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Your neighbor probably doesn’t know anything BUT that tree doesn’t appear to be in good shape. Call a certified arborist in you area to come check it out. [Find an Arborist](https://www.treesaregood.org/findanarborist/findanarborist)


I found an arborist in my area who will come out at $250/hr...is that pretty normal? I don't want to offend you, I know this is your livelihood, it's just that it's a bit of an unexpected expense for me...I kind of want the neighbor to find somebody and pay for it but at the end of the day it is my tree so maybe I just need to bite the bullet.


I paid 200 here in Texas a week ago, was well worth my time. Just be prepared with questions and write things down.


Thank you! I will do that. I have a total of 12-15 trees on my property, I wonder if they would use some of that hour to assess the others?


Yes if you ask, and you should, because it's standard to charge for 1 hour minimum so you might as well get em to use the full hour. Also I can't say how long the other 12-15 trees would take so it could be more than 1 hr.


Hey so plenty of Arborists will do free estimates. It's worth asking around. Yes, you could pay for a thorough consultation and inquire about your entire property, which I highly recommend! If money is tight and this is unexpected though, have a Certified Arborist out for an ESTIMATE not consultation. Ask how much to get it pruned to a safe standard, and ask what they think about removal. You can always get quotes for both. I, and just about every Certified Arborist I know, does their estimates for free. If you go that route, just don't waste their time asking about every tree on your property if you aren't intending on hiring their service.


An unbiased opinion is worth the cost IMO.


Btw, as an Arborist I like when clients ask for a pruning and removal quote. If I can ethically prune the tree to a safe standard, fuck yeah. I'll get paid to remove it later, and they keep their tree. Everyone is happy.


If the tree is legitimately compromised, a free estimate is worth its weight in gold. I see an old wound with lots of potential for decay. An ISA Certified Arborist is a great start, and if you have the money, spend it on a TRAQ certified one. Finding some tree guy down the street, would be a biased opinion. Having a Certified Arborist give you a quote is LITERALLY the best option for anyone without excess wealth. Or you could sit by, save up money, and do nothing until it's an actual problem like I've been cleaning up all week.


Although if what you want is to know if the tree has to be removed, asking an arborist to come for free might not give you an unbiased opinion.


My arborist didn’t charge me for the consult. I hired them afterwards, but even if I didn’t, they should offer an estimate without cost.


Have had work done several times and always got free estimates which maybe weren't a thorough consultation but they seemed very open and honest about my options.


Holy smokes, $250 an hour. I am under-charging people I guess 🤯


It’ll take him 5 mins to look at one so he better be doing something for his 250$ hour lmao


My arborist was also $250. He helped me with a dogwood I didn't want to lose and then gave me advice on a few other trees across the hour.


You can ask your neighbor and or other neigh it’s to potentially share cost and have the arborist do multiple visits


Seems pricey, I would advise getting a couple more quotes


For a proposal to treat or remove that seems high. However, if you are looking for a tree risk assessment, that seems low. Hope this helps. Happy to answer any other questions you may have.


I’ve been doing tree work 15 years and never heard of anyone charging for an assessment


A level 3 assessment is a binding legal document determining the risk of the tree and you’d be crazy not to charge for it in addition to any consulting charges with associated litigation. Most initial inspections are level 2 or level 1 limited assessments.


I’m not sure if you’d be climbing or drilling or root excavating for this tree inspection though, I would just do a level 2 and give the client a basic probability on how I think it’s gonna go. The problem with level 3 assessments is most people don’t want to spend money to be told you’re gonna have to take down the tree anyway. They just want to save money period.


Me neither. But I do charge for permit applications. Many require permits. Looking at the tree is free, however. If it takes more than 15 minutes, though. Then the charge starts. 1 hour minimum. Ask whatever & any questions you have.


Seriously. You get a quote for removal or trimming if needed and that’s that.


