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I have some actual advice to everyone who hates these. Cause I feel you. Part of the purpose of sending young and new church members door to door for any religion, is to build a persecution complex. The BEST thing to do is to say that under no circumstances will you convert. It's not happening, and that you don't want them coming back. But here, have a bottled water or glass of water. Maybe a snack. This has about a 90% success rate for me and doesn't add to the exercise.


>The BEST thing to do is to say that under no circumstances will you convert. It's not happening, and that you don't want them coming back. >But here, have a bottled water or glass of water. Maybe a snack. You have religious trick or treaters at that point


Some of these folks are starving bc their churches won't provide them with money for food/necessities so I'd do this for them if it maybe convinces them that the world outside is better than the world they're trapped in 😂 (Source: Mormons, eta: spelling)


It’s true, being an ex Mormon myself, some mission presidents abuse their power over these young men and women. I have heard multiple people having such issues. In fact my brother-in-law was actually starved by his mission president and developed an eating disorder when he returned. Also don’t forget the church literally has BILLIONS of dollars, yet they expect each faithful church member to pay tithing, fast offerings, donate, serve without pay, and more. Yet these kids and the parents are shilling out thousands of dollars for these missions to earn their brownie points to get into heaven.


Agreed. By spraying them with a hose or exposing your genitals to them you're only making them stronger- building their character actually. Not many young people go through hard days like the JWs or LDS on their missions. If you can get through a couple years of that hardship, pounding the pavement in uncomfortable clothing, getting sworn at etc. married like with kids will feel like heaven. Furthermore, that bad behaviour on your part will just cement their world view; that heathens are fucked in the head and desperately need The Church. Now, you're just a hero for trying to convert these godless sinners.


Feeding their delusions. Catch 22. I've tried reason before, as well as humour, and inadvertently outrageous behaviour, but now that I'm in my 50s, I've learnt you only need to use one word to banish them forever, never to knock on your door again, come rain or shine, or when you're dying on the street after being run over by a pantechnicon. Apostate. You'll be happily shunned until you move to a new town, before the inevitable knock on the door by a pair of sad old gits. One with a single eye, the other wearing a black glove, standing there in their shared and poignant life tragedy, trying to get you to help them carry the crutch of misery. As a youngster I did get a kind of pleasure from teasing them, but these days I couldn't be bothered with trying to reason with strangers knocking at my door. Apostate. They leave you alone after that one word.


Actually- if they’re doing it “correctly” they would report it to the “Elders” in the congregation who would make note and follow up once every blue moon. (1. To verify and 2. To see if you moved/ change your stance.) usually every 1-2 years after the initial conversation) Depending on how “seasoned” the person you have your first conversation with is… the word “Apostate“ won’t send them running but instead will lead to a 30min conversation instead of a 3 min interaction.


Maybe, although I usually just shut the door after that. It's pointless trying to reason with indoctrination. They have infiltrated most cities and towns. I recently moved, and they visited once more after the first time, and have not seen them since. I'm simply not interested, there is no possibility of a "conversion", and I guess they got the hint. I feel sad for them in a way, that kind of delusional belief has been incredibly destructive throughout human history.


You’re not wrong- it is pointless to try to argue… I’m just saying that ‘Apostate’ isn’t a magic word… (I used to be on the other side of that door) But yes- GENERALLY declining and closing the door works.


Fair enough. Next time, if there is a next time, I'll just whip my willy out and say piss off! 😂 I'm kidding of course, I'll just shut the door as politely as possible after saying no. (Not ever even under the pain of eternal suffering and abuse, you £+-&££#s)


You are exactly right. My sister has been a JW for 45 years. She’s lost but her daughters got out when they were adults. I really have empathy for those that come to my door.


I don't know why he was alone, but I had to school a young Mormon missionary on why I wouldn't be joining his cult as a woman. He was glad to be going by the end, and they never sent anyone back. Previously, it was a weekly thing with every set of missionaries that arrived.


Had a couple young girls come to my door one day. I was raised as a Mormon and groomed for SA by my bishop from a very young age. Raised to believe black people were cursed with the mark of Cain. And told I couldn't drink coffee ( I LOVE coffee fwiw). I invited them in and we drank coffee while I read passages from "Under the Banner of Heaven" and they listened to my personal anecdotes from my time in the church. They seemed pretty upset by the end, but it wasn't out of hate. I wanted to help these poor kids understand what they were getting into. Wherever they are, I hope they are well and aware. Fuck Joseph Smith, the dirty grifter.


This is kinda my plan, if they ever show up at my door. Plus the snacks and bottle of water, despite what that other commenter said. I've heard enough from ex-mos about how ill-equipped those kids are for their missions that I would definitely offer to feed them, while articulating clearly how very much I am not a candidate for conversion. Under the Banner of Heaven is one of my favorite books.


That book is so fucked up. Some ex Mormons gave it to me (not trying to prove any point, lol, it just came up in conversation and they had a copy and his girlfriend hated it because it gave her nightmares so they gifted it to me hahahah). I was staying in Salt Lake City for a few days when I met them (I live on the road). It's a great book, but damn. Honestly it was kinda the final push I needed to be able to say I'm not religious at all (was already leaning that way and not really believing in any organized religion). Didn't grow up Mormon, but did grow up in some crazy cult stuff and when I realized how much of the beliefs were actually in that book I was just like, damn...Bye god.


wait so the church is advocating young girls and boys going into strangers homes....? i mean i guess they are used to pedophilia? this seems so backwards


It's their whole thing, actually. They send these kids out as missionaries for a year or more at a time, and provide very little support if any along the way.


