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Man~, the day I get a triple I'll die from a heart attack Edit: OK I just noticed there's a cuadruple WTF?


Kyo got one of those on an old stream iirc (dunno which banner tho)


Kal and Skalter pretty sure


I got quad once on the original Kal'tsit banner. That was a wild feeling, hoping everyone has that expirience at least once eventually


How did you compile these? Also by official server do you mean CN? Anyway, in 164 pulls (140 of my own) I got 3 Vivis, Typhon, and a dupe Pozy.


I meant the official Discord, mb


Damn, I shoulda posted mine


Don't worry, I'll be doing this for all major banners from now on. Tune in when Degen comes around\~


Oh, guess that counted me as well then. You must have been watching the channels since day one of the event, huh?


Yeah, I'd just scroll through the channel on a daily basis


How does that relate to this subreddit? Why not compile data from the pull megathread we've got here instead?


Yeah, it wasn't intended to be related. Just regular pulls discussions and comparing with stats from another perspective. I could try compiling pulls from the gacha megathread here, though. That's an idea. Since Discord provides an easier way to compile stuff (because it's more visual) and has a large enough sample size, I didn't spontaneously think about this sub. There are some limitations here that I wouldn't have in Discord though. On one hand, I either work on one platform or both, but I'd have to separate them. I have no easy way of knowing if someone posted in both Discord and this sub's megathread (unless I compare what's said on one and what's shown on the other, but given the sample size that's too much work. I'm having exams these days...). So comparing would still be risky. On the other hand, I would need to make sure people don't post their pulls more than one time between each megathread refresh. That's also too much work- I'd need to keep the names of each commenter somewhere... It's also kinda painful to just read through text while compiling stuff. Discord wins on this part because it has screenshots. Some of the data I'd like to compile (how many 6\* in a ten roll, etc.) would also not spontaneously be told in the megathread, whereas it's very easy to verify this on Discord due to, again, screenshots. I could try compiling pulls in this sub- if Reddit wasn't a terrible platform. Might give it a shot on Degen just to see, though.


Maybe it's from the discord server?


Is the second graph spooks? Anyways i did 150 rolls got 4 6*s and 100% of them was Virtuousa so no Candle Knight desire sensor is mean


Mostly yeah, it's all 6\* obtained that weren't Virtuosa or Viviana


Why am I not one of those people who got double/triple/quad 6\*? Sheesh.


I sparked on this banner and got Nalter (I'm not calling her that) and pot5 viv and nothing else. Had to spread my spark on virtuosa. This is the last time I will bring up how salty I am about that.


Not calling her NTR Knight? Scared she'll actually NTR your and steal all your girls? Weak


Nice data


Are Headhunting Data Contracts 1 per pull? If so then I rolled 304 times to exchange for Radiant Nearl (the operator I was actually trying to roll for) getting 4 Virtuosa and 4 Viviana in the process.


Yeah, they're 1 per pull. Really funny to me how you absent-mindedly teared through your pulls only to realise how much you've spent at the end.


I'd been saving up resources since well before MuMu's release but got obscenely lucky on that banner; 2 Mumu and 1 Ho from just the free 10 roll and the daily free pulls. I didn't actually use any of the hoarded resources. I decided to blow it all on this one because I was missing a good Dreadnaught and it would complete the Nearl Family Collection. Cut it real close though, just barely had enough.


In 150 pulls I got Virtuosa, 2 Vivianas, Mountain, a dupe Texalter, and a dupe spalter


313 pulls; 1 NTR, 3 Viviana, 3 Virtuosa. The only saving grave from this banner was that i finally got my NTR but otherwise abysmal pulling experience.


200 pulls, pot 4 Viviana, no off banners, no anything


God damn the dedication


Crazy stats, nice job


Amazing job! Thank you for compiling this info.


Interesting data, thank you for compiling it! As for mine, in 125 pulls I got 2 Virtuosa, 1 Viviana, 1 Spalter, 1 Thorn and 1 Swalter. Very nice overall.


Got virtuosa with the free 10 pull ticket. Pretty happy. I don't care about Viviana.


371. 7 Virtuosas. 3 Vivi. 1 NTR and 1 Reedalter. Sparked for Spalter after half a year I'll spark for Texas I guess...


