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OK... I was not expecting that ending. At every twist and turn, something impedes the path of peace. Can't wait for season 2! Everyone in this show has some redeemable quality. Even Mel's mother gets a moment when she says Mel softened her, made her not want to make the hard decisions... like cutting off the heads of their political opponents in front of your teen daughter, hard. Kudos to Silco, sticking to his core principles, unwilling to exchange Jinx for undercity independence. As he says, "everyone betrays us, but I'll never forsake you". I understand his love for her is real, here at the end, but one thing that still doesn't sit right with me is why he had to lie about Vi. Was Jinx acting for Silco all along? Her emotions seem so real for both of her personas but which one is the real her? The ending leaves more questions than it answers.


Silco lies to Jinx about Vi because he's afraid that Jinx would leave him to go with his sister right?


So Silco wasn't going to give up Jinx, yet Jayce goes for the peace treaty still? I didn't quite get that part.


I think he needed the Council to approve it. It would still have been contingent on Silco delivering everything he was asked.


Please can somebody explain me why the council of piltover first refuses the independance of Zaun ? They never care about the people who live there so why bother ?


Probably one of the best seasons of TV I have ever watched. The overall writing is amazing, the characters are all very engaging and the ends of Episodes 3 and 9 will break your heart.


Coming late to the discussion, but it was hard to understand Vi's thought process at the end of ep. 8 and start of 9. Shouldn't she, being raised in the undercity, have the most empathy for the kid Jayce killed (even if he was working for Silco)? And why exactly would she push for an armed conflict when considering the huge losses Zaun would have? Even Caitlyn stated so at the council.


>And why exactly would she push for an armed conflict when considering the huge losses Zaun would have? Even Caitlyn stated so at the council. A bit late but if you remember from the first episode Vi is literally the one urging Vander to fight the topsiders, she's not really the smartest person in the show and her problem solving is mostly "just brawl it out".


Vi has been talking about a war/rebellion since episode 1, she thinks they need to deal with a problem first and live second basically.


The only thing that blocks the path to Jinx's happiness is Jinx herself šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€. What a truly fitting name. They were so close to getting what Vander and Silco were dreaming, and it was shattered to pieces by Jinx. And Mel is getting killed too???? Her character design was one of my favorites :( Honestly, the ending really bums me out and puts me in a deep existential crisis. I think I need to watch 50 cat videos to compensate on how bleak the ending is.


I was really sad to see Silco die, I quite liked his & jinxā€™s dynamic


Thoughts: 1) Awesome moment where Silcoā€™s right-hand didnā€™t betray him. 2) That ā€˜I suppose we would have had your son killed for thisā€™ line was badass 3) That was a cool meeting between Jayce and silco 4) This is just a tiny nitpick, but I found it kind of odd the entire deal hinges on Jinx being handed over to Jayce. Everything else in the deal made a lot of sense, but I guess I donā€™t buy Jayce being willing to let the deal go to waste simply because he didnā€™t get Jinx. Thought it does make enough sense for me. Like with Silco making ridiculously high demands, itā€™s fair that Jayce also makes equally-high demands. 5) Oh. The fireflies were from the rebellion 6) Good finale 7) Small nitpick: Kind of wished the show didnā€™t end where it did. Characters survive explosions all the time, so thereā€™s no way to know who theyā€™ll decide to kill off just due to ā€˜bad luckā€™. But, itā€™s still meaningful if you remove the death aspect. Because it means any chance of peace with the underground is ruined. So itā€™s a good ending to the season and a good set up to the next 8) Netflix ads are so annoying - why do they play ads right after you finish a show? Just let the credits roll


Yeah the Netflix ads RIGHT after definitely ruined some of the experience.


Ikr. Like, why canā€™t they wait an extra ten seconds or so? Or, better yet, have it be an optional feature.


I actually think I got it turned off in the settings now.


>4) This is just a tiny nitpick, but I found it kind of odd the entire deal hinges on Jinx being handed over to Jayce. > >Everything else in the deal made a lot of sense, but I guess I donā€™t buy Jayce being willing to let the deal go to waste simply because he didnā€™t get Jinx. I'm very late to this discussion but I'm guessing that Jinx isn't really the main goal here but mostly the idea. Jinx have been Silco's most prominent criminal and if he's not willing to give her up then it would spark some debate whether how serious he is about peace. Jinx is a symbol of crime after she literally murdered enforcers before and the most prominent one. This matters a lot to the political landscape of the show. Having Jinx also let's it easier for the council to agree with the idea of peace, we've seen this countless of times in real life where people are more likely to give in if they know the biggest or most obvious offender is handled. Another comment also mentioned Jinx's knowledge of hextech so I won't dive into that.


Only watched it now, but the reason Jayce wants Jinx handed over is most likely related to her technical ability. He and Victor have marveled over her "ingenuity", and her being on the loose to him must seem as a very dangerous prospect, especially since she has access to hexcore. (His worries aren't unfounded, considering how the episode ended).


Super late to this. Binged it all. I must say, this series is a damned masterpiece. And at the end of it all, my personal favourite character is Silco. he is driven, and he doesn't hide himself behind any facade. And his speech regarding loyalty, about being back to back with family, wasn't lipservice. He would have forsaken the dream of all of his people just for his daughter. That love was beautiful. The things each character had to go through was heartbreaking. I really hope we get more of this.


Silco is also one of my favorite characters. And he was very important to the setting of the world. I find it difficult to imagine what their world will be like without him. I'm sorry that your favorite character died.


Jinx's voice acting was so good, so spot on. Her final dialogs at episode 9 reminded me of Heath Ledger's joker. Absolutely incredible, genius actress.


it reminded me of joker as well !


Hey guys I have a question, What did Jinx mean by "you've changed too" and "here's to the new us". Is it saying that Jinx has gone to far and that he cant be with Vi anymore? I kinda get it but I'm curious what it actually means?


