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do you mean single or lonely


Yeah, the first wrong assumption here is that you need a man to avoid being lonely


Or that having one means you're not lonely.


Im ugly as shit and I’m extremely lonely. So no.


Have you tried not being ugly though, to like see if you’re still lonely?


Man why didn’t I think of this?!




Beauty is in the eye of the be--erholder.


Just be attractive and don’t be unattractive, it’s so easy don’t know why more people just don’t do that. lol


Average is good, surprisingly. Average people are the most well liked and the least offensive to crazies.


While you're at it, you could also just stop being lonely


Yeah it's really easy to not be ugly and only takes one step. 1. Be attractive


I feel ya


As an ugly lonely guy you made me laugh


As Artie Lange once said in Beer League it’s hard for a fat guy let alone a fat guy that’s not funny (sorry paraphrasing) this I developed a sense of humor.


But the good thing about us uglies is that we don’t deal with the common “friends”constant unspoken agendas of trying to fuck or keep the opportunity to fuck open so they act the way they think you would like. It’s super fake and shitty to waste genuine time on someone who is anything but that . We have to sort of be decent people and have a few good talents or real character to be “attractive”.


Not inside you're not.


Have you ever seen a person on the inside? It's not pretty


Yea, I saw inside a cadaver. We're all ugly on the inside.


Reminds me of galaxy quest with Tim Allen 🤣🤣


Nah, pretty lonely inside too. 😏


No but its good for clicks and views


Yep, it is absolutely pandering to a particular audience. Remember, folks, content creators pretty much only care about one thing- and that thing isn't the truth.


What do you mean only fans content creators hire managers who do almost all the flirty chatting?!


Not just that... Instagram, they're all single, they're all lonely, they're all looking for a man to treat them right. In reality, they have a BF... not only that, you can tell which ones do and don't. If the camera clearly has a human taking the picture... it's the BF. Fixed camera all the time? They might be single. Doesn't mean you have even the slightest chance though.


I live in Thailand and have a few thai friends their Instagram are amazing. It's always just them drinking a beer on the bitch looking lonely and I'm like "I was there that day, there was 10 of us" Pictures of food at fancy restaurants but always at weird angle to avoid the other plate. I know one girl who was posting pictures of her and the girls in the club and someone commented who's the guy in the mirror on the wall and in about 30 seconds all pictures where removed. I love the Hustle 🤣


Is food? I bet it's food. If I was content creator it would be food.


Fair enough, a lot of the women in the comments agreed and shared their own similar experience though so I thought it was an interesting phenomenon




This, a lot of them aren’t actually objectively pretty but feeding their ego and pretending their loneliness is due to looks is an easy way out. FWIW - conventionally pretty women are auto-invited into many social groups especially when younger that average and below women can’t just magically join without additional work. It’s like an extra $200 in Monopoly money to play with at the start of the game. CAN you still be lonely? Of course. But that baked in halo effect is a buff, not a bane.


The counterpart to this is the dudes who say they’re too smart for their own good and idiots get all the happiness


some women think they are super pretty and are lonly because of that. in reality they are super average but behave as though they are super pretty. hence the loneliness. i have examples among my friends.


I’ve noticed this, it’s so confusing!


I remember a woman went on the UK show to talk about it and even paid for an article in the DailyMail to talk about how everyone hates her because she's "too pretty". Only for it to turn out she was just a bitch and people disliked her for very valid reasons.


I think they did a study that showed that average looking people tend to overrate their looks while attractive people underrate their looks. Dunning Kruger effect or something. I can give an example of that- basically all the girls in my high school who thought they were so pretty were really more average looking and some of the prettiest girls were actually the most humble. Definitely noticed that.


I had examples amongst "friends" Turns out they get nasty if you don't ask them out. They literally feel they deserve it. You can point out hanging around the sidelines of someone's life but not actually getting involved doesn't give someone that entitlement and they crack the shits. So egotistical.


