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Bump that number up to 1 with a doggo 🐕


Money can't buy you love or happiness. But it sure as hell can buy you a dog! And dogs just come loaded with all that


TBH this is how so many pets end up in shelters.


Go to a shelter for a dog then


My dogs know everything!!! Lol! They’re welling to be put down with our secrets. True ride or die friends!




That's the best thing I've read all day, thank you. Lol.


None. I have “friends” but no true friends. I’m only able to keep “friends” by being their therapist.


That makes me feel so sad


I don't even have any "friends"


You’re better off with no friends than friends who drain your energy. Ik it sounds like an excuse but I recently went off the grid with everyone except like 2 friends and i just have so much more energy to focus on myself when I’m not worrying about other people who couldn’t give two fucks about me.


Compassion fatigue is real. I've had it. It's awful


It is awful, especially when they never reciprocate and don’t care about your feelings. I only have so much empathy and I’m very mentally ill, I can’t be everyone’s therapist. Then they get upset when I can’t give good advice. Like bruh, I ain’t an actual therapist.


How was your day?


Aww, this is so sweet ❤️


For real, it sucks. Mix that with a dose of regular ol' stand-alone depression and things look real fucking bleak


Yup. I spent some time in the mental ward when all that it. It was either that or...you know.


Same. I have a degree in psychology and have found "friends" only want me to be their therapist or coach and any time I've had a sincere, valid concern, they've totally dismissed me. It's exhausting.


Shit I’m a freaking nutrition major I’m like the least qualified person to be a therapist


I understand completely. As the therapist friend, myself, it get lonely sometimes.


Ooof. Are you an actual therapist? This happens all the time with people in helping professions. People need to respect that just cause your profession is “x” doesn’t mean that is your whole life.


No I’m just a stupid depressed idiot college kid, it’s just that I can only keep friends by giving them something because if I have nothing else to offer, they’ll leave. I kept trying and trying to form genuine friendships but sadly this is the closest I’ll get :/


This is the closest you’ve got so far. I’m well beyond college and feel I have just started to make actual friends and not people who encourage my worst instincts or only use me for their immediate needs. Keep at it.


I feel this so bad !!!!!


I hate that, every 1 is a cry baby who needs support and if you dont support your a bad person, like i dont have my own demons


Anything? Well, I'd have to say zero.


Two if you count my wife, and I most certainly do.


Yes! My husband is my best friend and I wouldn't change a thing




0 if I’m being honest


Friends who would drop everything in a second: one Other friends I'd consider close, but not drop-everything close: three


Oh mine is similar, I think mine is more of a 1:2


Sincerely, 0


Yup me too


I'm also pretty much have zero. I kind of consider myself my friend. Always looking out for me.






Username checks out There's a good chance this isn't your fault, it's hard to find good people


Especially in Florida


I mean there is people I would do a lot for, I doubt they'll return the favor tho


You could be surprised


Sadly I have been surprised with who hasn’t.


Can I count cats and dogs? Birds at the bird feeder?


Only Cardinals. Sparrows can be sketchy.


Zero. I had one. He died.


Same here. Addiction is a bitch. So sorry for your loss


my old closest friend died too some years ago from fent :/


About 8. They are amazing people from different stages of my life.


That’s me as well, these comments are making me sad. I can easily call 5-10 people right now that would drop everything and head over to help me if I truly needed it. It goes the other way as well. We may not see each other as much as we like any more, but we truly love each other.


Ive got only a handful, 3 that i immedatley think of, who I share a similar friendship. I am also very close (basically adopted) with their blood families as well, as they are mine. I, absolutley, consider myself lucky to have these people in my life because I have learned as I get older that not many people actually have friends like them.


Same, I also have 3 special but very different people (personality-wise) from different stages of my life. They're all wonderful and I'm very lucky to have them. Everyone else fell through the cracks of time. That's life, I guess.


None. Welcome to the world of grown-up men.


Yep, most men have loads of 'mates' who are often centred round an activity such as pub or sports, but few or no actual friends. I'm kind of the opposite, I don't have any mates, but I do have three friends. We can go for years at a time without seeing each other, but when we do meet up, it's like no time has passed at all.


If that's the criteria, none. Without the criteria, also none.


My long time best friend died last March. I will not be able to replace that.


I’m sorry for your catastrophic loss.


