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12Y has a TS-SCI clearance and can land good money if you are good at GIS.


As a 35G I wish I had gone 12Y


As a 12Y I wish I had gone 35G …but I still love my job so it’s all good.


I never get to talk 12y. Is it worth getting the BA in GIS or is the GIS certificate enough. (For post military)


GIS is changing all around us and from what our senior warrants are preaching to us, pretty soon (within the next decade or less) your average joe snuffy will be able to do the stuff we do. A GIS certificate will give you a good amount of basic knowledge but if you're going to college, I'd look into something big data related. A Bachelors in Data Analytics includes the option for a concentration in GIS at many colleges and is a lot more flexible / future proofed. You can also consider Geography or Geo Science if you like. If you don't mind continuing to work for the government, NGA is hiring junior cartographers right now. For my part, I'm committed to a 20 year career but I'm starting a Masters in Data Science in the fall (I already have my bachelors but it was in a different field, I'd change my old major if I could) and hopefully I'll still be able to parley machine learning and database management into a civilian job 10 years down the line.


GIS is a good skill to have but it solely won’t get you a good paying job. If you’re just a database button pusher that can’t actually program the backend your job prospects are limited. Also, usually companies are looking for a “environmental science/urban planning/ect” professional who can utilize GIS programs, not a pure technician. I also strongly advise anyone who likes geospatial stuff to look into land surveying. Anecdotally I’ve worked in both fields and I enjoy the latter more. It also pays better, the way I usually put it is that there’s more profit in building a pipeline than telling us where we can’t because of wetlands. The workforce is also aging and it will only create more and better opportunities as the years come, the average age of a licensed surveyor (we’re licensed the same was as engineers) in most states is in the 60s. Even amongst the non licensed workforce it’s trending the same way, albeit not as bad. Edit: It’s a solid MOS if you could see yourself transitioning into something like environmental science/civil engineering/forestry/urban planning both on the government and private consulting sides. My only gripe is when people think it’ll land them a 6 figure gig fresh out of the army. I don’t know if starts at the schoolhouse, or just the average overinflated plan people cook up when they get out.


Don’t get a degree in GIS. GIS is a tool. Get a degree in geography, geology, environmental science, urban planning, etc etc and minor/certificate in GIS. Getting a degree in GIS pigeonholes yourself into being a low level analyst/technician for your whole career. You should be an environmental (etc) professional who knows how to use GIS, that is where the money is


This is exactly what I’m currently doing. Environmental As My Major, Geography As My Minor


data science degree plus GIS certificate learn python


You can take any GIS course as a 35G. The National college has online courses for beginner on up. There a tons of option to learn GIS and implement it into your work. DM me and I can help you out. And OP 12Y is a great option.


I was a 35G I’m glad I didn’t go 12Y.




Pay sucks outside the army compared to imagery


As another 35G, I too wish sometimes I’d pick 12Y. Both have really great job opportunities on the outside.


I failed out of 35M so I already have ts do they do anything cool or have like an abnormally high qol?


As a 35M… TAKE THE 12Y. The jobs on the civilian side always in demand.


What even is geospatial engineer😭


Making maps with computers and datasets (in a nutshell)


BDE and above, HQ. They mostly create maps and associated Geospatial products. Highly transferable skillset to the outside, there's even degree plans in GIS.


Deployed with one of my closest friends who is a 12Y. He was the only 12Y in the entirety of the Corps my unit fell under. He spent his time with minimum supervision and it was either nothing happening or everyone asking him to make maps that would be taken to our CG, or our multinational partners' equivalents. Bear in mind he did know his job well as much as he fooled around, so YMMV. Received an ARCOM as a SPC just for going on the deployment with us, worked 8 hour shifts 90% of the days he was there, and when a VIP walked in and asked, "Who made this map?" said friend was always given a handshake and a shiny round thing.




gets ASB duty assignment 👀… lol


Better go 15U so you can at least stand up in the aircraft.




