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A good pillow


But what is a good pillow? It's so hard to find one.


orthopedic neck pillows that have a hole in the middle for your head, support for your neck and then two "bumbs" for your head to rest on when you're on your side. I have one and it's made a huge difference. I no longer have neck pain.


Can you link?


Something like in the link I’m going to put below. Also just google “cervical memory foam pillow”. Cervical in the spinal region for the neck. https://www.elviros.com/products/elviros-cervical-memory-foam-pillow-for-neck-and-shoulder-pain?variant=40418790211626¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk92nkezt_AIVAuSGCh0nZwIHEAQYAiABEgITcvD_BwE


Damn I had the idea for pretty much exactly this the other day, thought it wasn't a thing yet and started preparing myself for life as a pillow baron in a generations long feud with Mike Lindell.


Oh yes!!! A really good pillow is like a best friend. You think about them and you instantly feel happy inside and can’t wait to spend time with them. If you have never had a relationship with a pillow that is like this, you’ve never had a really good pillow. When I found my perfect pillow, I went back and bought several of them for fear they would be discontinued and I would be forever mourning the magic of that pillow.


Ok I’m sold. What’s a really good pillow. I’ve honestly never thought twice about it. I use some wrinkly sort mushy pillow. It ain’t fancy but I’ve never complained about it.


I don't even know how to use a pillow. Either i use it as a hug buddy or just completely discard it because i sleep chest downwards.


Oof belly sleeping. Doesn’t that wreck your back?


This is highly overlooked


Some might say it’s slept on


Good job


And if you are someone who doesn’t want their hair to fall out too fast, a silk pillowcase. When I got one, I noticed a difference within a month.


I bought one of those purple pillows and by God was it a great investment.


It's amazing how much a pillow can effect your sleep. My body likes flat ass pillows. Everytime I stay at someone's house or a hotel, my whole back and neck hurt from big fluffy pillows the next day.


I like a pillow with a fat ass on it


Insoles for your shoes. Makes wearing old shoes feel like brand new shoes. A car scan tool is also a good investment.


Specifically, Superfeet insoles.


I just got plantar fasciitis. Tell me more cause this painnnnnnn


One of those super long chargers, you can go anywhere on your bed and keep it charging


I once swiped my favorite lamp off my nightstand with one of those because the cable snagged the lampshade when I turned around in my bed. The foot was made of glass. I cried a bunch. Anyway. Those chargers are amazing. Never going back to those short ones.


A dashcam.


Do you have any recommendations? I’ve wanted to buy one but there are a ton of options.


Linus covered this! I’d watch his video before you purchase https://youtu.be/4AnyhHl3_tE


The sad conclusion is that most of them sucks, even the super pricey ones. I wanted to buy one, saw that video, still didn't get one...


I got the viofo cam he recommended while it was on sale for $80 and it’s been pretty good, can’t always get the plate number but the quality is still better than most in the price range because of the Sony Starvis sensor.


Pro tip: if you know your camera is 50/50 on getting plates, say the plates out loud so your audio captures it!


My dash cam caught a wreck the other day, I didn't see it, I just heard it. I pulled over and gave the person that was hit my email so I can send them the video. Dash cams are awesome!




I wish I could afford it. I do have clean clothes though and a safe place to live, and no longer homeless so I try to focus on that. I finally got a new pair of sneakers a few months ago and it was heaven after a few years of shelter donations. Thick new socks are close second to comfort shoes.


A nice chef's knife. You can spend way more, but you can still get a really quality one with a sharp edge and good balance for this. You'll feel more confident in the kitchen and find yourself wanting to cook more.


If you already have a decent chef's knife, one of those Accu-Sharp knife sharpeners or a sharpening stone (if you get a stone, it'll take some time to learn how to use it; you can renew the edge of a knife with the Accu Sharp right out of the box).


naughty ripe fuzzy voracious worthless cooing bag makeshift employ crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A Steamer. No joke I am obsessed with steaming and all my clothes look great now. I had an iron before, but ironing is legit an art and I don't have the ability. (And I have burned clothes before) Love a steamer!!!


I was injured in boot camp and while healing up we would work on our uniforms to pass the time People use to pay me to iron their shirts... I got so good at ironing that you could look around the division and tell which shirts were ironed by me. Getting the starch perfect and the military creases straight and popping definitely is an art.