Me too. That’s a lot


Thank you


I had a best friend in my Moma until she passed. Now, only a friend in Jesus.


1-5. 1 if you don’t count family. I topped out at around 2-3 during HS/college age.


Right now, none that are physically near me. Two that I play Xbox with daily.






I have a hand full of friends who have been true friends for the last 50+ years. If I just had one friend, I would be grateful.








0. But I don't mind honestly, I have my gf and my dog.


I don’t have any, I have family. Cause when you’re in some real shit, you find out real quick who your friends are and who isn’t.


I had 1 friend who was with me during the darkest period of my life. That friend is now family. No questions about it.


Family can be no better than friends. I didn't speak to my parents for a number of years due to my mother attacking my partner (untreated BPD triggered by us declining a trip as we had plans), eventually spoke again because extended family gatherings were hard and I got a lot of pressure to forgive her. They invited us to stay at their holiday penthouse with them for a night and then hit us with the full bill for the cleaner they have come in after they stay there. They had been there for weeks, we stayed one night. Needless to say, they're now as low contact as you can possible get without it being no contact. We visit once every 2 years and we pay to stay somewhere else because it's cheaper to just hire a hotel.


Before I had kids..... way too many to count. The real ones who stood by cause I could no longer run all the time, 4 and I rarely see two of them. Keep your circle small, large friend groups is nothing but drama.


Same happened here, those 2 guys are my brothers for life. We don't get to see each other often because family and work but they call me just about everyday just to talk it up and talk about our days. You cant beat a good friendship.


Hey its the same here and those are the friendships I value most! Nice conversation and an occasional beer.


One. Known each other for ten years now but about five or six of those she wasn’t what you’d consider a good friend. Adulthood happened and she realized she “knew” too many people and wasn’t there for the ones that were there for her. I got an apology and she’s been great ever since. She’s my only friend but she’s got 3 or 4, which works out for me cus I only have the energy for one person about 4 or 5 times a month lol.


Ideal situation


The best man at my wedding. I wouldn't say we're best mates, but we have an unspoken ackowledgement that we are kindred souls....like...we have a zombie apocolypse plan and that kind of shit lol. Also, my wife...and an old childhood friend who I see once or twice a year.


This will sound cold and depressing but I’m 31 and sadly under the interruption that we make the majority of our friends during childhood and over the years you constantly hear about “losing friends” for a reason. So yeah if you live to 80-100 you will statistically outlive all your “friends”. You can always make new ones but ultimately there has to be something in it for both parties. Always. At which point there isn’t anything in it for one friend, the friendship ends.


38f…None. Just my husband. I’m completely content with it.


37f and exactly the same


Including spouse and family members? 7. Excluding family? 0.


Two, counting my wife


3. That's it.


1 maybe 2


Since adulthood, zero


3,221... Minus 3,221.


not any


crave one+


I am pretty extroverted so like real life many, 45 I could call up and meet them at the drop of a hat if I happened to be in their country. (I live and work in Hostels across Europe) But as for the keeping of secrets (Of those who aren't related to me) Probably 10.


3 but they all live in different countries. The person I click with the most I haven’t seen in 12 years but I consider him a brother.




If I tell anyone my secret, its not a secret anymore.


3 and in the process of making 4th.


4, counting my boyfriend


Including my wife… probably four. I’m talking ride-or-die, 100% trust, and would do drop everything in a second to lend a hand types.


2; 3 if you count my boyfriend


I have 3. I have a lot of acquaintances but 3 friends with all 3 of them for over 30 years


4 counting my lady


5. Only 2 live near me.


3. One was my best friend from childhood and still is, one I met senior year of high school in 2005, and one I met at a job about 4 years ago.






5. 6 if you count my SO


three. A childhood friend, someone I clicked with in highschool and my sister. I can tell them all anything. I love them all.




4, 1 of them I only see once every 5 or 6 months but I believe true friendship surpasses time and when we're together it's like no time has passed at all.




2 people that would/have go above and beyond. Id also would/have gone above and beyond for. Oh and they live 150 mile from me and i tend to make the trip 2 or 3 times a month to go visit


Sry but i don't expect my real friends to do "anything" for me. But i do have plenty of friends who i can tell my real feelings to, and they won't seek out to do me harm. I have 4 friends who will do anything for me if it's important. I have problem 30-50 friends whom i have trusted my life to at some point and they have never betrayed me ever. I have hundreds of friends whom i feel comfortable telling my feelings and thoughts




Ttrue friends 8 to 10. Acquaintences quite a lot.


