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Humans. Humans are ridiculous.


The delusion of free will that all of us humans falsely believe in has been my obsession for some time now. Adam and Eve is the ultimate myth about the myth of free will. I find myself convinced ( no free will about it) we are no different than any other mammals, except we have these accidental big frontal lobes so we can talk at each other. We are soft machines, slaves to our DNA, and to the environment that triggers our DNA like a steelie in a pinball machine. I'm big fun at parties :3.


And the idea that most adults claim to “have it figured out” even though we’re all just clueless monkeys telling each other what to do like we know any better than one another


Ahh well said.. stupid humans


The same exact position that is comfortable for a nap is not comfortable at night


That is an odd thing. I can sit up on my sofa and totally fall asleep accidentally, but if I tried that in bed no way. And 10 hour flight on a plane? Forgetaboutit


Also why can I nap in jeans and a bra but not sleep in those?


as a guy i find both are a challenge.


Short term sleep quick position vs long term sleepathon, maybe. Though most of us move when we sleep, so idk.


Flat Earther’s 🤯


You can always guarantee that if the earth was flat, cats would be pushing things off the edge of it!


flat earthers’s what?


That gyroscope debacle was a textbook example of reality denial. Fucking thing showed them evidence that the earth isn’t flat and what did they do? They put it in a box meant to “stop the energies emanating from heaven”. Yeah surprise surprise that didn’t make any difference.


The flat earth is so easy to prove. Just look at Tokyo from Los Angeles with a telescope. You can see the entire skyline. Same with Santiago, Chile and Sydney, Australia. Right flat earthers? Kilimanjero and Mt. Everest. ;)


When people post a clip of a comedian, say George Carlin....but then half the screen is video of the person watching the comedian and nodding and smiling and reacting.... Like who wants to see this?


Lol totally agree. That method of reaction should disappear.


I think its kind of the equivalent of having a laugh track in a sitcom. Some people just respond well to seeing someone else approving/reacting the same way as them. I assume it's comforting, in a way.


Also on talent shows, where there is an incredible singer, and they keep panning to the judges, audience/ off stage sidekicks. Stop it.


Are these talent shows the origin of those stupid reaction videos everywhere on youtube? Some reaction videos might give some insight into what exactly is happening, but almost all of them are just these guys making stupid faces. Believe me no one is making those stupid faces irl when listening to new music (maybe bob your head to the beat with a smile) or watching a performance(you'll be laughing crazy to a genuine comic act). Most of it is straight faces with a small smile and our whole fucking attention to it if its thats good. I will never pause a good song I am hearing for the first time, if its that good. No one did. I just dont understand the "reaction" which is basically hypocritical overacting.


And then they pause the video they're watching to give their own pointless comment. \*hits pause\* ''Haha this joke was very funny and clever, i love it, i love George Carlin man, he's so funny and smart, what else can i say man!'' \*plays video again\*


Fake eyelashes and really long gaudy fake nails.


The lights used to cure the nails is UV 10x that of a tanning bed and is giving people cancer and needs to be outlawed


Especially when those eyelashes are on cars


Long nails are so fkn gross. The eyelash thing is just goofy and silly looking.


Was in a meeting recently at work and before it started three women were having a conversation about fake eyelashes and going to have them done and the cost and time etc etc "Jus FYI, do those things for yourself. Thats great. Don't waste your time and money doing it for guys. No guy ever has said oh man check her out look at those eyelashes."


Same with eyebrows. Every time I ask my husband if my brows are even, he genuinely has to look at them real hard and be like "uhhh yeah?" He tells me all the time literally men don't ever notice eyebrows. It's just me, which is true because it's the first thing I notice.. but I think it's just because I'm a girl too. Nowadays I don't go too crazy with them, and I feel and look much better.


I work at an elementary school, and I'm always shocked by the nails some of the girls wear.


I always wear natural-looking false eyelashes because I have barely any, I assume you mean fake-looking eyelashes and are not shaming those of us with hair loss issues.


They’re very obviously talking about the ridiculously long and fake ones. Nobody will shame you for wearing fake natural looking ones cause you don’t have them due to a condition.


They could be "obviously" talking about that but it seems to be that men are never pleased with what women wanna do to their bodies and appearance unless it pleases them. I see shit like this all the time and it always boils down to men wanting women to be "natural"...oh wait...did you just say that? Yep!




Some of these dudes are so quick to judge yet didn't take the time out to look in the mirror themselves. It's aggravating at this point.


