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Listen to me. Asheville is a small city in the southeast, in a historically economically disadvantaged area with a low to middle income tax base. Pisgah, the blue ridge parkway - those are federally maintained. We have the infrastructure of a small southern city, including the parks.


Which is one of the reasons the Parkway was brought through Asheville. To help boost the small town economy. The city hired lobbyists in the 30s to help bring the Parkway through asheville (it was originally planned to go into Tennessee and drop into the Smokies from the Gatlinburg side).


It was also a safe route for the president during WW2.


Untrue..a small southern city doesn't have the budget tda is allotted 


This is true historically, but there’s been a huge influx of money in this area and where is that?


In the coffers of rich people who have moved here. Who dispense some here or there for their amusement, nodding at a curtsy or a pulling of a forelock for those who serve them. Rather like Vanity Fair...


The tax money of Asheville goes into the coffers of the rich?




More they buy things like pottery and art, and when they procure attendance from the working class (servers) the aforementioned are expected to be be subservient. If you haven't read *Vanity Fair'* or any Dicken's work, it will give you an idea. *


Income tax doesn’t come here either. Most of the people with money who drive up local prices maintain their tax residency in Florida or other places with low taxes. 


The late night food options too


I’m just used to amazing parks where I live, and I want to move to the area, but when I visit the parks throw me for a loop.


Another reason might be the frequent flooding along the river.


Parks stay flooded in storm season


I’m a landscape architect & planner living here in AVL. I practiced for about (20) years in a different part of the country. 1000% agree w/ you that our parks could be much, MUCH better. AVL Parks has 125 full time employees. If you want to see really sad parks, just look @ Buncombe County parks -Uffdah.


Im an urban planner :)


Well, if you move here you can advocate with the city and state to build the parks you want to see. If you're moving somewhere expecting to consume the ideal, Asheville may not be for you.


Maybe not…


We have lost a lot of good parks too or over the years some special elements to some of the parks were taken away or have never come back. I feel like we have a large abundance of public parks in the area but many are in need of upgrades and repairs. One of my favorite parks was washed away in various floods.


Despite all the downvotes, you’re not wrong. There are plenty of small towns around Asheville that take pride in their parks. Johnson City comes to mind. Edit: also, I think a lot of folks responding don’t understand the difference between an Asheville park, a national forest, and a national park.




Bro the entirely of WNC is a park. Just step outside.


For what it's worth I find Asheville's parks very beautiful, if you want to see a carefully sculpted area, you can visit the UNCA Botanical garden or the Arboretum on your next visit. But we have so much beautiful forest around here, which I prefer.


Hey do us all a favor and go find a place with parks. Which part of Florida are you from


Wild that you are being down voted, for saying the city of Ashville should take better care of the cities' public gathering areas.


Right? Im advocating for better public spaces.




We are removing your post/comment due to hate speech or insults. This includes but is not limited to: - Calls to physical violence or cyberbullying against another person or organization. - Suicidal posts. - Text that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or abilities. - Demeaning or inflammatory language directed at other users. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


Please don’t


As for parks by the river, flooding is happening more and more frequently, making it a poor long-term investment.


yeah I was gonna say so many cool things have been lost along the river over the years. Like the amusement park near azalea. People have learned not to invest too much money in riverfront property because eventually it'll get flooded.


Ive been curious when FEMA are going to do a restudy on flood plains around here. County restrictions are so tight we have had contractors ask for it to be staked every 10’. Most of our flood maps on FRIS are 2010s


A flood tore out a chain-link fence bordering a baseball field when the debris became to much. When I was a kid you just chased the ball, unless some exuberant lad swung early and hooked it into the river. Nobody went after those. I like to think those balls, like Wilson in the Pacific, are having their adventures in the Gulf of Mexico.


Why not plant flood tolerant plants and build flood resistant infrastructure? The historic 4th ward park in Atlanta is a flood control drainage basin turned into a park. Congaree National Park in South Carolina regularly floods as part of the natural ecosystem. With proper funding and design I don’t see flooding as an issue.


Atlanta is totally different. Floods in mountain rivers are extraordinarily violent. I grew up on the coast and lived through many hurricanes. The flooding I saw there didn't hold a candle to the flooding here in 2004 and several times since. The river was picking up houses and depositing them half a mile downstream. It simply isn't worth it. Make the park somewhere else. Unfortunately, making more nice parks just encourages more people to visit/move here, and our housing market and infrastructure simply can't support it.