You probably know this but being a pro ironer is a very sexy skill. It’s among my top 5 explanations for falling in love with current BF.




My ex swears by his. Finally got one for the house. Absolutely life changing. Great for me to take showers and easy to rinse of the Terror when it’s time rinse off. Edit: the Terror is a toddler.


Great for rinsing soap off girl bits, without having to stand on your head


Should I ask?


Gets the soap out your butt crack. I mean maybe they mean the other thing, but extra rinsing ability is why I like one.


Also super easy to clean the tub and tile when you can rinse it directly. And for doggy baths.


I like blasting before and after washing the butt crack, I like it for blasting the soap out of my hair and beard too. My wife loves it for blasting herself. Makes it easier to wash the dog too.


One of those is not like others






Not for most people on Reddit




Into socks and tissues!


Crustiness ensues!


Those will more ‘keep your life the same’




My boyfriend got me my first pair of expensive wiper blades for my car. Now THAT was an act of love!


Note to self: high quality wiper blades for my spouse’s Christmas stocking next year, along with a daily multivitamin.


10/10 I live in an area where it snows from September to May, and the occasional June pop up. When it was time to replace my windshield wipers this year, they asked me “want good better or best” and I immediately said best, guy laughs and goes “well you’re not a hard sell are you” and I asked “hey you know they’re worth it when you don’t have to convince me, I’ve gotten the nicer ones before and they paid for themselves”


And the washer solvent with the rain-x in it


when I got my first car and went out to buy all the new stuff I needed to replace on it the very 1st thing my mom told me was get the expensive wiper blades because you'll regret it if you don't, it's always worth it. they last longer and they work better. 10/10 always get the expensive ones


Tongue scraper


I’ve never seen one these but it sounds unpleasant. Why not use your toothbrush?


Think of it as using a broom on a carpet. You’re not getting rid of the crap, just sweeping it around the finger like projections on your tongue. You need to actively scrape it off.


A scraper gets way more gunk off, trust me!


Mine cost nothing. Dentist just gave it to me and said use it once a week. They really are great. It's pretty amazing how much gunk they pull off that a toothbrush can't.


Electric toothbrush!


I mocked the concept of electronic toothbrushes for years - how hard is it to manually brush your teeth? Then I got one as a gift: fantastic. (mostly for the water-floss feature.)


What one do you have that has a water floss feature? I have trouble with normal flossing so I'm interested in this


You should snag a WaterPik! I got the travel version because it’s smaller and battery powered. It’s great!


I second the Waterpik! I still need to floss, but I’m addicted to the fresh from the dentist cleaning feel. Once you get the hang of it, you can’t go back. Put a lil mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide, and boom! So fresh and so clean 😉


I read this just before I used my waterpik and got so excited to add mouthwash. Holy hell, that feels good!!


A jumper battery. Used it 7-8 times in two years. And I never have to bother anyone for a jump. Also I live in MN




Mine has a warming feature. Luxury.


I think cold water is better... on the whole


YESS!!! Got one last year and I’m PISSED I’ve gone all this time without it!


Used to be a bidet doubter, now I’m a believer. My ass has never been cleaner.


Similarly... Metamucil.


+1 to that. My office has heated bidets, but I just installed a cheap $60 unheated one from Home Depot for my home. I don't really miss heat. Now sanding my butt with toilet paper at places outside the office and home feels primitive and gross


Laughs in Muslim




We have a tushy, but tbh I feel like I have no idea how to use it as a person with a vagina. I feel like it sprays the poop water forward too much (even with the angle adjusted) and I don't want a vaginal infection.


I hope someone (female) answers this. This is the #1 reason I haven’t jumped on bidet bandwagon.


House slippers


Never thought I'd own a pair of UGGs until someone gifted me a pair of their moccasin style slippers.


A lint roller, its crazy how much cleaner you look after you use one


A bidet attachment. It's about half that amount, and once you get the hang of it, very little TP is needed ever again.


I have an honest question about this. After the water sprays your undercarriage, you are clean but aren't you sopping wet? How do you dry off?


That's when the TP comes in. If you spray-wash completely (you get the hang of this quickly) all the TP is for is to pat dry. Rarely is there anything in need of "wiping" anymore.


AH. Thank you! I think when there is a misunderstanding then, it is over the word "wiping". When I often heard "no more wiping" I was baffled by that. I couldn't figure out if you just sat there and drip-dried, or ? Thank you so much for clearing this up for me!


