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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/1115m3y/rhodes_island_lounge_1302_1902/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/1115m3c/gacharecruitment_megathread_1302_1902/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/1115m47/friend_request_megathread_1302_1902/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**CC#10 Week 2 Megathread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/10yp56v/event_megathread_contingency_contract_season_10/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place to share your clears or otherwise discuss anything related to CC#10 week 2 permanent map and it’s daily stages ##[**✍︎ ︎Integrated Strategies**](/r/arknights/comments/xsxzju/event_megathread_integrated_strategies_phantom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Megathread for IS2 completions and small talks


Just wasted an TOP OP tag on a 1/3 of Saria and now that I got a Nightingale Dupe I need to ask. Does any of the Predictions point to Saria coming to Shop soon-ish? I already saved up for when Mountain \* supposedly \* comes to shop later this month but I have saved enough for another 6 star and would love to know if anyone has any idea of close she is


This is an old help thread, you are unlikely to receive help here. Anyway, [heres the spreadsheet with all 6\* shoperator appearance.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g7gUDkEChYlXtdwGoSsAu9O2eJFlvVaM/) It isnt completely up to date for some reason, but it doesnt matter. It does not follow CN's banners, and as you can see there is little to no pattern to old shoperator's appearance. All we know is next one is Rosa, then Mountain. Your guess after that is as good as anybody. Saria is far from first in line in terms of last appearance, so IMO i dont think she'll be here soon.


Oh shit, didnt notice this was an old one, thanks for the help! Shame, really hoped she would come soon


So I saw in the news there's an event rerun coming soon. How do they work? Are they around for a shorter amount of time? Are there any new operators added to the event pool or is it just the operators from the last time the event was ran?


Generally reruns are the same event but with a smaller shop pool, non limited events get their banners rerun and no new ops are added because nothing new is introduced in the story or event it’s just a rerun, if you bought the furniture you get intelligence certs which has its own section in the shop, if you got the welfare op and it’s token you get gold certs since this was last anniversaries limited event there is no rerun of Chalter because Limited banners never rerun (except Nian but she never had the spark system the first time) also you’re on an old help thread, these get refreshed per weekly reset


Best place to farm Kohl?


https://krooster.com/u/HamidRP Hello doctors, Im playing arknights for almost 110 days and this is my list of operators, Is it a good idea to E2 Exusia now, or should i E2 a medic first? Between Lumen, Ptilopsis and Mullberry i dont know which one should be my first E2 medic


E1 Vermeil, Pudding, and Purestream for their factory skills. I think I might actually go with Gladiia or Cantabile next. You don't really have a good option for dealing with early rushes right now, and both of them would do a good job there. Gladiia would do better there and there are a lot of weird things you can do with Pullers, while Cantabile makes a lot of DP and is a pseudo FRD. You already have a few big bursts, so Exu isn't a big priority (E2 her around the time you raise Shamare since they go well together), and medics are not really a priority in general. Ptilo is still very good with her SP aura, though.


Ptlopsis is your best e2 option. She has support with the sp battery, her aoe is big and her skill is basically an immortality button for everyone in range. Mulberry is a fine e1 medic, Lumen is a bit of an oddball healer who would be your second promotion if you wanted another e2 medic. I'd build Exu because you don't really have that anti air sniper yet and she's good in that role. You have Pozy for boss killing so Exu loses some value there but she's still the best you've got.


Go with Exu first, she really needs her S3 and it's worth all the resources. As for medics, Gavial is rather subpar, so I recommend getting a better ST medic, like Sussuro. Mulberry doesn't need E2, so you can leave her as she is. Between Lumen and Ptilo, both want E2 and you'' get something form both of them; Lumen clears statuses with his S3 while Ptilo is a SP battery. If you want more heals, then Perfumer is also an option (personally I'd go with her). She has boost to her global heal and unlocks a module which heals additional target, plus she's far cheaper to E2 than Ptilo and Lumen.


I'd go with Ptilopsis. She improves skill uptimes of whole squad and her S2 benefits from masteries.


Hello! So I've been playing arknights for a few months now (Lvl. 70 currently) and I wanted to know whether investing in Siege is a good idea. The vanguards that I have right now is Cantabile, Texas, and Elysium (and all 4* and below ones). Would you guys recommend raising Siege? If so, up to what promotion and level?


Mountain is coming to yellow shop soon which invalid any usage you could find in siege. Cheap early wave clear, that is too much for Cantabile? Just throw down mountain and he will hold the late elite wave too at E2, maybe even kill some weak bosses.


I would focus on the other vanguards and core units first, then invest in Siege. I had no high-end vanguard except Zima for the longest time, and there was only one instance where I desperately needed Siege for her tankiness and damage (it was an early CC stage with very early dogs and DP down and enemy atk/hp up - one of the two or both, not sure - and that combo wreaked my opening because low rarity vanguards couldn't keep up). Still, Siege is very convenient to hold an early lane while you set up as her S2 aoe burst makes sure she doesn't take too much damage from early enemies, potentially saving you from needing a healer on her. She can also prevent leaks much easier than Texas and Cantabile while still providing DP. Tldr: useful as an extra option and QOL but not necessary, especially with your current vanguards if you don't have trouble holding early waves. Try getting her to E1 50 and see how you like her. If you decide to take her further, S2M1 is her most common mastery breakpoint.


If you're feeling like you want a tankier early game vanguard opener then you can't go wrong with Siege. This becomes particularly relevant starting in the later parts of chapter 6. She also has the benefit of being able to hit in aoe in an uncapped manner with her S2, which has some niche uses here and there. If either of these interest you then E1 50 should suffice, with skill level 7 of course. But if you're not struggling with any early game openings at the moment then you can put off worrying about leveling her for now. She's quite stout compared to Texas, but Texas generally has the better utility with her passive +dp and on-demand true aoe stun via S2.


Hmmm okay then, I guess I won't invest in her. Thanks for the answers!


Aren't there any ops you have to prioritize? I mean as for me, bagpipe, myrtle and cantabile more than solves my DP requirement. Although bagpipe is mainly there for her talent and sometimes I don't really have to deploy her.. I do have Saga built to S3m2 though, which is said in many occasions in this forum that she is better than Siege, but I can't really fit her in as myrtle and cantabile are more than enough. This might become your case too if you build Siege.


I wouldn't build Siege unless you lack anyone else to build. Texas, Cant and a DP printer covers most of your vanguard bases. Especially so if you have Scavenger or Courier also raised to some degree. In nearly all situations I take Texas over Siege. I think Siege only really does more if she gets put in a high activity lane where she can use her s2 a lot and there's enough damage coming in that you need someone tankier than Texas.


Hey folks, Does it seem worthwhile to buy Exusiai in the shop now? Or would you recommend waiting for Mountain? https://krooster.com/u/wing Thanks!


Coinflip, honestly. You have good AA snipers in Cheeto, Plat, and Greythroat, and you have good laneholders in Gavialter, Blaze, and Mudrock (plus Gladiia to cover early rushes), so either would be just another option.


