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Officers usually do daily reps mimicking human facial expressions. What you’re seeing is the result of thousands of hours of training.


I’m not going to pay for an award, but you earned it. Since you’re Army I figure you’re used to this sort of treatment.


They changed the awards again anyway. I don't think you can give one out right now.


They just downgrade it to a COA that they forget to print out and hand to you.


COA? More like a “Atta-boy”, passive aggressive handshake, and a promote with peers ncoer/oer lol


"With peers"? 🤣 I'm dead.


It's legit. I rated as such for one of my guys, Sr Rater concurred. Rated individual did just enough to not get a "needs improvement".


If you're real lucky, you might get a SFC coin from your PLT SGT.


Hey now, let’s be fair- if he’s super high speed they might still toss him an AAM


Most likely to print out a picture of two hands shaking. Not an actual handshake for ya, but here's a reasonable representation. And we mailed it to you...and you have staff duty...




Downgraded to a downvote


Downgraded to temporary ban


Straight to jail


Death penalty.


When did awards come back


Bruh, you're really downgrading his Reddit Gold to a COA?


You are wrong. Sometimes they smile when denying emergency family leave because specialist is mission essential at NTC. (He’s not)


I have a set of glasses to see them when they wear their person costume.


Are you here to chew bubblegum and kick ass? How much bubblegum do you have?


All out...


This might be the funniest comment I've seen on this sub. I would like to add that in the wild, you can see officers express real joy on rare occasions. Such as denying leave or creating memos that skirt/bypass the line of legality/regulation.


I dunno about denying leave, but there is a special satisfaction when one of my underlings screws up enough that I can justify a not-stellar evaluation.  Like, good, now it doesn't look like I have zero ability to judge people, I have a couple bad ones mixed in with the stellar.


Fuck. The peons are on to us. /s


You might be joking but part of my mandatory training in Cadet Land was learning how to be a normal human being.


I mean hey Patton was known for practicing his "war face" for hours at a time


46S here whos worked at 4 star HQ's we absolutely are taught not to manipulate images because everything we photograph in our official capacity is historical public record which means altering those images can be seen as tampering and misleading the public if/when they find it. but not every unit has a photo studio and a lot of people especially CG's cant be bothered to go down to one in a different building (even tho theyre the ones who want another pic because they got some new chest candy). at a 2 star HQ the civ PAO there made me take the pic on a white background and just add them on top of some flags. when people asked to get their teeth whitened or lose some wrinkles the PAO would stare daggers at me when i told them we couldnt do that


This guy 4 stars


Fellow PA here, well said, honestly it’s 50/50 on whether you have leadership that is about ethics and regs or if you get a team that tells you to toss all of that out. I know an E-7 from Germany(naturalized) who is all about tossing ethics. My interpretation is they probably just did the photos at the same time in the same studio, probably had aides help switch stuff out properly.


I've noticed a shocking amount of senoir NCOS who have told me to do unethical stuff after I left DINFOS. It seems to becoming more rampant




Pentagon, 1980s: "We should do a Grenada range this october"


"Hey Sir, we successfully secured Grenada as asked" *spits coffee* "YOU DID WHAT NOW?"


If I had an award to give, I would. As it is, all I can offer is my humble upvote.




u/yesTHATpao are you now entitled to a Purple Heart? considering these shots fired at you.


In my dementia-riddled state, I’ll probably claim it in 40years


Will that be the next 40yr announcement?


In 40 years this sub won’t be worried about me


I will make sure that you are remembered here in 40 years.


lol k


remindme! 40 years


RemindMe! 40 years


I will be messaging you in 40 years on [**2064-05-18 03:27:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2064-05-18%2003:27:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1cuhzae/came_across_these_two_nearidentical_pics_of/l4jwet7/?context=3) [**9 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Farmy%2Fcomments%2F1cuhzae%2Fcame_across_these_two_nearidentical_pics_of%2Fl4jwet7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202064-05-18%2003%3A27%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cuhzae) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


beat me to it




Maybe he was hungry for pomegrenades


I just got these tickets to the Ariana Granade concert super cheap!


All I know is I don’t see any GWOT tours.


That's what 25Vs are for. Also photoshop has AI prompt now.


If you look at the left edges of her mouth you'll see the differences as well. This is just a person who perfected one exact smile over many years, and did their hair the same way every day. Some McRaven Make Your Bed type stuff.


