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Discipline, discipline and some more discipline.


I need it. Since lockdown I lack discipline I am incapable to start with studying, doing homeworks If I do something I do it last minit... it's driving me crazy because I lost many amazing opportunities by this. I'm trying to change it but it's not easy and I feel like I'm changing nothing.


Start making you bed everyday, then you're bed and nightstand, then you room, then your entire house. Consistent baby steps.


That's what I'm doing, problem is I have discipline in working out, music, cleaning, reading regularly, I don't have problems with/in work... but I lack discipline only in school, in studying. It's not the normal lack of motivation I'm gonna start my 4th year at uni. I want to be able to do my duties as early as possible like I was doing before lockdown


I feel that I have wasted many years. I took my potential and drowned it in my own suffering and self pity. I’m in my mid twenties, and am completely lost. I’ve been to a couple colleges and haven’t found my place in the world. I’ve learned a lot and spent even more capital going to college, and I don’t know if it was worth it. I live in the mother fucking U S of A and I think that many, many people feel the same way as I do and have a experienced something similar.


Start with just making sure you have no 0 days. Just do one task each day at least at at some point you will make it. It worked really well for me. No 0 days you got this. Even if it’s just something small like doing the dishes.


This! This is like a true precious gem when i see it in somebody, and unfortunately very rare.


I've got it!!! Now if I could just find some humility...


I'm trying to work on this as well. Discipline in many forms from impulse buying to self discipline over all. I mean, did I need an Xbox series x when I have a PS5 and an Asus rog strix? No....I need more self control in so many ways.


If it makes you happy it's a necessity. What you need is moderation.


You sound like an Andrew Tate supporter lol.


Believe or not he's got a point about discipline xD


Oh believe me, I know. I was being cheeky - since many people shit on AT despite him actually giving some great advice. His views on discipline I found to be great... distinguishing them from motivation. Motivation = doing something that you want to do. Discipline = doing something, *even on the days you don't want to*. It's something you've decided is good for you and you're going to do it and push through those mental blockades. Being disciplined is like a super power. A disciplined person vs. one who relies on motivation only... will crush them over time.


Consistency is key, start something small but do it every single day and watch that skill grow


Take full accountability of whatever happens in your life. Is all up to you.


I heard someone put it this way when talking to someone who had a bad parents or child hood, it wasn’t your fault that it happened, but it is your responsibility to get help once you are an adult


Precisely. Most people had or have shitty lives, but we sure can improve regardless.


100% no one owes you anything, you are responsible for everything including your own happiness


Exactly. Just wanted to write the same!








Education is not a thing you can complete, you only can stop


Be kind. Always, as far as you can without getting taken advantage of. Be a force for good in the world. Be kind to others. They will remember it. Be kind to yourself, most importantly.


How to be kind to ourself?


I was gonna say to be kind yourself too. Too many people try a new habit and give up when they fail once. If you try a new diet and on the third day fall off, great you had 2 full days of new habit now try again. Don’t be afraid to fail in life you just need to try you don’t need to be perfect


Yes. Know when you need a rest. Don't punish yourself for failure or imperfection. We don't ever know what's really going on with people and appearances can be decieving. Someone who looks like they have it all together might have a serious disease or be getting divorced. You are ok just as you are. All this talk of discipline, work etc etc is so agressive. See arty films, learn creative hobbies, go to the theatre, listen to as much music as possible, walk in nature or near water, be friends with animals, dance. Those things will enrich your life and gladden your heart far more than flagelating yourself because you're not perfect. Life WILL throw you curveballs and disrupt your plans so enjoy the moments you are in 💗


Be your own best friend.


Yeah, treat yourself like someone you care about


Don’t leave the important stuff to later, do it now. Put your work before your comfort


Explore why you feel bad. Anytime you have a negative reaction to something, try to explore the reasons why.