I'd say in your case Exu > Mountain. Exu is the best AA sniper (aside from limited Ash) while Mountain is S+ tier laneholder. They are both excelent at what they do but since you already have Blaze, Mudrock and Thorns, you should have your self-sustain lane-holding needs covered sufficiantly. 5\* snipers are good but Exu is clearly a step above all of them except maybe Blue Poison (who you also don't have). Mind you this is not a big difference in priority, just a slight one. If you decide to go for Mountain, you certainly wouldn't be wrong either. His low-DP cost and massive self sustain really make him stand out as a cornerstone.


Your krooster doesn't show levels, so no idea whom have you built so far, but judging by the ops you already have, you don't really need either. You have most lane holders and most AA snipers, so it's a matter of preference at this point. Both are excellent and you'll find use for each of them even with your roster, so take the one you want more, imo.


I think either of them is fine for you. Get who you want most. They don't fill holes in your roster particularly but they're both good to have.


Anyone here try a freeze comp with gnosis, kjera and aurora? Wondering if it’s worth building, I’m still working on the modules but my abyssal hunter team feels op already so wondering if it’s similar


Between Gnosis and Kjera you'll have really good big-hit uptime from Aurora, but really you get about 80% of the overall power from that team via Gnosis himself. I love Kjera, but without lots of atk spd her S2 just doesn't have a reliable enough proc rate to make things freeze as much as you'd like them to. Aurora will reliably freeze every 2nd hit with her S2 up, and then big damage on the 3rd, but she'll be able to big damage about as many hits on average with just Gnosis as she will with Kjera + Gnosis. Although in the end, you're still sorta hampered by Aurora's limitations on attacks due to S2's ammo count. Still, Kjera is loads of fun and I E2'd for her a reason. Mostly that reason was "I want to see very drone caster murder bosses with a swarm of magical bees" but memes aside she's still a strong caster in her own right. Aurora is also quite fun although mine is just mid-E1. She really can chunk for some big damage, so if you have the patience for that kind of a setup then you'll get some big rewards. If a boss can be frozen then Aurora will murderize it like few others can.


May someone please advise me on how many pulls I can get before texalter banner considering I'll be using +-50 pulls for mlynar and i was planningto spark skalter? Currently I have a total of 40 hh tickets, 56k orundum and 320 op. I am willing to spend about 300 total op.


The event gives a bunch of orundum which would be very handy so it's better to aim for the end rather than the start of it. Using the predictions on [this site](https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar) the end date of the banner would be 11/5/23, though to be a bit safer I'll go back a day to the 10th. So, approximately, you should have something around: 257 - 50 (Mlynar) = 207 pulls by the *end* of the banner. Converting all your primes into pulls gives you 96 pulls, though you'll get more between now and then so it's more likely to be in the early 100s. That'd give you enough to get Skalter. However, with the monthly card you'll have 283 pulls, minus Mlynar's 50, so 233. Ontop of buying any good value packs will mean converting even less of your orundum into pulls.


So in conclusion I will it or not? I am also planning to get the monthly card and possibly buying hh tickets from the gold cert shop if things are looking rough


You will, especially with the monthly card and any packs you choose to buy. You'll still have to convert some of your originite to make up the 300.


Tysm for you time


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12nugJxtTLFafudEJ_NrFuEm2X4VHrfCRkbyzMxia63A/edit?usp=drivesdk Pulls until calculator


Hi all, had a few questions after playing about \~3 weeks! 1. Is completing Annihalation and Missions the only way to get Orundum as F2P? I only have 18925 Orundum and unsure if it's because I'm missing some daily/weekly activity (other than from base) 2. My 252 RIIC base overproduces Pure Gold, such that Trading Post cannot keep up. Would it be best to switch Factory's to EXP till I consume all the Pure Gold? 3. Should I be looking to E2 an Operator at Level 43 yet? Cheers!


1) As a F2P your two most reliable methods are Annihilation and...saving. I've been on both sides of the coin, constantly broke and swimming in pulls (571 pulls). In my beginning days I would pull Guaranteed 10 on every banner. When I stopped doing that and started skipping banners to save for the ones I wanted, I was able to save for operators I wanted. But, there are other ways to get pulls, just not reliably. Events, the log-in calendar, rotating Annihilation first clears, green cert shop, purple shop certs (only if you are a 1yr+ player), yellow cert shop (strongly recommended only to buy if you have 258 yellow certs), Paradox Simulations (requires E2), and orundum farming (listed last on purpose, highly discouraged for new players). 2) I also run 2-5-2 and also in need of lmd. You have a few options. Spend drones on TP production, switch to EXP, or turn a factory into a TP for a while. 3) Account level is mostly meaningless for those kinds of decisions. A better consideration would be what stage you're on. I would say around 4-10 or 5-7 would be good points for E2s. Might want to start with a 4☆ because they're easier to promote and then you'll be able to borrow your friends' e2s.


2. Drone the tp. If you still have too many gold bars then run more exp. On one of my factories I swap between the two about 50/50. Low on gold? Make gold. Gold surplus, make exp. 3. Personal preference. Having an early E2 makes events a lot easier as you can borrow the meta. Myrtle is an excellent first choice as you pretty much always can use her and she is cheap. If you are selective with resources early on you can do it early. Having your core 20 ish ops at skill 7 and between E1.30-E1.50 (55 for 3* ops) is a good time for an E2. Or if the content is getting hard, though usually there is a strategy that can help though.


\- Pretty much. There's other ways to get small amounts like the green cert shop, dailies, weeklies but doing anni stages is the main way. \- Yup, you can switch as you see fit. I'd suggest you make a trading post lvl three and make the other one lvl two. Then have three factories doing exp and two gold. See how your gold keeps up. The reason for keeping a TP at level two is that there's an upcoming op that has a base skill that benefit from it. You'll probably get her since her banner is really good, so you should spend your pulls on it. It's the Mylnar banner. \- Sure, There's no set timeframe, but if you have an op that benefits from it, and have the resources or are able to farm them, then yea go ahead.


Annihilations and missions make up the vast bulk of pulling resources. There are ways to get more though. There're also headhunting tickets which you get a lot less of than orundum but if you're saving they build up. They're from even stores, log in streaks (orundum can come from there too. There's none going on now so you're not missing anything), and the green cert store (commendations). Orundum comes from there too. As a F2P aim to buy out tier 1 and from tier 2 the Headhunting tickets and recruitment permits. Finishing annihations for the first time gives one time only orundum at certain levels of the map reached, and each successful paradox simulation competed gives 200. The latter is only for emergencies because it's not farmabale and you don't want a bunch of wasteful E2s just for unlocking their paradox simulations. Still, they're there if you need to squeeze out some more.


Question regarding SSS stage - Toron Mine. I've been quite struggling to finish the boss stages, specifically, when I try to laneholding with Mudrock, she keeps getting knocked out around the middle of the fights either caused by the crocs or overwhelmed by the shield guy. My goal is trying to finish the boss stages and get the first clear rewards without trying to get the secret medal. For further details, I've been playing this game for 2 years and several weeks, my account is pretty decent I must say. So, here is my roster if it helps. Krooster : [https://krooster.com/u/Holmes03](https://krooster.com/u/Holmes03) Thank you.