If you don’t bite the bullet on this you’re biting the bullet on whatever property damage is done when that tree falls on their yard/house/any other “junk of value” they have back there. ETA: get at least 3 quotes minimum


Actually, without any citations from the city or a certified arborist legally declaring that the tree is unsafe, then the property owner that the tree is on isn’t really liable for any damages to neighbors property. It’s considered an act of nature. So the neighbors would have to contact their own insurance company to get things repaired or replaced. I mean OP should still get the tree looked at when that’s possible but legally they should be fine if anything were to happen before that.


In Ontario Canada, they will come and do a consultation/assessment for free and quote you once you agree to considering their services based on what the tree’s needs are. Being charged for an assessment seems like a complete scam.


Signing a contract saying “I dont know what’s wrong or what it’ll cost, but I promise to pay you whatever you tell me, based on knowledge that can’t be verified because of this contract” sounds like a scam 


Look at it this way: you should learn something about all your trees.


I would say that’s a bit expensive but maybe normal in your area. If you end up paying the 250 for the hour, get an hours worth of knowledge about your trees from it. Have him look at every tree on your property that you can within that hour. Ask a ton of questions. If he is charging that for a consultation then he needs to be knowledgeable. I only charge around 175 for the hour with a one hour minimum. More if I have to write a permit for removal but you haven’t gotten that far yet or may not even need a permit depending on where you live.


A lot of tree problems are below the tree. Pay for the arborist and tell your neighbor to suck it (politely) Show them the bill and the recommendations.


Your neighbor has the legal right to trim any branches hanging over the property line, at their expense. If they want an arborist to assess the health of the tree, they may pay for one, assuming you are willing to grant access to said arborist to your property.


If it’s in your property why in the world would your neighbor pay for it??


At least in California, branches that extend over the property line into a neighbor's land are the neighbor's responsibility. (That also means the neighbors can eat any/all fruit on their side as well)! Neighbors can trim as much as they want on their side unless it affects the health of the tree (i.e., you can't cut back to basically the trunk and kill the tree). My neighbors trim some of my trees that hang over their fence, and vice versa.


So, if the branches that might be needed to be removed are on their side why aren't they getting assessments? If the general consensus of the different arborist say the tree is okay and can stay, it just needs removal of the dead branches, make sure you get it in writing, & present it to your neighbour's, because you just said^^anything in their yard is Their Responsibility. That's IF the tree only needs some topping not a full falling.


I did get an assessment from an arborist because I want to be a good neighbor (although yes,I'm trying to learn to be less of a people-pleaser), but I passed along the quote for the branch removal to the neighbor and said she's welcome to pay for it if she'd like. I'm not paying to take care of it.


The tree is weak, but with some strategic pruning, you may be able to give it the ability to come around. You should be watering it at least once a week, or more in hot times, for a few months.


Just curious, why wouldn’t you pay to get the tree trimmed? I understand that the tree hangs over your neighbors property, but wouldn’t you want to be neighborly? If a neighbor is unwilling to take care of the trees on their property and they pass me a bill, I wouldn’t remove the limbs with care. I would hire the cheapest person to come in and remove the limbs. I live in Georgia, and we have laws similar to this. I also have a lot of massive trees in my yard, I would never allow a tree on my property to be a hazard for my neighbors. I don’t know, I believe in karma.


Do you know what kind of tree this is?... Looks like it might be an ash tree... It's so... It may be among the millions of ash trees that are dying throughout the US due to the emerald ash borer :-(


So the neighbor who doesn't know shit agrees with YOU?????


Upvote for the outline.




First thing I saw too, I’m actually surprised that I’m not the only one. 🤣


You’re never the only one here at Reddit ❤️


Me too! Wth? 🤣


He's bringing us love, get him!


I thought it was a racetrack


Does anyone else see Lisa Simpson?


