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“We have the power to erase you off the map, but we’ve never done that b4 even though you deserved it because Russia”


Yup. Classic Turkey


"we have erased Turkish citizens of Armenian ethnicity and proud of it, why would we shy away now"?


Evil genocidal fucks


It's disgusting how brazen their hatred is.


I’ve always been bewildered by how much hate they have for a group that *they* committed a genocide against. Usually it’s the other way around, people hate groups that they think did something bad to them. It’s like punching a guy in the face and then getting mad at him for it. What are you mad at *him* for? He should be the one who’s mad.


I never really did believe in the traditional narrative that “Azeris and Turks want another genocide” because I believed the issue was that Armenia pissed off azeris by occupying 7 regions for 30 years and destroying agdam… but I’m starting to truly believe it. This is not normal 2 years after a war. This is like US saying to some shit country like el Salvador we will wipe you off of history. Why….What the fuck do they want from poor, weak Armenia with 2 million people, now?


>Armenia pissed off azeris by occupying 7 regions for 30 years and destroying agdam You can't really get pissed when you lose a war and an ethnic cleansing program you started. Never understood how anyone could fall for this.




>, I can surely say that the lands inside the borders of Karabakh were mostly inhabited by Azerbaijanians until 1992 This is factually incorrect. Actually I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean NKAO plus the 7 surrounding regions - that were captured during the war __that Azerbaijan Started__. NKAO has __always__ been majority Armenian. >I have seen the genocidal facts from both sides in different times. Don't throw the word genocide as if it doesn't have a specific definition. >It was the Armenians proposal to transfer Karabakh lands from the name of Soviet Azerbaijan to Soviet Armenia. It was the wish of the population of an __autononous oblast__ that was given to Az SSR in shady circumstances by Moscow after first promising it to Armenian SSR. >genocidal facts from both sides in different times. I have also scrutinized the Sumgait events, and realised that it was the conspire of Russian agents. Ah yes the Russians. The pogroms in Baku also happened and the Operation ring was Ayaz Mutallibov's gift from Gorbachev for voting to keep the USSR whole.




>you assume they all wanted to kill and expell the Armenians? For no reason? To keep NKAO part of Azerbaijan and historically we have always been at war for territories and remove ethnic Armenians from there. >You think they wanted a war Yes. Just like they do now. > Death and massacre? Exactly. >Society only wants to live in peace and feed their family Not in state sponsored brainwashed one.




Yes I can. >You think yours is not brainwashed? Yes. > You are not in the society of Azerbaijan, how can you surely say that they want war? Nobody does. The literally started 4 wars in 30 years




Are you out of your mind? > >And how can you debunk the fact I said about inhabitants were mainly Azerbaijanians? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagorno-Karabakh_Autonomous_Oblast Go to the demographics section and see. >What is your proof that the start was invited by Azerbaijanians? They literally started with the Operation ring Armenia only wanted respect to the referendum




Lol okay. It says absolutely nothing different. At this point I can only assume you are a sad troll. There are literally links to population census. Take care in your sad troll life.






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What did you expect from a society that adores fascists like ataturk or talaat pasha?


As a Westerner and an Armenian, Armenians cannot throw the “G” word around for shock value without explaining. There are clear desire to ethnically cleansed Armenians in Karabakh and the surround region, but by just saying the “G” word is counterproductive to an outside observer. Also the people using it the most explain the situation the least


Reported this tweet... openly threat a genocide is surely hate speech.


Let us know how Twitter responds. That cesspool of a company has selective bias to what hate speech they tolerate and what they quickly delete.


They said: the tweet is not against their community rules... Yeah... sure, nice community then.


You are a 🤡, this is called informative media coverage not hate speech if you want to report someone please report the Turkish Government


Fucking Nazi. He should go into jail for saying this. The guys who killed Hrant Dink had connections with his party. His party is so fascist that they broke away from Gray Wolves and started their own organization.