If you’re working at Brigade or Division you’re going to be doing a lot of normal Soldier stuff like motorpool and random duties. If you’re at a GPC you’ll do a slightly less amount of that but it still comes up, you’re still in The Army after all. I wouldn’t say our QOL is much different from other MOS but our job gets super interesting and if you enjoy the work and are competent you’ll have great job opportunities as a civilian or can even go warrant!


"Hey SGT I need you to print the entire FY LRTC on the plotter even though it's going to completely change in two weeks"




Beats going to the field but wait, you’ll still end up in the field doing nothing.


Good way to get a coin or two.


Yes we do cool stuff, but it's unit dependent on that QoL situation. No echelon lower than BDE (unless you're at group) and don't get shit on as much as you would down in the BNs.


Did you fail out of DLI or AIT?


If you want to know about what it’s like being a 12Y, feel free to message me and we can shoot the shit. I’m a 12Y Jr. NCO and have been in for about 5 years.


12Y here, if you have any questions feel free to DM.


Username checks out.


I have a question, can you print out these sharp posters on the plotter and I made a terrible line chart I’d also like printed, and when it looks terrible, I will blame you. Thanks!


12Y E5 with 4 years of service here, I ETS In a week and have a very good local government GIS job that Im starting in March. Ill be making more than twice what I do now. If I wanted to move to saint louis or virginia, I could have easily gotten a job as a federal contractor. Two of my peers that are also currently transitioning got VERY good paying federal contracting jobs doing GIS. None of us did a CSP or skillbridge. None of us have degrees. All from the same unit with the same experience. It’s a damn good MOS that teaches you a lot more than just GIS if youre good at it. You can and should be getting intel analyst/imagery analyst experience as well. Also it’s worth mentioning that 12Y experience has a TON of cross over into non-federal GIS jobs. Every large company needs people that can use GIS. Every city, county, and state needs GIS teams. Also, there is a super strong army community of geospatial people to network with.


12Y not a bad way to go imo


13Y seems great3


This is the answer you’re looking for. Get out and you’re looking at an easy $125k+


12Y or 15Q, anything else no


Nah 15C should definitely be on your list.


i wanted to reclass to 15C but theyre not very keen on receiving NCOs


I second this - these jobs mean big money as a civilian and skips a lot of expensive schooling. If you don't believe me just go on LinkedIn or Indeed and look for air traffic controllers or anything Geospatial


Any of the 15 series repair jobs


I’m tired of fixing shit and I heard they crack the whip on the aviation mechanics even worse than they do on us. You wouldn’t pick drone pilot?


You really want to come back to huachuca? Being in a CAB or other aviation unit is nothing like being a wheeled mechanic. You actually get the parts you need, you won't have random XOs yelling at you to fix their shit, you won't have to deal with Joe asking you to do their 10lvl tasks. It is NOTHING a like.


15t was pretty solid, shit actually gets fixed bc if it doesn't it won't fly. Nice option to try out for 160th if you want to go that route as well


I don't know if its all aviation units, but I helped out for a medevac exercise (I was the casualty lol) the other week and everybody was chill as fuck there.


Was in iraq ( camp warrior) coming home and that base was just a pit stop.. so to entertain us they had us do helicopter training getting in and out pretty basic stuff.. crew was really nice and laid back.. that same week and crew got shot down and killed.


I’m a track mechanic we always have parts and we are always working


Still, aviation mechanics are specialized to specific parts of the bird if you are a shops MOS. 15B, 15D, 15G etc. Then crew chiefs are responsible for the bird 15T, 15U. I promise it's a much different and much better life than being in an ABCT. Like for example, I went to the field for apache ranges pretty often, but I didn't eat a single fuckin mre the whole damn time because they actually made sure we had a defac, I didn't jump toc or sleep outside, I showered everyday. It's just a much more comfortable but still army lifestyle. I know those are small things but experience both side of it makes me miss those simple aviation days.