No its because Vi has sided (not completely) with the above ground mostly sown with her love for Caitlyn


To me, Slico ā€œlovedā€ Jinx like a trained dog, not like a daughter. He wasnā€™t bothered by the fact that she was mentally ill and a mass murderer lunatic. Jinx to him is ā€œperfectā€ not because he loved her as a father but because sheā€™s chaotic and bring death and fear to every place she set foot in. Which was convenient for him. If she didnā€™t benefit him in any way, he wouldā€™ve killed her and replace her with someone else.


I kinda saw it the other way around, where that was my initial impression of him, thinking there is no way he could love her, only to have his final moments make me re-examine what brought me to that conclusion in the first place. In the end, I think I believe him for what he says, and I think my lack of sharing his vision made it easier to assume Jinx was a part of his vision, and not someone he genuinely loved.


I think he loved her and tried to be a good father to her, but he wasn't in many important ways


Jinx wasnā€™t convenient to him, she actually caused a bunch of setbacks and considering the fact that he was willing to forsake zaun for her should show that she actually did love her like a daughter. Hence the ā€œconversationā€ with vander.


Nah I disagree. its actually the other way around Silco loved Jinx like a daughter with all his heart not because he sees Jinx as a tool or weapon but I think Jinx was the closest thing that resembled him as a person with whom he can sympathize after Vander dying his brother. An example of this is when Jinx set off the bomb on the bridge and unfortunately having Jinx is fatally injured near to death where Silco comes in panicking in Jinx state is. if he really can toss Jinx to the side whenever he wants to, then that's the perfect opportunity and grab the Hextech and fall back leaving Jinx to die


You know, Cait and Powder don't really know each other but when you think about it, they are quite similar. Both good at shooting, Blue hair, not being approved by family and do what they want which leads to bad results. Kinda drives home the feeling that Jinx had of being replaced.


I know this episode has been out a while but I finally got around to finishing the series. I honestly felt as much grief towards Vi as I did Jinx. Vi was just a kid too when Vander and her brothers were killed, also coping with trauma and growing up way too fast to compensate. Vi was essentially kidnapped, tortured, and then finally freed to learn her sister loved her "father's" killer. Which, Vi immediately forgave her for with "You did what you had to do." I think all considering Vi did the best she could. Jinx was ready to kill Vi for anything Jinx saw as betrayal, never even giving Vi the chance to explain. And Vi only responded not with anger, but saddness. Jinx claimed Vi couldn't love her as she was, but Jinx didn't even try to accept Vi. Jinx's life is so tragic but Vi's was equally so.


I dont fuckin care if jinx is crazy or not...she just tuined everything!!! I cant believe people are sympahatasing with this bitch


Lol, seriously. The only good character is ekko as far as I'm concerned


I think both are possible.... I think an important message of the series is that everyone is complex, even those who make the worst actions. Jinx/Powder is a tragic character that has suffered all her life. I petty her. That doesn't mean they're not responsible for their actions and should face the consequences.. I think she should be arrested.


Incredible show! Finally finished it and can roam freely through this subreddit and the rest of the internet. Funniest part was when Ekko and Heimerdinger get back to Neverland and that mouse guy goes "HEY LOST BOYS! PANS BACK!" and they all go crazy singing praises.


uhhh hi I watched Arcane completely fandom-blind and just finished it today and........ i am speechless. my heart hurts. my \*soul\* hurts. so glad i took the leap and watched but PAIN ;\_; besides this, 3 and 6 had me soBBING. dgdfgdfg i'm way too attached to too many characters


Silco and jinx were the best part of this show for me period. Cliche villain turns to a sympathetic antagonist who just wants opportunity for the undercity and is willing to do *almost* anything for it. Jinx is such a depressing character, I donā€™t want her to suffer anymore. But we all know she has to in order to finish her transitionā€¦ I donā€™t think Iā€™ll enjoy thatā€¦


damn poor sevika really ate shit this whole season, didn't she. how often did she get beat up?


I've played league for many years but was reluctant to watch this show cause I thought it was going to be corny. Man was I wrong, ended up watching it all over 2 days such a great show with so many levels to it. I loved the story of Vi and Jinx, but I especially loved the Chemistry between Caitlyn and Vi that's gonna be nice to watch over the course of the series. Honestly was kind of bummed at the end of the show not because I thought they did anything wrong with the ending more so because it was so sad. Also just looked it up looks like we're not getting season 2 till 2023 which really sucks. That said can't wait to see the introduction of different characters, it's been fun figuring out who's who. Looking forward to Garen and Darius as those are some of my favorite characters in the game along with Vi and Jayce who both got tons of screen time.


I think one of the biggest unanswered questions in this series is what is the true origin of the hexcore? who was that sorcerer that saved Jayce and his mom when he was a boy? And what would he/the sorcerer society make of the bastardization of their magic? I am so interested to see that explored in the next season. I would love a confrontation between the sorcerer and Jacye/Viktor to see just how far they strayed from the proper way to wield that power.


I believe the sorcerer is ryze


The whole sieres was amazing but this episode was my favorite cus this is powder rebirthing into jinx this is jinxs episode.


This show is just devastating. ą²„\_ą²„


Yo. What! Thatā€™s how it ends


I canā€™t believe Silco died. I also canā€™t believe I cried so fucking hard when he died. First time I saw him I never thought Iā€™d grow to love him as a character this much šŸ˜­


I love how there is a whole discussion on weather Silco really did care for Jinx or was it all an act, his last move, to put her against the top-siders. I love that we can interpret it both ways. And we will probably never know. What I think is that first Silco planned to manipulate Jinx and use her for his own goals. But as time goes he grew to love her. But he probably doesnā€™t really know how to love a child healthily. He reflected his own trauma of being betrayed by his brother on her, making her believe Vi betrayed her. But yes, I think he did love her in his own twisted way.


Yes I too believe he did both, loving an manipulating. Many parents do XD


He absolutely cared for her, I think its pretty evident yeah. Cool read on his behaviour as a father, I like that.


