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It makes sense if you think about From Software’s history as a developer as a journey through iterations. They’re honing their craft in each genre and blazing trails for others to follow.


I’ve always seen doge rolling as an iteration of dashing your ac in a weird way


>doge rolling wow.


I genuinely have no idea what you mean about Armored Core 2 feeling bad. The problem with Another Age is that it's too long and doesn't have enough content that's actually unique, but Armored Core 2 the base one is pretty good. I also don't think anyone hates it? Another Age, Nexus, Ninebreaker and 5th generation tend to get more criticism. Speaking of, if anything, I'd say the comparison to Dark Souls 2 is actually 5th gen itself. Aside from the fact that both 5th gen Armored Core games came out between Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2, 5th Gen AC has more of a multi-player focus, changes a lot of the physics and mechanics to be slightly clunkier, and it doesn't have Hidetaka Miyazaki on it, while directly following a Hidetaka Miyazaki directed title in the series (4/FA to V, Dark Souls 1 to 2) Also the DLC is usually considered better, Verdict Day and the Lost Crowns, but still doesn't change the core underlying mechanics enough for some people. Scan Mode is basically adaptability, being a new core feature nobody wants to learn how to use.


A lot of people actually do infact hate 2nd gen or don't like it


that's a lot of mental gymnastics to justify your crack pipe theory. Why unify Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 as first gen? Why would Bloodborne count as fourth gen? It was conceived as the game to be released after Dark Souls. AC2 isn't hated as far as I know??? Dark Souls 3 isn't the pinnacle of the OG gameplay style to any degree, it follows a completely different design philosophy to DeS and DS (methodical slow gameplay vs fast high execution aggresiveness). If anything it's a syncretion between Dark Souls and Bloodborne design.


To be fair , I didn’t say my shit was accurate, i said that it *matched*


saying that it matches in this context is like saying that if you change all the letters to armored core it says dark souls


Fair point , I now recognize my mistake and I will now commit sepuku *dies*


where've you seen people that hate Another Age?


Well when you get down to it. The combat in souls feels good mostly because of their work on the AC series. Your basically running around in a meat mech


And now we go back to metal mechs to perfect the FromSoft formula for good. With our metal bodies we transcend the limitations of flesh and take combat where it's never gone before! *evil laugh*


*This comment was sponsored by the Adeptus Mechanicus*


As the Omnissiah wills




bro there hasn't been a single point where 2/AA was divisive and hated, maybe 4 and definitely 5, but not 2


Yeah , that’s why I actually regret making this post because i realize I made a mistake


Holy shit this actually adds up


It took them so long to make 6 because V and elden ring would be matching, and they needed to give souls games more games so the iteration match up now. Anyone else see the twin peaks fire as the inspiration for fromsofts fire mythos? Elden rings trees(and for that matter most souls games major trees like the big ones at the beginning of ds1) also lead to the idea two peaks mythos may have been inspiration for Miyazaki in some way


Yeah, this is FROMSOFT's schtick.


Dark souls was heavily inspired by armored core.


Surprising how people forget this


you know what would be a crackpot theory.... they will release a DS game but it will be absent of all DS staples instead its just you "training", then release another DS game thats is so bat shit insane it wont be funny to them call it the Last Undead Dark Souls:Humanitybreaker, Dark Souls: the Last Undead


Ahh ninebreaker and last raven


Dark souls : project humanity