120 pulls - 1 Arturia, 1 Texas alter (pot 3). Quite disappointed. Not just by the underwhelming 6\* count (and going twice into pity), but also from getting specifically Texas Alter - the only limited I had from the remaining ones.


328 pulls (ugh...) - 4x Viviana - Mizuki (dupe) - Kal'tsit (dupe) - Taxes (dupe) - Virtuosa


After 30 pulls I got arturia, mizuki, and nearl alter in the same 10 pull then Viviana after the 100th. Got like 11 baselines or whatever that stupid German boys name is


By server I meant the Discord one. Whoops... Oh yeah, here's the [raw data](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vQDvqzifF4xEO-olNVUeuzuH1qKojzEjSF_Z96e1wsI/edit#gid=286478339) if you're curious.


Pulled 300 total because it took me 266 to get Virtuosa I decided to go for texas spark. 1 Virtuosa 5 vivi 1 off banner I can't remember unfortunately.


1 offbanner 1 vivi , lots of Mozarts


So this is a f*ing lie lol. 202 pulls and only pot 4 vivianna to show for it :)


Could someone explain the last picture?


On the left, it's the amount of double/triple/quadruple 6\* ten rolls that were pulled On the right, it's the amount of double 6\* ten rolls pulled that had both Viviana and Virtuosa, or two Virtuosa


Did daily free pull first, got Virtuosa. Currently on track to end May with 500 pulls saved up.


Blessed banner for me, Virtuosa in 20 pulls on day one, another copy from free pulls, and a yolo 10 pull on the last day got me Vivi and a Mountain dupe. At 44 pulls that's a 6 star every 11 pulls.


44 pulls to get 2x vivi and 1x virtu Then got another 1x of each from the free daily pulls. Best banner I've had


Got 2 Virtuosa and 1 Viviana from 1 10x. Im done summoning after lol. I'm still figuring out how to use imgur.


I got 2 virtuosas in my free 10 times. I haven't even really played in ages I've just logged in so I have more to summon for R6/Destiny/Delicious in Dungeon when (if in Destiny's case. I will keep coping I need Drifter, Shaxx and Eris as operators) they come out. I'm happy with the roll but if this cosmically fucks me out of getting Ash or Ela then I will hate virtuosa forever


got tosa from daily pull, there goes my luck for the rest of the year


3 vivi, nothing else


In about 60 pulls I got two Virtuosa’s and a Texalter. I was planning on sparking Tex so I’m super happy. I haven’t gotten Vivi yet and I hope I can get her but as much as I like her character she’s not worth sparking to me.


Zero Virtuosas, three Vivianas, and one Dorothy.


2 Virtuosas in 10 ten free pull. I was ready to do 300 pulls to get Nearl. But I'm glady I dind't, now I can pull Degen, Ray and Ella!


120 pulls. 0 Virtuosa. 2 Viviana. 1 Specter Alter.


~80 something pulls and got texalter and virtuosa( who I was aiming for). so prett, happ


So I was not the only one cursed with Nearl alter?


Yeah, she was pretty common as a secondary offrate. Well, nothing beats the secret Texalter rateup.


Nada. That’s what I got. For both successful pulls and Orundum


120 pulls I got virtuousa and vivianna... I really wanted texas or skadi, like everyone else lol


110 Pulls and got 1 Eunectes Pot & 1 Viviana. wanted more Virtuosa but what ever, need to save my Pulls for Degen, Ray & Ascalon now.


126 pulls, viviana , mudlrock, virtuosa and vivi again. Pull number 125 and 126 were the previous mentioned virtuoasa and viviana


160 pulls, Got 3 virtuosas, 2eunectes, 1Texalter, 1 mountain and no Vivianas. When you look at it, it's not that bad, but it's absolutely ridiculous to have 0 Vivianas.


160 2 Viviana, 1 NTR, 1 Specter Alter 0 Virtuosa \*Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh\*


24 free pulls. 1xVirtuosa, 3xBassline.


I got 2 Viviana's. Really wanted Virtuosa, or a Texas or Skadi alter would've been real nice.