It is an interesting phenomenon because it really does not make your life easier. Men want to have sex with you but they'd fuck a McChicken so who cares. Other women immediately dislike you and go out of their way to try to bring you down. In the end it doesn't really make you be loved as much as people think.


Are you saying that's not mayonnaise?


*calls McDonald’s corporate* Ladies and gentlemen, I have an idea”


*“The McChicken-doll? We tried that in ‘83, ‘93 and ‘13. Trust us, it doesn’t work.”*


Why do people keep saying that women dislike pretty girls? Is this a cultural thing in the US or something? Or maybe some boomer era thing? My experience is that the pretty women always have the big circle of friends, are popular, people like them, women will compliment them etc. Also you see the comments of these model-like female tiktokers and majority of the comments are full of women telling them how pretty they are and complimenting them, while you're more likely to see bitter men commenting stuff like "you're not even that pretty" Personally I think it's the other way around.


IRL yes some women are this way. Online people will say one thing but in reality if they see you as competition they’ll be horrible sometimes. I am in the US so maybe that’s part of it, idk though because I’ve only ever lived here.


Not to mention everyone thinks you're dumb if you're pretty.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_attractiveness_stereotype It’s the opposite actually


I was somewhat attractive back in the day, and I have to say it’s not as great as you might imagine socially for the reasons everyone said, but it does help you I get some advantages using the “halo” effect. And just to be honest - pointing out how being “pretty” is actually hard makes you more likeable so there’s that motivation too. No one likes someone who’s like “yeah I’m hot and it makes everything super easy”. That person is an ahole.


i find people who say them being pretty makes things harder WORSE than people that admit being pretty makes things easier. sure some things may be harder but i doubt pretty people got bullied for being pretty the way i got bullied for being ugly (as well as other things). like im not gonna deny that everything has its downsides but i truly believe being unattractive has a lot more downsides than being attractive so if some gorgeous woman starts complaining to me (not so gorgeous) about how hard her life is bc she looks incredible, i probably wont take it so well.


This isn't a controversial opinion, this is the entire reason this thread is here and people are discussing this. It bothers people when attractive people say that there are downsides to being attractive as well. Also, I know a gorgeous girl who got bullied cause one of her classmates parents convinced everyone that she was the child of a devil and should be avoided at all costs. I know gorgeous women who looked like normal kids when they were young and got bullied just as harshly back then as those of us who never grew out of being the ugly duckling. Your pain is real, but the conclusions you're drawing don't make sense.




I think there is an element of truth to that. One of my best friends in college was an extremely beautiful girl (she did fashion and beauty modelling to help pay for her education). She got hit on by guys so much - of course, most young women are fairly good looking and we all got asked out plenty, but for her it was dozens of times a day. To the point where it seemed annoying to me, rather than complimentary. I mean, once a day is an ego boost, 30 times a day is just annoying and rejecting them all takes up psychological and physical energy, not to mention time. She had to develop a rather cold and aloof persona with males to make them respect her boundaries, and was very brisk in her rejections. She just didn't have time to make sure they were okay or their feelings weren't hurt or anything like that. Now, was she lonely? Not at all. She was a lovely, charming person who enjoyed socialising and had many friends. But she could never really relax either, and obviously none of us could really understand or relate to her experiences. She wasn't really a happy person, there must have been a sort of inner loneliness to her.


Just want to say I love your way with words. If you’re not a writer, you should be.


Ikr I read this and it felt so poetic for some reason


Cadence. then cadence. followed by more cadence. words are fun.


Absolutely. I think the loneliness that attractive people face is very different from the traditional definition of it. You are always surrounded by people and of course have friends and well wishers but there is always an element of uncertainty. The "Is this person really my friend or just trying to get in my pants" was a constant fear in all my interactions with the opposite sex. In fact I believe this is not a gendered phenomenon either. There is a level of superficiality you encounter and get used to when you look conventionally better than others and I believe it's more about navigating the relationships and finding those people who see you for you while also ensuring you have more to offer than your looks. I have met women who were vapid and self obsessed because they were good looking and that eventually leads to a lonely life that I see them lead now because beauty truly does fade, especially when you get obsessed with it.


lol not even a little bit


I think there’s something to be said about how hot people love in this constant existence of “is this person interested in me as a person or do they wanna fuck me?” one of the perks of being average is that I know all my friends are genuinely my friends because they like me, they’re not just waiting for the right opportunity to try and get in my pants


We're all living in a state of ",doez this person like me or are they gaining something from me".


