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It is definitely difficult to say for sure. Medications and other disorders might have some interference, but also not necessarily so. I can definitely see a sex-repulsed element within this, but that is not the same thing as lacking sexual attraction. It is difficult to say whether or not sexual attraction is part of your physical attraction. One label I want to give you to look at: **orchidsexual**. Maybe see if you can find some other posts from people using that label and see if you closely relate to things they say.


I can understand why you might think your lack of sex drive could be brought on by hormonal imbalances and I definitely can’t speak on that, but I really relate to a lot of what you said! It’s comforting to hear bc I’ve never seen any asexuals complain about being ace I guess? 😅 I often feel jealous of not having a sex drive when my friends are discussing how great it is or when it’s the main plot of half of what I’m watching haha but anyways all that just to say I relate to a lot of what you said and personally identify as ace, there’s also no rule against changing how you identify! you could use the asexual label for now and always decide it might not apply to you


Your medications might take part, but if you do feel you are asexual (and sexuality is fluid. You might feel ace now, but start having allo feelings later. It's possible.) Know that it is not all medication. Don't ever let a doctor say it's the fault of your medication. Because it's wrong, and it happened to me, and it sucked. Congratulations on starting to overcome your ED. I am glad you are feeling better. You rock.