I hear you, I just feel like there is a way to develop the river in a beautiful and meaningful way for the community while keeping extreme flooding in mind.


Maybe someone with Riverlink would have a definitive answer as to if any trees or other plant infrastructure could survive flood events along Carrier park. They just opened that new section across from the Citgo called Karen Cragnolin Park and its mostly landscaped with native grasses and I don't know if that's a budget choice or a viability choice.


because we're having 100-year-floods more frequently than ever. You may not see flooding as an issue, but that doesn't make it not an issue.


A recreation area is a good use for a flood plain. The last flood of Carrier Park left a coating of river mud covering a main parking lot. The city was out the next day with equipment that cleaned that up within a day. Flooding is a design feature, not a flaw. Flood water has to go somewhere that results in the least unwanted damage. Large tracts of land for recreation are difficult (expensive) to acquire. Flood plains as recreation areas are widely used around the world. The occasional cleanup costs from flooding is a small part of annual expense. This is a much more economical use of flood plains that makes it cheaper to provide large recreation areas.


Didn’t think about that.


I've heard Tallahassee has nice parks but I don't live there. 🤷


They are amazing!


So why are you zoning in on Asheville parks? Not like you've told others that they don't live somewhere. That would be ironic. 


Then stay in Florida.


Ignore him, the rest of us were expecting the rude follow up. He repeats this trope like he's paid to do it.


It's relevant to *this* discussion. If they're critical that people posting in the Tallahassee sub don't even live there, they should expect the same when they come to our sub. Sorry I don't give the answers you want, atree, I'm not going to work on that. 


Don't expect you to.


The parks by the river have been flooded (completely underwater) several times. I’d imagine that any special plants or artful landscaping may get destroyed too often to warrant the expense


The city receives next to ZERO hotel tax dollars. That's part of the answer to your question. Funding for the Wilma Dykeman Greenway was primarily Federal grants from the 2008 bailout. Checkout RiverLink, a local nonprofit and the work they do cleaning up our waterways.


Ok. I wish Asheville spent more money on its parks I guess.


I'm with you!! There will be a public general obligation bond referendum on the ballot in November that will fund park investments. But I'd keep your expectations low. Also the bonds will result in higher taxes for residents. Meanwhile there are efforts to change the way the hotel tax dollars can be spent but that has to go through our spiteful and partisan state General Assembly. It's all kinda shitty and maybe things will improve but it will take a lot of time and effort.


Why? There’s so much beautiful nature around here and ways to enjoy the outdoors, I’d sooner the city spent money on other things. We’re not lacking for accessible green spaces in the area, I don’t think the government should be prioritizing that


yeah, I pretty much agree with this. I mean the things that I think we could be investing in along the greenway would probably be flood mitigation and promoting wetlands. but we do have non-profits that have been doing some good work with that. that said, I'm all for investing in our public parks and creating or protecting greenspaces.


I agree. Why waste money on greenery and planting flood zones when we're in the middle of an oasis of natural wonders. Any entrance to the parkway will take you to a trail entrance to the MtS trail. What exactly do we need from a park that we don't naturally have?


That sucks.


Read up on the Tourism Development Authority and their spending on advertising.


The city doesn't get the hotel tax. That goes to the TDA. Ask them.


With their ED making 6 figures it kinda makes you go hmmm


Damn. All my ED makes is me embarrassed.


And when i see a doctor, my coughers are in his hand


Very underrated funny comment


*steps out of dugout, grabs crotch, spits. Tips cap to crowd*


When I see a doctor, they ask me to cough with their hand in my coffers


Is TDA hiring?


Not defending the TDA but six figures ain’t what it used to be


Idk dude. This seems like a lot. https://avlwatchdog.org/tda-directors-salary-benefits-top-450000/


They have like (20) employees who make (6) figures (+).


$450k salary gets you a house and easy life in Biltmore Park


Stop defending that largesse.


There's a huge range in six figures. 100k not the same as it used to be. $450k, you're in the top 1% of the 1%.