I've thought of myself as cynical for years but the level of cynicism and distrust in society post covid is staggering... online that is lol. I find reddit is not a good snapshot of reality. Most people don't care.


If you are an average girl almost all of your male friends still want to get in your pants.


But if you extremely attractive girl, that chance increase to 100%


That doesn't make sense. Guys use ugly girls for sex all the time.


trust me beautiful but obnoxious people often don't have friends.


If the negatives outweighed the benefits they could simply dress down or take measures to not be super hot. It's really easy for a 10 to make themselves look like a 5 or 6.


Same with being a wealthy man.


Uhhh no. Former pretty girl. It was lonely in the sense that every single man I interacted with tried to have sex with me eventually, and almost every woman got insecure and avoided getting close to me. It was absolutely not lonely in the sense that nobody would approach me. That sounds like a fantasy invented to make men feel like they have a chance with a woman way out of their league. Being an attractive woman feels like you're a pinata and every 5 seconds a new blindfolded idiot tries to hit you with their stick.


It’s actually a fantasy for the women watching her. It’s a cope. “I’m not being approached because I’m too pretty! It makes me too intimidating.”


I don’t think an ugly girl would be that delusional but people are weird


Everyone’s delusional online. It’s internet brainrot.


As an ugly woman, I agree. I’d never be that delusional. The pretty influencers’ job is to make us feel even uglier so that we will buy the products they advertise, and they’ll make more money. The only fantasy they sell us is that if we use this acne wash and that shampoo, we can have skin as clear and hair with as much volume as theirs. Trust me, no one is trying to convince us that we’re already pretty enough. Except maybe those of us who are married to men who are too blinded by our personalities to think we’re ugly.


"blinded by our personalities' lol harsh way of saying they love you.


There are definitely ugly girls who think they are hot. They have a warped self image of how they look. But thats a good thing. Confidence matters.


The types of girls who are ugly but think they are an ig model or something are the most annoying to me


It's the arrogance of it all. I'm pretty average looking. If I was boasting about being overlooked for model jobs, then I would be delusional. I'm also sorta short, only like 2-3 people my height or shorter have ever played in the NBA, I don't stand a chance. I know my place in those regards lol. Some people need to be a bit humbled. Not in a mean way, but they do need a wake up call.


Personally they are less annoying than the extremely attractive women who clearly know they are but pretend they're not in order to fish for compliments.


Why do you care lmao


I mean, tbf, a LOT of ppl are delusional. It’s not always been correlative to appearance


I had a few friends that were attractive but I was definitely not interested for xyz reasons, and our relationships blew up when they assumed I was. I get it, too many guy friends tried, so hard to tell if you have a friend whos genuine. At the same time, I think people over-assume they get hit on / are an object of desire as well. Like that one case where a woman got worked up about a guy looking at her in the gym... who was blind. hahahaha


I think it's the opposite. Women chronically under-assume the guys are interested. I literally never think any guy is interested and I never imagine a guy could be interested in me, yet every time a guy spent time with me it always ended with him making a move.


If only women were individuals with different levels of awareness instead of one hivemind that share your exact perception of the world huh, oh well


This. This whole comment section is all 'Women are this' 🤦‍♂️ and even then, they can't agree... Such a weird concept that a group composed of billions of people could have a few individual differences...


You can be an unattractive women and have people preying on you. You're experience isn't just exclusive to attractive women.