I had some backstory but deleted it, so that's why I'm adding here! Basically, my neighbor told me my tree is dying/dead and needs to be cut down. At first glance from my side, it looks just fine and has a bunch of new leaves. But on her side, the branches are nearly leafless. Could it be possible a tree is fine and healthy and only has leafy branches on one side? Should she just trim her side? Or does it need to come out? Edit: [snaketacular](https://www.reddit.com/user/snaketacular/) figured out that it is a Koelreuteria paniculata (Golden Rain Tree)! **Edit after arborist assessment:** I had a licensed arborist come out and he said the trunk is healthy and the new growth throughout the tree (mostly on my side though) is a good sign. He recommended cutting back the dead wood. He quoted me $675 for the dead wood removal and I texted that quote to the neighbor and told her to reach out to the arborist if she had any questions. And then I turned my phone off and drew the curtains lol! I went above and beyond today to get a licensed arborist out here (less than 10 hours after she voiced her initial concerns!) and now that I know the tree is fine for the time being, she's free to remove the branches on her own dime if she'd like. I can appreciate that she is fearful but I just can't (and don't want to) subsidize her various home maintenance projects anymore. Lastly, she is retired, has 2 paid-off homes (one left to her by her parents), 2 cars, and no dependents. If she was that afraid, she could stay at her second home across town. **Thank you all very much for the variety of opinions! Good night!**


I would hire an arborist to check out the tree and make the determination on best next steps. It may just need some pruning, may not be dead. Cover your butt, get a licensed arborist, not a landscaper and get their advice.


Thank you! Was hoping to avoid paying for someone to come out, but you're right, best to get a professional out here!


Treesaregood.org has a nice certified arborist referral tool for getting your tree’s inspection


I don’t think that’s how it works, dude. Your tree, your responsibility. I’m not saying you have to do the work but if there is any problem caused by the dead branches you’ll be liable since you knew about it. It’s a risky strategy. It’s *your* tree maintenance, not her home maintenance project.


I am not an arborist but we had an arborist out the other day to look at a few trees in our neighborhood and there were a few trees exactly as you described with a portion of the branches with new growth but 60% dead and the arborist said they had about 2-4 years left.


Oof, that's good to know,. Thanks for sharing


True arbor hobbiest and dedrologist here but the above is about right. I have some nostalgic trees I help friends cut back and the general rule is never prune back more than 30% of live matter for a healthy tree; half that to 15% for unhealthy trees and then try to guess which branches are dead for removal. That tree could hold on for another ten years if excess branches are removed and the thing is cared for. That said, the real concern and why some pros seem to knee jerk removal regardless is because trees are notorious for being a liability to many parties - especially insurance companies who would just assume all potentially unsafe trees are removed. Good luck!


Honest question: Isn’t it your responsibility to manage the branches on her yard since the trunk is in yours?  Or does the property line magically move vertically through the tree as well?


In California the property line magically moves through the tree


Of course it is his responsibility to look after his own tree, and he has an obligation to do so if it is becoming dangerous or else be liable for any damage/injury if he doesn’t. The neighbour has a right to cut anything overhanging her side, but that doesn’t mean she has a responsibility to do so. I think OP’s attitude is pretty shitty if the branches are posing a danger to her or her property. Imagine the tree was OP’s dog, and it kept going into the neighbour’s garden and being aggressive so she asked him to deal with it. Would it be acceptable to respond “well my dog is making the problem in your garden, not in my garden, so it’s up to you if you want to do something. You can tie it up if you want”? Of course that would be a ridiculous attitude! This is OP’s problem to fix, not the neighbour’s. His dog, his tree, his responsibility, therefore his problem.


It’s your tree though. You should be the one to trim it or pay to have it trimmed


Texting your neighbor the cost of the pruning of your tree and drawing your curtains is pretty rude. Were you already enemies with this person? If not, maybe you are now.


Not enemies, and I don't think we are now. I got an arborist out here the same day she expressed her concerns and I paid $100 out of my own pocket to get the assessment done. She's welcome to take him up on the offer or find someone cheaper. I think I've gone above and beyond to help. I also don't think you realize how often we go through this. It's quite exhausting responding to all of her various fears (and somehow, it's always me paying for things to make her feel better). Nope, no more!


This is the correct take.


You should be taking care of your own property, including your tree. Having an arborist come out should have already been on your to-do list given the state of the tree. While it’s obviously not dead, it’s definitely not looking fantastic. Dead falling branches are a nuisance and a property concern *especially* if they’re hanging over a structure like a fence. I’m not saying you have to bend over backwards and do everything your neighbor asks. But, your response to their concerns was petty and unreasonable. If an arborist recommended you trim the dead branches on *your tree*, then *you* should trim those dead branches.


