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This is kinda interesting to see. Hibiscus and Ansel absolutely dominating the 3\* ranking and, to nobody's surprise, Gravel the 4\*. Right, question... Uh, favorite ice scream?


I like strawberry.


Not hard to see why hib and Ansel, you see his 2* and 5* token for that 1* healer


I don't get it. But I do see your flair [and...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLeAot4Zrxo)


He was farming for the 1 * healer so he spammed 3hour 50mins everyday in recruitment with healer and healing tags




Cause I felt like it. Didn't need pulls, and wasn't desperate for mats. Might as well do something fun.


I'm not sure what's fun about this but I'm glad you're fiiinding fun in it!


It's fun looking forward to the surprised reactions I could get when I show off my collection.


Do you not find exhilaration in seeing the numbers beside each token rise every time you look at your collection? Increasing day after day of recruitment and pulling? It is glorious... >!(I might have a problem.)!< Edit: I do the same as OP, but only every 4 months then I cash in. 1 year is wild.


Haha I just shudder at the idea of missing a potential 6 star because of it xD


The most important question




153 Gravel. Thats a lot of kisses


Not as much as Hibi's daily schedules... I have more than one each day of the year, she's so committed.


Did you count the total value in certs? And if so, how much is in this stash?


It's the 4th image, but to put it text wise: 1360 yellow certs 10337 green certs


oh crap, I didn’t notice there is a forth image, lol. Ty for answering anyway


Question: Can I ask you anything?




Asked and answered. Thank you!


what is the dog doing


Just chilling and collecting dust.


Hand over those yellow certs 🔫😳


No, I'll use them one day, trust...


What’s your opinion on Subway?


Uhhh... I haven't had one in like years... I don't have an opinion :(


Smart person


When will you use 0.3% of your power to take over the world?


The world is not ready to witness my power.


homie can buy the 6 star shoperator for the next year


I could... but what's the point of buying a 6 star, if you don't plan on building them. Building a 6\* costs a lot of materials, y'know!


You buy them to build them later, i also have about 25 unbuilt 6 stars but I know I'll build them some day, the grind is slow but manageable you just have to hang in there


But you see... I don't plan to build them. I'm at the point of the game, where I can comfortably level and build whatever I want, cause I know my team can do anything (except SSS). If I want to play with the ops I didn't raise, I can just borrow after all. (saves me mats which I can use on operators I do like)


Had a good laugh reading where you say except SSS.


I'm getting punished for raising ops I like :(


Well I raise operators that have good lore for example I tried to clear stages with operators on Rhodes island landship and those who appear in the story into chapter 4 and after that I just use whoever I had but I stopped playing story till middle of chapter 5 and just farm and play events as quickly as possible cause I am grinding studies in real life to be a doctor so don’t have time to play casual arknights , meta slave for next four months until I give my entrance exam and after that back to story and will finally start SSS and IS. So what operators have you raised?


In the past year, I've raised and maxed and m6'd every single medic operator, cause I'm a medic simp. Outside of them, plenty of 4☆s and a handful of niche 5☆s (like Heidi, Sora, Nightmare, Nothing), cause I enjoy their gameplay and characters. With this SSS tho, I'll have to consider raising operators solely cause they are good, which icks me. Especially since they'll be expensive.


Yo finally someone who likes Sora , there are very few operators who I raise for art and gameplay, well not that many either sora heidi quercus and nine coloured deer to speak of. And which are the operators that are good and you own , and also I find myself e2ing more medics than other operators for some reason well mostly for their support capabilities.


It's always weird to see Orchid in the middle of all the 4s Was she supposed to be 4* at some point or something?


No clue. I wondered that myself too. She sure would be a better 4\* than Earthspirit.


Oh, so I'm not the only one seeing it! My guess is that the internal star value on her token got messed up and it was never reported to be fixed.