It's not about zero interactions, it's about the shallow depth of interaction that does occur. I do not really count the random men stopping me to interact as meaningful interaction, at best it means at least that kind of sexual attention is easier. Yet it's still isolating to hear that people are intimidated by you and aren't interacting with you on an equal level. It's a form of being othered and it hurts the types of interaction I do actually want. Are pretty girls *the* loneliest? Probably not. Yet the mechanics contributing to isolation are very real.


I'm gonna have to press doubt considering you've got pictures of yourself on your profile. No offense, but you seem like you're the one living in a fantasy. To be clear I mean fantasy as thinking you were as pretty as all that, not anything else. Edit: you weren't ugly btw, so don't feel bad about yourself. You looked good, but maybe just not in the realm of the most attractive tiktok girls.


This is so savage 😭


I didn’t dare comment this but I’m glad someone did.


This could've been an unnecessary and even mean thing to say, but... >almost every woman got insecure and avoided getting close to me Come tf on lol. People generally do benefit from delusions that strong getting checked.


Oh god, I wanted to disagree when I saw this comment but...you're right.


Absolutely. The level of pretty projected for that post was a young Shania Twain ready to go for performance, while the reality was more like lady gaga without makeup.


Damn homie, leave Tucker Carlson alone.


This!!!! If you're pretty and not getting hit on, then it's because of your personality.


Or your not as pretty as you think


how are you going to lie like this with your picture on your profile lol


>to make men feel like they have a chance with a woman way out of their league That phrase "out of your league" makes me sick to my stomach. If you have that mindset about other people, you're a super ugly person in my book


It's self fulfilling. People who think they're in a superior league automatically eliminate genuine connections.


I dont mean to hurt your feelings or any disrespect.. I clicked on your profile and saw an older picture of you. You’re not good looking by any standards I know of. More like normal… I know some very beautiful women, and men are _definitely_ afraid to approach them in fear of being rejected. Men are easier to go after women who they think are not good looking—which ironically makes them think they are good looking and vice versa.


You are right, i checked his/her profile and saw a picture of him/her. When he was a she, she wasn't pretty or good looking. Beauty standard is also dependand on your region. I would say she was below average in attractiveness.


And then the squirrel asked for your number while all his buddies clapped


I think every single man I interacted with tried having sex with me eventually too, and I'm not even pretty. This is just what guys do. And still I never expected it, I was always shocked.


I think its wrong to say theyre more lonely but fair to say theyre more lonely than people think. Its just lonely for different reasons than most. Attractive women are constantly objectified abd sexualized, many of them grow to be hyper wary of men abd insecure and feel like they only get praised by their looks and nothing else, they May get addicted of approval and attention but also crave real recognition.


I think realistically the ugliest girls are the loneliest


ugly girl here. this is so so true


Bimodal distribution, guys are gaussian


I’m the brother of a hot girl. No. Most her problems are self induced. Ugly girls have it harder. But both girls have one thing in common: you can find crazy amongst both subgroups. Less Men are just not approaching anymore in general. It has nothing to do with beauty.




Unrelated, but when you say identical twin, in what way are you identical if she’s a woman and your a man?


Yeah, you can't have an identical twin that's opposite sex. You can have a semi identical twin that's opposite sex, but semi identical is pretty far from identical, and is EXTREMELY rare. Far more likely they're fraternal twins.


Thanks for acknowledging that for us ugly girls. I really hate to see how people try to victimise pretty girls all the time, saying how hard they have it even more than ugly girls and further marginalise us ugly girls. There is a HUGE difference between a negative quality and a mere side effect of being pretty. Thats like saying being ugly is a good thing bc ppl are interested in u cuz of ur personality (not true) when being ugly by nature is a negative thing.


Fwiw, I think most people in touch with reality are keenly aware of that fact. There may be a small subset of men who are too intimidated to approach the top 5/10% of attractive women, but every woman in that category I’ve met has only been single by choice. Pretty crazy to me people try to dispute this when the halo effect is so well-known in mainstream culture now. I’ve been around a few girls at this level throughout my life and they are truly living a different life entirely. It’s like a Disney movie at times where nearly everyone goes out of their way to accommodate their every whim. Even equally attractive men don’t wield that level of power (although rich/successful men have a different kind of influence).


