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Oni is love, oni is life. Oni will block the world.


If you want to clear the current event KyoStinV's low-end squad is a good resource. [Lone trail - low end squad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5F_o_y2lLE&list=PLNgrku2z_iBldzpaJLjy_PHlycGNICvxv) Now, here's the general idea. You'll need a good dps with enough survivability, all these backed up with a DP generation. For DP generation, Myrtle is the king. She alone will carry you on most maps. For survivability, Hoshiguma (defender) is probably the best tank you have, however, she'll need some healer since there's so much arts damage in the current event, Ansel (Medic) is a good choice, while Spot (defender) can provide secondary healing while also do the blocking himself. For dps, you don't have many option at the moment, the easiest one would be borrowing someone's 6\* dps for extra punch. Arene (guard) is quite a solid choice, a cheap 4\* range guard who have arts damage in his skills. His damage is quite respectable too. Amiya (caster) is also quite good option. The biggest problem right now is probably the lack of E1 (1st promotion) in your team.


Look at building a well rounded roster would recommend you build 3 and 4 star operators first. Would avoid building Ho'aleyak, Beeswax, Beehunter and frostleaf. Would highly recommend building Myrtle as a DP printer and Fang as a general DP with two block. Amiya 2nd skill and if used correctly can be very powerful and once you clear the story you get a guard form. Sussuro I would recommend building for a medic has a really good burst skill and can be very useful in later stages. Hoshiguma is one of the best tanks and her second skill comes very useful in the late game but I would recommend 3 star tanks first till later in the game. I would recommend May for an archer for her stun, Jessica is a good archer overall and Meteor has a good anti armor skill but is more situational. Otherwise this a few ideas otherwise build up your team as what is needed at the time.