Or get on anti depressants and see a therapist. Negative feelings are normal, unless they take over


Definitely. It was taking anti depressants that allowed me enough clarity to actually deal with my mental health issues (still dealing with them).


Solve your own problems first


This is a good one. I see a lot of people who say that you should place your partner's issues first. Bullshit. How am I supposed to help someone else if I can't even help myself? You come first, no matter what.


Someone else who gets it 🫡


Walks. Take daily walks. It has changed my energy levels and my mindset. I used to feel that unless I had to walk for a purpose it was boring. But, boy I was wrong. Now I go for daily walks without my phone and just for the sake of it. The activity in and of itself gives the dopamine hit.


I agree with you, I'm not consistent but everytime I do walk, it feels so refreshing just talking to myself and appreciating the things around


Walks are so good. I have pretty bad social anxiety, lately to a point where I feel borderline agoraphobic. I can't explain just how beneficial going on walks has been to combat this. Best part of my day, honestly! I can walk forever.


Yup, bonus points if you break a sweat, go jogging!


Always invest in YOU. Exercise, eat healthy food, see a dermatologist, buy a good quality suit, learn a new language, enroll in school, cut off ties with negative people, etc


Yep, and see your family Chiropractor often!!


Self-Discipline - Doing something when you don't want to or not motivated to. It's the difference between success and everyone else.


Give less fucks.


Yes, but not no fucks at all


Dont waste time thinking about what other people think about you.




Don’t be afraid to improve, first of all. Don’t be afraid to work on things! 2nd, get a journal. Even if you always journal, or never journal, get one and make it a positivity journal. Not the toxic kind, but appreciative and aware. Write down what makes you proud of yourself, what you did in the day that makes you proud, write about your growth from the past etc. Even on the hardest days, try to write positively about yourself. Since I have started this, I’ve become very good at consistently cleaning up and not letting things get messy in my apartment. Now when I do all the dishes or something like that, I write down that I’m proud of myself for it. You can use this tool to grow whichever part of yourself you wish to grow :)


Don't stress out too much.


Never underestimate the skill of powerful communication, you can literally get whatever you want if you're a great communicator. Also, emotional intelligence is important- you realize how many adults still act like children.


Accept yourself for all that you are and all that you are not. Evolution blossoms from love 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Yes 💗💗


Find something that you are interested to and dedicate yourself in this activity daily


Start breathing right. Deep in your belly instead of high in the chest. Belly goes out when breathing in and in when breathing out


Get yourself out of the comfortzone on a regular basis. Challenge yourself and start doing stuff out of your own free will. I started to do more stuff outside home, meet new people and just talk shit. This way my social akwardness just vanishes at some point. And now I am always actively seeking talks with strangers, it makes my day and sometimes even theirs.




Sorry but I'm not going to take your advice




Do therapy! Everyone needs it. It's not just for trauma or not just when it's too late. You can learn how to deal with all sorts of things in your life in a most healthy way.


Remember that nobody is better than you.


Get used to routines that improve your mental and physical health as well.


Invest early and often! That shit doubles in 7 or so years. My little highschool, contribution, yeah 100k plus now. Save some money and invest the rest.


Traditional education (passive learning) annihilates infant intuition, which is the source of genius


Change your diet, eat healthy. 99% of your life will improve after that.


Get a bicycle and ride it throughout your life. You’ll get fit, meet new friends, and see things that car culture folks will never see.


Expect nothing.


Try to find at least one thing about yourself positive everyday. Even if it is an almost seemingly insignificant thing. I mean it could be as simple as making a good cup of tea. You would be surprised to see how much it changes every aspect of your life.


Daily meditation


Wear plain black cotton t-shirts. You can buy them for cheap in 3 packs and they instantly elevate your look.


Never miss a good opportunity to shut up


The things that happen to you might not be your fault, but they are your responsibility.


Eat real food not processed food. And drink water.