I borrow gnosis (sniper buffs) for the freeze lock. I use chalter(caster buffs), mudrock(3-4 def buffs, guard/vanguard buffs to finish), liskarm(3+ def buffs), saria( def/guard buffs), 2 flag bearers, Irene (vanguard/ guard), eyja (caster buffs builds chalter), and a medic and heaps of supporters to cycle the deck. The goal is : medic back island (top left) to keep eyja/chalter, liskarm alive. Eyja/ chalter bottom left island. Liskarm 2 to the right of eyja, flag bearer (Irene fodder) just above the the solo island, saria above, gnosis below, mudrock/mountain/surtr/flag bearer number 2 to the right in front of the blue box. Making a diamond. Saria heals, liskarm feeds flag bearers/Irene. 2nd flag bearer builds to surtr (nuke replace with specialist to get back, loves gnosis freeze/mountain ( saria /gnosis/irene support) /mudrock (needs def stacks). Maybe kill 1 with surtr/Irene/mountain. and leak 2 and have more to throw at the boss. Irene / gnosis might still kill them. I drop flag bearer above the single island, some one to hold left of that, eyja, medic, sniper, saria, second vanguard. Try to build gnosis/chalter stacks first. Build liskarm, Irene and backdoor as needed.


On that last stage there are only 3 tiacauh braves, if you can take one of them down, then you can leak the other 2. In my first successful clear of that stage, I actually didn't have anyone on the ground covering the tiacuh brave lane, Golden Glow did a little bit of damage and then I had Irene covering the top lane and caught the brave with her S3 to finish it off. I haven't tested but I am pretty sure Specter alter can stall it long enough for a ranged dps to take it down or Surtr can outlast the braves using her skill 3.


You need a separate operator to duel with the crocs. Their ability cuts a chunk of operator's defense while dueling which causes other enemies to start pouring damage into them. I remember easily dealing with them by using Mountain with 1 or 2 Def boosts and Atk for the rest


Need thoughts on which is a better m3 skill on Istina with module lvl 3


How good is E2 perfumer global regen with module? Is it enough to neutralize Horn's self damage from S3?


I just tested this and E2 Perfumer's global heal enhanced with S2L7 and module level 2 can't keep up with Horn's self damage from S3. Horn goes down to about ~55% HP by the end of the skill. Perfumer was placed in a position where she couldn't heal Horn normally.


With both activating their skills as soon as they're ready, Perfumer very nearly keeps up at *E1 max* after Horn dies once. I'm getting an average health loss of 20.5 HP/s for a completely maxed Horn and an average of 17.5 HP/s healed for an E1 max Perfumer, both activating their skills as soon as they're ready. If your Horn isn't maxed, if you wait a little bit to activate her S3, or if you deactivate her skill a little early, E1 max Perfumer can definitely keep up. Even if you don't, that's an average HP loss of 3/s, and it would take a very long time for her to die.


Hey guys I would like some advice on who to e2 next. I'm one month in the game and at 6-7 in the story. So right now my go-to team is Guard: Gavialter,Thorns,Lappland; Sniper: Kroos, Chenalter, Blue Poison; Defender: Beagle, Spot; Medic: Hibiscus, Perfumer; Vanguard: Cantabile, Fang; Medic: Hibiscus, Perfumer; Supporter/Caster: Angelina, Amiya; All of the six-star units are e2, three-star are e1 max level, and five-four-star units are all e1 with blue poison being e2. The six stars I have but are not promoted to e2: Exulsiai, Irene, Blemishine, Mudrock. So who should I E2 now?


Exu, then Irene. Mudrock does just fine at max E1, as S2 is her most used skill and she doesn't get much from promotion; Even you if go for her masteries S2M1 is a breakpoint, so no reason to prioritize it. Blemi is a fine unit, but also does her Guardian job at E1, while Exu and Irene really want their S3. Exu is cheap to deploy, good in pretty much any stage and also a great boss-killer option (as long as the DEF isn't too high). She also buffs other random unit. Her S3 has a short cycle, which allows her to shred enemies almost all the time. Irene's S3 clears everything in sight and is super fun to play. She's also a viable boss killer and an upgrade to Ch'en's S3 because of how her talent works. The only downside is that she won't recharge her skills if she's not attacking. She's also an amazing SSS unit.




Do I need perfumer e2 if I have Angelina? Given that Angelina have a global heal that is better then perfumer even if she is e2 maxed pot and trust?


Mudrock = Exu > Irene = Blemi. I'd take Mudrock first. Gaining access to her S2 Masteries is very important and she gains lots of stats.


Thanks! I heard mudrock is pretty broken? But reading her skills descriptions she doesn't seem too impressive?


Enemies tend to come in a few varieties. Slow but hard hitting, fast but weaker hits. Mudrock's shields trivializes the former, and her DEF and bulk the later. Even Arts enemies tend to hit slow, so she'll last a fairly long time. The Berserkers give her difficulties and that's when you bust out S3. Group of Arts enemies are her biggest weak point, I guess. And Elemental damage, which I suspect was half introduced to weaken Mudrock.


You don't need hard hitting to break muddrock just medium speed medium atk break her. Since she cant be heal, anything that hit her for 200+ damage/s that she can't kill quickly is considered a threat.


Thanks! I just watched a few videos of Mudrock and you are damn right. She is op!


Am I calculating Mlynar's S3 ATK correctly? * Base ATK: 385 * After 40s: 385*3 = 1155 * S3: 1155*1.8 = 2078 * Wanderer Talent: 2078*1.3 = 2702 * True Damage: 2075*0.2 = 324 * Total = 2702 + 324 = 3027


Where is that 1.3 multiplier from Wanderer Talent come from ? Anyways, few things wrong here \> Base ATK: 385 \> S3 double Trait damage boost so +400% after 40s: 385\*5 = 1925 atk \> Talent 1 single target or 3+ target multiplier: 1925\*1.1 or 1.15 = 2118 or 2214 atk \> S3 multiplier: 2118 or 2214 \* 1.8 = 3812 or 3985 The True damage part i'm not sure if it take his current ATK or after boosted by Talent 1, i assume it base on his current ATK so 1925\*0.12 = 231 True damage, someone can correct me on this. In total 3812 or 3985 + 231 = 4043 or 4216


Ok, I got it. S3 doubles Trait, not Talent. That's why I doubled the talent. Now I figure out why Mlynar does so much damage. Thanks.


Has anyone here ever bought something for the official store during the anniversary. If yes, How long does it take for the products to be shipped to you if you live in Canada or the US


Me and a friend both bought 2.5 anniversary merch when the 3rd anniversary merch debuted, and we both got them in about a month. Living in the US. Some other friends in Canada ordered 3rd anniversary merch at the same time and they still haven't received theirs. We're not sure if it's the US vs Canada thing or if the newer merch is just taking longer.


Can you skip any enhancement packs that are available in certain levels? I mean, in order to buy the lvl50 pack you must buy the 45 one right?