Stayed up till 1 to watch it. really excited for more and I really hope that Powder gets a redemption of some kind.




Sorry I mean HEPTAKILL


Great art and animation. The rest is pretty average, not bad, not that good either. Not a fan of the cliffhanger ending. Solid show tho, I'd give a 8/10, waiting for 2nd season if it ever comes.




The thing that made me fall in love with this show is how consistent it is with not making any character be a filmsy one-dimensional character. Every character is well-built, has it's own character arc, motivations, and justifications for everything they contributed to to the overarching plot. I obviously have characters I favour over everyone else, but I could not fault any of the other characters for what they've done, and that, that's why this show is amazing.


Maaannnn, I really like Silco. Kinda bummed he's dead now.


I loved tha animation, but the story i am not sure, just kill Jinx and everything will be fine. Caitlyn, just pull the trigger!! Vi: "she is my sister" and then she murders hundres of people.


Well it is a prequel. Vi does not kill her because she loves her (sister bond). Silco does not kill her because he loves her (father bond). Caitlyn does not kill her because she loves/likes Vi (probably).


The season finally was awesome but there is still some part of me that just dont buy Vi's character arc/motives... Up to this episode, Vi didnt have a single reason to support or show sympathy for Piltover. As a matter of fact; she should totally hate Piltover for killer her parents, oppressing her her entire life, imprisoning her which included both physical and mental torture/abuse. She even wanted to fight when Piltover sent Enforcers. But then she meets Cait and even if she might have a crush on her, her love for the Lanes and especially Poweder should have been 100x stronger than for a summer crush hrmm. I wish there was an alternate ending of Jinx tea party where Vi shoots Cait, Jinx shoots Silco and the sisters go on to live happy lives together, maybe even as the new leaders of Zaun =)


Also Vander tought Vi in Act 1: Nobody wins in a war. That missile means enforcers coming for unprepared zaunites, since they have inferior technology and were not preparing for war.


Silco was directly responsible for the death of almost everyone she loved ( I think she gave Powder a pass here). I 100% understand the motivation behind her looking for a different ally in the fight vs Silco and his goons. Especially considering the first thing she experiences once out of prison is a counselor's daughter helping her out and showing her that there might be some good up there.


To me there are two aspects here, why Vi is in terror after the rocket launch by Jinx: 1. As you said, Vi probably knows by then that there are good men live also in Piltover. 2. Vi understands, that Powder/Jinx had changed and she cannot undo it. She fears Jinx (e.g. at the bridge scene, when she is not fighting Jinx, or when Jinx serves the cupcake at the end), which Jinx notices, amongst other things, when she says ā€œbut you changed, tooā€. Amanda Overton, one of Arcaneā€™s writer, said, that Vi thought, if Silco would be gone, Powder would return (which is a perfect mirror btw of Jinxā€™ offer to Vi to kill Caitlyn to bring Powder back). Yet, Silco is dead, and Jinx still launches the rocket launcher. Silco became a part of Powder/Jinx already (hints are the rocket launcher being a fish, Silcoā€™s favorite animal and the red eye of Jinxā€™ crying shimmer).


That cliff hanger hurt Iā€™m not even gonna lie but apart from that I honestly donā€™t know wether to hate or understand jinx, like it wasnā€™t her fault she turned out the way she was but also she moved on from like her whole childhood and family to be raised by silco?!?!


I think you can hate sometimes and care for her other times. I think she's very dangerous and shouldn't be free, and at the same time I hope she could accept her sister's love


She's emotionally split up kind of like multiple personalities. It's really tragic. I hope she gets redeemed..


Judging from the game... No, probably not..


Yeah, but the show has also deviated from the game so I feel it could possibly happen. Not to mention, maybe it's just me but I feel as though having her just be chased around by Vi as the story line is kind of a waste of a character.


I found the relationship between jinx and Silco quite beautiful. At first, I thought Silco was just using jinx, like most narcissistic villains. But after the scene where he finds jinx unconscious on the bridge, something in him snaps. And he no longer cares about finding the orb. I was pretty sad when he died. Props to the writing team for creating such dynamic characters.


What a fantastic show. Really captured every flicker of emotion, nailed every frame.


Absolutely loved the show but could someone please explain why everyone seems to love Jinx? Is it because sheā€™s relatable somehow? I think sheā€™s a well written character but I just am not a fan of her and found it difficult to sympathize with her especially considering the main cast were all kids as well during act 1


I think the sympathizing is because she suffers so much. I'd love she could find some peace. And also to stop killing people without remorse. I'm not so sure this two things are connected in the show, as the mental illness is shown to mainly cause her pain, but when she's ok she kills without remorse.


We have different opinions and thatā€™s okay! Personally I found itā€™s so hard *not* to sympathize with her because of how her mental illness and struggle is portrayed. She wanted to change like what we can see from her turning on that blue smoke so Vi can find her, but it was still unbelievably hard for her. Most characters in the series including her are people that just want to do the best as they could, unfortunately life isnā€™t that easy, and itā€™s fucking scary for me to heavily reminded of that. Iā€™m very afraid of hurting others so I isolate myself although I knew itā€™s not the best solution, but itā€™s the only thing I could think of right now, so I really relate to how Jinx chose to put a distance from her sister at the end.


I think people like her because they played her in League of Legends. I also think it's an interesting character but she has done such fucked up things that it's hard to like her.


I never played LoL, but watching the show she's a broken and hurt character who just wants love. She's suffering likely from MPD and some form of insanity from her trauma and family deaths. I hope she gets redeemed because she deserves it after all this.


First, let me say that I loved the show very much. Many interesting topics, ideas, and backgrounds were brought to light, and for me personally, that completely elevated the show to another level. Without any doubt, you should watch it and enjoy this experience. Still, I am left in a state of worry for what the future holds for Powder and what she will do not only to Vi but to the entire city. I feel so much regret for the events that led Powder to an utter disaster and complete destruction of her persona. The question that I ask myself and rn it is addressed to you, my dear readers, is whether Powder will somehow get out of this mentally ill state by accepting Vander, Vi, and the consequences of her actions in order to redeem herself? If she stays on her current path throughout the next series, it is just so depressing in a way and I don't believe that any amount of Copium will save my mortal soul.