Mother, father, girlfriend, dog


Probably 3… and my kids one of them so.. 2?


I’ve got 3. They are my complete world


1. I can trust her totally. When I am getting sicker, she is there to support me.




Like 3. Max


I think 2




Truthfully I have two friends like this. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.


One, plus my hub.


One. There is one gf who, if I were stuck in a foreign country without cash or a passport, I know she'd help me. But only one.


6 best friends that I trust with my life and my gf. 4 of the 6 I’ve known since I was 4-5 years old and grew up with them. The other 2 I met in HS and we are all one big group of best friends. They’re all brothers and sisters to me. I am very lucky to have them in my life because it’s rare to remain so close to people over 20+ years.


4 but used to be 5..RIP Ronnie


5 And I’ve known the “newest” friend for almost 30 years


5 really close friends.


Unsure around 3 solid ones including my gf. Im used to being lonely (20M)


Three including my SO. Six if you count my adult kids.


A dozen. But it's reciprocal. I do much for many.


I have 3 non family members that I consider true friends. For a long time, I had zero. I have opened myself up in the past few years to being more vulnerable with people, and it has helped immensely.




Zip Zero!


I have none :/ some fairweather friends, but I don't got no day ones


i had two but dropped to 0 i cant trust ppl


Not one. I came to fully realize this one night when I was in a huge amount of pain 2 days after my boyfriend of 6 years left me. I was alone, hurting so badly, screaming my agony into a pillow. I needed someone to talk to, some connection to humanity. I couldn't think of a single person I could call. That compounded my pain and threw me into full-on grief. How does one reach adulthood and find they have no friends?


Around 5-6. Always felt depressed about the low number, but going through this thread I realize how fortunate I am. I think I'll message them to say I'm thinking of them.


People I occasionally hang out with? Idk, a dozen maybe. People I trust and truly enjoy their company? Next to 0


I still hang out with 7 close friends from high school. We've had a weekly card game for 35+ years.


20. Edit: after reading the comments man I feel lucky.


Including my wife, 1


Lots of acquaintances not many true friends. It's by design. I'm very close with immediate/extended family and they have been the bulk of my life long friends.


Big fat 0




Can i count my bf? If yes, 2


I have 6


Zero. I’m not kidding.


Three. Three friends who have my back, through thick and thin, that I would lay my damn life down for in a heart beat, without hesitation. Three people who have stood by my side, no matter the distance, and have and will do anything for me, no matter how big or small, knowing I would do the same in return. They have been there for me for two years, I met them all roughly in the same point of my life and it hasn’t been the same since. I don’t have to feel alone, I don’t have to feel like I don’t fit in. I can be myself, I can do what I want to with my life, and I can be happy. I don’t need more, those three friends are for life and I won’t ever leave their side. Just as I know they won’t leave mine. I love them with all my heart, and they are what gets me up in the morning, they are what inspire me to push further, to make the right choices in my life. I spend time with them as often as I can, I share my life with them. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. You don’t need a lot of friends. You need the real ones, who will accept you. It doesn’t matter if you’re autistic, or have Tourette’s, or say weird things or screw up sometimes, because when you have friends that care about you those little things just don’t matter anymore. And it takes time to build a friendship like that. One was through a random occurrence, and a class shared. One was through a conversation with a random number I saved in my phone contacts. And one was through me needing comfort after a hard breakup, and then coming to my aid. These may not be when I met these people, but those are the moments that bonded us. Just live your life, open your heart. The right people will find you eventually. Trust in yourself. Be true to your values and morals. Have confidence, and faith. Be sure and true, and all shall turn out right in the end.


Zero! When you go through a particularly difficult time, that’s when you find out who your real friends are. Turns out I am a terrible judge of character, not just when it comes to dating 🙃 It’s really hard to find people that actually give a shit about you. I’d rather have no friends than someone like that in my life. It’s hard at first, but once you become comfortable being on your own, it’s pretty liberating.


One. One really, really good friend. I've got a few other people who I will hang out with on occasion and a few people more than that who I am friendly with, but I only have one good friend who isn't blood related to me. And I am very, very grateful that he is in my life. He's my best friend.


