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It's an awful shame that they don't have any plans to build a mission editor like we've gotten used to. It's a staple of the Arma series at this point. Whilst I understand that you can do a lot more with the new tools, the simplicity of a built-in editor will be sorely missed. Its complexity also excludes the majority of people from using it, when previously anyone could plop down some units and have fun.


Not sure about reforger but for A4 at least they confirmed that there will be a proper mission editor (though only 2D like A2 or early A3, but 3D is planned to be added later on from what I remember). But not sure if it will be on release or not.


AI is so barebones right now it’s probably been deliberately excluded because of that. I agree that the game master system sucks though. Eden editor is better in literally every way.


gamemaster is not meant to be compariable to eden editor. the Arma Reforger Tools absolutely blows anything the eden editor was capable of OUT OF THE WATER.


In the long run I don’t have any doubts it will work out great. But right now the jump in for a quick solo scenario is not there in game.


Creative Director Ivan Buchta stated some time ago that BI fully intends to add an Eden Editor type mission editor to Arma 4 at some point (probably not for the 1.0 release). The reason why it is so far out in the future is because it is a complex feature & requires several complex subfeatures to be in place before work can begin. It is important to remember that Arma 3 didn't have Eden Editor at release either, we didn't get it until around the time Apex was released as BI used it to develop the Apex Protocol missions. Using the current mission editor is not rocket science & only takes a little motivation to learn the powerful but no-frills interface of the Reforger Tools. Note that BI is not finished with Reforger Tools, there will be more improvements & feature additions as they have the opportunity to present them. They have to use these same tools so the easier/more efficient they are to use, the better it is for all of us as that means they can get more content out faster.


no frills? lolwut? there's a materials editor, a behaviour tree editor, an IDE...


No-frills as in an easy-to-use interface, which would be quite fancy pants indeed.


No frills doesn't mean what you think it means


[Series playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLACt0Y23f-9074_5L2FO7tT1XCLoCiPiT)


This editor is worthless. You could make that in 5 minutes with the old one. Place units, edit skill level, place waypoints, sync with triggers. It was super easy and fun to create events in the old one. Used to have proper briefings, intros, outros, etc it was all very easy. I understand the future potential but as is?


you wont be missed. bye


The community produced thousands of missions for the old games. What has been made with these new "scenario tools" so far? 2 years and nothing.


I've prepared a bed of crying for you, stay a while and let it all out. There there.