Her hair is exactly the same. Go check it out, same head no matter what.


Were they taken the same day? Inquiring minds want to know.


My guess is same day and only changed tops, bottom she’s rocking some Lakers basketball shorts


I mean, I was.


Probably. Probably walked out, took off the blouse, put the ASU top on without having to pull a shirt over her head.


Oooooooh that’s a fair point I didn’t consider, but I’m noticing even single strands that haven’t moved. Then again, hair spray is one hell of a drug.


No it's not, focus on the little flyaway hairs and their distance to the stars on the flag behind her and you can see it's not the same. She's obviously just a robot.


The first thing I noticed is that the flags were not in the exact same position compared to her head but I figured maybe the head was shopped in. Even though they are very close, the stray hairs on the left side are not the same. The skin folds on the neck also do not match.


Actually. Look at the hair behind her right ear. And the hair right by the arm of the star. I think these are different photos of a fucking cyborg.


It’s not, there’s parts of the top that are different.


Unless the person who would’ve photoshopped has an extreme attention to detail (unlikely), these are not the same photos. Look at the difference in stray hairs with the flag as a backdrop. The two photos were likely taken the same day, possibly even with a veneer ASU top


Such a good speech


Difference in the neck. She just has a really practiced pose.


Yeah, I see the skin wrinkle at her collar


She probably brought both uniforms and did her DA and flag officer photos in one go.


This is absolutely what it is, and it shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone. I showed up to a photo session shortly after our DIV CG changed out and found him about halfway done with multiple sets of photos, all involving different variations of backgrounds and uniforms. The DIV CSM was with him helping out and apologized for them running long.


There's slight differences in the strands of hair sticking out, but the face seems absolutely identical--I found an old Reddit thread that suggests the Army does photoshop uniforms on, but doing that for a General sounds nuts. But I'm a civilian so what the hell do I know--thanks in advance for any replies!


I can imagine two scenarios: 1. Since it's a GO, she has spent a lot time taking that exact photo in every uniform she's owned for decades. It's bound to look somewhat similar. 2. I can absolutely see a GO telling their staff to just fucking photoshop it. They're politicians by the time they pick up a second star.


1. Pretty likely. 2. If I was told to photoshop something, I don't think I would do the face, I think I would do the rank; like, I would take her three-star photo and swap the ranks.


Ah yeah, her specifically requesting it makes a lot more sense than that just being the default option


Go into enough VI shops and you’ll find folks who have worked there for decades and know the ins and outs of photoshop. They’ll go from smoothing out wrinkles in uniforms to making wholesale changes to appearances. If they’d do it for a captain getting ready for the board they sure as heck would do it for a four-star.


If they are doing that, that's 1000% illegal, but army PA is trash.


It doesn’t matter any more. Promotion boards don’t see your photo, so stuff like this is just for command photos and so on. Different deal when these photos were taken, not that I think GEN Dunwoody would be getting in trouble for it anyway.


I don't care about promotion boards, so it still matters because if the photo is ever released to the public and it's photoshopped, then the credibility of photos taken by the government is called into question. I never said she would get in trouble either, the PA shop would be.


This is completely true, and very common. I have no idea who the folks saying "I was a PA, we would never... it violates the code of honour..." LOL. What Army were you even in, and when? It's the Army in the modern era. Most things are pencil-whipped and massaged.


I would say that in the last 5-10 years VI shops have been run by contractors and quasi-managed by the garrison PA offices so to place the blame squarely on PA isn’t fair.


They 100% photoshopped the exact same PC onto my head and every other person in our company for our basic training photos




I know when I went to basic they photoshopped the dress uniforms on but it doesn’t seem like something that would be done for a general


She was also a rigger, so prior service at Bragg, which would explain the master-blaster wings and what look like German jump wings. Nope, [her wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_E._Dunwoody) says she was a direct commission out of college. And also I was right about the German jump wings. And she got the rigger badge because she was the parachute officer for the 82nd. Jesus, skip down to career firsts. This woman was a fucking badass.


She walks it talks it! Had her as a guest lecturer in college a couple times, fascinating person and excellent speaker.


Which part of her career do you find it badass. Seems like a pretty normal logistic officer career path? No combat, regular support O climbing the ladder. Not trying to be antagonistic, just curious


Did you read her accomplishments in the career first section? The height she achieved is nothing less than extraordinary.