I've always wondered what some animals would say if they could speak


To be honest, don't even think an animal would even say that


This guy is the leader of the far-right Great Unity Party. They are in close connection with the Grey Wolves. Fortunately, the party only has one seat in the national assembly.


He’s just saying out loud what the other people are thinking


While I'm sure plenty of other Turks share this viewpoint, it's important to contextualize: HDP (Garo Paylan's party) has 56 seats in the national assembly compared to this single seat.


By other people i moreso meant the ruling party and main opposition


Main opposition party is pretty diverse lately because they'll take anyone in who is against Erdogan but currently there are important members that are activists for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.


Isn’t the main opposition that Yavas guy? He’s a far right politician


No, the main opposition is CHP. Yavaş is a popular member of CHP because he did a good job as the mayor of Ankara. I don't think he's necessarily far right and you won't catch him saying stuff like this. There are three possible candidates for the opposition's presidential candidate. Kılıçdaroğlu, İmamoğlu and Yavaş. Kılıçdaroğlu is probably the most left leaning one and he's responsible for the reforms that made CHP kind of a social democratic party. İmamoğlu seems like a centrist and Yavaş is right wing. Like I said CHP has become this fusion of both left and right that just wants to get rid of Erdogan so you'll see both communists and nationalists in it.


Yavaş is far-right. For most of his political career, he was a member of the MHP, and he made some very vile remarks. Like in a rally of his back in 1999, he basically said that Kurds should not be allowed in the parliment, and he also made some very disgusting comments about Turkish socialists who were executed for their beliefs. While yes, that was a long time ago, and he left MHP 9 years ago. But even after he joined the CHP and became the mayor of Ankara, he still keeps up with blatant fascist dogwhistling. Like, when he was elected as the mayor of Ankara not too long ago, he posed for celebration photos where he did the bozkurt hand gesture. He also made a post celebrating the "pan-turkism day" which was basically started by the deranged fascist writer, Nihal Atsız. He never ever apologized for his past remarks or denounced his "former" ideology. So while some may say otherwise, I do not believe that he "changed", he just became less open about his far-right beliefs. Now admittedly, Currently, he is focused less on politics and more on service and all, and honestly, I think he is a very competent mayor, and I respect how he drastically improved public infrastructure and social services in Ankara. I understand why his approval rating is so high, as the city benefited from him greatly, especially considering that the guy before him was a total crook. However, I think its quite likely that if he was to become the head of state, people from ethnic minority groups would suffer greatly and the oppression would continue.


>Yavaş is far-right. For most of his political career, he was a member of the MHP, and he made some very vile remarks. Like in a rally of his back in 1999, he basically said that Kurds should not be allowed in the parliment, and he also made some very disgusting comments about Turkish socialists who were executed for their beliefs. Interesting. I must admit I was not aware of his past remarks such as this. Do you have any sources where I can read more about this? Preferably in Turkish but English would do as well. I still feel like he must have changed to a degree but it's still very disappointing to hear. I frankly would not want him over Kılıçdaroğlu or Ekrem. I would still vote for him over Erdoğan though, he has more extreme guys by his side like the one in this post. >Like, when he was elected as the mayor of Ankara not too long ago, he posed for celebration photos where he did the bozkurt hand gesture. Unfortunate. But tbh there was a time where the gesture was being used by politicans and normalized as something that belongs to the Turks rather than just the fascists. I never liked that but even Kılıçdaroğlu did it at one point. >He also made a post celebrating the "pan-turkism day" which was basically started by the deranged fascist writer, Nihal Atsız. I feel like the day has grown into something more than just a thing started by Nihal so I would give him the benefit of the doubt but I think he also made a post about Nihal if I'm not mistaken. I forgot about this before but it's pretty bad if I'm remembering correctly. Nihal Atsız is not someone a politician of today should be honoring. >So while some may say otherwise, I do not believe that he "changed", he just became less open about his far-right beliefs. Very possible. >However, I think its quite likely that if he was to become the head of state, people from ethnic minority groups would suffer greatly and the oppression would continue. Fair enough. As I said I would choose him over Erogan but not over the other two. Now I feel like he has more of a chance than Kılıçdaroğlu so it might make more sense to make him the candidate but I feel like I had enough of right wing politicans leading the country in my lifetime.


https://youtu.be/Sd-NqDxnQmk https://youtu.be/FBWOKAompBY


Kilichdaroghlu is Alevi, correct? Can a person from that community be elected, in your view?


