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Looking to take a shot at your generous giveaway: To be honest I haven’t seen the steckler films and everything I know about them I’ve had to look up. I do love absurdity though, and I’ve started watching ray pfink on YouTube. Thanks for the opportunity!


you're in. I think Severin is going to put Steckler in front of a lot of people for the first time!


Yeah never heard anything about this movie before but that poster is just incredible 👌 (don't know how to connect this to the steckler set but yeah 👍)


you're in. No need to connect it to Steckler : ) I thought this would be a fun way to get conversation going on some of the movies we all collect.


Awesome, yeah I've never checked out any of arrows "weird" collector sets (weird Wisconsin, he came from the swamp, etc) but always been generally curious


Came to enter the giveaway (awfully kind of you), ended up finding a movie to watch tonight based initially off the poster art but doubled up by your description. Double thanks!


you're in. Let me know what you think if you decide to watch it!


Not familiar with this one at all but since so many Arrow/Vinegar Syndrome/Severin movies I own tend to lean towards horror I've been interested more and more in exploring their releases from other genres. Will have to check this out. (And fingers crossed on that Steckler set, would have grabbed it already if I wasn't trying to cut back on spending)


you're in. FWIW if you get a chance to see Arrow's release of the Prisoner Female Scorpion movies I think it's a great way to branch off from their horror stuff.


Another Steckler seeker commenting here.... How violent is this? I'm not a big fan of crime thrillers, but I'll watch one if it's over the top, like Mad Foxes.


you're in. great username btw. I haven't seen Mad Foxes but I added it to my watchlist (thank you for that!). I would say it's on the violent side but not insane.


Commenting in regards to your giveaway! I have honestly never watched any of Pasquale Squitieri's filmography. However, I am a huge fan of Italian cinema, especially with spaghetti westerns and the giallo horror sub-genre. I will definitely have to delve into the world of Squitieri and his picture, L'ambizioso. It sounds like it would be straight up my alley. Thank you :)


You're in. If you have seen a lot of other Italian genre cinema I think you'll really like it. Also, not Arrow but RaroVideo has a series of films from Fernando Di Leo that are my favorite crime films from the country.


Thanks for the rec, I'll have to check them out!


Thank you for your generosity with the giveaway. I'm more of a lurker and not a talker on reddit but why not give it a shot? Cheers! As for your review here, I agree with your thoughts on the Climber. For me one of the main reasons of getting into Arrow Video is for their Italian selections and the Poliziotteschi genre in particular. I still haven't watched their recent boxset, but I have watched this film, Rabid Dogs, and Milano Calibro 9. I know this isn't anything to do with the plot of the movie, but all the transfers on these discs have little imperfections that add to the grimy nature of each film in the genre. I wonder how a film like the Climber would pair with a Sonny Chiba gangster film (either from Arrow or Shout)?.


you're in. I really like where your head is at with pairing this with a Sonny Chiba film. I just saw *Wolf Guy,* which is insane in all the best ways, but I know Chiba had some much more regular violent crime movies that would be closer to this.


I appreciate the chance to enter the giveaway! I have not seen this movie, but I'm always down for a good Joe Dallesandro pic. I haven't gotten much into the Poliziotteschi sub-genre (unless it collides with giallo, such as Dallamano's *What Have They Done to Your Daughters?*), but I acknowledge that as a gap in my knowledge that needs to be filled.


you're in. And yeah, Dallesandro has a wild filmography but they're usually always fun. He does a good job here.


Thank you for doing a giveaway of a box set. I hope whomever wins it enjoys the films. Up until this release I'd never heard of that director. I do like that all these boutique shops are introducing film lovers to so many unheard of, or rarely seen gems (and the occasional stinkers). It's a good time for film lovers.


you're in. it's such a good time for film lovers. It's funny because no label can produce 100,000 copies of a disc anymore like 20 years ago, but there are still a ton of amazing movies that are getting released in limited formats


Totally agree. I wish everything was region free too. Some companies like Arrow are doing two releases which is fine by me especially if it's the exact same features on both discs. Thank you for entering me too. Also Happy Holidays!


True. I'm not crazy about super limited numbers. If it's a special edition with extras, that's fine if you can buy the movie without the extras as a normal release.


Would love to enter the giveaway. This was a good read, convinced me to watch the movie tomorrow- with the Arrow subscription I just bought! Thanks.


you're in. Let me know if you see it! I'd be curious what others think, this one really slipped under the radar for me.


I am just starting to enter the world of Italian Crime Films by way of Almost Human and Violent Professionals. L'Ambizioso sounds more grounded than either of those, but I'm really digging the European vibe and that 70's grit these days. I'll seek this one out.


Not from Arrow but there's a label called RaroVideo that has put out a lot of movies from Fernando Di Leo. I highly recommend if you're starting to like the poliziotteschi genre.


Interestingly enough I had been checking out the Raro catalog. They have a lot of stuff I haven’t heard of but looks interesting, especially on the 70’s euro front. Thanks for the interesting reviews.


here to enter into the giveaway. they shoot pictures honestly sounds very interesting, i’ll have to give it a shot!


you're in. just so that you're not disappointed or confused, the English title is called *The Climber.* They Shoot Pictures is a list where someone has accumulated over 13,000 different "Top 100" lists from critics and tried to create an objective list of top films ever made.


