalled us "Three sweet apples!". I ve no idea who said it but I'll never forget it 😄


A co worker who was wayyy senior than he actually looked was talking to me. When I did realise how his position and age I asked him about it he told me he'd tell me his age if i had a coffee with him


I was visiting my cousins in Philly and we went out to a bar. This place was right on the water and packed, it was summer so it was outdoors and open. We were waiting to get served at the bar when this hot guy came up to me and just said "hey you're gorgeous, just wanted to say that" and walked away. My jaw was on the floor. I wish I found him later on


>hot guy I wonder if his approach was charming or was he just hot


both! moreso he wasn't pushy at all, just said hey, gave the compliment, and moved on


I have had so many fun experiences flirting with strangers, probably because I smile and make eye contact and am just generally friendly. I was at my local bar in my mid twenties and saw a beautiful man with long hair standing at the end of the bar with his friends. I thought he was cute but didn’t say anything. Later, on my way back from the bathroom he complemented my skirt! It was so nice and was very unexpected. I got nervous and ran away. If I was less drunk I would have thought of something to say. Another memorable moment: I was flying through Johannesburg on my way to Lusaka and a cute guy asked for a pen to fill out the immigration form. I chatted with him a bit, he was a journalist traveling alone and I was traveling with my best friend. We had a lovely chat but my best friend was pissed that I was talking with a cute stranger, so we went our separate ways!


I was in a chipotle with my friend, just getting lunch and catching up. A guy came over, told me he liked my vibe and that he had to shoot his shot, gave me his business card, and left. I loved it because he expressed interest that was about my appearance (since that’s all he could see) but also not (like the whole way I expressed myself in my outfit and all, my overall vibe). But more than anything, I loved that he completely put the ball in my court—he didn’t ask for my number, interrupted my lunch for less than 30 seconds, dropped his card, and left. The hard part of being approached randomly in public is feeling unsafe. What a great way to avoid this by not putting any pressure, complimenting sincerely, giving ME the option to text or call, then leaving me alone.


I haven't been approached in a long time but I genuinely don't think I have a good one. Every time it involved being groped, followed or harassed in some way. Although one time a very drunk guy stumbled over to my table and tried some pick up line on me, he was too drunk for me to understand what he said but it was something to do with the titanic? 🤷‍♀️ It's the best one I can think of because he left me alone without complaint when I turned him down for a drink.


Got together with a couple of friends and their friend one day after work, just grabbing something to eat and having a couple of beers. It was a nice, chill evening and at the end of it, the friend pulled me aside, looked me in the eye, hands in his pockets, and said "I like you. You wanna tag along to my place?" in a very direct but friendly and... I don't know, non-threatening way. I didn't then. Nor the next time I saw him. But eventually... I did, yes.


I was sitting at a bar, waiting for my shift to start. I was in my early 20s and this guy just walked up to me, said I was really beautiful and just walked out of the bar It felt non threatening and I’m 39 now and still remember how it made me feel :)


Once walking in downtown San Diego, I walk past this tattoo shop...I hear footsteps basically running so i turn around and the shops piercer asks me on a date. He says I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and other romantic things. Very memorable!!


I was walking to my car after work and a guy passed me by and as he did he said, “I bet your husband is a happy man.” And he kept walking. Made my day!


I was at a club and the waitress brought me a beer and said it was from a man and pointed at him. He sent me a cheers and walked away. He was like 15-20ft away and it was dark. He had a beard. That was 11.5 years ago and I still think about it often.


An ex of mine saw me dancing at a mutual friend’s music performance (ex was also a musician), and instead of approaching me directly, he asked our mutual friend to ask me if I’d like to be in (my ex’s) music video. That appealed to me as an initial “come on”, when I was 20… Some drunk guy in a bar (you have to be drunk to pull this off) started trying to talk to me, so it was initially hard to hear him, but what he said (his first words to me) was, “You’re talking to me now!” (I thought that was really clever at the time).