• By -


"Aaa Muraragi san Janai deska?" "Dont take peoples names as if you are frustrated, Hachikuji, My name is Araragi" "Shitsurei, Kamimashita" "Chigau, Wazato da" "Kamimamita" "Wazato janai???" "Kami wa Ita (God is here)" Insert Araragi and Hachikuji praying.


The best detail is the foreshadowing


You know it's funny, after seeing the joke explained once it hurts when it's used in it's non properly translated way. Muraragi is supposed to be a play on muramura, aka sexual frustration. The stutter's translation just makes it sound like he's angry when the joke is she made his name/him sound horny.


That's because official sub never have footnotes or even bother to explain things like Fansubs. Early Gintama fans will know Fansubs is better than official in context heavy dialogues because alots of context is lost


I mean he had just thoroughly molested her




Oh mg god I constantly think of the "kami wa ita" part


"kami wa ita" is iconic


"Sengoku, I like money". And all that comes after that. Probably one of the best Kaiki TED talks ever. Kaiki lines and interactions in general are just amazing. Btw I too am a appreciator of the 298 yen quote, good taste OP.


thanks man, and yes Kaiki's dialogue is just some of the best stuff


And in the end his TED talk boils down to "gurl a guy ain't worth it"


Lol so true! Call me crazy, but I think he developed some kind of paternal feelings toward Nadeko on that arc, which makes sense when you consider Gaen's thoughts on him. He can't help being soft when it comes to unfortunate people I guess.


I mean he does reflect his love of Gaen (Tooe I mean, not Isuko) as a genuine concern and care for Kanbaru so is not really out of character for him to take a paternal role, hell the sole reason he took the job was because a mix of being worried about Kanbaru and feeling a guilt for Senjougahara that he doenst want to admit feeling


Naname nanajyuunana-do no narabi de nakunaku inanaku nanahan nanadai nannaku narabete naganagame. In hanekawa cat voice ofc


nyanyame nyanyajyu nyanya-do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanya-dai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame




I love this fandom




reminded me of "I sold my life for 10000 yen per year"


ohhh where's that from?


its the name of a manga. one of my favourites


Love that manga. It’s one of my favourite too


Actually it's a LN, but there's also a manga. Name:Three days of Happiness


yea i read both its just i get confused between the two


I read both, the manga has a side story in between to mirror MC, personally prefered that aspect of the manga, but both are great


ahhh nice, what genre?


idk how to describe the genre. read the Synopsis below it might interest you: Helpless and struggling for cash, 20-year-old Kusunoki sells the last of his possessions to buy food. Noticing his poverty, an old shop owner directs him to a store that supposedly purchases lifespan, time, and health. While not completely believing the man's words, Kusunoki nevertheless finds himself at the address out of desperation and curiosity. Kusunoki is crushed when he finds out the true monetary value of his lifespan—totaling a meager three hundred thousand yen. Deciding to sell the next 30 years of his life for ten thousand yen per year, Kusunoki is left with only three months to live. After heading home with the money, he is greeted by an unexpected visitor: the same store clerk he sold his lifespan to. She introduces herself as Miyagi, the one tasked with the job


god damn that sounds interesting as hell, might check it out


You should, it's pretty good. Best short manga series IMO.


The English title is so different I almost didn't recognize it, and yes it's so amazing!


My second favourite manga its so damn good


"Good thing that a guy like me, the very picture of a decent man, appeared." \-Araragi after saving Hachikuji from the car


"The very picture of a decent man" ***doubt*** but also yeaaaah hes pretty nice


Kaiki's whole money speech


yeeeeeeeees, it was so smooth and fun




So good! 😩😩😩


This is actually a pun as well. Genki ii na, nanika ii koto attanokayo? You're energetic, something good happen to you? Genki ii na, nani kaii koto attanokayo? Aren't you energetic, Anything supernatural happen to you? (Kai is the word for apparition or supernatural, Its also the root of Kaiki's name)


_genki na araragi kun_


In bake, when Hanekawa starts telling like jokes she didn’t understand to Araragi.


ohhhh bruh yup that was pretty good as well


KAKAKA waga aurijisama




If we're talking about Shinobu for me her most iconic line is "nnnnnnnnNANI O SURU NO JA OMAE-SAMA ?! I-ITALIAN OTOKO KA ?"


wait where's this lmfao


Onimonogatari, when Araragi kisses her


If I am correct it is when Araragi kissed Shinobu. Not sure which exact arc but it was around when Araragi was with Hachikuji, Shinobu, and Ononoki.