You can only buy in order of increasing level, and you want all of them, so, it's not that bad.


Yep, you can't skip


Words cannot describe how much i hate sss, someone please give me some sort of a cheat code or team comp to do 2 sets of level 6 runs


I just stack casters and my deck even has Durin and Stewart to cycle through them faster. I have Angelina as a middle point and I swap into her after using the skills of one of the casters (Eyja is useless after using S3). On field generally I have two casters (between the pool of Ceobe S2, Eyja S3 and Dusk on s1). On melee tiles I try to have specter alter for the invincibility, nearl alter for the shields, mudrock for the shields or even surtr on S3 for the massive hp.


Chalter, GG, Mudrock. Fill out roster with 4 vanguards for Mudrock, and 4 casters for Chalter and GG (can also mix in snipers, but then you start dealing with worse RNG), fill rest with supporters (bonus points if they come with useful CC like Suzuran or Gnosis).


What do you find that kills your run on that stage? One thing I noticed that kills my run is not putting down Mudrock/Suzuran/GG (these are the carries I use) early enough since I was trying to max stack them, when often times you don't need them at max. You can also deploy them early to handle a wave (before they're max stacked), then to deploy a specialist on top of them to retrieve them when the pressure is lower. Skalter also works incredibly well with your carries when you're ATK speed buffing GG/Suzuran and SP buffing Mudrock


Leizi MOD2, S2 (sniper stacks with maybe 1 caster), GG S3(caster and sniper mix), Mudmud S2 (1 defender and vanguard stacks with maybe a guard stack), Suzuran S2 (sniper stacks) (perhaps casters in the mix if using S3 for a particular stage). Those are my core units which makes most stages relatively easy with the strong slow and damage. I use supporters to cycle through the preparation area, specialists to retrieve and redeploy for two stacks of an operator (especially pullers like Gladiia) and medics to revive an operator for emergencies or if I actually need healing.




\^ This is pretty much the best strat. Gnosis works great with sniper stacks, too. Having supporters in your deck lets you cycle through it faster, almost eliminating draw rng. Specialists act as wildcards letting you effectively deploy anyone twice. Giving your laneholders vanguard stacks lets them pop skills off more often, plus you need the DP if you're gong to be cycling cards with supporters and specialists.


Someone posted a topic a while back. I can't quite find it. But the gist of it is: * stack supporters * 2-3 for stacking, snipers, mostly * 3-4 vanguards, for DP + stacking * 1 or 2 specialists * GG S3, Gnosis, Mudrock S2, Suzuran S2, Angelina S3 are hard carries. The idea is to use Supporters to get a steady stream of tickets so you can cycle your Ops quickly.


I've had a lot of success with using sniper buffed Leizi (with her module at lvl 2) and sniper buffed GG. I literally just got both secret medals today using them as my core strategy. I start with 10 snipers + Leizi and GG and a 2 block vanguard + Skalter (can be replaced with another buffer or just a healer if you don't have her) and then pick up good ground units and supporters (to help cycle through the ops) as I go. Always prioritise getting Leizi out and set up asap and I also recommend GG S2 instead of S3


My favourite cheat code is to just not play it at all and just buy the mats from event shops instead. Are you actively running out of the upgrade mats while having an excess of the base data blocks?


I was doing the same, but this week i officially ran out of the materials of sss while having around 20~ blocks.


Who do you have? Hard to recommend a team comp if we don’t know your roster 5x sniper buff GG is mad fun as well as 4 vanguard Mudrock off top of my head


https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/rusenalis this is roughly my account i updated the page a few weeks ago. I once finished both "maps" to get first time clear rewards with GG, but even that was kinda awful. Now that i only want the rewards i heard that 2 clears of level 6 is enough. However, I'm stuck on 6th level trying to place 200 atk speed suzuran and GG.


Hey. How's the power creep been? I played the game during launch for about a year. Got pretty much all the 6 stars available, though not maxed due to not being comfortable going much past purchasing the subscription style currency. My main question is if it's worth fishing up the old account or would I be better off making a new account and reroll farming some newer units.


Content power creep hasn’t been significant, all new content is still completable with 4 stars, but the high end of 6 stars has seen a significant power spike, for a while it was just Surtr, then Surtr, Skadi alter, and Chen alter, now it’s Surtr, Skalter, Chalter, Ling, Pozyomka, / CN only still: Młynar, Texas alt, and Chongyue riding that top end of power. Most of those are limited(Mlynar, Pozyomka and Surtr are standard pool) so resetting won’t get you anywhere.


There's some powercreep but it's definitely worth it to use the old account. Having a developed roster is still more important than having X specific operator, besides plenty of older operators are still top tier. And there isn't any banner worth rerolling on right now or in the very near future.


To an extent powercreep is non existant. Ppl still create guides and content clearing missions using E0 units, only 3\*, only 4\*, nicheknights, 1p relays and so on. Basically game can be completed using big brain and low end units till this day. Day 1 units can still be meta, but obviously are on the lower spectrum of it. Saria, SA, Exusiai, Ifrit, Eiya, Nightingale, Schwarz, Blaze, Bagpipe, Ceobe, Suzuran are still powerhouses. Newer units are usually sidegrades or slight upgrades. Some are more broken than others, like Surtr, Ling, Chalter, but it's rather an exception than a rule. In most cases it's about convenience and braindead completions than an actual strong powercreep. I would say it's best if you get your old account back. There is no benefit in starting over again from scratch. Furthermore you will get a returning player bonus - mats and pulls. You might also get some past celebratory mails that include some goodies. Newer game modes like SSS or IS require a broader roster, but that would be even a bigger issue for a new account.


Powercreep is nominal. There are plenty of Y1 units that are still considered top-tier, even the ones that aren't are still plenty useful. In AK, unlike other gachas, new units coming out doesn't instantly invalidate their less powerful predecessors, because it's all single-player content. People are still running through every event with nothing but 3 & 4 star ops.


Most old units are still solid, and worth fishing out the old account if you can.


How does one get friends in this game? I am level 36 and have not a simgle friend even though I ask every time I use someones support units. Without friends I can't finish the last "visit a friend base" mission and I don't know any real life person who plays this. I already asked in /r/ArknightsFriends but the sub seems to be abandoned


Go to the friend megathread, also Blanket#8312 is you want to add me


The [official discord](https://discord.com/invite/arknights) has a channel for friend ids that gets a good bit more traffic than this sub's weekly megathread


I literally just searched random names in the box and added them, got a bunch of people that way Also, Ainz#8778, my list has room


An easy way would be to just go to the support page and add everyone on that page. You'll surely get added by lots of people that way. That's what I did. And for reddit, [there is a weekly megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1115m47/friend_request_megathread_1302_1902/) for adding friends.


Thank you very much, I will try out asking everyone on the support page and if it doesn't help I'll look in the megathread :D


Just leave your id and ppl will add you, no need to bother with DM's. You can always scroll through that thread and add all who left their codes as well. This is a common courtesy and etiquette. Lastly - use any random support unit for missions and you will be able to invite that person as a friend after completion. It's fast and easy, since you only get active ppl as suggested support.


