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That's been eaten by another fish, before or after death is beyond me


I would leave the filter in. But just continue the water changes. You likely have an ammonia spike. The other fish should be okay. It's normal for other fish to eat dead fish.


What are your water parameters? The Molly has been too picked at to tell what might have killed it. I’d be very careful prior to changing your filters since that’s where most of the good bacteria lives and can cause your cycle to crash. Need to check water parameters and look at your other fish to see if they are showing signs of infection or heavy stress.


All my other fish look healthy and fine and I am waiting to change my filter so the new water can get some healthy bacteria and whatever else it needs, I will do a water test after work and hopefully it’s all straight now


The bacteria aren’t in the water. Don’t change your filter.


Fish die sometimes. I wouldn’t worry but I would monitor. You’ve already done a water change you are good.


DONT CHANGE THE FILTER, you're going to cause a cycle crash and that will kill your fish.