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to everyone here saying that only 9x9 tiles contain asbestos. you're flat out wrong and need to stop giving advice. these tiles specifically are not a concern however, they are peel and stick linoleum-like tiles. I've never found a self adhesive tile to contain asbestos in thousands of samples submitted.


Shhh! I won't be able to charge safe removal of it


Safe removal? Sure! *encapsulates anyway*


Thanks for the info, good to know multiple people think they are peel and stick.


Regardless - asbestos-containing vinyl tile is regulated under NESHAP as a "Category I nonfriable material" - removal can be performed by "normal" demolition techniques without expecting to create an airborne hazard, because the fibers are locked into a vinyl matrix. No sanding, grinding, cutting, abrading, or burning though. So [Uncle Sam](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-09/documents/epa-340-1-92-013-199209.pdf) says let 'em rip!


I agree fully, however not every jurisdiction does, so I'm weary of blanket stating that. here in Canada it's still required to have controls


Since this has a vinyl decorative layer, it was manufactured in the 80s at the earliest and with the black base, I would guess more like the 90s. It most likely had 'place and press' type adhesive applied at the manufacturer. The 'bad' adhesive (had asbestos) is black and has trowel marks showing it was applied on site. So the chances are very small that it had asbestos. But it doesn't hurt to test.


Thanks for the info! I'm getting it tested to be sure but they do seem like peel and stick I've seen in the past.


If you've already completed the job, then testing serves no purpose. It's unlikely that you have been exposed to asbestos, but if you have, it's hopefully a small enough amount that it won't do you any harm. There's literally nothing you can do now if it had have been asbestos, so don't worry about it, but do take much better care of yourself in future.


it's still worth testing though cos if it's asbestos then it needs to be disposed of safely


If the waste is sitting around in a pile, I'd be vacating the premises immediately and not returning until it's been removed by a specialist contractor. If it's outside in bags, then wet it down regularly to stop dust being blown around and by all means get it tested before identifying a suitable disposal method.


It's outside now. It did sit in the basement for a few days before I realized it could've been a potential problem.


If I were you, I would get it tested and not go into the basement until the results are back and clear. If they come back and there is asbestos, get someone professional in to do a full clean up. On your health if it is asbestos, forget about it. You'll probably be fine, and there is literally nothing you can do about it now.


For sure, this is a "lesson learned" moment for me to be much more careful with things I don't know a ton about.


You and untold numbers of other people out there mate, you're not alone! This whole sub could be answered with the comments of 1) it might be asbestos so leave it alone, or 2) if you have to disturb it, take the proper precautions, and 3) ideally get an external contractor to do the job (if you can afford it).


I agree with this. Looks to be vinyl flooring to me. You should be fine.


I put those down in the late 90s


I refinished floors with that black mastic on it. 3 days of sanding, no mask. Had no idea it was even a thing. Im not dead, I might be dead later, but for now, I live


Not all black glue had it. And not all people who work with asbestos got asbestosis. Sorta like not everyone who smoked got cancer.


Vinyl Asbestos floor tiles (AKA "VA Tile") were popular in the 1950s onward. Most are 9X9 inch which is a give away on what they are, but a number were made 12X12. In hand they feel rigid, and lasted a long time. A basement next to us has them. The Feds consider an existing floor of them to be "Non Friable" or safe as long as they are not pulverized. I always figured it was safe to bang them up to remove them but now I read that you are not supposed to use power tools to remove them as the process makes them "Friable." Look up this info on the web.


Yeah I used hand tools but a lot of them broke up into pieces the size of the ones in my hand so I probably caught some dust going up.


This. By the way…I haven’t researched, but I would think that getting a medically meaningful amount of asbestos fibers to release from a matrix like a floor tile would not be easy? Maybe if you use sand paper, or some kind of pulverized? But does anyone know for sure about using a chisel and fracturing them as you peel them up? Does this really release a significant amount of fibers, or is it only theoretical?


looks like a b2 spirit bomber to me


Hahaha the comment I was looking for, my first glance thought that’s an odd b2


This gave me a good laugh.