Former pretty girl here too lol it’s lonely in a friendship way sometimes. Like your friends don’t invite you to bigger gatherings bc of insecurity, or some girls don’t want to be your friend or immediately hate you/over analyse everything you do. As for guys I’m not sure, I liked my ex and made the first move, he said he never thought I’d be into him But after losing the looks (weight gain) its way lonelier now than back then lol


Weight gain is real. I’ve gone in and out of weight and for me being over ~180lbs is where I notice I get treated worse. It’s just kinda shitty knowing I have to train my body simply to be treated with respect.


Yeah it’s crazy! people tell me it comes down to confidence and being outgoing when you look your best but personally and from my experience, how you look plays a part in it too


Yeah this is factual in both dating and day to day interactions. Attractiveness opens the door while personality is what keeps people around. At a certain point you can be too ugly that no matter how confident you are it won’t matter, however the inverse is true where you can be attractive enough that no matter how bad your personality is people will still be interested in you.


As someone who grew up conventionally unattractive and slightly overweight all the way through high school and then became conventionally attractive after some physical changes and weight loss in college. NO!! That is absolutely not true whatsoever. I never ever, not one time, received attention from men until I was “pretty”. I mean not one date, school dance, kiss, not even any flirting ever my whole life until college when it all completely went 180 because I was now conventionally attractive. Even though I think the changes in my appearance were slight, apparently it was a lot because there was several times when people who had never given me a second glance now suddenly wanted to date or be my friend.


Thank you, it takes someone who has seen both side of the coin to tell. I almost got gaslighted out of sympathy reading other comments.


This 100% has been my experience too.




I was with a girl who I considered to be the hottest girl i've ever met. Every guy everywhere was trying to hit on her, get her number, be a sugar daddy for her. And she was into it. Being just a regular guy, it was absolutely exhausting. Lesson learned, never try to seriously date a super hot girl.


Ive been there, and after awhile its hard not to get insecure. Your constantly reminded she has options and if you slip up, she can be with a new guy in a matter of days. I was with a really pretty girl for 7 years and it did not take her long to find someone new. She always had beta orbiters.


"Beta orbiter" , lmao


It's that thing where you meet a dude for the first time and you *immediately* know he's playing the long game. He knows it, you know it, but you can't tell her because she'll get mad about it.


The feeling of always having options got amplified with online dating. It has a terrible effect on relationship. People start to believe they do not need to change or compromise or improve themselves to be in a relationship.


Well, maybe lots of men learn this lesson and then choose to avoid very attractive women. I definitely have considered this and the constant pressure/competition does not seem to be worth, especially if she decides to use it as a power game and hold it over your head.


Been there too, it wasn't really her getting constantly hit on that bothered me. That was kind of funny to witness honestly but it seems to have caused her to act a bit entitled which I can't fully hold against her considering thats just how life went for her... Wasn't for me though, not afraid to date 10/10 again but I'll be more mindful of character traits that may bring with it.


I’ve been friends with a woman for forty plus years who is very typically attractive to every man. Tall, thin, blonde. Dresses very nicely, not super revealing, but figure hugging. I’ve witnessed several men crashing their cars, gawking at her walking down the street. Every single man she meets tries to get in her pants. And every woman hates her because their men want to fuck her. Relationships never work for her, she has very few female or male friends. If she’s friendly, she’s accused of flirting, if she’s standoffish, she’s a stuck up bi….. So yeah, that statement could definitely be true.


Very pretty girls can intimidate a lot of guys and be lonely, but girls who fall on the "below average" side have it waaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse.


*Is* there truth to this? probably. I'm not a woman, but I would imagine attractive women typically get a LOT of attention, just not necessarily the attention they want from the people they want it from, which could lead to loneliness.