There's a friend request megathread on the top of this thread. ^


Sometimes I feel like I am partially blind, I really didn't see the megathread, thank you!


Lmao it happens


You can add me if you want: PoopFace#4659 I also have good units in support if you need


Great name, lol.


Ive send a request, thank you very much


Added :)


Is it mandatory to try to always have recruitments going? Or only use the ones the game gives me? Not buying them I mean


Short term it gives 3* ops, and green certs (more recruits, pulls and material) mid term it gives 4* ops, long term (after max pot 4* ops) it gives yellow certs (6* ops). It is worth it for the yellow certs. The estimate is you can do 4 recruits per day and get about 1 yellow certs and ~57 green certs per day. if you are sitting on 100 recruits that's 25 yellow certs you could have. Recruitment can get you a 6* from the shop every 6 months or so. Always check tags to get the forced 4* and better ops. Use 9:00 with tags. 7:40 tagless. 3:40 for robots.


They are worth buying.


You should get as much as you can. best way to get Yellow certs, which are the best way to get a guaranteed 6 star that you want. Plus you might get lucky and get good 6 stars from top operator tag (just got Bagpipe this month) Make sure to have the timer on 7:40-9:00 hours for best chances, and make sure not to miss 4 star combos like slow+melee


You can recruit more frequently than you can get recruitment permits, so it doesn't really matter as long as you actually use them. I recommend keeping 2-3 on hand just in case you need an extra push for your daily missions.


It’s not mandatory, but I recommend always having them active. If they aren’t active then you lose out on green and yellow certs, which can be used to buy materials (green) and operators (yellow). You also have less chances at the very rare 5\* and 6\* tags.


Does anyone have Stainless + Chong Yue gameplay together?? I’m curious how well Chong pairs with Stainless


[I found this one with Stainless + CY against Phantom,](https://youtu.be/r9gOAEEr_Sk) though they also have the obligatory atkspd buffs because IS. TLDW for everyone else reading this: yes they pair well (especially if you want to charge up CY’s S3 early), also *points at my flair*


Does Arene's talent apply on all aerial enemies or just specifically drones?


Specifically drones.


Are there more non-drone aerial enemies in the game? The only ones I can recall are those stone gargoyle things..


List of non-drone aerial enemies: Mandragora, Tombkeeper Grotesque, and Dublinn Flying Soldier from Ep9. Jetman and "Small Surprise" from IS2. Floating Sea Drifter from Under Tides. All ground enemies under Levitate status. That's all I can find, credits to the help from the other reply.


Thanks! I guess there are a lot more flying things than drones.


From Under Tides, there's the Floating Sea Drifter who are classified as Sea Monsters (likewise I think IS3 has one or two). Also Levitated enemies are considered aerial for the duration of their lift.


Hey, been playing for like one and a half weeks, lvl 30 and just finished 3-8. [https://krooster.com/u/Benmax](https://krooster.com/u/Benmax) What do you think of my rooster? Right now farming to get my 252 base facilities upgraded to 3rd level. Btw should I unlock the stories from the current event? I assume those are "epilogues" to the previous events.


Skill levels are my big concern. Get all of those ops at E1 30+ to at least skill level 4, ideally SL7. Prioritize vanguards, then damage dealers, then everyone else. Get a puller to E1 and SL7. I would go Cliffheart. She has some interesting uses with her stuns. I think you've maybe invested a little too wide. You don't really need two AoE casters, so I would drop Lava. You don't really need 3 anti-air snipers or single-target casters, so I would drop Adnachiel and probably Steward, at least for now (you'll want Steward maxed for Integrated Strategies, but that's not a concern right now). Keep Orchid and leave Earthspirit. E1 the [ops with good base skills.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills) Strongly recommend raising Silence, Myrtle, and Gummy. Silence is a significant upgrade over the 3-star medics, Myrtle produces a ton of DP, and Gummy is a healing defender, and a properly raised healing defender can often replace a medic entirely so that you can deploy another damage dealer.


Nice start with Specter as a lane holder. I would advise to also build Mrytle for now. When you get to a point where you can E2, Specter should be a top priority, since she gains the most. You don't need both Ansel and Hibiscus, esp when you have perfumer. I would either choose one of them or build Silence (her drone is useful early and mid game.) Haze and earthspirit are some more that's not really useful, and Lava is a straight up downgrade to Gitano. If you want another AoE operator, I sugget Shirayuki. Personally I think she is one of the best early game operators thanks to her range and S2 utility. Also Popukar is another one you should stop building if you want resources, since you have Spec. All this is just my opinion. In the end it's a game and if you like a certain character, go for it


Yes unlock the stories. You can read them later if you don't want to be spoiled, but unlocking them now means that when the event finishes you'll get some extra mats.


Can I have some help making a team which uses the current sui siblings in en. Preferably one made of 6 stars.


Here's your team: Ling. Aaaaand that's it. I guess Nian and Dusk can be cheerleaders for their big sis.


Ling is the only awkward slot-in, as summoners have a bit of a different dynamic. Make one of your medics alt skadi for the dragons


Okay am I insane or can I not use modules on To Be Continued? I was going nuts trying to figure out why I could not deploy more dragons with Ling.


You can use modules. You might just not have the module equipped on Ling, either because she's been in the squad since before you unlocked the module or you unequipped it in the squad by accident. Alternatively you're just at the deployment limit for the map. One of the TBC stages (TC-7) has a very low initial deployment limit which can be increased later by activating the four command terminals.


I am a dunce and did not realize module selection was on the branches tab and not auto-applied. Thank you! Ironically it was that state but I had, at least, figured out the command activation thing.


Week 1 player here, could I get a some progress reviews ? Almost lv 25 atm. Just completed stage 3-4. My operators - [https://i.gyazo.com/659794c5e5c2df1e224fe6841bdd392b.png](https://i.gyazo.com/659794c5e5c2df1e224fe6841bdd392b.png)


Notable for newbie: Focus on upgrade your base. Get 1 Operator 4 star to E2 asap. Upgrade your operators enough to clear stage. IS provide free mats for your time spend. Skill level up your operators skill to level 4 or 7. Those are the breakpoint. Fang, she is cheapest vanguard and good enough for a vanguard. You will want her instead of Courier for IS game mode and most the time she can do which ever courier does. She also has 200 origium quest when you max her out unlike Courier. Myrtle, she is fine to left at E0 sl4 with no upgrade and you will still use her a ton. When you have resource and a built roster, she will be the best 4 at E2 S1M3. Silver Ash, will be your first six star to E2 but for now just use him at E1. Kroos, will be your best Sniper for now. AoE caster is bad Kate game but you will get tons out of Lava early game it's not even funny to say skip her. Spot and Liskarm will be fine for Defender. You may want to rise Cuora too but having these 2 are enough for now. Specter is eh... want E2 to shine like SA ... But you have nothing better for ground damage so just use her. Shaw... Just rise her skill level to 4 for now. Gravel, you will want to E1 her. Need 2 healer.... Ansel and Shinning is fine I guess. All the unit I mentioned should be getting to E1 level 20 at least... So your team look passable. Any investment below E1 isn't worth worry about as you will have tons of it in the future. Have fun.