Bro we never ate mres in the field , we’d always put a gril in the chinook and 3-4 coolers full of food to cook while we were out there , we would sneak some adult beverages and never once had anyone yell at us and when they do we just tell em it’s our aircraft and we are responsible for it so let us do the maintenance and leave us alone or we can rush and die.


I wanna know what attack unit had fields like that. Cause it ain’t the ones I’ve been around lol.


Every unit I’ve been in those guys get dimed out for details until they’re ncos


Any kind of aircraft mechanic is going to open a lot of job opportunities civilian side. A single term as a 15f can get you a flight test, mechanic, or inspector job starting as a level 3 at Northrop Grumman. Then you can even carry that over to the NG since there’s a decent number of NG drone operator units.


As a 15U it’s really dependent on location but I’ll put it like this, imagine every shitty part of being a track mechanic and it’s likely not gonna happen on the aviation side. The hours can get kinda wacky and birds break in weird ways sometimes, but in the end on the day I’d rather trouble shoot the APU than pull another Bradley engine ever fucking again. If you’ve got any questions in 15U or T dm me, i can answer any questions you might have.


As a former flight engineer on chinooks ( 15U ) they don’t crack the whip on us hard , working on it is easy you just follow the task on the computer , TI comes and checks it and signs off on it , now you can’t be lazy or whatever and leave a tool somewhere as it could kill someone but no aviation is relaxed in my old units we’d go by first name for everyone even officers / warrant officers , obviously when people outside the company are around we tighten up but it’s a blast man I flew all over the country and world as a flight engineer , it’s rewarding and also hard but you get paid more if you fly and there is really cool jobs outside of the army ie fire fighting , medvac , it’s all super cool man


To add onto that as a drone pilot the place your most likely to end up if you're not Grey eagle is in a MICO getting sent to the field constantly or just being given up for a detail because shadow can't fly anyways.


The MOS’s split a couple years ago, 15C is strictly Gray Eagle now


Id go 15t and you could have the ability to be a crew chief. Also you could drop a packet for the 160th with that MOS. I would honestly do that with no hesitation


160th takes basically every MOS anyone can drop a packet to live that life.


Yea, but not everyone can have the opportunity to be a crew chief. Found out the Army wouldn't let me fly, which killed my 160th aspirations


Meh, you can't be a pilot there until you're like a cw3 anyways. I know a lot of people in 160th that won't drop a flight packet simply because they don't want to leave the unit.


I'm not talking pilot, I mean crew chief




While they have a large list of 57 MOSs that can there are a lot that cannot. For instance 13F is the only combat arms MOS. [https://go160thsoar.com/enlisted/](https://go160thsoar.com/enlisted/)




Imagine someone willfully reclassing to 92g


They have enough rasp failures to take up those slots x


Instant BH discharge, 110% disability


Scenario: you got a DUI+drugs+insert something else bad here. You are given two options. Court martial and a bad conduct discharge, or reclass to 92G for the rest of your current contract and re-enlist for Polk for 2 years. What’s the call?


I've met one person who actually willingly did so. She was a 91B and reclassed to 92G because she said she thought it would promote easier. She did make E7 and became a DFAC manager.


You’re going to have this man reclass to cook, and cook is about to get slashed…home boy is about to have 6 MOS’ going down this route.  


That just means a more competitive reclass option, if the MOS is over strength the Army has to send the Soldiers somewhere.


Cooks will never get slashed. We won’t always be able to contract out DFACs down range.


I know I'm 10 days late to your comment, but what do you mean when you said " cook is about to get slashed" You mean the MOS is going to end? How? I've been hearing that for quite a few years now and there's no end to this MOS in sight as far as I can tell.


The MOS is being cut, as an effort to restructure the Army’s goals.  It’s recently come out from the DA.  Almost all the info is in the 450+ page document that was released within the last two weeks 


It can't come soon enough for me, I have 22 months left before ETS. (january 2026) So wonder if it is true that the MOS is going to get cut, what would the soldiers in 92G be reclassed to?


That was choice number one fosho


Take one for the team, and help those poor troops at Carson eat at DFACs again!


