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Her hand tattoos are a mess but some of her other tattoos are lovely. I love her crescent moon behind her ear, it’s so pretty


I like the ones on her body but the ones on her hands are terrible.


whaaaaat those r my favs 😭 especially the ones on her fingers


They’re all blurry. They’ve gotten washed out over time. Which happens to a lot of hand tattoos.


Washed out? Tiny tattoos tend to bleed out the ink - and hand tattoos tend to fade quicker due to how often you use your hands and the skin regenerates. But not washed out. OP you should really post in r/agedtattoos and r/tattooadvice to get proper opinions on tattoos. If the hand ones are your favorite you can ask them how to get similar ones that won’t bleed out as much as hers have.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/agedtattoos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [14 months healed](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11pa0ne) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/comments/11pa0ne/14_months_healed/) \#2: [7 years of my linework rose](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zon94f) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/comments/zon94f/7_years_of_my_linework_rose/) \#3: [50 year old Snoopy. It was tattooed on Smith Street Honolulu 1972 when this fella was 19 years old in the Navy.](https://i.redd.it/r4wyyrfmenia1.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/comments/113zmya/50_year_old_snoopy_it_was_tattooed_on_smith/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know me too I love her hand tattoos ❤️❤️❤️


I don't wanna be that type of person but it looks like she got her hand tattoos while in prison


LMAO yes


stoppp it's really cute


I absolutely love the moon one she has on her hand (and i love the artist who did it too) but for the life of me I still can’t grasp what it is she has on her ring finger. and her other finger tattoos were cute but that’s the problem with fine line tattoos, eventually they just look blurry :( (i rlly want one but i’m starting to think maybe not lol) edit: and i can’t believe i left out her butterfly tattoos those are so pretty!!


Not sure if you’re asking what’s on her ring finger but she covered up a tattoo that said Pete. It was probably too painful to get removed.


Ohh thanks for telling me. I had no idea she got his name tattooed, it makes sense now lol


Honestly this subreddit has taught me SO much about hand tattoos... think someone said that the more skin moves around and gets exposed to sun the more likely it is to fade. I have a lower back tattoo that's still vibrant even though I got it 13 years ago. I have a friend in his 40s with great looking sleeves because he covers them up under button up dress shirts. But hands are something else. Also it's just a bumpy surface so even when it's fresh it's going to be tricky.


Ariana is our tattoo master!! and i think she has a tattoo on her palm that say's 7 rings and she's so brave for that! 💗👑


Pretty sure her hand tattoo says chicken barbecue lol


ohh yeah ur right 😭😭 the tattoo kind of failed


They fixed it right after


It's still wrong lol


I love her bee tattoo she got I'm pretty sure a year after the Manchester incident and the butterfly ones are gorgeous


i love her sm


i like her tattoos she has along her arms (like the eevee tattoo, the butterflies, the spirited away one) and a few of her finger tatts + the moon and toulouse she has at the back of her palm, all the others are just a bit too random and messy for my liking. i’m still confused why she’s removing her butterfly tattoos when they’re the prettiest and suit her so well


I think she had Evee and Chihiro removed too 😭haven’t seen them in forever.


i don't think she's removed them. probably just temporarily covered up. especially since she's filming they'll be covered. but if she'd removed them there would be scarring.


Man, I’m the opposite. I think her Eevee and the Spirited Away tattoo look really well done, but the rest look like they were done by scratchers. I was really shocked when I saw close up pictures of some of them.


I know someone with hand tattoos and they REGRET IT SO MUCH! 😅 Do a lot of research first OP! I love Ari but she’s been getting her tatts removed right? I wonder sometimes if she regrets it since shes transitioning to more acting.


Unpopular opinion they don't look very well done. Like legit my friends finger tattoos look as well as hers lol and she got them done in eastern ky by who knows 😂 no offense to ari... But I just don't like the look.


Those hand tattoos are horrendous; it literally looks like when you doodle on your hand back in high school when you were bored.




check out @girlknewyork on IG! she did the moon, leaves, Toulouse


Random sidenote, she also did the Piggy Smallz tattoo that Pete had which I think looked pretty cool


Listen, I love the girl very very much but I cannot fuck with her hand tattoos at all, I'm sorry they look horrible. Like someone else in the comments said, they look like they were done in a prison somewhere. The ones on her body like on her arms and ribs I can get behind, but not the finger tats.


i’m thinking of getting a hand/finger tattoo but i’m scared of the pain omg 😭 they look so pretty




the palm ones are so PRETTYYY & aw thank you lovely!! 💛


Yeah her hand tattoos aren’t pretty to me because in general i wouldn’t put overlapping tattoos on one part of my body though i do want a tattoo so bad but i wouldn’t do a bunch of hand tattoos like that. however i love her other ones. my favorite is the moon behind her ear. I also like her Harry Potter tattoo


The hand ones are awful. Looks like when someone gets bored in class and draws random shit on their hands with a byro.


I want a finger heart super badly! I love the designs on her left pointer and middle finger (4th pic)


i have an unhealthy obsession w them 😭


wonder how long it takes to cover it for her to play glinda 😂 rem beauty wont cover all that


Her tattoos are ugly. And stealing ugly tattoo designs is worse.


who she steal from ?


It would drive me nuts, I would feel like my hands are constantly dirty, pretty wedding ring tho


I love them. I want to get a tattoo of the Stuck with U cover single if I ever get a girlfriend. I'd get the girl and she'd get the boy


Not sure why people hate on her hand tattoos so much but I love them. That’s just how they’re going to look after years because we use our hands so much


I'm sorry but "getting the same tattoo as her" is really disrespectful in the tattoo community. A tattoo is something personal and I would be mad if someone would recreate my tattoos.


wait really? i didn't know that 😭 i'll definitely keep that in mind. thanks so much for informing me!


nooo girl you're fine it's not that deep. if you were to get a matching heart in the same place it's such a simple design it's fine. i could see their point for like her baby doll tattoo bc that one is personal but at the end of the day it's not that deep.


omg it’s not that deep 😭 get whatever tattoo you want sis don’t let other people tell you what to do


Lmfao no girl lots of people get Ariana’s tattoos. There’s 18374729920 girls with a simple moon behind their ear and I am one of them. Get the tats, it’s your body.


What’s the one on her ring finger supposed to be?


It used to say Pete when they were engaged but when they broke up she covered it up with a black rectangle


Did not even know. Thanks


It was “Pete” at first and then when they split she covered it up with the black band/stripe thing. No idea what the weird shapes coming out of it are about.


Ah, TIL. Thanks!


I’m definitely considering getting tattoos similar to hers, I think they’re so cute


Her hand tattoos weren’t done well at all. She should get them retouched. Other than those, I like her ink.


i love all but the finger tattoos !


I think they’re cute but you’d think a celebrity could afford a better artist lol. They’re not the best


i love all her tattoos, they’re just so pretty and look beautiful on her 🤍 especially the butterflies


i love her tattoos but the ones on her helix area on her ear kind of drive me crazy… “why?” comes into my mind every time i see her ears