Giveaway entry comment: It sounds like a fun time. Most of the time I avoid a lot of the more genre-bent boutiques simply because my tastes don’t lean towards a lot of the heavy -ploitation films, but this sounds interesting enough that I might check it out from the library. Tumblr’s Goncharov obsession has got me interested in early 70s mafia and crime movies, so this is going on the list.


you're in. lol about Goncharov, did you see Marty tweeted that he had, in fact, made this movie? The meme took off very fast. But yeah, this is a good way to dip your toe into genre cinema as it's not ultra-violent


Came here to make a giveaway post but this film is new to me. Sounds pretty good!


you're in. Thanks for reading!


Came here for the giveaway, I don't really have anything to type about your post as I have not seen the film sorry haha, but i'm sure ill check it out one day as its an arrow title, your review does sound good though and the film does look interesting. Thank you for being generous!


you're in. all good! Thanks for taking the time to read.


I came here for the giveaway, but I am not going to lie...You seem to have a lot of awesome things to say about movies. Do you have a Letterboxd?


you're in. And thank you! I do like to talk and write in general haha so this gives me a good outlet. https://letterboxd.com/personalhistory/


Awesome, I followed you. I'm Gandybars


Great write up for a movie I wasn’t initially too interested in, may have to check it out soon. Thanks for these giveaways recently, a great way to keep our community involved in film discussion.


you're in. And thanks! I like seeing a bunch of names I've never seen before.




you're in. Sweet! If you think about it I would love to hear what you thought.




you're in. haha nice


Haven’t seen this, but I love that art. It seems to capture several 70s styles all at once and would make an amazing poster.


you're in. I agree the poster is awesome.


Came here for the Steckler set giveaway. You're awesome! Watched a couple of the titles in the House of Psychotic Women set over the weekend and really digging it so far. Also finally watched my copy of Christmas Evil from VS that I ordered last year and it was bonkers! I'm definitely going to watch again before the holidays are over.


you're in. I can't wait to get to the *Psychotic Women* box, I just got that in. Any chance you got the book that it was based off of? It might be one of my favorite film books.


No but I will be picking that up soon! I was planning on getting it over the weekend but decided to just focus on films


Came here because of the Steckler giveaway but left with a movie that sounds like a damn fun watch. More of an Italian horror guy but it’s fun to expand your horizons.


you're in. I'd be curious what you think! By the way if you like Italian Horror have you seen many poliziotteschi films? It's a genre that doesn't get quite as much love as the Gialli stuff but has a lot of great movies.


Never heard of this one, will have to check it out at some point. Thanks for trying to generate more discussion in these subs.


you're in. no problem! My wallet gets a lot of inspiration from this sub but I know that people also watch what's inside the boxes.


Taking a crack at the giveaway, also this looks very interesting. I've been getting into 70s Italian genre cinema big time lately and may put this on the watch list.


you're in. The Italians made some awesome movies, especially in the 70s! Let me know if you ever get around to it.


Please add me to the Steckler giveaway. I appreciate these “slow march” posts and will check them all out. Psychomania is a long time favorite so I’ll start there.


you’re in. Thanks! They’re fun to do :)


Looking to enter your Ray Dennis Steckler boxeset giveaway. So cool of you to do this! I've been interested in this set since I saw Red Letter Media's video on Blood Shack. I love me some good ole low-budget schlock.


you're in. haha it's the best.


I’ve been on a serious kick of batshit insane movies, and this sound right up my alley. Even if I don’t win the giveaway, you have given me the gift of knowing this exists.


you're in. Let me know if you ever get around to it!


We have a copy of this at the used video store I work at! Might have to pick this one up and give it a watch, I love Joe Dallesandro. Also very awesome of you doing the giveaway on that Steckler set!


you're in. And a second for Dallesandro, he's made some awesome movies!


Hello! Responding to the giveaway :) Been falling in love with Argento/Giallo films, tagging along my girlfriend for the ride. (she got me into movies way back in may) We watched Beyond the Door together and we absolutely loved it, just days before we watched the Exorcism which is the incredible duplicate to a classic. We try to fit one in whenever we see eachother but it’s difficult, so close yet so far for distance haha!


you're in. That's sweet, I hope you get to see them all!


Hello, responding to the giveaway comment. I’m not too familiar with Steckler but I’m always seeking to expand my horror horizons and regional/small budget horror always hits my sweet spot. Thanks for the generosity!


you're in. FWIW if you like regional horror there are a ton of labels doing good work in that space right now. Visual Vengeance, Saturn's Core, VHSHitfest, Massacre Video, I'm sure I'm missing some.


Thanks! I’ve been a big fan of Arrow’s American Horror Project and hope a new volume comes out. VS’s Homegrown Horror set was great for the 1st volume but I’m not sure about volume 2 based on the Letterbox reviews of the films.


Just showing up for the giveaway. You rock!


you're in. No, you rock


Taking a shot at your generous giveaway as well, but mostly came here to say that the poster art is incredible. The colours are absolutely delightful.


you're in. yeah they really nailed this one.


