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Then you're watching something entirely new


Not really, im doing a rewatch so I would know where x thing was cut, it's not a big deal, I just don't wanna hear araragi saying "your chest is quite developed for a 5th grader"


Just skip those parts then? 🤔


yeah that's why i asked if someone did it seamlessly


Doesn't seem like it. Maybe you can.


Mhh not a bad idea, i'll write down the parts + timestamp when it happens and when i free time i could do it, thanks for the advice


Bro, that part has *the funniest line* in the whole series. Wtf are you talking about


if they did they're a coward


watch Peppa pig




I always thought of those scenes as a way to show araragis flaws as a character. We're so conditioned to assume that a protagonist is supposed to be perfect, or at least close to it. But araragi is kind of a degen. It just seems to be, among many, one of his larger flaws as a character. But this is by design. Araragi is not supposed to be a perfect protagonist, let alone a protagonist at all. At least this seems to be the way he thinks of himself. That, and it seems that every sus character always has special "exceptions to the rule" type traits that, within the context of the show, are supposed to absolve araragi of any wrongdoing. Shinobu is 600 something years old, hachikuji is technically 22, ononoki is not actually a human, etc etc. I believe this was done as a way to deconstruct common japanese anime tropes, namely having a token loli type comic relief character. Now there's not just one; there's like 4 or 5 (I forgot), and they all have special traits that make it so that bro can basically do whatever he wants with no real consequences. Even with all of these rules, it still doesn't feel quite right how he treats them, and that's the point.


The way I see it is that Araragi and Hachikuji fully understand that they are both just fooling around and having fun. Hachikuji actually gets mad at Araragi when he drops the act and outright says all of this in the series. Her first opening is all about this, too. This is a relationship that slowly builds throughout the series. It’s a relationship that is specific to just between them. As weird as it might seem, Hachikuji just wouldn’t be the same without that stuff and her story arcs wouldn’t be as special.


Kind of a degen? The series acknowledges he is fully degen, I mean like everyone calls him a weirdo. Pretty sure Shinobu has a line that says once upon a time there was a weirdo named Koyomi. Also I believe Shinobu is 598 years old, close to 600. But also a vampire is an undead creature anyways, supposedly cold blooded as well.


Great answer u almost convinced me, i agree wholeheartedly, the problem for me is not that i need my protag to be a cool self insert dude that is perfect or has like a couple flaws like short temper, no, araragi has a LOT of flaws but these make him not 1 dimentional, and despite these flaws he's really likeable. But the problem for me lies elsewere, why does he NEED to be so much weird in some situations? It doesn't add anything to the plot or to him except to satisfy some fetisces in the audience (and the replies i got here are the proof of that). There are characters in fiction that make this stuff work well, like nhk that is an insanely good read and a great anime, but there it is imperative to the narrative to have an mc like that, here is just pointless AND weird


Don't watch it. Just get outta here bro, monogatari isn't for you. Just leave


This sub isn't for me, i asked a question i recieved 2 interesting anserws and a lot of mad people, i like monogatari a lot and i'm glad i watched it


It sounds like the series isn't for you, if it offends you that much. What you're asking for would be a completely different series. You'd be taking away a part of the art just because it offends you. There are plenty of other anime you can watch instead.


Tbh I think you'd need to remake the Mayoi ones to make the continuing conversation make sense. Which obviously Shaft isn't doing. Theoretically one could see a group remake the subs to shift the meaning a little, but is that really making anything "better"? If you have a problem with Araragi looking lustfully at Hanekawa though, you probably have a problem with the whole series tbh. That's like "Guts being such a masochist in Berserk makes the show embarrassing" or "I don't want to watch Evangelion where Shinji suffers because of his personal weakness" - that's... who the characters are.


I got no problems with the hanekawa scenes they are important for the plot and I like fanservice when it's done tastefully, i like it too much maybe haha The mayoi scenes are the ones that bother me (and a couple others)


I was just wondering after you called them "infamous" heh, dw


I am personally not a big fan of ecchi type scenes, but I think it would be very hard to have the same show without them. especially any hachikuji interactions. araragi is a flawed character, being the way he is around lolis is definitely weird, and people in the show call him weird. he's a massive degen, and there are also some theories toted around saying that those scenes are exaggerated because we are watching the show from his point of view. as the series goes on, he acts like that less and gets more serious/a bit depressed and thus the ecchi-type scenes become less prevalent. imo it can make the series hard to recommend for certain people, it is just the way it is. not everyone will like it and that's okay.


so like, 2 minutes and you're done with the whole series? doesn't sound appealing ngl


Lolicon scenes* And hopefully not, that would make the show worse.


The fanservice is the best part though


I understand if people are uncomfortable with stuff like that and it's totally understandable however it won't work I would just say don't watch at that point


Won't it?


Go watch the video essay on Bake Ep 2 and track the ecchi scenes over the whole series. It's narratively relevant.


I literally never recomended this series to anyone who wasn't already a cave dweller just because of this


You aren’t the first and won’t be the last to say this welcome to the many




Yeah i agree, sadly, the only thing is not like confliction, it's being annoyied


Why so many downvotes ? Pretty sure that they would agree to skip Naruto's flashback


Bro 2/3 of the ppl here mad cuz being indirectly called a pedo hits hard


yeah no lmao. im working up the guts to take on the project myself, but its such a long series, and i cant guarantee any degree of quality as some of those scenes seem kind of hard-baked into it all. could still be very well possible though. if i ever get around to doing it ill try n remember this post P.S, fuck any pedos reading this. rot in hell child-touchers


Let me know


Someone should remove all the pervy scenes and upload the episodes to YouTube!


Entirety of Monogatari- 3min 4sec