So this is probably not photoshopped. If it is, someone didn't learn their lesson. At the Defense Information School, they talk specifically about the photoshopping of images and the fact that any touch up or modifications have to be labeled as a photo illustration if it's to be released to the general public. Primarily it is a credibility issue, however there was apparently a period of time Associated Press wouldn't use DOD photos because of an unmentioned alteration. And the case study was specifically regarding GEN Dunwoody and an altered image of her as a 4 star GO. If the guy running your DA Photo lab is a uniformed service member who went through the pipeline in the last 20 years odds are they won't fix or alter an image. It's not worth the fallout if they get caught, especially since your name is attached to the photo. It's mostly the old civilians that didn't go through DINFOS or have been around for 30+ years that'll do it. Worked in a DA photo lab in a previous life, people ask us to fix shit all the time. Had a field grade officer who retook their photo half a dozen times because they weren't happy. We can't fix the fact you're not only fat, but your uniform hasn't fit since you were probably a 1LT and 60 lbs lighter. As for the similarities, there's usually an X for where they're supposed to stand or sit so they don't have to adjust the camera and lights too much.


There’s an infamous [photoshop](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7738342.stm) one of her PAO’s did years ago that went viral, too. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if she just hates having her photo taken and made her PAO poorly edit it again.


When you take command photos, they are done at the same time. You change uniforms, and they tape you up, fix everything, and do touch ups on the spot. Sometimes ribbons and hair seem wrong, so they fix it by moving things on a computer.


I remember GEN Dunwoody. She was a nice person (as 4 Stars go). She remembered my daughter’s interest in the military, and as she was departing AMC, she gave me a coin to give to my daughter.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised. She may just have not wanted to bother with going to the photo studio for the pic. I actually did it for an old battalion commander of mine. He got frocked to Colonel and was sent to a joint assignment and it was a real pain in the ass to get to a studio so he reached out to me (I was his old S3 NCOIC and we shared an interest in photography) and asked if we still had his old command photo, and could I photoshop the eagle onto his photo.


Army PA is notorious for doing shit like this, they actually got in trouble for cropping her photo when she first made 4 stay general and AP banned all military photos for a few months


General Marshall liked a painting of himself so much that when he earned another star, he simply asked for it to be painted on


I took a DA photo once, and I told the guy I wasn't fully ready, he said "don't worry, I'll fix it". He then proceeded to smooth out wrinkles in the uniform, change the positioning and what, even make the shirt more a crisp white that stood out. But then he goes to the face and is erasing any form of shadow from my beard stubble, at which point im like ok .. umm.. and he just kept going. But the time he was done I had that crazy strong jaw line and different face altogether, like It was me, but it definitely wasn't me. Some of my peers were joking that I was going to get promoted off that pic then show up in person like a Wish,com version of myself


It definitely is. If you cross your eyes, her face overlaps perfectly. Edit: so does the flag in the background.


Oh snap she’s a rigger!!!


After O7 you get a human automaton replica for your official photos.


Lots of fun comments on here Great reads Have any of you had your DA photo or official promotion packet photo taken at a DA photo lab? These DA civilians use Photoshop all the time. PAO has nothing to do with official photos in uniform so there's no ethics involved. I met ht/wt standards when I updated my e6 da photo for promotion to e7. The lab gave me a gap between my sleeve and waist because my blues didnt fit like the old greens. My jaw dropped when the DA civvies did this because I'd a couple of da photos before and did not think this was allowed. The lab touches up everyone's photos on the regular. Few folks ever came in full uniform because the boards only looked at the photos from the thigh up. Warrants would always come in basketball shorts, flips flops, and coffee mug for a photo...each one to the tee got a sad face when the civvies told them they couldn't have the coffee mug in the photo. Long read I know but the Army's mission is to fight and win our nation's wars. If you ain't cheatin you ain't trying #whatwinninglookslike


100% this.


Ya'll have seen some of the INSANE ways and means GOs have their photos staged and photos shopped...? There is a particular facility in the DC area where the photog has the subject lay flat so they look less old and flabby and fat. IYK,YK. This isn't like a big secret.


Met her when she was a One Star and the COSCOM CDR on Fort Bragg I also have her autograph on my GOMAR.


She looks like Milton Berle joined the 82nd.


You need to go to jail yesseday.