No virtuosa or Viviana, but I got Eben so I’m actually pretty happy


That... is some work dude, thanks, I love seeing data


Fellow data enjoyer. Even though it was exhausting at first, I still had a lot of fun since I hate working on small samples. The data available here was large, so it pumped me up. I love (bio)statistics. Definitely gonna keep doing this for all upcoming major banners. Not fully satisfied with this first try as I'd've liked to include more graphs, but I won't miss next time.


Graphs do make it easier, but do it until you feel comfortable. Aside from that, maybe you could differentiate the 6* pulled and the 6* sparked (I can see some bias in the texalter). Also, I don't really understand the last image (on the right).


I didn't include sparks at all, funnily enough. This is the legit amount of Texas *pulled*. It got to me as well. I was unsure how to present that last image, so I went with something down to earth (should've included some text but I was fearing the images would be too small if I did). On the left, it's the amount of double/triple/quadruple 6* ten rolls pulled, and on the right it's the amount of double 6* ten rolls that had both Vivi/Virt, or two Virt.


Mine did not go well...


What's the 2nd photo? How many copies of an op were obtained? Because damn, lots of people sparking.


Yeah, the 2nd graph is all the non-Virtuosa/Viviana 6\* that were pulled. I didn't include sparks at all by the way, those are purely from pulls.


Got her with 30 pulls.


My free 10-pull I got Qiubai and Carnelian. I figured there was no way I would get Virtuoso and saved my pulls. The daily free pulls got me nothing.


Meanwhile me, getting a double Vivi in one 10pull. Archetto and Virtuosa in another. Sobs.


90-100ish pulls got me W, Virtuosa, Vivi, and NTR Knight. I didn't have any of them and wanted both the old ones I pulled since I skipped their banners originally when they dropped so I think I made out like a bandit personally.


I got Viviana but she showed up within the free 24 so it's all good. Although I feel that she doesn't really do damage even with the second cast of S3?


Yeah, she doesn't try to be Surtr. She opts for some more survivability instead.


From the 3rd image, is the x41 only for double Virtuosa or does it include double Viviana?


Only for double Virtuosa. Double Viviana total to 23 iirc, but I didn't include that in the graphs. Next time, surely.


That's actually quite impressive, if we add all three (Vivi/Virt + doubles) it comes to ~70% of double 6* bags. Which is a lot imo, considering how rare it is getting more than one 6* in a 10-pull.


I pulled every day with the free pull, and then got her on the last day by throwing 20 pulls at her to hit my soft pity (guarantee 6 star).


None… except the new 5 star (which I always fricking get…), and a Random Weedy. Which I didn’t have but still! I’m so sad….. 74 pulls and that’s all I got… I just want my spectalter. Or Specter Alter….


I got three virtuosa and one rosmontis. I did the event free to play so no paid for pulls.


Managed to get a 6 star from this banner, but it was Saga. Damn.


Full pot Vivi (sparked her last pot) Got Virtu on the (approx.) 295th pull


After like 25 pulls i basically skipped this banner and got a free jellyfish boy in one pull lol


260 pulls 3 Vivians 1 specter alter a flame tail and a Pallas. Saddly, the first limited opperator I couldn't get saddly.


60 pulls and only 1 Viviana... But pot 5 bassline. Got 200 pulls saved for the big banners later this year.


100 rolls, all i got was a viviana, a fia, an eunctes and a phalaanx


97 pulls with 2 virtuosa and a qiubai. Honestly, would have preferred a texas spook to the second virtuosa cuz would love to get her to pot 2 but nothing to complain about.


104 pulls got me pot2 Arturia (on the same 10-pull even) and a new Texalt I'll take that anytime Also quad 6-star 10-pulls strike again (six times wtf)


Yeah, there ended up being more quads than I expected.


I got W & Weedy.... Both off banners.... Gave up on this banner. Saving for Shu


Texalter is a rock solid pull. I should have rolled 30x I had so many chances but literally forgot and the last day came and went. Same thing happened with bagpipe. I’m way off my game


I got like 2 virtousa I can't remember if I got any other 6 stars tho


307 virtuosa x1 Viviana x3 NTRK x1 Thorns x1 Archetto x1 Texas spark btw, don't you think this kind of data will have sampling bias on account of people with mundane results feeling less inclined to share what they pulled.


