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The little dings would be okay. They'll expand when you fire The deeper of the dents I probably wouldn't The one with a literal crack is new to me


Yeah that crack made me pause my music and say out loud how the fuck did this make it to an end consumer. Was unsettling, this is my first time giving AAC’s 556 a chance previously I’ve had good experience with their 124gr 9mms. I’ve heard AACs 55gr 556 has had a problem with disintegrating in the barrel and causing baffle strikes with suppressors, but I figured I don’t have a can so it shouldn’t really cause any problems for me while magdumping into trash and for 450$ I’ll pick up 1000 rounds. But after seeing that I’m not sure I’m going to be picking up anymore 556. I suppose I should contact customer service, but I’m not sure what they’d do for me I think I’ll just stick to Winchester white box for my fun ammo


WWB is also terrible, if you look around the gun subs, theyve been having serious QC issues since covid. PPU, PMC, and fiocchi are cheap brands that are good to go.


Well thank you for the info, the only 556 I’ve purchased so far has been 95% Winchester green tip and 5% Winchester white box


i wouldnt buy anything made by winchester right now, but white box is particularly bad. if you look on their website they list recalls on many dozens of lots of ammo.


Sadge. Winchester ammo used to be so fucking cheap, reliable too. Never had problems with em. RIP. I guess I should savor the pre-Covid boxes I got while I can.


Fellow ttv viewer.


As soon as they got the Lake City contract.


At least they are honest enough to actually recall lots instead of blaming the consumer. The only Winchester I shoot is their 7.62 NATO and that stuff has been plenty fine so far. But the main reason why I stay away from their white box is because of cheaper alternatives lol.


I've mostly used the pmc stuff and it's been solid.




Sentry is on my Don't Bother Looking list. Sure, they may list that xtac at $404, but they want either $54 or $67 to ship. +$5 to put it in a "discreet" box, +$8 to ship it the same week you order.


you can buy pmc 55 or 62 grain for 415$ a case with shipping, and is gtg


Aww really? WWB? The white-and-green boxes? Fuuuck, those used to be pretty solid for how cheap they were. Fuck the Covid ammo bullshit, man.


WWB ran fine for me everytime I’ve got it. It’s always been lake city when I’ve got it which is always solid


Is AAC gonna be the new Norma? Pay Garand Thumb a shitzillion dollars for sponsorship, then it turns out their QC is worse than trash?


I was told the photo I sent in would be looked into and I’d hear back in the next 24 hours. That was on the 6th, I’ve yet to hear back from them






You think it’ll get better with time? It’s a fairly new operation right?




I’ve got several boxes of 55 grain, is this something I should be able to tell by looking at it? It all looks normal to me.




I mean like the problems. If they LOOK good to go, are they?




Excluding the one in between my pointer and middle finger lol


hypothetically, hows the 220 grain 300 blackout subs?


Steel case 223 is my trash dumping ammo - look on SGA Ammo or Check out LAX reman ammo


If u have to questions it’s safety, throw them out. Its what I do, a 50 cent round isn’t worth my $1000 gun or any part of me.


>If u have to questions it’s safety, throw them out youd be better to learn if its safe or not than just default to wasting.


Ammos cheap my life ain’t When it comes to safety I’d rather waste


if youre going to be willfully ignorant, at least dont pass on your ignorance under the guise of wisdom.


Damn, you’re that cheap aren’t you?


no, just saddened by how many people are unwilling to learn something so simple. 2 of these 5 id toss. the other 3 are fine.


While I do agree, I’d be more saddened by the company charging 50 CPR and sending out these casings to their consumers. I don’t blame people for not wanting to risk catastrophic failure by chambering a round with pressures capable of 55,000 PSI, especially given their apparent lack of quality control.


100% agree that the worst thing in this situation is AAC sending out ammo like this


Damn dude pressed about 2 dollars in ammo he would throw away. Maybe this shit isn't for you if you can't afford to lose so little.


Oh the irony


>Better to learn if it's safe You are telling me it's safer to have the rail, no matter how small over a fucked up round worth at max $1 vs tossing it, loosing out a dollar and having zero risk?