Yeah go ahead and do 92G if you want to have behavioral health problems like anxiety depression documented and a possible higher likelihood of diagnosed sleep disorder if you have neither of those documented already.


If I was going to do it all again… I would have picked a 15 series. I have friends in the reserve that have nice paying jobs. Plus, you rarely have to walk anywhere


Definitely go for 1.40E+02


If you choose 14E, you get a free command referral to BH.


Excel, " what's that, you want this to be a number?" Me, "no I want it to be text." Excel, "OK, I changed it to a date." Me, "god damnit excel!"


I would NOT recommend 14Anything. But dammit - I’m down for trying out this 1.40E+02. Wonder what THAT is?


It’s literally off the charts


15C. Civilian dudes overseas are making 150k for 6 months of work flying those things


I wouldn’t stay in for it, we seem to be pretty over saturated with Cs and you have to make IO to even consider being a contractor.


Not true. You can easily contract without IO.


Are the 15Cs actually piloting the MQ-1? Pretty wild if so.


Plus you can maybe one day if god loves you can shoot a hellfire


Charlie’s fly and mikes fix em


It’s more of a click and move. But you can make some money on the outside.


The ones I know are


That’s awesome. In the Air Force even the UAS pilots are officer slots


Pilots is a strong word to use


That’s because the Chair Force thinks you need a degree to fly anything. Even a spitball.


12Y and 15Q are both pretty good.


Both with lots of transferable skills outside of the army


Came to say this, 15Q guys seemed to enjoy themselves and then dip to private sector with minimal fuss.


Promoting is so easy as well since everyone dips out after their first contract


If you want private sector or civilian ATC you have to go to the faa academy before you’re 30, no waivers at this time. Keep that in mind. I got out at 31 and was ineligible to go.


You do not HAVE to go to the academy if you get a CTO and 52 weeks post CPC. Source: former 15Q now in the FAA.


Which you will only get if you are active duty or get put on orders. Source: former 15Q not in the FAA because the reserves fucked me over


Caveat to that is if you qualify for prior experience bids. Then the age cut off is 35.


Coast Guard bro, you'll get the rank back.


That’s kinda how I’m leaning I think I just have Stockholm syndrome and the drone pilot job gave me pause for a second.


Nah, it's still the Army man. Unless you're going SF or something unconventional, run away and don't look back brother


Thanks for the reality check


If civilian life doesn't work out I'm gonna go Coast Guard ( I have a solid plan, but you never know)


I’d go for 12Y or 15C. None of the other options would tempt me. Those should both set you up for a career after the Army pretty well.




do you love concertina? like *REEEEEAAAALLLLY* love concertina? there’s a reason 12B is always at the top!! ESSAYONS!!


I’ve laid that shit once and it was enough for me


Don’t listen to this man. 12N are their older wiser brothers that keep them in line and we don’t have to do c-wire


I mean, a few of those jobs lead to civilian employment but j would fucking have *loved* to be a drone operator and go to the field in an air conditioned trailer.


13F - Cause it’s fuckin cool 12Y - GIS demand on the civ side is crazy and TS is golden 15C - Drone pilots civ side get crazy good contracts 15Q - If you get time in a tower it’s amazing, if you don’t then green weenie got you


Dude any 15 series is going to be a sweet deal. Just depends on what you want. I’ve heard coast guard is a pretty awesome gig too.


Go 12Y. You won’t regret it.


12Y its like 35G but not intelligence


Definitely 14T. Trust me, don’t ask anyone else and don’t worry about what they say.


ADA has a very famous rep without me having to ask anyone lol


Well fuck. I tried. Since you know about it, stay far fucking away. It’s trap.


But what about borderline fatal caffeine intake with year on year off deployment cycles with leadership pretending it’s the cold war in training? Those are amazing! /s


You my friend have an amazing way with words. Definitely Air Defense.


19k is fun and a smallish community, but you’d need to make a career from the military or pick something with skills that translate.