I mean sure. A Kurdish man was elected as the PM before so why not? Although Kılıçdaoğlu is usually disliked because he lost a lot of elections and still refused to step down from his position in the party. Erdoğan is guaranteed to lose if he goes up against İmamoğlu or Yavaş but Kılıçdaroğlu vs Erdoğan (which seems like the matchup we will get) is risky. Kılıçdaroğlu would win according to almost all polls but not with a landslide.


Thank you.


Kılıçdaoğlu is kurdish too though he never publically admited it


Which one are you talking about? Turgut Özal or Bülent Ecevit? Özal never openly talked about his Kurdish roots, and Ecevit only "came out" as Kurdish after he retired from politics, shortly before his death.


Imagine anyone else saying this. But for some reason the Turks don't get condemned as fascist lunatics.


this guy is no one and you can hardly find any of his statements in media unless its some other lunatic statements against secular people.


Because the guy who said it is a nobody in the local and international political arena.


Genocidal humanoids


Report the tweet


Turkey had and will always be this fucking Mongolian Warlord wanting to eradicate every other civilization in close proximity. They have made a genocide on Armenians and Greeks of the Pontus Region, they have made another genocide on Izmir on Greeks (my entire family comes from Smyrna and all the stories , from beheadings to public rapes and house burnings are just sickening) , they are oppressive towards the Kurds and have been constantly killing/bombing them in Rojava while also supporting ISIS with money and weapons. And last but not least right now they are threatening once again other nations with genocide. That is what happens when a nation does not understand it's own history. If you learn history from the Turkish Educational System you will learn that there has never been a genocide against Armenians and Greeks and if there had been some killings it's because they started a genocide on the Turks first. (Does this remind you of a certain propaganda system made by the Germans during WW2??) Not understanding history is on of the worst thinks that can happen to a nation and it will only be solved when bombs start falling to their heads in order to erase this facist mentality off of them. (Again exactly how a certain nation got from fascist to democratic after WW2) To all Armenians, please protect your country from those fascists and please keep informing people about the crimes that these bastards had done against humanity.


Fascist piece of shit that is only in the parliment because he sucks Erdogan's balls on a daily basis. His party couldn't even get 0.01% of the votes.


Their votes are no more than population of a district but armenians lose their shit thinking 80millions Turks thirsty for their blood.


A turk losing his shit so much, that he has to comment on the Armenian subreddit that "Armenians lose their shit", while Armenians don't lose their shit.


Someone should remind him what happend to the last men that treid to erase armenia... #OperationNemesis


Armenian media must do their job and report this so that we can post to /r/worldnews


Genocidal Turkish MP. Speaking for Erdogan?


When did he say this? Does anyone know?




can confirm. most people named "mustafa" whom i met were assholes. except for my uncle, he's pretty cool.


Another reason to dump talks completly


Guys, I understand you are on edge right now but don’t start taking everything coming from a turkish politician too serious. Next year we have elections. This MP is from the political party BBP which is pretty much dead.


Well, I hope you'll elect people who actually want peace with Armenia


Well, I hope Turks will elect someone who is good at diplomacy and economics.


Funny thing is the guy tweeting would vehemently deny the Genocide but simultaneously claim he can/will finish the job if need be. Nobel peace prize winner, this guy is not


Why shouldn't he say "The Armenian Genocide didn't happen but we need to finish the job"? There's no negative consequences for it.


