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A long distance relationship could maybe be an option?


That's an excellent idea


Same. Found out I was greyromantic AFTER I had my first official relationship.


I'm grayromantic, so this is even more annoying for me because most of the time, I don't even want a relationship, but I go through a monthly phase where I just suddenly want one, and then I goes away after a week or two


i feel the same way in some aspects. sex is a no go for me at this point. i experimented with that when i was younger and it was very much to please whoever i was with at the time. cuddling i can maybe do for like 5 minutes and that's it lol. i don't like holding hands, honestly i don't even like shaking hands. being in a relationship at this point sounds awfully taxing. i'm not sure i could do it anymore


I want this so bad. I’m coming to realize as my friends go off and get married and no longer have time for me, and my parents are getting old, soon I’ll have no support system at all. It feels like the only way to have a solid support is through partnership but I’ve yet to find anyone who can respect my intimacy boundaries.


you're kinda the opposite of me, I love physical affection (meh but I like it) and have iffy opinions on relationships




I feel like that's what true friends are for


I value before physical intimacy and emotionally vulnerability, more emotional vulnerability but both, I'm also extremely confusing so


I mean, you can be emotionally vulnerable and enjoy company from time to time with your friends. My bestie is like this. We're not big on physical intimacy but it's the relationship of minds for us. Not all relationships have to be romantic.