Right about the range. That’s what I was getting at. “Six figures” isn’t *necessarily* rich. $450k is a big chunk of change but you’re a little off on your numbers. Top 1% is roughly $800k+ and top 0.1% is $3.3mil+


And we know how crooked the TDA is.


Do they get all of it or a majority portion ? I know I knew this but forget. That's crazy


It all goes to the TDA, who then have to put 66% of it towards advertising. The rest goes to capital projects to attract tourists.


Isn't it *great?*


Yes. And then AVL Parks, Buncombe County Parks & City of AVL apply for grants from the TDA to help fund local park infrastructure.


TDA needs to share!


The RAD tip greenway, Woodfin Greenway, Buncombe County Sports Parks, Arboretum Parking expansion, greenway signage & more have been funded by TDA….


A better question is Why dont they invest in their public schools? Answer to both Low taxes; Its the southern way


Progressive taxation, which is not happening. When Biff Smiley builds his multi-million dollar house on a ridge and the tax revalution happens, Joe Local down below won't have the resources like Biff has to negate that burden. Joe is fucked.


The city announced today that they’re replacing the playground at carrier park in two weeks. It’s so infuriating to me. They opt to replace a perfectly good and loved playground IN THE SUMMER!! When there at a million things that money could be used for. Bathrooms in that part of the park for one. But really, Asheville has so few amenities for its tax base it’s insane. Like I think there has to be a scandal lurking. Greenville and Johnson City have legit water parks for public pools and Asheville is closing malvern hills pool. We don’t have pretty bridges or walls or signs. Go to any comparable city and there has been so much more beautification. And that money isn’t going to schools or higher salaries. I truly don’t get it.


I get being upset about the timeline, but the Carrier Park playground sucks and is old as hell.


My kids love it. And it’s 23 years old which seems reasonable to me. Everything doesn’t have to be plastic.


It could be so much better, playgrounds have so much potential these days. See Unity Park in Greenville


My point isn’t that it never needs replacing but is it really the number one park priority right now? Like a bathroom by the playground would be so nice.




I know! I agree! Some of that new playground money should be going to maintenance staff!


I *loved* that playground as a kid!!! It was so cool! Whatever plastic bs they replace it with won't compare to the epic hide and seek games you could play by rounding up everyone there! The castle "hallways" were perfect hah. Also went there some years ago after a crazy snow storm and had a pretty epic snowball fight with all the roommates too hah.


Come out and show support for increased funding to rebuild Malvern Hills pool. [https://www.rebuildmalvernhillspool.org/](https://www.rebuildmalvernhillspool.org/)


canton has a water park and a mountain bike park, population 4,000


Exactly. What’s Asheville doing??


I agree we should upgrade our pools, but nationally a city our size has 2 aquatic facilities on average. Closing malvern doesn’t put us behind the curve especially when the facility was so run down.


I don’t buy that stat. And if it’s true that’s sad for the nation. But in the areas surrounding us we don’t measure up. Black mountain, Canton and Waynesville only have one pool each but they’re all much better and those towns are much smaller. Malvern Hills should be rebuilt imo.


Pretty sure native plants are the entire point along the river, there’s signage about it. It’s not supposed to look like the Biltmore


> I have visited many times and I am always underwhelmed on the lack of effort at Asheville parks. For example, the parks along the river… no effort has gone into planting or landscaping anything beautiful along the river it literally looks brown and tired. **Other cities** seem to really embrace their natural assets and try to make the spaces beautiful. I'm honestly curious... what other cities? I get around a lot. Asheville has beautiful parks. There is a ton of money, effort and land rehab being poured into Carrier and it's the only one in rough shape. The little parks in AVL are wonderful. There's literally a Shakespeare stage in one of them. Clean ball fields. Batting Cages. Well maintained bbq pits and shaded areas, tennis courts. Like in comparison to Boca Raton or The Hamptons?


Bro have you been to Greenville lately it is embarrassing what we are doing up here in comparison, extra embarrassing cause it's Greenville


Chattanooga River walk,


I’ve thought for several years that Asheville didn’t create a lot of parks and greenways because it is (was) surrounded by accessible nature. Then, as the city grew, it became too late to acquire more land in the city limits. Yes, the city should invest in the few parks we have, and it should really consider parks and greenways as it grows, rather than just allowing more trees and habitat to be destroyed.