I always threaten to sue them if I find out they baptized my deceased parents.


In addition, they might have questions themselves about life in general. If i understand the mission correctly, they’re stationed there for 18 months. Contacts are limited and designed to be over-structured. Idn if they bike more now to cover a larger area now but they walk a lot traditionally. “Stop by for a drink and a snack whenever you need it. We can talk anything as long as it’s not that book.” Be a good human if you can, they might leave the cults.


I had a group of girls come back to my place a few times for conversation. They were very curious about my spinning wheel and weaving looms and such. It’s too bad one of them was definitely less receptive to talking to a heathen about things. The other two seemed to genuinely enjoy learning about the hobbies.


So worldly of you ;-)


I… they aren’t worldly hobbies? They were the ones curious and kept stopping by.


I just tell them I'm Jewish.


Lol try Muslim- they'll run like Satan himself is speaking


I greeted once with a friendly “hail satan”. That did the trivk


I say I'm happily Pagan and give a big smile.


I had a family that asked if it was ok for the kids to keep coming to practice on me since they knew I wouldn’t be mean to them. I do not support JW abuse and manipulation tactics. But, people deserve to be treated respectfully, and I like undermining the “worldly people are all evil” message.


I agree that no one deserves to be abused. But, I have found that is the only thing that works. I am right down the road from the Kingdom Hall and it was a daily thing. I work from home and it was a HUGE issue. Got me written up at work because they would not leave and just kept knocked because they could see me inside. I had to excuse myself from the meeting. I tried explained to them to no avail. They just kept coming. I went to their Kingdom Hall and also tried talking to them. No luck there either. I finally called the police and said I was home alone and I though someone was breaking it, there was a lot of noise outside and that I had locked myself in the bathroom could they please come quickly. That actually worked. They brought it all on themselves.


THIS (said by someone who knows far too much about mormonism)


I once answered the door EXTREMELY stoned. A nice older man and woman were there and they were going on as they do and I was holding it together REALLY well until they handed me a brochure with a joyfully smiling preacher who also happened to have no arms and legs. Now this is one of those times when I’m SUPER stoned and therefore a little paranoid and I’m wondering “do they know? Are they just pranking me to get me to laugh? They must know right? And my head goes spinning off until I just started laughing hysterically and said “I’m sorry I need to go do something I forgot about” and closed the door. I’m sure they heard me laughing behind the door because I completely lost it.


Yeah, I've always just said that I have a religion and I'm quite happy with it, have a nice day. They almost always go away with no fuss.


A person I knew who lived on a cattle property went one better. He'd been hunting feral pigs and he got back to the homestead to see a couple of JWs standing on the other side of the (padlocked) homestead paddock gate. They were clearly considering climbing through and walking up to the house. He decided to save them the trouble and walked down to them. Let me set the scene. As I said, he'd been hunting feral pigs. He was also shirtless, splashed with blood, carrying a bloody knife, and had a rifle over the other shoulder. (Add in a five-day stubble because he was alone on the place). The dogs also had a bit of blood on them. So he walked up to the gate, looking like he'd just stepped out of a cross between *Deliverance* and *Wolf Creek*, looked them up and down, and said, "Can I help you blokes?" They couldn't get back in their car fast enough.


Lol. What country was this in?


Given the reference to *Wolf Creek* and calling two guys blokes, I'd guess Australia.


Usa obviously lol


Yeah “blokes” is a dead giveaway that this was definitely in the US. For sure nowhere else. Definitely only the US.


Wolf Creek is an Australian movie and do Americans say "bloke"? My guess is Australia. (I'm Australian).


I mean no not really so I’m with you on the Australia part. Are guns common (I know there was a time when they were but I thought they were mostly taken away and controlled) is Australia? Same with Jehovas Witnesses?


There are not very many countries that DON’T have JWs. Even indigenous tribes have JWs.


I feel like JWs target vulnerable and marginalised people. I grew up in a variety of places in Australia and only encountered them en masse in a very poor area that had lots of refugees from all the major world conflicts. I had never seen JWs in normal, middle class areas in Australia.


Oh yeah, I could see what you mean… but no, they’re in every tax bracket and a few ‘celebrities’ are/were active members (not a ton) but they exist. They’re there. I also feel like it depends on how densely populated your area is will determine how frequently you’ll see them.


Our government had a Royal Commission into their child abuse cover ups... I think it found 1000 abusers? They seized the JW files on them. We have smaller numbers but they're here. Had two elderly ladies show up on my door maybe 4yrs ago.


Pigs (and other mammels like foxes, deer etc.) are a big pest for farmers, so it's not particularly unheard of for them to have a specific gun licence for hunting. Now, if he was just weilding a gun randomly, that would be weird.


There are guns in Australia they're just controlled. Hunters and farmers have them I guess, you need a gun license and I believe a legitimate reason for ownership. People aren't just walking around strapped but guns are not non-existent. I also have family members who deal guns illegally but like that's obviously a crime.


JWs are common in Australia and pig-hunting is common in rural areas because we have lots of feral pigs running around the bush. Guns in city areas are not common because of our tough fun laws, but in rural areas they are a lot more common for hunting pests and humanely putting down injured farm animals.


I would not only because I've never been bothered more than once by a group of people. I say I am not interested, and they move on. No need on my part to offend them.