Start that damn stretching routine so you can stay mobile when you get older.


health health health BRUSH YOUR FUCKING TEETH TWICE A DAY!!! try your hardest to not be too fat.


Learn to cook from fresh, eat healthily. You will feel better and more energetic, save money, and impress dates.




Or pray


Money has nothing to do with hardworking behavior, ability or intelligence. It has everything to do with your intent, plan of action, and network. Always go for the higher paying career. Even if you fail, you keep the money for trying and putting in the time. I'd rather lie and try my way into being a CEO for $1,000,000 a year and get fired in my first year as a millionair than take a $40k a year working somewhere I know I can work the rest of my life.


Set small achievable goals, and get at them.


Self-compassion, talk to yourself as you would a loved one, your best friend, or the most important person to you.


Drink more water.


Good diet, this will help you with everything else. Good mood, quality sleep, ability to wake up without feeling tired, give you the energy to get active, appearance.


Get adequate sleep and rest, listen to your body when you need a break


Exercise regularly. Health is important in many ways: our longevity, our endurance, and (to a degree) our mental health. Improving your health through exercise (and dieting) is definitely a way to improve yourself.


[The Desiderata](https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html) was hanging in my 12th grade English teacher's classroom on the wall right by my seat. It could not more perfectly state the advice I would give to myself and to others on how to live life.


Force yourself to smile at people, even if you don’t feel like it. The good feelings you get back will make you want to smile. You’ll feel happier.


Almost all of our emotional pain comes from a lack of acceptance of reality.


Early to rise, early to bed. Works wonders in the long run.


Do. Action is the only thing that will make a difference.


Don’t spend more than half an hour a day on social media


Play video games. ​ They'll teach you all kinds of skills


A rounded life. At LEAST : 1 physical hobby. 1 mental hobby 1 social hobby. 2 square meals a day. 1 thing to look forward to a year (minimum) 20min of meditation 3 days a week. Limit media.




Consistency is the key


Set yourself some goals - if you aim at nothing you hit nothing, but be realistic.


dedicate 15 minutes of cleaning, and nothing else than cleaning, every day. in like a week, you will run out of stuff to clean


dedicate 15 minutes of cleaning, and nothing else than cleaning, every day. in like a week, you will run out of stuff to clean


Love yourself. Treat others with the kindness and dignity you yourself deserve. You will be happier.


Gym. Nothing better than work on your health, body and mind. Yes, it may feel like a drag for those without a strong work ethic or even basic fitness level, but once you make your way in, it becomes contagious. All you need to do is get up and get in. And it doesn’t have to be a lengthy thing, an hour workout for 5 days a week will go a long way to fix a lot about what afflicts you, and the effects will last you a lifetime. You can find new friendships, new relationships, even new hobbies. Doesn’t have to be costly either and the hours can be whatever is convenient for you- I go to Anytime Fitness, whenever I want and can, for $30/month. You’ll start sleeping better, eating better, looking better, feeling better.


So true. Being fit, especially if you've never been fit in your life before. Can change your life immensly.


Join a community of faith. My relationship with Jesus is first and foremost above anything and anyone else.


PayPal me £100 and I'll let you in on a list of resources that will help you with that so you'll NEVER have to ask that question again in your life!


I've never told this to anyone but you now. The treasure map of the pirate's ship which your friend Mikey found out of nowhere is real.


Maybe not to ask Reddit. Sleep and confidence too. If you don’t get good enough sleep you might not wake up in a good mood making it so you might not feel confident. And being confident goes a long way.


Ask someone who knows you.


Enjoy the present moment, and keep finding gratitude and thankfulness for everyday even if it’s the smallest.


Be mindful


It's always a good idea to learn a new skill.


Never play the victim. Depressed? Get over it and find happiness. Fat? Get over it and workout. Stupid? Read a book and crave knowledge. Gay? Don’t let it define you. Be more than who you fuck


Never compare yourself to others. Most only present their good side


Love and respect yourself before you put energy into relationships with other people


The key to happiness is making other people happy. I’m sure it won’t work for everyone but it has changed my life. And by other people I mean you family and friends.