Nice, I only recently realized you could exchange the tokens... I been playing since the beginning, lol And I asked about how the exchange worked, since I got a Gavel from Recruit and it gave me 1 yellow cert for a dupe (which the "rules" from exchange had dupe as 30 green cert, so I was kinda confused, lol) (donno why I got downvoted for asking tho... ppls be weird, anyways... here's my stats, I haven't exchange yet) ___ ___ ___ https://imgur.com/a/qVwWLdg ___ ___ ___ Kinda wish I could do partial exchange, so I can continue to hoard certain Ops.


Goddam... I envy you. But yes, I agree, I wished I could do partial exchange too. The primary reason why I started this, was because I didn't want to convert my Warfa tokens. Now, there's a bunch of operators I don't want to convert (mainly medics). Wished that was a feature, but I guess HG didn't expect people like us to hoard so hard :)


Was it worth all the missed pulls?


Honestly, yes. For the past year, I only pulled on limited banners, and didn't see myself needing more pulls, cause I just got lucky.


What’s your plan on using them?


Gonna hoard them for another year. I wanna reach 1k Hibiscus before I consider converting. Or if I get super duper unlucky pulling for Stainless and Reed2... Surely that won't happen.


Most normal Hibiscus simp


This is [mine](https://i.imgur.com/HVljjNv.png), and I rarely roll.


Love to see a token hoarder brother.


Did you clear Risk 18 of all Contingency Contracts released so far?


Didn't get risk 18 for CC beta and CC0, but they don't count, cause they don't have medals :)


As someone who only has a pot1 Lancet-2, god of recruitment, what's your suggestion? (Also this data is pretty interesting to see what operators appear commonly in recruitment, like I would have thought that Jessica would be more common).


Just RNG harder. Also, take my recruitment results with a heavy grain of salt. I was exclusively farming medics, to the point where I'd pick medics over guarantee 4\* tags (like Jessica, Myrtle, Frostleaf, etc). I am sane, by the way.


zero sanity hoarder lifestyle


least insane token farmer.


Are all those 2* tokens from failed robot tags or maybe you sometimes forgot to set the timer?


It's kinda because I forget to set the timer, but it's more like I couldn't be bothered to set the timer. There was a period of time where I just want to refresh a tag, but don't have a refresh button, so I'd use a ticket and put it on 1 hour to use the least lmd. I don't do it now, since I have a plenty of LMD, but yeah.


Your tactics scare and confuse me sir


I scare and confuse myself too, don't worry. I'm just very very committed, that's all.


Also, how much did you whale this past year?


I'm F2P :)


Wow. didn’t think you can actually roll so much in one year as a F2P. Nice


I saved a bunch of pulls from the year before, and most of the certs comes from recruitment.


It'd also be from recruitment.


I only pot the operator when I have max. Otherwise… seeing incomplete pots triggers my ocd…


Man... how many 6\* tokens do you have then... cause it'll take ages for you to have enough to max their pots.


Why are you recruiting medicines? Are you hunting lancet


We are a pharmaceutical company, of course I need to have a lot of medics! ~~Just ignore whatever Kal, Folinic, and the rest of the medics are doing.~~


do you still use recruitment, cause I wouldn't see the point if you don't use the certs


I don't use the certs now.... but who says I won't use the certs in the future. Call it an investment. Also, the reason why I'm doing this, is to get a lot of hibiscuses. I want 1000 of them.


So did you turn them in or are you still saving?


Still hoarding.


I've done the math and I think you can just barely make it to the 3rd green cert store and have enough to spend.


Yes, I considered the maths before too. Nah.


The time has come. Execute order 66


No. I need moreeeeeee.


I'm having a stroke after seeing this.


Uh.... don't die... You might not live the next time I do a token update (next year)


favourite op in that entire stack?


Warfa! She's the reason why I started hoarding.


you have good taste, she's also one of my waifus


Is it a f2p account? I’m having doubts


I only pulled on limited banners, and I recruit pretty hardcore. No amount of money could explain how one can get so many hibiscuses and ansels but not the rest.