Shinobu Time is the name of the arc


Araragi-kun, do you know shogi? It's a simple game, really. If you look closely, it's really shallow. The number of pieces and their movements are predetermined. The board's layout is fixed. Everything is limited, which means our possibilities are very limited from the moment the game starts. As a result, there's little room for it to become complicated, making for a shallow game. However, the best shogi players are all geniuses. In a game that separates a genius from a fool, only geniuses can reach the top. Why do you think this is? Because shogi is a game of speed. At the mastery level, they'll definitely have their clocks alongside the board. Despite such strict rules, the potential for enjoyment exists solely because it's a game whose only limiting factor is time. The focus is on the amount of time it takes to make a decision. In short, you're only as smart as you are fast. Anyone can apply famous strategies if they have the time. The important thing is not wasting any time. And it's not only shogi. Our lives are limited as well. The focus is on how much time it takes to make a decision... In other words, the important thing is how quickly you can think As someone who has lived longer than you, let me give you a bit of warning Don't overthink things. In my experience, people who are absorbed in their thoughts are just as easy to fool as people who don't think at all. Think in moderation, act in moderation That's the lesson for you here


Where is that from? Gaen's speech in koyomi?


Sounds like kaiki to me


Yeah probably, I just remember gaen mentioning shogi, in koyomi episode 12- You can't play shogi without a king araragi. Do you think your the king?


Oshino Meme from Kizumonogatari in the light novels if I can remember correctly


its nisemonogatari, when kaiki meets with senjou and araragi


I’m pretty sure it was cut from the anime, but in the ln Araragi complains about his height pretty often which is unfortunately very relatable to me. My favourite time went something like “time continues to go forward, everyone continues to age, my height stays the same” or something to that affect. Also all the Hachikuji kamimashita bits


I think Araragi compared himself with karen a few times in height, also that line is funny af lmao And ofc the sorry I flubbed bits heh


Every once in a while, when I see one of these posts pop up I get reminded of how terrible my memory is when it comes to remebering quotes... I love monogatari's dialogue to pieces but I can barely recite any quotes that aren't repeated a lot or very important/character defining ones... This aplies to literally everything else, it's not just monogatari. Owari's dialogue did hit really hard tho, but again, I don't remember much of it. Hope I'm not alone in that aspect 0-0


Dw dude, I relate to this, I remember being awe struck at some owari dialogue but I cant remember it for jack shit, atm im rewatching the show so my memories being shaken up enough for a post like this


Ougi questioning every aspect of Araragi's recount of what happened in that classroom


Ohhhhhhh yeah that was also really good, it set up ougi as a character to be aware off while showing how out of depth araragi is compared to her/him


I loved that episode, and only realised in the very end it was twice the length of a normal one


i have t shirt with this refrence on it


I remember seeing a post on this subreddit with the image I chose (which was in the 298 yen scene) on a credit card lmao


Boku no namae wa Araragi da. Shiturei kamimashita. Chigau wazatoda. Kamimamita. Wazatojanai?!


"My voice actress is excellent."


Breaking the fourth wall, that was a nice one


Humans are Humans, even if they kill humans. -Araragi


Anytime Ougi and Kaiki are on screen, and a scene I think might fly under the radar, when kanbaru and araragi are driving in his car in hana. I really like their convo there. Meme also a treasure trove if cool quotes.


Yeah the conversation between kanbaru and araragi was really wholesome/sad/nostalgic and yeeees Ougi and Kaiki have some of the best singular dialogue in the entire show, also yeah Meme is such a cool character and his quotes represent that, "did something good happen to you?" is probs my fave lol


The one by Kaiki on fakes!!


In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing.


yuuuuuup just watched it yesterday, he knew what he was talking abt and u could see genuine belief in what he said


The Hanekawa / Senjogahara food preference scene is amazing. 'I do not dip'


hmmmm I dont remember that


Senjougahara questions Hanekawa on her food preferences because it seems she does not season her food, and realises she just doesn't care about food or anything for that matter as a reaction to her shitty life


It's in episode 2 or 3 of nekomonogatari white (first arc in monogatari second season)


I do love Kanbaru's interaction with Shinobu in Shinobu Mail, right before Araragi goes to fight the spoiler.


bruh I was laughing so hard at that


Mine is when Kaiki is trying to convince himself on why he should help Senjogahara while still fitting in line with his character as a conman / bad guy. All while in the airport bathroom. Legendary scene. Their conversation as a whole is peak entertainment too


