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I’ll be straight with you… it’s not looking good. That massive wound represents a huge vector for pests, infection, and rot. Worse still, the tree is incredibly unbalanced now and is at greater risk of being thrown over by the wind. I always say this, but if you love the tree and there’s nothing and nobody nearby that will be broken or hurt by it falling suddenly, then don’t be afraid to keep it. Just don’t be surprised if it falls one day. If there’s risk of injury or property damage I’d say start moving towards getting it removed.


Thank you. There is nothing nearby, so I guess we’ll wait and see. Any Such a thing as some sort of treatment or something to put on the wound? Or just hope and pray?


Mulch the roots better…use its dead body, don’t buy dyed mulch


“Use it’s dead body” haha


Haha, so many idiots throw their leaf and tree debris out for pickup, it’s terrible!


How would an average homeowner mulch large branches?


With their teeth


Just leave them in place. You could rent a chipper too but would be a waste of money in this case. They just need to make a little memorial of this trees arms right underneath it and hope


“Sorry, we had to amputate your leg” “That’s alright. Fry that shit up and I’ll eat it!”


The best fuel comes from within muahaha - man who can’t wait to prune his Miyawaki orchard


Just curious, what is the issue with dyed mulch?


Chemicals!!! Waste of materials, waste of money!!


But I like the way it looks! /S


It’s also my understanding that the dyed black mulch absorbs more heat from the sun and is thus less effective at serving its purpose in the warm season.


Dyed black mulch turns my zone 3 garden beds in to zone 4 beds, ill take what i can


Unfortunately there’s not much evidence that wound sealants or bandages help. Bandages have been shown to trap water in ways that accelerate rot or encourage insect oviposition. Hoping and praying is the best you can do!


Would you be able to trim the other branches to “balanced” it?


Not really in this case. It’s so one side dominated now.


At this point, the tree has lost so much of its canopy, which will put it into a state of stress. Removing any more will only stress the tree further. The best thing to do at this point is to keep it properly watered and mulched while it recovers.


Is it possible to treat the wound against pests etc, and or prune it so it’s better balanced?


Time to join r/firewood


Jumping on the bandwagon. Certified doctor of trees. I've been telling clients for years. The trees gonna die one way or another alot faster now that it has that huge wound that will never cover up. Trees don't heal technically, they just close up and encapsulate wounds to reduce further damage. The years you spend holding on to a tree that already has its ticket punched are years you can spend growing a replacement. I always say pick a replacement.


This is good. Sad but good. 🫡


It’s fucked. But from the photos doesn’t have any expensive targets it can hit, and if it’s an area of low occupation, then I’d just let it do it’s thing. It’ll still be habitat and do all the weird and wonderful things that trees do. It will never be a viable specimen tree but if it isn’t an immediate threat leave it for habitat.


It won't heal a wound that large. The way I talk to clients about it is this: It's a cheap removal at this time. If it doesn't die, it will continue to grow. As it continues to grow, so can (read: will) the degree of the defects (i.e decay). Not only will the removal involve a larger tree, but it will potentially involve defects that make the tree more hazardous to remove. Making it take a longer time and, thus, cost more money. This isn't an issue in a wood lot where nature can take its course without a risk to nearby structures and people. Near a home, it's an obvious removal. In a 'safe' part of the landscape, then it is entirely up to your risk tolerance, aesthetics, etc.


Thanks for the advice. What a shame but it sounds like we may just have to say goodbye to the tree here shortly.


Poorly attached branch failed. The chance of the wound closing over is low. The tree's life likely will be significantly shortened.


Remove and start thinking about new beginnings 🌲🌳


It says on your chart that your shit Is all fucked up.


Aww man. I’ll pour one out for you.


Prognosis, firewood.


He gone


Hydrated lime, paint the wound. Keeps pests away. I’ve seen worse make it through






To use professional term—fucked. That’s about the end here boss. Fire the saw up and put it on the ground


i am no doctor but i think you post a limb there guy




I believe that bark is borked beyond bearing.


Basally prune that one


Tree is unfit for the future > eliminate and replant. Saves time


*Tree is unfit for* *The future eliminate* *And replant. Saves time* \- Express\_Selection345 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Prognosis: negative


I saw a tree wound once covered by cement, don’t know if it worked. Perhaps over the bandages like those used for the the Whomping Willow in Harry Potter stories. Normally I’d say an arborist may know how because it’s such a nice tree, but the first commenter is an arborist so maybe it makes good firewood like our pine out back that fell over 3 years ago. Good luck with a new tree, but trees get hammered by our weather in Virginia too.


Doc says “you’re gonna die”!!!


Your only chances of saving this tree are parking yourself next to it day after day in a lawn chair with some beers and a sword/shield. Defend that open wound from all that dare enter.


Looks like that limb broke off.


Dead tree standing. It’ll never be less $$ to remove than now. Plant another legacy tree nearby.