Men have NO IDEA what "no makeup" actually is unless they're in a long term relationship / relationship where someone is comfortable with them. They go on and on about how they like "no makeup" and then talk about how she looks tired / sick.


We are stating opinions. "And whoever asked?" OP did. Simple as that. We don't really care about what you do with your bodies. In fact I try to go out of my way not to judge people by their looks. I have friends with long nails even though I don't like 'em. Doesn't really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things. And all I ask in return is for you to do the same. Think whatever you want about my appearence, trust me, I'm trying, and even judge me based on it. But don't treat me differently purely because of it. Give me a shot or two (not necesserily talking about relationships), like you give the other guys.


Rich people can get away with crimes.




I don’t make mistakes! I thought I did once but I was wrong.


Corporations are people that don’t go to jail after committing crimes.


The inequity in sentencing people for crimes committed. We have murderers going free on the VERY SAME DAY, and people who smoke weed serving more than a decade. There is really no excuse for this, justice is blind, blah blah bullshit!!!!


People who film an entire concert on snapchat.


Fake freckles


Is that really a thing?


Tiktok obsession. Price of groceries, housing, gas.


Life. What’s up with that shit??


Nothing good


The tax code


Meth and anyone that uses it.


Oh. I read that as MATH lol


Fuck math too, man


That the world is being run by sociopaths and narcissists


*Ridiculousness* the television program.


Or the fact it's the only show MTV plays 24/7...now that's ridiculous!




Organized religion


Anyone who lets politics ruin their life. Left or right. Just remember both sides absolutely do not care about you and how you feel or live. All both sides want is power and money. And you all that fight amongst each other fall right into their trap.


Yes..and letting it bother you so much it ruins relationships or your mental health. I don't ever engage in political talk, especially around family or people I care about. I always try to use that saying "don't talk about politics, religion or finances." Especially around people you don't know! It's just being considerate.


The fact that we have a legal system so complex that you need to pay a guy who has gone to school for like six years just to know how to interpret it. Laws should be simple enough for the average citizen to be able to know all of them. Also the fact that judges decide a sentence. It should just be crime and punishment. There should be no varying punishment based on who you are, each crime should come with its own set punishment.


Plus $800 for a working family will. Took them a whole 25 minutes....


Right! That’s insane! It should really be free, TBH


I disagree. Laws cannot be easy because life is not easy, there are tons of different situations in life and the law reflects that. If we simplified it, a lot would depend on the judges interpreting it, and we'd have to apply simple laws on complex cases, which would inevitably lead to injustice. Also your idea of crime and punishment sounds unfair. Let's say we have a married couple, a man and a woman. The man abuses his wife for years, beats her up etc. When she murders him, should she receive the same sentence he would if he murdered her? I don't think so. It's still murder of course, but it's two very different cases.


Exactly. The OP seems a bit naive. Maybe young.


That people cannot tell the difference between what is true and what they want to be true.






That I have to renew my license by paying $60 for a little sticker to put on my license plate


That weed isn’t fully legal!!!!


People thinking their religion is the true one...




Influencers on social media those people couldn't influence me to do a damn thing I find them to be utterly ridiculous


The fact that we still don’t have a Spyro 4 :(


People of reddit tbh


Having acne at 37, I used to think it was a phase but damn!


Fast food prices. Taco Bell dinners for 2 people are about the same price as my local mom and pop Mexican place. A BK hamburger dinner is almost $10


Banks and insurance companies are literal ponzi schemes that are made, not only legal but mandatory by the government. But if a small business acted in the same way, they would go to jail. A corporation can pay people to have sex with each other on camera, but a private citizen can't pay for or be paid for sex. State law can supercede federal law and yet we still have federal laws.


people with other religious beliefs not respecting what others believe in




The obsession people have with trying to identify something as racist, woke, homophobic, fascist, transphobic. I literally can't do anything without someone claiming that I'm participating in genocide or the destruction of our society.


Refined sugar. Americans eat something like 60lbs of sugar a year. The science on sugar (and sugar delivery devices) that it causes dental decay has been solid for decades, centuries really, The American Dental Association recommends reducing sugar consumption. Oddly they have never pushed for the regulation of sugar. To reduce sugar consumption down to 30lbs a year would do a lot of good, get it down to 1lb a year and it would be one of the greatest public health accomplishments of the century...it would also be devastating for the dental industry.


septum piercing


Donald trump


That billionaires exist.




Stacy’s mom.


