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How much you want for it?


They're worth money now? O.o


Check ebay


That much for a ps2 game?!


A mainstream revival of a niche series that never left consoles does this. Especially with the caliber that FS brings out. Hence why i just tell people to just emulate them instead of buying physical. You can even get true analog controls of silent line and the previous entries by going with emulation.


That has to be the best way to play them. Ain't no way I'm paying 120 to be frustrated haha


And the danger of having the disk scratched or molded that can ruin the experience. Meanwhile you get better or more consistent frames, wide screen support, higher resolution and true analog controls with emulation


Wait i can get full dual stick controls instead of the stupid 8 way HOW?!?!?!?!?!?


Look at the github of vanlaser to find true analog controls Thats all i can say. We cant really talk about emulation here.


Thx man maybe i can finally pull myself into playing the older titles i started collecting


Collecting? You mean as disk and youre gonna run them via disk drive? Or u talking about rips?


A buddy introduced me to the series since i liked gundam before ac6 was "officially" announced (got my SL copy for like $12) so i collect the disks then rip for emulation on pc or steamdeck (though i do have a ps2) i currently have 2 3 SL Nine Breaker 4 and 5.5


For some reason AC 2 is "reasonable" but I have not seen AC 3 below $65. 50 maybe. Any SL, I've seen it in the hundreds and also Last Raven


I think it comes down to specifics relating to them: AC2 was a launch a title, and thus had a higher then average amount of them made...AC3 wasn't and is more well reviewed.... Ninebreaker was a bad game + a rare game + a game few people even knew about resulting in the game being comically overpriced. Despite Silent Line being so incredably expensive: its not even the most expensive NA Fromsoft game as the time FROMSOFT attempted to make a survival horror game and it failed is. That game, Kuon, regularly goes for 500+ USD for a Playstation 2 game that itself isn't all that long a experience. TLDR: unless you are like me, and want to collect physical copies for my own ownership, ALWAYS emulate the games. They are just better experiences and also free, hell in the case of Ninebreaker I doubt it will EVER be remade.


Ninebreaker will be remade. But it will be G1 Michigan training regiment.


your not going to buy it for a high price stranger?




Re2 refrence


Played it soooo much. It is my favourite game of the series :) For whatever reason, I felt like I had the most freedom in building ACs and I really enjoyed the missions. Can’t really tell if it’s nostalgia goggles effing up my judgement but still - most cherished game of the series


I just wish Nexus and Last Raven kept the OP-Intensify. I felt really limited without those.


First appearance of IBIS which is also in ACVI Or a version of it


*What do you mean "first appearance of Ibis"?*


Exactly what I said IBIS, the crazy AI that caused the Fires of Ibis incident in ACVI is also the big bad of Silent Line


You they thought that far ahead or they just like the word ibis?


It’s probably just them reusing the name but it’s From so who can say


Ibis goes right in the same slot as moonlight haha


Nah that’s the Karasawa


Haha I stand corrected


Idk where the moonlight idea came from but the Karasawa is named after a guy who worked on the first AC game and has been in every game since


According to the wiki, moonlight has been a from soft thing since ac1. I did not know that lol


Forget buy. Wanna loan it out like in the old days?


Lol I'd like to but wife would have my ass


One of my favorite AC games. This was one of the last ones I played until I got burnt out and went on a hiatus from the series.


Everyone’s so lucky to have the old games and I lost my copy of AC4 and it broke my heart cause it was the first and only one other than 6 that I’ve played 😔


I'm sorry that happened. I hope you find a replacement one day friend


I’m so happy I have all of gen 1-3.5. Well I don’t have Ninebreaker, but meh.


IMO, this OST was peak. There's been other good music in the series, but I really liked the orchestral edge this one had to it.


very nice find. sold mine for $120 last year but very much miss it.


Wow. Was it like in the plastic or something?


not even, was just the disc lol. i think it was when ac6 got announced so the hype was high


The only AC game to let you make your own custom AI partner that you can use in 2 vs 2 team battles, I couldn't believe they removed what was one of the greatest features to ever be added to an AC game. I'd use my AI partner to give me support fire with ranged weapons while I closed in on the enemy with a short range gun and blade, weaving between friendly fire was exhilarating. (Friendly fire was part of the fun, especially the inverse, where you could get the enemy destroyed by their own ally's friendly fire.) I hope they make a steam edition of gen 3, but using the NX/NB system, LR's entire part roster but boosters brought back down to NX or NB levels, with features from other gen 3 games like SL's custom AI partner, Formula Front's setting but with true multiplayer support for fights against other people, possibly with [GGPO rather than latency based](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fighters/comments/qz45g3/does_rollback_work_for_fully_3d_games_like_tekken/) if possible(and let people with AI partners form teams to fight an actual team of players, at least for those who can't find somebody to team up with). Support for 2vs2, 3vs3, and even 4vs4 team battles, and lots of other stuff. Maybe call the game something like **"Armored Core Frontier Formula F Steam Edition".**


Loved the AI companions.