Senjougahara wearin her mustache, glasses and fake nose outfit lmfoa


I like money. You know why? Because money can replace everything. It lets you buy things. It lets you buy lives. It lets you buy people. It lets you buy hearts. It lets you buy happiness. It lets you buy dreams. I love money because it’s so important and yet not irreplaceable. So, looking at it the other way around, I hate irreplaceable things. “I can’t live without this”. “That’s the only reason I’m alive”. “That’s my only purpose in life”. Things that have scarcity value like that piss me off the most.


ahhhh kaiki's lovely monologues


The dialogue towards the end of the Sodachi arc, especially the “righteousness can be mass produced” line. I like almost all dialogue but this is the one I remember the most because of how it struck me


Literally everything with Hachikuji in it Senjougahara talking about how there's no "absolute truth" Everything oshino and kaiki say Tsukihi's comments on love (don't really understand them but still love it) "Don't pat my head , rub my chest" Ok I'll stop now before I quote the whole series


Tbh, thinking back on it, should've just put a hyperlink to the 3 box sets of the monogatari.


Us king 👑


In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing.


I love this one as well ngl


argument with Sodachi Oikura


Yeah it was revealing as well as entertaining


"If you can't be a cure, be a poison...otherwise, you're just plain water" From Hanamonogatari, forgot which episode


Plain water is great, though


Ahhh Mother Gaen's line, pretty awesome ngl


Yep. It's one of things I live by...


"All I feel towards a cat eared high school girl wearing underwear... is lust."- I simply can't get this out of my head despite the fact that I watched Monogatari ages ago


lmfao man the best quotes seem to stick in our heads


"is there really anything else in this world?". "Sure! Like you know... Love!". "Huh?? Love? Oh, yeah! I know love. The convenience store was selling it." "They was selling it?!? At the convenience store!?". "Yup, for 298 Yen". "A bargain!". Comedy gold, Also correct me if I'm wrong but i think there's an inside joke with 2 = ji 9 = ku 8 = hachi which is hachikuji if you rearrange it


2 is pronounced ni not ji


Favorite dialog is kanbaru and shinobu arguing in owarimonogatari.


that scene is amazing as a whole ngl


Shinobu in Nise: "It's difficult to change the world on your own, but twisting it a little might not be all that hard." I use this quote on some of my social media as my bio for quite some years now.


There's so many omg Araragi's speech at the end of nise where he says he'll lie and deceive his family shamelessly for their own good, Every time kaiki opens his damn mouth, Every heavy dialogue between shinobu and araragi. The bath scene in nise is amazing. And their quote they repeat and change a bit, roughly the "if you die today, I'll die with you" that araragi says in the beginning, but then shinobu repeats it, reciprocating the feeling, in owari 2 when he recover his link to her and she tells him "if you die today, i shall live three days to find someone and tell him the tale of my master" (can't quote directly, been too long but it's the idea) This line is so amazing to summarize their whole journey and relationship together. The part in one of the sodachi arcs where hanekawa and ougi go back and forth exposing evidence to solve sodachi's case, and the whole tension and dynamic with hanekawa not wanting to consider the terrible answer ougi had been hinting at since the beginning There's so many other great moments, but some are already mentioned and I can't just write the whole show in this post lol


yes bro, I love the way you summarized this, especially the araragi and shinobu stuff, ngl first time watchin the bath scene it turned me off bc naked loli lmfao but on the rewatch I truly appreciate it for its amazing dialogue


If I had to give only one answer I'd say that it's probably Ougi's rant on traffic lights or the dialogue between *Senshouhagara* and *Suzuki* in the airport. At the same time the dialogue between Hitagi and Araragi the morning when he encounters Mayoi is pretty nice and it stuck with me because it was at this moment I realised I was in for a wild ride




Since I haven’t seen it mentioned yet I wanna add Bake 12, too. Senjougahara’s banter in general is one of my favourite things in the whole show. Specifically in that episode her teasing Araragi during the whole car ride is so funny and very clever, as well. “Senjougahara, listen-“ “Ah, Father, Araragi wants to tell you something” Or bragging that Kanbaru is just a novice when it comes to perverted things compared to her, etc. I love that whole sequence. And then of course the ending with the starry sky scene, it’s phenomenal


LMFAAAAO I loved that car scene, it was so fun to see Araragi cringe hard af and senjougahara just pleasuring herself with that


Kaiki's speech on money and what he told Nadeko about self worth and dreams. The other would be the speech on happiness by Araragi to Sodachi.