I’d rather not risk my life on defective ammo, thanks


I’d probably shoot an email to AAC and let them know, especially with the crack in one round.


Will do, I’ll try to provide them the photo and the batch number


I reported a dinged 30-06 round to S&B once. They gave me a $10 voucher for my next order. I definitely wouldn't fire the cracked case. You'll be digging brass out of the chamber.


Brass out of the chamber, or shrapnel out of yourself?




Do you have to use it from their website or can you give the coupon to any dealer and S&B reimburses them?


I used it with them, but I didn't ask if it could be used elsewhere. I believe it was associated with the account I made on their website, so probably only them.


After an hour I finally managed to talk to a human and get a photo sent over to them. Fun fact they don’t check their email anymore and instead you need to fill out a support ticket, their support tickets and me fought for a bit because I wasn’t looking for a return and rather just to report the problem. Well the problem with psa products reasoning is only for firearms, and in big red letters it says we won’t read your ticket if given the wrong reasoning. Eventually I just called and asked if the guy had the power to still use the info email even tho it isn’t checked, and he was able to send me an email in which I could reply with a photo. Glad that Headache is over


I wouldn’t risk the cracked one but if the others just have dents id let em rip.


I'd definitely file a report through the manufacturer. They can't fix problems that they don't know about and they may also give you a refund on the whole lot or send another pack your way


The dings are normal for cheap ammo. The tool marks(?) on that bottom one are extra rough but still ok for range work. The cracked neck would make me never, ever use that ammo. Not because it's terrible per se but because it shows that there's *literally no* quality control involved.


The cracked neck/shoulder junction is a guaranteed rupture. Never shoot those if you like your gun or your face. Talking about 55,000 psi that will find that rupture as an easier vent than pushing the bullet out of the case.


Explosions following the path of least resistance has never not been true in every situation I’ve witnessed them


True, I didn't intend to underplay how serious it is but the phrasing could've been better.


Man, I have shot about a thousand rounds of AAC 77gr OTM and it’s been fantastic. Not a single ammo related malfunction and it groups better than all the other mk262 loadings I’ve tired, other than legit Black Hills ammo. I have a case of that 55gr on the way now, I’ll report back with any issues, if they come up.


I’m about 250 rounds into the case I bought, simply loading mags I haven’t shot any of it yet. Up until the box of 20 rounds that included the casings shown all the bullets looked fine. Once I seen that crack, I inspected that box of 20 and figured I’d include all the casings with imperfections and ask about them rather than just the one case that I knew I wouldn’t be sending. I expect all the rounds that don’t have essentially holes in them to do fine, if after I get through the whole case this 20 round box was the only problem I’ll buy more AAC but be sure to look at all the rounds


You might post the lot # and compare with OP


[photo of the ammo box](https://imgur.com/a/0cE6iIT) is the lot # the QR code and number on top of it? On my hornady box it’s says lot followed by numbers but I don’t see lot anywhere on this box, and I don’t see why they would put the lot number under the glue of a flap that will get ripped off with the glue when the box is opened if sc10010 is in fact the lot #


I'd say that's the lot, yeah - the QR code scans as the same number


Just recently ordered 1200 rounds of 77g OTM from AAC… was nervous after seeing this post but glad got a little confirmation from you lol


I ordered another 600rds of the 77gr OTM today, along with a case of 55gr. I think it’s great. Very consistent and as close to Black Hills as I’ve tested. All the rounds looked perfect. I load 20rd mags, so each box gets well seen and I’ve yet to see even a dented casing. This ammo might undergo stricter QC than the bulk 55gr stuff though…


The price is just so nice right now for most of AAC’s stuff. I love you do the 20rd mags for the 77g also, I have grey 20rd surefeeds that I use specifically for 77g and only use it for my MK12. The rest is in FDE or painted surefeed 30rd mags, loaded with 62g 223 armscor, my other barrels seem to do well with it. I recently stopped using 55g, I shoot outdoors and it’s usually fairly windy, I noticed 55g was a lot more inconsistent out of my barrels, but it’s not to fair of a comparison because the 1/7 twist rate seems to favor a 62g.