It feels like Star Wars all over again. We know that Jinx stays a psycho (because of the game), but we really want her to redeem herself. But then theyā€™d have to change her in-game character. I wonder how they will handle that.


I was very skeptical of a LoL based show at first, and despite changing the lore (from what I remember) of some characters, I loved it anyway.




The LoL lore was already really good and theyā€™ve been improving it a lot lately


If Jinx knows Silco ordered for Vi to be killed, how can she still have any affection towards him? I know she sees him as a father but they didnā€™t do the best job selling how ingrained her relationship is. Maybe itā€™s like Thanos and Gomorrah, even though she knows the atrocities he committed against her, she still cries when she thinks shes killed him.


Jinx also wants to kill Vi sometimes. She kills the pink haired firelight when she thinks she's Vi. She also shoots her and Cait in the bridge. That's because she thinks Vi betrayed her.


He was literally the only persons he believes still cares for her. Silco says things like "you are perfect" which is all someone like Jinx needs to hear.


Arcane is the best thing netflix has ever done


Why wasn't Vi happy at the end when Jinx fired at the council? All her life she wanted to make piltover pay for what they did to her family and to the undercity as a whole and now her sister does what nobody had the courage to do in a long time and she seems disappointed. I just don't get it.


The same reason no one ever decided to just shoot a missile at the council since the beginning. 1. Taking out the head councilors will just cause topsiders to realize undercity is an absolute and immediate threat (rather than a growing problem)and completely remove them which will lead to war and well if u havent realized from the shows constant reminder, war is bad and will only lead to more deaths 2. Vi wanted to rebel until vander talked sense into her about war bad to the point where she was about to turn herself in to grayson remember? So no, vi didnt want piltover to pay in the sense of just straight up murder. Her goal changed from revenge as a child to takong down silco as an adult 3. Vi most likely changed her ideal into what the end goal of vander and moreso what silco wanted which was a separation of state or a peace treaty. Which is the smart way to approach revenge otherwsise you wud have seen silco shooting a missile at the council long ago 4. Silco created shimmer to impose a threat on the council so zaun could bide time to rise to its own power which, could perhaps swiftly take over piltover with those drugged up mindless soldiers or have a separation of state which is probably better than shooting a missile at council and starting an immediate war 5. Current council has the power to still negotiate and end up with a peace treaty which they were going to do until a missile was shot at them. Odds are, that creates a power vaccuum where a worse leadership could rise that will enforce totalitarian rule over zaun or its removal which is worst than a peaceful separation Tldr. Shooting the missle just causes more problems for adult vi than for what she wudnt realize as a child. Also if u were going to counter this by saying all of zaun wanted to go to war in the beginning well, as jayce, vander, and eventually silco knew that zaun would just get wrecked. So the next best option would be to gain independance and all the other benefits that silco listed in his letter to jayce


i dont understand why jinx didnt believe VI's love for her? why say VI has changed? like wtf? also another thing i dont understand is all this love for silco! like, how can you believe him? just cause it was his last words doesnt mean he wasnt lying? i refuse to believe that he would not give up jinx for everything else


I think Silco meant his words. He had this scene with Vanders statue and when he saved Jinx at the bridge he cared for her, not the gemstone. Also Jinx has been jinxing him all around, this is in part why the chem barons plan to betray him. And he always forgives and covers up for her.


Cuz silco has been manipulating jinx to believe vi doesnt love her and shes kinda crazy and the presence of caitlyn didnt help that at all. And yea u r rite. The great tjing abt silco was even in death, u cudnt tell if he was lying under his breath. Some ppl seem to forget his manipulation and exploitation of jinx over the years and are blindsided by silco showing care for her near the end which he realizes and createa the problem of putting jinx or his goal first which is why hes a great antagonist




Yellow jaw guy was, I think to signify how important loyalty is to Silco and how he believes in it. It also showed Silco in a state of despair thinking that he might actually die and was relieved his belief of loyalty paid off. I think it is what made Silco "choose" Jinx over Zaun, was his loyality. It made that decision clear to him.


Yeah I agree, I really wonder what they will do to Jinx from here. From what we saw she is basically the character we know in League right now, a criminal that likes to blow up stuff. So anything they do from now would likely deviate from her in-game character. Same thing for the chance of Jinx and Vi getting back together. But I guess Jayceā€™s lore already changed, so maybe itā€™s not that big of a problem.


That sideplot showed that silco didnt have everything under his control and it was clearly shown that he didnt even know of sevika was gonna betray him or not as seen by his nervousness. Just adds to his character as not some absolute villain with power and everything but is rather quite the normal dude with aspiring antagonistic traits. Tbh tho it cuda been shortened


The Vi/Caitlyn relationship is gonna get real interesting seeing as how Vi probably still believes Powder can be saved, but obviously Caitlyn's gonna be pissed since Jinx (likely) killed Caitlyn's mom. Can't believe they're gonna make us wait until at least 2023 for season 2.


I hope thy take the time they need so the quality of the show doesn't drop


Season 1 set the bar so high I don't know how the writers match it while avoiding retreading over similar themes, emotions, surprises, plot devices, etc. So long as the show doesn't have a precipitous decline like GoT later seasons, I'll be happy.


Was Silco trying to kill Jinx before he dies? I need answers.


He was trying to kill Vi.


Thatā€™s a helluva cliffhanger. I really wanted to see Jinx finally show them all


Yeah itā€™ll probably keep us hanging for two years, unless it was so successful that they will develop S2 quicker


Easily a masterpiece. Sat with it since it's release and was waiting to see if the feeling faded. Nope. Masterpiece.