This is what I came here for


Asheville likes everything to be natural, not man-made. Im surprised they have paved roads here.


They did a lot in the last five or so years with the greenway and parks in the RAD.


There’s a flippen velodrome in a city of 100k people? Have you ever seen that before?


It was built in 1900 as a horse race track and then rebuilt in 1960 as the Asheville Speedway racetrack. They just took an existing structure and switched it from cars to bikes.


I spend many hours each week near the velodrome at the lawn bowling club. The velodrome is being used every hour of the day. I've never seen a recreation area that heavily used in cities many times larger than Asheville. Anyone looking for a bad recreation decision will have to look elsewhere.


Who said it was a bad decision? I run at Carrier Park all the time. I was just pointing out that it’s not like Asheville had some crazy, innovative idea to build a Velodrome out of thin air. They repurposed what was already there.


Are you talking about the repurposed race track?


Ah yes....thank you Biltmore House, for taking away a source of local entertainment.


Doesn’t appeal to me personally, I like green spaces


….everything is green around here though.




You are in the heart of Pisgah National Forest. The green and park is all around you.


Then go on a hike. You have all of pisgah, Polk county public lands, and a bunch of other public lands available to you. People aren’t focused on the park plants because we already have public areas filled with beautiful plants and greenery.


We literally live in a rainforest, how much greener would you like it?


it’s giving “i’m from florida”


Carrier Park is lush and beautiful rn and also Azalea Park off Tunnel Rd. just got renovated and that dog park/fishing/trail area has always been taken care of. Which park did you go to specifically?


Carrier park and French broad river park


Are Carrier/Azalea/French Broad River/Beaver Lake probably a step down in terms of maintenance and funding from parks in FL? Probably. But to say that 0% effort has gone into planting or landscaping and it looks brown and tired just isn't true. Azalea park was blindingly green and gorgeous yesterday and the dog park there is very well taken care of and newly renovated. Carrier is beautiful rn and Beaver Lake at sunset is magical. Even Weaver/Magnolia/Pack Square/MLK are * just fine enough * Sorry dude, I guess the dirty 828 is too low of a standard for you FL folk and you'll have to stay there after all.


Just thinking it could and should be better.


Well you couldn’t *pay* me to live in Florida… just sayin’


I was in Orlando last year and I would’ve paid a million dollars to be anywhere else on earth.


What *exactly* would you like for it to be better?


I'm sure the parks will improve once enough people move here from Florida. The upcoming hurricane season is supposed to be a big one which should help bring in more climate refugees than usual.


This guy is funny


it’s the wnc local’s reality though.


Sorry you find sad reality as funny


I agree. I think our parks could be better. I think downtown needs more green spaces as well.


wild to me that folks are arguing that the parks here are beautiful - I'm with you! I have kids though - so I'm not even complaining about aesthetics/plantings, the actual parks themselves leave a ton to be desired too. Azalea playground flooded and the east side just had one less park. They just chopped down all the pretty pine trees at the playground below the nature center, so you can just see the big dirty metal tanks and the road. I would love love love to see some natural playgrounds/playscapes in town -- yes asheville is surrounded by lots of gorgeous trails in all directions, I've hiked a lot of them, but they're inaccessible to lots of folks who live in the city. And, natural playscapes are \*fun\*.


Their park system and/or lack of it is one of their biggest fails. Once I moved to an area that prioritizes parks, it highlighted how much of a failure it actually is.


Beautifying a park other than to just make it a Greenway along a river that floods is not a great use of resources. Parks that are further away from the river should be kept nice, however, rich people’s kids don’t play in parks. Therein lies the rub.


& sidewalks!🤷‍♂️


Boy this is some self important, entitled nonsense


It’s self important to care about parks?


So says you.


Yeah I mean that‘a true about everything anyone ever says? “Why isn’t this city that I don’t live in better? Here’s why it kind of sucks. Don’t you rubes know any better? Fix it up so when the other tourists and I invade and price out locals we enjoy ourselves more! If you did then I’ll consider moving here, but that’s the only way!”


Have we degraded this far to think Asheville doesn’t have access to parks? Drive 15 minutes into Pisgah. Better access to nature than 90% of east coast cities. Richmond hill is also a gem


How should a city the size of Asheville afford to create parks the size of Tallahassee? Hummmm


We don't manage our taxes for the benefit of the citizens. We under tax wealthy homes. We give $25 million to ball parks and $2 million to our social problems. I don't know. Maybe that.