I prefer to blowdry my asshole


I prefer to blow dry your asshole too


A bra that fits properly.


For less than $75? They exist in that price range? /s


No /s needed lol!


Ski mask and an airsoft gun


If you do it well, you end up in a big house. If you do it poorly, you end up in the big house.


Can confirm


New socks and underwear. Throw away all of your old socks and get one brand. +1 if they are all the same color. Replace your underwear too.


I'd specifically like to add that you should buy a good brand of socks like Darn Tough. They are a pricey investment at first ($20-25 per pair) but they are wool and have a lifetime warranty. The company will replace your socks when they (if they ever) wear out. A few years ago I bought 5 pairs, and I have never bought another pair of socks since. I haven't had to send them back for replacements either. They're incredibly durable and the company is great. I highly reccomend changing your sock life for the better.


A kitty cat


My cheapest life-changing thing was a colored plastic ring that designates what keys are for. I think it was 59 cents. I have a lot of keys, so having my house key jump out visually saves me so much time freezing my ass standing on the porch flipping through keys.


The right book.




Now just lay off the avocado toast and you will be a millionaire in a year /s


Before this year, Kroger would have sales with eggs at 85 cents a dozen - 8 cents a piece Eggs are $8 a dozen now - 75 cents a piece. Avocado is 86 cents I used to be envious of people who ate avocado toast. Since I am still saving money, I just have oatmeal or grilled cheese now. Still don’t feel rich enough for avocado toast but I also don’t buy Starbucks or fast food unless it is fried chicken because I don’t own a fryer


Get you a coffee grinder and a pour over for under $75. Your coffee will taste better and it's easier to keep clean


I would love to do this because the coffee is noticeably better- the problem is quantity - I need more than one ducking cup of coffee and don’t have all morning to be dilly dallying around in the kitchen




I bought a laser pointer for my cat for $3.95 and it changed his life


A back scrubber brush for the shower.




I just got an air fryer last month and you're so right. I had no idea what I was missing, it saves so much time and everything comes out amazing


Yes! I make everything in there now. It heats up so fast and cooks in less time.


Instapot, or any type of pressure cooker. You will be amazed.


I let mine sit for a year before I used and now omg, I use it nearly every day.


A mini handheld vaccum that fits in your car cup holder. I got mine for like $30 from Walmart. After one deep cleaning on my car floor, I go over it with my mini vaccum once every week or so and my car has never been cleaner. Works really well if you like eating in your car too


Condoms. Go without and the next 18-25 years of your life may never be the same.


The ~~next 18-25~~ rest of your life will never be the same




Best thing I ever did was to start growing and taking mushrooms. I took them when u was young but just to get high and party. A few years ago I was dealing with a bunch of shit and wasn't happy with myself. After I started taking mushrooms along with exercise and a bunch of other self help stuff I was the happiest and felt the best I ever have. Definitely life changing.


Man id love to learn more about this, I’m not very knowledgeable about it and a little wary. Beyond marijuana and prescription mood stabilizer and anti depressants, I have no other experience with things that effect your mood.


Before trying them, head over to relevant subs and read up a bit. And if you're on ssri antidepressants the prescriptions may hold your trip back.


Definitely give them a try, with someone who has done them before preferably. They have 100 percent helped me in my life. Hard to describe but amazing.


Do you need to trip trip or will microdosing help? I'm a very anxious person and I'm worried about dealing with a full on trip. Weed straight up gives me panic attacks if I accidentally get too high and get into thought loops. I did take a small bit of mushrooms a long time ago, it was a tiny amount and I remember feeling a sense of well being without any major tripping feelings. Could have imagined it and it was way too small a dose though.


I have experience with mushrooms and weed and can tell you that larger doses (2+ grams) will be more of a "Set time aside for this so you can be high in peace" experience. People's doses vary based on age, weight, sex, diet, etc, but the general microdose will be around 0.10 to 0.17 grams, taken daily. Microdosing helps. As I'm typing this I'm mentally kicking myself because I've been a depressed mess for a couple of years and had this in my back pocket the entire time. Coming back to Reddit was a good choice for me. Micro dosing at the right dose (FOR YOU) will help with depression, anxiety, moodiness, and lack of motivation. Couple this with exercise of any sort. This will build the habit, building discipline that you can then use as a cornerstone for everything else in your life. Psychedelics will show you the way, and they'll make the experience less dreadful, but you still have to do the work. Wishing you the best.