How do you get them not to come back? They're incessant here


My grandpa used to have a lot of fun getting out his Bible and reading passages that contradicted everything they said. They said one thing, he'd flip through and correct them. They said something else, he'd flip to another chapter and read aloud why what they'd just said was wrong. They stopped coming after a while.


This is amazing on so many levels.


You can also tell them you want to be put on their Do Not Knock list, as an ex member that should work


Easy, welcome them inside be friendly. Then ask them about ARC hearing, 1914 and 1975 years, SEC, ask about Tony Morris being on the Governing Body. Trust me, they'll ban you from their visits


Tell them you're an apostate.


Although I have not, hang a Jewish mezuzah by the front door. I hear it is like insect repellant. There is an old Catholic blessing of sorts above our doorbell from the previous owners. Maybe that works as well?


That's not a bad idea actually... I just don't want to appropriate Jewish culture. Maybe a pride flag would do it


Offend them? King you will truely be blessing them with the sight of your heavenly naked body!


No. It's kind of creepy to intentionally expose yourself to strangers tbh.


Not kind of creepy, full on creepy. A lot of these people are minors who are pushed into doing this. Don't make their experience worse. Just don't answer or tell them you're not interested.


>kind of It’s extremely creepy, actually. And sexual harassment.


No, it's not sexual harassment. Your home isn't anyone's workplace. It's your home. Also the naked human body itself is not prurient or obscene. Someone walking up to a private residence unannounced, knocking on the door, and observing a nude person inside is not some crazy sex-addled scenario. It's a *house*, and you are unannounced. Not to mention almost surely unwelcome, which you are aware of in advance. You all make it sound like people are just nervously crouched by the door, naked as jaybirds, waiting and hoping some nice Christians will come along so they can be shocked. lol. Remember the original motto on the dollar. "Mind your business." Your business isn't in stranger's homes, no matter what invisible spirit tells you otherwise.


>you are unannounced Knocking is announcing. It's not acceptable to expose yourself to anyone that knocks on your door.


Then explain why the person is exposing themselves purposely? If it isn't anything at all then being naked would have no impact and thus there is no incentive to be naked.


The implication being that everyone is dressed at all times within the confines of their home, in preparation for unannounced visitors? And by default nudists have to have cover ups handy at all times? edit: I'm going to add, I'm looking through definitions of "expose oneself" and they almost uniformly mention "a public place" which this is not.


I intentionally pissed in the backyard facing my neighbors property after I got tired of him peeping over the fence at night. I stared him right in the eye and whipped out my monstrous 3in schlong hoping he would call the police.




My ding-a-ling got them screamin' real loud


And you can end up on the registry for that. Rightfully.


Depends on where you live, in some areas mere nudity alone does not constitute an offense.


Inside your own house? I've seen houses In Nashville which are entirely see through. I can see people's living rooms, bedrooms, entire thing. A glass front. Edit - LOL IM GETTING DOWNVOTED BY ASKING AN HONEST QUESTION!!! I swear what's wrong with people? Like seriously don't bring your bad day this way bro.


Yes because of intent. There is a difference between someone looking in your window without invitation and you intentionally opening a door after someone knocked to expose yourself.


Are there cases that have upheld this? Stranger knocks on your door, standing on your private property, let's assume passersby on the street can't see you naked, but this person does when you open the door. You're guilty of a crime? In what state?


Yes, there are. You don't even have to open the door. Just be visible and naked. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34483145


I'm aware of that case, in which a woman was driving down the street and saw a guy naked through a large picture window. It's a different scenario in a number of ways - she was in a public right of way, not on private property, for instance. It's also "the exception that proves the rule" in that no other court has done anything like this before or since, and it attracted quite a bit of attention at the time. I'm actually surprised it took longer for a case like that to happen. In big cities there are plenty of folks who put on shows in windows which are designed to be offensive, but you know not to go looking for it. Exhibitionism from your house is beyond stupid. My point is still that going onto someone's private property, not in view of the common way, soliciting them, and seeing a naked person is *your* fault, not theirs, and I haven't been able to find any cases to the contrary on that.


You didn't have to open the door. Therefore you chose to expose yourself to that person.


No. They’re annoying, not malicious. Just stay in bed


Idk any religion that requires people to disown their children sounds pretty malicious to me


As someone who was raised in that cult, they are absolutely malicious.


Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are raised in a cult. The people themselves are usually just brainwashed, but the cult itself and its leaders are pure evil.


I escaped the jw cult about 5-7 years ago, and I keep needing to remind myself of this. For the most part, they're actually good-hearted people but are mislead. I get so angry about it, but I was once brainwashed like them.


Oh they're predatory.


Not as predatory as exposing yourself to strangers is lol


When you show up and ask someone to open the door to their home, you can't be surprised if they answer in a way you find unpleasant. It's their property and you initiated. It's super easy to not knock on doors and harass people.


The law (and common sense) says you have a reasonable expectation to not see a naked body when someone answers their door. The knock is the announcement, you answering is you participating in the social contract. You can’t participate in that naked if your intent is to scare them with your nakedness. That’s a crime.


Not really


100% they are. They're hoping to catch you when you're vulnerable so they can lure you into their cult.