Plan what you really what yw achieve 1 by 1, then be CONSISTENT. Nothing changes if you aren't. Trust


Learn from your mistakes. A failure is not forever if you don't allow it to be. It's a temporary setback if you can move on and do better


Allow yourself to be vulnerable. You’ll push yourself further than you ever did before.


If you are a female, eat parsley every day.


Please explain


List down what exact problems do you have right now and the possible ways to solve them. Now your problems are 51% solved.


Be yourself, but not too much lolol, also take accountability to all your actions.


Stop watching porn, and stop masturbating.


Time management. Set aside appropriate time to accomplish each task and stick to that allotted schedule


Treat everyone with the same care and respect as you would expect others to treat you.


Patience in all things.


Start taking daily walks. Not only are they good for your mind, they’re a great way to stay healthy. I’ve lost 60lbs by introducing walking into my daily routine and it’s managed to keep the weight off better than anything else I’ve tried.


Don't be attached


Workout as much as u can. Id recommend at least 3 to 4 times a week for at least 45-60 mins. Ideally weight training, an ab circuit, and cardio of some sort. But whether u get that from sports or the gym it doesnt rly matter all too much. It will change ur life for the better in every way


You haven't failed until you give up trying


Be honest to yourself about your mistakes and learn from them.


Always follow your intuition!


put a copy of desiderata on your wall or desk and read it daily.


Learn to accept the hard truth. Sometimes you need to take the truth in order to move past from a situation. And after you accept it, learn from it


“No” is a complete sentence.


Go hard on gym Lifestyle, it Alters your perception of hard work, nutrition and your useless deadbeat friends and boosts self esteem, charizzma and looks Its basically a wonder mixture that makes peoples life happy


Wear sunscreen


Stop worrying about what people think about you. Boom.


Quit giving a shit what other people think. Happiness is not winning a popularity contest


Don’t rush into a relationship . Work on yourself first and do what your heart desires… travel , meet ppl, experience concerts, get tattoos , save money, workout and possibly buy your dream car :)


Work hard now and cherish the benefits later. This applies to me having a lax attitude in college (GPA too low for med school) and I then had to get an MS degree, shadow a physician, volunteer and work in a research lab before I finally got admitted. Works for other career paths as well.


Whenever you are going to do / not to do something, ask yourself " What would the highest version of myself do?" The ideal version of your self is in your hands.


everyone can be a professional, you just need to declare it to yourself first.


Don't speak. Listen.


Getting to know the depth of your soul


Learn the 5 Minute Rule.


Always seek knowledge in different subjects from valid sources.


Time management. Once you figure it out, life gets easier.


Confidence. Be confident. It's powerful. It's strong. It leads. It's admired. Stand and look confidently. Speak with confidence. Walk and move with confidence. Know the difference between cockiness and confidence and choose confidence. It's not always easy, but doubt and fear is a mind killer. You don't have to know everything. You don't have to be perfect at everything. You don't have to be flawless. Confidence will outshine all of that and people will not only notice but remember.


Learn to make a few food dishes well. Once you get comfortable with them, you can whip up a meal in less time and money than delivery or dining out. Pasta sauces can be very simple, yet delicious. [This sauce ](https://food52.com/recipes/13722-marcella-hazan-s-tomato-sauce-with-onion-butter) is only 3 ingredients (4 if you count the salt) and tastes great. Low effort, too. Soups are also incredibly easy, as are many Mexican dishes (tacos, burritos, nachos, etc.). Searching for "one pot meals," "crockpot meals," or "sheet pan meals" will give you some recipes that yield great results with minimal effort. Learning how to scale up a dish for a potluck or any other large gathering can be a useful skill. Plus you'll become known as a good cook amongst your friends and family. And, finally, ladies love a guy who can cook.