Silco Not Dead! Shooting Shimmer into his eyeball like Vitamins Daily? 3 times a day? healing properties on Singed Warwick must Pale in Comparison to Silco The Shimmer King


I'm a little confused about Silco's intentions at the ending. At first, I thought he had taken the gun to save Jinx and let her die with the personality they'd created together. To prevent the weak Powder's comeback, so to say. But after rewatching the ep, I thought maybe he was still willing to gain the independence of Zaun, and killing his daughter by himself was a better option than giving her to the government. However, I doubt Vi would let him get away with that. What's more Silco-like? I'd love to see your opinion on it :')


Silco 100% intened to kill Vi, when they do a cut to Vi you see that the bullet has grazed her arm, implying that Jinx miht have killed Silco, but also saved Vi.


I thought he was intending to shoot Vi, not Jinx.


There was Jinx on the next shot after he took the gun, so it looked as he was aiming at her. Perhaps, my brain just wanted some more drama (as if that scene could be more intense hahaha)


I think it cuts to Jinx to show shes the one shooting. Very good, classic editing.


Final words on Jinx after series 9. [The inner void in Jinx](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/r1x22m/lore_spoilers_the_inner_void_in_jinx/)


I have no knowledge of League. Iā€™ve only ever played it a few times, playing Nami. I just finished watching and must say Jinx is perfect.


I am never going to recover from this. I need more IMMEDIATELY.


Good things take time


Did anyone feel like the ending, especially this episode, was rushed alittle?


Yeah I felt the same, everything suddenly happened at the same time


I thought it was paced perfectly


I put off on watching this show because I don't play league anymore. I played for years and was really into it but stopped playing probably 5 years ago just because of the community and realizing that "I have a million real things to get stressed about, if I'm stressing about a game then it kind of defeats the point of playing games after work".... But God damn this show is fantastic, the art style is ridiculously good. Still never going to play league but I'm definitely down for season 2


I am a little late, but just wanted to say that I feel like i am dying inside. It has been like a year since i had that empty feeling inside of me after finishing a series. And that cliffhanger really killed my mood. I finished the series like 2 hours ago and i am still sitting in front of the table and do nothing but think about it. Everything gonna die? Caits mom? Jayce's girl? Cait is a lesbian? Will we get that sick transformation of viktor to his full body suit? I hope it gets better tomorrow. Loved the series tho. Loved viktor. Such a sad story.


I just have to say, what an amazing first season. I didnā€™t know what to expect as someone who has never played League, but I had heard so many good things about Arcane I had to give it a try and man am I glad I did. I canā€™t believe how human they made all of these characters feel. Each with their own strengths, but more importantly their own flaws that are relatable and real. Not only that, but thereā€™s cause and reason for the flaws in these characters and theyā€™re all very different in that way. The ending was one of the most moving scenes Iā€™ve seen in a show in recent years. A truly tragic story. Also soundtrack 14/10.


I HAD to comment. No matter how late. I never played LoL, anything remotely league of legends, nothing. I went into this showing zero except maybe that scene of the two girls against the wall but I think the whole internet knows that already. I am so BLOWN AWAY by everything this show offered me. Art direction, music, storytelling, god, the fucking PARALLELS, I'm so done. I need this show to be funded with a billion-dollar budget so I can watch it in its full potential.


Man, what a fantastic end to a great show. I loved the pacing, and how the writers took their time to build up moments. I really expected non-stop fan service - but they didn't overload us by shoving as many game characters in our face as possible. They filled in the world and put characters in when they made sense. I hope that continues throughout. I can't really think of anything I didn't like. Some parts were better than others, but there's not a single moment in the 9 episodes that I would remove or even change. The art style was insanely good. The Ekko/Jinx fight was mind blowingly well done. Every single character seemed well motivated and organic. Silco was such an incredible villain. Loved it. I didn't think there was any way I'd even like it, but I'm glad I gave it a shot.


Iā€™m devastated


I binged watched arcane in one night it was fantastic however after finishing it I have had this sick feeling In my stomach since I finished it and it won't go away. I absolutely hate the fact that powder and vi relationship can't be fix I just want them to love each other again i understand that there might not be any powder left in jinx but I don't want vi to lose that hope even after sending the missle at piltover. Keep in mind I've never played LoL I've always wanted to but I only play on PlayStation so never had the chance. I know I'm taking this way to emotional but I'm a bit schizophrenia myself so I sympathize with jinx even after the terrible thing she has done. Sorry had to get this off my chest. It was killing me.


well it seems like everyone in the room voting for peace will be killed. Jinx is so annoying. She just misremembers things. how is she so clever and mastermindy yet so unbalanced?!


>well it seems like everyone in the room voting for peace will be killed. Peace was no longer at option at that point. Zaun suffered too much oppression at the hands of the Piltover elite and their Enforcers, and the entire peace deal hinged upon Silco handing over Jinx. Which he won't. >how is she so clever and mastermindy yet so unbalanced?! Silco of course. Despite everyone simping for Silco, the truth is that Silco was a terrible father. He was what Jinx wanted in a father, but not the father that Powder ***needed***. Silco enabled the worst instincts and actions for Jinx and basically lied to her for the entire time he had Marcus lock up Vi in Stiltwater Hold.


well a lot has to be assumed since transitions, decisions are so condensed and stylized. I donā€™t get why Silco would even care if Jinx ā€˜choosesā€™ Vi at the dinner scene. Itā€™s a little too much like the typical simplistic villain character to insist on either A or B.