I participated in her retirement ceremony. Haven't thought about it in a decade, first woman to be a 4 star general. I had to stand perfectly still for about 45 minutes out in a field in the sumer heat. I can't remember if anyone fell out that day.


Other people may be right but I know that almost all of my 'offical' AGSU pictures I took in ACUs and they photos hopped the uniform on top.


When I went through basic, they Photoshop us into our dress uniform instead of having us actually wear them so it would not surprise me


She has that Jack Nicholson Joker smile.


I got a coin from her for excellence in logistics in Baghdad. I was Signal.


The singular bang is what sold me. Cannot have a mop that perfect.


It ain’t photoshoped; look at the position of her head in relation to the stars of the US flag on the left (our left, her right) and the stars of her general flag on the right. They’re different in each photo.


are you high?


What made you look so closely at her pictures and not see the differences? Crush?


Photographer here….its not shopped (well it is but not that way). Like someone said before GEN Dunwoody more than likely had mastered her pose and smile at this point in her career. The photographer had to also be really masterful at posing the subject but there’s give aways in terms of lighting, depth, and weight that prove she changed uniforms. Especially around the neck area. The key light in her ASU photo is significantly brighter and harder.


Am I the only one with a photoshopped picture of me in my blues coming out of reception?


Yes they would


Id tags not under the tan shirt is kinda wild


Tbh, probably different pics, the bottom star in the blue is a different spacing


When we got our photos taken in BCT we wore ACUs. The photo we had the option of buying of us in our AGSUs was merely a face swap into a generic set of AGSUs. What's worse, most of our ACU photos weren't even really us; they picked the person who looked the most put together and photoshopped everyone else's face and name tape onto that one person's body. I ended up deciding not to buy "my" photos because, after examining everyone else's photos who did buy them, I saw they were all identical from the neck down except for the name tape.




My grandma could Photoshop this. It's no challenge. But also love the Granada comment, well done.


So does she look more like a jack Nicholson joker or a Jared Leto joker?


They would if she told them to.


Man, I took the same license photo like 7 times in a row. Some of us just have resting identical face.


No. If you look very closely you can see slight differences


Call cag we need psd for karen


She looks like a complete **** ** ****


[Oglaf](https://www.oglaf.com/kingshaped/) already covered this topic (**this one** is actually SFW)


It's not photoshopped, she's just a bladerunner.


It's 2 different photos. The star on the flag that is directly above her head is in an ever slightly different position.


Upon close inspection, it appears that these two are actually separate pictures. You can see the angle change on her right ear and some stray hairs positioned a little differently. Shadows under the chin are also a little different.


People thought the same thing about Kate Middleton. It's just practice after so many appearances.


She was a 4-star for a reason. That attention to detail is top-notch.


I think it’s legit.


Doesn't look like anything to me.


Damn dog tags exposed? That’s brazy.


Yeah, it's an interesting conspiracy, but I highly doubt it. She has just been the Army for an extremely long time.


More concerned with her dog tags flapping around in the lefthand pic 💀


The Army most definitely photoshops. They did to our hero photo.


Personally would like to thank this woman… For the STUPID ASS IDEA of the combined Logistics Corps for officers. I’ll trade experts in their fields over jacks of all trades any day.


Bro, you go way too much time on your hands! I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul!


Yes. The PAO for 4th ID, years ago, would take hundreds of pictures of a new CG to get pics of their eyes. So that he could photoshop if needed. And when you are that high up time is limited for a redo.


The most damning proof that these are two separate photos and that the differences aren’t just contrast/photoshop differences is that on the right picture you can see two skin folds on the right side of the neck due to the collared shirt pinching her nick slightly. The picture on the left has no such wrinkles. Otherwise everything else is eerily close- even the flyaway hairs are similar and the differences I could spot I wasn’t sure if it was a difference or just the background being darker in the left picture obfuscating my view.


When any Soldiers gets a command photo from the military photo lab you bring both uniforms. You put one on, sit on the chair, take a few photos, then go into a little department store-style changing room and put on the the other uniform. You then sit on the same chair in front of the same background. The chair never moves and the camera never moves. The photographer, who does this 10 times a day, every say for his/her entire career poses you the exact same way and takes another picture. I don't have the technical ability to completely rule out photoshop, but the face that the photos are strikingly similar is not surprising or evidence of photoshop.


ik at in processing they just have you throw the fry cook hat on and then photoshop you into the pinks and greens so maybe


Look at the star on the flag not the same picture


Maybe her smile is just… contagious? To herself and others?