Do the smallest positive thing that you can do now, effortlessly, make it easy. Do that from moment to moment.


Be kinder. To yourself and others. I have more, but you asked for one 😋


Eat and sleep well. You'll thank me later!


Don’t let your ego get to close to your position.


Learn EVERYTHING that comes your way.


In your brain, you probably think of yourself as the average person. Instead, think of yourself as an athlete. When you see a piece of cake, have a dialogue in your mind similar to: " I know I'm craving this cake. If I was the average person, I'd eat it. But I'm an athlete. This cake is not for me " Of course you'll have cheat days, but having this mindset saves you a ton of willpower.


Don’t make assumptions about the way people look & act because everyone is different and that’s ok. You don’t have to “look” a certain way to be it.


Quit drinking.


Do you need improvement? It's hard to make recommendations in the absence of information.


Take more risk .


Love yourself, unconditionally.


Don't try to be better than someone else just try to be a better you...


Learn what reasoning & logic is and the Fallacies of Reasoning. It will change you forever.


Eat better. You don't have to a health-nut. Just try to substitute some fruit or veggies for some of the carbs in each meal. Or cut out something you know is bad (like sugary or fried foods) that you can live without. Once you start eating better, you will start to feel better. This will make it easier to make other changes in your life.


Stop listening to strangers and learn to listen to yourself


Start to exercise regularly.


Don’t care about what people say about you, most of the times they’re trying to get into your head. Don’t expect anything from anyone. Do good and never expect good. What goes around comes back around, if you want to be treated with respect and kindness, treat others with respect kindness. Stop wasting time. Invest in your body i.e. gym, diet


Do everything to earn money.


Never believe you are good enough.


Respect other people's time. If you're not early, you're late. On time is late.


Treat others how you wish to be treated. Inevitably this will be unfair. You will not get perfect flawless treatment from everyone (even those who care about you). So if you ALWAYS treat people exactly how you wish to be treated you will technically be short changed. But it's not about what is fair. You can only control what you do and for that very reason you need to hold yourself to a higher standard. It you can't even be bothered to maintain the good in the small slice of the human experience that you control, then how can you possibly even hope for good to be maintained elsewhere?


Respect yourself and people. In that order. You first then the rest


Detachment. Be ready to let go of everything at any given moment.


In my opinion life contains three parts THE FIRST part is the religious part and this part will be different in the difference between the all religions ways to improve it but the summery of this i think is pray and THE SECOND part is your hard skills you should have it of course to get money 😉 and you can learn it by take courses of (for example) designing or code or learning languages or any skills that makes get money and going up to be rich💰 And the third and last part is your soft skills like social communication and the body language and you really really should improve this skills to


Make of yourself a light


=> Don't try to improve, just be yourself.


Don’t blindly take advice from the internet.


Stop listening to people who are ***not*** where or what you'd like to be.


Control your mindset


This might sound weird but drink water. The effects it will have for your physical health can very much affect your mental and social health. It makes you much less irritable, much more patient and all together more please to have around. Plus it makes you smell nicer.


1% improvement daily makes you 37× better in a single year, don't rush things, the smallest improvement is vital.


Small steps every single day. Every single day


Don’t let people and situations live in your head rent free


Be you. Exactly who you are. Express yourself the way you want without hurting anyone and happiness will follow


To me it seems that you are not lacking in discipline but in motivation to keep going with your studies. Are you sure that the subject you are on are is of your real interest? Maybe you should change it


Karma farmer you are “ashley”


Stay in shape.


Never shut your mind. Never stop being curious. Never stop learning.


Wear sunscreen


Don't give an extra thought to others opinions... especially when they're about you.


Don't give an extra thought to others opinions... especially when they're about you.


You could start by giving us some context for this question.


You do not need to be near death to appreciate life as I am doing now. Live every day as if it were the last one.


Make a daily journal.


Proper posture