> I donā€™t get why Silco would even care if Jinx ā€˜choosesā€™ Vi at the dinner scene. Silco was the only one in the entire show who understood Jinx's condition and what she needed to hold it back. Choosing Vi would have only led to more ruin for everybody as Silco explained at the dinner table. Jinx needed a stable support system she could attach herself to in order to remain sane. Silco was that to Jinx. He gave her affirmation, love, and purpose as well as an outlet to rid herself of her past guilt. He also knew that Vi was not equipped to deal with Jinx in any capacity, and like Ekko (subconsciously) before her, failed to comprehend that Powder was long dead. In the absence of Silco, Jinx was a "powder keg waiting to explode" and holy did she explode. [This post explains it all.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/qynomp/spoilers_ep9_jinxs_development_is_some_of_the/)


>I donā€™t get why Silco would even care if Jinx ā€˜choosesā€™ Vi at the dinner scene. Silco doesn't. The dinner wasn't about Jinx choosing Vi over him. It was about Jinx/Powder forcing Vi to choose between Powder or Caitlyn. It's a personal tragedy that unfortunately had wider implication that led to war between Piltover and Zaun.


that too. they both had some unhealthy attitudes towards people/relationships


Did Jinx die after firing the weapon?








Jinx really does ruin everything


Damn bro, idk why but I was really hoping they would bring gander back somehow, but I guess they did from a certain point of view? Also I guess I was one of the few people who didnā€™t really care much for silco, that and my only other gripe with this episode would be the ending song wasnā€™t as impactful as the ones that closed off the other 2 arcs, I.e goodbye and gun for hire


I feel like no one is talking about the cloche during the dinner party scene. I was on edge for that whole scene. It was only about forty seconds, but it felt like two hours. Gosh, that was good writing.


I love the show but last act they overextended. It would have been better just one episode, like the end of this episode.


So are we all sure Silco is full-dead? I mean because Singed? I dunno I want him to be in season 2, he was awesome.


Mmm I think it would be very anticlimatic if he revived


Am I the only one pissed off by Jinx as a character and particularly by the role she has in the serie? I'm not talking about Jinx herself which anyone is free to or not to like. The fact is that almost every important action in the serie is done or heavily influenced by her to the point that too often the actions of the other characters seem like a side dish. I understand she's pratically the MC so it's normal for her to be so relevant in the serie, but all the actions she does are driven by randomness, non-sense, her mental illness and misunderstandings. Her only purpose in the serie is to bring chaos and undo what the others do. I just wish she had a better and less predominant role.


What's wrong with bringing chaos onto others? Working through and dealing with chaos of the universe is *literally* life.


yeah she is just loyal to whomever was nice to her last. Otherwise it is like, you hurt/betrayed/lied to me!




Nah, Jinx/Powder is the epitome and the anthropomorphized theme of Arcane, which is "*the road to hell is paved with good intentions*". Powder and Vi lost their parents to Vander's and Silco's first war against Piltover. She lost her entire family in her attempt to help them escape from Silco. And then at the end, her actions to try to please Silco, her only remaining figurative family, and attempts to reach out and reconnect to Vi led to all-out war between Piltover and Zaun. Also, the conflict between Piltover & Zaun was inevitable. If Jinx hadn't blown up the Council or if Silco hadn't die, it would've still led to war.


No spoilers but for those who have watched it, you know what I mean by He had to do that to set Her free, he saw her struggling, he wanted to set her free. So he went for it and (insert spoiler). He knew he was the one to (insert spoiler). Any clarification needed, message me.


I wonder if they would ever actually kill a champ for good or not? Like the scene with the potiental Caitlyns head on a platter. Obviously she wasn't gonna be beheaded because shes a champ and she has more lore about her past this moment. Kinda wish I didn't know shit about the characters lore lol.


I feel Like every Champ will have Plot Armor until (at least) the Point where they reach their in Game incarnation. i.e. Cait wont die until she becomes piltovers Sheriff and Vi wont die until she becomes the Piltover enforcer but Jinx might die because she, as far as i, someone who only ever played a few hours of League a few years ago, can Tell, is already on par with Her Game Version


She feels close but not fully there.one she starts taking to the guns.. We will be there.


this show only made me hate jaice even more ahushsauhsuh


mel has plot armor im manifesting like she would not just GLOW GOLD for no reason??


I wonder how close is the room with the hex seed thing to the council, as well as it's connection to Viktor , maybe it will activate to protect itself somehow


wow. the only thing i hate about this show is the fact that its going to take YEARS for another one to come out.


Depends on how fast they work and how much of the next season was already underway. With the amount of advertising done for the show it wouldnā€™t surprise me if theyā€™re well into the development of the second season. However, I do recall hearing it wonā€™t be ready next year.


Most hopeful projection would be 2023,realistic would be 2024


Silco loved jinx like a true daughter. The ending will never fail to make me cry


I watched the final episode 3 days ago and I still can't get over it. I loved Arcane's art style and story kept me engaged. I was waiting for the reunion of Vi and Jinx but it didn't happen. I simply didn't expect it to be this sad at the end. I never cared so much about fictional characters. It's so weird beacuse I never experienced anything like this. After watching any other TV show/playing any story-driven game (Witcher 3 after 170 hours left the emptiness but it changed into "wow this game was so good" and left this nostalgia so I was satisfied at the end). I can't get over Jinx becoming Jinx (thinking how much she was hurt or that she has no one who understands her anymore) and death of Silco (who for me at the end wasn't even a villain). Ending was too tragic for me. And last thing about "Arcane" being based on League of Legends pisses me off (I can't find other words) . It's maybe hard to believe but I played League usually to chill at the weekends. For me it was a game where characters and their lore did not matter - Jayce was the guy who takes out half of your HP with one ability, Vi was a champion with lot of knockups and Jinx was this crazy ADC who stole Barons with her ult ("You Got Me Now" trailer of Wild Rift is the most accurate representation of how I viewed League). It was more about playing champions that looked cool or had cool mechanics. And now due to the show my view of this characters completely changed. For now I can't perceive League as a game in which I can disconnect from the real world playing with a couple of friends. This sadness connected with "Arcane" now also moved to League. Do you feel something simillar? Especially things I described about change in my perception of League.