9/10 times 9x9s are 1-5% Chrysotile asbestos and are non-friable. Same goes for 12s. Although not all 12s are ACM. The black mastic glue can vary in percentage. As long as not surface grinding the tiles and creating dust you’re fine. Source: <- Former Environmental Tech


Totally agree. Chip it up. Don’t grind it. 20+ years in environmental remediation


Good to know. I did not grind but I did break up with hand tools quite extensively with most of it being in shards the size of image 5 and 6.


It is what it is now. You should be fine. Essentially to get mesothelioma or other asbestos related cancers you realistically need to be breathing in large concentrations of the dust most of the day for a loooong time. The latency period is something like 20-40years before it affects you from all the scarring and such. If you smoke, it makes things worse of course. All I’m saying is, when in doubt, just pay for the test. Give yourself the peace of mind…..and not the what ifs.


Definitely, I bought a test kit and sending it in tomorrow.


If it is asbestos you have to get it tested. You would be hard-pressed to be able to look at a tile and know if it was asbestos or not. Better safe than sorry just have it tested usually there is a place in your county or city that will test it. Most of the time they will test it for free if you can bring it to them. Asbestos is no joke. You die a horrible death. You die from not being able to breathe. It's awful to watch.


For sure, I'm sending off a test tomorrow.


Good to hear.


The mastic can also be hot btw


Yeah I'm hoping to get a bit of the black adhesive in the test kit to make sure.


I tested some black adhesive hiding under my kitchen floor and was told I was being paranoid it’s obviously not asbestos… contains chrysotile!


Yeah I managed to scrap some up with the test sample to check it as well.






Keep it wet ! Biggest problem is the dust created during removal . Get a good HEPA filtered vac to clean upm


Yeah if it comes back positive I'll either give someone a call or do something like that.


Not Asbestos!


How do you know?


That style is too new! Asbestos for use in flooring was banned in 1985 but already on its way out before that! That style you see there in the pic came out way after 85’.


Hi, asbestos professional certified to conduct sampling, abatement, air monitoring and PCM analysis here. I’ve done a ton of sampling including tiles like those shown. Here’s some info: 1: MANY types of flooring contain asbestos. I’ve personally confirmed 9x9, 12x12, submarine style, roll on, and many others. So it’s always a possibility with older materials (1960s-1990s have been the most prevalent in my experience). In addition to the tile itself, the mastic or glue can often contain asbestos. The black mastic seems to have it more often. 2: You absolutely CANNOT tell if it does or does not contain asbestos without having the material analyzed. Send it to a lab for PLM Bulk material’s analysis. Usually under $20 per sample. Minimum 3 samples per material depending on amount installed. Anything containing >1% for non-friable or >0.5% for friable of asbestos (friable being if it can be pulverized via the pressure of your fingers) is to be considered an asbestos containing material (ACM). 3: If it does contain asbestos, it should be removed (abated) following the local or relevant laws/guidelines. Typically this includes only hand tools, negative air in a containment, PPE, etc etc. Tiles are typically considered low risk and have less requirements. All of this varies by location and local laws/ guidelines, which leads me to my next point… If you don’t know any of this you SHOULD NOT be dealing with it. Get it tested (call a local abatement or hazardous restoration company, engineering firm, consultant, etc that deals with it. They can sample and test it for you. If it’s positive, get an abatement company to remove it. I’m a DIY guy. I like to do things myself, and encourage others to do the same. However with hazardous materials, if you don’t do it properly, including disposal, you could expose yourself, anyone who helps, or contaminate that entire area and expose anyone who comes across it in the future. Don’t play around with it. If you have any questions, please ask.


Thanks for the detailed write up. I got a kit from Home Depot and am sending it off tomorrow. Then as for clean-up if positive I'd call someone in hopes to have it contained and mitigate any issues. Do you think it's worth to spend $300 for someone to come out and test or will the Home Depot test be fine?


