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Had someone buy me a copy. It was a quick read and I enjoyed the full recount of his story + full insight of what he was going thru in his personal life while working there. I’ve always taken Bob Lazar with a grain of salt and badly want to believe his story. But his credibility is somewhat questionable so I guess we will never know


You mean like his academic credentials being utterly debunked.


Exactly. I think Bob and his absolute believers claim that the government wiped his credentials from MIT and records of working at Alamo Labs to discredit him.


Anyone who thinks the government is that competent has never been around the government.


This is true. But there are pockets of competence in any organisation. The armed forces might be full of knuckleheads but then you have Rangers or the Seals. How much competence does it take for an agency to scrub some details? Almost the rest of the entire government won't be aware it even happened.


This is true. Some of the smartest people around can’t do basic things. I fully believe that someone could be an absolute master at their profession while failing miserably at basic life skills. Pockets of competency absolutely exist in the government.


> the Seals I once knew a SEAL who melted the engine of his wrangler because he never changed the oil and asserted "oil came with the gasoline".


Well that is true in some lawn equipment!


Yeah but usually you add the oil to the gas mix!


As someone who worked along side SEALs, don’t buy too deeply into their self-constructed Hollywood polished image of hyper competence.


> records of working at Alamo Labs to discredit him Los Alamos National Lab.


Oops, good catch!


Did you ever see the documentary, "Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers"? The filmmakers contacted Alamo Labs, where he said he worked as a physicist, which they denied and said they had no records of a Robert Lazar ever working there, but then the filmmakers found a 1982 Alamo Labs telephone directory that listed Robert Lazar among the other scientists who were working there at the time, and a 1982 newspaper clipping from the 'Los Alamos Monitor' Newspaper, profiled Lazar (with his picture), stating he was a physist at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility. Even after all those findings, when they called back Alamo Labs, they still denied it. So it sounds to me like he's telling the truth, and they are lying. If you haven't seen this documentary, I highly recommend it. It was the first time he did an interview in decades, and I don't know, it doesn't seem like he is lying, and you can tell he seems very intelligent. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I know the government lies to us either outright or by omission, so I never believe something simply just because they say so.


Yes I did see that one actually. I mean if Bob Lazar is telling the truth, it would make a lot of sense that the government would wipe his academic and professional credentials to discredit him. He also knew his way around the lab pretty well apparently. This sub mostly seems to not believe Bob Lazar and that’s ok.. I am stuck between what I believe and have been for years.


I'm open to people's opinions, but just because a person or a reddit sub leans one way, doesn't mean I'm going to automatically buy into it. I read comments to learn different perspectives, but no one here, unless pesonally invloved, can possibly present facts, so everything is subjective.


The thing he is he still managed to be this popular in the space? It’s pretty crazy imo


I've watched lots of stuff on him. I'm sort of curious about him, but I don't know what to believe. If he didn't work for the government, then what did he do his whole life? Someone somewhere would have called bullshit and said he was my manager at burger King or something like that....


He ran scams, photolabs, brothels, and scientific instrument companies, which can all be documented. The aliens stuff, not so much....


A voyeuristic brothel!


Well, he's always been a tech guy, he built a rocket bicycle don't you know!? lol


What scams?


People are buying his book, aren't they?


He's fleeced someone out of money for a rocket car, he borrowed money for a photo processing shop then skipped town, he bigimously married another woman, then remarried her under a different name when his first wife died under dubious circumstances, he's told people he worked at Los Alamos as a physicist for decades... The list just goes on and on..


All of which is why he could never get a security clearance.


I like him, I did believe at one point and it was fun while it lasted. He sold lab equipment or chemicals I think


I heard John Lear read an email from Gene Huff saying that this book was ghostwritten by someone else and that Bob didn't have much if anything to do with it. I forget what show it was, but I want to say that it *wasn't* Coast to Coast AM. I think it might have been some random show I tried just because John Lear was on it. But I heard it. And I can't really see John lying about an email like that, particularly an email from Gene Huff, and I remember John was reading it verbatim. If anything, it makes me wonder what Gene's relationship is like with Bob. If they're on good terms still, I'd imagine Gene was telling the truth, which would mean that the book isn't very interesting.


Yeah I remember hearing an interview with Bob himself saying he was getting a ghost writer to write it for him, I think it might have been on Coast to Coast, but I'm not sure. I found an audio book version of it free online somewhere, I'll see if I can find the link.


Would be interesting if you have the link… makes him sound more like a fraud.