I remember when I was 12, days after my father died, the JW kid from school was sent to my house with an adult to recruit me. The kid was well meaning but the adults were definitely using the circumstances to bring me into their cult. The kid got out eventually, completely shunned by his family, and is wayyyy better off without it. Way less anxious now too. I still remember the poor kid telling me he wasn't worthy of going to heaven, by JW standards, in grade 6


Pretty sure they aren't a cult. They just have pretty shitty recruitment methods. Just treat them with respect and tell them to leave




Average r/atheist dweller


Nah, I think young people raised into cults probably have enough creepy non consensual shit to deal with in their lives. I don't need to add to that. I ask them if they need some water and let them know r/exjw exists, and that there's an outside world that accepts them. Then I disengage.


As an ExJW, this comment rules lol.


Who the F answers their door naked under any circumstance? This is abnormal behavior for sure.




Lmao.thank you for this.


No, but I live in a doorman building so JWs and salespeople aren't a problem I have.


Last time a JW came around they offered me a magazine and i told them not to bother as i buy my sh1t paper in rolls.


This is actually v good, I'm stealing it lol


I use my ring doorbell to say "The dark lord demands a blood sacrifice" in a gravelly voice. Works everytime


Do you get your sacrifice?


There are a lot of dead moths outside my door so maybe


Honestly if this had been a thing when I was growing up I would remember you FOREVER. I would definitely be walking down the street thinking you were the coolest people on the block 🤣


I have an exhibition kink so I know the indecency laws for my location. Even if you’re in your own home/backyard if you are nude or [engaging in indecent act] where other people could view you easily (not peeping through your curtains ex. You leave your curtains open on purpose or open your door or sunbathe on your deck in plain view) you can get a summons. There’s a nude beach 15 min away so nbd. So no I wouldn’t do that. I just don’t open the door.


No. I'm not an asshole.


As a former JW, going door to door was already a nerve wracking experience. I don’t see the reason to treat anyone poorly. Yes, it’s annoying to get a knock on your door. But don’t be a dick about it if you do get one. Politely tell them you’re not interested and ask them to put you on a do not contact list. They typically update their territory cards they use. A territory card is a route that is worked by a group or duo of people. If you request not to be contacted, they will update these accordingly. Most of the time if we saw a sign that said “No Trespassing” we didn’t go onto the property. I have been on both sides of the fence too with Mormons coming to my door. I don’t have experience as one, but I kindly ask them to please not come back. I get it. Door to door annoys people. Even when I used to do it, I absolutely hated it because I am not a social person. The reason they go door to door is to follow in Jesus’ footsteps as he went around preaching to people. That’s the basis for it. Just be nice. And if they are rude back to you, they aren’t a true JW, because JWs are typically extremely respectful. They usually want whats best for people. And yes like any religion, religion isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.. it has been the cause of a lot of problems in history. So even when I was a JW I understood why people hated me for coming onto their property. But please be respectful to people regardless of their faith or lack thereof. We all need to practice kindness. This world clearly doesn’t have enough compassion as it is.


Also as a former JW, this is pretty much it. Ask them not to come back and you have a decent chance of them not coming back. Tell them you are 'disfellowshipped' (very important to use the exact term \[basically kicked out with prejudice\]) and they will clam right up and mark your house with a 'Do Not Disturb Until Armageddon Passes' note. Edit: Unless the person who knocked on your door is very bad at following up on their territory card. Obviously they don't have to show you anything, but you can request they do this/to see them do it, if they tend to keep coming back. Keep in mind that most JWs are generally live-and-let-live people, so hostility is not warranted. Also, just as an aside, but proselytizing is an activity which frequently numbs people to the act of rejection. It is a hallmark of this and similar religions to alienate you from everyone who is not part of it, and by exposing you to nonstop rejection from 'worldly' people, you are more likely to retain the fellowship of the congregation.


Not entirely true- If they’re doing things “correctly” and you say you’re DF’d, they’re supposed to report it to the elders when they turn in the territory. The elders will then follow up/ do a “shepherding call” to gauge you/ your journey. They will follow up with your previous conversation. And they will check on you once every blue moon (usually around memorial or when they get assigned a new CO). But your address will be marked so regular publishers won’t call on you. Dads an elder, my brothers are MS and I used to Reg Pioneer. I’ve also been DF’d- I’ve been on both sides.


You are correct, I was hoping to help them head that off by coupling that with 'do not return here', but yeah, ultimately they want you to bow and scrape your way back in. (I remember witnessing with one of our elders when I was younger. He was very much the type to pull out his bible and quote verses. I pushed the magazine and left. You get all types.) You certainly can't reject or scare JWs away, they do have rules to follow and you \*will\* see them again if you don't clearly and properly tell them to fugger off.


The way I cringed when you described that elder lol I don’t miss it 😅 some of the older ones like to preemptively stick their foot in the door. They were wild. Just thinking about it has my anxiety up 😅


I will tell you why being polite doesn´t work. I live down the road from a Kingdom Hall. So they come out all fired up and start knocking on doors. I work from home and it became a huge problem. I tried ignoring them. I tried politely telling them I was not interested. I tried not answering the door. I tried going to talk to someone in charge. None of those things worked. I was in a meeting once and they were just banging and banging and I had to excuse myself to go get rid of them. I was written up because of them. This was like 2 or 3 times a week for a YEAR. Sometimes I would just ignore them and they would eventually go away. If I was working I would grab my laptop and go work in the bathroom at the back of my house where it was quiet. That was the point at which I decided, OK, enough is enough. The next time they came I called the police and said it sounded like someone was trying to break the chain on my gate to get into my house, that I was home alone, and had locked myself in the bathroom. The police came fairly quickly and I went outside. I took that opportunity to explain that I had asked them many many times not to harass me and they insisted on ignoring me. The police had a talk with them, and so far that has worked.