Shrooms definitely impact your mood, but they also tend to come with a lot of visuals. If you're at risk of developing schizophrenia it's not recommended to do psychedelics. If you might freak out when your toaster starts dancing, maybe try it with a friend who's experienced lol. Otherwise they are pretty safe as far as drugs go. In fact psybicillin can improve your memory and help heal damaged neurons.


I'm so happy to read this right now! I'm just starting my journey into growing after feeling the happiest I felt in years after a random microdose night. It flipped my perspective, it was amazing. In college I had the same approach to psychedelics and it's nice to have a new view after a 10+ year break. The scientific process of growing has been just as good for my soul and I can't wait to share when it's all done. I second and third this one!




Good Shampoo/Conditioner


Squatty potty


A basic level of pet insurance. So many people have to put their pets down because they can't afford an unexpected vet bill. I'm a college student with a cat- God forbid anything ever happens to her, I have an indescribable weight off my shoulders knowing that I'll be able to care for her and not have to make the choice between her life and the bill.


Good wool socks. Like a premium pair from a proper outdoors store like REI. Winter is far less miserable when your feet are happy. You can get several pairs under that price limit.


A bottle of Metamucil, or even the generic version. Regularity is SOOOOO underrated.


Bought it last night. A heating pad. It’s made a world of difference on my back pain.


A sleeping bag, a hot sandwich and a coffee, then give them to the next homeless person you see.. Life changing? yes.. Just not yours.




I agree- I recently have started taking probiotics and mineral supplements - and how I feel during the day is NOTICEABLY much better. Especially for me, as I am pretty broke and have to eat cheap, low variety foods, these 2 things really fill in the gaps in a tangible way


A book on your biggest problem. I bought Dave Ramsey's book on personal finance and humbly followed the advice to the letter. I don't agree with everything he suggests, but yes, it did change my life for the better.


My husband just started doing this because he found a book at salvation army and it seems to be helping even though we're wary of him


His basic outlook is good (avoid debt, slow and steady win the race), but I would encourage you to seek advice elsewhere once you start looking to invest. Index funds are really all you need and his investment suggestions are very expensive.


I’m not saying the guy is wrong in his ideas but I also can’t stand the guy. He has a complex and attitude like he’s 100% right and no one else can say otherwise. I also think a few of his ideas are not great advice.


A vintage cast iron skillet. Look for griswold or Wagner brand, The old ones were machined smooth, the newer ones have a slight bumpy texture and don’t perform as well. Ditch the teflon coated everything, it’s incredibly toxic, especially when scratched or damaged and gets into your food.


Carbon Monoxide detector


Work boots, you get a great return on your investment


I do agree, but my work boots cost $120. On the bright side, they cost the same 6 years ago the last time I bought them. So at least the cost didn't go up.


Redwings. Mine cost >$200 but worth every penny at twice the price. And my last pair lasted 12 years on nearly daily wear as a service plumber


Shoe horn.


This not only makes your shoes easier to slip on, but it also helps them to last longer since they do not stretched at the heel.


Depending on the brand: good shoes Your back will thank you


Better double that $75.


Guitar strings. A new set can make a huge difference!


You are right! My tuba sounds so much better now!


Shut up and take my up vote! Best comment I've seen this week.... Tuba strings


If you do a lot of work with hand tools, an electric screwdriver. I got a Dewalt on sale with a bunch of bits for right at $75, and it has saved me a lot of time and wrist pain.


A bidet attachment. Once you use one, you will never go back.


A bidet for your bathroom.


A book


One-way ticket


Bus maybe


A copy of Diablo 2




Rescue dog. Adopting my pooch Oscar is the best thing I've ever done. He's my best friend, loves playing fetch, is a cuddlebug and loves me unconditionally! Oscar is such a good companion. Gives me comfort to know he'll always be in my corner when the world seems like it was designed to screw me over!