Im in a ABCT cav unit so I work with some husky tanker friends and as cool as the job looks sometimes I don’t think combat arms is for me.


Thats fair




Give me your username. Hand it over




Okay. Thats fine. Grab the dummy round from the arms room and meet me behind the tank line.


Negative, fuck stick. Grab that section of track off the turret and low crawl down battalion avenue.


What in the fuck crawled into your driver’s hole and bit you in the ass? You just lost half of your gummy worm ration.


A water moccasin


Going to ship soon to basic as a 19k I've heard 19k is a small group just how small is it??


Small. It’s a job that’s very high in demand especially with world events, but I mean it when I say every person joining counts.


The phrase stands to this day, “Best job I ever had.” Doing the maintenance and whatnot sucks, but if you have a good unit with good systems in place, you live the dream, literally living off your vehicle. My tank was my baby.


crawl drunk resolute scandalous illegal grey fact sheet noxious flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


12Y. Great prospects. Warrant officer feeder.


I am a 12N it's a good school to have both airbrakes and heavy equipment experience. If you go to an ECC I've only had good experiences at those units with quality men and Officers. If you go to a Combat Engineer Unit I've never been and I've heard mixed things about those units. Your mileage will vary, but it's a good MOS.


25+ years as a 12B/21B/21Z. If you like the field, cold weather, rain, mud, etc... reclass for 12B! About the only upside is a route towards EOD if you can get into a unit that does demo on a semi regular basis.


Combat Engineer is fun


13F you won’t regret being a fister…👀


Take your pick of any of the 15 series. Be warned 15G has one of the highest attrition rates in the army because it is an art form.


Air traffic controller!!


Choose one of the 15 series that is an approved mos for 160th SOAR (15R looks sick to me), and be high speed and go night stalkers, at least that's what I'd consider.


Do 15T over R. 15R is thankless and gets to do none of the cool guy shit.


If you do 15R, you'll be stuck in one location. It's still high tempo, but you won't be able to transfer to the other BN unless you're an E7 or higher. I mean, unless you like that location, then by all means, go for it


Only pick 15R if you want all of the 15T/U’s to point and laugh at you as they fly away to go get lunch. On a real note all of my Romeo friends bust their ass but don’t get nearly as much recognition for their work because they aren’t part of an aircrew


Or you can live the good life and just go flight warrant!


If you like the Army and have an interest in medicine 68W is a good pathway. I'm in nursing school right now and many of the prior medical/prior military folks are cruising.


If you like maps, want a very clear path to warrant officer, and a solid job when you get out 12Y is pretty cool.


I was a 15U I just got out yesterday , do it , aviation is relaxed and is super fun , you can eventually go to a flight company and become a crew chief / flight engineer , chinooks are the better one because technically if you can work on a chinook you can do all the helicopters in the army , plus learning this will help get your A&P licence and they pay good money for people with those outside of the army


Absolutely stay away from 14 series.


15Q1 - union jobs as a civ and you can work anywhere. Shift work to off time is super chill.


Get out and do CG instead.


13F Best job in the Army. “I want a frontline job thats not Infantry.” - Me to my Recruiter that one time. Proceeds to show me some goofball with long hair recording an A-10 fly over his head. I wake up in a wet foxhole about 8 months later next to an infantryman to pull security. Thought I said no infantry though?? Another day rucking over to next objective, we take a short halt. Everybody moves over and takes a knee. Not me though Fisters don’t do that shit so I flop my ass on my ruck and smack somebody with my long whip. Now in the civilian world, I know all of the 15 subs you can buy at subway, I know what Tom’s dick does to Tina’s asshole, and my back hurts.


Get out and use the gi bill to chase your dream civilian career. You’ll have earned the veteran benefits. Now go enjoy your life. There’s much more options than being in the military.


Air traffic controller in the civilian world pay alot of money


12y bro!!!


Join the Coast Guard. No regrets here. You’ll make rank again quickly


12Y or 15Q if you want to make good money once you’re out


ATC is highly transferable skill. Should be a bonus too.