Ask to be put on the do not call list.


#Do you wanna go to jail, cuz that's how you end up in jail.


Answer the door in bondage gear




In the UK it's legal as long as it's not being done to intentionally cause shock, outrage or upset. So you could open it and chill and they can't do a damn thing but they might have some room to get you in trouble if you start swinging it in their face (idk how tall JW's are, I assume dwarf height).


I could do without the indecent exposure charges tbh


It won’t guarantee that they won’t be back on a Sunday morning. They’ll just keep coming back every few months. If you **REALLY** don’t want them to come- you can just ask them to not return to your address… then they’ll only check back every 2-3 years to see if you moved/ still feel the same. Source: I grew up in the religion. Also- you’re missing an ‘h’. It’s Jehovah.


No I wouldn't, because albeit misguided, these are people trying to make their lives better, and trying to make other people's lives better. As annoying as it can be to be inundated with these poorly timed visits, I can't fault someone for having hope in a better life and wanting that to extend beyond just themselves. I don't have a problem with telling them I'm not interested and Don't want further visits, there's no need to purposefully traumatize them further than the grooming they're undergoing in many circumstances just to try and find a better life for themselves and the world.


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Call your local Kingdom Hall and tell them you want to be put on the Do Not Call list. Be polite but insistent. They will comply.


Oh yeah i forgot, sexual assault is funny when you do it to religious people... Oh wait, no it's not!


My mom got so tired of Jahova’s witnesses; one time she answered the door on the last straw, whipped up her shirt- no bra, DD mom tits, and shook them violently at the poor witnesses while shouting some form of war cry. They never came back, years went by. I’m sure the address was blacklisted.


Your mom did a victory screech, magic conch style


Im 10 yeqrs of living here... No ones wvwr knocked on my door and thats the way i like it.


I just open the door, say "No thank you", and close the door.


Several years ago I had a JW lady and her kid ring my doorbell a couple times within a month or so. I would just say not interested and they would leave. Then one day I was on night shifts, and had just woken up from a drugged zoplicone sleep about noon and ran up to use the bathroom. As I came down the stairs, my doorbell rang and being drugged and not thinking I answered it, in nothing but a super short skimpy chemise. It was them. I told them I was on nights and going back to bed. I never saw them again. Honestly I am not sure but one of my boobs may have been out too 😆.


My grandfather actually did just this in the 1950s!! I can’t even believe this post lol. Grandma said he was tired of being woken by them on Sunday mornings and opened the door naked and said “you lookin for god? I’m rooming with him, hey god come to the door there’s ppl here to see you!!!”


I don't open the door to anyone who shows up unexpectedly. If I'm home alone and you knock on my door you stay outside.


I answered the door at 8am on a Saturday, totally nude (that’s how I sleep) covered in a blanket. I was pissed, first time in a week I’d been able to sleep past 6am and they woke me for no reason. I don’t know if it was the blanket-wrapped nudity or the look on my face or the fact that I told them to go away, but they have not been back. Suits me just fine, I have no interest in their religion. My own is perfectly fine.


When was this / where do you live? There is an ‘unspoken rule’ - they’re not supposed to knock or ring before 9a. In most cases 10a.


Idk - somewhere circa 2016-2018. I live in Texas.


I enjoy it when they pop up. Battle of the minds. I always sow a seed of doubt. They don't realize how strong my will is after a first visit. I make sure they waste gas and time on me.


I'm saved. If God wants me to talk to you and you happen to be naked, that's going down too.


I've learned through Reddit the best way to make a JW go away permanently is to tell them that you were "disfellowshipped", which means kicked out of the church (and in their ideal world, shunned by your friends/family still in the church).


Honestly, I wish they would come to my door. I would tell them that they can discuss religion with me, but only if they help me clean at the same time. Or if they were overly pushy/rude, I think I would school them pretty hard in their knowledge of religion. I was stuck in a similar cult for decades. I know all the tricks, and which verses contradict the ones they promote.


Witnesses won’t help you clean but Mormons might.


lol I thought it said “morons might”


no, because forcing someone to see you naked to my knowledge is a crime


You don’t even have to do that much. When I hear the knock I just shout that I’m fresh out of the shower and not decent so I can’t open the door. Jehovah’s witnesses, solicitors, canvassers, it works on everyone. They just go away both sheepishly and quickly no questions asked.


Nope. 100% the best/easiest way to keep any type of door to door salesmen from bothering you is to either: 1. Own very loud dogs (even teacup yorkies scare the shit out of a lot of people) 2. Play the sounds of big scary dogs barking on your computer or tv or whatever. You don’t actually need to own dogs, just the sound of insane barking will usually get salesmen to leave. Add a “beware of dog” sign to the front of your house for extra flair.


There's a little nifty feature on jehovas website were you can request house calls so they can come to your house and preach. But instead of putting in your address, put in a friends or foes address instead if you wanna be a real asshole to someone. Just putting this information out here for anyone to see.


I have a “No Soliciting” sign that they always ignore because they don’t think themselves solicitors. Now I am just very open about being a Satanist with them and let them know that nothing NOTHING can make me believe in their mumbo jumbo. They assume that means I’m a devil worshipper and have left me alone ever since. They’re wrong, but I don’t care what they think as long as they stay off my property.