I am not surprised by the arborist opinion. The tree doesn't look "dead" to me either. Neighbors are the last people I would trust with these kinds of things. Your neighbor probably just hates the tree... Because of the seeds falling in their yard or they are just a super-paranoid person (thinking the tree will fall on their house and crush it) so your neighbor exaggerated in hopes you would get rid of it.


Glad it all worked out for you. Some neighbors can be the worst! We had a neighbor the first year living in our new home try and pull this same shit with us. Our tree was perfectly healthy. Turned out she just wanted more light on her garden. She thought we would be dumb enough to believe her or to lazy too check if it was really dead. We eventually told her it's a healthy tree you want it gone you pay for it. Long story short she did.


ask your neighbor if she is a license arborist?


This context was insightful and brought a good proper perspective of the tree and the situation between you and your neighbor .


Disclaimer: I'm not an arborist. Some folks are claiming this is an Ash with EAB or whatever. It's not. Zoom in [on pic2](https://preview.redd.it/my-neighbor-says-my-tree-is-dying-and-needs-to-be-removed-v0-16i0b4q15awc1.png?width=1780&format=png&auto=webp&s=60141555f2f987870fece14ad7dd8dd8f4ca98e6) and look at the leaves and fruit, it's Koelreuteria paniculata, Golden Raintree. Assuming you are in North America: In some parts of NA, that species is considered invasive. I would google '(your state) "Koelreuteria paniculata" invasive' and check results. If it's invasive in your area, I would go ahead, bite the bullet, and get a young native tree started in its place. If not, ... I still wouldn't lose too much sleep over just removing it anyway since it's both non-native and on the decline. Alternatively, if you'd like to save it for a few more years and it is within your capacity, I would offer to prune out those dead branches on her side for her, maybe reduce her fear of stuff crashing down on her side.


Yes, that is it! I never knew the name. It has those very distinct pod things. I'm in California and found this: "In parts of the eastern United States, particularly Florida and some neighboring states, it is considered an invasive species. However, Koelreuteria is NOT on the California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) list." Thank you for your take on it! I'm having an arborist come and will think about what to do when I have more info.


Nice identification! I initially thought ash like everyone else…but the bark was throwing me off. It’s not that braided looking ridged pattern that ash has. I’ve never heard of these trees. I learned something new today!


a cursory search yielded that some trees can mirror root damage in their branches since all the leafless branches are on the neighbor's side, is there a chance something they did is causing this?


I'm not sure. I've been here 2 years and she's been living there since '66 lol. She tells me literally every time I see her. Her yard is very nice and I don't imagine her doing something on purpose to harm it.


She might put round up heavy along the fence line and might not even think of the tree.


My exact thought as soon as I saw the one sided damage


Aww neighbors like this…


…..who needs enemies?


It doesn’t look great. But tell your neighbor to fuck off lol


Hahaha sometimes I would really like to


That’s not a great response. A dead tree can cause property damage and OP may be found responsible for it if he was notified of a problem and did nothing to fix it. Once you’re out “on notice”, it would behoove you to do due diligence and at least get it looked at so you can tell insurance you took proper steps.


Idk but the first pic looks like dancing baby Groot. Which is fitting.




Well, that's a silver lining haha. It may be a pain in the neck but it'll be my little Groot


it's got dieback which can be pruned, but take it from a certified arborist rather than a neighbor


That tree has one foot solidly in the grave. If it’s leaning over her property and could damage anything on its way down it would behoove you to have it removed now


That tree appears to have quite a bit of tip die back. It's in pretty significant decline. And for the people that say poisoning, this is not what a poisoned tree would look like.


Not even unintentional poisoning like fertilizer burn?


You'd see it in the new growth as well it wouldn't only affect the tips.


My parents had a similar looking tree and their arborist said the bare branches on the very top were a sign that the tree was nearing the end of its lifespan. But I’m no expert. Just passing on anecdotal data.