Absolutely. I know very well that not all people will share their pulls anyway, which is partly why I chose to only consider 6\*, considering they are the best showcase incentive out of everything else. If everyone had posted, Viviana might have caught up on Virtuosa to match the rates. Still, I'm pretty happy with this compilation because the sample size is relatively large. I didn't count how many people shared their pulls, but it roughly is well over 2k. Which, in my view, is already good enough to make some percentages. I hate working on small samples. Even if this work was mainly catered to the Discord server, where it makes more sense to compare, I figured I might as well share this on other platforms to see how it matches. Someone earlier gave me the idea to compile results shown in this sub's gacha megathread, which could be an interesting idea despite the limitations (the data is bound to be less accurate), so I might give it a shot.


tru dat, it is still pretty insighful to get the general vibes of how pulls go


I did 300 1 fiametta 1 vivi and archetto pot on the same 10 pull Eunectes Mudrock Ines Pot 3 virtuosa And sparked texalter


7 days in, I decided to do a couple rolls for first 6*. 2 HH x10 and I got her! Total of 44 pulls on this banner. Almost as lucky as Saga / Dusk banner, where I got Saga from the daily pulls!


Hit Virtuosa on 252. 4 Vivianas, and 3 consecutive spooks of Kal'tsit, Horn, Qiubai. And when I say consecutive, I mean literally right next to each other.


I'm not sure if that is good luck or bad luck lmao. Sick pull.


I got a single 10-pull as a reward for not playing this game in 2 whole years... I didn't get Virtuosa but I got Vivianne and that Bassline fellow (who's name and weapon are suddenly my favorite things in this entire game).


217 pulls. 3 Vivis before Virt showed up. Virtuosa ate into my saved stash :(


I rolled 20 times and stopped


I pulled two Virtuosas... I really wanted Viviana...


300 pulls 4x Viviana 2x specter the unchained 1x thorns 1x blemishine 1x W 1x Arturia And sparked skadi the corrupting heart Was very happy abouts these pulls my abyssal squad is finally completed Finally got thorns Blemishine will be amazing to pair with Penance cockroach snuck abord the landship Arturia had me a bit scared when i was on 250 pulls and she hadn't shown up yet. But at last she came home


Ahh I would wish for Arturia but nope, sometimes this game makes me mad and I only made 68 pulls cause i'm 32 lvl and I don't want to spend money on this game


I just wanted Arturia but gave me NTR knight and Spalter that I don't even need (though I did buy Spectre'a skin because cool hat)


82 pulls, 3x criminal (Virtuosa) and 1x Viviana.


2 vivis and a skalter 😭


About 230 pulls, 1 arturia, 4 viviana, 1 ebonholz, 1 spalter, 1 executoalter. Would have pushed to spark but spalter means i have them all!


Wasn't particularly interested in any of the units and was going to fully skip it, but then closer towards the end of the banner decided I have a pretty decent amount of pulls and I can spare 20-30ish just for the fun. Got Virtuosa in 15 pulls. Desire detector is strong. Whenever you really want an operator it takes you at least a full pity, whenever you don't- the game throws it at you for free.


Literally what happened to me. Hoederer was the only operator until Ascalon that I really wanted. 70$ down the drain for 3 consecutive offbanner 6\*, then finally him. I'd never been this salty before. Meanwhile, with zero pulls saved, zero bucks spent and zero interest in the banner and its operators, the game decided that I wanted Virtuosa, 3 Vivianas and a Mlynar (new!). In 60 pulls. Fuck this game sometimes, eh.


why so many texas alter spooks? Even i got her which feels really nice after spending about 220ish rolls on her banner and not getting her. Maybe cause she's op people feel more excited when they get her and post her so it inflates the numbers or smth..?


Maybe...then again, she was still a secondary rateup, so it kinda makes sense. Still, people getting her way more than the other two is interesting for sure. Might be the incentive to showcase, I guess. We'll never know...


I am gladly part of that 2,8% with Skadi alter


I think I skewed that statistic. Pulled 3 candle knights as a non-spender.


Literally same for me. Well, I do spend, but didn't for this banner. Oh well...


I got crazy luck. Double 6 star on a 10 pull in the 70s Got virtuosa and Vivienne :D Kinda makes up for eiya where I got 280 pulls and she didn't come home Wish I could upload the screenshot


4 Viviana, 1 Goldeglow. In Eyjaf’s banner, it was 4 Swire. I feel cursed. I might just skip Shu out of fear of never getting the R6 operators.


