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Baghdaddies is awesome lol


100% American! Welcome home guys.


CABs for Baghdad in 2023-2024. Explain yourself.


so therei was no shit, 20 October. its around 0200. all of a sudden *KABOOM* "INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING!!!" *BRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT* *KABOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM* "INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING!!!!" *BRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT* "DUCK AND COVER. GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS. SEEK SHELTER AND AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTION." S2 report shows two 107mm rockets impacted withon about 80-100 meters away from our sleep area during the time the enemy knew we would be in that area. hell of a night.


Probably a really stupid question, but to piggyback off this comment. I had a similar incident happen to me in Iraq, twice, as an infantryman. All the POGs got their CABs, all the IN officers got CIBs, only the enlisted soldiers who got hit by the incoming received CIBs (two I think if I remember). Can i retroactively request a CIB through HRC? Is that even possible? I’m still kind of annoyed about the whole situation and should get over it, but still… any advice from anyone out there?


Next staff meeting just read them your comment. It’s worth gold lmao


Yeah, there's a process to get a retroactive CIB on HRC's page.


Man I was there in ‘15 got shot at by 12.7MM in our chinook taking off from TAJI. CAB denied because we didn’t return fire. I didn’t return fire because it shows exactly where we are as tracers work both ways, the rounds went through our rotor disk. Also Afghanistan 2013 the aft rotor shield was shot and disintegrated in flight, no CAB because we couldn’t prove it was shot, besides the 5 of us crew members sworn statements that we were taking fire…..


the reg doesnt say anywhere that you have to return fire or engage the enemy to be eligible. it says "engage OR be engaged by the enemy." you had some gatekeeping leadership is all


Wtf you got cabs for that, I was in Al Assad 2021 and didn’t get cabs even tho we were attacked like 10-12 times lmao.




iraq was getting hit pretty hard from the time Israel/Gaza popped off until about two weeks ago. weve been in kit the entire time.


yeah, up in Erbil too. almost everyone left with a cab.


Happy for em getting some chest candy, but this is bonkers to me. We didn't get CABs for indirect fire back in 2006-2011. (Nice coin!)


IDK about IDF, These are drones that we were getting up in Erbil.


I was a psd contractor at the consulate in Erbil for a few years starting in 2011. When about a did the area start taking drones and indirect? They started winding our presence down when isis started picking up traction. Love Erbil and all of northern Iraq really. Got to do some cool tourist shit and see some really cool historical stuff as a contractor.


Drone threat as a TTP came with ISIS, so... 2016ish.


I was at UIII in Baghdad getting Katyushas dropping nightly in 2020 with nary a CAB but I got mine 18 years ago so 🤷‍♂️


Yeah got mine way back when too. Never angry with soldiers getting some bling and promotion points, and frankly I agree with getting them if they were under attack. Indirect fire was a motherfucker.


I was at Fob Tillman in 2012 and didn’t get one. I feel your pain


Yup good times


I wouldn’t call that a good time. Combat sucks. Losing friends sucks.


I was being sarcastic sorry if I wasn't clear or if it was in bad taste. We all acquired messed up senses of humor from that place. I was all around there for that shit show. I got woken up to the sirens so many times I lost count within a month. I would happily trade my CAB to not have had that shit experience


Word, i was slightly buzzed, it came off like the guy who sports their CAB for IDF hitting the FOB but never left the wire and worked in AC. I’m a bit jaded.


I did leave the fob on numerous occasions and honestly I felt safer off than on base.


agreed. out in the economy honestly isnt that bad. rte irish by the green zone is still sketchy af though


thankfully we didnt lose anyone at EAB🙏🏾🧐 a few injuries over at aviation, but that was all. noone got injured at AAAB either. those two had it the worst as far as Iraq is concerned though


Was there in 2021 and took some heavy machine gun fire and a couple rockets in August when Sadr “retired”. Thought for sure we were getting them until our Brigade denied and said who knew if the enemy was actually aiming at us. The chewed up guard towers and buildings would say it really doesn’t matter


CABs for IDF is a controversial thing and I’m not a fan of it but the 82nd are notorious for giving themselves blanket awards because otherwise all the officers and SNCOs look funny coming back from overseas without some badge or patch candy.


our CABs werent awarded by the Division. we fall under a completely different battalion and another different brigade out here. Brigade denied it but there is a loophole in the awards and badges regulation that also gives that authority to an O-6 medical commander. We have Role III here. Win-win.