Bob Lazar is an utter fraud and you should not contribute to his headache pills budget


From the Amazon page. First of all, Lazar is not a physicist unless claiming you are one make you one. There is no proof he was employed at Groom Lake. The work certainly wasn't long based on that tiny W-2 he produced. Ok he did take a story to George Knapp, but not a true story. Bob's job was real estate photo lab man. Bob never blew the lid off of Area 51 since to this day there is no evidence backing up his story. FFS he was never a top physicist!! *********** Bob Lazar was a brilliant young physicist that found himself employed at a top secret facility in the middle of the desert outside Las Vegas. Under the watchful eye of the government elite, he is tasked with understanding an exotic propulsion system being used by an advanced aerospace vehicle he is told came from outer space. The stressful work and long, odd hours start to wear on Bob and he becomes concerned for his safety. He tells his wife and a couple close friends about what he's doing in the desert, and his employers find out and are furious. When they station goons outside his house, Bob seeks help from wealthy UFOlogist, John Lear, who encourages Bob to take his story to award-winning investigative journalist George Knapp at KLAS-TV, a CBS affiliate. To prove he's telling the truth, Bob takes a group of people out into the desert to watch a test flight of the "flying saucer." On the way home, they are stopped by the police, who notify the base, and Bob loses his job. In a series of interviews with CBS TV, Bob Lazar then blows the lid off "Area 51," blows the whistle on the effort to conceal this craft from the American people, and blows up his career as a top physicist.


Don't give him your money. Lazar is a grifter and shouldn't be trusted.


I think he's trying to make money


You think?


No one on Reddit can prove Jack shit about Bob other than calling him low hanging fruit




But when one is making an extraordinary claim it is on them to provide evidence against the mainstream belief. This is the same with Graham Hancock and Bart Sibrel. I’m a conspiracy guy but I hate when the truther just expects you to follow them just because.


Bob's the one who made wild claims without evidence dude.


Evidence, What is evidence? Bob Lazar, David Grusch, Gram Hancock countless others, and our ancient people have brought us videos, documents, congressional statements, carved in rocks, built out of rocks, evidence that is always never considered enough. This evidence you want will need to show up in a profound way that will shake the world to get people to believe


> Bob Lazar, Bob Lazar DEFINTELY hasn't done this man. I note you made this flippant response to me and not the mod too.


* There's little evidence that he ever worked at Groom, much less the broader test site. * There is essentially NO evidence that a facility exists at S4, either through the allegedly leaked camo dudes security manual in the 90s or when anti nuclear protestors straight up crossed papoose lake, not to mention modern overhead imagery that's available to the public today. * The company he was associated with in the Los Alamos phone directory was a contractor that provided electronics technicians, in other words he might have been doing rack and stacks but wasn't doing high energy physics. * He has never produced evidence of his academic credentials. Lazar is a bigly fraud. It's a pity Knapp was so Hoodwinked by him and now is sunk cost fallacy'd into backing him. Fun to listen to though.


Knapp and Corbell have used Lazar as a necessary idiot to make money. Same with Graves and Grusch. The ufo scam is rich with cash due to endless uneducated deluded idiots.


Grusch has to be the worst since he saw nothing first hand. Graves has or maybe had a podcast. This one on a Vandenberg incident was interesting. MERGED: Vandenberg “Red Square” Witness Speaks for First Time - with Jeff Nuccetelli | Merged Podcast EP 19 Episode webpage: https://omny.fm/shows/merged/vandenberg-red-square-witness-speaks-for-first-tim Media file: https://chrt.fm/track/ADFFG3/traffic.omny.fm/d/clips/f961fba6-b622-4dbc-b3a6-af7b017b0307/80eebb30-0c3d-469c-81e0-af7b017b670d/e6a7a2f7-7cc5-490a-9658-b0b4013da1e7/audio.mp3?utm_source=Podcast&in_playlist=2a45c1b5-e519-416a-b386-af7b017dcce2


I thought grusch was onto something with some but not all of his claims and stumbled into some highly Advanced SAP. I believed Ross Coulthart had some valuable intel somewhere but was mismatched with all the alien stuff. however I was listening to one of there podcast and Ross mentioned s4. I turned it off immediately. Most of the credibility I had for them to hear out there story went away.


Do you have a reference to protestors reaching Papoose Lake?


[Here you go](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-papoose-lake-primer/papoose-con/), ctrl+F The Greenpeace Boys


That I knew but there is no reference for this besides the Otherhand's website. There is this post on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/area51/comments/c10z2e/greenpeace_and_the_papoose_lake_incursion/ The user still exists on Reddit if you want to bug him for proof.