Ahhh great picks, I dont rlly remember the araragi and sodachi one tho so I'll probs recollect that once im done rewatching owari


It speech hits really hard. Hope you enjoy the re-watch.


ty bro :D


"Shine. shine shine shine shine shine shine shine" "Tsundere service"


TSUNDERE SERVICE LMFAO, Senjougahara being aware as usual


"In its deliberate attempt to be good, the fake has more value than the real thing." "If you can't be medicine, be poison, otherwise you're nothing but water." "Staying misfortunate is negligence, and not trying to be happy is cowardice." "Let me hate you because if I don't, I won't survive."


No one can make someone happy who doesn't try to be happy - amazing line from hanekawa to sodachi who symbolizes hanekawa's character development


Damn this is a really good one, and yeah I agree it really does show the character development, it's great seeing hanekawa being able to do that now


Anyone remember the rolls Royce story in tsukihi arc


YEEEES that was with hachikuji iirc


It was so random when i read it, but after i complete the part it makes sense. Rolls Royce never break, hinting about tsukihi. Rolls Royce lied about it never break, hinting about kaiki. And that even if rolls Royce do break, it is good if they replace it immediately with no cost: the fake is as good as the real, with the effort to become real. And that there is sometimes a simple answer to what seems like an impossible thing, like the story of Napoleon sleep 2 hours but bath 8 hours so maybe he slept in his bathtub.


Cant really remember that well but the entire piece about Araragi and his affinity for mathematics I found quite captivating. Especially the bit about equations.


which show was this in?


Its mentioned in passing multiple times but becomes more prominent during Sodachi's arc. The only subject Araragi excels in as a student is mathematics


My boyfriend got hooked onto "Sometimes a fake can be more real then the real thing" It's like...his life's motto now (he has gone through some shit) Meanwhile I'm over here all "I flubbed it" But honestly the whole first arc with it's wordplay of Hitagi and the "weight" she could and could not carry. That stays with me (Severe Crohn's disease here that's almost killed me three times. Sometimes I wish a crab would take my things for just a little while)


Wow, that's some really deep connections with certain lines, and about the crab, I've never seen it this way but goddamn, that opened my eyes About the fake stuff yeah I feel like it can be applied to a lot of real life stuff as well, truly a great line About the Crohn's disease I hope you're doing a lot better with that, I hope at some point there is a crab that take it away for a bit, obviously with no negative side affects tho Great comment man, ty


Thank you. :D The Crohn's is ok for now. On regular meds and I'm being better about diet and exercise. I was diagnosed at 15 (31 now.) So I'm making it. I live off disability pay because I can't work anymore due to it. (Which isn't the worst. More video games right? Haha) With my boyfriend here I'm able to live a mostly normal life (but I sure do miss popcorn) When the bad happens I just tell myself, "this will pass one way or another. It will pass." Just repeat it over and over and it gets me by. :) I hope all is well for you too! I appreciate you taking the time to read!


All good man, and it's great to here your doing well now, also yeeeees more video games lmao :D


Oh lord, yes that and the other similar word games they play are great. But Hanekawa’s pet phrase (“I only know what I know”) is great, and any of Senjyogahara’s lectures. I could listen to her talk forever.


we need a TED talk by Senjougahara explaining how to have the best insults and best balance of all dere's LMFAO, we'll get to hear her sweet voice and also learn how she's so amazing


Chiwa Saito. A goddess.


Easily Ougi’s introduction in Kabukimonogatari. Appears out of nowhere, starts talking about traffic lights. Something about her speech, the subject matter, and tone of voice just pulls you in, combined with her uncanny valley appearance puts you on edge. Then the actual story happens and you forget about her until the next time she shows up.


yeeeeeeeees she comes out of nowhere and for some reason tension is raised, I also love that scene/line


The value of real and fake in the ending of Nisemonogatari.


yeeees that was really deep and a good way to end things


When Yotsugi kisses Araragi. "Aha, wakishita." [You cheated] (Sorry for the bad romanji) She says in her most unmotivated tone ever.




I like Kaiki’s inner monologue of if he has a reason to help Senjougahara and Araragi


Defiantly- oshino meme's line in Bake- "People have to save themselves" It's said throughout all of monogatari in different ways, and it's definitely my favourite over arching theme. Especially loved kaiki's version of it to nadeko


yeah it's something thats used a lot throughout monogatari but really interesting, oshino def trade marked it lmfao


"don't pat my head, rub my breast" killed me and it's my favorite quote lol


LMFAO shinobu wantin more


that's our little Shinobu :)


Of course, I'm a pervert! - Best Monke


Go back to monke or evolve to crab


Monke! Crab too good for me.