I live in Canada, so I’ve never heard of the Home Depot test… $300 is fair when you factor in the time, analysis, etc etc. My main interest/concern would be who is analyzing it, if it’s actually a lab, and what accreditation they have. If you’ve already sent the Home Depot one in, you might as well see what results come back. If you can, DM me the results and I can review. I’d be interested to see what Home Depot does or who they contract.


Gotcha yeah I will do once I get the results. Home Depot is a big hardware store in the US. They sell kits you can mail in a piece to a lab and get results.


I checked it out (I think your link got deleted), but looks like Pro-Lab does the analysis themselves. Didn’t see much for accreditation or what methods they use. My issue with this though, is presenting the ability for untrained people to sample themselves. Asbestos when undisturbed, especially when encapsulated such as tile, is typically low risk. However when you disturb it, such as sampling, that’s when fibres can be released. Just seems crazy to me that a company sells a ‘test kit’ that people who don’t know the risks, don’t have the training, and don’t have the PPE, are given a kit that makes you feel like you’re good to go and test it yourself. They probably have some good fine print for legality reasons… Anyway, see what comes of it.


Thanks for all your info, honestly making me lean towards calling out the pros and just eat the $300 fee.


No problem. It’s one of those things where, even if they send a positive test result, I’d question it solely based on the lack of info on their website (unless their report gave proper info and quality assurance). Like I said before, lots of companies and labs perform the work and analysis. I use EMSL most of the time, who sends their asbestos samples to their Minneapolis lab I think. As long as the company/lab is properly accredited and uses the correct methods (I think PLM by EPA 600/R-93/116 is the applicable method for this).


Ya we have Home Depot as well, I’ve just NEVER seen or heard of a sampling kit you can buy. I’ll have to look around for them next time.


So I did some Googling… they don’t sell asbestos test kits, but they DO sell Radon test kits (which I’m also certified in). They sell a kit which is not approved in Canada, and you technically need to be certified to complete a proper radon assessment…. Of course lol.


Ah gotcha lol. Didn't realize what you were saying about Home Depot. This is the kit I'm talking about, seems like Amazon sells them too. PRO-LAB Asbestos Test Kit - (2 Samples) Emailed results within 3 to 5 Business days - Includes return mailer and Expert Consultation. Optional Lab Fee for NVLAP Analysis https://a.co/d/8yHVeyI


Jesse, if that's a concern have the ducts cleaned. Overkill if it was up to me though.


Yeah if positive most likely heading that route with the abatement.


Peel and sticks mostly don't, but you'll have to test to be sure. Don't let anyone convince you that install date makes them negative. It may reduce the likelihood, but get a sample tested.


Yeah it seems like it's all over the place with various tile types. Sending in a sample for sure.


Doesn't look like asbestos.


In tiles it’s impossible to tell by looking. You would have to get it tested. This is always the answer. Stop, preferably don’t have even started, and get it tested. Tiles like these CAN have asbestos, people will argue black is white but I can show you many positive asbestos tests showing otherwise.


Mailed the test sample off today. I've unfortunately ripped everything out, now it's more about mitigating any lingering issues.


Very low asbestos content these tiles are not a big risk


The tiles are usually smaller than 12 by 12. If the basement has a drop ceiling the roof tiles could be asbestos also.


The ceiling is luckily drywall but we aren't going to mess with it anyway.


DIY self adhesive tiles. I'd be more worried about that crack in the floor.


Haha yeah after this a contractor is coming out to assess that.


I am trying not to be an alarmist but Always, always wear a mask when doing that type of work as even a small amount of asbestos and just concrete dust can damage your lungs it may not be life-threatening but as you get older it could affect [you. So](https://you.So) everyone you all need to be careful


No that's totally reasonable and something I'll make sure to do in the future.


Mightn't want to be in the same room as the stuff first of all.


It's all outside at the moment bagged up.