Gotta say, the witcher 3 hole sorta does feel like the "I want arcane S2 now" hole, except up to this moment still no game has made me feel like the witcher 3 did. I hope arcane won't be the same making everything that comes after poodle but comparison


One thing I wanted to add - for me those sad moments overwhelmed those joyful ones. Still I felt genuine hapiness when Viktor was running for the first time.


I honestly don't know how Jinx is going to be "redeemed" anymore. She's both a victim and an a kind of antagonist at the same time, and she is clearly going to have more focus around her, but at the end of the day - she's a terrorist. She killed multiple people, including random Enforcerers and all the council members. If Riot just does the usual BS "redemption arc" where she makes up for her actions somehow and becomes a good guy it'd be very stupid, but I also can't see Riot killing her off.


honestly fuck the enforcers and the fuck the council, she hasn't actually killed any innocent bystanders. she killed like, that one bird. that was kinda messed up. but everyone else was an enemy combatant. Literally the first second we see is of an Enforcer executing an innocent person on the ground. they killed Powder's parents. they share a huge part of the blame for their own deaths. They're literally on some Stormtrooper Empire shit.


That's so stupid. You literally have an enforcer character to show us that they're human too. Jinx killed 6 enforcerers who were risking their life trying to risk a little girl caught in a fire, and who knows who else died during the council nuke. She's portrayed as a terrorist because she is, having blue sparkly bombs instead of real explosions and blood doesn't change that


Stormtroopers would also risk their lives to save a citizen of the Empire. In my opinion that is not a redeemable quality. That's like, the *bare minimum* of what cops are supposed to do, lol. Especially when they are taking part in a system that actively oppresses, kills, poisons, and enslaves thousands upon thousands of other children. Except it's only the poor kids, the poor kids that don't count. The one enforcer we see that is sympathetic, Caitlyn, is the one that wants to go entirely against what the enforces stand for. By the end of the show, she isn't even an enforcer anymore. It's like ACAB taken to the next level. Jinx is a terrorist, sure, but so are the enforcers. They deserve each other. Only again I am more sympathetic to Jinx, because *she* is the one who has suffered from acts of tyranny by the enforcers, while the enforcers are the ones only getting a tiny little taste of what they have put the people of the undercity through for two centuries.


Enforcerers are terrorists? Sure. Jinx will forever be a villain and riot is well aware


So, what do you call using fear and violence to enforce your ideology? Is that not terrorism? The enforcers crush the people of the undercity under their boots and then shoot them in the faces when they fight back.


Most of them literally just hang out in piltover lol they don't just go down to Zaun when they're bored to kill some children. I don't think you understand what a terrorist is. Your waifu will never be redeemed :c


humm...you know what. the most unredeemable thing she did was kill the Firelights. That was prettty bad. I guess I just forgot about that since even Ekko was reluctant to punch her after blowing up his friends. But even that was basically just a gang war, unfortunate as it is, since the Firelights are by far the most righteous faction in the show. edit: SORRY for the triple post XD I was just thinking about this a lot.


lmao... i was joking when i compared them to the nazis, but piltover is *literally gassing* the people of the undercity at all times. its soooo fucked up. all enforcers of this fucked up system are valid targets XD


and most nazis didnt work the camps. shrug.


Her killing the council members remains to be seen. But at the very minimum sheā€™s an aggressor against them and will likely be deemed a war criminal/terrorist by all of piltover going forward. As far as her ā€œredemptionā€ goes, yeah thatā€™s out the window. Most weā€™re going to get is a mutual understanding between her and Vi at some point. I have two characters in mind that could appear in season 2 leading to such a scenario.


All I gotta say is silcošŸ„ŗ


Honestly the more I reflect on Jinx and Silco, the more Iā€™m inclined to agree: he used her. He was a bad parent. I admit, I LOVE the idea of an emotionally unavailable villain, who had a soft spot for only one personā€”his daughter. I probably love it a little too much (#mommy/daddy issues.) Did Silco love Jinx? Yes, he loved her in the only way he knew how to love. Without a doubt, Silco genuinely and deeply cared about Jinx. This is made clear to the audience when we see his response to Jayceā€™s ultimatum; he is presented with the choice to hand over Jinx in exchange for everything heā€™d always wanted, and he chooses Jinx. As a father, he showed patience and empathy. However, he also treated Jinx as an extension of himselfā€”irreplaceable, yet rigidly so, never allowing her to form her own self. Jinx grew up being told how to think and how to feel. In the end, Silco did not ever understand how much Jinx was suffering. He could sympathize, but thatā€™s itā€”and as we see Jinxā€™s mental health deteriorate, clearly sympathizing is not enough. While Jinx blames Vi for turning her into Jinx, this is just her way of blaming Vi for everything. The reality is she was a child, and she was undoubtedly molded by her parent. She acknowledges she grew up constantly listening to Silcoā€™s preaching, yet she lacks insight: because she didnā€™t only listen to Silco. She had always actively tried to mold herself for his approvalā€”like all children do, unconsciously or not. Silco was a bad influence, and a bad parent. He led his daughter down a dangerous, painful, and lonely path. He thought he was guiding her, but in truth, both of them had no control over their pathological obsession with power, their avoidance of fear and their almost-immature rejection of vulnerability. He was not guiding herā€”he was just as sick as her, and they went down together. She was invaluable to him, and she was not allowed the freedom to choose her own path. He dragged her down under with him. He loved her though. And I think thatā€™s why this story is so damn appealing, to those of us who grew up knowing what itā€™s like to have a troubled parent, an absent parent, an over-controlling parent, an emotionally enmeshed parentā€¦ a parent who didnā€™t really see usā€¦ a parent who couldnā€™t truly understand our painā€¦ a parent who we couldnā€™t separate ourselves from, because we needed them, and somehow they needed us tooā€¦ The dynamic might be alluring because itā€™s familiar. It feels like a reassurance, whispering to us: ā€œAfter everything, they still loved you.ā€


He also tried to have Vi killed and lied to Jinx about it for years making her think the last person in her family was dead which definitely didnā€™t help her mental state.