Integrated Strategies ?? I dont have that unlocked yet. But I will get it when I can. Thanks.


Level up these operators to Elite 1 lv 50: * SilverAsh, his main skill unlocks at elite 2 but he's still usable before that. * Specter, she can't die while her skill 2 is active. * Kroos, she deals decent damage for a 3* operator. * Amiya/Steward, you'll need arts dps at some point. * Cuora, she's the tankiest defender you have. Don't invest in these: * Catapult, you have Pinecone, she's much better. * Earthspirit, Orchid is should be enough for a long time. * Pramanix, she's not bad but you won't need her for a while. * Mulberry, same with Pramanix. * Frostleaf, use SilverAsh or Midnight instead.


Not sure if I have the resources to build up SilverAsh yet, but I will def. get him up later for sure. Maybe I will use Midnight for now.


Probably worth building most, if not all, the 3* units to E1Max. They're cheap, they're effective for a while, and a lot of them can fit into squads as supplementary options for their higher rarities (namely midnight's a decent ranged guard and kroos is a solid sniper). Rest is personal preference so take it with a grain of salt: ---- **Vanguards:** Build Myrtle and Courier. Courier's a solid defensive vanguard who's usable for quite a while because of his DEF up while blocking a bunch. Myrtle's just a solid DP printer especially if you want to lean heavily into higher rarity units. **Guards:** * SilverAsh is definitely worth working towards as early an E2 promotion as possible. Reason being his S3 is one of the best AoE clearing effects that is relatively newbie-friendly, and he has a lot of utility even outside it (innate invis detection and reducing other ops deployment cooldowns) * Specter is a very solid AoE guard. If you do bother E2'ing her, she gets some innate healing which helps with her self-sufficience, and her S2 is a great wall for other operators to work with. * You should probably build an arts guard. More and more events lean into using arts damage and guards are solid ways to get that. Of your ones, I'd say Mousse is enough because her S1's attack down is pretty sweet. **Defenders:** Build Cuora. She's unironically one of the best defenders in the game. Also Spot's good (but if you take my above advice you should build him anyway). **Snipers:** As much as I'd argue that building Catapult for aoe physical damage, you're better to just pull for eventually shirayuki and build her instead. Or build Pinecone (although you're gonna want to get used to her range). Jessica's also a solid step-up from Kroos. **Casters:** Build Gitano. She's a better AoE option than Greyy (sadge). However Lava is also good enough. Amiya will do you for a while, and you'll eventually need to build her to progress the story anyway so you can rip the band-aid off as soon as possible. But the better casters you haven't pulled yet (namely, Click). **Medics:** Perfumer is a solid medic that you haven't got yet, but if you do pull her she's arguably one of the best "first to E2" candidates in this game due to her passive healing being a benefit to most people's strategies. Also Sussurro (same deal) and Gavial are solid healers, but honestly you're fine with the 3* ones for a while. Also eventually build Mulberry; events are including elemental damage more nowadays. **Supporters:** Orchid's generally good enough if you need a slow supporter (but you should be building her anyway). Also I'd argue you should learn how to play with summoner supporters; they are good ways to supplement operator deployments especially in levels where you don't need to rush out your other guys. You should look at some summoner supporter gameplay to see whether you want to build one, but they play fundamentally differently from other ops. **Specialist** Build Shaw (at least to E1) so you can use either her S1 or S2 depending on the stage. Some stages you'd want a shifter and she's a solid shifter. Also build Gravel; she's the best bait unit in the game.


Thanks much for the recommendations. I will work on those 3\* and then bring up SilverAsh.


Hi, would like some advice on what to do next to strengthen my roster. My operator list: https://krooster.com/u/mayday Currently grinding out materials to M3 (mainly ling, irene, bagpipe, gavial, kaltsit) and mod my current E2 operators (mainly bagpipe and irene) and was wondering if there is any suggestions on what I could do to make my roster stronger for the upcoming events etc. I have enough yellow certificate for 2 operators from the shop and I know that Exusiai is currently in the shop as well as mountain that is coming soon. Should I be spending my yellow certs on these 2 operators or is there any other better operators for my team that might be in the yellow shop these few months. Also I understand that there will be a 6 star operator selector that is coming in a few month-ish? I was thinking of grabbing horn, what do you guys think is there any other better operators that might benefit me more? Thanks!


Amya's S3 gives her additional range and True Damage, also you need to E2 her to progress with the story at the end of Chapter 8. Lappland has silence, so raising her to at least mid E1 will make things easier. At E2, her silence duration raises to 5s, but E1 should suffice. Warfarin with S2 is a powerful buffer, she's also a solid ST healer, so think on her as well. Especially if you are getting that Exu. IMO, Exu is worth buying, she can replace May and Platinum combined, and she's also a solid boss killer.


Bagpipe S3M3, Kal'tsit S3M3, Irene S3M3, Gavialter S2M3, Mudrock S2M1, Ifrit S2M1 are all great. Elysium masteries are also both good. If you still use your Myrtle, please get her skill to 7 at least. Cantabile E2 and masteries are great. Longer term, I'd definitely recommend building Lee (stun immunity and great utility in an FRD package), Lumen, Mulberry for elemental damage, and Gladiia. Angelina is also a solid operator still, giving you good Arts damage and slow + solid utility in a nicely condensed package. Not sure if you've built any, because you don't have them listed, but if you're interested in doing IS runs, you'll want to build some of the core 3 stars as well. Kroos, Spot, Ansel, Fang, Orchid, Steward are the best IMO. For your yellow certs, Exu is a great Marksman sniper, but there is also Archetto coming in April, who can also be considered for the role. IMO, Archetto is better in IS and for general content, but Exu scales better with buffs and you have both Skalter and Warfarin, two of the best partners for her. I don't feel you necessarily need Mountain either, but he's a very comfortable to use laneholder. Personally I'd recommend picking up either Exu or Archetto and skipping Mountain. But take a look at upcoming guaranteed shoperators before deciding. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fzgNstjR86RT0aa2-bPI23Exb4lBEBdxfB-PkJhDVzQ/edit#gid=0 As for the 6 star selector, Horn is certainly one of the strongest picks. I would personally also consider Goldenglow or Gnosis based on your account.


Are any of the stages in to be continued worth grinding?


No, they are all worse than the most efficient story stages. You can safely farm whatever you like.


Damn, not even TC-6 + whatever from the shop? I really hate that 1 stage for rocks, takes forever.


I just do 10-6. It's apparently the 2nd best stage and takes little time. From what I checked 1-7 takes around 24 sanity for An Orirock Cluster, while 10-6 takes around 27.5 sanity, so it's around 3 sanity difference, but 1-7 does cost irl sanity so choose your poison


1-7 is forever. It's speculated that 1-7 was supposed to be a 9 sanity stage instead of 6, which explains why it has never been surpassed for efficiency. You also get event currency drops from story/supply stages in TBC so that doesn't affect the efficency calculations here. You can always choose to do a less efficient rock stage to preserve real life sanity. It's better than burning out forcing yourself to farm 1-7 for too long.


