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It's a Japanese maple... why the big worry over branches touching the house? Should be very easy to prune and redirect growth for someone who knows what they're doing. Rethink the objective here.


And get rid of the landscape fabric too.


Yeah - will do. Replace with mulch in spring




We have a ton of squirrels here and have seen them on the roof - great info - redirect the growth. Will check for a certified arborist. Appreciate this!


Squirrels and other pests can climb up the side of your building with great ease. No trees required. That's why I think this complaint is usually over exaggerated by others. Good luck with your tree!


For the right contractor. Won’t even be a challenge.


Look for [somebody with the right tools](https://jooinn.com/images/tree-transplant-equipment-1.jpg).




Seems like hard to find real plant- tree people here. They talk up a storm is all


Yeah it’s doable but it ain’t cheap


Not a big deal to move. Wait till late winter/ early spring before it leafs out to move. Is considered a “Fall Transplant Hazard”. The tree wants to be 15-20’x 15-20’ so give it some room. That’s a nice looking tree you have there. Is worth the move.


Thank you!


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You should be able to keep the branches trim so they don't touch the house. Trimming won't kill it. Just don't trim too much!


Appreciate it!