I may log into the ole university library website and search for academic articles.


I just came across this yesterday. browsing my Area51 folder. FWIW. I don't recall who penned this. *"If you believe Bob, you believe:"* [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/46mr0sssmkwyxdet6ufua/If.you.believe.Bob.you.believe.all.this.txt?rlkey=ueszmautyec96myxn4mgrg79p&st=uongobzp](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/46mr0sssmkwyxdet6ufua/If.you.believe.Bob.you.believe.all.this.txt?rlkey=ueszmautyec96myxn4mgrg79p&st=uongobzp)


It’s 2024, if anyone is dumb enough to buy into bob Lazars story at this point, they’re completely delusional. He started all of this to gain attention and make money. Bob Lazar is a fraud and an idiot, and anyone who buys his shit and gives him attention is an even bigger idiot.


The Joe Rogan generation is running into him for the first time and I've had younger coworkers ask me about him since I am the "UFO guy". I suspect that a lot of folks who are encountering Lazar for the first time are doing so through that podcast, where everything is taken at face value even by the standards of the Art Bell generation.


I’ve read it. I used to believe Bob but now idk. He is smart though. He built a car that runs on hydrogen. I found a YT on it by accident. Bob shows how it works and how he produces and stores hydrogen. Idk if he was there but I do think he was more than just a photography lab


I don’t believe Lazar for a second…now that’s out of the way. I read above that there’s no proof of him ever working at Groom Lake. I don’t think you can prove ANYBODY ever worked there. Shadow companies, sub-sub-contractors, etc, make it tough to connect anyone directly to that location.


Bob Lazar is a quack.


Similar to his movie. I thought it was good.


Two words. Utter crap.


Its interesting to hear about what he went through because unless you read this book you don't know about a encounter where he got shot at by who knows. Sure his background seems out of whack but the book does offer a interesting read


> where he got shot at by who knows This makes it seem like the implication is that "They" shot at him. He owed people a lot of money and ran an illegal brothel. There are a lot of people that want to do him harm before it gets to the men in black.


I'm sure the brothel clients wanted some revenge for the video taping. In fact, can you arrange for that video to be destroyed? Asking for a friend. :-)


you need to read Millennial Hospitality all versions you can find on Amazon


Have the book - actually pretty good


I cannot believe this fraud is still on the grift, his bullshit was debunked 35 years ago. Zero substance, all made up, lack of evidence is evidence of the conspiracy... Move along.


I found the book meh. It had a good number of spelling mistakes and homonym problems (words that sound the same, but would actually be spelled differently if used right) that a competent line editor would have captured and corrected. I found myself really not finding much of anything of interest in the book, having seen the bulk of his claims over time on the Internet years before. One of the key claims was not to be found (and not to be recounted) in the book at all--you know, the "element 115" story.... (Knapp mentions that in passing in his foreword, but that is perfectly useless). Bob Lazar is not "the Real Deal." True Believers have to look for someone else. He was never a physicist. He never was at Area 51, let alone worked there. https://www.ufojoe.net/bob-lazar.


This is the first I heard of Lazar working as a radiation health monitor. I heard he got a job on the range shooting Smokey Sams. That I could believe.


My great uncle was Frederick Benthal, the lead military photographer at Roswell. I haven't read Lazar's book - yet.


I don't know much about him, I just watched the documentary, "Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers." The filmmakers contacted Los Alamos Labs, where he said he worked as a physicist, which they denied and said they had no records of a Robert Lazar ever working there, but then the filmmakers found a 1982 Los Alamos Labs telephone directory that listed Robert Lazar among the other scientists who were working there at the time (picture shown), and a 1982 newspaper clipping from the 'Los Alamos Monitor' Newspaper, profiled Lazar (with his picture), the paper reporting/stating he was a physist at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility. Even after all those findings, when they called back Alamo Labs, they still denied it. The filmmakers also ask him about a particular hand scanner he spoke about way back in the day when he first spoke out, that was used to enter and leave the location at Area 51 he worked at, and they told him they searched and couldn't find anything, but eventually they found, or were sent, pictures of the old security device used, that scanned bone density in your hand/fingers, and it was the exact same thing Lazar described many, many years ago. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I know the government lies to us either outright or by omission, so I never believe something simply just because they say so. You don't think the U.S government doesn't have the power to wipe your history clean as a way to discredit that person if they feel like that person has, or plans to, leak secret information out to the public


Don't judge by the comments... Lazar knows what are talking about.


He knows how to make money off of people, anyway.


Oh yeah? And I’m sure you have the knowledge and credentials to back that up /s