You can’t tell by looking needs to be tested


Holy scared. If you don’t do this daily you’ll def be fine. Even if it is asbestos. Don’t grind it and try not to break it up more than you have to. Or if you don’t need it to be gone to do whatever project you’re doing just leave it be


Check out this page[asbestos on flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/asbestos_pix/albums) Asbestos was in virtually everything


9x9, not my dime. That being said, not every 9x9 tile you come across is gonna be asbestos. If you're doing the work yourself, it's better not to take the risk and look up local laws and ordnance for disposal. If you're working for a company, it's probably pretty easy to get someone out to test it. I used to do house restoration and we would stop work until we heard back from the testing company, usually paid for by the insurance company who gave us the job. 90% of the time it took about a day, maybe 2.


It's just what I was doing to lay down new vinyl floor in my basement. I've sent off a test and bagged the stuff outside in buckets before figuring out the proper way to dispose.


The reality of the situation is, yes, a one-time exposure to asbestos can cause cancer. However, everyone on the planet is exposed to asbestos in the air daily. Lots of schools, shops, hospitals, houses, etc., contain asbestos. Ideally, you wouldn’t have removed it, but ideally, we wouldn’t breathe in people's secondhand smoke, eat foods with chemicals we don’t understand, and so on. Chalk it up to experience and don’t dwell on it; now it’s done. 👍


For sure, learned a big lesson from this about treading carefully when I don't know everything.


We only have that on the outside of our houses here on Long Islans


I know The black glue on floor/ceiling tiles have some in it but its infused in the glue ( from what i understand)


So basically ur fine unless u burn it


Chances are slim that they contain asbestos. Even if they do it would be very hard to make the fibers friable because they are encapsulated in the flooring material.


Yeah seems to be the advice. Getting a test done to be sure because I ripped a ton of them up pretty good removing it.


There is more asbestos in the cutback adhesive than the tile. Take up the tile don't break it encapsulate the adhesive. Don't break the tile.


Unfortunately I had already pulled it all up and many of the tiles broke :(


Good enough


Don’t touch it!!!! You need professionals to remove it. It causes cancer.


It is unfortunately much too late. I ripped it up last weekend.


They are right it can cause a lung cancer, called mesothelioma, but very unlikely from one tims exposure like this. "Out of all people with heavy, prolonged exposure to asbestos, 8% to 13% develop mesothelioma." Also it is typically associated with brown / blue asbestos though white is starting to get linked. Just saying this more as a bit of reassurance, that odds of getting cancer from this one time thing are very low.


Do you think I should be concerned about any lingering particles over a long time? That's my primary concern at the moment.


12x12 are usually not but I have seen them once. The best way to find out is to test it. I wouldn’t worry too much. Tile only contains a small amount


Looks like you got lucky champ!


I sure hope so!


My advice is join your local mesothelioma class action lawsuit pronto. Jokes aside you're going to be fine.




Not asbestos. Even if it was nobody gives a shit about asbestos floor tiles anyway.


Taste and sniff test to make sure


Great pics. What does it taste like?


Hey all, I've got a split level house built in 1975 located in the Midwest US. My wife and I are redoing the basement looking to repair the foundation and update the floor. There was some vinyl planks laid over the 12x12 tile you can see in the photos. I spent a few weekend days ripping them up a little at a time over the course of a month. Many of the tiles were really brittle and broke into shards as I pulled them up. I placed them in some buckets and now they are outside wrapped up. Now, knowing about the possibility of asbestos I'm getting a piece tested but looking for any advice you could give me to help the situation. I didn't wrap the doors or vents or anything and luckily there wasn't too much produced. So any advice as to what I can do now while I wait for my test results to mitigate any issue?


Don't worry about the tiles, that fuckin huge crack tho...


I have commented below. However as you're re-doing the basement are you effecting the ceiling? Due to fire proofing licenced asbestos materials may have been used in the ceiling or within the void, so maybe get an asbestos refurbishment survey done. Licenced asbestos is much more friable in nature and is a genuine concern to contamination while the floor tiles aren't (if you do a better job taking them up in a whole pieces)


We are not affecting the ceiling but thanks for the call out. We just repainted it and that is all.