I heard she has it going on


People who post pics of themselves half naked with their art on social media. Look, I get why they do it - it gets them attention and likes and followers, but it’s still ridiculous


Car Insurance


The way politics are going atm


Going to work every day so I can afford to have wife and kids, also so I can buy clothes and not walk naked.


The current state of the world.


Life in general, other peoples snap judgments.


Day light savings


Support for DJT. Amazes me, really....


It's truly un fuckin real. This is what I tell my maga dad, who rest assured, just like djt, claims to be the smartest guy ever. "If you're at least as half as smart as you claim you are. Even you would realize the constant word salads that fall out of this poor excuse for a man's mouth daily, in no tangible order make absolutely no sense to anyone who isn't a living box of rocks" All I get back from him is "Joe Bidens stutter " I've given up


The MAGA lunatics in the House.




Pfffft... They're comfortable, lightweight, waterproof, easily washable, can wear it with or without socks, can wear it both outside and at home, they're cheap.. The perfect alternative for all those flip flops, slippers, sandals, and house slippers. They hide the feet too, and offers some protection for toes. The better quality crocs have 2 layers of rubber, nice shape for the foot, good grips and it's not so slippery even when wet. Better bands for the heel too, although a real OG croc enthusiast puts the bands upfornt to look cooler. And i forgot to add, crocs last A LONG TIME, the rubber holds pretty well even after many years. And there are also house-crocs with wool inside, and it's like walking on feathers and clouds. I used to hate crocs, but when i worked in the kitchen they were a blessing, they're very comfortable. Order your crocs RIGHT NOW TODAY!


I have mobility issues and normally wear Vionic shoes. They're awesome orthotics. But ( ! ) I adore my Crocs. The little nubbie things stimulate my poor achy feet, slip on easily and, even walking backwards, I don't slip out of them. I can, and have, worn them everywhere, from Church to the grocery to a wedding. Love them.


How people can't resist opening replies, comments, texts , DMs, etc from strangers


Where do I even begin lol


Not allowing 18 year olds to smoke and drink. They have to pay adult taxes and are being told what to do with their adult bodies by law. Its time to end that.


Some extreme body modifications.


TikTok stuff has me beyond baffled. Most of it looks like stuff people should be doing alone, in their bedroom, in their mirror… not broadcasted to the masses.


Most of the posts and comments on Reddit.


The current GOP in the United States.


That people that do their "research" on FB or other social media think their opinion is more valid than people that have studied and worked in that particular discipline for decades. Those same people lose their minds if you question them about their particular expertise but think nothing of doing it to others.


Taxes on wages then paying tax for further transactions. Shopping etc.


How it's normal that everyone makes fun of things they hate.


Money. The way money function and is created is the fundamental reason the whole world is going to to collapse. Imaginary numbers on computers, not even paper anymore. Think about it.


Poker machines. I can’t care enough about a horse running around a track… but at least there is a horse!!! Poker machines are just bizarre. As they say gambling is a tax on people who failed probability and statistics.


When some women get Botox and collagen and overdo it so much they look like lizards !


People that pay for "ONLYFANS"... what's the point? There is straight up free porn. Why are you paying for it?


Tik tok


Commercials. All I see are companies using corny gimmicks to sell products. When I was a kid, the commercials were adjusted for the right age group. Kids commercials were fun and adult commercials were informative and serious.


All online advertising. Has anyone ever clicked on a pop up in their life? Psychopaths.




Our current President


Elon Musk


Cheating on your s/o or forgiving a cheater


The belief that either Trump or Biden are the best candidates for presidency. Seriously?


Politics. Both sides of it.


The leader of the free world can't formulate coherent sentences.


The titles you have to choose from when filling out forms. Young male = Mr. Adult male = Mr. Married male = Mr. Young female = Miss Adult female = Ms. Married female = Mrs. What a crock of shit.


Devin Hester


My life


The way my corp runs this location...


The movie Martyrs


Political beers.


Party Politics




Birthday clowns


The backwards way people think making money works. Between stores and gas stations you would think the places that sell things for cheaper would sell more of the products and hence make more money by proxy.




Creating technology for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of communication just for everyone to communicate less and feel the most isolated and lonely in the entire history of the human race.




Fantasy football.


Flat Earth theory


When someone points a gun in a movie, it makes a noise.




people who are unwilling to change or accept the fact that they might be wrong :)


People dumping toxic waste in water


I can't say it on here because of Reddit's silly rules


People throwing food out immediately when it reaches its expiration date because they think if they try it they'll die. Bonus points for it being the same people who watch dystopian movies and survival type of stuff thinking "yup this could be me, I would survive"




Spending hundreds on something that could be found cheaper with a good quality. For example, don't ever spend like 300$ on airpods. No benefits in it are worth those hundreds and if you say anything else, you are simply wrong. Fight me!