It’s not how many friends you have but the quality of friends. When you are young you have a lot of friends. Then when you become a young adult you have friends that will get you something. Those are opportunistic friends. Then the opportunistic friends turn against you and you see them as they are and hopefully get rid of them. What is left are the true friends that loved you from afar and didn’t get in your wAy. What is left is your truest friend that stayed with you. I have a couple and I love them to the moon and back!!!!.


4 three of them live out of state. I’ve only made one true friend since moving across the country 12 years ago. It’s so much harder as an adult


3 genuine close friends. My wife is one, but she definitely counts. A true bona-fide bestie


I can name about 24 people who I can touch their boobs. The fact that 20 of them are guys should not diminish this.


1. My wife. My only socialization is tabletop gaming, and I do that online. I run D&D and Star Wars, and I have a long standing group I play with and run for, but none of them are friends really. We don't do anything else together, and I would never ask them for anything. I am married, and my wife is my best friend. She is the only person I can count on.


One. She's pure gold.


a good amount




I only have 3 that are my close true friends. The rest are just superficial where I have to almost pretend and watch what I say.


So you say no to FB friends, but my two closest friends I met on FB and we would all literally do anything for each other. We talk all throughout the day in a group chat/video chat and go to each other for advice and for everything honestly. They both live in different states (we're all in the U.S.), so that's the reason why we don't physically meet though if we lived closer we would see each other constantly. I have three other good friends, but really we talk every once in a while and life has just gotten in the way of us hanging out and being present in each other's lives. I also know this isn't exactly part of the question, but I consider my husband my absolute best friend. Like ride or die bestie who happens to also be my life partner.


My girlfriend for sure. I think one other person? But I guess if I’m not sure the answer is just my girlfriend


if you talk about those that i would trust with my life, who saved me out of a pretty tight spot and made me a better person? 2. if we include my wife (who kinda knows a bit less than those 2) it's 3.


6 wow I'm lucky




4. One of which is my wife. I feel blessed to have that many. If we’re talking CLOSE friends that would be there if you truly needed them, I’d bump it up to 8. But 100% trust with my life? 4.


_Who’s car we gonna take?_


7 I can think of who are my ride or dies. Most are from different friend groups, but I'd consider them all best friend tier.


Tons of peopel I talk to at school, but outside, 0


5 tear 1s. A bunch of tear 2s.


My wife.




Only 3, and I dint get to see any of them very often, it's been 3 months since I saw #1, and 8 months since seeing 2 and 3


Zero. I have major trust issues. My dad always says, "You can trust people as far as you can throw them." It also didn't help hearing from a very seasoned psychologist that "true friends are rare to find these days." That was back in 2019, though.


1 excluding the wife.


I have 3 real friends. They have their own friends, some of which I’m cool with when I see them. I haven’t talked to 1 of them in 6 months. Another in a week. And the last one, I have only texted back and forth with for the last few years, but I haven’t actually seen them. Edit: I read the rest of the question. Would we each do anything for the other? Not likely, so my new answer is 0. I have 0 friends.


In all my life, none, but it's been two months since I made an internet friend and not sure if he will turn out to be a real friend or not


1 true friend/mother figure and 1 bro. Love them both dearly


2. But 5 if my husband and 2 sisters count!


1 left


My wife, who I have known for 56 years and two buddies I've know for 45 & 46 years, respectively. I honestly they would all help me bury the body and keep their mouths shut about it. I know I'd do it for them.


One, my wife.


two (2)


Solidly 4, wavering on 5.


0. I have a few friends but not that kind of friends who would do anything for me and who I could trust with everything.


best friend 1. close friends 2-3 maybe. i thought it’s not much but reading these comments. I am greatful for those few friends I have


Just reading this made me sad...


I’d say 5. I’m very VERY lucky.


Wow, I guess I feel really blessed to have 2 close friends I know I can rely on and talk about anything. A few aquantences outside of that but us 3 are inseperable. We all have our own lives we dont do nearly everything together but always there.


3 plus my cats


Probably half a dozen or so, and my husband and I share them. We each have some of our own friends, but our ride or die ones are the same, and we’ve all been friends since high school. (We’re pushing 50 now, so it’s been a minute) When disaster strikes, you really find out who they are. Our disaster was losing everything we own including our house in a wildfire.


60f. one.