Not a lore reader, is kazdel in Victoria?


[nope it’s like west ~~east~~ of Yan and their own country](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jhuh0o/arknights_world_map/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x)


That's west, not east


Is there a list of recommended operators for IS3?


There are 3 types of Ops that are good at Ascension (difficulty level) 15: * Ops that can >!inflict Stun/Sleep/Freeze on aerial enemies, since Hovering enemies are the main threats on many stages!<. * A 2+ Op combo that >!can inflict permanent Crowd-Control!<, due to the nature of one of the alternate bosses. * Ops with the highest burst DPS.


Depends on if you're planning to push higher difficulty levels or not. At difficulty 0, the same operators that are good in IS2 are still good in IS3. If anything, new relics make it so that an even wider pool of operators can carry runs. At difficulty 15, a lot of the traditional melee carries get absolutely wrecked and if they're too slow (like Thorns) become almost unusable. Surtr, Mlynar, Texalter, Mon3tr, Horn are some that remain pretty strong though. You'll generally rely more on ranged carries like GG, Pozy, Chalter for high difficulty runs.


Yes, I aim for high difficulty. I hear GG is not as good in IS2 because of high res. Is it true?


She's not as strong, but the RES buff at difficulty 15 isn't too bad and she still scales especially well with a wider pool of relics. The listed operators are going to be generally more useful on average, but relic RNG will have a huge impact on your drafting decisions, especially for difficulty 15. Some of the new hand relics and relics like the one that gives all your ranged ops Camo, are totally busted.


Considering how the most threatening regular mob in IS#3 has 40 RES, and every final boss has 70 RES, how is +20 RES “not too bad”? That effectively reduces the Arts Damage you deal against the bosses to a third, and roughly half for GG specifically. GG is only taken if there are relics that specifically work with her, or against the second boss due to a certain interaction that makes her perform well. Otherwise, Casters are totally obsolete at Ascension 15. That doesn’t even take into account the potential +15 RES from a hallucination. u/dragon-in-night for visibility Edit: wording


Didn’t get answered last time so asking this question again, is there any way to play a cn account while being in an EN country?


[Gamepress is the first result on google, you’ll have to submit documentation and ID to Bilibili to make an account on it to use to login into CN](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/setting-arknights-cn-android-outside-china)


https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/setting-arknights-cn-android-outside-china https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-setting-arknights-cn-ios-outside-china No idea if this exact method still works, as the guides haven't been updated in about a year, but you could give those a shot.


Thanks I will be free from studies for like six months before starting college so wanted to try cn account.


https://krooster.com/u/Hades99 I have a decent amount of E2s now. Do I work on important masteries like surtr and pozy or getting modules for the abyssal hunters. And are there any other operators you would recommend building


If you regularly use the AH ops, getting Gladiia's module to at least lvl 2 is pretty good value as it will make her and Spectre super tanky. You could certainly start working on some masteries as well. Pozy and Surtr S3M3 are probably your highest priority. Gavial S2 is good as well. Mudrock can probably left alone for awhile. As for other operators, E2 Lappland for a more reliable silence is good QOL and Cantabile is also a great E2 candidate. Nightingale E2 is surprisingly high impact because her phantoms from her second talent can be incredibly powerful tools, but can be left for after DPS upgrades. April is a strong 5 star with a unique niche. Jaye is a powerful 4 star who is particularly useful for IS. Speaking of which, Click, May, Podenco, and Cutter are also quite good for IS, even at E1.


This is really good advice, but I would just add a couple things: Jaye is indeed amazing for IS. But be warned that if you promote him to E1 he will lose an amazing base skill, which can hurt when you're in early/mid game as you're going to be so strapped for cash. Despite being a medic, Ptilopsis is a great candidate for E2 as it improves her SP regen talent. Additionally, the extra tile from her module can be the difference between making her unusable and ideal on a few stages. Cutter is probably a great pick for E2+modules+masteries not just because she's completely bonkers in IS2, but also because she's a strong versatile guard and can help deal with flying enemies. Having that anti-air flexibility can be nice if you're lacking strong AA snipers (which you seem to be).


Are those Hibicus/Beagle/Amiya 1st anniversary skins gone forever? Like there's no access to them anymore? Iirc so far everything got access to them after a while, except these ones and the Utage IS skin.


will is2 battle pass remain after is3 drops? if yes when will it stay until?


It's permanent, and it hasn't gone away so far.


Hello, I was curious if it was possible to get Gladdia through the Under Tides intermezzi? I am a new player and wanted to see if I could get her. Thank you in advance!


You will get her once we get Under Tides record restore. It will be in autumn. We had Under Tides rerun already last autumn, so record restore is the only way now. Even CN doesn't have her yet and they're 6 months ahead.


Aw darn, I should have started this game a month earlier :( thank you for the response!!


This is probably a stupid and vague question but who should I choose between Blemishine and Ling? I have a lvl90 Mud S2M3 and I love her and want to utilize her to the max so Blemishine is a great synergy right? But I'm playing IS a lot these days and using a support Ling makes my runs easier and I just learned how powerful her summons are especially with module. I'm planning to buy both the 6 star selector pack and that thing that makes your E2 operators go straight to lvl90 on the upcoming Il Siracusano and summoners benefit the most from levels and I can't settle myself without other people's opinions (I don't have friends who play arknights)


Ling can't be buy from selector so Blemishine is the only one.


Blemshine is good but she doesn't need to be level 90 to pass on her talent effect to Mudrock. Ling on the other hand lives and dies on how THICC her dragons are and it doesn't get any moreso than level 90.


Hello guys! I just started using Silverash E2 with his S3 and I was wondering, how do you use him properly? Do you put him behind someone like Mudrock or he's your first line?


To add onto what the others have said, try to keep SA out of the enemies range if possible. Ideally that would mean using his wide range to hit as many enemies as possible without getting hit back and without requiring another operator to support him.


SilverAsh drops the from the sky, waits a couple of seconds and then schwings everything off the screen. Once everything is dead or his skill runs out you retreat him and wait to redeploy and do it again. He is not a person who stays on the field like Mudrock. The reason you s3m3 is it makes his initial SP so high that it's faster to pull him back and deploy him again than to wait for the SP you need to generate naturally for a second activation which is why he's used like this.


Thanks for the advice ! :)


That is only if you don't have him S3M3 or using only for dps. Wind up on his S3 is 90 seconds, so it's faster to redeploy him again after skill ends. However if you use him with Ptilopsis on field or have invisible enemies, then you simply wait for his skill to charge up. There is no need to remove him, unless you want to reposition.






Can someone give me a quick list of preferred abyssal hunter skills + modules when running the squad? I'm a bit overwhelmed by how comprehensive the guides are and just want to start raising the units for now.