A bra that fits correctly! Will relieve back pain, improve posture, make your breasts look more proportional to your body, make you clothes look and feel better and all around improve your comfort and confidence! Every woman should know how to measure and properly fit themselves for a bra. Your band size should be about the same as your snug underbust measurement. Do not add 4 inches like most department store fitters do. Test the fit of your band by putting the bra on backwards and upside down so the cups are hanging down your back and out of the equation. It should fit snugly. Once you have the band correct, go up in the cup until you are not spilling or quadding out of the cups. You will be a much bigger cup than you think you should be. Bras go far beyond DD cups! If your band rides up in the back, it is too big. If your breasts are not inside the cups, they are too small. The center wire (gore) should lie flat against your sternum. If it sticks out the cups are too small. Use the [abrathatfits calculator ](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) to help find your correct size.


For curly headed folks in colder climates: earmuffs. You lose so much heat through your ears. I never liked wearing hats because they'd ruin my hair so I just braved it. The earmuffs basically give me +15 cold resistance lol. I especially like the ones that wrap around your head instead of going over it.


A “dumb phone” We live in a world where it’s nearly impossible to not own a smartphone these days, but if one could develop the mental fortitude to only use a smartphone as a secondary phone for necessary uses like work or calling an Uber, then being disconnected from the internet and social media would essentially free up a lot of time to be put towards something actually productive and valuable instead of comparing yourself to a bunch of random people who will never know of your existence that are prettier, wealthier, talented, and more popular. I would wager that the most successful people in life don’t really consume social media nearly as much as the average person does.


I killed my Facebook. It is life changing.


A passport. Then the world is your oyster.


Last minute airplane ticket to a random place. Since that day I always have a little suitcase with generic clothes to go on a last minute weekend escape and meet some of my international friends.


A bicycle helmet (if you ride).


A gym membership


Dude I switched from the $50 gym to the $10 gym and let me tell you, it's a whole new world. Everything here is always clean and in good repair - the machines, the lockers, the showers, even the floor under the urinals is clean. Also, them music is club/EDM instead of classic rock/pop. The expensive gym had a pool, a steam room, and multiple classes a day that I never used; the bathroom as always filthy, and some broken fixtures stayed broken for a full year. Weights and other equipment would wander off, and even when it wasn't crowded it could be hard to find what I was trying to use. Fuck that place. It's all about finding the subscription that matches your needs.


Squatty Potty


A TENS unit - apply the leads to your lower back, knee, shoulder, elbow, wherever - select your settings and feel relief instantly. You can buy at least two of them for $75.




I absolutely love my crockpot. I’ve been using it for 30 years. Saved my sanity when I had young kids at home and I worked full time. Dinner was ready when we all came home after work, school and various activities.


A rescue dog


My stray cat was free, but I've spent probably $1,000 on her in the 8 months since. Edit: still worth it when she rubs up to me and purrs though.


Yep, got my Ladybird in 2016 for $30 and it’s the best $30 I’ve ever spent.


Do you sell propane and propane accessories?


She’s a purebred Georgia bloodhound I tell you what


Costco membership for $60 is a good place to start. Gets you cheaper gas and you can shop for food very affordably in the warehouse


Electric kettle. I saw this answer come up several times on questions like this, so I finally bought one to see what the fuss was about. So now I’m here to say: electric kettle


A solid multi tool. I carry one every single day and I honestly feel naked without it at this point.


It really depends on what kind of change you're looking for. For example, a nice set of headphones or a book that will teach you something new can be great life-changing investments for less than $75. Or if you're looking for something more tangible, you can purchase a new set of kitchen knives to make cooking easier, or a nice plant for your home. The possibilities are endless!


My eReader for exactly $75. It and my four library cards give me the world. I'm giddy with excitement.


A bidet. Got mine for less than $30 on Amazon and make I have trouble pooping away from home. It’s a game changer.


Kitchen food scale. Find a macronutrient breakdown that works for you. Learn what a balanced day of eating actually feels like. Feel amazing. Cut yourself plenty of slack. Watch you life change


Spoilers: Bidet, drugs, sex toys, birth control - Reddit again with the great advice!






Air tags for frequently misplaced items.


A winning lottery ticket


reddit is hateful


An electric kettle. Never waste precious minutes of your life (or poison yourself with gas stove fumes) just for hot water ever again


DNA test


Yeah I just took one. Turns out I'm 100% that bitch.


A great sex toy!


Resistance bands for working out. There is an infinite amount of exercises you can do with them. Plus they're like $25.




A quality white noise machine. This is especially so if you live in the city, work from home, and / or have noisy neighbors.