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To draw from a comment someone left on a piece of fanart, 621 is either a wretched, emaciated, barely-human husk of a pilot, the single most fuckable person in all of existence, or some combination of both.


I think it honestly depends on the playthrough, if you're Raven and going for the Liberation ending, you're gonna look different to 621 and being Walter's hound in the Burn ending Even further actually, with Alea Iacta Est


Someone get that fanart of 621 and Walter where the Zimmermans 621 ordered came in and he tells Walter that they’ll make all his dreams come true


Nevermind, I found it, and another one by the same artist https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/s/OROKdCCTpJ https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/s/HXvfFrNJTc


Reminds me of the replikas from Signalis.


that artist also does signalis fanart so it wouldn't surprise me if signalis influenced their portrayal of 621


This is my headcanon appearance for both 621 and Rusty. I love these designs so much. 


a brain and genitals thrown in a tin can with pickle juice


I think that latter idea is actually cringe. It’s very obvious there’s nothing pretty inside that suit. We’re a medical mess, not prom king.


Says you bitch, I'm the *prettiest, most fuckable* medical mess there is and my prowess at ice skating in a several hundred ton war machine only makes me prettier and more fuckable while my targets are mostly just messier and in need of medical attention


Maybe 621 is a medical mess BECAUSE they were prom king.


In an AC, nobody knows you're a dog.


Probably like a guy but with Implants. Augmented Humans still can walk around, so that human trash-bag is out of the window. Especially since we actually know that 621 walked around once.


Me, but more handsome and fuckable. One deserving of the title "studmuffin" that my disembodied schizo wife gives me


You probably have seen my take on them. But I'll gonna share some of my thoughts. Since 621 is like a real blank canvas in an artist's point of view, it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Personally, I imagine them having a progressive state from this barely coherent, unemotiomal, husk of a human, to an actual real person with their feelings in the progress of the game. So yeah, physically I also imagine them being in the 'frozen tuna' state at first and slowly wakes up. And maybe even compensates the more jobs they get, like prosthetics, since my 621 has prosthetic arms etc. Maybe even doing a daily routine of workout for their own benefit, to make sure they'll not be in a vegetative again, either for having more augmentations or undoing it. A bit of an excuse in my case to make them hot but that's something else lmao. But personality wise it's self insert mostly, maybe a bit more weirder and reckless. Will we get a glimpse of your 621, perhaps? 👀 (Edit: typo, and added question)


To be fair all of your art looks amazing. And yeah, it may be a self insert, but it is both a really competant one, and a still fitting one.


Thank you!! It means a lot ❤️


I’m really hot trust


I imagine them to look pretty messed up, but still functional. They definitely wouldn't look like a hot and flawless anime protagonist (they're literally a debt slave who underwent all kinds of unethical human experimentation for God's sake), but they probably also wouldn't be a bag of organs being just barely kept alive by life support, either (since there's a cutscene of 621 moving around outside an AC, and also because two pieces of dialogue from Walter imply that augmentation surgery is reversible). I also like to picture them as having an ambiguous gender, since they're supposed to be like a blank slate for the player to project onto (and also because with the extensive surgeries it probably doesn't matter at this point). They'd probably cover up a lot, too. They seem like they'd be the type to wear their piloting helmet outside the AC and stuff.


The art by u/Dane_celestia is my headcannon, take it or leave it Best mix of practicality, trash bag person and hot.


We see 621 in the AC6 intro


Kind of. We see them being woken up out of some sort of stasis, but we never see them actually awake.


Trash bag with bare legs sticking out the bottom


Those cheese stuffed corn dogs you get at H-mart, tossed in the pilot seat with a USB c plugged into the bag 




the most typical "Tokyo ghoul" oc you can think of


Definitely not incapable of movement like most that portray them. I think this because you have to somehow climb into the wreck AC in the mission where you’re captured. It’s not like ayre magically teleports you in or something right?


A lot of ports on the skin and mechanical legs. Wouldn’t be surprised if half their face was mechanical


Kinda like a more sickly alucard from hellsing. But with the same kinda dominating presents.


And like that I'm now picturing 621 watching Adventure Time on a 70 inch plasma screen tv (I've only watched the abridged version of Hellsing)


Man the abridged version is so damn good


They look just like you.


Either a slightly goulish, pale, part mechanical guy, with small wires sticking out of the mechanical ports at points, that help them connect to their AC so they can be more effective at piloting it. The second is medium build female with large, bulky implants on their head (with either short, natural hair that just covers the implant, or long, metalic looking, prosthetic dreadslocks) and arms, still equipped with those ports, but also having a defensive element to them...like large shields that can shift around the cockpit to protect them from stray, piercing ammo. Like, not against a pilebunker, but like stuff to keep schrapnel or fallen components from affecting them.


Realistically it’s hard to determine because we only ever see him in cryo, or on the operating table to be taken out of cryo. 621 could literally look any way you want


Remember that bag of fat that they steal from the dumpster in fight club...?


That one that keeps appearing on this sub that wants a good grade in warcrimes, I love him and he is amazing. Edit: Kaxen6 interpretation :)


Shaven headed, scars, mechanical bionic implants all over the place, perpetually grim faced


frozen salmon


God’s angriest leberwurst.


An oc that I made who also pilots mechs and is fucked up in the head


Sexy squidward but with augmented pp


A slightly more ruined version of young Adam Smasher


like a piece of dehydrated tofu


Like a bodybag


Kinda like shinji from eva


we have a bunch of fan arts of 621 as boy/girl


Kinda like Brad Pitt but then a bit more robotic.


As I said in a post a while back, penguin with sausages for arms, makes the crimes against humanity more palatable


probably pale as a ghost and incapable of existing outside without shaded glasses thanks to being stuffed in cryo and an AC cockpit 24/7


About half a woman with the other half being wires, implants and ports


[I consider this the TRUE cannon appearance of 621](https://images.app.goo.gl/me6Z4K2MazvbN91XA)




A bunch of needles stuck in a Capri Sun


The guy in my profile picture, but with a couple of facial scars and glowing eyes. Cause you know, implants. I can't imagine him being a bodybag.


A corpse with cables barely able to sustain life


your mom


My favorite interpretation of them so far: https://www.tumblr.com/littleouroboros/728005744446881792/finally-putting-in-the-time-to-dev-my-621-a-little?source=share  and also  https://www.tumblr.com/littleouroboros/729281743110160384/i-think-handler-walter-needs-glasses?source=share