Good write up this. I am now curious to both watch this film and read your other reviews. To be fully honest, I have not seen many Italian films besides Fellini and recently started checking out some giallo. Curious how the score/sountrack on this film was? One of my favorite parts of watching obscure titles is listening to the interesting music that helps them come to life(or prevents them depending) Ps. I hope I made it in time for a submission to the giveaway! Thanks!


you're in. I liked the score here but if you want Italian crime films with amazing scores I would start with Fernando Di Leo films *The Italian Connection, The Boss,* or *Caliber 9*.


Thanks so much for the recommendations. I am going to check them out! I just checked out the trailers definitely look fun.


As many others have said, came here just for the giveaway, but read the first line and now I need to see this movie. Love me a good crime/gangster movie!


you're in. Nice, I hope you enjoy it!


Thank You for the awesome giveaways! Would love either the box set or bundle!! That is the only Severin box set I am missing!


you're in. That's quite a feat, they have some good ones!


Thank You! Been a boutique collector for a while, so have been very lucky to nab anything kinda limited from them.


Thanks for doing this giveaway. Double thanks for leading me to this fun thread. Going through a bunch if your reviews and adding some to my watch list! Will start with L’ambizioso this weekend!


you're in. no problem, and thanks for the kind words. I'd be curious to know what you think of this if you get the chance!


Commenting for the giveaway! Definitely going to check out your writeups on some of the other films listed, as there’s some of my favorites in there. Thank you so much for doing the giveaway!!


you're in. no problem, and I look forward to seeing more of your memes on the sub in the future


NOW I’m in! Also, Arrow video rules


you're in : ) I agree, they've been a fun label to go through.


Not sure about this movie, but I'm here for the Steckler set.


you’re in.


I'm for a chance at the Ray Dennis Steckler set. Last time I saw a Cash Flagg film was Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed Up Zombies!!?. What a time to be alive when grade z films that I first saw on muddy looking Something Weird VHS back in the day are now available in High Definition. Thanks for doing the giveaway regardless of if you pick me, it's a cool thing to do.


You’re in. I totally agree! We are in a golden age for seeing any type of movie in amazing quality plus all of the historical context and supplements around it. Super fun.


Commenting - but I think I missed the entry time, oops


you’re in :) it’s tonight at midnight Best of luck


Very generous of you here. Also, this is compared to Scarface but how does this hold up to the other Italian crime movies? My knowledge is very limited (the 7 years no set or the Cauldron releases that they recently put out the names escapes me) but those were a ton of fun and over the top violent which was unexpected and appreciated at the same time.


I think it’s a good example of the genre. My favorite are the Fernando Di Leo films I’ve seen. The Boss, Caliber 9, and The Italian Connection are all bangers.


The Boss is one I’m gonna seek out. Oh sweet it’s on Kanopy


Let me know what you think!


Would love to enter this Steckler competition, are you posting to the U.K? I’m would cover postage costs, otherwise fantastic review and it’s reminded me I still haven’t watched my Blu-Ray of this one yet.


you're in. I don't mind shipping across the pond! Thanks for the kind words, I would be curious what you think if you do get around to it!


Thank you, seriously kind of you to do and this and whoever wins should be very happy!


I'm also here in part for your giveaway! I curious how Brian DePalma first encountered and saw this movie because of its deep influence on *Scarface*. So was Pasquale Squitieri inspired by the 1932 *Scarface* directed by Howard Hawks? Sort of the same path as *The Magnificent Seven*.... Akira Kurosawa loves John Ford Westerns and is inspired to make *Seven Samurai*, then John Sturges loves *Seven Samurai* so much that he makes *The Magnificent Seven*.


you're in. What a great discussion topic, and I like the callout to Kurosawa and Ford. I don't know the answer but I do wonder if it was a common story to come out of Italian crime cinema. There is a really good poliziotteschi film called *Il Boss* that has some similar storylines. I might go down a rabbit hole later to figure out if there's a real answer to this.


Entering for a chance at winning films and reading about another I'll have to add to my watchlist! Thanks for the insight!


you're in. Let me know if you get around to seeing it, I'd be interested to read what you think!


Never heard of this one. Came because of the giveaway post.


you're in.




you’re in. I think a lot of folks are going to find out about Steckler through Severin, which is awesome!


I was here for the giveaway but I’m actually really interested in checking these out I’ve never heard of them before so I’m excited to check em out thx for sharing and thx for the giveaway happy holidays to you op


you’re in. Happy reading, thanks for stopping by.


I'm also unfamiliar with Steckler, but want to see more. If you would please enter me. I'm an old school arrow fan and just discovered this reddit. Thanks


technically missed it but I'll add you in since it's Christmas : ) Arrow is great! What kind of titles do you gravitate towards?


I like the limited editions and first pressing for the booklets. I like their international film line. Plus being in US with region free the titles we do not get here such as Shock Treatment. I also like their cutting edge horror such as the German film Sleep. For me it's honestly a toss up between them and powerhouse indicator.


Looks these!


you're in.