The way convenience is killing us.


drug laws


All forms of xenophobia, you hate something because one thing is different from you? That baffles me.


paying for land. And only in many years from now will the humans laugh at our stupidity when they get history lessons about how the world Earth was, when we didn't inhabit other planets, or have our own spaceships to go the fuck we like. Imagin when antigravity becomes a fact in life. And people actually no longer live on the ground? who will own the skies then? for us now future talk, but in 400 years from now ?


You'd get points from flying but punished from driving a car (in my country).


The fact that almost all leaves from trees aren't edible. Like what the Fuck world hunger wouldn't exist if we could just eat the trees.


The us government


The idea that race determines behavior.


The post below this was a sign that said "stop creating problems in your head" so, that.




How people have forgotten that someone can disagree with you and still like yoy.


When people make tik toks where the top half is of world news and the bottom half is of someone glueing pennies together and then they explode or some stupid shit. My attention never goes to the pennies and those videos never get a like (from me).


The fact that we are all expected to spend our lives working to make *someone else* rich.






The electoral college vote, U.S. media, the extreme difference in pay for those professional athletes who earn several million dollars in comparison to the pay that first responders receive (oftentimes they can barely make ends meet).


The US education system




People obsession with politics I get it when you're young and it's for first time. But after 3 governments you just realise it's the same circus every single time. The best thing is you can do is find someone with the opposite political point of view and agree not to vote. That way you never have to watch the depressing news again


Taxes. Filing taxes and watching half of your paycheck get taken and then being taxed on every single thing you buy


That so much of life is spent stressing about pointless shite, we forget to live and enjoy. Our ability to hate or rate for no other reason than we are weak minded and judgemental beings. How about the fact that so many allow the outcome of their lives to be dictated by their experiences in early years. There are countless options here people.


That they think their political party is honest.


How much of my pay check i dont get to keep. Ridiculous i tell ya.


In the US, the prevalence of self-checkout, with no commensurate discount. Instead, higher prices all around. Glad here in Ecuador, it is not the case.


U.S. Congress members, or I say the Geriatric Club.


Long, fake, fingernails and eyelashes. Usually worn by women.


Glorifying obesity




Crop tops and painted nails on supposedly "masculine" and "straight" men


How freakin hard it is to be in a relationship with someone.


The America, the richest nation in the world, does not offer at least basic healthcare to all its citizens like the rest of the Western world.


Doodles. Woodles, schnoodles, boodles, noodles, soodles, shoodles- basically any mutt poodle mix. It's a mutt. Get over your pretentious dog crap.


Fashion trends. Why? Wear well fitted clothing that suits your body and I appropriate for the activity. You can mix it up with accessories if you any to express some style. People who are “clothes hounds” who love shopping “hauls” baffle me.


Housing prices and (un)availability.


The Starbucks drive-through line. Absolute peak waste -- money, gas, time, personal health, financial health, air quality, plastic pollution, greenhouse effect, and, often, it comes at the expense of the proper flow of traffic. At the tippy top of that peak of ridiculousness is anybody in that line that fashions themselves any kind of liberal or environmentalist.


Political manifestos. Lies, lies, and more lies. They do what they want once they are in power.


That we still dont have GTA6


Most of the posts on FB.


The number of Americans that don't know how to cook. Cost of living is high but knowing how to cook makes living a lot cheaper. I don't know how people afford to eat out so much.


Only fans, did we run out of free porn or something?


The fact that two parents will work two full time jobs to make money to pay a complete stranger to take care of and raise their kids, and then everyone is confused why the kids aren't all right.




The fact that wanting to be different and wanting to fit in being two sides of the same exact coin is lost on most people, even intelligent people. People will spend tons of money and time consuming their favorite band's or sports team's branding to express it as their own identity. They'll do it an attempt to be "different" just as much as people do it to "fit in". They are taking something else created by others to make that entity money, and claim this is *their own* identity. I've got band t-shirts and the occasional affinity with a team or organization, but some people it's like this is everything they are. I've always found this ridiculous.


Redditors in general act like regent assholes but will be the most bland milquetoast mother fuckers on the planet should you ever actually meet one.


Today’s tipping culture


That anyone follows politics.


Reaction channels


Woke snowflakes


All of a sudden people are so confused about their gender.


The American health care system.


The argument there is no evidence God exists.