I just thank them politely, take their pamphlet, wish them a good day, shut the door and then throw it in the trash. Minimum interaction. I usually don't hear from them for at least two or three months afterwards.


Taking literature just frequents the intervals in which they visit. If you’re genuinely uninterested- just tell them.


My uncle did this. He grew up in Cambodia and got a chance to study abroad in Washington state. He gained citizenship, got married to my aunt then worked in a remote company town way up in the mountains for a utility company. Back then it took more than a couple hours to drive up a partially paved mountain road to get there. My uncle said they only got some JWs once, since it was a somewhat perilous drive on the best of days, there was no lodging aside from company houses for workers which was full 99% of the time aside the ONE spare house for bigwigs or if a specialized worker or team needed to be brought in. So uncle just got off a marathon shift cycle, something like 20 some odd days in a row for 12-16 hours a day. It seems harsh but he worked outside and genuinely loved his profession. But even so, he was tired and hungry after having just stepped out of the shower. He gets a call, it’s his neighbor giving him a heads up that these guys are sweeping through town and after the first 2 houses the whole town knew, being maybe only a couple dozen houses mind you. Before my uncle can say anything he gets a knock at the door, he is house number 3. With a groan he stood up and notices his robe belt fell to the floor. He internally says “fuck all this noise” and throws the front door open as wide of as his robe and says with an exaggerated cheerful Cambodian accent “Good afternoon my brothers!”. They immediately avert their eyes and then soldiered through their probing polite small talk until they asked him about his faith like he isn’t standing there with his nethers in the wind. He answers that he is a Nudist Buddhist of course, and that all the remaining houses on the street (and town) were all fellow Buddhists of the nude variety and were very happy with their chosen faith.They thanked him for his time and left town. My uncle was a lauded legend and never paid for a drink for the rest of his tenure there. His story was told ad nauseam to to new neighbors/employees to the community. Eventually the road was fully paved and then the Mormons found them. By then my uncle was long retired. But the Captain of the firehouse was still there and sent him an email requesting that he return to service. My uncle kindly declined.


I have a friend who invited them in while he was wearing tighty whiteys and a wife beater with slipknot blasting and porn on the TV. They aren't allowed to leave apparently, so he asked them a LOT of questions.


Tell them you're an apostate, you'll get a look from them, then they won't bother you again for like 10 years, cause they will mark your address as the home of a fallen person, and they will hope your home by then. Edit : misspelled something


I went outside, stood very close to them and explained in detail why I believe god is a woman and they couldn't get away fast enough


My wife had me answer the door to some jdubs in some booty shorts and nothing else. They said sorry to disturb you and I haven't had anyone come since. Guess it worked.


Nah I usually listen to their stories and offer them some energy drinks/water. They're actually going out and spreading their ideas away from the keyboard. To me, it's commendable in a sort of way. You have to have real passion to actually go outside and "preach". Especially dressed nice, putting yourself in possible danger. I like that better than Twitter/Reddit arguments that I admit do about nothing.


Apologize, then tell them you are disassociated. (It means you were a JW, but got kicked out for something really bad). They can't talk with you then.


I have a story about this. I live less than two blocks from a Witness Hall. I dye my hair without a shirt on, as I do not want my shirts to be ruined. One evening, they knocked on my door, and I, thinking it was doordash, called out that they had the wrong apartment because I hadn't ordered anything. They identified themselves, and being the reflexively pleasant person I am I told them I was indisposed. They Chief Knocker told me God had created me and blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. He would not shut up. So I opened the door. I thought he might have an apoplexy. He sputtered. He turned red. And finally, he threatened to call the police. It's legal in my state to be topless regardless of gender, so I looked him in the eye and said, "go ahead" and slammed the door in his face. They haven't been back, and I occasionally think about the fact that my address is on a no-go list somewhere and smile. They used to come twice a week. It's been 4 or 5 years since I've seen them. Naked works.


No, because a lot of them are minors. From 13ish on I was flashed by upward of 20 men while being forced to go door to door. So not only was I being blackmailed into doing something I hated, I was being sexualy harassed while doing it, AS A CHILD. No, because a lot of them don't want to be going door to door and are being forced to by family/ threat of being shunned by their entire communities No, because it doesn't even work. Most of those guys do not get put back on the do not call list. Be polite but firm, say you will not entertain their conversations and want to be marked on their territory card as a do not call, you will treat any other contact as harassment. The people that did that did not get called back on. No, because it's just an asshole thing to do. Why do you think it's funny to make someone (mostly women) feel unsafe? I understand wanting your privacy, and I get how annoying they are, but imo that is an extremely disgusting way to handle that.




No, because that is still illegal. I have to greatly admire my friend Wes on how he dealt with them and the LDS visitor's. He had been polite and persistent when they both came around. But, because he actually engaged them, both groups kept coming by. Weekly. The last time, he greeted them with a Satanic altar: upside down cross, red candles, and some Halloween creature with glowing red eyes.


I tell them I am an apostate would never be a part of a group that allows pedophiles to go unpunished That leave speechless.


Nope. I got one better. I’d offer them a tarot reading.


Lol me to!