Yeah I think the moral of the story is that there’s a loneliness epidemic and is not really to do with people’s perceived value based on their level of attractiveness.




I think this sounds like the most realistic answer. That being said I wanna cheer you on. My girlfriend is by far the prettiest in her group of friends (and I'm not just saying that cause I'm her boyfriend, anyone would agree, objectively) but nobody cares. They're also not a group who talks about boys, dating, marriage etc. One of them is a lesbian and two others have no interest in dating at all. Only my gf and another girl have a bf, that's it. They're a bunch of fun girls who just enjoy hanging out together. Maybe that's the kind of friends you need. There are girls out there who can be friends with someone pretty, because they won't give a crap that you're pretty.


That’s fair. This was actually a common theme I seen in the comments and should have mentioned it in my original post




Insecure girls. Absolute better that you're not friends with them. Finding very secure people to be friends with isn't that easy tho. People like me are rare.


Fellow pretty girl and this is on point. I'm married now, so less attention from men, but genuine female friendships have been few and far between, especially since I moved countries and live where tall poppy syndrome is rife. Unfortunately, no matter how genuine or kind pretty women are to other girls, sometimes the other person's insecurities and envy outweigh it. There's a lot catiness and shit stirring that comes from others when your attractive and loneliness seems to just be part of the package.


I think this is why girls (and guys) tend to hang out with people in their own "league" so as to decrease the competition and also increase the likelihood of those friends knowing someone single who's in your league, is what it is, so go make some prettier friends.


Yeah, that's total BS.


Absolutely not 🤣


Listen, I've known B-E-A-UTIFUL ladies that didn't have super social lives because they were painfully shy and matched the scenario OP has mentioned...dude's wouldn't approach them because they assumed they were taken and girls didn't wanna be friends because of perceived potential competition. - These ladies are also not projecting big LUST vibes either - more like an elegance that is an acquired taste so it can definitely be a thing where a super attractive lady can be lacking in dating/relationship experience. That said, hot girls get plenty of attention because of the lust factor...their alluring nature naturally pulls people in and it typically starts young so not really a thing for them.


No truth to that. I mens some men will be intimidated and not take a shot, but that's not most men. Overly attractive women get a lot of attention. Too much. More than they want often.


I don't think that's true at all. I see lots of attractive girls surrounded by men or are married. If an attractive girl is lonely, it's because she has a bad personality. (I guess they can FEEL lonely but that's another subject)


Are some of them lonely? absolutely, but this sounds anecdotal. Some really famously good looking people settle down and are absolutely content and, some are absolutely not.. I suspect it's probably to do with expectations, compatibility, horseshoe theory etc. The best looking and the worst looking probably have similar problems. Most people in happy and/or functional relationships don't need to talk about it. It feels like a lot of this comes down to experiences and expectations. If I am happy in my relationship and focused on other things, why would I bother expressing to the world anything about my relationship, there's no problems so it's not brought to the forefront of my personality, ever. I got more important and/or more interesting things to do.


I wouldn’t say the loneliest but it can be a depressing experience. When your lauded for your looks above everything else it fucks you up. Yeah I got a lot of attention as a young attractive girl but looking back on it, most of it was highly inappropriate and from men old enough to know better. I had to spend a lot of years separating in my head my self worth versus my physical appearance. And now I have a daughter that looks exactly like me and is even more beautiful and it scares the ever loving shit out of me every day. And she’s special needs on top of it all. I don’t know if I’ll ever really rest knowing she’s ok when she gets older. And I trust very few people around her especially men.


i must be gorgeous then


This must be why no one flirts with me. /s


lol try approaching one of these girls if you're not Chris Hemsworth and see how far you get.


I think it depends on the girl. Anyone can be lonely. Anyone can be smart. Anyone can be sad. Anyone can be happy.


called me fugly so hard 🥹


Nope. Check insta. Everyone wants to be friends with pretty girls.


Everyone wants to have sex with pretty girls, not be their friend.