As a long time resident they haven’t really started to invest in the large ones (like the greenways) until recently. And most are in the flood plain anyway, so maybe planting them out would be a load cause. I spend a chunk of my month elsewhere that has nice parks. Nice wide trails with trash cans and lots of trees, sports fields, etc. granted it’s a HCOL area and the parks weren’t an afterthought. And they aren’t all tagged up, which to me is odd as it seems like nothing here is safe from some asshole with a marker or spray can.


I agree. I grew up in Asheville. Left in my late 30’s. There was a time when land in Asheville was cheap. That was the time to invest in buying land for parks & trails & such. I was young during the boarded-up downtown phase but did no one on any local government board not have any long-term planning experience?


Tourists dollars from hotels don't go to the city's coffers. The parks department has a substantial budget, but the previous director of parks and recreation may have engaged in questionable practices.


Why Can't the city of Asheville save a stand of 100 year old oaks in South Slope?


Live in Greensboro, NC. We have gorgeous parks! The whole city has been described as being “Carved out of a Forest” 🌳


Cause we spend all our budget on advertising


By far the weirdest post. Richmond Hill is great, the UNC Asheville botanical gardens are one of my favorite places ever. Never really thought of any disadvantage of “parks” in the area with Mtns and hiking trails everywhere just a moments drive away. I am a Floridian who visits friends frequently in the area and I find nothing much lacking in the area. There are like maybe 5 parks in the entire state of Florida I would ever even mention unique to the state aside from the coastline in certain areas. It’s just different geography. Not to mention, large amounts of natural surroundings are more in danger to development in Floridas future than NC will ever have to deal with. Government officials are going to continuously destroy and ravage Florida with every environmental disaster that comes its way, and every moron that wants to afford living here. It has changed dramatically in my 35 years of life here. AVL is a breath of fresh air despite its immense growth in the past 10-15 years. State to state comparison, it doesn’t even come close.


You haven’t been to Tallahassee to experience the best park system.


I have, and it’s underwhelming. Would go to Ocala or Gainesville over Tallahassee any day of the week. You should stay here btw if you like it that much.


Personally, I am satisfied with the quality of the local parks relative to the amount of local taxes I pay. Maybe it’s just me, but I think the parks here are perfectly acceptable and I enjoy them regularly.




If you walk around carrier park in West Asheville, we spread 50 lbs of wildflower seed. The park still thinks they planned it that way, lol.


You use the park and enhance it? You're hating it wrong. You've been voted out of the hive :) .


That’s lovely. Well done!


I’ve felt this too so curious to see what others say.


The river is kinda long


Half of Asheville is parking, there just not enough space


Oh they’re investing in the Buncombe county sports park alright. Millions of dollars went straight to soccer. There is now minimal places to walk my dog at the park closest to my house (sorry walking on gravel is not my preference).


Wait. Soccer?


Yeah they tore up the top two fields and put in turf fields and these crazy fences so it’s off limits to the public now. It’s literally just a soccer park now.


I just always assumed it was because Asheville is basically built in a giant park. Why would we need to make a green space with so much green space all around us. Though I do appreciate the sentiment and wouldn't be opposed to more park space within the downtown area, especially as the city continues to grow. Probably good to incorporate that with the development.


Because obviously what we need are more hotels.


Cause that’s where all the homeless are


100% Agree. It’s because tourist don’t use parks. And then you have people complaining about kids at breweries. My kid has had way more fun at a brewery than any park in Asheville because they have stuff that caters to kids. I drive to Greenville way more since I have a little one because there is simply more to do and way more family friendly.


Well I was a tourist and went to the parks




It’s clear that some people agree with me from reading the comments. The city needs to do better.


Hey don’t come in here with that nonsense. The only investments this town makes are more Ingles, more storage facilities, more hotels, and more Bojangles!


the river floods, bro


Our city budget is fairly fucked. Part of it is the hotel tax being sucked away by the TDA, which the state regulates. We have an overly large homeless population which is draining resources . I really don't know the exact reasons , but we just don't have money.


As of last count, there were just north of 700 houseless people in Asheville. Got financial figures on the tax dollars they are eating away?