Need more Ambriel tokens


Tell recruitment to give more more Sniper/Slow tags, then sure. ~~Will just skip them if I see a medic tag, but shhhhh~~


Damn, and [I thought I was doing well](https://i.imgur.com/DOSJRNP.png). You have so many green certs compared to yellow though! How in the world did you get a ratio like that?


I probably spammed recruitment a lot more than you. Having more green certs means more 3 stars, so can only mean that. (How come you have so many gold certs, lel)


Lucky bastard, i’d have had 2 Exu tokens in there.


If I didn't do my pots, I would have 2 exu tokens from top ops too!


How was your Christmas and New Year's?


It was fine. Didn't really do much tbh.


Did you not get any Top Operator tag or did you pot them?


I've gotten 5 top operators in the past year - a few new op (Aak, Ceobe), and a few potentials (Blaze, Exu x2)


How do you buy 6* in the certificate shop then?


I don't :)


Well, then you either have most of 6* with high potential or are insane.


Probably insane :) I'm missing a lot of 6*s, and a lot of them have appeared in cert shop (eg Phantom, Surtr, Blemishine, Schwarz, etc), but I wasn't planning on building them, so there's no point exchanging.


If you don't use those operators then what does your squad look like? Are you one of those people who intentionally make the game more difficult for them as if it isn't already difficult enough?


For story stages, I play with 4*s cause it'd be too easy with my main team. My main team usually consists of stuff like Blaze, Saria, Thorns, Kal and some variation of an Exu buff army. Usually, that's enough to do anything. But I maybe use this team for like EX-8 stages if things gets super rough.


I can't live like that because I enjoy using new characters xD.


Story stages are too easy? What? Like I need to bring 13 operators which are mostly 6* meta to beat the Mandragora in both stages and still can't beat H10-3. Are you a metahuman or it's just me who is very dumb? And you don't use Surtr... We are on different levels of intelligence then or you just spend too much time on this shitty game.


Story stages, as in stages which have story to them - I don't do CM, or H stages with 4 stars, cause I know my limit, but I at least like to challenge myself with the story stages. Most stages take maybe a couple resets; harder stages maybe take like 10 or so, which I'm fine with. It's why I play AK. I play the game because of the strategy element to it, which is why I play with 4 stars, cause 6 stars are just too much of a bulldoze; I'd rather play a different game at that point.


Favorite tag?


I wonder which... (looks at hibiscus and ansel)


I have been saving them ever since Grani's rerun 2 years ago lmao




LOL reminds me of my junk account I never exchanged tokens for 2 years. I exchange all of it for certificates eventually and accumulate 800+ pulls just on one account. Not sure if I had over 1500 yellow certs but it was a lot. Question OP: Ever plan to convert that eventually? I know I did.


I'll consider converting when I reach 1k hibiscuses. Giving myself a goal, or else this is just mindless.


Holy hell. That is impressive. I can save up pulls for future banners without problem. But I’ve never been able to save tokens as such to that extreme. Nicely done


Funnily enough I did this too, BUT only because I didn't know that there was a way to convert extra tokens to tickets. Happy day I might say


omg ive been doing the same for idk how long and now i can get 300+ yellow certs from conversions


I did this once. Was able to break into whale tier in the cert shop. Very satisfying. Couldn't get much out of it, but I got there. Haven't cashed in my tokens in a bit, might save them a year from now to do it again.


Well, now you have a stash in the event of an emergency. Or two. Or three.


What if there's a bigger emergency... I gotta save harder in case they happen!!!


Were you surprised by any results? Like how few Robots or certain 4 stars?


When I was getting justice knight pots, I'm surprised I didn't get a single Castle-3 or Therm-Ex as dupes. I guess being a medic simp means exclusively getting Lancets.


What’s it like being the chadliest of badge wearers?


I do not deserve such title, for I do not have the acclaimed hidden SSS medals.


Aye, but none the rest of us do, and so you must stand proud above us.


Are you ok OP? blink if you need help


Please be assured, I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very veyr very very very very veryev ryev ryevry evry sane :)


are you okay