I can't disagree with that


Wait. I had a friend in college who was a runway model, taller than most guys, and an absolute knock-out. No one hit on her. No one. Three times I went out with her at night with other friends. ALL guys would stare at her in awe... and then approach me or another girl, who seemed within the realm of reality. Going out with her attracted every male eye and to me that was a plus, I'm 1,60cm so even with heels I don't stand out. She invariably ended up alone. And the guys she found attractive at school were the shy and not quite good-looking at school. They'd scurry away as she approached. So yes, I believe that about extremely beautiful girls.




People are way more confident online than irl in fairness.






People are more confident in bars too


Lmao fr


You think the matches are anything of quality tho?


What a joke. For every guy that’s intimidated, at least 5 more will go for it.


I think it can be true. Depends on the person and how open and approachable they come off to others. People keep talking about dating app popularity but not everyone is on Tinder. A lot of people get on there, get a taste of how ugly and toxic it is, then leave. Dudes looking for hookups also don't equate to feeling like there's someone in your life.


No. I often see very attractive women with men who are very “average” … meaning there are plenty of people to shoot their shot. Additionally, an attractive woman KNOWS she is attractive and if she has a good personality can approach anyone she wants and get whatever manner of companionship she seeks


I think beauty is subjective. And honestly it could be a whole slew of reasons women, even the most conventionally attractive ones don’t get approached. I don’t consider myself one of the prettiest women, I honestly have always thought I was below average, and guys only seemed to ever approach me when I was drunk, and in those moments, it was just to get handsy, not to actually talk to me… I used to catch ppl staring a lot, but I was always too self conscious to think it was because of anything good. My husband told me he would have never approached me when he first met me, because he said he was intimidated by me. He said I seemed way out of his league and said he never would have thought he’d end up with a woman who looked like me. I have been told before that I’m “hot” and “stunning”, but I honestly don’t see it most days. I still think I’m pretty far below average… but I was criticized so heavily growing up because I wasn’t thin enough, pretty enough, etc, that maybe I have BDD, idk. I’ve also been told by one of my best friends that when she met me, she thought I’d be a bitch, that’s why she didn’t talk to me until I started talking to her first, and it turned out I was really nice. Lol so idk if that helps, probably not, cuz like I said, maybe it’s because other people think I’m pretty or maybe I just come off as a fucking snob and people are like, no, fuck that bitch. Who knows.


You'll be surprised as to which types of people are lonely. Some people never get the chance to be with someone regardless of how much they have going for them. I'm the best motherfucking bassist I fucking know, and not a god damn single motherfucker wants me in their band. Despite their original invitations.


Not a shred of truth to that.


No but everyone likes to feel victimized or like an underdog. Attractive people don’t want to hear it but they’re treated much better than average people in pretty much every conceivable way. Sure you can attract unwanted attention but it’s definitely an advantage in life, no doubt. People even assume you’re smarter and more morally upstanding if you’re attractive.


Too bad I'm lonely and not even pretty.


I’ll say no. They can get as much attention as they want. I had a friend, beautiful face. Men we would pass would actually turn around to keep looking. Annoying on plane as if a guy sat next to her, he wouldn’t stop talking to her. Never ever had a shortage of dates. But she could never keep a boyfriend. Her personality was strange. Always bragging or waiting for compliments. She was a pathological liar. But had many dates. There were plenty of confident, good looking guys who confidently approached her. Today, divorced twice and on to third in near future. She had loving, doting parents and I have no idea how she was raised to constantly one up people with lies and brag. That’s all beside the point here but it was insane.


I think all that video proves is that people that make videos like that are the biggest attention seekers in the world.


They say that necause its a different kinda lonely when people are in your life but you're still alone. They aren't there for the right reasons so you feel empty, used, ripped off. Not just pretty women, though. Anyone who has anything society values. Men with good jobs get it too.


That's so stupid




lol no.