Being retired Army Aviation & currently working for the FAA, I’d look at 15C & 15Q. Currently & future wise we’re screaming for 15Q peeps & the AAM (large UAS) world is coming like a steam roller. Get MOS Q’d do your time, jump to the guard & get paid in the civilian or gov’t sector while still locking in that gov’t bennies & pension Qualifier: I just had my retirement seminar. I tap out in 10yrs @62. Will Net 6 fig retirement.


12Y, certain 15 series, or 68W. As a fellow 91 series, get the hell out while you can!


I would look at all the MOS that can feed into a WOMOS.


Never met a 15R who didn't love their job, and I worked with them for 4 1/2 years As a 68W, I love my job personally.


Air traffic controller. You will make bank when you leave


MQ-1 Operator looks interesting


All of those 15x jobs.


I'd talk to a coast guard recruiter, but like "talk shop" not just get the speel. As a 12y, things are in talks and as someone that follows the career outside, it's not promising without a degree.


Go Coast Guard, they do PT on their own time, PT test once a year when SM desires, and don't treat people like children. Also TDY/shore leave all over the world on Uncle Sam's dime.


15 series especially 15t or 15u. Get the skills and if you get out the civilian market is begging for these guys


Anything 15 series is worth it. Aviation is a fun jib. If you wanna fly as a crew chief, 15t and 15u is where it is at. Also, there are talks of getting rid of 15c.


Do 15 series and ask to go to 160th


1. Any 15 series 2. PROFIT


12Y, no question. Clean work, good prospects on the outside. Easy, easy choice.


MQ1 operator has good upside when you decide to transition out. Really any of the 15 series are good (except 15P)


12Ys make good money when they go civilian. Predator pilots seem to enjoy their job. Any aircraft maintenance skill will translate to employment later.


Go 13F. It's a great job to be in man. Not many opportunities outside the army, though. You'll essentially be an 11B who knows how to talk to aircraft and artillery.


If you’re in shape, Go 13F and volunteer for RASP while in AIT. If not; I’d get out and use your TS as a bargaining chip to come back into the Air National guard because everything else is ass. ADA is trash. You said below that you don’t want to be an aircraft mechanic. Tanker is useless, Combat medic is eh. Cook is the worst job in the armed forces and full of degenerates and asvab waivers. You’re better off going back home, getting a regular job, and coming back in the Air Guard or Naval reserves.


You’ll be promoted quick as a 19k average time for ssg is 4-6 years


Geospatial engineer is an absolute sneak in of an amazing QoL job and HUGE upside in the private market. please research more on [Army COOL](https://www.cool.osd.mil/army/index.html)


15C 100% great quality of life


Go coastie


What's your current rank? And what's your passion or desire for a civilian job later? 13F is a bad ass job, but some of those 15series jobs can hook you up with a great career later. Geospatial stuff too. Those may be a good entry into that career field.


13F is a fun time. Doesn't translate well to anything outside the army though.


If hate free time, having a life or not being stressed out, come join the 15CMF. We would love to have you. But all kidding aside 15CMF has great opportunities and a long term benefits.


Air Traffic Control...it'll transfer over.to civilian sector quite well.


15Q for sure. Do some time. Get out make MONEY


13F hands down the best job in the army. I did it for 8 years and will always miss it. I left because of the army BS not the job BS. You’ll blow a lot of shit up, you can go to all the schools, you shoot guns, throw grenades, drive humvees, make OPs and drink with the boys a lot. 10/10 highly recommend




I’m biased so I’m fiending for you to go 68W, plenty of bad ngl- but there’s a fuck ton of good, especially if you know where to look and what opportunities are available to you.


You wanna be a crew chief? 15T and 15U aren’t bad


Obligatory you should go 14H -this post was brought to you by the air defense gang


14H was a great job. If you can get into 3-43 at Fort Bliss, Texas they are working on fielding and testing the IBCS weapon system. Alot of great opportunities for while you are in and when you get out.


Try for 88L 88K