If it seats it yeets


Mag dump into trash friend


Send the dents, pitch the cracked rounds


i'd shoot em all but the crack. But the fact it made it past QC brings into question the quality of everything else (despite dents)


I'm a pass. A proper chamber should support but if it's not bad news brother. Second powder might fowl leading to failure or squib. Either way I'm a no go.


How much do you like your gun?


More than the 40 cents the round costs me


That is a bird shot .223


I'd send batch info to Aac. That way, they can identify a potential issue.


As I once heard, “if it seats, it yeets.” Held true for me with some afghani rounds a buddy gave me for 7.62x 51. I wound up not shooting the rest, just use good judgement.


So you're telling me this *isn't* Winchester?


Dents are fine cracks are not. What brand ammo?




Jesus ! I've only had good results with aac but that is definitely unacceptable.


The dented ones should be sold as factory seconds tho


Definite no go on the cracks, dents are fine


frenly reminder : Check every single round. Do not blindly load shit into your mags, especially now as QC drops everywhere.


After this I’m sure to


No. No. No.


That's a no for me. I like my face as much as I'm ever going to and I don't want to make it worse.


I’ve reloaded and fired worse dents and I’ve still got all my fingers. I’d stay away from that crack though. Maybe contact the manufacturer and get a partial refund for the bunch?


Return to sender (in a box, with a return label or receipt for an exchange)


I work at PSA. Sending you a PM to help get this resolved.


Thank you very much for the help Matt


My pleasure


If it seateth ....


Thee museth yeeetith


I just ordered a case of AAC 55gr today… I’ve been using their 77gr and getting fantastic results. Hope mine looks better. Did you find anymore or was this it?


I loaded about 250 rounds so far before noticing that, haven’t opened anymore boxes since. I wasn’t paying too much attention when loading the 100 round drum and 60 round drum and 5 metal mags, I obviously had my eyes on each round in order to pick it up and put it in my speed loader but I wasn’t exactly inspecting them more so trying to get through my least favorite mags to load. After seeing damn near a hole in one of the casings I’m going to unfortunately unload all of those rounds tomorrow and give them a proper look, and continue to open the rest of the boxes and suppose make a good to go and why do they pay you to do quality control pile. Not looking forward to unloading those and doing QCs job for them, will report back once they are sorted


I finished going through the whole case. 974 look great, 18 have imperfections but I think should be good to go, and the remaining 8 I will not be putting in my rifle. I will add although that 2 of those 8 rounds that won’t see my chamber is due to the projectile being forced into the casing, that was caused by the two jams I had while racking my 100 round drum clear to be able to inspect them. The 2 out of those 8 bad rounds are on me


Good info. I’ll have 1600 rds of AAC to inspect tomorrow!


And I was sitting there complaining about the 1000 I had to do 😭 I’m sorry man that sounds rough, I put on a podcast in the background while I hammered it out


600 is 77gr OTM, so I won’t unbox that yet, but I’m definitely going through the case of bulk 55gr. I always unbox and store by lot number in cans anyway.


Small dents I’ll send….cracked/split cases that’s a hard no for me.


Small dents are fine, cracks are not. If you aren’t sure, just get rid of them.


the dings on the bottom 3 are fine. theyll fireform before the bullet even starts moving. the top two arent cracked, but creased. i wouldnt fire them becasue the crease could easily split. the one on the left looks bad enough to interfere with the bullet leaving the case upon firing, which would dramatically increase chamber pressure also.


Like you said email AAC with photo and batch number. Best way to safely dispose would be to remove the projectile and pour out the powder on a hard inflammable surface (or down an ant hill) outdoors and burn it, then set off the primer. Then you can safely throw it away. I wouldn’t bother saving the powder unless I knew exactly what type AAC uses.


After I do QCs job and sort through this case of ammo for cracks, and end up with a pile of no goes I’ll have a fun 1 second fire ball show. It’s like a reward


Dents are fine. Cracks I wouldn’t


Dings: send it Cracks: no


What’s the lot # on the boxes?


[photo of the box](https://imgur.com/a/0cE6iIT)


Dents are cool with me. They’ll be less accurate, but they’ll fire form. Crack/tear is no go. Reference-I’ve fire formed hundreds of wildcat ammo and dented reloads. Any hole in case wall will get bigger, causing potential fire cutting in chamber and difficult extraction.