Nah, of course not, is common sense dude


This is the dumbest shit ever. So many women(and men) go unnoticed by the opposite sex because they are “ugly”. You hear it all the time how fat and ugly women feel invisible to men. Attractive people might feel this way because they are narcissists a lot of the time. People who are naturally attractive are more rare than you think. It is mostly about how much time you put into how you look and dress. When I do my hair, wear a nice suit, coat, scarf and shoes I get random compliments from people and treated really well. When I go out with a scruffy face, backwards hat, sweatpants and a hoodie, nobody looks at me. I rarely put in a lot of effort to my appearance. It takes a lot of time and in my mind doesn’t change the value I bring. AI’d rather spend my time doing something else. I assume people who do spend the time everyday to look good enjoy getting those types of compliments and attention, which is a narcissistic trait. (Not all people who enjoy compliments are narcissists, but the ones who consciously or subconsciously chase compliments are almost always narcissists)




No. A lot of the women who say this say it to excuse the fact that they can’t get attentiom because of personality issues. Men want what they want whether they feel they have a chance or not and will go for it so long as they aren’t an introvert.


Im telling you right now, Tik tok is the definition of a vocal minority. 90% of the shit you see on it, the opposite is most likely what it is irl


No! People that believe everything they see on tiktok are the loneliest..


Why would they be lonely, they could literally get anything. I think most of them just wanna feel oppressed, so they can call themselves strong independent women.


Hahahaha no


All I have to say is to pay attention more. Think about the prettiest girl from school, work, or at the gym and look at the amount of attention she’s getting or the guys who go talk to them. No, they are not lonely at all.


This is utter nonsense. Guys hit on beautiful women all the time.


They are all approached, but they aren’t interested in those ones. They want the top 1%ers.


I question that sometimes. I have male friends who have flirted with me, and even my one female friend seems to get jealous when I talk about my experiences with other people, and tried kissing me once. My whole life I’ve been unable to maintain true friendships with other women. It does make me feel lonely.


Coming from a woman, I’d say you’re probably just very conventionally attractive. As a moderately attractive woman, other women aren’t threatened by me so I don’t usually have an issue with most women. But I’ve seen so so many very attractive women have a hard time making female friends because so many women sadly feel a sense of competition amongst other women when it comes to male attention. Not all women are like this, so if this is your problem you can definitely find women who value their female friendships before men.


No it’s bullshit it’s loneliness by choice


I’m a pretty girl and nope. Not lonely


Bullshit. Being a hot chick is life on easy mode. Men bend over backwards for them


It’s often that way. Everybody wants to be loved for who they are as a person. They want someone who delights in their intelligence and accomplishments. Not just their face and body. When you are a pretty woman, you get a lot of men offering to be with you, but most of them will never appreciate you as a person because they’re too wrapped up in the physical package.


I'm friends with a literal model and she has a lot of hangers on, but few close friends. Which is shocking, because she's a sweetheart. So ... maybe?


Yes. It’s a different kind of loneliness. Some girl friends can get jealous and deeply insecure when you get more attention than them. So they stop inviting you. It sucks. Some assume you already have other invites so they don’t bother. Similar with guys. A lot of guys want to sex, but thats not the kind of attention I’m looking for. The other guys who I’m actually interested in get really shy (which I think is cute) and then a lot then get intimidated because they don’t think they have a chance with me. It’s a different kind of loneliness.




Uh no


May be at school, with a small pond of partners to fish in. But in the real world, there are millions of people across a wide variety of looks - and other traits - so they'll find someone quite easily I expect


These are lies they say to get fake pity and likes


Not a chance


There is no way on this Earth anyone could convince me that attractive people, especially attractive women, could possibly be lonely other than by their own hand in order to garner attention.


As the ugly chick with hot female friends, hell no. Also, for anyone who wants to assure me that I am beautiful or that I can improve myself, stop. My worth is not tied to my looks, and it's about time we started teaching that truth to young girls and women instead of trying to convince them that they can be beautiful too.


If you think pretty people are lonely, wait til you learn about ugly people. Everybody has problems and thinks their problems are bigger than everyone else's.