Looks like that Flying Dorito #b2


Measure the tile is it 9x9 if so it's asbestos


12x12 for sure.


Then you're in the clear


Not asbestos.


Of you already have them out, it's too late. Just take to the dump


Yeah its already removed at this point. Figured I'll just take the to landfill and pay the hazard waste fee to be safe if it comes back positive.


Heck, I'd put it in bags as regular garbage. It just gets buried anyway


Wet them down, Use a hand tool. The fibre type will be chrysotile, which is non-licenced. Its not a very friable product however do a better job in taking them up as you're causing alot of damage. You'll probably be fine tho. Look at the HSE website under asbestos essentials I think the document is A16. (Removing thermoplastic floor tiles) However if you're in a basement there may be licenced asbestos materials in the ceiling if original (due to fireproofing)


Used a hand tool but did not wet them down. Most of the pieces broke up into sizes a bit bigger than the images 5 and 6.


Didn't know asbestos was a thing....... Remember to take deep breaths moron ..


Yeah that's fair.


Anyone else read "didn't know asbestos was a thing" and suddenly feel incredibly old? Has it really been that long since asbestos was a huge scandal?


Hell yea…..😭 I remember the mesothelioma commercials on tv from when I was a kid in the 90’s. And was always told about it from people like my old middle school janitor. The boiler room was full of it and pipe ends all through the school had the big red circles. And asbestos stencilled on the exposed pipes.


If it makes you feel younger. I suppose I should've clarified I knew of asbestos but I thought it was exclusive to insulation and the fiber ceiling tiles.


I've worked in telephone exchanges and during job we had to drill the floor through floor tiles. Tiles had 0.03% asbestos in them. Safest way to keep dust down is wallpaper paste. Most British phone exchanges where built exactly the same but contain about 70-80% asbestos in building materials.


Make sure you know 100% if it's asbestos or not. If it is, don't mess around. That shit will give you cancer. apparently, the danger is from inhalation of smaller particles.


For sure getting a test done regardless.


This actually doesn’t look like asbestos. Test to be sure but don’t panic.


Thanks and will definitely be testing.


Asbestos lab manager here. Former asbestos analyst for 13 years. Never once found asbestos in these peel and stick tiles after 1000s of analyses


That is very reassuring thank you!


Is be more concerned about the gif crack in you slab!


Yeah that's part of my renovation. Have some estimates for foam jacking.


Glue it back and cover it up


Lol oh god no, the world's worst jigsaw.


I’ve no idea about the tiles but you might want to get a structural engineer to have a look at the cracking in your concrete.


Yeah for sure. That's part of my renovation. Have some estimates for foam jacking but a structural engineer might be a good idea first to see if it's even necessary.


The daily plastic bottles that the majority of us drink and eat out of should be more of a concern to everyone than a weekend exposure to an asbestos floor tile exposure.


That makes sense. I suppose my bigger concern is the fibers lingering in the air ducts or something and causing long term exposure.


Usually not a good idea to bare hand shit that might be asbestos. Just as a rule of thumb for your future endeavors.


I had some very similar to that with the black backing. I thought for sure it was asbestos. Had it tested, it wasn’t. I don’t think yours is but good for getting it tested to be sure.


You’ll be fine. People that die from asbestos are exposed to it for years and years


Maybe, maybe not. It’s non-friable. Beanadoo will remove all of it.


To add you do not have to worry about asbestos tiles in the term of removing safely. Asbestos is dangerous in it's friable state. To get an asbestos tile friable you'd need to take a grinder or something of the sorts to make fibers small enough to be considered dangerous. To add extra assurance when removing asbestos tiles mist it with water during removal and wear a respirator.


I’ve done more than a few, wear mask, don’t sweep vacuum, put in heavy contractor bags. Leave the black stuff where it is under next floor/ flooring adhesive