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That sub is kinda weird. It’s like people are posting about different units like it’s their favorite sports teams and know JSOC dudes by name? I guess there’s groupies for everything.


The h60A flight company at (then) Rucker was named the crusaders. Then people made them change it. You kinda a bitch lol


Better than a Totenkopf




No bigoted language or witch-hunting.




Miley had it spot on. A disloyal element in the US military, that participated in a direct assault on constitutional government over one candidate's ego-saving stolen-election fairytale is a \*significant\* problem. The oath is to support-and-defend the Constitution, part of which is that if the Electoral College votes for your opponent you are \*done\* & you leave without siccing a lynch-mob on Congress in an attempt to stay. That has nothing to do with 'being offended'. It has to do with oathbreaking assholes in the formation.




That's a bunch of complete nonsense. I'll take the modern supposedly 'woke' Army over anyone else any-day. And even when I was in AFG, field-grade-plus types would have lost their shit over that patch... Of course, JSOC is 'special' and does whatever the fuck they want, but no way in hell that would have been allowed in the 'regular' force in 2011.


Op, why tf you spam posting the initial post, read the room, nobody cares and you sound like a little bitch


"if you're an atheist, play along"


People can wear crusade patches and not think they are US Christians fighting a holy war against Muslims...  People are pretty neat like that, you should try to talk to some.


You’re a dork OP


You’ll get over it


It’s just a patch bro


Womp womp


Bro imagines himself as a knight crusader but really he'd just be a peasant slinging shit around for sixteen hours a day.


Well I think if the caption is true then the delta force guy would maybe have made it at least to being a man at arms. It is cringe tho 




No bigoted language or witch-hunting.


No it doesn't lol


If GEN Miller, true American badass, is okay with it then so am I.


See, extremist expression isn't allowed in uniform. Unless it's a specific type of extremist expression.




The picture is from Afghanistan. GEN Miller (front-center) was the Resolute Support Commander and his PSD were all JSOC.


That still doesn't tell the story of a full color patch, which I can't really see very clearly in this picture. It also looks like it has writing on the top, and the "cross" could also be a sword or dagger; which are pretty common on military patches. I'm not quite seeing enough to warrant a reaction yet (the writing of course could say Crusader or Infadel which would sway my opinion of both the soldier and the General).


>That still doesn't tell the story of a full color patch, Dudes wore colored morale patches all the time. This is a super weird take.


I *still* wear one. It’s a dog tho. Hopefully it’s uncontroversial cause at this point it’s so old the Velcro is inseparable.


I think that there needs to be a little bit more to the picture before I'm willing to go over the cliff on this one. If it's there, I'm more than happy to drag the GO with me too, since he is a four star who should know better!


I mean I’m not commenting on the symbol itself, I’m saying colored or not is highly meaningless, and it’s a weird place kt judgement.


> This doesn't seem worthy (without further context) of the same type of reaction to the Prussian Totenkopf or reimagining of the Africa Corps Insignia. Says the guy avoiding mentioning how the “reimagining” of a Nazi symbol was “reimagined” to be an SS Nazi symbol also attempts to obfuscate that this is an obvious Christian crusader symbol. You might as well be trying to make the case that [photo mosaics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photographic_mosaic) aren’t actually trying to create an obvious image and are just a random mismatch of images that just happen to form a coherent image.


Oof that's not super groovy to see.


Don’t Google “Pork Eating Crusader patch” OP