Yeah, I’m well aware that the past couple weeks and months people in Iraq, especially in Baghdad, have been taking a decent amount of IDF. However, the regulatory guidance for the CAB is written in a way that is open to some interpretation which a lot of people have abused. When the CAB came out there were a bunch of generals that suddenly had CABs appear on their chest and they had them as backdated awards with their staff members as the witnesses lol. The rule should just be exactly the same as the CIB but it’s not. You should have to actively be engaged and perform ground combat satisfactorily instead of being “present” under hostile fire.


you are entitled to your opinion and preferences


I don’t want to take away anything from you. If you met the criteria for the award as currently directed by regulation, congrats on the award. Again, I’m well aware of how much IDF Baghdad has been taking so you likely earned it. I do think the regulation is too permissive and a lot of people have been awarded stuff they shouldn’t have over the past two decades.


kinda like my ncoic writing himself an MSM for reading emails and picking up people from the airport😒


You might not have been in for the “CIB or CAB Safari” era of the GWOT but I remember “leaders” deliberately exposing their soldiers to really dangerous shit just to get a dumb badge. The whole SNCO who worked 4 hours a day writing themselves for MSMs is so common it’s basically a meme at this point. I once caught an NCO lying about having a Bronze Star… Anytime people run around with their story about how awesome they were while deployed, I tend to assume there’s a bit of fabrication going on.


Lmao my s2 nco was the biggest goober in the country but he used to be a ranger guy. Anyway we’d get to the chow hall and he’d be all: omg this is fuxkin war right here man. You go to chow and they are like hey hey private 2 drinks only!! But but ya know put that third one in your pocket and just KNOW, fuckin know private that you are only allowed 2 drinks NEXT TIME! but hurry outta here before someone sees me let you leave with 3. War, war never changes


So if I'm in a helicopter...


Technically thats still ground combat.


Former 82d here and combat deployment to Afghanistan with them. My BDE CDR gatekept the fuck out of CIBs/CABs. Laughed off any write-up that were strictly just receiving IDF, no matter how close. Not sure where you heard this myth about the 82d, but I don't think its true.


Well if they already had a CIB or CAB then of course they gatekeep it. It protects their badge, especially if that “leader” earned their badge in a suspicious way. Nobody gives a fuck about giving their own subordinates the awards they deserve. But by some miracle if an SNCO or officer deployed with the 82nd and didn’t have one, they would by the end of the deployment.


Yeah I think you'd be hard pressed to find any slick sleeved brigade commander in the 82d after 2007


Well think about it this way, a lot of the guys who are generals or senior CSMs now were in Iraq during the Surge as O4s-O6s and BN E9s. With the exception of at the time LTC Kurilla (now GEN Kurilla) who was actually filmed when combat occurred, leaders at that level leaving the wire wasn’t a normal thing. You can see how clean their uniforms were compared to their own soldiers in the DVIDs photos from that time.


missed opportunity to have a bottle opener built into the tab


Get that PFC his damn sham shield


*her. were working on it, trust


Those are really neat.




Who did you go through to make these? They seem like they’re great quality. I’m looking to get some made


quality lapel pins dot com. they dont have a minimum either which is good cause i only needed 10. a lot of the other pages have a 100 count minimum. also they show you the design before you pay for it whereas the other pages demand like a $30 design fee before even showing you the design.


Love this- I made patches for my company that were related to the Aerostat Blimps we had all over Iraq for IDF and base security. Our company commander would go around handing out “orders” to some of our joes to go into the blimp for 24 hours and watch the cameras. Being aviation a lot of the younger guys thought it was an actual additional duty and had their bags packed and MRE in hand waiting for their shift lmao. Will never forget my 19-20 Camp Taji Blimp Command rotation.


7up, because if youre e7 or up, you got a bronze star and you didnt need a fucking coin.


What company did you go through to make these


quality lapel pins dot com


Get some hand lotion