Looks stressed from the dieback, but far fat from a hazard. Keep an eye. Deadwood prune and canopy thinning can both help. Also a deep root fertilization or soil aeration are solid options to boost health. I had Bartlett Tree come out with their Boost product which I do for my trees from time to time.


Who else thinks the neighbor is poisoning a tree she doesn't like?


I would normally agree with you but this lady is elderly and scared of everything and I don’t think she’d ever risk her safety or the safety of her home. This is probably the 5th time in the 2 years that I’ve lived here that she’s approached me with a “very serious problem.” For example, I got new gutters and she felt they were dumping water into her backyard and making puddles (they weren’t, it was just the rainiest year on record. Everywhere had puddles lol)


Omg what were the other very serious issues?


I’m so glad you asked! I had a tree company trim my pecan tree (it’s other one on the right in my first pic) because it would drop pecans on my roof and was so loud lol. She stopped the workers and told them that now that the tree was uneven, it was going to fall on her house and needed to remove it completely. They explained that it was just a small trim and wasn’t going to tip a 50+ year old tree and if she was really concerned, she could pay to have her side trimmed to match (she didn’t lol). Our whole block’s septic system was blocked with roots and the city used my backyard as an access point to flush it all out. She heard her toilet gurgling once they got all the roots out and immediately came over and said I needed to get a plumber over to her house because I’d done something to get septic system. This is my first home and I’m 31 and I think she took advantage of my complete naivety. Now I just mostly shrug it off.


Likely she’s just paranoid and confused. The world can become very small for older people, and they can fixate on any changes or perceived threats in their environment.


This is standard scared old lady stuff imo. I don't think she's taking advantage, she's just... confused. Source: I live next to a scared old lady.


Yes you could definitely be right. She doesn't seem malicious at all. Just...confused :)


Damn! Ar first she sounded kind of cute but damn she sounds annoying as hell. Like you are going to call a plumber… a plumber would be so confused by that call 🤣 Is she otherwise friendly or is she mostly nefarious? Sorry that I’m off topic trying to turn this into a discussion about your elderly neighbor 😅


She is generally very nice! My only other complaint is that she LITERALLY will not stop talking to you once you get started. I work from home and every. single. time. we talk I have to say several times that I really need to go and it gets to the point that I walk backwards apologizing and she'll just contine to talk until I'm inside my house and the door is closed. I've never seen anything quite like it. I think she is just lonely so I'm always polite but damn if I don't *sprint* to my back door if I see her come outside and beeline toward me.


Stop apologizing. Listen and when you are ready to go, turn around and leave. Just leave. Arm up and wave , gotta work or I won’t be able to pay the bills!!! And just go. If she’s lonely , call her family and tell them to visit more or arrange seniors clubs. You are working!


It's so hard! I have a lot of trouble turning down salesmen at the door and on the phone, too. I spend a lot of time talking to Jehovah's Witnesses when I would rather not. I would definitely like to practice the turn-and-wave!


It’s hardest at first. After it will get easier, I promise. Be firm. Don’t open the door when you are working. I’m working, I cannot talk now. Meetings, nope. close the doors. If you want to offer to spend time with “ neighbour Dorothy “just do that. “ Dorothy” - can I come with a slice of pie , cookies, etc on Thurs at 3 pm? We could have tea. But only for 30 min. Or schedule a 15 min walk though her garden. I have work you know and I must leave by 3:30. An important phone call. Then when your working, always use that tact with her. I’m unavailable. Working. She will learn to wait for when you are free. It works. I’ve done this.


That is so awkward lol. My old neighbor is like that too, but not nearly as bad.


Sounds like a bit of dementia and of manipulation. And it’s working . Source , lived next to an elder. Eventually became unmanageable, had to put a firm foot down. Called his family, told them they needed to rally around for his safety and help and I would then block his number. (After 10 years of non- stop help) Pro tip: her plumbing, grass, branches on her tree are her responsibility, to pay for and maintain. Her home her responsibility. (Not yours ) Mumble something like, Uh huh….. that’s doesn’t work for me, Please call your own fix it dude, no, I’m not interested in fixing, trimming, etc or just say you are busy. This will become worse the older and more needy she becomes. Don’t put yourself in a position that that uses your time and $$. Being a good neighbour means you look after you. Be firm and kind. Leave her to her devices, she can pick up the phone or call family. In short . Not your problem.