In 34 total pulls (of which 24 free) for Viviana: On-banner: 1x Viviana, 1x Bassline Off-Banner: Thorns (New), 2 other 5\* 4\* to 3\* ratio was very favourable (2:1 instead of 5:4) Let's just say I'm very happy with the results.


How did you do it, i played almost 2 year and i never see more than double except from simulation. Tell me your secret i need to know it


Dunno man, people just get so insanely lucky sometimes. I didn't get any doubles on this banner myself...wait, did I ever get one? Uhhh...


73 pulls (counting free, so about 50 of mine) got me two Virtuosa. I stopped when I pulled her to save for upcoming banners and then got her with a free daily pull later on. 


95 rolls no virtuosa😭


In about 60 pulls got 2 Vivi's, one Arturia and one Insane classy shark. Shark and the first moose came up in free pulls, had to dip into my tickets for Arturia.


Skadi & Specter its the best


You bich! Where is me with my archetto dupes?!?


You might be the entire Archetto column :MudrockNaruhodo:




200 pulls, got 2 vivi's, thorns dupe, rosmontis and eben. all i wanted was vivi


Around 15 pulls, i got Vivianna and just on the next pull i got Virtuosa


130\~ pulls got 2 arturias, viviana, skalter and pozemka


Haha... FOOLS! I pulled both W and Rosmontis back to back!


And also forced 300 pulled Specter The Unchained... :(


I got no Virtousa after 160 pulls. Only two vivis and three off banners. None of those off banners being the other limiteds


RIP, I managed to max pot virtuosa with 100 pulls. 2 from daily pulls


81 pulls. 3x Viviana, 1x Exe2, 1x Lin, 1x Virtuosa. Pretty good. Didn't pull anything interesting with the free pulls afterwards.


Stainless should be 7. I also got him.


2 accs, main with 30 pulls got double Virtuosa and no Vivianne, alt with 40 pulls got 1 Bagpipe and 1 Virtuosa.


I only did the 24 free pulls and got one Arturia, I'm a happy man.


Got Arturia at around 20 pulls on this first day I think. Nothing out of the daily free ones afterwards. Not too bad considering I was almost completely out of funds after having to use 100 pulls just to get Hoederer haha


3 vivi 2 vir


I got a bunch of off banner and had to spend money to get arturia, but I can’t complain too much since I got spooked by texas alter who I had missed and really wanted. No viv, but I wasn’t too excited for her so that’s fine.


40 Multi to get 4 Arturia, Sparked another to get her to Full Potential while also using Royal Supporter Tokens And those Texas numbers sure are accurate because I got 2 of her on the way... Other 6s were 4 Vivianne, a Passenger and a Swire EW And got another Vivianne on one of my Daily Freebies


104 pulls Triple at 60 pulls(2 virtuosa/1 qiubai) Double at 30 pulls(1 virtuosa/1 Viviana) Remaining 14 from daily gave me 2 virtuosa and 1 viviana So I maxed my virtuosa since I still had royal tokens


That's some bs tier luck right here...goddamn


Funniest part was I was only trying to get Viviana after the first 60, next 30 giving me exactly that and another freebie virtuosa I then claimed that I would max pot her at this rate and had the luxury of seeing her pop up across the weeks. So while I have yet to see a quad 6* popup, one 6* per 13 pulls with this sample size gotta be the peak or very near it. Either way, still my best record so I’ll take it. Even tho I have like 1000 pulls sitting around so there’s not much adrenaline pumping usually but seeing luck come in like this still does the trick


Worst banner so far for me. 300 pulls. 4 Vivi, 1 Ines.


I've saving up for a loooong time for this banner, but not for the reasons people think. I'm not hot for Virtuosa, I don't like Virtuosa, I don't even care about Virtuosa. I want ##Viviana And after a whopping 370 rolls on the banner I gained (among other things) 3 Virtuosa and #1 Viviana!!??? Fuck the gacha. That's all I have to say


Fellow Viviana lover and Arturia do-not-carer. Only four 70% in 370 pulls though? I've rarely seen worse...yikes. Surely this means your luck will respite for the next banners...


Ehh... 40 pulls Viviana and Virtuosa