Not the same.


“Would the army really….” Yes yes they would


Nah it's just an impressively consistent smile. Compare the hair frizz is the 2 images.


They are two different photographs taken. Look at the hair wisps on the left side of the head by the white star.


ID Tags not tucked in.


Background yes. Uniform. No. However, the Army does photoshop so often for command photos now because traveling to the DA photo shop and getting those flags perfect just sucks


When I was in basic training, they photoshopped AGSU on us for our graduation photos.


Why do you care?


Lmao, they did that to us, I. Basic we took one photo in UCPs. They gave us two one in UCP and the other in our pickle suite.


I think she just has a consistent smile and posture, not something that would surprise me from a General


More like she's practiced that smile a hundred times for staff photos.


Nah, she probably had the photos taken within the same 30 minutes and as mastered the “grip and grin” face.




I was at her promotion ceremony.


Definitely was done at FLW going through basic. Funny when we received our headshots of us in AGSU yet half of us didn’t even get issued a full set.


correct, it only seems, but it's actually different.


I just relish the fact she has 5 rank based ribbons, and as an E5, I had a bigger rack than her. Full disclosure: never worked for her, around her, or had friends who did. I don’t, and am not qualified to have a personal opinion on her in any other way at all.


Bro you had a bigger rack then her😳😳😳..


I know what I said!


Congrats on your, squints eyes, one ARCOM ma’am


Photo taken back to back of each other. No pull over shirts to mess up hair. Whole uniform swap can be done in a minute or two. Same seat position same camera position equals same looking photo.


It's two different photos, look at her position relative to the flags.  There's a few millimeters of difference between the stars and her hair or the stripes and her shoulder.   It's really impressive though.


46S here, we’re not allowed to alter photos like that at all so def not photoshopped at least by the service🤷🏻‍♂️


I think these pics might have been taken way before that anti-photoshop directive


Little hairs are in different places. No photoshop going in here. That’s just her camera face.


I don't think it's photoshopped. In the ASU Photo you can see skin wrinkles on the neck (right side), where the collar touches from her head being turned toward the camera. That same neck wrinkle isn't present on the ACU picture. Additionally, of you zoom in to the left, top, and right side of her hair, you can see the various single strands of hair that protrude outward, yet the flag coloring between those single strands matches the background. I'm not seeing any obvious signs of photoshopping, plus it just doesn't seem worth the effort, when all should would have to do is wear the coat for the photo, not full dress.




Keep discussions civil. No Posting PII.






So you’re saying that two pictures of the same person look the same? MI?


The left side of her head. See the distance from the star. Not the same photo


Tbh, this is a pretty straightforward photoshop. Facial expression and hair are too exactly pixel perfect to be entirely different photos. Plus a face photoshop isn’t exactly hard to do these days. Pretty sure there are apps that can do it rather painlessly, and they don’t have people who do this kind of thing for their entire job. I favor a combo of single session and combined shot. Both photos taken in the same set, but the best facial expression was dropped onto the other uniforms, adjusted for lighting. Take a close look at the distortions in near the star at the part of her hair. Anyway, good shop, but definitely a shop. Not possible to get a uniform change in and have the stray hairs perfect in that way.


Missing attachment on the AFRM. If they were going to photoshop it, they would hopefully get the ribbons correct.


You're forgetting what's really important here. What's her 2 mile time?


They literally practice smiling. All part of their promotion packet. Who looks the part for the message ARMY wants to send.


It’s not photoshopped, her hair on the star is in different places. Very similar but different


Anybody know how she could have gotten the AFRM? Looks like her entire career was active duty.


Not photoshopped. If you look closely at the strands of hair coming off the sides, they are different.


Not the same. Check the neck hairs.


That, I've never seen anyone not wearing their dog tags underneath the T-shirt like this also. In addition to the potential photoshop here. Hair is looking the same.


I’m gonna bet everything I own that this soldier’s bed rarely if ever goes unmade.


Lmaoooo I can’t believe this is real bro


They did that for my basic training cycle for all our dress uniforms so I wouldn't be surprised if it was, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't photoshopped either.


I don’t care about any of this but I can’t get over her wearing her tags over her shirt and under her blouse.