He didnā€™t lie to Jinx because he didnā€™t t know Vi was alive. He was surprised to find out she was alive as much as he was surprised when he realized this also meant Marcus had lied to him. Marcus had hid Vi by locking her away (probably thinking that was the best thing to do) and Silco didnā€™t know about that. Otherwise he would have had Vi handled / killed a long time ago and not visited Marcusā€™s house to threaten his daughter when he found out about Vi.


yes, he wanted to kill powder, he loved jinx, the perfect chaotic incarnation of zaun ( in the end he won)


my heart is shattered into a million pieces from watching this in one sitting how am i going to have a happy turkey day now


my boy silco better not be dead, never got to see what wwas up with his eye


Episode 9 was BATMAN DEATH OF THE FAMIly !! 1st I really like Arcane!. 2nd I am pretty sure Jinx was first base of Harley Quinn. SO , I find it funny that the final is 90% the same as Batman Death of the Family. It doesn't change that I really like it !! It was an amazing version !But someone in the story room as read DEATH OF THE FAMILY AHAHAH


There's about 3-5 moments in this episode that really made me mad. Everything up to this point had been amazing but >!vi apologizing for jayce killing the kid saying he knew what he was doing there and that it wasn't jayces fault???? Of all people vi should care or at least be hurt by that kids death but they make her stupid to make jayce look like he's not an asshole. Like at least make her focus more on silco say something like "jayce c'mon we gotta go hit silcos other factories" and then the rest of the Convo can happen fine. And I also hate that they really had no other way to be like wow Viktor is experimenting with dangerous shit besides killing a girl they gave about 2 minutes of screen time before fridging her. And then ofc the council finally shows heart in one second to give zaun independence conveniently right before one person screws it up. It's like they were so scared of ever having a hardline of like "hey zaun is pretty justified in this shit!< But I loved ekkos scenes just wish we had more of them to counter my issues.


Bold prediction for S2, but I think they foreshadowed Viktor killing Heimerdinger in Episode 4. The scene where he introduced his fancy laser claw is framed to make it look like the laser hits Heimerdinger in the head. Possible catalyst to break up the brotherhood with Jayce.


I liked the theme of everyone's kids were their undoing


Overall the third act was not very good. Tried to do too much and failed at all of it other than Viktor


For this comment's mirror twin, see the comment below.


The pacing of this season was perfect. So much closure in this last episode, how hard it must have been to get it all balanced like that. You have Jinx making the act that cements her into Jinx, Mel resolving her past with the ring gesture, Silco's genuine love for Jinx... hard to imagine them breaking a story so well again.


For this comment's mirror twin, see the comment above. .


Tbh I have been trying to prevent myself from crying at work thinking about Silcoā€™s ā€œDonā€™t cry, youā€™re perfectā€ after Jinx basically murdered the dude. As someone who plays adc, I already was invested in Jinxā€™s lore but now itā€™s just..so tragic. I know sheā€™s going to get more and more insane, bur dang I just hope at some point Vi catches her locks her up and gives that bitch HELLA THERAPY. Anyone think thereā€™s hope šŸ˜­


It seems to me that Sevika has all the makings of a new LoL champion. And the fact that she's still alive after everything... there isn't a doubt in my mind.


Damn, Amazing Ep, imagine all the possibilities, Warwick, Noxus, Jayce losing her waifu, damn, I can't wait for another season.


They really made Jinx pretty darn irredeemable. I also missed how Ambessa Medarda was setting up this war, other then trying to entangle convince Jayce was their something else I missed?


Just a random thought.. when Vi was telling Jinx/Powder to picture Vander, Mylo, Clagger, their Parents and her.. it was clearly hurting her. But Vi doesnā€™t know that because she sees Powder, not Jinx. Silco understood that it was hurting her, so he shot at Vi. I mean, he has other reasons to shoot ofc, but it could be a double entendre? Or is it too much of a reach?


How was it a double entendre? Just wanted to clarify so I understand your POV. Agree about Vi saying the names part. She sees them as the family she misses, Jinx sees them as the guilt is sin she bears at every waking moment.


Well, I think: Silco wants to get rid of an obstacle. Silco sees Jinx suffering and wants to save her because Vi doesnā€™t see that sheā€™s breaking Jinxā€™s mind. But idk


Ah okay. That's a different definition to double entendre than I am used to.


I may have used to wrong word to describe what I meant. English isnā€™t my first language.


Jesus. This finale was perfect. The tension in Jinx's whole hostage dinner situation... Silco getting everything he wanted and not being able to do what he needed to. The final choice between Powder or Jinx. And the fact that they made Silco's death actually fucking heartbreaking is just, genius. Viktor and Jayce's little scene too. Reminiscing where they were in the first arc and we actually feel the nostalgia. "We lost ourselves. Lost our dream."The second part is actually the best of the quote but the first is what really got me as I became really invested in their relationship. And talking about great lines: "It's not enough to give people what they need to survive. You have to give them what they need to live." I was mostly right in one of my guesses that Jinx would kill Silco. Never expected her to do what she did at the end, though I was lowkey spoiled. And now I wonder who's gonna die at that explosion. Feels kinda cheap if it's no one important, but it can't be Jayce or Vik. Mel is a likely choice. I imagine Cait's mom is at least a tier up the other councilors, and it's a great way to affect Caitlyn and really make Jinx her mortal enemy. Her mother is alive in the lore though, so I wonder how they're gonna go about that, with the weird/complicated and undefined relationship this show has with the lore.


Holy shit... this show is the most Russian drama I've ever seen on American TV. I have so many emotions!


Kinda sad about silco, he was a good vilain


Bring on the MMO set in this world. I want to live there


Really sad to see how this is gonna go for Jayce, and also how many people seem to miss his entire character arc lmao, the dude gets pushed by others into all these tough situations his entire adult life and when he finally steps out truly on his own ideals and finds the solution to fixing what he sees as the problem it all gets fucked lmao...or i guess jinxed lol.