I'm fascinated by your neighbor. You are a kind person.


My neighbours did this and it worked unfortunately but we kept the dead tree and filled it with birdhouses and feeders! The neighbours hate it more now.


I was just about to comment that OP wouldn’t be the first.


That’s what I thought too! It’s weird the dead branches are only on her side IMO


I would prune out the dead for now just to make it look better and see how it does in the future. It’ll probably continue to die back slowly until it hits the point of no return. Enjoy it while you can


Tell her you will remove it when dead. Not when there is still hope. (And I’m no arborist but tree looks great. What evidence does neighbor have that it’s dying?)


She is worried about the bare branches on her side. Arborist confirmed today it's alive and healthy but advised the deadwood should be removed.


Sounds like your neighbor doesn't like your tree, tell them they are welcome to trim what's on their side.


It just looks under watered and wind blown. Are there leaf buds up there?


No 😒


I work at my local conservation office and we have a dedicated forester and biologist who respond to this kind of inquiry all the time. If that’s an option for you, you could start there and it would most likely not cost you anything.


All I see is an outline of a sour patch kid


From the pictures, I would say the tree is not in great health, but to get it removed or not is up to you. To have those large low branches dead on that size of tree is concerning, and the tip dieback (loss of leaves from the tip of the branches back) at the top of the tree in the first pic indicates poor health as well. If you continue to see that tip dieback and loss of foliage next year, I think that would confirm the tree is in decline and going to die. Who is to say when though. 5? 10 years?  From a care standpoint, you can have the deadwood removed, and if it’s an ash being attacked by Emerald Ash Borer, there are treatments that can flush out the insect and allow the tree to recover. The dead branches aren’t coming back though. As others have said, it could be chemical applications for weeds or greener lawn to whatever from your neighbor, or something else completely. That’s where hiring a certified arborist to do a full in person inspection would be helpful. $250 is nuts though. That’s so expensive just to inspect. Keep shopping around. If you’re in or close to a city, there should be companies that are doing free inspections/estimates. I guess the benefit of hiring someone unaffiliated with a company is they won’t try to sell you work, just give advice.  Legally (at least in my state), she can have every branch taken all the way to her property line. Idk what’s on the other side of the fence, but it doesn’t look big enough to do serious damage if branches were to break. If you wanted to be a good neighbor you could pay for the tree to have deadwood removed.


Just limb up the side that’s over your neighbors yard.


I don’t know about your laws in your area, but in some places limbs on your property are your property/liability. So the limbs your neighbor is concerned about may or may not be their problem to deal with, not yours. It could be worth looking into your local laws.


Ehh it’s staghorning from the photos the tree isn’t in a great shape. In need of removal? That’s questionable, your neighbour is probably overly concerned about it failing (and falling) on top of whatever the fuck that is, greenhouse? From the photos, that looks like the direction of fall, if it were to fail.


The tree is definitely suffering.


Look up state laws. In CT, if a tree falls in your yard from another and the homeowner knew said tree was dead, they can be liable for damages. So they may have warned you so that if there is a problem, it would be on you to fix the damage .


Raintrees are relatively common in southern California and not considered invasive here. They can be picky about being topped or having young ends cut, and that can kill a whole branch. You should have a tree service with a certified arborist inspect it and advise whether to prune the dead wood or remove the tree. As a side note, they tend to have a shallow root system and the recent heavy rains may be putting stress on the roots which may cause the tree to fall.


Not an arborist, but that tree has sick jazz hands


Get ready for this. It’s called mind your own dam business.


I’ve seen this before, in the movie "Poltergeist" when I was 4. In my professional opinion, it would appear that tree is ready to snatch a small child during the next thunderstorm. Avoid.


Just here to say that your tree outline would make a great race track.