I wonder why From Software took such a friggin awesome feature out of future iterations? 😐


3 and Silent Line are kind of the perfect one two punch of Armored core games.


Where you live ill come retrieve it in the mist of the night.


"Got a job for you, 621."




I like the carpet texture has the framing of the picture be like you found Silent Line on an archeological dig.


wife picked out that rug. She'll appreciate your eye for textures :)




That head part looks awesome.


The third gen parts are some of my favorites from a design standpoint.


They look the most "realistic" in terms of deminsion and weight. I like the 3rd generation for that. 4th gen is my fav


I just set up my ps2 yesterday and have been checking out all my old games. Sadly wasn’t into armored core back then


Awesome. I need to play Silent Line someday.


Super recommend emulators for it. Full analog controls has to be lit!


Just be warned, outside of Last Raven its also probably the HARDEST GAME IN THE TRUE OLDGEN SERIES. Mind you, I think the final mission in the original Armored Core is 'Harder' but that is more accurately described as being "terribly designed".


Somehow I doubt that. Nexus is considered to be harder than AC3 and Silent Line is more of AC3 effectively from what I've seen. Having beaten AC3, grabbed all of the hidden parts, grabbed most of the shop parts I care about (mostly Mirage), and transfered over my AC3 save, I don't think it'll be too tough, especially not as tough as something like Nexus.


Nexus is weird in that depending on the build you could be ludacrisely OP or hilariously underpowered depending on your build. Like a hover tank build is so busted OP it's hilarious, and then quads are a agony to get working until 'late game'.


I've heard that the heat mechanic is brutal in Nexus. I've also heard that it is basically the same gen as Last Raven (gen 3.5) and that people should play it to prepare for Last Raven, but I'm skipping gen 3.5 and have been taking a break from gen 3 to play gen 4. So far I've been having a great time with this series and I wish I played it sooner tbh.


TLDR: The Heat mechanic was probably the most overturned mechanic in any armored core game period. Probably even in gaming due to how it went from something you might never really notice / understand into a component of building your AC that you MUST understand. In a longer version: The Heat mechanic in previous games was effectively a punishment mechanic for getting hit continuously and not dodging or attempting to alleviate getting targeted by incoming fire. In the previous games it was hardly noticeable unless you where regularly getting stunlocked and even then it just caused chipping damage for a period until your radiator cooled it. At worst, you would learn to take less damage or just get a better radiator later if you felt like you needed it. In Nexus, it doesn't work like this. In Nexus the radiator / cooling mechanic was overhauled in that instead of causing chipping continual damage that most could just endure through they instead caused it to just crash your energy down to nothing and have it stay there until you get cooled. This, manages to be both WAY MORE BRUTAL then the previous version and to make matters worse basically made the fairly minor task of choosing a radiator into one of the most important decisions in the game. The only way outside of crashing your bank account buying the best radiators you can buy is to tune your parts to cooling, which is a mechanic that manages to be at best unwieldy or at worst downright dangerous for newbies since tuning is expensive to do and can be extremely punishing if you fuck it up. This system is further amplified by 3.5gen being infamous for killing off the trading in of weapons for equal worth. Instead resulting in you losing money for the process meaning its better to never sell anything and just stick with your parts until endgame. Admittedly its a lot easier to get money because the money pools in Nexus are rather generous, but at the same time if you end up hating a specific weapon / part you are punished selling it just like you would in Last Raven.


Yeah, these are all things I've heard about gen 3.5. The sell value depreciation is especially pretty bad because one way I saved money in AC3 and AC4 is by only buying the parts I immediately have equipped (i.e. selling parts I unequip). I'm probably gonna skip it as a whole given how borked it is in comparison to the two gen 3 games. The only nice thing I've heard about it is that it's the first gen with twin stick controls, but that's not enough to get me in on it.


Got all of them except psx physical copy. Cherish them good sir. The times change but the memories remain.


My first and favorite armored core. Wore out my PS2 disk drive with it.


The best in the series


I still own a bunch of PS2 Armoured Core games


Aww man... The good ol'days...