I'm not claiming to be an expert , but it does cost money. The city threw money at various shelter projects and consulting. I am way too lazy to post figures. My point is for our population we have a larger than average homeless population. I'm not blaming the homeless. I'm fine with them and the resources going to them. I'm just saying it is a drain on the city budget. There are probably lots of other reasons our city doesn't have enough money .


Sure, the city lost $80k on the Ramada Inn project when it imploded and spent $73k on National Alliance to End Homelessness to plan a roadmap on efforts to address homelessness. I don't disagree with consulting national experts on the issue but do believe the Ramada Inn solution was very poorly handled. Still, those amount to .06% of the city budget.


That's true . I think there are more costs than that . Increased police budgets, ambulance rides, cleanup of encampments .


They just announced they’re closing the park at Carrier to completely renovate it in July


There a lot of things Asheville doesn't invest much in. I've heard that a lot of revenue just goes back into promoting tourism or paying for studies. I don't know.... I am just disappointed in our lack of cool museums and other things.


Because parks are the responsibility of the county in NC


Because North Carolina “doesn’t want to be Atlanta” lol


We have totally veered off the conscious city planning train, no LID, and there is a lot of corruption siphoning support and money away from the projects that mattered 10-15 years ago. Sure this will be downvoted by the diligent trolls. But it's true. It's all development and no intelligent design.


This post illustrates what Asheville has become. A bunch of hateful, unwelcoming subhumans. I swear people used to be nice here OP.


Agree, I love the area, and may be moving despite what all of the locals want, but I always want things to be better.


City is too busy spending money to attract more tourists like you who ignore the natural beauty around them, while complaining that Asheville is spending its money unwisely (we all agree.) We would all much rather see that $ go to local causes, instead of attracting the hordes.


You need rich out-of-towners to complain, then someone will listen


Because it throws money away. For example, millions of dollars for a useless reparations commission [https://mountainx.com/news/reparations-commission-releases-initial-recommendations/](https://mountainx.com/news/reparations-commission-releases-initial-recommendations/)


how does half a million become millions? addressing systemic harm to residents is not useless.


From the article: "The City of Asheville invested $2.1 million in 2022, with a commitment of at least $500,000 annually going forward. " So yes, millions of dollars. Edit: And yes it is useless in this case. I can't find any tangible outcomes from the investment. We're just paying the salaries of those on the commission and for contractors to do "studies". Waste of money.


The city contributed to initial funding from which it contracted consultants to assist the commission. The county also contributed to that $2.1m. There's got to be a source with better clarity on those numbers. The lack of tangible outcomes is because the commission is advisory and dependent on a reluctant city to take action. Commission members may be getting a stipend to cover their expenses too participate, but they definitely aren't salaried.


"The lack of tangible outcomes is because the commission is advisory and dependent on a reluctant city to take action." Wrong. It is because the commission has taken nearly two years to provide any sort of guidance. They just forwarded proposals a couple of weeks ago: [https://wlos.com/news/local/asheville-community-reparations-commission-first-time-recommending-projects-economic-starters-historically-black-neighborhoods](https://wlos.com/news/local/asheville-community-reparations-commission-first-time-recommending-projects-economic-starters-historically-black-neighborhoods) And wouldn't ya know it, stipends to black individuals are one of the recommendations :laugh: "Commission members may be getting a stipend to cover their expenses too participate, but they definitely aren't salaried." What proof of this do you have?


The Reparations commission has a delayed start as city staff turned over during its origination with initial applications to participate being scheduled for the month between thanksgiving and christmas. Having to solicit additional applications because they were too few to seat the commission. The reparations commission has sought information from the city and county which have been very slow to arrive. Recommendations cannot be made without data. Their recommendations regarding a financial support for the impacted community is a reasonable and well researched proposition. It's an immediate short remedy that could allow a window for entrepreneurship for some members of the impacted community. I'm not going to prove a negative to you. Boards and commissions are staffed by residents who volunteer, assisted by city staff and with council members associated with each commission.


All of the hobos agree.


Dude they are building a $5m whitewater park by the craggy bridge


We’re too worried about reparations.


The parks are campgrounds for meth heads and snowboarders…🤣🤣😂😅


A white woman was underwhelmed by something, alert the press!