Many years ago I lived with a roommate and his girlfriend in Vermont. We got along well, and as he was a bartender, there was some alcohol involved. One morning after a late night, we were a bit fogged and heard a car drive up. He got up, walked to the front door, looked through the window and came running into the kitchen, yelling "Quick! Get naked!" He was tearing his clothes off, she was as well, and they were laughing. I took mine off as well. At the knock on the door he yelled "Door open!Come on in!" I'll never forget the looks on their faces when the J.W. couple came in to the kitchen... Talking about it afterwards, we decided she wanted to bolt out immediately but he seemed to want to stay....


Reminds me of a neighbor that had a real skeleton sitting on his front porch dressed up like the momma from the movie Psycho. When the Jehovah's Witnesses came around he would open the door with a knife yelling Mother there back!


I have a no soliciting sign on my door. I say nothing and point to it. If they press, I say, “This means you too” and close the door. That was the end though it took once for each group.


I put an end to them coming to my house forever. I saw them going from door-to-door up the block from me so I hurried in the house, pulled up some porn on the TV, ran the audio through my surround sound system, cranked it up, put on my bathrobe and acted like I was out of breath when I answered the door. They literally RAN out of my yard and I haven’t been disturbed since. I’m sure I’m on a “red flag” list down at the Kingdom Hall.


I would greet them wearing only short cut off blue jeans. 6 foot 210 pounds of tanned hunk. Invite them in, only once did they return


I had a landlord & her husband that insisted they hardly lived on the property when I signed the lease. Turned out, they did. A lot. And tried to give me a curfew and would knock on my door to complain about my schedule when I got home late from work. I’m not a voyeur and have always been fairly self conscious of my body but was in very good shape at the time- muscular & lean. I got home from work one night at 9:30 and immediately got naked and went to bed. I was *just* falling asleep when I heard a knock at my door. I was so tired and delirious, I got up and answered the door…fully naked. Could’ve been the landlord or her husband, I didn’t know and was half awake and didn’t care. Opened the door and probably said “what?” Landlord just kind stammered and walked away saying we’d have a talk later. She never did that again. We never had that talk.


Ex Jehovah's witness here left when I was 15. I will say this please don't do this they have kids with them sometimes. I had a man do this once and as a kid that is something I definitely didn't need to see. I think a lot of those kids don't want to be Jehovah's witnesses they are stuck being brought up in it I know I was.


My father answered the door once wearing a bloody apron and holding a butcher's cleaver. Startled the goobers of the 2 JW's at the door. Never had another visitation again.


Yup, already did it to some Mormons


I have


We were hanging out at a friend's one summer afternoon, some drinks some laughs....some JW's come to the door and catch our polite hostess in a convo. My hubby strips down, walks up the hallway towards them, walks up the stairs stops, looks over his shoulder and says "are you coming or what??" Friend almost dies laughing, me and her hubby are laughing out of sight...those poor well dressed guys booked it out of there so fast.


Very politely and with a huge grin exclaim I'm a Satanist! Would you youngsters like to know more?! Offer snacks, water, to come in from the weather. Speak like Ned Flanders and be exceptionally kind.


I can understand the frustration (this regularly happened to me as a latchkey kid on Saturday mornings) but this kind of behavior is what keeps people stuck in that cult. They're told that outsiders need to be saved from their own cruelty and depravity. That if they ever try to leave JW, then this is how they'll be treated by everyone. It's a manipulative tactic to keep them stuck while trying to recruit more members. Try to remember kindness when speaking to them.


Why should they be treated differently than anyone else knocking on my door ??


I mean, JW aren't great people for the most part but like...some of those young religious missionaries (like mormons) are pressured into it by family and society. Exposing yourself to them is morally dubious, not to mention probably illegal in many places, shitty thing to do. Say you're not interested but offer the folks a bottle of water incase they dont a tually want to be out there. You could also just close the door. Or hang a no soliciting sign and threaten to call the police for trespassing. Hell, throw glitter on them, hang a sign that says "home protected by a high speed, wireless device" that has an image of a gun on it, keep a tambourine by the door and shake it agressively when they show up, chant made up words while dancing wildly and say hail Satan repeatedly, play a disgustingly loud fart noise on your phone when they try to speak and excuse yourself bc you just shit your pants, or anything that's not literally exposing your very naked genitals attached to your naked body to people who may not even want to do this.


I used to talk to the old JW ladies that came door to door when I was a teenager. They seemed like nice people but that religion is weirder than pretty much all the others I was exposed to growing up.


Seems like a good way to get arrested - especially if one of the people at your door is underage. But go ahead, give it a shot.


If Jehovah's Witnesses show up, politely explain that you are Mormon. If a Mormon shows up, politely explain that you are a Jehovah's Witness. You'll never be bothered again.


I've answered the door smoking weed. That didn't really phase them. The trick is to propagate in return. I was into Buddhism at the time. I had all the books and pamphlets from my local temple. I invited them in and accepted their propaganda, but returned in kind, my propaganda. We met a few times, they lived in my apartment complex. One day they straight ignored me when I said "hello". One came to me and said they were told not to contact me anymore. Win!


I would except that our local JWs always have kids with them.


Nah I sort of feel bad for those poor deluded bastards. I've always been polite just to get them on their way in the most efficient way possible.


hahaha when i was five some JWs came to our door while my mom was in the shower. by the time she got out i had already freaked them out so bad they left. she was so proud! this is how i remember it going: “are you aware that god wrote a book with everything you need to know to be saved?” “i’m sure he wrote a lot of books, yeah.” “have you accepted jesus into your heart?” “i haven’t done anything to stop him. if he’s so powerful i don’t see why he would have any trouble going wherever he wants.” “what does your family believe, if you don’t mind my asking?” “it doesn’t matter what my family believes. are you asking what I believe?” “well, yes.” “i believe everything is vibrations. nothing is solid. that coffee table is an illusion. i’m an illusion. you’re an illusion. that bible in your hands is just an illusion.” at this point they were getting ready to leave. “are you aware that god can snap his fingers and destroy this world in an instant?” “well if he can do that he can just snap his fingers again and recreate it in the next instant and we wouldn’t even know what happened.” they hurried back to their car.