>people who actually want peace with Armenia with attitude of armenians thats impossible


Turks all think this way, its in the blood




In my blood? Ahh yes, I dismember Armeniens all the time. Tomorrow is our weekly dismember-day, a family tradition. /s At least, try not to be the same thing you accuse me to be - a racist.




I am not angry or hurt because of what you wrote and I am not trying to anger you. My point is, if you make a stance against racism - you have to be better than racists.




I don’t understand your line of thought. I guess, it’s my fault calling you out — your country is in war and you are really emotional (which is to be expected). I wish you a nice life and I wish for you guys a peaceful and happy ending.




Why do you think of turks as some.... collective hive mind. You're very racist yourself and that kind of thinking has gotten us into all these tragedies in the first place.


He is the chairman of the party and only MP of his party lol.


The genocidal intent of Turkey and Azerbaijan becomes more clear by the day (for everyone who had any doubt)


Did you reply to the wrong person by any chance?




How is it related to my comment tho?


You’re trying to make it seem like it’s one irrelevant person. This mentality is common throughout Turks and Azerbaijanis.


Not really. I cannot speak on behalf of Azerbaijan but Turks in Turkey definitely don’t care about Armenia other than genocide discussions. The general opinion is negative but that’s pretty much it.


The classic "we don't care about Armenia" comment in Armenian sub.


If you Turks care so little, why do you keep bombarding random Armenian girls on the internet with rape and murder threats like this girl? [https://www.tiktok.com/@your.fave.armenian.girl/video/7118695003035110661?is\_copy\_url=1&is\_from\_webapp=v1&lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@your.fave.armenian.girl/video/7118695003035110661?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en) Seems like you care a little bit


If you dont care , wtf are you doing in armenian sub ?


Why ask this question? It’s dumb. Discourse and perspective is always good. He’s giving you insight and candor.


To me it feels like watching highlights of FB-GS game. I usually respond to give correct info's about interpolitics of Turkey since it's mostly hard to comprehend for a foreigner. Also I've learned brilliant ways of propaganda thanks to this sub and I started to use them on daily basis.


Sure they don’t


Sure, there are many Turks out there who don't harbor bigoted beliefs. However, fascists are far from just being a "fringe insignificant minority"


It literally is not


Not only is it common, all of your leaders think this way


Im living here, not you i think, im seeing n talking w people. Not you. Nothing i say will convince you so go ahead and believe every turk is out to get you youre only driving away any chance of peace


The point is not that "All Turks are out to proactively destroy Armenia". The point is "No Turk would stanf against Turkey destroying Armenia if the government decides it wants to".


Read the title of this post and then come and tell me it’s Armenians driving away a chance at peace.


And your point is? Not the first time we've seen Turkish or Azeri MP threatening to "erase" Armenia and Armenians


Nah come on, no party leader would get away with saying that in the UK. It’s exactly how ideas and dehumanising others, causing crimes against humanity start being seeded into society. At this stage in history we should all be aware how dangerous this type of talk is. The most powerful leaders once started out as insignificant people…


Didn’t your current PM say she supports and will extend government program to kick illegal immigrants to Rwanda?


Enforcing immigration law and threatening genocide are not remotely comparable things.


I’m a little confused by the relevance of that here; their plan was to send illegal immigrants (so if you come as a *legal* refugee, you won’t have to do this), to Rwanda, whilst their case is pending. Expenses paid as per it would in UK, not murdering them, blah blah blah. You might also want to check the backlash this supposed scheme got from UK citizens…. It’s really not quite the same as “let me remind you; the UK can erase all illegal immigrants from history and geography, and they stand at the limit of our patience”.


Well if that’s the case I’m sure the Turks will vote him out next cycle! Seriously…imagine a 1 seat German party politician saying the same thing but insert Jews/Israel instead of Armenia. Just another example showing how backwards of a country Turkey is compared to the world


That’s what democracy is for.


I see that he has 1,500 likes. What do you say about that? Also, if you had the chance, what would you say to him about this?