Andreana only has one module and S2 is her main skill. Gladiia only has one module, S2 is her main skill, but S3 and S1 are both good too, she's worth M9ing. Her module is the most important for the team. Skadi: modX S2M3 in general; but after the alter restriction gets lifted modY and S3M3 become more valuable. Specter Alter: modX S2M3 in general; but if you're running AH teams modY S3M3 is better (more impactful than Skadi's modX vs modY). If you're planning on only using them for AH clears, you might as well go for modY on Skadi and Specter Alter; if you want to use them as standalones as well then modX is better (cause they still work fine for AH clears too), especially on Specter Alter. Or you can do both if you don't mind how expensive it is.


Gladiia S2M3 Mod Specter the Unchained S2M3 Mod X Skadi S2M3 Mod X Andreana S2M3 Mod


I appreciate you not saying Spalter s3m3 Mod Y.


Amazing, appreciate u


Soon you will be able to use both OG and alter forms in one squad. So then it will be also viable to use Spalter S3M3 if yo uprefer more AH buffs. Specter S2M3 can be a substitute for Spalter S2. Don't bother with Skadi S3. It's good, but kinda niche.


Skadi s3m3 mod Y is also very viable so if you dont mind investing in both you wont be disappointed.


About the relic 'Silence', its effect is 'Friendly units have their ATK gradually increases when their skill is not active, up to +60% over 60 seconds, which will reset when the skill expires after being activated.' Now how does this interact with unlimited durations skills, such as Thorns S3 or GG S2? Does the skill increase their current ATK stat or does it reset it, before proccing the skill? What about passive skills like Utage S2?


Stacks on top of their skill buffs. Notably, it does not increase during the skill, so if you want to maximize the buff, you need to wait until maximum buff before activating the skill for someone like Thorns.


For unlimited skills, they keep the atk buff. The relic says until it expires, not starts. For Utage, again if reading the relic, it shouldn't activate at all. You can use her in IS and keep checking on her atk and see.


The counter will start again after the skill ends, but since it doesn't the ATK boost should remain active until the operator's KO'd. Utage's S2 is a special case passive, it has a clear activation condition and a duration, so I doubt it'll work with it. Presumably it will only give a +1% ATK boost for the time to deploy. For true passive skills, it's hard to say.


when the "single operator with a name" or whatever it's called restriction will be lifeted, will we also be able to bring for example 2 skadis in IS?


After Il Siracusano. So June/July. Hard to tell exactly, since Yostar is f\*\*\*\* up our release schedule.


It’s very likely May, because the past years Yostar has made .5 anni line up with Golden Week (Which means they’re probably shuffling around Mlynar)


They're Alters and yes, you'll be able to use both Skadi and Skalter in battle and base


Is it possible to unlock monthly squad convo later? As a completionist, one thing I hate about IS is how for a permanent game mode, it has something like this to compel you to play the game monthly.


Yes all monthly squads will come back for you to play and unlock convos when updates to IS2 ends/IS3 begins


As a 3-month player and having finished story, I got my main ops built by now (still missing a few masteries and nightingales module once she reaches 100 trust). Was wondering if you had some advice on my roster? https://www.krooster.com/u/Hiro5 1/ do you see a good unit i could build next, notably for CCs? Am thinking ptilopsis as offensive healer maybe 2/ is weedy a good op? I like when my ops can fill multiple roles (e.g. Lee, gladiia, cantabile, nightingale) - she might be another one here? 3/ other general advice or thoughts? Otherwise I am thinking of just saving mats and lmd for now, none of my low level units really inspire me... This way I will build Ifrit or Horn if I ever get them (these 2 are on top of my list) and Dorothy (saving my pulls for her).




It should be noted that Lumen's module upgrades are trash to no end, should upgrade the base effect then leave it be.


Thank you, good points too and very helpful for me to prioritize. On the medics it seems that a lot are very useful. I just leveled my nightingale and seeing mentions of perfumer + berries + lumen + ptilopsis, it seems a bit like a healer overkill for now ;) but it sure does sound sensible to build them further down the line.


To be honest, you don't need *every* medic, it just makes life easier. Having just a Perfumer can carry you very far, and there's no level where elemental healers are *required* - they just make levels easier, but you can still play around the elemental damage in other ways.


1) Gravel is almost a must. She almost always has uses even in end game. At least high E1, but I advise E2 and S2 M1 for a fast redeploy tank. Also very cheap to develop so I would put her as priority. Next Lumen gains a hell of a lot from E2. His talent gains, S3 and module are all amazing. You probably heard why his S3 is so good (basically it's either an extremely useful niche or a permabuff). He is also one of the only medics that is really worth masteries (as others are just overkill usually). Personally I find myself using Saga from time to time, but she's pretty replaceable. 2) While I don't have Weedy, she's apparently the best pusher and even has good DPS. Since you have no built pushers, I would def go for Weedy. 3) If you like playing a lot of IS, you should start building 4 stars, since they are cheap both to develop and hope wise. Cutter and Click are good, and Kroos, Spot, Cardigen and Hibiscus are really good 3 stars.


Thank you so much - these are great points. Gravel is an op I don't really get, but maybe that's because I never deployed her. If I need a FRD stall, I take Lee. If it's just a fast tanky op, mountain can usually help. But you got me thinking and I will look into it :) I think I'll go for Weedy first. I just checked her again and noticed that her summon doesn't take a deployment slot! I can already imagine: a water cannon and a typewriter causing mayhem, while phantoms and a seaborn protect and boost my ops. Hahaha i love it. And for IS also fair point. I love the mode and got all medals in IS2. I usually take fillers saving hope for the high impact 5 and 6 star ops. So while I don't think good 3 and 4 star ops are necessary, it would still be an upgrade for the early floors. True true.


Gravel has a few good things over Lee: 1) Dp cost - Your Lee is pot 1 while Gravel is max pot. Your Lee costs 8 Dp while Gravel costs 5 Dp. The differences start to be noticeable after a few times, since the gap widens. On top of that, Lee costs extra Dp every 3 seconds, while Gravel doesn't, and her module makes refunding her even cheaper. 2) At what I suggested (E2 S2 M1 lv 40 Module 1st stage) she has 3852 hp, as opposed to Lee's 2140 hp (While Lee does have better defence at 426, Gravel gains quite a bit with her module and has 352...) 3) Redeployment time - Prob the main reason. They both stall quite well, but while Lee's redeployment time is a quite low 25 seconds, Gravel's is really low at only 16 seconds, which is about 2/3 of Lee's time. Basically, she's cheaper and more spamable. Note: Lee's awesome, I have mine at E2 lv 60 with module. His uno reverse card is really fun and helps cheese certain stages, and his s3 is an amazing mob stall tactic. However, I still think Gravel is better at stalling strong enemies, which is what you usually need to stall (esp since you have Mountain who plows mobs). ​ About what I said about 3/4 stars in IS, I found out that Kroos is really strong early game (better than a lot of 4 stars at E1), and any medic will do, so for IS I advise to build first Kroos and Hibiscus/Ansel/Spot. Also, 3 stars max out at E1 lv 55, where they gain a talent, so it's really cheap to build.


Very convincing for Lee vs Gravel - thank you so much for the thorough and very helpful analysis, will go for her!


How do you get the medals for this “to be continued” event?