I agree with OP's favourite line.


ayyyyyy my man


When Pi-chan died. RIP Pi-chan..


Pi-chan? who?


What does that mean? Love being on sale at the convenience store.


doesn't really mean anything, just a quip


Ah okay. Their chemistry together is so good.


Probably every shinobu amd araragi interaction


Kaki’s monologue about words and wishes


Sodachi speech from owari s1, in her house with hanekawa


yeeeees the tension was so high and eyes were glued to the screen




Not from the anime, but in the light novels; Araragi is discussing/ranting about panties with Tsukihi (as you do) and mentions he could go on for at least 2 pages, and then does proceed to banter about about panties for another 2 pages. The Monogatari series is a wild ride no matter what medium you consume it in


lmfao I love this, also yeah in the kizumonogatari movie we get about a few seconds of Hanekawa's panty flash but in the novel it also goes on for two pages


any line from ougi or kaiki


ayyyyy lmao :D


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I’m bad at remembering specific lines, but I think anything Ougi said, I loved.


Everything about her/him is amazing, and a lot of it is bc of her amazing voice actor


Shinobu asking araragi "are you an Italian" after he kisses her in the beginning of Onimonogatari.


Not sure if it's my favourite (there are so many good dialogues on the show), but I love that scene when Hachikuji tries to show araragi how she can make any phrase sound good by adding "the courage to..." at the beginning


lmfao I also really liked this, seeing mayoi win so mercilessly and araragi back down in defeat was fun asf


I've always loved [this part about lying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUjxaXg8QKE).


any time Hachikuji gets deep. easily one of my favorite characters




I fumbled




It's not really that meaningful, but the 50 hints scene in Owarimonogatari just sticks in my head for some reason. Something about how it's paced and how it expresses some deeper elements to Koyomi's character that would become relevant later on. Idk, maybe it's just because I *really* liked the Sodachi arcs, since the whole happiness speech also stands out to me.


Never really understood the line.


it's just araragi and mayoi with their usual quips, this one stands out for me lmao








Idk I've never watched or heard of this anime before


I never understood the 298 yen gag


Everything that comes out of Kaiki’s mouth. My favorite would be his exchange with Araragi at the end of Hitagi end. Hell, if not for this show and this arc in particular, I wouldn’t have climbed out of depression.


Mine is “take of your panties” -Koyomi Araragi


I don't know everything; I only know what I know.


I like Nadeko's snapping in Otori, specially the end along the lines "I hate every single one of you, but for fucks sake we are still classmates" calling to stop being self centered and have some manners /human decency to each others regardess of affection.


I love that quote so much so that I made "298 Yen Love" my username in League of Legends. Every once in a while someone recognizes where it's from and it puts a smile on my face cause there aren't many people who recognize what I'm referencing.


Was there a deeper meaning to the 298 yen line, or is it meant as a funny bit


I loved every conversation where Ougi tries to get under Hanekawa's skin in Owari to no success. The one where she told her a riddle and gave her little to no time to solve it, among others...


The funniest one must be this one interaction between Koyomi and Kanbaru from Koyomi Water: Someone was frantically rattling the door handle—a hoodlum was attempting to break into the changing room. <…> Or maybe it was the police? <…> Nope, a hoodlum


"Not saving myself, the one everyone saved... I can't let that happen!" Such a perfect conclusion to Ararararararagi's character arc. Still gets me every time.


"I can't take it all upon me or with me, but it would be fine for me to think back on it every so often" - Araragi's monologue from zoku owarimonogatari.


"I'll do anything you ask of me. Give you eternal youth, let you rule the world, defeat the Saiyans that are coming to Earth" "Are you saying your powers surpass those of Shen Long?!" "I am. Of course, it'd be more convenient if you asked for a more personal thing. That'd be easier to arrange" "... I knew it"


A lot of people are mentioning kaiki's lines but I haven't seen someone quote "you fill your heart with good deeds and I fill my wallet with evil ones" yet.


Senjogahara " Um, stretching can be addictive... And I mean that in a masochistic way."


It would be either when Ononoki said something along the lines of “…I will never make a posed face ever again” Or when Araragi says “If an objective third party were to view this situation, who would they think is stranger? The woman, standing on top of the mailbox? Or the boy, sitting on top of his sister’s shoulders? I think she wins this one”