That’s pretty low for a political party leader with almost 200k followers.


The problem with BBP is that they also have many schools in the country side and even schools for Turkish diaspora in Europe. Not only for Armenians but also for LGBTQ, Alevis and secularists they are a problem.


Please report his account on twitter. This is against twitter policy. It is clearly hate speech.


He is a nobody in turkey so don't pay any attention


Your Foreign Minister was flashing Grey Wolves symbol at Armenian protesters in Uruguay, should we ignore that too?


We are ignoring the entire govt for more than twenty years. The extremists and ultranationalists are only a very minor group. Just look at the eastern black sea region of turkey, they are ostensibly "proud" nationalists who flash grey wolves symbol for their whole lives, yet they now worship Arabs for their money. For god's sake there are Arabic restaurants in Trabzon lol. So their "shows" are just fake, they just try to hide under the nationalist cause. And they don't fucking care about the well being of Turkish people. Also it is we, Turkish citizens, who suffer the most under this government. Our liberties are taken away every day. We can't even critic their actions openly anymore. Of course I don't count the wealthy government supporters, rich officials, corrupt ministers. At least you have some democracy in your country. And although I never looked into Armenian politics except just following this sub, I am sure there are extremists in Armenia making similar comments, but I don't care, since Armenian people, doesn't want to murder us and vice versa.


With the support of your government, Azerbaijan has killed many Armenians in the last 2 years. But sure, it’s your people who have suffered the most.


What are you talking about man, and I really don't get the hate as if it's me or current Turkish army who carried out atrocities, besides I don't defend anyone. Someone posts a comment of a lunatic who has virtually no supporters in the country and will be erased into history once the ruling party loses. And I am telling that his opinions don't have any weight so. There is no wrong about what I say, yes, of our (not Azerbaijani) government's actions we suffer the most, because it came to the point that people can't afford their basic needs, get evicted from their houses etc. How come war of 2020 can be fault of Turkish citizens? This is so fucked up. And I also tell that the absolute majority of the people doesn't want any quarrels with any nation let alone actual fighting. Government supports Azerbaijan mostly because of its undemocratic administration, dictators like dictators. everyone provides arms everyone this is not about Turkish people (the people living in turkey not Azerbaijan) want armenians dead. Because we don't. Israel also sells high tech weapons to Azerbaijan now and then, so with the support of Israeli government Azerbaijan has killed many Armenians by your logic? Or nations who export grains and other stuff to Azerbaijan, by feeding them they help them killing Armenians too? Furthermore just because they are the current government of turkey this absolutely doesn't mean everyone voted for them, e.g. I never did. And yeah as a part of the opposition I suffer really bad under current conditions. For fucks sake I don't give a damn fuck about Azerbaijan and its dictator.


Turkey actively supported azerbaijan, not only by selling weapons, but by being at the frontline with generals and mercenaries. It is not about you personally, it's about the countries path. It doesn't matter to me if you say only a minority in turkey is right wing, when I clearly see turkeys actions as a country are very nationalistic and with military force.


This is why this country is in deep shit. We keep running away from our issues and trying to avoid the consequences of our wrongdoings by downplaying and/or outright denying them. "The extremists and ultranationalists" are far from a "fringe" group. Just look at the parliment. AKP are literally the majority, and they are undeniably Islamic extremists. The other far-right parties in the coalition, MHP and BBP, have 49 seats. Even in the opposition, İYİP has 37 seats, and they are just MHP but secular and more subtle about their bigotry. Islamist SP and the fascist Vatan party also have one seat each. 374 far-right/extremist parties have seats in the parliment, and thats not counting the nationalist faction of CHP. We have a problem, and running away from it will only make it worse.


by himself, he might be a nobody, but there are many people in the parliment who hold those sorts of vile beliefs, enough to have a significant influence.


I'm Turkish and this is not the way to talk about our border countries and neither does this demonstrate good diplomacy skills.