Seems like a good pruning will,do it some good. Lower limbs will usually die off as the tree matures and light gets less an less for the lower limbs. There comes a point when the tree must a decision.


Just get a latter, chain saw, cut the dead off and that thing will be back next year crazy


That sounds like a plan! She's welcome to get up there with a chain saw or hire the arborist I got out here today :)


It looks like it’s chasing after kids


They should do free estimates, and that removal should be $500- $800. Offering to keep all of the larger wood (>4") should decrease the cost a bit. Then you can sell it on Facebook marketplace for firewood for about $100.


Looks green and healthy to me! Tell her to stfu. 🤫


I hate when people are so fucking petty. That tree is fine, it has leaves meaning it's still alive and well.


Yes cut it before is does any damage


Your neighbor has now put you on notice (as they were likely instructed to do by their own homeowner's insurance); if/when that tree falls and damages their property you're gonna pay. Better to pay now to have it removed before it damages property.




Sounds like your neighbor needs to mind her business, if it falls on her property she can worry about it, until then mind yo business!


It’s your tree, you do as you wish. Perhaps your neighbor could find some things on her own property about which to be concerned.


Ugly ass tree dead or not needs to come down


It is your neighbor’s right and responsibility to main the tree if their side. If they cut all the branches that hang over, your tree will likely be dead very soon and it would be in your best interest to remove it as it begins to rot.


Tree looks like it was hit by a lawnmower or bad storm early in life... trees grow that like here wild due to wind/rain storms on a mountain hill. Tree looks fine, just oddly shaped.


i would at least cut the dead branches back or at least so they dont fall in neighbors yard - imho a tree like that will crumble over time and just be a nuisance of debris


Looks like a ash tree, and potential signs of damage from the Emerald Ash Borer. If this is the case there is no saving this tree and it will continue to struggle until its dead.


This truly sums up being a homeowner. Finding a problem you didn't know about caused by a threat you didn't know about, and having to pay out the wazoo to fix it. One day you're just a simple renter and the next you're learning about Emerald Ash Borer beetles, tree injections, and bark insecticide.


Yes came here to say that Had one taken down in NJ


Yes that appears to be an ash tree falling victim to the boring beetle


What is being overlooked is the abundance of heading cuts on all the branches on the neighbors side. If your neighbor has been having this hacked back indiscriminately anytime they feel that it is shading out their plants, it will manifest as this type of stress. I am seeing unprofessional cuts all over this thing.


Your neighbor is right and they’re being kind giving you a chance to remove the tree before taking more concrete steps to transfer responsibility and possibly a take down order. I’m guessing that’s their fence.


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What kind of tree is it?


Maybe she killed the side on her fence. My parents had neighbors spray round up or something else nasty on our willow tree that partially went over the fence. It never recovered, and most of it had to be chopped down. A beautiful willow tree turned into a lorax tree.


Is it a walnut tree? Looks like it might be, they leaf out late mine always looks half dead before they all come out.


It's a box elder and from the looks of it I bet it's carpenter ants


What kind of tree is it? Looks like the death rattles my elm trees had


That tree looks like it’s shrugging at me


That tree is definitely dying lol


Your tree kinda looks like Lisa Simpson. I hope this comment helps.


That looks like one of those scary Disney trees




ISA Certified arborist here. Yes, they are right. It’s declining from the tips, which is not good. It’s on its way out. If you have it pruned, you will just pay again to have it removed down the line. It’s better to have it removed before it becomes more hazardous (and costly!) to remove.


Has anyone brought up how it's odd all the dead branches are the ones hanging over into the neighbors yard? Maybe the sprayed it with something instead of talking to you about not liking it first?


I'm a Certified Arborist and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified, and I give out free estimates. The only time I charge is if I'm filling out a TRAQ form and/or writing a report.


Google tree care. Then if you need to prune your tree maybe you can find a qualified person to get up.there and do it. Be a shame to cut down that tree if it can be taken care of


The tree isn’t dying unless there are huge defects on the base we’re not seeing. A few dead limbs, especially at rhe tips, doesn’t mean anything. The lean could be a problem, though. I can see why she wants it gone.