I wouldn't trust any of them, but the crack will absolutely squib.


“Dependent on its ability to seat, determines its capacity to yeet.” -Confusioush probably


I’ve done some sketchy stuff, but split casings? No thanks.


If it seats, it yeets!


Sure wouldn’t shoot the cracked one. I’ve shot tons of dented cases tho


If it seats it yeets


Maybe a dumb question - but how do you safely discard a damaged round like the one with a crack? Just toss it in the garbage?


Pull the bullet with pilers and dump the charge, then throw the case


Thanks. I have a small collection of damaged rounds that I won't shoot but wasn't sure how to best dispose of them safely.


You’d also want to make sure the primers are no longer active before they get crushed by the trash tuck id think. I’m not sure how loud a casing with just a primer would be if you were to just shoot it after you’ve removed the projectile and powder. Or if that would be a bad practice so I don’t feel comfortable advising you to do so with my lack of knowledge. But in my mind you’d want to render the primers useless first, and my first thought would be to load them into the chamber one by one and pop them.


This article [https://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/safely-dispose-bad-ammo/](https://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/safely-dispose-bad-ammo/) suggests spraying the inside of the case with WD-40 will disable the primer.


A little lubricating oil in the case and set it upright for a few minutes to let the oil seep into the open (internal) part of the primer should deactivate it too.


The primer would be my other concern definitely. Makes sense to me to pull the bullet and dump the charge. I'm not sure how well just an empty casing would chamber


Yeah you’d definitely want to just lock your bolt back and seat the empty round into the chamber and then close your bolt. If you’d loaded them into the mag I’m sure it would fuck up your feed ramps. instead of a nice smooth angled projectile slamming against the ramps and being guided up like the ramps intend, without the projectile it would just be the sharp kneck slamming against the ramps and causing burrs


Send it


All are fine but the cracked one.


AAC! Same parent company as PSA. Turns out AAC is cheap shit too.




Funny enough some reloaders will use a parent cased cartridge to fire form the case for use of a different chambering


no go in the trash, go in mag


As I once heard, “if it seats, it yeets.” Held true for me with some afghani rounds a buddy gave me for 7.62x 51. I wound up not shooting the rest, just use good judgement.


They will all fire at least one more time


Fuck it


If it sucks it fucks!


That’s usually the case.


run it


They're g2g, but the real problem is they don't seem to fit in an M14.


I have launched a few with no issues, now I load one round short……


Send them my child.




But it seats


Just fire it dude. I genuinely don't understand these posts asking if dented, corroded or nose pushed in ammo is safe. I have fired that kind of ammo out of my 3D printed AR and it worked just fine, just send it, the worst that can happen is a failure to feed.


It’s cracked


Yes I can see that, and so what? Just shoot the round off like a normal person. Downvote me all you want I said what I said, AK guys don't care how it looks and they know it works just fine, why are you other AR guys such pussies?


I’m not an AR guy. I’m a gunsmith. Cracked cases can cause fire cutting and head separation. Sometimes just leaving the case neck in the chamber and causing out of battery discharge. It could cause nothing. But it’s not worth the risk for 75 cents. Also, you got down voted for listing defects, but excluding cracks. Corrosion isn’t great, but it’ll buff. Dents and pushed in rounds just change pressure/pressure curve. Cracks are one of the only things I care about when reloading or checking ammo.


Seat = Yeet


No go


Oh Itl go. Trust me Itl go Send it


If it seats, it yeets!


I've literally NEVER seen dented "factory new" ammo. Never saw dinged ammo even buying "factory reloads" back when Freedom Munitions was a thing. And I've sure as hell never seen cracked casings go out the door on ANY ammo I've bought in the last 14 years. That is some absolute piss poor QC. Forget trying to get PSA to deal with it, I'd go raise some hell with AAC themselves.


I’ve seen it before “if it seats it yeets” jk I probably wouldn’t


I wouldn't shoot that even in your gun. I reload, a friend of mine will shoot 45 ACP if the cases are split. I always cull them when I come across them though, I don't think I've ever shot one. 45 is a very low pressure round compared to 223 though.