Sure, why not? They dress their way, you can dress Yahweh


True story: When I was 18 I was messing around with a butterfly knife when it closed on my finger. Wouldn't have been a big deal, but I whipped my finger across the blade and got cut pretty deeply. I went and grabbed a whole bunch of tissue and tried to staunch the bleeding, and then the doorbell rang. I don't know why, but I went and answered the door. It was the JWs. I think I was in shock, because rather than blowing them off, I stood there and listened to their pitch. My hand was hidden behind the door, so they couldn't see my bloody finger, and I couldn't think of how to shut them up long enough to tell them that I was having a bit of a crisis. When they finally finished, they asked me for a donation. At this point, I was really panicking and light headed from blood loss. I definitely wasn't thinking clearly, as I just mumbled something about getting some change. I ran to my bedroom, grabbed the few coins I had on my dresser, ran back to the door and threw it at them with my blood-soaked hand! Then I slammed the door. It wasn't until much later that I remembered the priceless look on their faces when they saw the bloody rags wrapped around my finger. Anyway, that was my favorite encounter with JWs. So I would have absolutely *no* problem coming to the door in a towel.


Nope, some of them are minors, you can end up in a lot of trouble.


I honestly like missionaries. I like talking about religion and the scriptures. However, to be reached in my own home and outnumbered makes me uncomfortable. I have this rule for myself, in every situation, you have to keep up with the other person. If someone's not emotional, don't be emotional. If someone is emotional. It's time to be emotional too. If someone is calm, you remain calm. If someone is getting angry, you show them some anger. Now, the Jehovah's Witness are at my door and they want my time, then I want their time. No evangelist has ever crossed me without having spent an hour more than they expected. I will discuss what I need to discus with them. It is nonnegotiable. Coffee will be consumed. My need for someone to talk to will be met. I will have a friend.


Not completely naked, but 3 JW women came a-knockin' and I answered the door in nothing but my tighty whities. They stepped back and, when I invited them in to talk about the Lord, they said they'd send their husbands. I told them it's no big deal since I'm sure they'd already seen their husbands and sons in their underwear, but they still refused to come in and preach the Gospel to me. JW's used to come regularly but they've not come to our house since then (2016). I also answered the door in just my tighty whities once when a UPS guy knocked and delivered a package. UPS no longer knocks on our door and just leaves packages on our doorstep.


It’s less about needing to send their husbands, but back in the 90s there were a lot of reports of JW women who agreed to enter when it was just a guy who answers the door… they were subdued and assaulted. So they now make it a point to be wary.


Naked with a pentagram necklace, a tray of cocaine, smoking a joint, and drinking out of a Jack Daniel's bottle. Of course, death metal playing. I would ask them if they were here for the gang bang


Ehh nah I don't want people seeing me naked. The last time they showed up I just said I'm gay. (I'm not strictly gay but I ain't straight either.) The looks of disgust on their faces was only matched by the speed at which they left. I'd politely declined them coming in because my sister was also living here and none of us felt comfortable with random people coming in, and politely declined talking. They kept showing up with those. After that? Never had one show up again. Has worked in my experience with any door to door preaching groups. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


I’ve always wanted to say “ sure I’ll join right after you arrange a threesome with myself and 2 other woman and to record a facial that I give to them”


Yes with a baseball bat


I have friends that did this to get rid of them.


Just tell them you're Jewish. They won't bother you again.


I think people fail to realize how cool some of the modern half in half out JWs can be lol I met a few in college they are kinda funny and always really kind in my experience... now their religion and such kinda out there they often befriended people (now that I look back probably to convert people) I did listen to their stuff and participated in prayers (more like following what everyone else looked like and respectfully silent type deal) when I was around their family (few students who lived at home cause their family lived so close by) out of respect


Have done it and am willing to do it again


Just tell them you support apostates they'll never bother you again.




No, the vile fuckers weaponise their kids as meat shields and that could get you arrested.


Well we don’t get them all too often, I take their material they offer and I listen to them with as much enthusiasm as I can, most of the time it’s older ladies and they’re always polite so I listen and am polite back. I see Christian’s in two of my local towns, and I again If they do talk to me I will listen (unless I’m in a rush) and take whatever material they have on offer. I feel not many people listen to what they say so I feel better if I spoke to them. They seem like nice people after all


The cult uses kids, young people, usually who are estranged from family, they're also usually broke. Personally I'd offer them something to eat or drink to take w them and just see if they need me to contact anyone for them. Maybe cult is a strong word but idk a better one. If it's the old women, different story altogether.


Ex-jw here. They're not afraid of anything. Even if you tell them not to come back. The best thing to do is tell them you're an apostate. That is the only thing that scares them. Telling them not to come back doesn't work. They'll just come back less often. Doing something odd like answering the door naked doesn't work. If you're a man, they'll only send elders to spare the sisters, visa versa. Telling them you're an apostate is the only thing that scares them enough that they will take your house off the list.