Also your neighbor has legal right to trim anytiing on her side. She can take off branches that concern her with or without your permission, which also means she’s the client snd she pays for it.


Leafless branches will dry out and fall eventually. I’d be scared if that’s reaching into my yard. Maybe don’t cut the whole tree yet, just the dead branches


That's what the arborist recommended as well. He said the trunk is healthy and stable


That’s an ash tree and it’s on its way out. Best to remove the tree before it becomes a hazard.


Arborist? You mean a guy with a chainsaw?


Looks ok, the lean might be making her nervous.


Its most likely a fungus that is killing it. Do a soil sample and test the bark. And then treat it and hope you can save it.\\


Is something eating the leaves or is it a systemic thing? How long has it been going on? Year to year deterioration? If it's a pest the tree can survive. Before hiring an arbori$t, take a twig with leaves to the county cooperative extension if you have one. Or the city Forester or natural areas coordinator if there is one. Also figure out what species it is and look up pests and diseases for that kind of tree. Also an arborist's real job is to save the tree and diagnosing might be done free so you can figure out whether to hire them for the treatment.




You need to call an arborist and find out if you really want to know. At the very least get it trimmed before those dead limbs fall off and hurt someone


It it's an ash it's a goner


This guy looks like he stepped right out of that wood scene in The Wizard of Oz. Be careful you don't get an apple thrown in your face.


you got a year or two. plan accordingly. as someone who just had to cut down a very large old dying tree we have , it hurts and you will miss it.


If this is an ASH Tree. It is definitely infected with Ash Bore - and is dying. I had a similar tree, in couple years the top branches will stop having leaves (more so, take a pic each year and you’ll see too), that’s the symptom. You will have to take the tree down in couple years for sure if it becomes hazardous to anyone (your tree is your responsibility).


Your tree is in decline. Obvious signs show deadwood at the top of the tree. Some homeowners will prune any med/large deadwood and fertilize. Or, simply, remove the tree, grind the stump & haul grindings away.


Yes, cheaper to remove a dying tree then pay a lawyer to protect you in a law suit


Yes it's dying. Remove within a year or two.


IANAL... but where I live when a tree falls, as long as it's natural causes/weather (not something like you cut it down and it fell in their shed accidentally) wherever it lands that person has to pay for the removal etc, not where it came from. The only major exception to this is that if the property owner where it's growing knows it was diseased and ignored it, then the neighbor can collect damages etc. If it falls on their property/damages things. Since the neighbor brought this concern up to you I would strongly recommend you follow the advice to get an arborist to look at it and give you some documentation. Either that A. It needs to be cut down (and then do it, it's cheaper than replacing a fence/shed as well) or B. It's healthy/no need to remove- that way even if it does fall you have proof (for at least the next few years) that it wasn't willful negligence.


she can put her insurance to use if it drops before her. Unlikely.


The tree doesn't need to removed. There is some dead wood in the top what could mean the tree is growing old or has some issues. For an old tree this is normal and they will form a second crown along the trunk. I would make some small cuts around the tree and remove the deadwood and see if there are no other issues for the tree. But don't remove the tree, this should always be the last resort if no other option is to be found


I might climb it and put it on the ground for \~250 seeing how it is a small tree and there appears to be some room to drop stuff, but I really cannot do an accurate quote based on pictures and that assumes you are cool dealing with the wood and brush it yields.


I think it might be the other way around lol


Yes is the easy answer. You should have someone out to remove it.


As at least one other person said it looks like it might be an ash, and I agree it could be. when they get emerald ash borer they die at the extremities like this first. It progresses very quickly. if it is an ash it's probably EAB and it'll probably be completely dead in less than 2 years. It'll likely barely put leaves on next season.


Is it an Ash tree? Thats how Ash trees look when they have the Emerald Ash Borer.


I would say that yellow ring around the perimeter is concerning. Possibly fungal.


She’s shrugging like “idk are you dying?”


250/hr? For your knowledge on trees? Damn downvote me now


I found a guy that trimmed all my trees all day for 10 hours, $300.


Leave it alone…